Myrtle and Me

By curious

Published on May 23, 2009



This story is basically fiction. If you like what you read please feel free to e-mail me your comments at

Myrtle and Me

So who does she look like? Well for those who really need to know think back to 1982, specifically to a bill board promoting avocado consumption. On it lays a stunning 51 year old blond haired woman possessing a curvaceous womanly body wearing a clinging white leotard top, her long supple legs are clad in soft sheer black pantyhose, and she is wearing a pair of spiky silver strapped high heels. She's smiling at the camera and holding a fork with a slice of avocado stuck in the tines. The slogan reads "Would this body lie to you?" The model is Angie Dickinson, you know Pepper Anderson from the 70's TV show Police Woman. Better still, for those of you who want to, go out and rent the 1980 movie Dressed to Kill. The hot blond mature woman in the back seat of the cab having sex with a total stranger during the opening scenes, that's Angie Dickinson too.

Myrtle Jean Simms is Angie Dickinson on that billboard. Well, okay, actually she was a dead ringer look alike for Angie Dickinson and the same age as her. But you know what I mean. Myrtle, and never ever call her MJ, is special to me. She's my, my...oh what is she? I can't just say she's special, she is. But she's more than that to me. She, Myrtle, isn't just a special person to me; she's my friend, she's my old baby sitter, the woman whom I say helped raise me as I grew up. When I needed a shoulder to cry on, Myrtle was there for me. When I needed someone to listen, she was there for me. When I needed advice, she was there for me. When I needed comforting, she was there for me. Myrtle was my confidant. She was a woman I trusted and loved. And after I turned 13 Myrtle became my whole world when she and I became secret lovers.

So how does a 13 year old Lakota girl from Eagle Butte, South Dakota, end up in a lesbian relationship with an older white woman? Easy! Myrtle Jean Simms sexually abused me and then shortly after that she seduced me. She took advantage of young trusting girl and exploited her. Between the ages of 13 and 16, from 1980 to 1983 Myrtle Jean Simms made me into her sexual plaything, her hot wanton little sex toy for 3 years, 3 wonderful years. Oh the things I let that older white woman do to me as a young teen. The sex we had together was fantastic. Myrtle knew my body better than I did and she could play me like a fiddle whenever she wanted to. The emotional rollercoaster I was on back then, oh god when I recall those times with her I can't help but grow moist and warm between my legs.

I'm 41 years old now and after the experience I've just had myself this year, just a short time ago. I've decided to write about my illicit and highly illegal sexual affair with Myrtle because 29 years after being seduced by that gorgeous lady I've discovered something about myself that shocks me, sickens me, but truly thrills me. You see 29 years ago I was sexually molested and then shortly afterwards seduced and abused by a mature older woman and now here in 2009 I myself have become Myrtle Jean Simms. Now I'm the older woman who has sexually seduced and abused a young girl and I'm the one who has brought a young lithe teen into her bed. The irony of my situation amazes me. Perhaps I'd never have attempted to write my story if I hadn't ever come across this site, this archives. But I did and now I'm doing something cathartic, that means therapeutic, which also means liberating, and that is finally allowing myself to open up about my life and anonymously reveal to everyone reading this story what happened to me when I was a young teenage girl. Only two people in the whole world already know what I'm about to write and post here for everyone to read, and although I'm a bit nervous about doing this; I'm anxious to write about Myrtle and me. And perhaps as I share this with all of you I'll even slip in some details about my own very recent sexual seduction of little Lexi. Oh God what I did to that sweet, precious, little 14 year old dynamo who just happens to be one of my freshman students at Rapid City Christian School, nearly takes my breath away.

Perhaps I'll share about Lexi, my wicked little nymph Lexi, but first, Myrtle and Me.

Myrtle Jean Simms and I became friends in 1980. I was two months shy of turning 13 years old when mom brought her home from work to our house so she could introduce her to me. We'd been living here in Rapid City South Dakota for two years by then since 1978. Dad bought us an old ranch style house on Robinson just off East St. Patrick Street after moving our family here. We moved to Rapid from Eagle Butte on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation because mom and dad both got jobs working at the Indian Health Clinic over at the Sioux San. Dad was a janitor, and mom a file clerk. I love this town and living here in the Black Hills. Rapid City is absolutely the greatest place on earth to live. After I went away to college and got my teaching degree, I didn't get to come home again until I was nearly 30 years old. But 11 years ago I finally found a teaching position at RCCS and since then I've vowed to never again leave. I'm happy here. Everything I want in this life is here in this town for me and so why would I ever move away.

Anyway, I digress, so back to my story. Okay it is February 1980 and mom comes home from work bringing this beautiful blond haired middle age white woman with her. Dad isn't home yet, and as mom calls me into the kitchen to introduce me to Ms. Myrtle Jean Simms, I learn why she's there. Dad's uncle had died the day before and he and mom were going to drive back to Eagle Butte to attend his funeral. Neither of them wanted me to attend with them, and honestly I really did not want to go either. I hate funerals and avoid them whenever I can. So knowing how I feel about funerals, mom and dad decided to allow me to stay behind and get someone to babysit me. The funeral wasn't until Monday, but they wanted to have the weekend to visit with family and friends so that meant Ms. Simms and I would be alone with each other for at least 3 days, from Friday afternoon till late Monday evening.

Myrtle Jean Simms was a co-worker of mom's, and they were friends. Although this was my first time meeting her I learned later that her, mom and dad, had instantly hit it off together when they met after going to work at Sioux San. In today's jargon mom and Myrtle were BFF's, best friends forever, and after being introduced to her that evening at our kitchen table, I have to admit Myrtle was one of those people that you just instantly take a liking too. There was an instant rapport between her and I. From the moment we were introduced she paid attention to me, she listened to what I had to say, and it was like her and I had known each other my entire life. Heck I wasn't even aware of mom leaving us together to go and change cloths before getting supper ready. I loved that woman from the moment I met her and she and I spent nearly the whole evening together visiting back and forth until finally it was time for her to go home.

That first weekend Myrtle spent with me as my parents were away was simply fantastic. Although the weather was quite bad outside, it snowed like crazy Saturday, she and I had a wonderful time indoors watching TV, playing games, visiting, and just simply getting to know each other. What I loved about her was how girly she was. She could giggle over all the silly things I told her and I remember how totally uninhibited I felt as I spoke to her of my dreams concerning what I wanted to be when I grew up. Although I was still just a young girl I was nearing the end of puberty when she first babysat me and it was Myrtle, not mom, who took me out to buy my first ever box of tampons that weekend because my menstrual flow finally started on Saturday afternoon. I still laugh over how weird and painful it felt getting used to having a tampon inside me. To help me relax and show me how to put one in, Myrtle took me into our bathroom and after telling me to pull down my panties and sit down on the toilet, she demonstrated for me, by putting one into herself, how to insert the applicator tube into my pussy and then slowly pull it out and leave behind the tampon. You know, it never embarrassed me in the least to do this in front her and allow her to guide my hands down between my legs. Heck I didn't even flinch when I felt her place her hand on top of my little pussy and use her fingers to peel back my budding lips. It just seemed like a natural thing for her to do and frankly I more or less thought as I pushed the applicator into me, squealing out and gasping that it hurt, that if mom had been home she would probably be in there helping me in much the same manner as Myrtle was. Anyway for the rest of the day I held myself real stiff-like walking about the house because wearing a tampon for the first time felt weird and just a bit painful. Seeing me all stiff-like though did cause Myrtle to just break out in laughter as she watched how measured and slowly I walked. I kept telling her to stop laughing at me, that it wasn't funny, but before long she had me laughing about myself as well.

When mom and dad got back late Monday evening I remember hugging Myrtle tightly, and I actually wept as she left our house. From that weekend onward, whenever mom and dad needed someone to babysit me, be it to go out of town on a trip, or simply go out to a movie and spend some adult time with each other, Myrtle was always there ready to come over and babysit. But coming over to babysit me wasn't the only time I got to spend time with her. No, remember I said she and mom were friends. There were several times between babysitting stints that mom brought her over to the house for evening dinner and visits whenever dad had to work the 4 to 12 shift at Sioux San. When Myrtle came over to spend an evening with mom I was always allowed to take part in their conversations and spend time with them until it was time for me to go to bed. Like me, I could tell mom really liked Myrtle. Heck it wasn't long before I began hugging her and giving her a kiss goodnight just like I did to mom when my bedtime rolled around. I remember how tightly she would hug me then, and just loved it when she began to insist upon going back to my room with me to tuck me into bed. Before she led me off out of the living room and down the hallway to my bedroom by the hand she would tell mom to fix them a glass of chilled wine and a small plate of sliced cheese and crackers while she put me to bed. And I would watch mom get up and disappear into the kitchen as Myrtle ignored my protests over letting me stay up until it was time for herself to say goodnight and go home.

Always after putting me to bed, Myrtle would sit down next to me and brush the hair from my eyes and we'd engage in some innocent small talk with each other until she finally leaned down and gave me a soft peck on my lips and then with a pat on the top of my head she'd declare it bedtime, get up, walk over to the door, turn off the lights and as she closed the door she'd wish me sweet dreams. Content, happy, warm, and knowing she truly loved me as I loved her, I would lay there in my bed and smile up at the ceiling thinking to myself how lucky I was to have two such wonderful women as mom and Myrtle in my life. In many ways I considered Myrtle a second mother to me. She was kind, caring, loving, and always ready to do whatever I asked, excusing of course my requests to stay up late. But knowing that's how moms are I accepted having to go bed and I'd drop off rather quickly after being tucked in. Yeah I really thought my life was perfect whenever mom brought Myrtle home while dad was at work.

Once, I don't remember the specific night, I woke up feeling groggy. Still half asleep I thought I felt something touching me down between my legs. I remember moaning softly and felt myself involuntarily part my legs as whatever it was touching me down there gently tweaked and rubbed together my pussy lips. I thought I was dreaming because whatever was touching me felt so good. Liking what was happening I was beginning to wake up when I heard a sharp intake of breath as I spread and pulled my legs apart; bending my knees and pulling my legs up and up until the soles of my feet were touching. Half asleep I was opening myself up to whatever was touching me but when I did this the gentle touching stopped and for just a moment I was sure I heard someone whispering something but I couldn't make it out. What I do remember was drifting back off to sleep and waking up the next morning feeling absolutely refreshed and invigorated.

I so loved having Myrtle tuck me in at night. As my birthday approached, getting closer and closer, one evening mom had Myrtle over and after spending the whole evening laughing like silly girls. Myrtle declared it my bedtime and hauled me off to my room while mom went about getting their obligatory evening wine, cheese and cracker, refreshments together. After Myrtle led me over to my bed I bent over to turn down my covers. I could feel her standing directly behind me watching what I was doing. When I straightened up and turned around to get my goodnight hug I reached for Myrtle and as always she took me in her arms. Usually whenever she did so I would turn my head to one side resting my cheek along the front of one of shoulders and hug her back with as much intensity as she hugged me. But that night instead of remaining straight and upright she slipped her arms underneath mine and this forced me to put my arms around her neck instead of her torso. The stance she was in and the way I had to stand holding her around the neck made me lean back a bit. Since she was taller than me, especially in the high heels she always seemed to be wearing, I found myself looking up into her face. I remember how she stared at me; how this little expression she had made me sort of tip my head slightly to one side as we looked into each other's eyes. Thinking nothing else but to hug her and receive my kiss goodnight. I cracked a small smile and started to tell her goodnight when I felt her tighten her arms around me. Feeling her hands splay out across my back I straighten up and began rising to my tip toes so I could hug her but as I tried to do so she suddenly bent her head down towards mine. I wasn't expecting anything other than your standard soft motherly press of the lips kind of kiss, but as our faces drew closer I felt her tighten her grip around me and just a bit forcefully she pulled me into her, just like you see men do to women in all those romance movies. Never suspecting what was coming, I was taken aback when she kissed me squarely on my lips and it wasn't motherly. No, she covered my mouth with hers and on my back I could feel her running her hands down along my spine, dropping them down, sliding then across the small of my back until she cupped me underneath my butt cheeks. At first I was shocked at what she was doing and I kept my eyes wide open as I felt her part her lips and slip the tip of her tongue along my own. As she used her tongue to force me to open my mouth I felt her squeeze my ass, digging her fingers into my cheeks, pulling me into her until my tummy and pelvis were pressed up tight against her. Surprised, startled, but not resisting in any way, I allowed her to hold me tightly against her as she gave me a deep, long, hard, French kiss in my mouth.

Oh my goodness I'd never been kissed with a tongue before! Hell I hadn't even been kissed by a boy before. As she swirled her tongue inside my mouth, running hers over mine, I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy my first real ever kiss. I still remember how totally arousing and thrilling it felt to have her tongue in my mouth. I held my breath and did nothing except try to kiss her back. I felt excited by her kiss, but at the same time I also knew that girls aren't supposed to kiss each other like Myrtle and I were kissing. And neither is an adult woman supposed to be holding onto a little girl like me by her buns. I knew it was wrong for her to be holding me and kissing as she was but as our tongues explored one another's mouths I couldn't help but enjoy all the strange new exciting feelings that surged through me as I tried to match the intensity of Myrtle's probing flicking tongue. Simply because I needed a gulp of air I pulled back just enough to part my lips from hers and as I drew in a fresh breath I heard her mummer in satisfaction at me. Wow was I feeling a tumultuous boil of emotions as the two of us kissed again. It felt so good being held in her arms and feeling her lips on mine as our tongues meshed, twisted, and slid over each other. I remember how the goose bumps popped out all over my body and I can still recall the sharp little stinging feelings I felt when my tiny brown nipples grew hard and erect and stuck out underneath my thin cotton nightgown. I'd only just finished going through puberty and my breast were still developing. I was out of my training bra but I was only an A-cup. Still though I did have breasts, small yes, but little girl firm and fortunately for me, perfectly symmetrical and proportioned.

A small whimper of pleasure escaped me as I felt Myrtle bend me backward. Between us on my pelvis I felt her grind up hard against me. The small undulating circular motion she made against me felt so good that I gasped ever so slightly in her mouth. I felt her release the hold she had on my left buttock and she slid her hand down towards the back of my thigh. As she reached downward I felt her exert an upward pressure on the back of my leg, signaling to me that she wanted me to lift it up. I did so and she guided me to hook my leg around hers which I did willingly. Slipping my leg around the back of her knee I jerked bodily when my bare leg slid over the top of her nylon stocking she wore underneath her dress. The exquisite softness of the nylon stocking surprised me. I'd never in my life ever touched nylons before. Oh mom wore hose as did most women in those days. But I had never felt nylons against my skin until that night when I hooked my leg around Myrtle's. The texture of the material, its silky smoothness, that shocked me because I never dreamed that anything could be so soft and luscious. Unable to control myself I began rubbing my leg up and down Myrtle's and between my legs, deep inside my youthful pussy I felt a deep pulsating rush of blood flow into my vulva swelling it outward. A warm moistness began to spread throughout my little pussy and I stood there on just one foot, holding Myrtle tightly around the neck kissing her as passionately as I could. I remember as we kissed just how desperately I wished that I myself was wearing a pair of my very own nylon stockings.

Myrtle told me later after we began our illicit and very illegal sexual affair that I had nearly made her lose her balance and would probably have ended up tipping the two us over onto the floor if she hadn't broken off our kiss. She told me I nearly made her stocking leg buckle underneath her because I was rubbing up against her stocking so hard. But I don't remember it. What I do remember is when she did break our kiss I felt her push my uplifted leg back down to the floor and she turned me slightly off to one side, making me stand apart from her so there was a small open space between us. That's when she lifted her hand up and placed her open palm over my pussy, grabbing me between the legs, kneading and stimulating my pussy with her fingers through my nightgown and cotton panties I wore underneath. The way she touched me, pressed down on me, rubbed me and probed me simply took my breath away. It felt so good I thought I would faint on her. My little pussy was already moist before she touched it with her hand but almost immediately after she started fondling me I literally soaked my panties through and through. I know and knew even then as all this was happening that what Myrtle was doing to me was wrong. Oh it was so wrong. So terribly wrong and I should have tried to make her stop. I should have pulled away from her and run crying from my bedroom and out into the house calling for mom and telling her that Myrtle was doing wicked nasty things to me. But I didn't, and I couldn't. I just couldn't prevent myself from enjoying what she was doing to me. And honestly, as I stood in front of her with my eyes tightly shut, trying to breathe as quietly as I could because I feared mom would hear me panting in lust. I wished with all my heart for the moment to never end. I didn't want Myrtle to stop even though I knew that what she was doing to me was against the law. I should have tried to fight her off, resisted her, I should have tried to push her away and I should have recoiled from her. But instead I allowed her to touch me, to literally sexually molest me in my own bedroom with my mother in the house without any protest whatsoever. As I stood in place still in Myrtle's embrace she leaned down and kissed me again. It didn't last long and when our lips parted I heard her whisper to me to remain quite, to utter no sound as she stopped touching my pussy. I know it was only a moment but time seemed to freeze as I looked up into Myrtle's face. In front me I saw how she smiled at me and I could tell from the look she had that she was pleased with how I was reacting to what she had done. "Oh sweetie," she whispered to me. "I've wanted to feel you like this for so long," she said. "I'm so happy you're not upset with me for kissing you."

"You're such a hot little girl," she told me and again she lightly kissed me on the lips. "Oh my little angle we have to stop," she said and I felt her gently but firmly pushed me away from her. "Baby girl we have to stop now. We have to stop or your mommy might come in and see this." I hated to end what we were doing. I didn't want be pushed away. But she was right. If we kept kissing each other, if she kept touching me, pretty soon mom would be wondering what was going on and she would come to my room to check on us. If she came in and caught Myrtle holding me in her arms, kissing me, touching me, she'd freak and throw her out. "You can't tell your mommy what I've done honey. You can't tell her what we've done here tonight," Myrtle whispered. There was sense of urgency in her voice, but it didn't cover up the tone of authority she spoke with. "She'd never understand honey. She must never find out about this. You have to keep this secret okay," she said and that last was spoken to me like a command.

Not trusting myself to speak I just nodded my head at her and then she told me to climb into bed which I did. "Remember darling," she whispered as she sat down on the bed and tidied up my covers. "Don't ever say anything about this to your mommy," and she leaned over me looking me straight in the face. As I lay there looking up at her she grabbed my hand and as we continued to stare at each other she pulled my hand and arm forward. Not knowing what she intended to do but not resisting I let her take my hand and I gasped open mouthed as she pressed my hand down tightly against her stocking leg. Listening in awe as she uttered a muted groan she guided my hand up underneath her dress until she pressed it tightly up against her own pussy. "Never tell mommy about this," she said again as she leaned down and kissed on the mouth. As we kissed I felt her part her legs, giving me better access to touch her pussy through her panties. Not really knowing what I should do I just rubbed the back of my hand across her, pressing into her, hoping that my touching her like that would feel good for her.

When we broke our kiss Myrtle removed my hand from between her legs but as she did I let my hand slide down along her stocking thighs and marveled again at how soft and luscious they felt against the palm of my hand. As she straightened up then got up from my bed, I lay there promising myself that I was going to ask mom to take me to the store, K-Mart, the following day and I was going to have her buy me some nylon stockings just like Myrtle wore. I just had to have a pair of my own that I could put on and wear so I could prance around in them and revel in how soft and comforting I believed they would feel on my legs. As I thought this way I noted how Myrtle was suddenly behaving as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Standing over me I listened as she declared it bedtime and walked over to the door. Turning to look at me, she turned off the lights, and as she had always done as she closed my bedroom door she looked at me one last time and wished me sweet dreams. Wow! What a night! As I lay there in the darkness of my room I couldn't believe what had just happened. Everything felt so unreal to me as I stared up at my ceiling. I couldn't believe what Myrtle had done to me, and as I stared into the darkness I couldn't believe how much I'd liked what she'd done. I thought about how she kissed me, how she held me, how she touched me, and how wonderfully strange and fantastically exciting it felt to have someone do that to me. At age 12 I wasn't stupid about my body or about sex. I knew what sex was, heck I'd heard mom and dad going at it for years in their room. And I knew that what Myrtle had done wasn't sex. But sex or not what she'd done to me that night had been wonderful and it had felt so good. Yet as good as it had been to be kissed for the first time, and to have someone touch my little pussy so wantonly and wickedly as Myrtle had done. I also knew that what she'd done to me was wrong. It had been so very, very wrong. Adults weren't supposed to do those kinds of things to kids and if anyone ever found out about it the adult would go to jail.

When I began thinking this way is when I began to feel myself grow frightened over what had happened. Oh my God! What if mom found out about this? What if dad found out about this? If either of my parents were to ever discover what Myrtle did to me than she'd have to go jail because of it. The idea of watching Myrtle get arrested, seeing her hauled off to jail was so distressing that I began to weep softly, quietly to myself. I didn't want her to go to jail. I didn't want to lose her and not have her be a part of my life. The idea of her being arrested and punished for what she'd done to me, doing nasty things to me that had felt so good, I just couldn't handle it if she were arrested. So that night I vowed and promised myself to never ever tell anyone what we'd done. I would keep secret our forbidden love, and I would never tell on Myrtle. Forbidden love! Yeah that's what I thought and how I characterized that night when Ms. Myrtle Jean Simms molested me in my own home, in my own bedroom, all the while my mom was in our kitchen fixing her and she a late evening snack of wine, cheese, and crackers. God I was so naive. Whenever I look back on that night I smirk and just shake my head because the little girl in that bed immediately romanticized her sexual molestation by a trusted adult. She convinced herself that what had happened to her had been something good, something pure, something, something, oh hell I don't know. All I do know is I was stupid to believe that what Myrtle did to me was just another, more intimate, more deeper way of showing me how much she loved me. So instead of doing the right thing, instead of telling my mom and dad what she'd done to me I kept quiet about it.

Well as you can guess that night I didn't get must sleep, and what little I did get was restless and fitful. I'd doze off then pop awake. I tossed and turned, kicked covers, twisted back and forth, and just had a real difficult night. At some point, it had to be past midnight, I snapped awake and lay still as I struggled to make out a muffled noise I thought I heard in the house. Through my closed bedroom door I could hear some music playing softly out in the living room and behind that is where I had heard the other noise. The music covered it over, whatever it was, but it didn't conceal it. As I lay there listening I thought what I was hearing were soft cries, low moans and groans, but I wasn't sure. For a moment I thought I would get up and got into the living room to see what was going on and who was making those noises but then discarded the idea. So I just rolled over and turned my back to the door and tried my best to go back to sleep.

In the morning, after I got up and went pee, that's when I began to experience feelings of guilt and remorse over what happened with Myrtle and me. It was hard to accept what had occurred and although I had enjoyed being kissed, and fondled, with the start of a new day things weren't as clear cut for me as they had been the night before. All day I kept thinking about what had happened. I could close my eyes and imagine I could smell Myrtle's perfume, or taste the sweetness of soft mouth. I gave myself chills throughout the day as I remembered how it felt to have her hands sliding across my back, over my tight little buns, and then without wanting it to happen I felt myself grow warm and moist between my legs as I pictured her touching me down there. All day long I played out what happened over and over again in my mind. In class I was listless, and I honestly don't remember how I got myself through the day. But that evening when I was home lying on my bed the reality of what had happened to me finally sunk in and for reasons I still can't explain, let alone describe, I slipped into a state of depression. I felt lethargic and withdrew into a kind of protective emotional shell. I wanted to be alone and I started asking myself why? Why had Myrtle done that to me? I felt guilty over what had happened and for some reason I began to blame myself for what had happened. Each time I thought about Myrtle taking me in her arms, giving me my first kiss, or the way in which she touched my body, and how down between my legs she used her fingers to stimulate me, making me get all wet and hot down there. Thinking about those things over and over again would always end up exciting me, and because I would feel my little nipples begin to stiffen, because I would feel myself getting moist over those memories, I began hating myself for it. Jesus did I ever turn myself into an emotional wreck. Heck I made myself so confused over things that my emotional demeanor over the next two weeks left me bad-tempered and just plain old pissy acting, one moment I'd feel all lost and lonely, and then that feeling would be followed by a sense of anxiety and irritation. Mom kept after me to tell her what was wrong but I just remained quiet and tried hard to show her by looking away and staring off into space trying to ignore her that I didn't want to talk about what was bothering me. I was suffering from feelings of shame, and ashamed of what had happened to me. Like I said I knew what Myrtle had done had been wrong. But every time I thought about how she'd kissed me, how she'd touched me, I ended up feeling more and more confused about things because the memory of how wonderful it felt when she did those things to me made me wish that she'd do them again.

I guess I did what any kid who's gone through something like that does; I tried hard to push those things out of my head and forget them. But it was hard to forget. It was actually impossible because nearly every other day mom would bring Myrtle back to our house for dinner and late evening visits. The first time she had Myrtle over during dinner I just sat there with my head down eating, not saying a single thing, and once I finished my plate I asked mom if I could be excused. I lied to her saying that I was terribly tired and suffering from a bad headache. But avoiding Myrtle was impossible. Because of her friendship with mom and dad she was always around and there was no way I could avoid her. I tried my best to behave decently around her but every time I looked at her I felt an incredible sense of guilt over what she'd done to me. But what is really sickening is even as I tried to stay away from her, every time I was in her presence I looked closely at her, trying to discover if she would signal to me in some secret way that she wanted to kiss and touch me again. It's strange but I wanted to hate her and yet at the same time I wanted to be with her again. This emotional conflict I felt towards her pained me and I ended up hating myself because I would catch myself just staring at her. Staring hard and admiring how beautiful she was, how pretty she looked, and as hard as I tried to do it on the sly, I would always end up looking at her legs, her beautiful long shapely stocking clad legs that she would cross whenever she sat down in our living room. I wanted so badly to just be able to touch her stocking legs and feet and for the life of me I couldn't understand where this yearning came from. This desire shocked me when I finally recognized it one evening about two weeks after she'd molested me.

The old saying is that time heals all wounds. I have to agree with that belief because as the days passed by my conflicting emotions towards Myrtle and about myself began to sort themselves out. I guess I more or less learned to accept what had happened between us and one of the great things about being a kid is the problems of life are basically momentary especially if your problem is based on something physical that happens to you. Kids, all kids, have this incredible ability to recover from something traumatic, especially if the trauma is something that physically feels good to you. Now I have to state again as I've admitted already that being sexually molested by Myrtle felt good to me. It excited me, thrilled me, and just plain felt wonderful to me. Although I was emotionally conflicted over it the memory of those good feelings I experienced, my body experienced, those memories proved more powerful within me than did the knowledge that what Myrtle did to me was wrong. I don't remember what led me to do it but essentially I just stopped feeling bad over getting kissed and felt up. Once I stopped feeling guilty about it I came out of my emotional shell and began behaving as I always did and that was simply being a lively, fun loving little girl again. Once my mood changed I lost any of apprehension about being around Myrtle again but I do have to admit that I felt nervous if she got to close to me. I guess I always thought she might try to molest me again if given another chance to do so, and I feared she might try touching me inappropriately, sneaking a feel off of me if she could. Perhaps she might try to brush up against me, or maybe grab me whenever mom wasn't looking. Heck I don't know. Suffice to say that I may have felt non-apprehensive in her presence but I did take steps to ensure that I never let myself get into a situation where we touched physically in anyway. It's when I felt comfortable around her again that I began fixating on her stocking clad legs whenever she was at our house. The desire in me to want to press my lips against her hose and feel the softness they possess and gently lick and kiss them was a longing I didn't comprehend at first. All I do know is I began to daydream about women's nylon stockings and hosiery in general, wondering to myself what it must feel like to wear nylons on your legs? I can look back now over the years and see myself at age 12 developing the nylon stocking fetish I presently possess as an adult. I suppose my fetish for stockings began that night in my bedroom when Myrtle hooked my bare leg around hers. So okay I'm not sure but regardless of its origin one of the things I began doing concerning my developing stocking fetish is when Myrtle and mom sat in the living room to visit after dinner, Myrtle would remove her high heels and I would look at the shape of her pretty feet and admire how delicate and dainty they looked encased by her stockings. She wore reinforced heel and toe stockings and the sight of the darker more deeply colored toe and heel portion of her hose thrilled me to no end. As I cast sly glances at her stocking feet I would feel a rush of excitement imagining myself running my hands over and around them and pressing them up tightly against my face. I'd always glance up to see if she ever noticed me looking at her stocking legs but if she ever did she never in any way ever indicated it. Now don't anyone get me wrong here. I'm not a foot licker, toe sucker, or sniffer. There are many girls and women in this world who love footsie sex but I'm not one of them. What attracts me concerning women's feet is their shape, and then only if they have nylons on. No nylons, no attraction. Anyway I digress again.

As the days passed and my birthday approached outwardly at least I had more or less returned to a normal state of behavior. I was once again enjoying being around Myrtle and the only real change in our relationship other than keeping our physical distance from one another, was she no longer put me to bed at night when she came over to our house. Not once did she try to make me hug her, or go steal a moment alone with her. In fact just as she had when she left my room leaving me alone lying in bed struggling to sort out my thoughts and emotions, she behaved as if nothing had ever happened between us. When my birthday finally arrived at the end of April mom, threw me a very large birthday party and of course Myrtle was there helping her watch over all of us kids and keeping us in check so we didn't destroy the house and yard too much. The day was a fun one and everyone had a great time. When it was time for everyone to go home that's when Myrtle for the first time since that night in my bedroom hugged me and gave me an innocent little kiss on the lips after wishing me happy birthday before she herself left for home. I remember watching her from the hallway as with a smile on her beautiful face she told me goodbye and with a wave she went home.

1980, mid-May and school in Rapid City let out for the summer. I'd passed all my 7th grade classes with straight A's and I was feeling all happy and excited at the thought of going onto the 8th grade in the fall. With high school now only a year away I couldn't wait to finish junior high and finally get to high school where when I finally became a freshman I would at last be considered a young adult. Yeah I was overly happy that week telling mom and dad I passed and I thought my summer vacation was going to be all fun and games. But my good feelings and all the anticipation I was feeling towards having myself a great summer vacation came crashing down around me as on Thursday of that week. Mom and dad got word from Eagle Butte that another one of dad's older brothers had died. Again they wanted to drive back and take in the funeral and they'd made arrangements to do so before they told me that day that they'd be leaving the next day. That evening during supper mom told me that Myrtle would be babysitting for me while she and dad went back home. But this time instead of Myrtle coming over to our house to watch me over the weekend, she told me that when she'd asked her to babysit me Myrtle had suggested that I go over to her place for the weekend. She'd told mom that one of her nephews, the son of her younger sister who lived in Sturgis was going to be staying with her overnight on Friday. So instead of having to bring him with her to our house she felt it would be easier if mom and dad just had me stay the weekend at place. When mom told me I was going to her place for the weekend I nearly choked and ended up coughing up some of my water I was drinking. As I got myself under control and excused myself from the table to go and wash up in the bathroom. I couldn't stop the sense of dread welling up inside me as I struggled with the idea of being alone around Myrtle.

Oh my god! If I had to go over to her place for the weekend I'd be more or less alone with her for three days. Would she want to kiss me again? Would she take me in her arms again and reach down between us to fondle me as she had that night in my bedroom? What should I do? Should I refuse to go over to her place? Was I going to have to tell mom and dad what she'd done to me so I they wouldn't send me to her place so she could babysit for the weekend? Oh man was I ever feeling sick over this matter. As I splashed water in my face that is when I made up my mind to just go through with being sent over to her place for the weekend while mom and dad were away. Setting myself to just deal with whatever might happen once Myrtle was alone with me I toweled my face and hands dry and went back into the kitchen to finish my supper. What would be would be and besides, now that I was 13 years old I was technically a big girl now and I should be old enough to take care of myself. Well that's what I told myself as I sat down at the table and set about finishing my plate. Myrtle lived alone in a rather nice house up on Skyline Drive. Her place wasn't fancy, fancy, but it was, oh I suppose you'd have to say elegant. Her home was nestled inside a grove of pine trees hiding the house from her nearest neighbors view. Like all of the houses up on Skyline Drive her house had been built on top of a small bench or ledge jutting out from the ridgeline. I suppose you would have to describe her place as a bungalow house. It had three small bedrooms, a kitchen-dining room, an intimate little living room with the furniture arranged in front of modest but really picturesque fire place. Outside off the kitchen she had a wooden deck. The ceilings in her home were low and it made her place feel warm and friendly. When mom and dad dropped me off Myrtle said she was still waiting on her sister to bring her son, the nephew, over. As I got my suit case out of our car, mom and Myrtle were visiting by the car and as I walked up Myrtle paused long enough to look at me telling me to just take my things inside and that she'd be in after me in just a few moments. I'd already said my goodbyes to mom and dad so I went inside her home and just sort of stood inside her doorway watching mom and Myrtle hug and then stared rather blankly at our car backing up and then driving away.

When Myrtle came inside she was still smiling and behaving as if nothing nasty had ever occurred between us. As she gave me a quick tour of her home, walking me around the house, she showed me where I'd be sleeping and then pointed to the room across the hall. She said if her nephew ever showed up that evening that he would be sleeping in there. Telling me to unpack my things she said to meet her in the kitchen. She would fix us both something to drink and if I wanted to we could go into the living room, sit down on her sofa and just do some catching up with each other. As she walked away she told me she wanted to hear about all my little girl plans for how I was going to spend my summer vacation and I have to admit that the manner in which she was making me feel at home was really getting through to me. By the time I got my things put away and finally went into the kitchen I'd lost any sense of fear of being alone with her. It really did feel like nothing had ever happened between us and that was just fine with me.

Myrtle fixed herself a drink and grabbing a coke from her fridge for me, we went into her living room to visit. I sat on one end of her couch and she sat at the other. I literally did open to her and began talking about what I wanted to do over the summer as we sat there making small talk. I guess it was around 6pm or so when her telephone rang and she went into the kitchen to answer it. I paid little attention to her being absent and simply occupied myself by looking around her living room. When she came back in however she told me that the call had been from her sister and that her nephew wouldn't be coming over after all. "But that's okay my girl," she said to me as she sat back down on her end of the couch. "Since Stevie isn't coming, us girls can just hang out and do some girly things tonight. Would you like to help me fix us dinner? I was thinking we could make some fried rice and chicken. Does that sound good to you?" "Sure," I replied and so we got up and went about making us our evening dinner. Well I have to be honest and write that spending time with her again; sharing with her, working with her in the kitchen, and heck just being so normal acting with her again was great. I didn't feel any stress, wasn't a bit nervous or anxious anymore, and I honestly was enjoying myself. During dinner our conversation suddenly turned to boys, specifically if there were any boys in my school that I thought were cute and wouldn't mind going out with if only I were old enough to be dating. Well as all young girls do when the subject of boys comes up, I started giggling and feeling all atwitter telling her that there really was a very cute boy in my class that I thought was just the dreamiest thing to ever hit the school hallways. This boy I was telling her about was you're A-typical sports nut and it wasn't long before Myrtle and me were laughing hard with each other as I told her how I'd been trying to make this boy notice me. "Oh sweetie," she told me. "You better get used to the idea of boys being blind to a girl's interest in them, especially at the age you're in now. But I just love you sharing these things with me because it makes me remember back when I was your age and how I felt like you do now."

After dinner and after having to endure some serious but very funny teasing from Myrtle, we went outside for a bit just as the sun began going down. Although it was mid-May the air outside had grown quite chilled. Feeling cold after just a few minutes on the deck, we both mutually agreed that it would be better if we went back inside. Seeing goose bumps on my arms as we went into the living room to reclaim the sofa Myrtle went over to the fire place while I sat down and tucked my legs up underneath me. I watched silently as in moments she built us a nice warm fire in her fireplace. Once the flames got going she looked over at me on the couch and said we needed some blankets to cover up with. "I'll get us some covers and we can spend the rest of evening here and just watch the fire. I just loving staring at the flames and watching them dance around in the fireplace. They're so pretty and once the sun goes down if we leave the lights off we can watch the flame throw shadows all over the room."

Well that sounded okay by me. From the wooden table top chest resting in front of the couch she brought out two blankets and threw one over me. Before she sat down though she went over to the shelves where her TV and stereo were and flipping the toggle switch on her stereo she turned on her radio. Fiddling with the tuning knob she found a nice soft rock station for us to listen to. Setting the volume low she came back over to the couch, told me to cover up so I'd be nice and toasty and then she sat down. For a short time all we did was lounge on the couch and listen to the music play while we watched the flames dance around inside the fire pit as the sun set and outside it grew dark. I guess it was past 8:30 when she straightened up looked over at me. "Do you know what would be perfect right now honey," she said. "A nice large hot toddy with fresh cinnamon sprinkled over it."

"What's a hot toddy?"

"It's a brandy. You mix it with hot water and honey."

"You mean its alcohol."

"Yes, but it's not something a person gets drunk on. It's a winter drink, a nice warm drink adults fix to warm up with. It's like the grown up version of a hot chocolate only there's no chocolate. I tell you what. How about I fix us each a nice large warm mug? You can try it and if you don't care for it I'll finish it for you." Before I could reply she got up and disappeared into the kitchen. I could hear her getting glasses down, putting water on to boil, and after about 10 minutes or so she came back into the living room carrying two very large steaming mugs.

"Here you go sweetie," she said as she set a steaming mug down in front of me on the chest in front of the sofa. "Now it's hot so just take a small sip at first. Watch me," she said and I stared up at her as she raised her own mug to her mouth, took a sip, then with a smile on her face she winked at me and then tipped her mug up and downed the whole of its contents in several swallows. "Whew," she said as she brought the cup down. "We Simms's have a tradition my girl. You down your first toddy all at once to get all warm inside right away and then you follow it with a second cup." As she spoke she placed the palm of her left hand on her chest and made a little face. "My, that toddy hit's the spot," she said. She smiled down at me and since I knew she was waiting for me to drink. I sat up, reached out and picked up my mug. The thing had to be 20 ounces because it was heavy. I had to be careful not to let any of it spill over the rim as I raised it up. Tentatively I sipped it as she had instructed me to, and then before I gave myself anytime to think about it, I took a deep breath and drained my cup as she had done. Now I have to admit that the taste of the toddy wasn't bad at all. I could taste the honey in it as well as the cinnamon she'd sprinkled on it. It really had been sweet tasting and the sweetness mixed with the alcohol made it a very pleasant beverage to drink. Myrtle had said that toddy's warm a person up and before I'd even managed to set my mug back down I felt a warm feeling literally exploding throughout my body. Wow!

Myrtle giggled at me as she saw a perplexed, surprised, but pleasant expression cross my face as I set my mug back down. "Oh honey, that was great. Now lie back and just let that warmth run through you and I'll go fix us another cup." I did as she asked and when she returned with another full mug I took it and again sipped it first.

"Tell you what," she said. "Let's repeat the Simms tradition again," and with that she sipped her glass, and then downed the drink again. "Your turn sweetie," she said.

Feeling challenged I downed mine without thinking. Again I felt a sudden but nice expanding sense of warmth spread throughout my body and that time as I brought my mug down from my mouth I had to stifle a small burp which welled up in my throat. Seeing me cover my mouth to hide my belch made Myrtle giggle and without a word she took my mug from me and once again she disappeared to make another set of the drinks. When she got back with a third steaming mug we repeated the Simms tradition once more. But this time as I lifted my empty cup up for her to take the alcohol in the drink began to kick in. I remember a nice warm numbness beginning to spread across my lips as she took my glass.

"Okay honey," she asked?

"Yes," I replied.

"Do you feel all warm and nice inside?"

"Ummmm," was what I managed to utter as a response. By then the alcohol was doing its thing and even though this was the first time in my life I'd ever had any alcohol I knew I was as adults say, drunk. The brandy was making me feel light headed and my face and lips had this really fuzzy kind of feeling. I pursed my lips to try and work the fuzziness out of them but although I repeated the lip purse several times it didn't help any at all.

"Okay dear," Myrtle said but her voice sounded really far away. "I think you've had your limit." While she spoke I remember my head started spinning and I admit that I felt just real funny all over by then. For reasons I'll never know I suddenly began giggling and when I did the sound of my voice sounded far away from me just like Myrtle's had. I don't know what I found so funny but I remember my ears were ringing as I giggled up a storm while Myrtle left to go to the kitchen. I do remember slouching up against the arm rest on the sofa and letting my head just drop back because it really felt heavy to me then. The brandy was doing its thing big time and as it intoxicating effect swept over me I felt supremely relaxed and began to drift off into sleep.

I must have blacked out because the next thing I can remember after Myrtle left is just a blurry sense of fragmented memories. Memories of being helped up from the sofa, of feeling someone lift me up, steadying me so I wouldn't lose my balance. And then I vaguely remember being led into the bathroom. I know now because Myrtle told me that after she got me up from her couch she took me into the bathroom, stripped me, then she helped me into the shower. She told me because I don't remember any of it that once she stripped me she also disrobed and had gotten into the shower with me. She had to she said because otherwise I would have probably collapsed and ended up drowning myself. But her real reason for showering with me she said was so she could get naked with me and after soaping the two of us up rub herself up against my nude body. Besides just getting herself all hot and bothered while she washed me up, Myrtle also told me that if two girls are going to have sex with each and you want a woman to plop her pussy onto your face it can be a huge turn off to try and eat a woman's pussy out if as your tongue fucking your partner your nose gets pressed into a dirty, smelly, sweaty ass. So since she'd planned all along to take me into her bed that night she wanted to make certain I was nice and clean for sex. Anyway she not only washed my body clean but she washed my hair as well. I'd like to say I do remember showering with her but that wouldn't be honest of me. I simply don't. Myrtle told me that after drying me off, wiping me down with a towel. She'd made me sit down on the toilet, occasionally having to hold me by a shoulder to keep me steady as she blow dried my hair. Then once she had me all clean and dried off she helped me up and that's when she said she took me into her bedroom where that night she quite literally raped me over and over until finally late into the night the two of us finally lay totally sated and exhausted in each other's arms. Anyway when I do finally remember regaining my senses I did so because I started becoming aware of seeing a series of very bright flashing lights going off in front me. The flashes were so bright that even with my eyes closed I could see them going off behind my eye lids. Wondering what in the world could be causing me to see such bright lights and thinking it was the brandy making me see this I opened my eyes momentarily trying to see what was going on. But when I opened them to look a flash went off in front of my face and I all I could see was a large blue dot floating in the air out in front of me.

The bright light hurt and I squeezed my eyes shut. I remember scrunching up my face and tucking my chin down trying to avoid the light by hiding from it. It dawned on me as I did this that wherever I was, I didn't know yet, that I was lying down on a bed on my left side. I would have raised my hands up to cover my eyes to block out that dam flashing which kept going off in front of me but when I tried to that's when I discovered that my wrists were bound tightly together behind my back. I remember jerking hard then, my whole body contorted and a sense of utter panic engulfed me as I struggled against the bonds holding my wrists together. I tried to scream and an overpowering sense of fear and panic came over me but when I tried to open my mouth I couldn't because someone had placed a length of surgical tape over my lips effectively gagging me. The only noise I could make with my mouth taped shut were a series of muffled moans and groans. To this day I can still hear the throaty mummer of a scream I made as I tried to open my mouth. God I was so scared. What was happening? What had happened?

Tears began streaming down my face as I became more and more aware of the predicament I'd awoken too. I felt a shudder of terror run over my body and I started shaking uncontrollably. Where was Myrtle? What was going here? Where was I? Why were my hands tied behind my back? What was going on? Scared, crying, confused, I forced myself to open my eyes. I struggled to make sense of what was going on and where I was. I tried twisting my arms, I tried lifting them again, all in an effort to somehow wiggle free of the binds that held my wrists together. But although I pulled and twisted as hard as I could whatever held me did not loosen up at all. However, as I continued to struggle, trying hard to get enough air through my nose so I could breathe more fully, while I struggled all I could clearly remember from earlier that evening was Myrtle and me drinking down those hot toddy's in her living room. How the hell did I get from that fun moment to this horrific circumstance I'd found myself in?

I could hear myself whimpering behind my gag while I fought against my bonds. I knew that no matter how hard I tried that somehow getting free just wasn't going to happen for me unless someone suddenly appeared and helped me. The realization of that just filled me with despair and sense of utter helplessness came over me. I curled up at the waist, tucking myself into a fetal position. When I got my legs up I snapped my head back and forth trying to figure out my surroundings. The bright flashes in front of me kept going off and somehow it registered with me that while I tried desperately to figure out where I was, the flashes increased in frequency going off over and over again as I continued to struggle to free my arms from behind my back.

Ignoring the flashes as best I could I realized that I was in Myrtle's bedroom. Earlier that evening during the short tour she'd given me of her house she'd brought me into her room to show it to me. I remember how surprised and fascinated I'd felt seeing her bed for the first time because it was a huge four posted king size thing. The bed posts were really tall on it, nearly as tall as I was and they simply gleamed and glistened under her two nightstand lights and overhead ceiling light. I'd never seen a bed so huge before and Myrtle had invited me to jump on it and stretch out across the mattress and feel how comfortable it was. As I did so she'd told me that her headboard, the short footboard, and all four bed posts were all made from solid oak, this she said was why her bed was so stable. She told me I could jump on her mattress all night long and never once would her bed frame shake, creak, or wobble. As an adult now I know how important it is for us grownups to have solid made beds but back then in 1980 as a 13 year old girl this kind of thing meant nothing to me. But it was Myrtle's bed I realized I was laying on that night.

As I blinked several times to clear my head and comprehend what was happening to me. I had to keep fighting against the emotional panic that was running rampant through me. I tried to force myself to sit up, to get up off the bed so I could run away but when I tried to lift myself I discovered to my horror that not only were my wrists bound tightly behind my back, but my legs were bound together as well. This realization forced a deep throaty moan from me and I sobbed rather loudly behind my gag. I bent awkwardly at the waist and managed to look down at myself and was shocked at what I saw. I realized at that moment I had no clothes on, I was topless and I saw my ankles were tied together by a length of white rope, and just above my knees another rope held my thighs tightly together. As I had done with my arms I tried twisting my legs to see if I could loosen the ropes and somehow get free but after only a moment I knew this was futile. I was tied and trussed up like a prisoner in jail and there simply wasn't a thing I could about it.

Oh my God! Where were my clothes? I really began crying then and through my gag I tried calling out for my mom. But the dam tape over my mouth did what it was supposed to do and the only noise I could make was to mummer off a weird sounding series of muffled groans and moans. Wanting nothing more than to run away I snapped my legs down, stretching them out down towards the foot of Myrtle's bed. As I shifted my position I was thinking I was going to straighten out and roll off the bed, yet when I did so, when I straightened out my bound legs I felt this incredibly soft, absolutely delicious electrifying tingling sensation shoot up my legs and across my tummy. The emotional shock of this feeling popped my eyes wide open and made me catch my breath. Oh my god the goose bumps just exploded across my nearly naked body as I froze in place totally dumbfounded over what I was suddenly, unexpectedly, experiencing. A feeling unlike I'd ever experienced before in my life washed over me as I reeled emotionally in utter awe and fascination at how sensuously electrifying it was to experience for the first time in my life the sensation of having nylon hose encasing my legs and feet.

My god! Oh my god did that feeling I got from sliding my hose clad legs down across the bed sheet send shock waves through me. Someone had dressed me in a pair of soft sheer pantyhose. I was stunned by how they held and caressed my legs and feet. The incredible sensations that burned deep into my soul when my legs slide across Myrtle's bed sheet simply made my little Lakota asshole clench tightly together and suck up inward. I was still lying on my side when I went rigidly still because it was just so electrifying to feel the nylons on my legs. As I lay there totally immobilized panting through my nose trying to suck air into my lungs and catch my breath I could feel myself begin to slowly, inextricably roll forward, going from lying on my side to rolling over onto my tummy. As I rolled forward I felt my pelvis and uterus muscles contract sharply, squeezing down tightly into a bunch as across my exposed ass cheeks wave after wave of deliciously stunning little tingles spread out across my ass. This new sensation extended around both of my hips and it felt like the tingling was racing across my abdomen and lower tummy until the feelings seemed to slam into one another with such wonderful warmth and luxuriousness that I uncontrollably sucked in my stomach. I drew in a sharp halting breath through my nose and down between my bound thighs, completely surprised and nearly overwhelmed by it, I felt my little pure 13 year old sparsely hair pussy immediately grow super hot and moist. My God what was happening to me? I felt a moan of pure pleasure rise up within me as I came to rest face down on Myrtle's bed. Breathless, amazed over how my young body was reacting, I laid still, trembling in utter pleasure from being so wonderfully caressed by the nylons I had on.

Behind me I heard a low throaty drawn out giggle. Oh my god someone was in Myrtle's room and they were looking and laughing at me. I would have lifted and craned my head around to see who was there but the way my body was reacting to those incredible sensations the nylons were giving me. I was literally too afraid to move. "That's my girl," I heard behind me. "That's my sweet little girl."

Along the bottom of my feet I felt something touch me. Something soft, delicate, and warm was trailed slowly across the bottom of my toes. I moaned loudly through my gag and I honestly can't say I did so out of fear because whatever trailed along my toes moved across the balls of my feet and I felt a soft, gentle, pressure press against the bottom of my feet. I heard myself moan behind my gag and underneath the nylon hose I felt another explosion of goose bumps erupt along the length of my legs. Whatever was touching me felt so good that I didn't want it to stop. I buried my face into Myrtle's mattress as I felt someone hands wrap around my feet and lift them up off the bed. Grabbing my feet like that forced me to bend at the knees and even though I should have been in a state of sheer terror at having some stranger suddenly grab me and touch me. All I could think of as I felt my feet being lifted was, what was this person going to do? I no sooner thought that when I felt two hands press my feet together and then felt the face of whoever was holding me press my feet up tight against their face.

"Oh honey," I heard. "You're so dam pretty. So very, very pretty," and as I felt this person gently rub their cheeks and lips across the soles of my feet feeling them kiss and lick them through the nylon material. I heard a very throaty moan, and when I heard this person tell me once again how pretty I was I finally recognized the voice. I felt a sickening sense of dread and complete shock at who was fondling me, touching me, and who had tied me up. Oh my God! It was Myrtle Jean Simms!

Sexual seduction is always popularized as being something very romantic. To be seduced into another person's bed, is for most girls a thing we daydream about. Usually we contextualize seduction as more or less a deeply emotional event replete with feelings of love and hesitant expressions of desire, first fought against but ultimately winning us over to giving in and allowing our paramour to have their sexual way with us. We imagine it in terms of soft kisses, gentle touches, whispered words of undying love, and of course two people exploring the wonders of each other's bodies. In all our seduction fantasies we girls end up willingly giving ourselves up to our seducer, surrendering to them. We lay back and experience the bliss and loving act of being willingly sexually penetrated. Under the firm but gentle hands of our seducer we come to realize the wonders of our femininity and our bodies are awakened sexually for the first time. We dream of heights of pleasure and passion perhaps never experienced until then. We see ourselves coming into our true womanhood under the loving, caring, ministrations of our seducers strong, powerful hands. For us sexual seduction where we give ourselves over into the control of our seducer is the dream. We ultimately surrender up our bodies and imagine a life of romantic love existing forever between ourselves and our lover whom we envision as our ultimate soul mate. When the lovemaking is finished we lie lovingly in their strong arms. We imagine bliss, utter contentment. For so many of us that is our seduction fantasy. In a sense we are willing partners to the seduction. We want what happens to happen because we dream about it, we talk about it to one another, we tell stories of how it will happen to each other, and for us, for each and every one of us we believe because we dream it that we know exactly how it will happen.

As you can tell so far, being seduced by Myrtle didn't happen like that for me. No. My dreams of being seduced into another person's bed, of giving myself and my body over to my lover didn't involve whispered words of love or soft gentle promises of undying love. Instead my experience was totally different. You see what happened to me was my lover first plied me with alcohol, got me drunk enough to pass out, then once I was incapable of defending myself, when I was vulnerable and unable to protest or protect myself from her advances. I get stripped naked, and then I'm dressed in women's hose and tied up like a captive and thrown onto my seducers bed. As I regained my full senses I discover myself helpless to prevent what happened to me that night in Myrtle's bedroom. But what is really sick about that night is I honestly wouldn't want to change a single thing that happened to me as Ms. Myrtle Jean Simms literally raped and humiliated me that night.

Under her control physically and emotionally, deceived, tricked, by a person I loved. That night in her home I'd been fed alcohol until I'd passed out. And once I was out she'd attacked me, she took complete and total advantage of me. I should have known. I should have known she would molest me again. But honestly I never ever expected she would get me drunk and then tie me up so I would be utterly helpless to fend off her advances. I'd been so stupid and that night as I realized it was Myrtle who was kissing my nylon clad feet I nearly passed out again. But I didn't. And as that night progressed, as I found myself helpless to stop her from having her sexual way with me, at some point I started to accept what she did to me as she methodically raped me over and over again. Yes I struggled against her, and yes I begged and implored her to stop doing such wicked and nasty things to me. But eventually, rather quickly, I began to enjoy and respond to the things she made me do that night. Oh I can't explain it. All I know is that within a very, very short period of time as Myrtle went about initiating me into dominant lesbian bondage love, I began to give myself over to her body and soul. That night in her home, in her room, in her bed, and later in her living room, she bent me to her wicked sexual desires and perversions. Using force, physical violence, verbal humiliation and degradation, Myrtle forced me to accept, forced me to beg her to let me service her sexually in any fashion she wanted and submit myself completely to her.

When she stopped kissing my feet she released them and came around the bed. I felt her push me over on to my back and I remember just staring up at her through tear filled eyes. She was smiling down at me and I wanted to curl up and hide my nudity from her but she prevented me from doing so by holding me down. "Oh honey," I heard her say. "I've waited for so long to get you like this," and she climbed onto the bed and knelt over me. Like me Myrtle was nearly naked and I couldn't help but look at her body. God for a middle aged woman she was really stunning and so well built that even though I was scared of what she was doing I couldn't help but feel physically inadequate compared to her. Around her neck she wore a thick red satin chocker which had a large pearl sewn into it and she was wearing a matching red satin open breasted gartered bustier. I nearly chocked behind my gag when I saw her tits for the first time. They were so beautiful, so perfectly proportioned and firm. Jesus did she have a stunning pair of breasts on her. I glanced down at her legs as she bumped my side scooting up to me and when I saw the stockings she wore, a pair of richly colored dark brown nylons with reinforced heels and toes, when I saw how gorgeously they highlighted and outlined the perfect shape of her legs and delicate dainty feet I couldn't stop and was really surprised by the muffled exclamation of admiration I uttered behind my gag. My god Myrtle Jean Simms was the most gorgeously beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life.

As I lay underneath her Myrtle began to touch my body and oh did she ever talk dirty to me. "Oh honey," she said as she trailed her hand over my still developing breast. Down between my legs I felt her run her finger down the slit of my pussy and that's when I realized that the nylons I'd been dressed in were actually a pair of crotchless pantyhose. "You're so pretty to look at laying here like this," and I tipped my head back into the mattress as she leaned down and covered one of my erect nipples with her mouth. She softly sucked on it, swirling her tongue over it. Between my legs I felt her probe my wet pussy and I was shocked at myself for liking what she was doing. I should have been disgusted by her touch and I should have tried to fight against her but all I could do was lay there underneath her and marvel at how good it felt as she began molesting me again.

"Oh sweetie we're going to have such a wonderful time tonight," and she reached up and gently peeled away my gag. "I'm going to show you what it is to be a woman tonight darling. I'm going to make my little girl a real woman tonight and you're going to love what we do to each other." She was smiling at me and gave me a kiss on the mouth. I felt her wet tongue force my lips apart and as I accepted her in my mouth down between my legs I felt her push her finger into me and I moaned as she began to finger fuck me. It felt so good having her do that and I couldn't help but kiss her back as my body responded under her touch.

"Oh my," she said as she broke our kiss. "You're such a hot little Indian girl aren't you," and she smiled at me again. "You're a nasty little Indian girl my darling. A nasty, dirty, wicked, little Indian girl who hurt mommy Myrtle and now has to be punished for what she did." As I stared up at her I saw a stern expression settle upon her face and she straightened up over me and then she slapped me hard across the face. The blow stunned me. My cheek burned in pain and I screamed and tried to roll away from her but she grabbed me by the shoulder and forced me to remain in place. "Oh you dirty little Indian cunt," she said. "Look at you baby. Look at what you're doing," and she grabbed the top of my head and with her fingers entwined in my hair she pulled my head up and made me look down at myself. "Look at yourself! You're just a dirty little Indian whore. Look at how I'm fucking your nasty little pussy with my finger," and I felt her dig her finger into my and push into me hard. "Look at you lying here on my bed wearing my nylons all tied up like a little cunt." Her voice was harsh and hurting from her slap I began crying, sobbing loudly as she forced me to look down at myself. "Oh you fucking little cunt," I heard her say. "I've got you on my bed wearing nothing but a pair of my most lovely pair of pantyhose and tonight sweetie; tonight I'm going to fix you good for ignoring me these last few weeks." Straddling me Myrtle reached over to her nightstand and withdrew from the drawer something long, thick and black. "I'm going to have fun with you dearie," she said and while she spoke, straightening back up over me, I felt her press down on my chest and she rubbed her pussy back and forth on me. Unlike me, her pussy was hairy and her pubic hair felt soft and warm as it brushed against my skin. "Oh sweetie," she said as I felt her wet dripping pussy lips slide against my skin. "You're just so gorgeous that I've ached to take you into my bed."

Removing her finger from me she reached up and grabbed me by the head with both hands and tipping me forward I felt her lift herself up and she thrust her pussy up towards my face. Along my sides I felt her clamp down on me with her stocking legs and feeling her nylons touching me as she slide her feet underneath my back I gasped at their touch. I had no idea what she was about to make me do. "Kiss my pussy little girl," she ordered as she stuffed herself into my face. "Kiss my pussy and stick your tongue in it."

I pulled back from her, or I tried to anyway, but she held me tight and I had to just lay there as Myrtle started to rub her hot wet pussy up against my chin and across my mouth and nose. "Do it baby. Kiss my pussy and tongue fuck it. Do it, do it now!" But I just couldn't bring myself to open my mouth and submit to doing something like that. I tried to twist my face away from her but she kept my head still and hearing her utter a curse she let go of my head and swung herself off of me. "You dirty little ungrateful cunt," she swore at me. "You fucking little Indian cunt! Who the fuck are you to refuse me!" She hit me across the face again and then she rolled me over onto my side so I was facing her. "You bad girl," she said. "You dirty little cunt your just a spoiled little Indian girl. I've put up with your shit for long enough. Come here!" She grabbed me and bent my body at the waist so I was lying on her lap and folded around her waist. "Fucking bitch," she called me. "You deserve this now," and I felt her reach behind me and spread my ass cheeks apart. Although I hadn't seen it she was holding whatever she'd taken from her nightstand drawer and as I whimpered and in a very small voice pleaded with her to let me go, to stop being so mean to me. I felt a sharp pain behind me as she inserted a finger into my asshole. "Indian cunt," she said. "Before I give you a spanking for being so bad, I'm going to punish your dirty stinking hole and fix you so by the time I'm done with you you'll be begging me to suck my pussy."

I screamed as Myrtle fingered me in the ass and I cried to her to stop. But she just ignored me and kept fingering me. "Now you little cunt it's time to make you take my little friend deep into you tight little ass," she showed me then what she had been holding in her other hand and when I looked at it I saw it was a large, black, thick, long, rubber thing with a bulbous cone shaped base and tapered into a sharp point. What she held was a butt plug and I saw a wicked gleam in her eyes as she removed her finger from my sore little asshole. "Oh honey you're going to take this little toy up your ass and tell me how much you love it or so help me I'm going to spank you so hard your little ass cheeks are going to just glow in the dark." Then as I screamed and cried she placed the head of the plug up against my asshole and started to push it into me. My god the thing hurt going in. As my sphincter muscles involuntarily clamped down trying to hold out the plug and prevent it from sinking into me. Myrtle pulled hard on my ass cheek to spread me apart and laughed as she felt me struggle in vain against being penetrated.

"Fight it honey," she laughed. "Go ahead and push down bitch. It won't do you any good." I felt like I was being split apart as she pushed the plug further and further into me. At first when just the tapered part of the shaft was going in it hurt but the pain that exploded in my butt as the thick bulbous portion of the plug began to force my little hole open wider and wider, feeling that happen in comparison to the thin part of the shaft, that really hurt and hurt like hell.

"Ow, ow, ow," I screamed. "It hurts! Owwww, it hurts. Stop it! Stop it!" But Myrtle ignored my cries. As I cried out I struggled on her lap to get free but she held me down. She was laughing as I screamed when the apex of the bulb of the plug finally passed my ass lips. Inside me I tried to relax my muscles, I fought to unclench them and accept the plug in my ass. Once the bulb passed the rest of the plug just sort of sunk in me and finally, thankfully, blissfully, it slide to its base which consisted of a thin long flattened plate that came to rest lengthwise in my ass crack. I felt my abused hole pucker several times as I sucked in. "That's it baby," Myrtle said to me as she watched my puckering up. "Make my little friend welcome."

While I strained to adjust to having the butt plug in me, Myrtle pulled me over so I laid tummy down on her lap. "Okay you little slut. It's time I show you what bad little girls like you get when you think you're equal to your betters." And then she spanked me. Oh how she slapped my nylon covered ass and she didn't hit me playfully or lightly. No she really laid into me and she cursed on me, cussing me out as she hit me over and over again. I cried so hard and shed so many tears that eventually I just couldn't cry anymore. She didn't stop spanking me until she had me begging to let me suck her pussy and stick my tongue in her. The moment I begged her to let me such her pussy she stopped swatting me and pushed me off her lap. Then as I lay twisted on her bed she climbed over me again and placed her pussy directly over my face.

"Suck it cunt," she ordered. "Suck it good and taste me in your mouth." I did as she ordered and with an open mouth I formed my young lips around her mound cupping her and slide my tongue as far as it would go into her. God the taste of her pussy was sweet. Her womanly fluids just flowed out of her and into my mouth. I sucked hard on her, jabbing my tongue over and over into her canal and soon I began nipping at her drenched pussy lips with my teeth. As I serviced her she directed me how to mouth fuck her and I did whatever she told me to do. While I lay under her she also ordered me to press my butt plugged ass down into the mattress, to pump backward and drive the butt plug down so it would move around inside me. I did so and soon down between my own nylon clad legs I felt my little 13 year old pussy grow wonderfully hot and wet as I gave myself over to the delicious sexual arousal that welled up inside me. By the time Myrtle finally came in my mouth, ordering me to drink her pussy juices down and swallow every last hot thick drop of her cum I was so horny and so badly wanted to keep eating her out that I paused in swallowing her cum only long enough to beg her to wipe up the lines of cum that ran down the side of my chin and let me lick it from her fingers. But she wasn't hearing me by then because she was so caught up in her orgasm that she slumped over my face, hunched over trembling and quivering in ecstasy from the force of her climax.

Down between my bound legs deep inside my little wet pussy I felt throbbing pulsating heat building. I'd never stopped pressing my ass into her mattress and making the butt plug bounce inside my ass. And now as I continued to do that the rhythmic way in which it moved inside me was building me towards experiencing my first orgasm. God it felt good. The butt plug no longer hurt me, instead it felt good to be so filled up and when I started to gasp, when I let my mouth fall away from Myrtle's pussy she realized what was happening to me and like a cat she moved with blinding speed to clamber off of me. Jumping to my side she grabbed my nylon clad legs and lifted them up off the bed. Moving to put herself below me she pushed my tightly bound legs up and back over my torso and then she lowered her head down and I cried out in complete pleasure and wonder as she began to suck on my dripping pussy.

Oh my God! I thought I was going to pass out as Myrtle suck on me, tonguing me hard and fast as I had done to her. She brought me to orgasm in seconds and I felt wave after wave of hot pulsating pelvis thrusting spasms explode deep inside me. As I shot out glob after glob of little girl cum, Myrtle heightened my pleasure by jiggling the butt plug. I screamed in sheer disbelief as how good it was to have an orgasm and I honestly did faint on her because when I woke back up she had untied my legs and wrist and she was lying next to me, softly running her stocking leg along mine and gently trailing her finger tips along my hips. I felt the butt plug move inside me as I shifted my head to look up at her and then we kissed, we kissed long and deep as we had done back in my bedroom and I felt so happy, so content, that I couldn't stop mumbling to her during our kiss that I loved her with all my heart.

We laid together just touching each other until after awhile she began to grow more aggressive with me again. "You know honey," she said as she sat up and swung her lovely nylon clad legs over the edge of her bed. "We're only just starting with our fun tonight." I watched her reach to her nightstand and once again she pulled out something. The thing she pulled from her drawer was her little girl cock and what it was was a large strap on dildo. Getting up from the bed she quickly put it on herself and then turning to face me she ordered me to get off and bed and on to the floor. "Get on your hands and knees little girl," she ordered. "Get down there and assume the position because now I'm going to fuck you and take your virginity." Quickly I did as she instructed and once I was down on the floor she got behind me and swatted my ass. "Oh baby you're going to get fucked now honey. I'm going to fuck you just like I fuck your mommy when she brings me over for sex." I couldn't believe what she said and I was completely surprised as she hit my ass again and then down in front of me on the floor there landed a thick open photo album. As Myrtle spread her legs apart to straddle me from behind and grip me by the hips to hold me in place and steady herself. I looked down at the album in front of me and gasped at the pictures I saw. They were Polaroid photos, instamatics, and in them I saw my mother wearing just a garter belt and nylon stockings being fucked by Myrtle in all kinds of positions. I saw one picture where like me she was down on her hands and knees and behind Myrtle was wearing a strap on and fucking her. In another shot she was facing the camera standing up hunched over with her legs spread apart and beneath her splayed open and tipped backward Myrtle was sucking on her pussy. The look on mom's face showed she was cumming into her mouth and I marveled at how pretty she and Myrtle looked wearing their stockings and just being so wantonly nasty with each other.

"Oh I love fucking that Indian cunt," Myrtle said. "Look at it honey. Look at how pretty your nasty mommy is. Can you see how much she likes being fucked by a white woman? Look at her face. Look at her you little bitch. See how much she likes it. I'm going to make you like your mommy baby. I'm going to turn you into my little girly Lakota whore just like your mom. And when I'm done fucking you. When you can't take it anymore, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to show your mommy all the nasty pictures I've taken of you tonight and I'm going to tie her up just like I did to you and then when she's helpless. You know what I'll do? I'll bring you in and make you fuck her just I do. Yeah baby. I'm going to make you fuck your own mommy and make you suck her pussy. Oh baby when I get her all dressed up in her nylons, when I get her all worked up and wet, I'm going to tie her up and bring you in wearing nylons too. And when I force you to fuck your own mother I'm going to take pictures of you two and then force you both to watch as I show them to your daddy." As she told me this she was entering me, pushing her rubber cock into me. It hurt being penetrated and I know I made noises as she ran the shaft of her toy deep into me but all the while she pushed into me I never once took my eyes of the all the photos in the lying below me.

Oh god did that old white woman fuck me good. She took my virginity with a rubber strap on dildo. That night under her tutelage not only did she make me a woman, but she became my fuck-mommy as well. I can still hear her calling out to me telling me that she could see my virgin blood coating her cock, running down out of me and flowing into my nylons. And my nylons. Oh how she made me love wearing women's nylons. She taught me how to touch her legs and feet, and how to kiss her stockings lightly, lovingly, and revel in how stimulating it was to have such soft delicate things brush against my lips and face. She forced me to fondle her nylon stockings so much that I begged her to let me put on a pair of her stockings and allow me to lay back and have her fuck me hard as I wrapped my legs around her and pulled her into me. She eventually did and as I laid under her, taking in every last inch of her rubber cock I experienced multiple orgasms, again and again with each succeeding one stronger and more deeply felt than the one before it.

Three more times that night she spanked me good and hard. Each time she did I begged her to hit me harder, to punish me for being such a naughty, dirty, wicked, little Indian girl. I had to call her my fuck-mommy, I had to shout it to her, whisper it in her ear, and then once she finished with me, when she herself came and made me suck her cum from her wet hot pussy. Then she made me look her directly in the face each time and thank her over and over again for letting me swallow her thick gooey cum. God she brought me to such heights of sexual release that I still have a hard time ever believing that I've had someone just totally turn me into nothing more than a lump of nylon wearing quivering flesh. And how she talked to me that night and through the rest of the weekend as she used me over and over again, those nasty dirty things she described to me about fucking my mom, about how she would make me fuck her and suck her. Those things I must admit actually did come true sometime later. Because after my first weekend with her, one night several weeks later in my house while my dad was out of town Myrtle kept her promise about me fucking my own mother. That night around midnight I was forced to get out of my bed and put on a pair of Myrtle's nylon stockings and then as she placed a studded dog collar around my throat and clip a leash to it. I was led into my mom's bedroom and there tied up tightly into her vanity chair wearing stockings and a garter belt. I was forced to get down on my hands and knees in front of her and then submit to a deep, hard, and painfully so ass fucking during which I was never allowed to look away from mom.

Oh becoming Myrtle Jean Simm's bitch was a time in my life I'll never forget. Although I would ask her to fuck me when we were alone, after that one and only when Myrtle made me fuck my mom for her, mom and I never ever had sex again. But for 3 years I belonged to Myrtle. I was her whore, her fuck bitch who was owned by her body and soul. I guess I'm sick and really disgusting sounding too many who read this story but you know what? Fuck you. I don't care. As I sit here in front of this computer wearing nothing but my garter belt and nylon stockings I just want everyone to know about Myrtle and me.

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