My Year Off

Published on Feb 21, 2015


My Year Off 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Jeffrey came over a few nights later for his lessons. Of course, Robbie would have been glad to help out, but that would have embarrassed Jeffrey. He was a middle-aged man and he did not want to admit he was inexperienced.

Jeffrey had a conventional life and his sudden discovery of man sex confused him. ""Did you like sex with men the first time you did it?" he asked. "It was good for me, but I'm still uneasy about it."

"I was a little uneasy, but I was so excited I didn't give a shit," I said. "When I got into it more it got better and better. It was really good when I connected with Robbie. I'm not attracted to the extremes of gay behavior. Drag Queens, leather and chrome clad butch men don't excite me at all. I like nice guys who love to suck and fuck other nice guys. That pretty well describes Robbie." I looked Jeffrey in the eye. "I have a feeling that describes you too." He smiled.

"What if Robbie finds out someone else has been in me?" Robbie asked. "Will that piss him off? Will he think I'm trash? What if he finds out I've already been fucked."

"We are not getting married and setting up a home," I said. "We are just letting off a little steam. Many of our ideas about sex have to do with rearing children. That doesn't apply to us. We are just sharing our bodies for mutual enjoyment. It not the same at all. I can assure you that no one can tell if your ass is virgin. I suspect there are some men who pretend to be virgin, but have been around the block a hundred few times. Luckily, asses never get callused."

Jeffrey laughed and we got down to business. I wanted him to fuck me first. "I want you to feel what Robbie feels when he's fucking," I explained.

"Has he fucked you?" he asked.

"He sure has and it is great," I replied. "Does it bother you that he has been in me? You would be feeling the same ass he has felt."

Jeffrey smiled. "I'm pretty sure I would like that," he said. "I bet I will like it a lot." I asked him if I could sit on his cock first. He was fine with that. I lubricated my ass and his cock and then I straddled him. I sat back, impaling myself on his cock. He had a nice, uncut six incher. It was not exceptional, but it hit all the good spots.

His eyes crossed as it slipped into me. That was a good sign. I bounced a few times and he moaned in pleasure. I then rolled over on my back so he could get control. He was careful, but as he pumped, he became more confident and comfortable in his role as a top. We both enjoyed it.

He pulled out. "I'm getting to close," he said. "I don't want to shoot off in you."

"That is okay with me," I said. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

"I think I'd like you to fuck me," he said, "Or at least give it a try. Robbie likes to fuck?"

"He sure does, but I think the most important thing is do you want to be fucked?" I said. "Desire is half the battle." He nodded. "What would you think if he shot off in you?"

Jeffrey was silent for a little while. "I think that would be okay," he said. "There is a chance it might be more than okay."

"What if I cum in you?"

"I think that would be okay," he said. "You are a nice kid." I thought it would be easiest if he sat on my cock. That would give him control and let him find his own speed. I coated my tool with lube and he straddled it.

"Take your time and don't rush it. Bounce a little. Your ass will open a little on each bounce," I said. My knob touch his hole and he shivered a little.

"What if I don't like it?"

"Just sit up and stop," I said. "This is a practice run; it is all up to you. Take your time." Jeffrey was a big man, beefy and with a hairy chest. He gingerly sat back and bounced on my cock head.

"Are you excited or scared?" I asked.

"Some of both," he replied.

"It gets more exciting with practice," I said. "It was okay for me from the start, but the guys I did it with had average cocks. None of them was thick. Once they were in, length was not a problem. It did not get exciting until I started playing with Robbie and his friends. That was when it changed from playing around to being full-fledged sex. A man cock does the trick for me. I didn't think I'd like having them squirt in me, but that was good too."

"Could you feel them squirt?" Jeffrey asked.

"Once or twice I felt a tickle, but I knew when they were ejaculating from their faces and body reactions. I thought I would feel used, but I liked pleasing them. Some of them were beyond their sell by date, and they loved fucking a young guy and they were appreciative."

"Did you get to fuck them?"

"Sure, but several also sucked me to completion and gobbled up my cream. They loved young sperm," I explained. They were not virgins and they knew how to work me. I think they knew more about what I was feeling than I did. One guy sucked me after the orgasm and coaxed a few more ejaculations out of me."

"My knob gets ultrasensitive when I shoot," Jeffrey said. "The play part is easy for me, but I like to hold my cards near the chest. Losing control scares me. I do not know if I would like that. It is hard to have another man know you are shooting. That has always been private."

"We all do it and we all feel it. I was used to hiding it, but that was silly in some ways. If you can let yourself be a sex-crazed fag for a half hour, the sex is a lot better," I said. Jeffrey relaxed and my cock slipped into him. He sighed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, it feels good. It was a little uncomfortable, but it is fine now."

"Relax and then start working it. Bounce a little," I said as I reached out and stroked his cock. It was hard and soon was harder. He tightened his sphincter and rotated his ass a little. It felt good. His movements increased.

"That's nice," he said.

"I like to be fucked, so I know what you are feeling," I said. "Some men don't like it at all, but you aren't one of them. You may not like to show emotion, but your cock is pretty happy."

He laughed. We rolled over so that he was on his back and I could fuck him. I started slow. I soon figured out when my knob rubbed his prostate and then I concentrated on that. I am not sure he knew it was there. After fifteen minutes, I pulled out and sat on his cock again.

Jeffrey moaned and shot off immediately. He was shaking and shivering and I could feel each ejaculation. He was gasping for breath. I tightened my sphincter to grab his cock. He moaned. I bounced a little. He moaned more.

We cooled down and pulled apart.

"Are you feeling good?" I asked.

Jeffrey took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine. It was great." It felt the same to me. We talked a little longer and then he left.

An hour later Kenny showed up at my door with a friend. "This is an old pal of mine from home, Doug. He was in town and came to see me. We were in the mood for some fun. I was hoping you would be in the mood too." The friend looked as if he was forty or so. He looked as if he worked construction.

I asked them in. "Doug likes them young," Kenny said. "You are the only young guy I know who is available. We use to play around in high school. His wife just took off with the next-door neighbor. He needs a little fun."

"I'm a bit tired, but I'd be glad to help out," I said. Doug was tall, big and had a belly. His reddish blond hair covered his body. He may have just lost his wife, but he went for my cock with vigor and enthusiasm. I became more enthusiastic as he worked his magic.

When he came up for air, I found out that he was not shy at all.

"Kenny and I are old pals. I know he is top and I'd like to watch him in action," he said. "Is that okay with you?"

"Well, we've done it before," I replied with a smile.

"I think I'd like it if you did me after," Doug added. "Kenny's the only man who has ever done me."

"I take it that was a success?" I asked.

"It sure was. I wasn't sure the first time we did it, but I sure had made up my mind the second time. He is the only one who has been in me. I'm ready for a little variety," he said.

Kenny fucked me. He took it slow and easy.

"Kenny has always had a nice one," Doug said as he watched it slide into my ass. I shivered a little when his cock head rammed my prostate. Doug liked that. He also liked licking my cock as he watched. He had an obvious warm spot for precum.

The experience was good, but odd in some ways. It was sex, but laid back and relaxed. It was not as passionate as it was pleasurable. Of course, we were all hard and oozing, so some passion was involve, but it was friendly sex.

"Do you want me to shoot in him? Kenny asked.

"I sure do!"

A second later Kenny pulled out, spurted some cum on my hole and then pushed his ejaculating cock back into me. That turned me on big time. The warm cum was unexpected and exciting.

"Have you ever used Kenny's man seed as lube?" I asked Doug. "I bet you would like it."

Kenny pulled out and Doug took his place. He was in two or three inches in me when he gave my prostate a sperm bath. I could feel his semen spurting. He shook and shivered as he unloaded his balls. It was good.

"Damn, you were ripe!" I said.

"I'm sorry about that," Doug said. He was still twitching from later ejaculations.

"There is nothing to be sorry about," I said, "it was good for me too."

Doug was wiped out and the two men went home. He was done for the night.

A few days later, I saw Kenny outside the treatment plant and I went over to see him. "I hope I wasn't out of line when I brought Doug by to see you?" he said. "I'm always hot-to-trot, but I knew everyone isn't like that. If it was an imposition or insulting to think you were willing to be fucked by a stranger, I'm sorry."

"It wasn't a problem. Doug seemed like a nice guy," I said. "In theory it should have been a problem but it didn't bother me at all. I seem to have a high tolerance for sexual activity."

"Is your high tolerance the same as my hot-to-trot?" he asked. I laughed.

"I am afraid it is," I replied.

"Doug would like to see you again," Kenny said. "He told me he would like to get to know you better, not just in the biblical sense. He's bunking with his Uncle who lives on Elm Street, so he's nearby."

"Have him give me a call at home," I said.

It was fall now and I was taking long walks after work. It was cooler, but not cold and the leaves had just begun to turn. I was walking up Elm Street as Doug was getting home. It was almost dark.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Good, I just finished my second job. It makes for a long day, but after my wife cleaned me out, I need the cash," he said.

"Can you get some of it back?" I asked.

"Yes, but it will take some time. My truck payment won't wait," he said. A man came out of the house. He was an older, bigger version of Doug.

"Andy, this is my Uncle Doug, but I've always called him Big Doug, for obvious reasons." We shook hands.

"You're the guy who is running the treatment plant, aren't you?" he asked. "I've seen your picture in the paper." I nodded.

"There was a time when Little Doug was actually little," Big Doug said. He asked me in for a beer and I agreed.

Inside the house, I realized that I knew of Big Doug. He was a well-known furniture maker. He made traditional Winsor type chairs as well as some pieces of his own design. He produced for people in bigger cities since it was very expensive. It was beautiful stuff. We went to the kitchen and had a beer.

There was no woman's touch in the house and I assumed Big Doug was a bachelor. I sat in one of his wooden chairs. It was unpadded, but comfortable. The chair was carefully shaped and carved to fit a human body.

"Doug told me you met and had a good time with Kenny. He said you hit it off," Big Red said. "Kenny and I are old friends. I assume we are all members of the same exclusive men's club?"

"I don't think the club is that exclusive," I said.

He smiled. "I don't mean the gay men's club, I mean the no-drama gay club," Big Doug said. "No drama, no angst, no attitude gay men can be rare. Doug said he was comfortable with you and the sex was good. You are a member."

"Uncle Doug has good taste in men and even better taste in women. He warned me about my wife," Doug said. "I didn't believe him, but he was 100% right about her. I need to take shower before I stink up the house. Excuse me." He went upstairs.

"Doug hoped getting married would cure him of his taste for cock," Big Doug said. "That doesn't happen." Big Doug scratched his balls. I readjusted my equipment before I realized what I was doing. He winked at me.

"I have a big, walk in shower," he said. "Would you like to join Doug and help him clean the hard to reach places?"

"I wouldn't want to bother him," I said. "Are you two playmates?"

"No, we aren't." Big Doug said. "That would complicate things. Sharing a pal is fine, if it is fine with you, that is. Would you object to being double teamed?" We went up stairs to the shower. The house was nice, but mostly because of the furniture. The shower and bath was fancy, all marble and tile. I would guess the shower alone was six feet square.

Doug was half-hard when we joined him. I think he was expecting us. The two men were the same height, but Big Doug was heavier and hairier. That seemed hardly possible, but was the case. Both had huge balls in fur covered ball sacks. Doug's cock was longer and Big Doug's was thicker.

"Doug has never seem me fuck a guy before," Big Doug said. Doug was on his knees, sucking me. "He said you didn't mind Kenny rear loading you? I have not fucked a man as young as you are in years. I admit the idea give me a little tingle."

"It's not a problem," I said. I stroked his cock. "I doesn't feel like a little tingle to me!" Doug continued to suck me and Big Doug went behind my back.

"I'm thick, so you need to relax," Big Doug said as he nudged his cockhead into my hole. It was a tight fit, but he took his time and I knew it would be worth it. We left the shower and went to be bedroom where I got on my back. He put my legs on his shoulders and went back to work.

Doug fed me his cock and sort of sixty-nined me as his Uncle fucked me. Most of the time he watched his Uncle's cock as it vanished into my ass. Once Big Doug's knob was in, little Doug's cock began to drool big time. Later, Doug told me that he and his Uncle had messed around a little with other men, but never fucking. He did not need to tell me it excited him.

Big Doug was forceful and aggressive, but under control. It seemed to me that the combination of being careful, aggressive and polite was unusual, but it was good.

"I'm close," Big Doug moaned. "Where do you want it?"

"Breed me!" I replied. A second or two later he let lose. I felt him squirting in my ass. Little Doug came close to shooting. His sex juices reached flood stage. His Uncle had a massive orgasm and he pulled out only after the ejaculations stopped.

Doug took my legs and pulled them closer to him so my ass was wide open. He began to lick my ass. I knew what he wanted, so I relaxed and his tongue began to lick up the sperm in my ass. He began shooting and I was the happy recipient of his rich ball-load. I knew my ass was wide open and I knew he was eating his Uncle's spunk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Doug said.

"We all get carried away some times," Big Doug said. I was the only one who was still fully loaded. Doug said he wasn't much of a bottom, but he wanted me in him. Big Doug held him in his arms as I held his legs open. As I fucked him, Big Doug encouraged him to relax and enjoy it.

"Andy has a nice one. It may be a little bigger than average, but he really excited and drooling. He's strong boy and he can force it in, but it is better if you let him in. You'll like it," Big Doug said.

"Do you let guys fuck you?" Doug asked.

"I sure do," Big Doug replied. "Do you remember meeting Scotty, the park ranger?" when he said that Doug relaxed and my cock slid in easily. Both Doug and Big Doug moaned. I am not that aggressive and it was both easy and enjoyable for all three of us.

I spent and solid fifteen minutes in Doug's ass. He was tense for the first five minutes and then he relaxed and got into it. Big Doug encouraged him to go with the flow. Eventually Doug's sphincter was massaging my cock. I had hit the good spot and discovered the sex organ in his ass.

I pulled out and sprayed my load over Doug's hairy body. Doug had a second orgasm and added his home brew to the display. It was getting late and we showered again. I went home. In the shower, Big Doug told me that he had never had sex with his nephew, and this had been the closest they had ever come. "It was good to see him let loose. He was always so uptight and worried that someone would find out about his sexual preferences. This has been good for him."

"How was it for you?" I asked.

"Unexpected and hot as hell," he replied.

The next week at work was quiet. I had been on the job long enough to discover that quiet was good. Some people think they want a life filled with excitement. I like excitement when it is rare. A daily diet of excitement get tired. Working in a water treatment plant is boring, but essential. We are so accustomed to clean and plentiful water, it is easy to forget how difficult it is to achieve and maintain. The plant is a high tech machine that normally runs well if you take care of it.

No one cares about it as long as all is well. If something goes bad, it is a huge problem. The fire and police department are important when things go bad. My job is to insure things do not go bad. I prevent emergencies; they respond to them.

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