My Year Off

Published on Jan 1, 2015


My Year Off 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Everyone at the party was nice and friendly. While there was quite a bit of sex, there was not too much, at least not too much for me. It was not too much for Mark either. Everyone was nice to him. He was not a beautiful young thing and his visits to gay bars had not been good. The men here were polite and friendly. There were no prima donnas or attitude queens.

Mark was at his best naked. He was well equipped and semi-erect all the time. That showed his assets to best advantage. He was not fussy, had good stamina and was willing. That was a recipe for popularity.

He was not very experienced and everyone was willing to help him out learning new skills. Mark enjoyed sex and wanted to please. His connection with Ernie was good. Ernie was both appreciative and vocal in his praise. Mark could also take instruction. He was willing to try new things and adjust his fucking technique for his partner's particular likes.

Mark liked talking about sex and his poor experience being fucked for the first time gave men a chance to tell him their stories. A poor maiden run was not unusual or rare. He received both sympathy and several were willing to show him how to do it right. Mark took advantage of the opportunities.

We had superb dinner and then a quiet evening talking and relaxing. Some men were sleeping in Teddy's house, but there were several tents. The house was luxurious, but the tents were not Army surplus by any means. Everyone had shot off at least once during the day, so there was no frenzied need to have more sex. It was calm and relaxed.

I misread the situation. Most of the men had used the day to hunt casually for a bedmate. They were not planning to spend all of the night sleeping. I went back to my camp with Ernie, Leo and Wolf. Wolf was a biker and looked it. He was scary looking, but under the biker gear he was a nice guy; he just liked the look.

Leo and Wolf were bear types. Ernie and I were otters.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to spend the night fucking someone to sleep," Wolf said. "Does that offend anyone?" It was silent. "By anyone, I mean Andy. I'd love to get in your ass boy!"

"I like it all, but Wolf's spent so much time in my ass he's worn a groove," Ernie said. "I would like to try Andy too."

"This is beginning to sound like a gang bang," I said. I was thinking the same thing and that worried me. Wolf must have noticed my unease.

"Don't worry kid. I like the biker look, but I can't do it with a man who isn't into it. I have a thick one, but if he winces when I'm fucking, I lose my erection," Wolf said. I had seen his cock and it looked like a telephone pole. "I don't shove my cock anywhere it's not wanted."

"Wolf likes sloppy seconds," Ernie said. "I'm easy to take and I like to provide home brewed lubricant. My balls churn the stuff out in buckets. It's messy but good."

"I'm mostly top, but I could open up for anyone here," Leo said. There were many options and Leo suggested we try them all. "I love to sixty-nine," Leo added. "I wouldn't mind having a cock in my ass as it did it. I like to be fully occupied."

"That sounds good to me!" Ernie and Wolf said simultaneously. We all laughed and then got down to business. I sixty-nined with Leo, s cock was easy to take and easy to deep throat. He was he was into it and was pumping precum. He had no problem with my cock either. I knew he wanted to fuck me, but he was an enthusiastic sucker.

I was on the bottom sucking as I watched Wolf get his cock into position to fuck. Leo pulled his legs up so his hole was open. Ernie rearranged my legs to open my hole. Wolf and Ernie did not exactly coordinate their efforts but they were close. I watched Wolf's cock open and then enter Leo seconds before Ernie entered me. Leo squirted a nice glob of precum as Wolf rammed his prostate. That glob of man juice was enough to relax my ass and let Ernie into me.

The next fifteen minutes was pretty much a sexual haze that ended with a complete exchange of sexual fluids. Remarkably, that was all but simultaneous. Leo and I shot off in our mouths as Ernie and Wolf filled out asses. We all broke apart afterwards, exhausted.

I slept a while in a warm sexual glow. It was clear to me that Leo shared my sexual experiences and feelings. The suspicion that I was just a toy to give sexual pleasure vanished. I did not feel that Ernie was using me; it seemed that his cock was providing a service to my ass. Everything was in balance. There was squirting sperm everywhere, and there was more than enough for everyone to enjoy. I woke us the next morning with Wolf easing his cock into my ass.

He was a mind reader. Our activity woke Ernie. He sucked me as Wolf fucked. We went for a swim after the orgasm and Leo cooked breakfast. After that I screwed Wolf as Leo fucked Ernie, Wolf ate Ernie's cum. We did not completely explore every possible combination of sexual connections, but we came close.

We returned to the other side of the pond and rejoined the group there. Mark was the happiest man in the world by the time we had returned. His sexual explorations had been both extensive and successful. He had drained his balls and exercised his cock. More importantly, he had discovered a new sex organ in his ass.

I had to go home that afternoon. The morning activities were fun, but not as exciting at the previous night's activities with Wolf, Ernie and Leo. Back home things were quiet at the plant and quiet sexually. Robbie was on vacation and that cut into my sex life dramatically. The big event was the annual state inspection of the plant. I wanted everything spic and span and ready. Luckily, I am good about record talking and I had everything in order.

The inspection team consisted of Mr. Neil Benson, who was an older man and a younger man, Joseph Bartlett. He was also just out of school and was an officious know it all. He did not like anything and criticized every detail. He seemed to have memorized the regulations but had no knowledge of a typical plant. I tried to explain how the equipment worked. Some of the things he wanted done were physically impossible. Others would require us to close the plant for weeks to achieve. He did not understand, or did not want to understand. Mr. Benson stayed quiet. The next say Mr. Benson came by the plant alone at 9:00 in the morning. "I need to apologize for you about yesterday's inspection. We had some complaints about Mr. Bartlett and I came along to see if there was a problem. I do not criticize staff in public, but there is a problem. Bartlett passed every exam with flying colors, but he has a difficult personality and limited hands on experience in the field," he explained.

"I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, but he had memorized the regulations without knowing anything about the actual equipment and plants. Many of his interpretations were incorrect and some were outlandish," he continued. "He also seems to possess an adversarial relationship and feels it is more important for him to be right than to correctly interpret the regulations. I have asked the City Manager if we could assign him to work here and learn the ropes." I must have looked shocked.

"That is if it is acceptable with you," he added.

"I'm not sure I could help," I said. "He didn't seem to be very flexible."

"I had a rather firm talk with him last night. He understands the gravity of the situation," Benson said. "He will be flexible."

"Is that a flexible or else situation?" I asked. Benson smiled and said, "No comment."

I agreed to take him on as a trainee. Neil looked resigned to the situation more than willing when he arrived the next morning. He was just short of being sullen. I soon found he had one major problem; he did not like being wet or getting dirty. Neil was not a hands on sort of man. Water purification is not a dirty job by any means, but his fear of touching machinery was a problem. Even worse was his fear of untreated water. He seemed to equate untreated water with poison. Oddly, he was a swimmer, but only in chlorinated pools.

By the end of the day, I suspected his fear was a phobia and not rational. He needed a doctor, not a trainer. Benson called me for a report at the end of the day. Neil did not come back the next day. Three days later Benson brought another trainee to inspect the plant. Jeffrey was an older man who was well over six feet tall and 250 pounds. This was a second career for him; he had been in the Army. He was inexperienced, but rational. Benson wanted him to work with me for a few days so he could understand the work and processes needed for the plant.

The regulations listed required tests and procedures, but did not give any hands-on instructions. Jeffrey was interested and asked intelligent questions. I was 20 years younger than he was, but that did not seem to be a problem. Jeffrey was a big clunky man and he did not look smart. Once he understood the tests and procedures, he became more animated and enthusiastic.

He had been in the army since age 18 and was not academically oriented. He had not been a star student during training, but once he was in the field, it all made sense. Jeffrey wanted to know the typical problems he might encounter. The biggest problems were with skipping tests. I am extremely regular in my habits and had never missed a test. Some had been late, and a few were early. I marked the actual date and time of each test in the logbook.

If the test is listed as taking place on 10:00 on the dot every day, there was a chance the test was not made. Almost no one is that regular. There is a normal variation from day to day and by season. I would get one or two odd readings a week. I made a second test, since there was a better chance of a flawed test, than a major change in the water. I had to be careful when manure was spread on the fields, and I watched for imported manure. This was sludge from big cities. Properly treated, it was safe, but there could be some major inconsistencies. I had heard that some of the sludge companies were connected to organized crime.

If you caught these problems when the first traces appeared in the water, it was fine. If you discovered it later, there were big problems. We could adjust the chemical treatment of the water. Since we had a reservoir, we could also divert the problem water and just use stored water for a week until the situation improved.

All of this made sense to Jeffrey and it made the regulations understandable. The big diseases of the past like cholera and diphtheria still exist. They are just waiting for a failure in the treatment system.

He was staying in a motel for the week. He spent two days with Robbie doing work in the field. They hit it off, since they were closer in age. I went on one of my evening walks and found Jeffrey sitting on the porch of Robbie's house. I soon realized I was interrupting something.

I have terrible gaydar and I had not guessed Jeffrey was a member of the club. He certainly did not look the part. It was soon evident that Jeffrey had poor gaydar too. It took him a while to realize why I was there. Robbie was amused by the situation. Jeffrey got up to leave.

"Andy and I are pals and he comes by to take care of some mutual stress relief," Robbie said. "You know, letting off a little steam, lightening the weight in our balls. We are real open-minded. Would you like to join us?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure I am into that stuff," Jeffrey said. I thought that was a no. Robbie knew better.

"I need to warn you. We aren't into romance, it just messing around and having fun," Robbie explained. He looked Jeffrey in the eye. "I have a feeling you are up tight and could use some fun?"

"You are right about that," Jeffrey said. Even I knew that was a yes. "I could use a little relaxation."

"Let's go inside and see what happens," Robbie said. We went into his house and to his bedroom.

"I need to warn you that I am hoping that there won't be a drop of man seed in our balls when you leave here tonight," Robbie added. We stripped and Jeffrey went right for Robbie's cock. Robbie was built like a brick, but a masculine brick. Robbie got Jeffrey to lie on his back on the bed. We shared Jeffrey's cock and I sucked Robbie when he was sucking. Robbie did the same for me. I worked on Jeffrey's uncut cock. It was thick and a bit over six-inches long. He had been oozing for a while, trapping his man goo in his foreskin. I liked it. His boated cockhead was sensitive, and he was responsive. Jeffrey was the strong, silent type, but his cock head was not.

"Do you need to catch your breath?" Ronnie asked.

"That might be good," Jeffrey said. "I'm a little dizzy." We broke apart.

"Are you enjoying it?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah, it's good," Jeffrey said. "It seems strange."

"What is strange?"

"Well, being with two guys is new to me," Jeffrey said. "I'm kind of expecting someone the break in on us and arrest us."

"For a long while all sex for me was quickies in a park or restroom," Robbie said. "It took me a while to get used to having time. I could go from zero to sixty and then shoo off in record time. Now I like the long build up to the orgasm, the longer the better."

"I like getting a blow job, but I've never given one in return," Jeffrey said a bit sheepishly. "One guy took my cum. That was really good. Most guys got pissed when I shot off."

"The secret to cock sucking if finding a man you want to suck. It is a bit flattering when someone wants to sample your man seed," Robbie explained. "Andy likes mine and I like to give it to him. You just let nature take its course."

"Do you take his?" Jeffrey asked.

"I've done it a few times. He likes mine a lot," Robbie said. "Andy can shoot off several times, so he can feed a group if he is so inclined." Jeffrey looked at me. I could tell what he wanted. "Andy likes it in the ass too."

"Robbie, you are giving away all my secrets," I said.

"I think Jeffrey still has his training wheels on. I am just telling him the ground rules," Robbie said. "I like to suck and fuck. I have a strong suspicion that I would not mind a mouthful of Jeffrey's special brew too. I'm not promising that, it is just a suspicion." I had returned to sucking Jeffrey's cock. When Robbie said that there was a spurt of precum.

"Damn, I almost shot off," Jeffrey said.

Robbie smiled. "That is the objective of this night's entertainment." It did not take that long for Jeffery to relax and get into the swing of things. He may have been shy and inexperienced, but he was responsive. He seemed to like everything.

I had the feeling Jeffrey had never experienced full-throttle sex. He had always been limited by time and place. He was not into effeminate men. Robbie and to a lesser extent I were the sort of men he wanted. Robbie and I were sexually generous and willing to do what he wanted.

Jeffrey had big balls that were filled to over flowing. While had had never been in a threesome before, there was more than enough sperm for both of us and his recharge time was short. In one case, it couldn't have been more than ten minutes.

I took his first load. He built up his nerve and began to suck Robbie. When he was sucking Robbie, I took care of him. I think sucking Ronnie was a big turn on for him if his steady flow of precum was any indicator. When he shot off, I took the load. Ronnie said he wanted to do some clean up, so he sucked Jeffrey's semi-hard cock. Jeffrey popped a second time. Ronnie had to swallow twice. After an hour and a half of play, the party broke up.

The next morning around ten, I had a bad test. I redid it and the second test was worse. I called the Director of Public Works who was out of the office at a seminar. I then called the City Manager and the State. I closed the fresh water inlets to the system. Jeffrey did continuous testing, as I called officials.

The problem wasn't organic, like sludge or manure; it was chemical. There was a trace of something at 10:00, more at 10:20 and much more at 11:00. Clearly, something was pouring or leaking into the river. Jeffrey had participated in a mock chemical spill exercise at school. He knew what to do and had some thoughts as to the chemicals.

Jeffrey was a happy man. To go from being a soldier in battle to an environmental quality inspector is a major change. In one instant, his new job became relevant and important. He was no longer just a pencil pusher. Jeffrey had a good memory, and when he encountered a situation that required it, he was ready.

He had memorize a list of the most likely chemicals to be spilled. We were able quickly eliminate the petroleum based chemicals, and manure. We then had a smaller group of suspect chemicals. The City Manager and Robbie knew the local possible sources of contaminants well. When we described the situation, Robbie exclaimed, "The fucking Smith Brothers!"

The Smith Brothers had been trash men, but now listed themselves as Hazardous Waste Disposal Experts. They had been in trouble for taking shortcuts before. They were supposed to be packaging wastes to be sent to official hazardous waste disposal sites. The manager and police went to see the Smith Brothers taking Jeffrey with them.

An hour later, they found the dumpsite and identified the chemicals. Our fire department had some chemical clean up skills. They stopped the flow into the river. Later that day the State crews arrived on the scene and began the clean-up process.

The Smith Brothers were not particularly careful and they often used temporary labor. The labor was untrained and a portion was not English speaking. The warning signs on barrels of waste meant nothing to them. A foreman told them to empty a room and then left. The men thought empty was to empty the barrels, not empty the room. They just dumped barrels of toxic waste. Two of the workers had to be sent to the hospital for chemical burns.

We acted quickly enough to avoid a major incident. I was covered in glory again, and Jeffrey shared in the praise. Mr. Benson was happy and Jeffrey had proved himself.

A few days later Jeffrey came by my house after work. "I have something I want to talk to you about," he said. "It's kind of embarrassing and personal."

"Go ahead and tell me the problem," I said.

"I had a real good time with you and Robbie the other day," he said. "I thought it was good, but when I got home I figured it was close to being the best time I ever had. Was it that good for you and Robbie? I had never done a lot of that stuff before. I don't know if I was doing it right. You guys are nice and I was thinking you were just being polite."

"You don't need to worry about that, you were fine. Sex is mostly natural and it doesn't require any special skills," I said. "You are a nice guy, and your cock can make friends easily. Let me tell you, Robbie isn't much of a cum eater. He took yours and he liked it. That is rare. He wanted your seed."

"Do I have to take his?"

"Nope, that is not a requirement," I said. "I think it is best of you both give and take, but that is in general. It is not a tit-for-tat thing. Some men are suckers; others are fuckers. You don't need to do it all."

"I think I would like to fuck a guy," he said. "I'm not sure I would like to be fucked."

"Is there anyone you like so much, you would consider taking his cock in your ass?"

Jeffrey looked at me for a few seconds. "I'd be willing to take Ronnie's cock," he said. "Some things might take some practice. Sucking was okay. Actually, it was more than okay. I might be able to take some sperm. I'm not sure. I am pretty sure I would like to fuck."

"Maybe I could help you out," I said. "We could practice and try out some things." Jeffrey looked relieved.

Next: Chapter 6

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