My Year Off

Published on Oct 7, 2014


My Year Off 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Joe and Jackson hit it off. I was essentially an observer as they frolicked. I would not have thought that was good, but I enjoyed watching and helping from time to time. I was nice to see them enjoying it so much. Joe was an enthusiastic man, but Jackson tended to hold back. He lost it when Jackson had three or four inches of his cock safely lodged in his ass. It must have been a perfect fit.

Jackson was moaning and twitching as Joe worked his magic. He knew it was good too, and he played Jackson like a violin. Given the intensity of their sexual coupling, I was surprised to see how long they lasted. Joe seemed to know when he needed to slow down and let Jackson get his bearings.

This surprised me too. Joe was an aggressive fucker. Sometimes he seemed frenzied as he pounded Jackson's hole, yet he was always in control. Not only was he in control of his own cock, he seemed to be very much in control of Jackson. The sex was so intense Jackson was out of it most of the time.

Joe like to edge. He told me during a lull, that if his playmate popped, the intensity of the feeling diminished. "I may still be fully loaded and hard as a rock, but once my playmates shoots something is missing," he said. "Technically his ass is the same, but it feels different. Knowing that his balls are full and desperate to get out of their tight confines excites me."

"What about your own balls?" I asked.

"I like them over filled and building up a head of steam," he replied. "One pal told me it feels like a fire hose going off in his ass. When he felt it, he shot off. He told me it was the best orgasm he had ever felt. That had only happened a few times, but it was great. It was me, his ass and a flood of sperm that did the trick." He looked at me. "Do you eat the stuff?"

"Sometimes when I'm excited," I replied.

"I like that. When I go to the trouble to make the stuff and then get all hot and bothered to shoot it, it's nice when a guy appreciates it," he said.

"Do all of your pals take it in the ass?"

Some do and some don't," he said.

"Does it bother you when they don't," I asked.

"I figure I'm a guest in his ass. I need to be polite and do what he wants," Joe said. "I bottom once and a while. I hate it when I guy ignores me. Sometimes they treat me as an inanimate tool, not as a man." He looked at Jackson. "Are you ready for more?"

Jackson nodded and Joe's cock slid into his ass effortlessly. Fifteen minutes later the shared a joint orgasm. It was beautiful.

On the drive back home, Jackson asked me if he had made a fool of himself.

"Not at all. You and Joe hit it off. It was nice," I said.

"Did you watch the whole thing?" he asked. I knew he had been out of it, but hadn't realized how out of it.

"I sure did. Joe's a handsome man, and you were looking good," I said. "You both enjoyed it so much, how you could not enjoy watching?" We talked a little longer and then I left him at his house.

I had a quiet week at work. Nothing broke and nothing unexpected turned up. Several reports were due to the Department of Environmental Quality. They were time consuming but not demanding. My parents dropped by for two days and they went off on a trip to Arizona and the South West. They would be gone a month and a half. They asked me to keep an eye on the camp. That was not a problem.

The camp was on a small lake or more correctly a pond. There were only six camps on it. My parents were the youngest of the residents. Only two camps were occupied, everyone else was too old or occupied to visit this year. There had been ten of fifteen kids on the lake when I was young. Not it was quiet and peaceful.

I drove out Friday night to see how thing were the weekend after my parents left. I assumed everything was fine, but it was always possible something was left on, or there was something in the refrigerator. All was well. My mother and dad were good about that sort of thing.

The lake was awash in wildlife and mountain flora. I had been interested in that as a kid and my interest rekindled. I was sitting on the lawn facing the lake when a canoe came up.

"Hello!" a man called. "Are you new here?" he asked.

"Sort of, sort of not. I used to come here as a kid. My folks are away and I was checking the house for them. I'm Andy Smith." The man pulled his canoe out of the water and came over to me.

"I'm Teddy Miller," he said. "I bought the Casson house on the other side of the pond. They said you might come by. They asked me to keep an eye on the place. It is secluded here." Teddy was forty-five or so. He was well groomed and preppy looking. I had brought a six-pack with me and offered him a beer. We sat down and talked. He was an insurance agent from a town 50 miles to the north.

He told me that we were the only ones on the lake this weekend. The only other resident was off at a wedding in Georgia. They would be away for two weeks.

"You will have the lake to yourself," I said.

"Some friends and coming tomorrow, so I won't be lonely," he said. Teddy rearranged his balls in his shorts. Somehow, when he was done, they were more evident than before. I made a few adjustments in my crotch area. Teddy smiled.

"I'd ask you to join us, but it might not be the sort of thing you are into," he said. "We are all old guys. There is no one your age coming." He scratched his balls again.

"Don't worry, I'm planning a quiet weekend," I said. "I can entertain myself."

"We can all entertain ourselves. Sometimes it fun to entertain each other," he said he said with a smile. "I need to warn you. Some of my pals like to skinny dip."

It was my turn to smile. "I'll try to bear up. I think I see a naked man every time I take a shower," I said. "I won't be shocked." We talked a little longer and Teddy returned to his house in the canoe.

I slept well that night in the cool mountain air. I also got up in the middle of the night and looked at the star filled sky. There was no man made light and it was perfectly clear. Trees made it had to see the stars to the south, but the lake was to the north and it was spectacular. It was cold the next morning, but warmed up quickly.

I took our canoe around the lake. I soon discovered that I was out of shape. I hadn't paddled in years. I enjoyed it but I was sore. Teddy saw me and waved at me. "Come on in, and I'll show you what I have done to the house. I did, primarily because I needed a rest.

He had all but rebuilt the Casson house. It had been a rustic camp. From the outside, it still looked rustic. Inside it was very nice, not quite luxurious, but distinctly up-scale. We were talking in the kitchen when two naked men joined us.

"You have company!" one man said. "I think we are under dressed! Are you one of Teddy's new friends?"

"I don't mind a casual dress code," I said. "I am a neighbor and just met Teddy last night. There is a good chance we could become friends."

"My naked friends are Al and Leo DeLuca," Teddy said. "This is Andy, the son of the Smiths who live on the other side of the lake. Al and Leo are not as shy as they might be. They are brothers and the owner and chef of the Roma Restaurant in town." Both men were olive skinned, hairy men. Leo was short, bald and bearded; Al was tall, bald and more bearded. Both men were beefy, but not fat. Beefy, fat and uncut described their cocks.

"My parents have mentioned the Roma. They go there when they want real Italian food," I said. "You certainly look like you are real Italians." I had more than just glanced at their genitals. They did not seem to mind that at all. I did not want to overstay my welcome. "I have some Pop Tarts waiting for me on the other side of the lake, so I'd better get along.

When I said the words "Pop Tarts" Al and Leo had a look of absolute horror on their faces. It was as if I had said an obscenity in front of a group of nuns.

"I'm making breakfast. You will stay and have a real breakfast," Leo said. It was an order. I stayed.

"Maybe we should dress," Al said.

"No need to do that, I like the scenery," I said.

"We are old men," Leo said.

"You look good to me," I replied. Breakfast was good. It was an all-American feast with bacon, eggs, muffins and fruit. They ran an upscale Italian restaurant, but opened for breakfast to serve the locals. Leo explained that the breakfast brought people in, and they came back for special event dinners. My parents thought the food was expensive, but worth it.

It was clear that the get together was going to be gay and mostly naked. Leo felt me out under the table. I assumed it was not going to be platonic. Teddy took me aside when Leo and Al were doing the dishes.

"We would love to have you join us this afternoon. I assume you have figured out the basics," Teddy said. "You don't seem to be the shy type. No one who is coming is exactly a blushing virgin, and most can't remember their virgin days."

"I'm a bit new to the scene, but the virgin problem is settled and in my past," I said. "I like sex with men a lot."

"Liking man sex is an understatement for most of my guests," Teddy said. "That goes for me too. The first time the men came over it was mostly oral. Do you have a problem with anal?"

I smiled. "I think of anal as an opportunity not a problem."

Teddy laughed. "A new top would be exciting for the men. If you entertain on the back porch, that would be even better. There will be ten or twelve guys here." He paused. "No one is shy and it tends to be open. Is that a problem?"

"I've done threesomes. I like that a lot." I said. I went back to my camp to lock it up and returned to Teddy's place just before lunch.

Several men had arrived. They were on the lawn, naked or wearing speedos. The lots on the lake were big and wooded. You could not see from camp to neighboring camp. My camp was barely visible on the other side of the lake.

Teddy was in the house but Al introduced me to the other guests. There was one man under forty, Rob. He was muscular and had a crew cut. I suspected he was a military man. He was with an older man named Henry. Henry was in his fifties and looked like a former football player who no longer worked out. Rob wore a speedo; Henry was nude and adjusted his equipment when we met.

I met Ernie, a tall, thin, very hairy plumber, and Wolf, a biker type who was a building contractor. I went to the house and saw Teddy. He was with Leo making lunch. He said if I wanted to dress more appropriately, I could leave my clothes in the den. I did as he asked and rejoined the men on the lawn.

I do not get out in the sun much. Ernie and Rob had suntan lotion and were nice and thorough about making sure I was covered. Rob has discarded his speedo. His ass wasn't tanned like the rest of his body. Ernie and I helped him with that.

Three men arrived just before lunch, Oliver, Jules and Mark. Oliver and Jules were older men. They seemed to like the bearded woodsman look. Mark was the youngest man at the party, except for me. We had a spectacular lunch. It was just sandwiches and salads, but Leo had a knack for making simple food exceptional.

I sat with Jules and Rob. Jules was an interior decorator from Syracuse. He had done Teddy's house. While he was well equipped, he referred to his genitals as still life. Jules did mention his ass still worked. He was open in his conversation and not shy. He told us that everyone else's equipment was in full working order. He looked at Rob. "I see you can take care of yourself. Andy, I suspect you are a polite boy, and tend to be nice to your elders," Jules said. "Everyone would love to have some fun with you. You can pick and choose anyone you want. You have as much fun as you want. No one will complain."

"Is this going to be an orgy?" I asked.

"I don't think that is exactly the right word," Jules said. "It is an afternoon at the lake with potential. There is beautiful scenery, lots of fresh air, good conversation and good food. Most of the men here are old friends and longtime partners."

"No cheating allowed?" Rob asked.

"It is a chance to have some variety. You can enjoy an interlude with other men as long as it is open and in plain sight. When my partner was alive, he loved it. He liked to spread his wings and have some fun with new men," Jules said.

"Did that bother you?" I asked.

"The first time we came here it was worrisome," Jules said. "When we got home we had the best sex we had had in years. It was wild." he paused. "I would hate to sound like a slut, but fucking him with another man's sperm in his ass was a real turn on."

"Did he discover any surprises in your ass?" Rob asked.

"He thought I was all oral in my tastes. Teddy had cured me of that problem," Jules said. "My partner liked Teddy a lot and I told him Teddy semen lubricated my love tunnel. That excited him."

Teddy came over and joined us. "Is Jules giving you his advice to the lovelorn?" he asked. "Don't believe anything he says." Jules laughed and we chatted for a while. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. Jules and Rob went off to talk with friends.

"I hope you understand this is a party, not an orgy," Teddy said. "I don't discourage anyone from having fun, but it's not required. Everyone does his own thing. This is your first time here. The men are curious and want to be friendly."

"I don't feel pressured," I replied. Ernie, Oliver, Wolf and Mark were in the lake now; I joined them and played in the water. The water was warm by local standards. Wolf and Ernie were good swimmers. Oliver and Mark played in the water with me. Oliver was the first man to feel me out.

Mark worked at the local hardware store. He was thirtyish, tall, somewhat hairy and dumpy looking. He had a look of a man who spent a lot of time playing computer games. He was not sophisticated or shy. He came over to us and felt us both out. Finding Oliver' hand on my balls didn't bother him at all.

"I'm new here," Mark said. "My balls are loaded to the brim. What are the ground rules? Do I go in the bushes and see who joins me?"

Oliver and I had checked out his equipment. It was on the high side of average and rock hard.

"There is no need to hide in the bushes," Oliver said. "No one will bother you. They will watch, but not interfere. We ae all members of the same fraternity."

"I fucked a guy once. It was great," Mark said. "Is anyone here willing to take it?"

Oliver laughed. "As far as I can tell everyone is willing; most would be eager to help you out," he said. "Do you bottom?"

Mark blushed. "I've done it. I was the student manager for the football team," he said. "It wasn't very good. It was better than nothing." Ernie swam over to us.

"Are you guys solving the problems of the world?" he asked.

"My new friends here have fully loaded balls and want to know where to drain them," Oliver said. "They wanted to know the ground rules. Mark wants to fuck."

"I have great news for you guys; this is your lucky day!" Ernie cried. "I am ready, willing and able to meet your needs. In fact, I would bet that every man here is willing to help you out."

"They would let me fuck them?" Mark asked.

"Oh yes," Ernie said. "As Dorothy said, "I don't think we are in Kansas anymore. By the way, I lubricated my ass earlier. I am ready!"

We got out of the water. Oliver had a blanket. Ernie and Mark worked things out. My cock and Oliver's tonsils had a good time. Mark's cock fit Ernie's ass and Oliver enjoyed me.

Mark liked making deep strokes, pulling all the way out and then shoving it in deep. Ernie liked that, but it provided good viewing for the other men. Keeping the cock lodged deep in the ass may feel good, but it is not much to look at. Several men came over to take a closer look. Mark discovered he enjoyed being a star and having an audience. He was well equipped, but not overly so. There were a number of men willing to try it on for size.

Mark told me later that he had only done it with the lights on once or twice. He was terrified of being caught. It was liberating to do it openly. Ernie had been a revelation too. "It was almost as if his ass was kissing my knob!" Mark said. "I had never been with a man that hairy. I didn't expect his hairy hole. That hole just opened wide and swallowed my cock. He loved it."

Oliver was what is technically is called an old codger. He was a Polar Bear too, but the codger aspect was dominant. He would never be used as a model for Santa on a Christmas card. He was a good man and well liked. I was nice to him and that seemed to get me points.

The Italian Brothers came over to thank me. They were gay, but did not play with each other. They were affectionate together, but they stopped short of genital involvement. Al sucked me as I sucked Leo and that seems to hit the spot for them. They found threesomes and foursomes attractive.

They were good cooks and gourmets. I had the feeling Al thought my cock was a rare dish and he wanted to savor it. Leo had an impressive cock if you like them thick, but it was the special sauce that made it special. They were both outgoing and generous men. We switched around and I sucked Al as his bother took care of me. Leo's cock juices were plentiful and rich.

Al liked sucking my balls and rimmed my hole too. Most of the men were watching Mark and Ernie, so we were sort of private. Al spread my legs and nudged his knob onto my ass. It slipped in easily. I wanted it so much I forgot to tell him I wasn't into being fucked right them.

"Damn Leo, he is tight but it's smooth as silk in him," Al whispered. That was when Leo popped. He flooded my mouth with his Italian sperm. I sucked it up until he stopped ejaculating. Leo pulled away. Al bent over and kissed me. When he tasted his brother's sperm in my mouth, I felt him squirting into my ass. He was intensely excited. So was I. Somehow, I knew that later that weekend, Leo would be unloading in my ass as he ate Al's sperm from my mouth.

Next: Chapter 5

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