My Year Off

Published on Sep 17, 2014


My Year Off 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Kenny was good. He was a nice combination of being sexually driven and gentle. He liked young men, but had passed his sell by day. Young men were hard to come by. He also wanted to have me come back for more. He didn't want to shoot his wad and never see me again.

Kenny was also experienced and had developed some techniques to open a new hole. I was the beneficiary of all of his experience. He started rimming and then moved on to finger fucking. One finger on my prostate was good, but two were even better.

He massaged, caressed and squeezed the little gland until I was dizzy with pleasure. While I focused on my prostate, he was focused on relaxing my sphincter and stretching it open. He told me later he was trying to retrain my sphincter to serve as the entrance to my sex organs and not just the exit for my intestines.

Like being fingered. He told me the cock was better. "Your cock is a blunt instrument. There are no fingernails. It's the perfect ram for you magic nut," he said. Kenny did the final retraining of my sphincter with his cock head. He used a lot of lube and he took his time. After gently massaging my sphincter, he then made a single, harder thrust and he was in.

A few seconds later, I realized the thickest part of his cock was rubbing my prostate. I did not exactly pass out, but I was out of it for a while. Kenny seemed to know that and he rubbed the same good spots repeatedly. I had no idea anything could feel that good. Kenny seemed to know that and he was pumping away as I moaned.

Cocks can't talk, but Kenny knew what I was feeling and I could sense his pleasure. I had no idea how long he was in me. He pulled out and flopped me over. He slipped his tool in me again and all was well. He finally shot off and pulled out.

"I can shoot three or four times," he whispered. "Are you okay?"

I managed to say that all was well. He rolled me on my side and worked his cock in me again. While he was not fully erect, he certainly was erect enough. Kenny put his arm around me and began gently to pulse his member. As his cock expanded to full size, a warm feeling swept over me. I raised my leg to open my ass more. This shifted my prostate to a more exposed position.

Kenny moved a little so that every movement of his thick cock affected my prostate. He was massaging it with his bloated organ. While it was all gentle and relaxed, once and a while he would make a hard thrust and ram the gland with his bloated cock. "I like to remind a guy he's being fucked," he remarked.

I don't know how long he did this. He shot off a second time. He pulled out and slipped down on the bed. A little later, he had two fingers in my ass and my cock in his mouth. He worked me for about fifteen minutes and I shot off in his mouth. He took every drop.

Kenny got up. He looked at me, he bent over and kissed my with his sperm filled mouth. I had never tasted my own cream in another man's mouth. As he did that, he pushed his cock into me again.

It was welcome. I wanted to be filled again. By now, I trusted him and was comfortable with whatever he wanted. Later we took a shower and cleaned up. I sucked him and he shot off again, this time in my mouth.

He looked at me and smiled. "The pause that refreshes?" he remarked.

"Damn that was good," I said.

"Once and a while everything works out just right," Kenny said. "It has always seemed odd to me that I can shove my cock up a guy's ass and say it was beautiful. It seems improbable, but that what just happened. I wanted you so bad and I was sure I would fuck it up somehow. It was perfect."

"It was good for me too," I said. "I didn't expect that. I didn't expect it at all."

"I know you did this because you were horny and you are naturally polite to old guys," Kenny said. "I'd like to be a pal and a friend, but it will never be any more than that. You need to find someone who is younger and smarter. It was good for me and I appreciate it. If you need to get your rocks off drop by, but I know there are other guys who are more than willing to do that for you." We talked a little longer, and I went home feeling good.

My parents came back for a week. The newspaper had a story about my efforts to keep the plant safe during the outage. The town manager placed the story to remind the public what it takes to keep the place running. I was careful to give credit to all, including Kenny and the Waste Water treatment people. The town council had a little thank you event and my parents attended. Kenny was there with his brother and his elderly mother. Recognition does not come to electricians often and his mother was aglow. She was 96 years old.

When my parents left, I went walking to Robbie's house. He was on the porch as usual. He was with a young guy. Robbie waved me over.

"Andy, I want you to meet my nephew Bob," he said. We shook hands. Bob was a thinner, taller version of his uncle, but they looked quite a bit alike. Robbie told me that Bob had been working and was thinking about getting a degree.

"I was damn proud of being a screw up in high school. I just barely made it out of school, but that wasn't the best path to success I could have chosen. I'm a good carpenter, but I think I want more," Bob explained. He seemed like a nice guy. We talked and I did take a quick look at his basket. It looked as if his endowment was similar to his Uncle Robbie. It was late and Bob offered me a ride home.

"Are you a friend or playmate of Uncle Robbie's?" he asked as soon as we were in the car.

"You need to talk to him about that," I said.

"I'm cool with my Uncle's lifestyle, and I share it. Nobody knows that, but we are a lot alike," he said. "I noticed you checking me out. I'm horny as shit."

"Maybe you would like to come in the house and have a drink?" I said.

"Hot damn!" Bob replied. Bob wasn't interested in a drink. We went to my bedroom right away.

"Uncle Robbie and I have never done anything sexual, but he's been helpful to me. I tend to be horny most of the time and he gave me some helpful hints on how to deal with it. I tried to use large amounts of beer as a gay conversion therapy. That wasn't a success," he explained. "He told me you can be a man and gay at the same time," he explained. "He also told me that for him sex was the best part of being gay. If I wanted sex with men jump in with both feet, don't pussyfoot around it. That just leaves you frustrated."

"You've take his advice?" I asked.

"If you are interested I'm ready to take the plunge," he said. "Is anything off limits for you? I like it all!" He had brought a small knapsack with him. He opened it and it had lube and condoms. I dropped to my knees and began sucking his semi erect cock. It was a beauty.

I almost got whiplash he became hard so fast. We were soon on the bed, linked cock to mouth. "Do you want me to warn you when I'm about to shoot?" he asked. "Some guy don't like ball juice."

"That would be nice," I said. "I take it, but it's nice to get prepared. Are you close?"

"I sure am, but the sex isn't over when I shoot. A pal of mine says I have a quick reloading time. Three or four orgasms are usual when I'm excited," he said.

"Are you exited now?" I asked. He swallowed my entire cock in answer. His cock was too big for me to reciprocate, but I worked on his knob to great effect. He oozed a lot like his Uncle. That excited me. I soon had a mouthful of his spunk.

I loved it. I kissed him and he ate is cum form my mouth. "It was still fucking hot!" he said, adding, "Can you fuck me; I need something in my ass." He rolled on his back and held up his legs. I had some oil and fingered his ass. He had no problem with that at all. I them lubricated my cock and poked it at his ass.

"Push hard!" he ordered. "Get it in me!" There was a brief tightness at his sphincter but then he opened wide. When my pubic hair touched his ass, he clamped tight. Bob had buns of steel and gripped my tool. We had a nice little tug-of-war as he tried to control my slick cock with his sphincter muscle. It was good for both of us.

By them Bob was fully erect again. I lubricated his cock. Pulling out of him, I straddled his organ and sat on it. The monster tool hurt for a few brief moment as I impaled myself. I was winded and we were still.

It was silent for a few moments. "Damn, Uncle Robbie can pic'em," Bob moaned.

"You must think I'm trashy," I said.

"Shit no. I hate pussyfooting around making small talk when I really want to fuck," he said. "I like to meet a guy, get naked, fuck like rabbits and then get to know him after I have a load of his sperm in my ass. Have you taken Uncle Robbie's cock?"

"No," I replied.

"You want it, don't you?" he asked. I nodded. "My cock is like his. You just relax and get used to it. Wiggle your ass a little and get comfortable. I like to fuck like a runaway locomotive but you need to relax and open a little wider. I want to dump a pint or two of my man cream in you. I take it you won't mind?"

"No, not at all, I want it."

"I'll take your cum later," he added. "I like it fresh from the spigot." With that comment, my body relaxed, it was almost as if I had melted on his cock. Bob was very aggressive and strong. He was also considerate and fair. He indeed fucked me like a runaway locomotive and he shot off in my ass.

He pulled out of me and rested for a minute or two, than he began to make love to my cock. He was tender, gentle and incredibly erotic. Eventually he took every drop on my seed.

"I'm tired," I said.

"Roll on your side and I'll fuck you to sleep," he said. He was hard again. I rolled on my side; he lubricated his cock. He pushed it in deeply.

"Just think of me as an overnight guest in the back bedroom. Forget I am here," he said. I was so tired I must have dozed off. His cock was long, so when he was soft it still felt good. I woke up once when I felt him ejaculating.

At one in the morning, he pulled out. "I have to get home. I have to be at work by seven," he said. "This has been really good!" he dressed and left. I had some wonderful dreams after he left. Next week's work was ordinary and conventional. I know some would say it was boring, but that was fine with me. Excitement is good only in small doses.

Robbie was away. The town had a mutual assistance arrangement with several other towns and cities. A town near Syracuse had an oil spill near their water intake and Robbie went off to do cleanup.

I saw Kenny at the town park at a band concert at the Summer House. He was talking with another man. I waved at him and he waved back.

After it was over, I ran into them as I walked home. "Andy, this is my pal, Jackson," he said. "He's the organist at St. Edwards." We shook hands. Jackson didn't have the firmest handshake I had encountered. He also seemed nervous. When I got to my house, I asked them in for a cool drink, I was just being polite, but they took me up on the offer.

Jackson seemed to relax once he was in the house. He was a few years older than I was and was tall and thin. Kenny said Jackson was new in town and they had just struck up a conversation. Oddly, Kenny liked organ music, especially Bach. He had gone to an organ concert that he thought was going to be gospel music. It was all Bach and Kenny love it when the organ was going full blast. He went off to the toilet leaving Jackson and me alone.

"He said you were friends. Is he okay?" Jackson asked.

"He looks a little like an old reprobate, but he a nice guy and smart too," I said.

"Have you been . . . You know . . . ?" he asked. "Close to him? I've never done anything with an old guy," Jackson asked.

I leaned close to him. "We connected once. It was good. It depends on your tastes. He has a beer can, thick and stubby," I said. "It was good for me."

"He's a fucker?" Jackson asked.

"He likes it all, as do I," I replied. Jackson smiled and Kenny returned to the room.

"Andy, I need to apologize to you. I sort of told Jackson we had some fun. I was hoping we all might play together, but that was without having any idea if you were in the mood," he said. "As you know, I am always in the mood, and poor Jackson let me know he been in a drought since he came to town." He began unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt, exposing his pelt.

"Maybe we should get more comfortable," I said. "My bedroom is up stairs. Would you like to see the rest of the house?" I got ups and they followed me. It wasn't a sophisticated invitation, but it worked. Robbie's nephew Bob was not the only one who like to have sex first and then get to know his playmates.

Jackson was no shrinking violet sexually, but he was stranded here and didn't know anyone. It is hard to get to know people in a small town. Most people there made their friends in grade school. Jackson was an otter, hairy and thin. He had been moving in twink circles and had shaved his body at one time. He was not what the twinks wanted, but he had a long tool and liked to use it. For most gay men, size trumps most personal preferences.

Kenny and I both like masculine men and a hairy body was good. Jackson relaxed greatly when he discovered that we like the whole package, not just his tool. He was also ready, willing and able to do it all. I was sucking his cock as Kenny rear-ended him. If spurting ball juices are any indication, it was a success.

Jackson said he had a cock shaped like an ice teaspoon. It was long, thin and had a bulbous termination. That was good down my throat and up my ass. Kenny liked it in his behind. We all had a good time. I realized it had been good because it was casual. It was getting your rocks off rather than finding true love. We all had a no strings attach sexual interlude, without emotional overtones.

Kenny, Bob and Jackson had provided good experiences. In casual sexual playmates being willing is often more important than any other characteristic. They were all willing, but they were also nice men. The excitement of a first sexual connection is exciting, and I had been afraid that after repeated interludes the sex would lose its appeal. I was wrong about that. The more we did it, the better it became. Robbie came back with a bad cold, so we did not connect for a week.

Jackson's church was three blocks from my house and I ran into him several days later. He wanted to talk. "Kenny isn't really my type," he said. "I was embarrassed to be with him. He said he had other friends who would like me."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I did, Actually, I enjoyed it a lot," he said. "I didn't expect it, but I did."

I smiled. "Kenny is sexually generous. You are a good-looking man, but you are no male model. I enjoyed him too. He told me he wasn't after love, he was after fun," I said. "I'd give it a try."

"I'm a little afraid to meet guys alone," he said. "Would you come with me?"

"Well, I should say no, but I'm afraid I would depending on my schedule," I said.

"One of his friend wants to meet me tomorrow night," Jackson said. I agreed to go with him.

After dinner the next day, Jackson picked me up and we drove four of five miles into the woods. We met the man at a hunting cabin. It was a nice cabin, but it was quite dark inside. "I'm Joe, you are Jackson and Andy?" he said. "Kenny thinks you are good guys. I hope you don't mind if we get down to business. I am hot to trot." He was taking his shirt off as he talked.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I realized the man was Joe Carter. He was a Boy Scout leader and environmentalist. He owned a motel and restaurant, but he was usually exploring the river and promoting good causes. His wife had dies several years earlier. I was never in the scouts, but my parents though highly of him. He was about sixty, thin and had a runners' build.

Jackson was immediately attracted to him. He was Kenny's age, but didn't have a bear-like figure. I didn't get a chance to see his genitals. They were in Jackson's mouth. I went over to them. "Jackson is a self-starter," I said. "I hope there is some left for me."

Joe smiled. "I use to be able to shoot off several times. We can see what happens," he said. "I hate making a mess. Do you men take the cream?"

"I do. I assume Jackson does too," I said.

"Kenny introduced me to this a few years ago. I didn't think I would like it, but I was wrong," Joe said. "It was nice to have fun with someone who didn't want to marry me. Being a 58 year old widower is a trip; all of a sudden you are fresh meat!"

Jackson stood up. I thing he needed some fresh air. I was ready to take my turn, but Joe sank to the floor and sampled both of us.

"I am so turned on." Jackson exclaimed.

"That's why we are here," Joe said. He did a good job of doing us both.

"What are you into?" Jackson asked.

Joe looked up from our cocks. "I like it all. I know we have just men, but I love to fuck. That may be too much for a first meeting," he said. "It's a bit of a stretch to meet some guy and then shove your cock up his ass a few minutes later." He stood and I went down to suck him. He had a nice one. It was a bit on the high side of average and it was rock hard. I tasted his cock ooze; it was sweet and plentiful.

"I don't like the shoving part," Jackson said. "Now if you were to ease it in, that is a different story." Jackson had seemed shy and reserved with Kenny. Joe was more attractive.

"You like it in the ass?" Joe asked.

"I don't like it that much, but I think I would like yours," Jackson said.

"I need to warn you. When I'm in an ass it hard for me to control myself. I shoot a big load and it's can be messy," Joe said.

"How long does it take for you to pop?" Jackson asked.

"It doesn't take long, but I stay hard after the fireworks," Joe said. "I like to churn it up."

Next: Chapter 4

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