My Year Off

Published on Sep 2, 2014


My Year Off. 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Malcom was a good-looking man. You could tell he worked out regularly and kept in shape. He did not recognize me. I had last seen him in the school hall four years earlier. I had a late growth spurt in my first years of college.

The phone rang. It was Whitey. He was going to be fifteen or twenty minutes late and told us to get things underway.

"Why don't we get more comfortable? I converted my garage into a rec room," Mac said. He was a coach and his suggestions were orders. He was a natural leader of men and we went to the rec room. It had both lounge furniture and work out equipment. It also had a shower in the corner.

"Andy, Whitey told me you were new to the scene. Has it been a good experience?" Mac asked.

"It has. It took a little while to relax and get into it," I said. "I started from scratch." Mac undressed and he was better looking naked than dressed. He was in really good shape.

"Whitey told me you were inexperienced," Mac said. "He said your ass was still virgin."

"Does that interest you?" I asked.

"Let me be straight with you. I don't want to give you the wrong idea and have you thinking I'm tricking you. I sure would love to fuck you; I love to fuck!" he replied. "I've opened a few asses for the first time and it had been good for me and my playmates. Being the first is a big turn on for me. It all depends on what you want. Some men are waiting for Mr. Right to do the honors. Fucking isn't as sure-fire pleasurable as sucking. It takes some skill and care to open an ass for the first time. It may be better to try it with a man you aren't attached too. If it is bad, it doesn't ruin a relationship."

"You are a coach. I assume you are many guys' dream date?" I remarked.

"I never do anything with anyone on my team," he said. "If word got out it would ruin my life and theirs too. I like young men who are full grown. I'm not into boys. A nice stand of hair on the chest turns me on. Whitey knows that and that is why you are here." He was naked now and I could see he had a long, but comparatively thin cock. He was uncut. He noticed me looking.

"You would definitely know it if I get in you, but you wouldn't be over stretched," he said. "Whitey's meat is shorter than mine, but much fatter. That can be hard on your hole. Robbie's is a monster. It can be good, but it's not well suited for a maiden voyage."

"Have you taken Robbie's?" I asked.

He nodded. "It took three tries before I took the whole thing," he explained. "I like Robbie and it was worth the effort. You can't get any closer to completely filling a guy's ass than with his tool. I am real tight. That was good for him."

"Is it better than sucking?" I asked.

"It can be, but it can also be worse."

Whitey walked in the room. "You boys have made a slow start," he said as he stripped.

"I started my sales pitch, but not made the sale yet," Mac explained. "I might need to do a nice demonstration. I was hoping there is an itch somewhere in your rectum I could scratch."

"I guess I will do whatever you guys want," I said.

"Andy you know how good it feels to be the fucker. For some men, taking cock is even better. However, if you don't want it, it's not going to work. It takes two to tango, so it's not what we want," Whitey said. "It's what you want."

"How was it when you were fucked the first time?" I asked.

"It wasn't good," Whitey said. "It was in the Navy and it was sort of an initiation thing. Mac is much better at it. He takes his time. To tell you the truth, Mac was the first man to do it right for me. Until then, I was just being polite and damn, he found a good spot." He paused. "We're talking too much, let's start playing and see what comes up. I started sucking Mac. I was able to deep throat his long cock without choking. Whitey and Mac were kissing so I was up close and personal with both of them.

I was planning to do some comparison-shopping between their cocks. Both men were excited and oozing. I realized they were closer than they suggested. They were not just casual friends. Cocks can't lie. Once my tongue touched their cocks, any hesitation vanished. I hate being that predictable, but that seems to be the way I am. I wanted to be fucked.

Five minutes later, if Mac suggested that I try to take the Empire State Building up my ass, I would have given it a chance. Mac had a clear plan involving my ass and his cock. Whitey was a happy helper and assistant.

Both men wanted me to enjoy it. Mac said he enjoyed fucking, and that the first penetration was a rush. "The first time is a thrill, but repeat engagements are good too. I have been poking Whitey for years. I've shot so much of my sperm into his ass we are almost brothers," Mac said. "It's nice to know a man inside and out."

"And Mac is still a welcome visitor to my back side," Whitey added. "We've been doing it for years and Mac can still find new places."

"Have you ever thought about letting a man shove his cock up your behind?" Mac asked.

"I knew I could do it, but it seemed improbable that I would," I said. "I didn't expect fucking would be so pleasurable. That was a surprise."

"Are you one of those men who thinks that if you fuck a guy, he gets to fuck you?" Mac asked. "Does that seem fair to you?"

"I guess that is the way it seems to me," I said.

"That is a nice way to think, but it doesn't apply to fucking," Whitey said. "Most men can top, not everyone can bottom. Technically, you can force a cock in, but there are men who feel no pleasure, only pain. I'm not into that at all. Mac isn't into it either."

"A little, no pain, no gain is okay, but when the pain is too much it's bad," Mac said. "Pain is a warning sign; it lets you know there is trouble ahead. I work with teenagers. Winning a game or tournament isn't worth ruining your knees or getting a concussion."

We stopped talking and began sucking and fondling. I was excited, but I think Mac was more excited. The desire to be fucked grew in me. Some of it was just curiosity, but as I got into it, I wanted to please Mac. Whitey began to toy with my ass as I sucked Mac. Mac was drooling and oozing a lot by then and that excited me more.

Whitey soon had a finger in ass and began applying pressure to my prostate. I guess I knew I had a prostate, but I had no idea it was part sex organ. It felt good and I knew a cock might feel even better. A few minutes later Mac cock was knocking on my back door. Mac was not thrusting or pushing, but his cock was at my hole and there was gentle pressure.

"Just relax Andy. You will be fine," Whitey whispered. His voice distracted me and Mac's cock slid into me. I felt his knob ease through the sphincter and then he went deep. There was no pain or even any sense of being uncomfortable. I felt a sense of relief. He was in me and I was fucked.

Mac moaned. "Damn I almost shot off," he cried.

"Are you okay, Andy?" Whitey asked.

"I'm more than okay," I replied. Mac was still for a short while and then he began to pulse his cock. The little movement felt good, but soon they felt even better. He pulled out, leaving only his cock head in my ass and then pushed deep again. This time I felt as if my ass had molded itself to his cock. It was wonderful.

"I'm really close. I not sure I can hold back much longer," Mac moaned.

"Whitey can finish me off," I said. Mac began to pound a few times and I could feel him squirting in my ass. He pulled out slowly, ejaculating the whole time. When he pulled out, I felt empty for a few seconds. Then Whitey's cock was in my hole and he pushed deep into my cum lubricated ass. His thick cock felt great. He was in a few inches when he rubbed my prostate.

"I just hit the sweet spot!" Whitey said. It was so pleasurable I almost passed out. The two men knew what I was feeling. For the next half-hour, they took turns fucking me. Fucking sounds crude, they were massaging my sexual organs. Their only objective was to make me feel good. A few times, it was almost too much, but Whitey seemed to sense that and he let me catch my breath. Finally, I began shooting and that induced Whitey to shoot off. He filled my ass and pulled out. Mac when in immediately and after three or four quick, hard thrust deposited a second load. Whitey took me home. I was a bit dizzy.

When I woke the next morning, it was late and I had to rush to work. When I saw Robbie, I knew I wanted to feel his cock in me. He was longer then Mac and thicker than Whitey. I was sure it would feel great.

You would think that telling a middle-aged gay man that a young stud wanted to be fucked by him would be easy. It was more complicated than that. There was a bad lightning storm. We lost electricity for three hours. Lightning hit nearby and our automatic generator had a short.

We had to reset all the equipment and reprogram the computers. That was a royal pain. I was doing the computer stuff and had to work with an old electrician, Kenny Williams, to correct the short. I do not know much about electricity, but he needed a helper as he repaired the generator.

The storm blacked out the entire town and electricians were in great demand. Kenny would have been called an Old Codger if this were in the old west. He made Gabby Hayes look like a city slicker. He knew his stuff and was helpful in other ways too. He had worked on the construction of the plant thirty years ago. He knew how to do things manually without the use of computers.

Luckily, everything vital could be done by hand. Closing the water intakes by hand was a bear and it took Kenny and me to do it. I had a call from the sewage treatment plant and they had the same problem. Kenny knew where their valves were located.

Once the generator was up, we had to restart the system. There was a potential for a power surge when the power returned. Erratic current flow often followed the initial surge. Computers do not like that, so I began resetting the computers before I began the startup procedure. By seven that night, all was well and we were operational again. Robbie was off with the Town Manager dealing with problems in other parts of the city.

The manager asked me to stay at the plant for the night in case there were other problems. Kenny went off to deal with other problems at three that afternoon. At eight, he was back at the plant with a new surge protector for the generator. It took two hours to install it with my help. It was hot dirty work.

The plant had a small locker room and shower next to the brake room. We went there. Kenny asked if he could shower. He had a new truck and he didn't want to ruin it. I said sure. I told him that I needed to shower too, but I would let him go first.

Kenny looked me in the eye. "I don't mind sharing the shower. We could save some water that way," he said. He was trying to sound casual, but I knew what he wanted. He was not an attractive man, but like most men, he possessed a cock. I figured what the hell.

Naked Kenny looked like the Abominable Snowman on a bad hair day. I could only see the tip of his foreskin poking out of his bush. I must have stared a little.

"It's a grower, not a shower," he said as he looked at my cock. "You have a nice one."

"I was born with it, so I had no say in the matter," I replied.

Kenny laughed as I soaped up. Under the water, his body hair slicked down and I could see his body under the fur. He was in better shape than he looked dressed. Thinking about a naked man showering beside you has an effect. When I turned to face him, I was semi hard. So was he.

Kenny had a fireplug or beer can style cock. It was thick and stubby. His cock head was huge and he had an exceptionally wide slit. I stroked my semi erect cock and Kenny dropped to his knees. I moaned as he swallowed it. This wasn't the first cock Kenny had swallowed. My tool was in the mouth of a master.

Later I realized that Kenny had no gag reflex. He seemed to have a longer than usual tongue and it was everywhere. It could twirl around my cock and then Kenny could turn his mouth into a milking machine, using his tongue to caress the underside of my cock and coaxing precum from my balls. He must have had some special gauge or sensor that could indicate when I was close to shooting. He would slow down and let me get control before I lost it. Kenny was completely in charge and I was just his toy, an intensely excited and happy toy.

He took a break and we left the shower room and dried off. "Andy, I can do this forever, but I love man spunk," he said. "How much can you take? How many times can you shoot off in a night?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure I can take quite a bit more. I've jerked off four of five times in a night," I said. "I'm not sure what I can do."

"I've not been with a young guy like you in a while. I could do you all night," he said. Kenny was standing and I was sitting on a bench. His cock was at my mouth level. I leaned over and licked his cock head. He was well over half hard and most of it was exposed, ringed by his thick foreskin. I didn't as much lick his head as I tongued his slit, tasting his man juice as it drooled. I shivered a little in excitement. Kenny noticed.

"I see you have a taste for man spunk yourself," I remarked. "I noticed you are an oozer and drooler, but most young guys think that is messy. I personally think messy is good when it comes to man sex. I love it when I have drained and eaten all your spunk."

"I wouldn't mind taking yours," I said.

"That's a possibility, but I like it best if I get to shoot it in your behind and then churn it up some," he said. "That's not for a maiden voyage."

"Why not?"

"You've never taken a beer can up your backside, have you," Kenny asked. "Most guys think a big cock is long; mine is wide and thick. It is not how deep a cock goes, but how wide it stretches your hole that hurts. I take it you have never inserted a Budweiser can in your ass?"

A buzzer rang, there was someone at the plant door. I pulled on my clothes and went to the door; it was Robbie. He was just coming by to see if everything was fixed. He was surprised to find Kenny, but they were old friends. We all talked for a while and they went home. I had a quiet night at the plant.

The filtration plant manager gave me the next day off. I went home and fell asleep. I went walking that night and Robbie was on the porch as usual. Robbie told me that my stock with the Town Manager was high. There had been a similar outage several years earlier and it had taken almost 48 hours to restart the plant. I had done it in 12 hours.

"Kenny thought highly of you too. He's not prone to like "whippersnappers" if you get my drift." Robbie said.

"Is anyone under fifty a whippersnapper?" I asked.

"You understand Kenny well," Robbie replied. "He liked you. He asked me if you were a free agent or were private stock. He had hopes for some fun with you, but didn't want to trespass."

"I'm not sure," I said. "I don't know what the rules are. I have had a lot of fun with you guys. Kenny is one hell of a cock sucker."

"He told me he wanted to open your ass wider so I could do you," Robbie said. "Kenny isn't that thoughtful, he wanted your ass."

"Would it bother you if I let him in?"

"Andy, this is a small town. I think I know almost every gay man here. Not one is a virgin. Most of us have played prostate tag with each other one time or another. There are some monogamous couples, but they are an exception," he said.

"Would you like to fuck me?"

"Of course I would, but my cock is hard to take for a beginner. Kenny loves fucking young men and he takes pride in having repeat customers," Robbie said.

"He struck me as an unattractive man when I first saw him. He turned out to be a nice guys and a great electrician," I said. "I liked him." We talked a little longer but I almost fell asleep in the chair. My all-nighter had made me more tired than I thought. I went home and back to bed.

Kenny came back to the plant in the late afternoon to clean up some odds and ends. He told me that he had enjoyed working with me. We were a good team.

"It worked out well," I said and them I leaned closer and then whispered to him. "I liked cleaning up with you too. I think we have some unfinished business." Kenny looked like Christmas had come early. "I'd like to get together again."

"Maybe I could give you a ride home tonight," he said. I told him that was good for me.

An hour later, I was in his new truck. He asked if I would like to have a beer at his place. I said that would be nice.

His place was two miles out of town on a large wooded lot. It was a nice house. Kenny gave me a beer and asked if I would like to try the hot tub. I was game.

"I've reached the dirty old man stage of life and you never know how a young guy like you will take having a little fun," he said. "They think I'm an old troll trying to get me rocks off."

"Getting your rocks off sounds perfectly fine to me," I said. "I like to pop my cork too. You almost got a mouthful the other day."

"I haven't had a mouthful of boy spunk in years," he said.

"I'm hoping this will be your lucky day."

Next: Chapter 3

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