My Year Off

Published on Aug 11, 2014


My Year Off. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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It's nice to be brought up in a small town but by the time I was fourteen and fifteen I wanted more. I am Andy Smith. I was a good kid who did what my parents wanted, did well in school and never was a problem. An avid reader, I soon had interests that a small town couldn't satisfy.

My parents were from New York City and we had family in Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Boston. We vacationed in these cities and I loved it. I liked the museums, theaters and zoos. There were shops and restaurants that provided more than the Dollar General and the Pizza Hut.

Most people at home were happy with the two pizzas for the price of one deals, and watching television. My hometown was nice, but it wasn't enough. Many people were afraid of big cities and liked the safety of a small community. I had another problem. I was interested in chemistry and physics.

A small town had no need for chemists and scientists any more than it needed artists or actors. You simply cannot make a living as a scientist in a town of 10,000. You need to live in a city or at least a major University town. My plan of escape involved admission to a University. I didn't dislike my hometown, I just knew it wasn't for me. I had good grades and received a scholarship to the State University.

There was another problem. At home, the ideal was to fall in love with a sweet heart in high school, marry and live a happy life forever and ever. That wasn't going to happen to me. No one was interested in what interested me, least of all girls. I knew I would need a master's degree and a PhD to make it in the sciences, that was years of education. A wife and family were not part of that equation.

I wasn't interested in girls anyway. I wasn't interested in boys either. That would have been impossible in my hometown. I was one of those kids who was excited by science. At the University, I eventually realized I was interested in men.

I graduated with honors from the University and was admitted to MIT with a full scholarship. Due to a quirk in the funding, there was a year-long gap before I could attend the school. I had a year at home until the money became available. I wasn't happy about that, but it was worth the wait.

I found a job working for the town in the water filtration plant. My father had retired early and he and my mother were living most of the year at their camp on a lake fifty miles away. It was really pretty there. I stayed at the house in town.

I was alone most of the time. I had no sex life at college. I was happy puttering around the laboratories and working on experiments. That was no longer an option. Most guys my age went to the bars and drank. That wasn't for me. I walked a lot around town in the evening. That was better than the bars or watching a reality show.

One of the old hands at the Water Treatment Plant was a guy name Robbie. At first, I thought he was an old grouch, but as I got to know him, I found out he was the man who actually ran the place. He was sixty or so and looked it, but he was helpful once I got to know him.

On one of my nightly walks, he saw me as he sat on his front porch. He called out as I walked by. He was having a beer. He lived in a small, stone cottage. It was one of the older houses in town. We talked a little. It began to rain and he asked me in until the rain stopped.

I went inside and he gave me another beer. We talked and I noticed he had several gay magazines on a table. They weren't respectable like the Advocate; they were plain old porn.

"Do you have a problem with my reading material?" he asked. I must have stared.

"I don't," I said. "I was surprised, but they don't bother me at all."

Robbie smiled. "Do they turn you on?"

I looked him in the eye. "I guess they do."

"Do you want to play around a little?" he asked.

"I've never done anything like that," I said.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded.

"Well if you are interested, I give free lessons," he said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"If you are shocked and appalled, I am just joking. If you are interested I am serious," Robbie replied. I heard thunder outside. The rain had turned in to a lightning storm.

"What if I don't like it?"

"If you don't like it you can go home and this never happened," he explained. I didn't say anything and he took that as a yes from me. He began to unbutton his shirt. I wasn't sure I wanted to do anything, but I began to unbutton too. A minute or so later we were naked in his bedroom.

"You're a good looking boy," Robbie said.

"Damn, you're big," I said. I had never said anything like his cock in my life; it was big.

He smiled. "It is an attention getter, isn't it?" he said. He dropped to the floor and sucked the tip of my cock into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure. He didn't just suck it. His tongue was everywhere and my cock head loved it.

"Damn, you're ripe for the picking!" Robbie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever been sucked before?" he asked. I said no.

"You're already oozing precum. That means you are ready to boogie!" he explained. "I bet your balls are loaded. You just relax and I'll do everything."

I soon felt things bubbling up in my balls. "I'm going to shoot!" I cried.

"That's why I am here!" he responded. "Feed Daddy your milk, Andy. Feed me!" I began to spurt. Instead of pulling away, he swallowed my entire cock. I continued to spurt and he took it all. Afterwards he got me on the bed and told me to relax. He sucked me whenever something drooled from my cock.

"That was good Andy," he said.

"I don't know what to think," I said.

"Your mind may not know, but your body loved it," Robbie said. "When you are turned on, your body tends to turn on auto-pilot. You may not know what to think, but your cock knows exactly what to do."

"Did you mean to take my semen?"

"It's a lot neater to take it than to let you shoot it all over the place," he said. "You know I like things neat and orderly."

"I see," I said.

"I hope you know I just fed you a line of bullshit. I love the taste of man seed, and like it best when it's fresh from the cock," Robbie said.

"I don't think it could do that for you," I said. "I'm drained." He reached over and played with my balls.

"You don't know yourself well, Andy," he said. "You have a lot more to give. Relax and I'll take care of you a second time."

That seemed like crazy talk to me, but for some reason I reached over and played with his equipment. I became excited again, he sucked me again and I shot off again.

"Do I need to suck you off?" I asked.

"Nope, that's not a requirement," Robbie said. "Eventually you will, but that's up to you. Maybe the next time you visit."

"I don't know if I will visit again," I said. "This was good, but it was shocking."

"Maybe you won't, but you will be the first," Robbie said with a smile. "Just drop by. If there is someone here, don't worry. He's probably here for the same reason." I left and went home.

Robbie was at work the next morning and it was as if nothing had happened. We had State inspectors there for a quarterly review. That is always a worry, but we had no problems. The manager of the plant that that was due to me. My predecessor was a bit casual about some testing. I am not casual about anything and we passed with flying colors. He gave me a raise.

That night it rained and I didn't go walking, but the next night was clear and cool. I was not going to walk down Robbie's street, but somehow I did. He was on the porch and waved at me to come in. I did.

"It's nice to see you again," Robbie said. I went over to him and he asked me in.

"You must think I am weak willed," I said.

"I think you are a normal man," Robbie said. "Let's relax, get naked and see how much fun we can have." We went to the bedroom. I was more relaxed this time and it was better. It was good the first time he sucked, but since I was not shocked this time, the pleasure was greater for me. I stroked his cock and fondled his balls. His oversized organ had an allure. I wasn't sure what I could do with it.

I looked at Robbie. He was smiling. I assumed he had some ideas.

"Do you have plans for me?" I asked.

"Let me tell you something about men and sex. We always want as much as we can get. There doesn't seem to be an upper limit on the pleasure we can feel with sex. I'm no virgin, but I'm always convinced there is still more that I can feel," he explained. "The moment my lips touched your cock I knew you were ready and eventually would be willing."

"What does that mean?"

"Your body has a mind of its own. Sometimes it knows what you want before your brain knows it. Your cock is not just a drain. It is designed for sexual pleasure. When my lips touched it, you began pumping out welcoming juice. When that reached flood stage, you drained your balls into my mouth. You were into the baby making mode," he continued. "When you are excited and give up your man seed, you are telling your partner he did a good job, and deserves a reward."

"I'm not sure about that," I said.

"It takes time to admit you like it, but I am willing to wait," Robbie said. "But let me warn you. It takes much less time that you would think. You didn't think you were going to come by tonight did you?"

I didn't want to tell him the truth, but I admitted that.

"I know what you want and I'm going to give it to you. It usually is better each time we do it," he said. "You are fighting your own urges and desires. Once you admit that you will be a happy man," he said. "I'm talking about sexual pleasure, not a trip to the dentist!"

"It did feel good," I admitted.

"You have just scratched the surface of what you can feel," Robbie said as he leaned over and licked my cock again. The effect was instantaneous. The phone rang and he went to answer it. He was on call for the filtration plant. He returned.

"Sorry about that. It was a neighbor not a problem," he said. He was standing next to be the bed, I was sitting and looking at his cock. He was uncut and there was a blob of precum on the puckered tip of his cock. It began to drip. A thin filament of his cock juices connected the drip to his cock. I thought that was gross.

A second later, I intercepted the drip with my tongue. A second after that my tongue was in the pucker, probing for more cock juice. I was crazed.

"That's it baby. Go for it!" Robbie exclaimed. "I showered an hour ago, so it's all fresh." By then I had peeled the skin back and I had his knob in my mouth.

"You've got me going. Lick it all up. There is a lot more on the way," he said. "Lick the slit. That the really fresh stuff. We got on the bed and he sucked me as I sucked him. At some point, I forgot my hang-ups and I just went for it.

The pressure built up and I knew I was going to shoot. I knew he would take mine, but I was not sure what I would do if he climaxed. When I shot off, I went to the moon. When I came back, my mouth was filled with warm, slightly bitter cream. The warmth surprised me. Robbie was still milking my cock and I savored the taste. It was not that it tasted so good; it was that it was Robbie's sperm. It was pure man seed, still warm from being imprisoned in his balls.

I was on the bed, sucking up the remains of Robbie's orgasm from his cock as he did the same for me. From time to time, he would squirt a little more sperm and I would savor it. It was as if he was giving me a present. I wasn't shocked, or excited. Unexpectedly, I was content. It was as if sucking his cock was the most natural thing in the world. It seemed right. I was at ease. All of my concerns about having sex with a man had vanished. I hadn't considered having sex with an old man. I thought thirty-five was old; sixty was ancient.

"You seem to have relaxed," Robbie commented. "Did you have a problem taking aged sperm from an old cock?"

"It was fine," I said. "It was actually much better than fine. I did not expect that. Did you know I'd like it?"

"You can never know, but I did suspect. You were oozing and twitching right from the start. I knew you wanted more intense sexual experiences, but I didn't know what form it would take," he explained. "I have some buddies who would think they have died and gone to heaven if they had a mouthful of your boy spunk."

"I'm not a boy," I protested, "I'm almost 23!"

"Age depends on your vantage point," he replied.

"You liked mine?" I asked.

"I sure did, but I tend to like it all. Sucking and fucking are all good for me," he replied. "Lately I've been fucking a lot. I still get nice and hard and in my age group, that is an attractive feature!"

"You seem very casual about it," I remarked.

"Sex comes in many flavors and varieties," Robbie said. "The movies tend to show passionate sex, people looking for true love. With men especially sex is often friendly, you know, it is just guys helping each other out. A pal of mine calls it keeping his anus limber and giving his prostate a buff and shine."

"That is not romantic at all," I said.

"It isn't, but it is lots of fun!" Robbie replied. We talked a little longer and then I went home.

It was obvious Robbie thought about sex in a different way than I did. I was confused. I thought I would stay away from him for a few days and let my mind settle. I soon found out making up your mind to do one thing and avoiding sexual contact are not the same. I went by his house the next night and he was not home. I was deeply disappointed.

The next night he was home. I knocked on the door. Robbie answered and asked me in. He had a visitor, a man named Whitey from Public Works. Whitey was forty-five or so, bald, stocky and friendly. He was the foreman of the ditch digging crew and the head of the department referred to him as the smart one.

"Do you know Andy?" Robbie asked. "He's the tester at the plant."

"I've seen you around. I didn't know you and Robbie were pals," Whitey said.

"We aren't exactly pals, but we are working on it," I said.

"Andy is new to the scene, but as far as I can tell, he likes the view," Robbie said.

Whitey smiled. "I remember those days," he said, "I liked discovering new things every time I visited Robbie. It was an adventure. I loved it."

"Andy still has his training wheels on," Robbie said.

"Andy, you don't need to worry about Robbie. He's a dirty old man, but the nicest dirty old man you will ever meet," Whitey said. "I learned how to enjoy sex, both giving and taking it. I've never regretted a thing."

"I guess you could say I'm taking it slow," I said.

"Take it at your own pace," Whitey said. "My only regret is that I didn't discover how much fun it was until I was forty. If I had known about it when I was twenty, I would have had a lot more fun."

"We were planning to have some fun tonight; do you want to join us?" Robbie asked.

I knew I should have said no, but I did not. Much to my surprise, I didn't seriously consider saying no. We went to the bedroom and stripped. When people describe themselves as white they normally mean pink, beige or tan. Whitey was white; he could use a whitewashed wall as camouflage. His tits were pale pink and his cock had was pale lavender, but I didn't see that until he was erect. He was hairy, but it was white hair and it gave him a slightly out of focus look. He was quite muscular.

Whitey went after my cock before I had a chance to get to his. I could tell he learned his cock sucking skills from Robbie, but he added his own touches. He like to deep throat and pull off slowly suctioning juice from my balls. I would have thought that sex with three men would be ungainly, but they had worked it out.

Robbie got on the bed with his head hanging over one side. He sucked me as Whitey lifted Robbie legs and eased his cock into the big man's ass. Robbie liked that a lot. After a few minutes, Whitey asked me if I wanted to fuck Robbie. It turns out I did.

"You're bigger than I am," Whitey said. "Take your time and ease it in." He coated my cock in lube and I pushed into Robbie slowly. Whitey dangled his balls in Robbie's face. They vanished in his mouth.

"Take it easy and go slow, Andy," Whitey instructed. That was hard for me since I wanted to shove it in as fast and deep as I could. "It's nice and warm in there, isn't it? He is really tight too. Take it easy and then build up a head of steam. The longer it takes the better the climax will be!"

I did not want to take instruction so I leaned over and kissed Whitey to quiet him. That turned into a hot make out session. After about five minutes of that, I shot off. Robbie's muscular ass firmly gripped my cock and the sensations intensified with every thrusts. His cock was rock hard and drooling. Orgasms are always good, but I had no idea mine could be as good as I drained my balls into Robbie's ass. It was stunning. When I pulled out Whitey took my place in Robbie's ass and he soon added his cream to the load.

Whitey fucked Robbie forcefully and Robbie shot off. I bent over and intercepted the volleys. I was dizzy when it was all over.

"Damn, you guys are good," Whitey said. We all calmed down, cleaned up and I went home.

Whitey gave me a ride home. "Anytime you want me to do a solo with me, let me know," he said. "I'm willing."

I slept well, but I had dreams. I was having sex with Whitey and Robbie again. This time they were fucking me and I was enjoying it. I also realized that once I had experienced sex, it was hard to resist. It only took me a little while to realize I didn't want to resist it. Two days later Whitey was at the filtration plant doing some work. He came in the building to use the facilities and we talked.

"I had a good time at Robbie's place," he said. "I hope you enjoyed it too." I nodded.

Whitey leaned close. "I'm going to meet a friend after work. You might like him."

"What is he like?" I asked.

"Mac is a nice man, laid back and pleasant. He likes young guys. He real accommodating, if you get my drift," Whitey explained. We talked a little longer and he gave me Mac's address. He was meeting him at 7:00.

I wasn't sure about it, but at 7:00 I was at Mac's door. I rang the bell. Mac was Malcom Stevens, the Biology teacher at my school and the Wresting Coach. He had started teaching the year after I took the course, so he had not been my teacher, but I knew him by sight.

"You are Andy, Whitey's friend?" he asked. I nodded. "Come in, Whitey isn't here yet, but he's on the way."

Next: Chapter 2

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