My X Story


Published on Jun 12, 2011


Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the X-Men characters nor their stories. This story is purely from my mind and all character changes are willful and do not reflect my opinions on the characters created by Marvel. This story will have multiple situations in which adult male to adult male relationships happen, if that offends you please move along.

Like so many slash fan writers my interest was piqued with the X-Men movies that came out a while back. I've had stories floating around in my head for quite some time but I'm not a writer at all and didn't know where to start. I hope this first attempt goes over fairly well.

If you have any comments, critiques, etc please email me at


I sunk back into the chair. I must have had a goofy look on my face as the Professor had a small smile on his face.

"It is not uncommon for mutants to have more than one special ability. Usually the other powers arrive later than the primary ability, in your case your telepathy. And I must say you have fantastic control."

Perplexed I said "What do you mean sir?"

"Usually even telepaths, when they're untrained, have a hard time controlling their thoughts and tend to broadcast them unwittingly at times. But I haven't heard a peep from you, so to speak, since you entered this room. Such control is usually learned in our training session and isn't obtained easily."

"Oh," I said. "I guess it has to do with how I coped with my powers... You see I had to put up strong walls to keep others thoughts out, I wasn't able to control it well enough to dampen the flow any other way. I guess what stops thoughts coming in must be stopping my own from `broadcasting'." I looked questioningly at the Professor.

"I believe you're quite right on that analysis. Here we will teach you how to keep your mind open well enough to receive others thoughts but not be bogged down by them." My stomach took that moment to growl loudly. "But, in the meantime I think we should get some food for you. I've called Jake back and he's waiting outside the door for you."

"Thank you Professor, for everything, and I'm really sorry for my little freak-out." I said sheepishly.

"Think nothing of it Tyler."

With that I got up and left. Jake collected me when I left the office and started telling me all about rugby and how much fun it is blah, blah, blah as we made our way to the cafeteria. I was so engrossed in thinking about my new power and what I could learn about my telepathy that I don't think anything he said actually sunk in.

After we ate we went back to our dorm room and Jake had to leave to do some chores. He asked me if I wanted to come along but I begged off, I just wanted some time to think. After he left I laid down on my bed and came to the dawning realization that I may actually belong here. Jake was so warm and outgoing he ended up breaking through my natural shyness and I was starting to feel like he could actually be a friend. I hadn't had a real friend since grade school, as sad as that may seem I just felt so different I could never really open up to anyone to feel comfortable around them. So I may have a new friend and I just learned I wasn't as different from everyone else as I always thought, things were definitely looking up.

I decided to try out my new telekinesis and see if I could control it this time. The idea of somehow breaking something was very strong in my mind but my overwhelming curiosity won over. I grabbed a book out of my carryon bag and set it down on the empty desk that I guess would be mine. I concentrated on the book, formed a mental image of it and how it should rise from the desk. I heard some running out in the hallway and some laughing and I whipped my head to the door. The book went flying along and whacked the door solidly. I was glad it was a soft cover book; it didn't dent the door whew.

That was exciting. I mean sure, it didn't do what I wanted it to but it did move. But on second thought I was worried if I got distracted the book could just as easily go through a window or something so I figured I'd hold of any more "practicing" until later. The window looked inviting though. I got up from the desk chair I had been sitting in and looked outside. The day was perfect: just a few clouds in the sky and I could hear some birds singing. It was nice, I was used to crackles horrible screeches and these birds were mellifluous, true song birds. The window had a great view of the lake and off to the side I saw a fairly large copse of trees. I hadn't really been in any woods for a long time and I figured it'd be nice to be outside on a day like today. I decided to brave it and head out and explore.

I've always had a fairly good sense of direction so I easily found my way out of the dorm area and into what looked like the main lobby. There were some nice comfy looking chairs in a sitting area to the side and a display case with typical high school awards, etc. I went through the door to the back and emerged into bright sunlight. There were other students everywhere, unsurprisingly. A few of them looked and me curiously, I just shyly averted my eyes and started a bee-line to the tree line. I passed a few groups of kids, there seemed to be a lot of middle-school aged children but no elementary aged ones. That wasn't too surprising since mutants don't usually get their powers until they hit puberty. I knew that from the little mutant lore I had heard.

I finally reached the copse of beech and pine trees. I was happy for the shade: my eyes could finally stop squinting. I didn't see anyone around but the trees and ferns and such were pretty thick so I didn't assume I was alone. It never occurred to me to use my telepathy. I had only ever inadvertently heard others thoughts, I never tried to and I had no idea how to just sense if someone was there and not read their minds. It seemed very rude to hear other people's thoughts without their permission.

I started wandering around, it was very pretty under the foliage. The beech trees smooth white trunks with their paper-like bark and the pine trees pleasant aroma. Ferns were everywhere and grew pretty large, sometimes the fronds were even up to my chest. The air was clean and smelled of the woods. I took a deep breath and smiled, relaxing.

All of a sudden I caught a hint of cigar smoke. Oh well, I thought, I knew I couldn't be the only one here. I decided to try to avoid the smell, and so the person, so I started walking the other way but the smell kept getting stronger and stronger. I didn't really know what to do, I didn't think it was a student as not many kids choose to smoke cigars but I didn't really know anyone on the faculty either aside from the Professor and Ms. Munroe. I figured I'd just act startled by whoever it was and just make my escape as gracefully as I could. Soon enough I saw someone walking through the trees coming straight at me. From his expression he didn't seem too friendly so I hoped that this meeting wouldn't end up badly. He was a little shorter than my 5'11" thin frame. He must have been about 5'10" but he was sort of stocky looking with thick muscle that bulged out of his t-shirt and hairy forearms. His hair was oddly styled and he had large... I guess mutton chops? That was kind of strange too. He walked in a controlled, masculine fashion and appeared to be one of those people with rage boiling just under the surface. All in all not someone I wanted to tangle with. But even with the fact that he was kind of freaking me out I couldn't deny the animal attraction I had to him. Sure, he was a lot older than me maybe in his late 30s or 40s but I always liked the hairier kind of guys.

Obviously he had seen me, he was staring right at me with an annoyed look on his face. I wasn't sure what, or if, I had done something wrong but since all I was doing was standing there I didn't think so. As he got closer he took a drag on the cigar he was holding in his right hand he somehow even made that look masculine and sexy.

So it came to me standing there, scared and excited all at the same time, and that was when he stopped in front of me.

"Hey Bub, what're you doing in here?" He asked in a low, gravelly voice.

"I-uh, um..." I didn't know what to say.

He looked even more annoyed now "I said, what are you doing in here?" he growled again.

"I just saw the trees from my window and thought that I'd come out and explore. I didn't know I was trespassing or anything. I'm really sorry. I can leave now if you want. I'm new here and I don't know all the rules, I'm sorry." I could have babbled mindlessly for another 15 minutes if he didn't cut me off.

His face transformed, not exactly into warm but into at least a suitable not scary face any more. "Nah, kid you're not trespassing; just not a lot of people come in here that's all. I come here to just relax and get away from everyone else. I caught your scent and figured you'd was followed me in here for some reason. I'm Logan, the err PE teacher."


I took a second to respond. "I'm Tyler Reynolds, I just came in today a few hours ago actually." I didn't remember seeing PE on my schedule so I was relieved. I'm not sure how I could handle being around this guy for very long, he made me incredibly nervous. "I think I'll head back to my room, my roommate should be back by now."

"Hmm, you do that then. " He said gruffly and turned and walked away.

That was weird... Why would he think someone would follow him into the woods? Is he that stuck on himself? Of course, I'd never ask him that. It looked like a punch from him at the very least would lay me out flat easy. I quickly turned and not quite ran out of the tree line. On the way back to the mansion I heard someone yelling "Tyler! Tyler!" Seeing as how I have a fairly common name I just kept my head down and kept walking. All of a sudden a hand clasped around my should stopping me dead.

I jumped a little and turned around. It was Jake. "Hey, I was calling for you. I went back up to our room and didn't see you, I didn't know where you had gone."

"Oh uh, sorry. I figured I'd just take a look around, I didn't want to have to bother you for a tour of the grounds." I sort of mumbled.

He laughed, "dude, it's no problem really. I wouldn't mind at all. Hey, did I see you coming out of Logan's Woods?"

"Those trees? Yeah, I was just checking them out. Is that what it's called?"

"Not officially but no one goes in there much. One of the instructors, Logan, has kind of staked it as his own and none of us want to get on his bad side."

"Ah, yeah I kind of met him." I looked away quickly, flushing.

He laughed again "ah man, don't take him too personally. I hear he's a nice enough guy, never saw it myself but I hear that." His smile put me at ease. Being with him was just relaxing. "Hey so do you want to continue your `tour'?"

"Yeah sure" I say smiling. It couldn't hurt and I'd get to hang out with Jake more.

He's so talkative we never have an awkward silent moment the entire time. He dragged me over to the rugby field where it looked like a skirmish was going on. He explained that the team practices every Wednesday and Saturday and games are usually held on Friday. I had a feeling I'd be going to quite a few, Jake seemed to honestly want me to go for support and I didn't want to let him down. We went and saw a few other places as well, I didn't know that the school had two pools: one inside and one outside. The outside one was Olympic sized and had a great diving platform on the deep end. He took me through the locker room to show me how it all worked, I kept my eyes straight and on the ground. Towels, showers, soap, etc could all be found in the locker room so all we had to do was bring our swim trunks. I didn't bring any but I figured I could get some from the store they had on campus.

It seemed like the campus was a small city. Literally hundreds of people called it home here and as I mentioned there was a store and everything all here. There was even a food court. They were in a different building, just down a dirt path a ways from the main building. Jake said most of the students preferred to eat at the food court since they had some of the bigger chain restaurants there, like McDonalds, but it was more expensive than the cafeteria.

It was getting a bit dark and Jake asked if I'd like to hang out with him and some friends in one of the entertainment spots near the dorms. Honestly, I would have normally said no in a heartbeat. Meeting one new person and being in a completely new environment was all a bit much for me but Jake gave that gorgeous smile and I had to say yes. He wanted to change his clothes before meeting up with his friends so we headed back to our room.

"So what can you do anyways? I can't believe we've hung out all day and I haven't asked you yet." He said on the way back.

"Oh, I guess I'm telepathic and telekinetic. I actually just learned about the telekinetic thing today, in the Professors office. I'm not sure if I can do anything else." I definitely wasn't accustomed to talking about my powers so it left me a little shy.

"That's awesome, just stay out of my head ok?" He giggled boyishly so I knew he wasn't too serious. "And once you start training they'll put you through some tests to find out what the extent of your powers are and also if you have any other ones."

"I'd never go into someone else's thoughts, trust me."

"I was just kidding, but seriously don't get tempted to. The Professor and the faculty have some strict rules about invading privacy." For once he looked serious.

I gulped, "OK. So what can you do? What're your powers?"

"Ah well, I have 2 too. I'm empathic, I can sense others moods. It also lets me alter other peoples moods. It's kind of a tricky one, I do it on a subconscious level a lot. I'm also superhuman strong, I could probably pick up a bus full of kids."

My eyes got big, wow all those muscles... I knew he was a built guy but I didn't know he was that strong. I also began to wonder if he had been subconsciously adjust my moods throughout the day, that'd explain why I always felt so much calmer around him. "Wow, very cool." I said.

By then we had gotten back to our room. He quickly started stripping down, I looked away just as quick.

I heard him laugh again, did I say he's got a wonderful laugh? He does. "You don't have to be so shy, we're roomies we're going to see it all at some point. Besides in the summer time I sleep nekkid so be warned."

Oh God, that's just not right... It's like he's purposefully tempting me. I just blushed and started to unpack some clothes and I waited on him. My mom is a bit old fashioned so she made me dress up a bit for the airplane ride and all so I figured I'd at least change my shirt into something a little more comfortable. I found a t-shirt that didn't completely clash with my khakis and put it on. I just finished jamming my last pair of socks into a drawer in my nightstand when he announced he was finished. Man, I thought, if it takes him this long just to get ready to hang with his friends I'm going to start questioning his sexuality. That was a dangerous road to go down though. I started chanting "I will not be attracted to my roommate, I will not be attracted to my roommate" in my head.

We headed out of the room then. I paid attention to where we were going just in case I wanted to go alone sometime. We walked down the hall and at a T intersection took the left way and then walked down a flight of stairs, the room as a fairly large one right off the main hallway. There was at least 6 TV's in the room, one huge one that someone was watching a movie on and then the other ones (all 35"+ screens) seemed to be setup more for gaming consoles. There was also a row of computers, some slick looking ones. In my house we only had one computer and it was several years old and in my opinion the internet connection was only a step above dial-up, a small step.

He led me over to a section with some bean bag looking chairs and cushions laid out on the ground. There were already a couple people there, it was a guy and a girl. They were sitting closely and I figured they were probably together based on how much touching and giggling was going on. The guy was reasonably attractive, not nearly as good looking as Jake ("I will not be attracted to my roommate, I will not be attracted to my roommate"), but the girl was stunning. She had honey colored hair and piercing green eyes. Her face was perfectly sculpted; she looked both delicate and tough at the same time. Her boyfriend(?) had dark hair, almost black and light brown eyes. His nose looked to have been broken at least once and his lips were just a little too generous. He was also a big guy, like almost body builder big, I could see why she'd be attracted to him he was by no means ugly but I guess my puppy love with Jake had set in earnest. They both looked up as we approached. I was very nervous. The girl looked like one of the people that'd be in the popular click at my old school and the guy looked like a linebacker. They both smiled though, her a full smile that showed of perfect teeth and him a small one that showed of a dimple in his left check.

"Hey guys," said Jake "this is my new roommate Tyler, he's from Texas. He just came in today. Tyler, that's Erik and Micah."

I smiled nervously at them and mumbled "hey".

Micah got up immediately and came over to shake my hand. "Nice to meet you Tyler, I bet Jake's been talking your ear off all day huh?"

Before I could respond Erik quips "and now it's Micah's turn". I heard a slight possibly German accent when he speaks, it's pretty sexy in my humble opinion.

She turned around and sent him daggers. "I am not a blabbermouth Erik, watch it."

"Sorry babe, won't happen again." He says with a smile on his face.

A familiar sense of calm came over me and I started to relax, then I looked over at Jake and saw him staring at me, focusing. I lipped "thanks" to him and he smiled back.

<<Change in tense, for some reason it's flowing easier in present tense now. Sorry for the confusion>> We all settle down, Jake chose a bean back and I picked a cushion against the wall – I hate people sneaking up behind me. Between Micah and Jake there's not a spot for either Erik or me to join the conversation so I just sit there and mellow out. Micah's very friendly I quickly lose my nervousness towards her. Erik on the other hand is all jock which makes me damn uncomfortable around him. After finding out I don't play or watch any sports he stops trying to make conversation with me. It's not necessarily rude but not exactly welcoming either.

About 10 minutes later a few other show up. Joe, a short guy with brown curly hair who seems smart sits next to me. He also seems a bit nervous around new people so we don't really get to talking much. The other two newcomers are Katy, red haired and green eyed she's definitely all Irish (temper and all), and Matt, he has the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen he's quiet but friendly. The group starts getting loud and a couple of times some other people yell over to shut up. No one pays them any attention but I noticed the guy watching TV has obviously turned up the volume a few times since we've been there.

Eventually, and with Jakes help, I start getting into the different conversations around me. I was right about Joe, he's definitely a smarty and has a bit of a smartass sense of humor too. It turns out he's into a lot of the same books as me and he gets just as animated as me when we get into it. Matt mutters something about nerds, with a smile on his face, and Joe says "Well we can't all be illiterate". That got a few laughs and conversations start up again. Matt gets into our conversation and it turns out he's big into old martial arts movies, my eyes start to glaze over but he has so much enthusiasm I soon get into the topic.

Out of nowhere we hear a soft chime and a guy with auburn hair and red tinted sunglasses sticks his head in the room and tells us its lights out time. I learn that on the weekends they can stay up until 11 (It's 10:50 now) but during the week it's 10:00 sharp. The guy with sunglasses leaves and I wonder who he was, he looked to have a great body under his turtleneck and loose fit jeans and with his strong jaw and deep voice he was definitely a good looking guy. I ask Jake when we get back into our room.

"Oh that's Scott Summers, resident school marm." He rolls his eyes. "He can be cool sometimes but he's a total stickler for the rules. He's on the faculty too, he teaches math and science mostly."

"Ah," I say "Is he a hard teacher?" I have a few math and science classes.

"Well... He does love to give out homework, especially on the weekends, but if you follow his rules in class he's pretty laid back."

That makes me feel a bit better, I'm not exactly a teacher's pet but I hate getting into trouble so I think I'll do alright.

We start getting ready for bed, I guess Jake's a night time shower kind of guy so I get my tooth brushing, etc out of the way before he heads in. I'm already in my boxers in bed when he comes out. I was going to ask him a question but when the door opened up and he just walks out naked my mind blanks. Self preservation kicks in and I get the goofy look of my face and quickly look away. When I first met him I thought he was an Adonis, looking at him fully nude now I know he is one. He was practically hairless everywhere except the cutest little happy trail that led to sparse short pubic hair, just as blond as what's on his head, and a dick and balls that should be national treasures. His penis is at least 4 inches limp, perfectly sculpted and cut. It was just thick enough that it looked like it'd be a mouthful but a tasty mouthful I bet. His sack hung down just a bit further than his dick with no hair on it at all, his bulls were pretty big and definitely a blessing sent by God.

"Oh, sorry man. I should have warned you." He said, not sounding in the least sheepish.

By then I was already on my other side facing the wall, my 6.5" steal pipe sticking straight out in front of me. "Erm, no biggy" I stutter.

He hops into bed and says good night. I mumble it back to him and he shuts off the light. It takes me a long time to go to sleep. I keep trying not to think of the Glory I witnessed. I have a tendency towards puppy love and infatuation and in this new place I can't handle being ostracized by the one person I really feel comfortable with if he ever finds out how I feel. Eventually I pass out.

Those damn birds sounded a lot better yesterday... But I guess most things don't sound very good at 6:30 on a Sunday. My belly rumbles. Well, food sounds good. I get up and decided to take a shower. I grab today's clothes and have to pass by Jakes bed to get to the bathroom. At some point in the night he maneuvered onto his stomach and I guess his leg was out of the sheets because they're pulled back so I have full display of chiseled buns of steel. I quickly head to the bathroom once again rock hard.

My usual schedule includes at least once a day jacking off, and usually I'm not around hot guys all day so by the time I get in the shower I start rubbing one out as quietly and quickly as I can. My smooth, lean body becomes tense as I start getting into it. I start to feel my balls rise as I know release is coming in my head images of last night and this morning I quickly try to expel such dangerous thoughts. Instead, for some insane reason, Logan striding through the forest comes to mind. As soon as I start imaging Logan the fear and desire I feel coalesce into an intense orgasm. I manage to hit the shower faucet with my load and have to wash it off. Afterwards as I'm cleaning my body I wonder why I had such an intense orgasm when I thought of Logan. Yeah, he's clearly a stud but a stud who could easy beat the shit out of me if I gave him the wrong look and it doesn't seem like it'd take much to get him there either.

I rinse off and start to get out of the shower curtain. Surprise, surprise in walks Jake. I stop in shock, he hardly looks at me as he heads to the toilet to deal with mother nature. It was all so casual like this was every day normal for him. I suppose it could be, jocks are around naked guys in the locker rooms all the time so it's no big deal for them. But I'm not, not used to being around other naked guys and not used of naked guys being around me. I mean hell, I'm still a virgin. Not to mention I've always been self-conscious about my body, like a lot of teens are. I grew up like a bean pole though, fairly tall and thin as a rail. Due to years of practically no exercise I have no muscle definition and I'm a little bit awkward and gangly looking. I mean don't get me wrong, once my body matures it has potential: I have smooth, clear skin and fairly little hair on my body mainly just my pubes and a light dusting on my butt. My cock hangs about 3.5" soft but since I just had release it's hanging at about 4" now. My hairs a mix between red and dirty blond and my eyes are a deep blue that I've had complements on before.

As I slowly unfreeze from my shock I quickly wrap the towel around my waste and high-tail it out of the bathroom. I run to my dresser and grab out a different pair of underwear than I had this morning. My clothes are on the back of the toilet Mr. Perfect is using and there's no way I'm waiting to cover myself. I hastily grab some new clothes and throw them on. As I'm pushing down my t-shirt Jake walks out like nothing special's going on. He sees me dressed and looks confused.

"I thought those clothes in the bathroom were what you were going to wear" he says in all innocence.

"Uh, they were but I didn't want to bother you when you were uh... you know... So I just grabbed a different outfit."

Chuckling he says "dude, you're going to have to relax about the whole nudity thing. Don't worry, I'm not gay or anything not trying to hit on you or anything I just got accustomed to being naked around the room since I was in it alone for so long." He said all that with a perfectly straight face and perfectly nude body.

I was actually starting to get a little mad, I mean here I am trying to get used to a new school and all and this guy's making me want to do the one thing that could ruin my year here: jump his bones. I don't turn away this time, I look him in the eye and say "I understand, but I'm not used to... well, full on male nudity I grew up in a house full of women. So if you can promise to tone it down until I get used to it I'll promise to try my hardest."

He gave me a strange look then a lopsided grin. "You're a strange guy you know that, Reynolds?"

"Yeah I try to be..." is my reply.

"Ah man I can't imagine what it'd be like to grow up in a house of women. My mom and dad had 5 kids, all boys. Man, we used to drive my mom crazy, still do when we're all home. But most of my brothers are in college now."

"Oh yeah, that's cool. are you like the baby of the family or something? I'm the youngest myself."

"Nah, second youngest. My little bro's still in middle school down in North Carolina." Ahhh so that's that accent I keep here hints of.

By now he's already thrown on a pair of shorts and tight fitting t-shirt. He's looking damn good in a sloppy I-just-got-out-of-bed-and-threw-on-clothes-that-I-got-from-the-floor look. It works for him though, and his messed up hair looks like it was styled flawlessly to look like the classic bed head look.

"Let's go downstairs and grab some food, the cafeteria stops serving breakfast at 7:30 even on Sunday. That shit should be a crime." He goes on and on about the devilry of forcing students to get up early on Sundays just to eat as we head downstairs.

To my eyes it's like a gourmet buffet: there's everything from eggs benedict to omelets. I settle on some cantaloupe, toast and a heaping of crispy bacon. Ah, breakfast the most tasty meal of the day. I love food so when we sit down next to a tired looking Micah and an almost asleep looking Erik I chow down instantly. That seems to perk Micah up, she gets a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Hey Tyler, I know there's starving kids in Africa but you don't have to eat for them too." She jokes.

Through the crunch of toast and bacon I sense someone's said something to me. I briefly look up, smile, and push out the words "good morning" and get back to my meal. She rolls her eyes and says something about men, I don't hear any of it.

After breakfast the group was going to head back upstairs to watching some movies. I begged off, I was hoping to get some TK practice in. I've always loved to learn and having this new ability and not being able to use it well was very frustrating but also very exciting I wanted to learn all about it.

With yesterdays close call with the book I figured maybe outside would be the best place to practice but when I got out there the grounds were crawling with students. I didn't want to practice in public where anyone could see my mistakes. The only place I thought not one would be in would be "Logan's Woods" and while I wasn't happy to see him again I wasn't going to let him stop me from figuring myself out. So off I headed to the woods and just hoped he wasn't there.

When I got in I did a little inspection, I didn't hear anyone and I didn't smell any smoke so I figured I was alone. WHOOPEE!! Time to practice. The air was very still under the cover of the trees so I grabbed a few fallen leaves and stacked them on an exposed slab of stone. I stepped back a few feet- almost tripping on a root- then I cleared my mind and tried to lift the leaves. My first attempt ended in the leaves looks like they were hit by a short burst of wind, they just moved slightly. My second attempt I was able to pick them up and hold them in the air for a couple of seconds then the leaves fell and scattered on the rock face. Well, that's sort of successful I thought.

My third attempt I picked up one leave and was able to make it float over to me. I picked the leaf out of the air and whooped in joy. I may have the hang of this now. I decided I'm ready for bigger and better things. I settled on a twig about the length of my forearm and the width of my pinky. I concentrated on the twig causing it to rise slowly from the underbrush until it was about eye level with me. I couldn't help but crack a grin, my second day with this power and I already could control it to a degree. So I knew I could lift things, now I want to know if I can manipulate them in the air. I focused as hard as I could and the twig started rotating slowly, that's when I heard the slow clapping. My head spun in its direction and of course the twig came along for the ride. It hit pretty solidly Logan, right in the chest. I doubt it hurt much, I mean he is shielded by all those muscles but it sent me instantly to apologizing.

"I'm so sorry! Are you OK? I don't know why they always do that. This is my second day with trying to figure it out. Are you sure you're not hurt? Umm I could get bandaids or something." I rambled... again.

He obviously didn't appreciate being whacked with a stick, his face got a little dark not as bad as yesterday though. "It's alright kid, I know you didn't mean to" he grumbled, sounding like he only half meant it. "What are you doing back in here anyways?"

"I- uh- didn't think you'd be here this early. I wanted to practice telekinesis where I couldn't hurt anything and since I thought no one would be here on the count of people don't go into Logan's Woods it'd be safe here." My eyes were about as wide as teacups.

"Logan's Woods, huh?" His face melted slightly and he smiled a little. "I haven't heard that one before. You should be more careful though, telekinesis is powerful and under the wrong circumstances you could have sent that stick right through me."

"Yes sir! Of course sir, I'll try my best to work at it sir."

He grinned a little wider at my over use of "sir". "Well you better, if it happened to me it wouldn't be a big deal but if it happened to one of the other students you'd be in for a world of hurt."

"Tomorrow I start real training Mr. uh... sir. I won't mess with my powers until then. Sorry again, I really didn't mean to."

"Yeah, yeah, kid- no harm no foul. Now get back to the mansion."

I decided to be a little bold. Who was he to tell me to get back to the mansion? For all I know I was here first. "What is it you do out here anyways?"

Wrong question. His eyes flashed, "Listen, I don't have to explain myself to some scrawny kid. Now get back to the mansion or go to the moon I don't care but I don't want to see you again."

Seriously terrified now, I took off at a sprint with plans of hiding in my dorm room for the rest of the day.

I must have looked like a psycho running back to the mansion but at that minute I didn't care. There was something so primal and animalistic about Logan I knew he was capable of very dangerous things. I burst through my room's door and slumped onto my bed. I hate to admit it but at that moment I was literally shaking. I lay back in bed and must have dozed off.

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