My Worst Nightmare

Published on Sep 4, 1998



This is a work of fiction, it is my first. It contains graphic sex between 2 or more men and you should not read it if that disturbs you. It also contains non-consentual gay interracial sex.

If you are not of legal age you should read something else. If it is illegal to read this in you state or city then don't.

I you still want to read this please enjoy it with my complements. You may reproduce it, print it, email it or what ever just don't change it or charge for it.

As I said this is my first story maybe not the last.

My Worst Nightmare


A little introduction is in order first I am a bi-sexual married man the wife doesn't know that I am bi-sexual. I am 49 years of age 5 foot 10 inches slightly balding brown hair and baby blue eyes I weigh about 175# and I am not all that well equipped in the genital department only 6 inches and sometimes have difficulty keeping an erection. My name is Bill. My wife is a year older at 50, she is 5 foot 1 inches tall 135# silver curly hair and deep brown eyes. Her name is Janet

Now I do love my wife with all my heart and soul but her upbringing seems to have made her a prude. She thinks that anyone who looks at pictures of naked people or reads erotic stories are a bunch of perverts. Sometimes when on the computer downloading some good pictures she just walks by and turns her nose up. I tell her she will just have to put up with a pervert husband.

My story really begins on a Friday night while me and the wife were watching a little tube to pass the evening, I had gotten off work a couple of hours before and was just getting relaxed and unwinding a little. Someone started knocking on the door so I got up to answer it, when I had just started to open the door it suddenly burst open and 4 huge men came rushing in, 2 black men and 2 white men.

I suddenly found myself pinned to the floor under 250# of black muscle and I hear my wife let out a scream which was cutoff short when a blond haired white man put his hand over her mouth and a knife to her throat. He said, "Shut the fuck up bitch unless you want try screaming with your throat cut.

I pled, "Please don't hurt her take what you want just leave her alone please"

Well lets look and see what we can find here" the black man sitting on my back said, "I don't see a mother fucking thing in this house worth the effort of carrying off. You got any money asshole?" I said I didn't because payday was still a week away. And we were living on the edge of poverty as it is.

Hey Sam see if the bitch is worth anything," the black said to the guy holding my wife.

Sam starts feeling her tits up and says "kinda sag a lot, ass is kinda pudgy too. She wouldn't draw 5 bucks as a whore." Sam said "how about him Charley he might make a good cocksucker." I just lay there under Charley's weight and cringe, like I said I am bisexual but I haven't been with a man since I was married 15 years ago and the thought of being forced and raped did not appeal to my sense of well-being.

Charley said "Listen asshole this is what is going to happen, I am going to let you up but don't try anything and you are going to do everything I say or your going to have one hell of a time getting the blood stains out of the carpet when Sam slices you old ladies throat, you understand." "Yes anything just leave her alone," I beg.

Charley gets up off of me and sits in my easy chair "now that's Lenny, pointing to the other black man, and that there is Willis, pointing to the 4th man. They are going to check you out but first I want you to do go get a kitchen chair and bring it in here, remember you darling wife and no funny business."

I get up off the floor and walk into the kitchen and return with a chair. "Now put it over there so your old lady can get a good view of this." Sam sits her in the chair and tells to get something to tie her up with. I go to the bedroom and bring some old ties that I never wear anymore and handed them to Sam.

Charley says, "Now while Sam is getting your old lady comfortable you can also, strip."

I look up and look at my Janet sitting there with tears and a hint of fear in her eyes, I start unbuttoning my shirt, when I get the last button undone I pull the shirt off and let it drop to the floor. Then my shoes and socks and then my trousers. And I am standing there in my boxers.

Charley yells "motherfucker I said strip, now shuck those shorts now." I drop my shorts and I hear Sam, Lenny, and Willis start laughing and pointing at my cock which has shriveled to about 2 inches. I am mortified. Sam quits laughing and says "Look and the puny dick on that bitch, I have seen clits bigger than that." I look over and I see Willis pulling a small camcorder out of his coat and he starts taping me..

"Ok now, what's your name anyway?" "Bill" I say. "Well Bill you I think with a dick that size you shouldn't have such a masculine name. Lets see how about cuntface yeah that will be what your called now. And do you know what cuntfaces do?" I shake my head no but I knew what was coming. ACuntfaces love to suck cock and get fucked. Now get on your knees in front of Lenny there and ask him to let you suck his cock until he cums."

I look over at my wife and see Sam press the knife a little closer to my bound Janet's throat, and sink to my knees in front of Lenny. I whisper while looking down, "please can I suck your cock" Charley says, "what was that I didn't hear what you said, did you Lenny." "No Charley all I heard was a soon to be widower mumbling to itself."

I said, "Please I would love to suck your cock till you cum in my mouth." much louder and with tears going down my cheek.

Lenny said, "Since you are such a sweet cuntface you can take it out of my pants and make love to my cock."

I look over at Janet and a look of disgust goes over her face, I know I will never be able to forget that look. I reach up and unfasten Lenny's belt then lower his zipper and pull his trousers down to the floor and he steps out of them. I look at the briefs he is wearing and see a lump that can't possible be real. "Pull those down and see what a real man has hanging between his legs" says Lenny.

I hook my fingers into the elastic waist band and start pulling them down and get hit on the cheek by the largest cock I have ever seen in my life. This had to be at least 10 inches long and it wasn't even hard yet. How in the hell was I going to get that in my mouth.

"Ok cuntface kiss it on the head then I want to feel lots of tongue while you suck that mother like your wife's life depended on it."

I kiss this monster cock on the tip and get a little taste of precum, then I start licking it like it was the first ice cream cone I had ever tasted. Then I slipped the head into my mouth and started a downward slide till I felt the head hit the back of my throat causing me to gag. "Don't you throw up on me cocksucker now get after it I haven't got a nut for 2 days and I am going to drown your ass in cum."

I start going up and down on his cock at a faster pace and could feel Lenny getting real hard, this guys cock was 13 inches minimum. I could only get about half in my mouth so I did what I was able and could sense that he was tensing up. His precum was flowing almost like a faucet and tasted kinda sweet.

All of a sudden he grabs the back of my head and holds me on his dick while I felt the first spurt of cum hit the back of my throat and then another and another I was swallowing as fast as I could but his cum started to overflow out of my mouth and down his cock to his pubes. After he finally stopped cumming I keep it in my mouth for a few seconds. Then I pulled back.

Lenny said "clean up real good now. Charley I think we can make something of cuntfaces mouth, he give one mean blowjob."

I finished cleaning the cum from Lenny when Charley tells Willis, "come on over here and try out cuntface, I want a second opinion." Charley motions Lenny over to relieve Sam. Lenny is shucking his shirt on the way over and is now butt naked behind Janet. He rests his flaccid cock over her shoulder and whispers, "this is what a real man has, that wimp of a husband could pass a girl with that pitiful excuse for a dick." He starts laughing then she closes her eyes up and sobs audibly.

Willis hands the camera to Charley then completely undresses and has me crawl to him. He get down on his knees and says, "get after that dick cuntface and I don't want to feel no teeth on my dick or I will knock em out." so I start sucking on Willis's dick and trying to give the best blowjob I could. Meanwhile I see Charley whispering to Sam out of the corner of my eye. And then Sam disappears behind me.

Suddenly I feel someone (I assume it is Sam) behind me while I am on all fours then I feel something pressing against my asshole. I try to scream but Willis grabs the back of my head and pushes all 10 inches of his cock down my throat. Needless to say I am unable to scream or even breath while Sam shoves his cock up my ass without any kind of lube. I could feel my ass tearing as he slammed in to the balls in one stroke. Willis released my head and let me pull back enough to breath. Tears are rolling down my face as I try to keep sucking with the pain radiating from my ass to deep within my bowels. I never knew there could be such pain.

This kept up till they both unloaded in my mouth and bowels. I was able to swallow Willis's cum without spilling any. Then they both got up and sit down on the couch. I just laid there holding my ass. I looked at Sam and saw him wiping his dick off with my underwear that he pick up off the floor.

Sam looked at Charley,"man that is some tight pussy on old cuntface there." Charley looks at me as he hands the camera back to Willis, "now lets see what he does with a real dick." and Charley proceeds to strip down and I can't believe what I am seeing his cock is coal black about 12 inches long but it is as big around as a beer can. And he is hard as a rock. He motions me over and I don't have to be coached, I start licking the head of his dick and then slipped the head in my mouth, my jaw was aching trying to get that monster in my mouth. Charley looks down and grabs my hair and lifts my head up, "That's good and wet enough now sit on it cuntface"

I look over at my Janet and her eyes looked like they are bulging out of her head. I just hoped she realized I was doing this for her life and possibly my own.

I stood up than lowered myself down on this humongous dick, it was rough at first but it finally started in and was less painful then when Sam reamed my ass.

While I started moving up and down on Charley's cock. Lenny came over and shoved his dick in my mouth, so I started sucking again.

This went on for the rest of the weekend they would tie me to the bed and use me they even fucked Janet once or twice.

On Sunday night as they went walking out the door Charley said, "no cops or everyone you know will get a copy of your movie, edited of course. We will be back and bring you a copy. And if someone comes to the door and says that Charley sent them you better treat them real good or else, you understand." I nod my head yes and he walked out the door, but not from our life.

Needless to say my Janet left me and went to live with her sister, and I began my life as a whore for Charley and his friends. Over the next few months it was a steady stream of cocksucking, fucking, and many other disgusting things that not even my perverted mind could dream up.

By the way that week end I ended cumming about a dozen times and never touched my dick even once. I guess that is why Janet left me, I was enjoying the hell out of myself.

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