My Worst Enemy

By M Horton

Published on Sep 4, 2011


As happy as I was to be getting out of class for the weekend, I was still furious at that bitch for what she said in class. It was bad enough she had the same major and took all the same classes as me - just because she was blonde, beautiful, and rich, she had to make everyone else look like they were stupid in front of the professors. And for some reason, she always seemed to have it out for me. And just to run up the score on the way out, she tripped me, making me drop my books in a crowd full of people. As I got back up, I looked up to see her walking away - yes, she was an icy bitch, but damn, I could look at that gorgeous ass all day. And she loved showing it off.

Her name was Mandi - yes, with an "i." And she made sure there was no mistaking it. Since we met in our first class, she made it clear she wasn't to be fucked with. I should have known not to let her bother me, especially when I saw her come into class from her Ferrari - bright red, license place reads "MANDI" - but for whatever reason, she just gets to me.

And it's the same thing all the time - one day, she trips me coming out of class. The next, she shoves me into the wall, slowing me down. I'm not afraid of her or anything, but I get sick of the abuse, and I guess the only reason I put up with it is because I like watching her walk away after she does it. Her blonde hair down to her mid-back, her ass in whatever slutty clothes she has on, her long, beautiful legs...she's hot as fuck and she knows it, and so do I. I would probably fuck her brains out if I didn't hate her so much.

I'm not at all shy about being a lesbian, even dating girls openly. Mandi seems to love using it to her advantage - I think she knows I check her out after her attacks on me, making it almost worth it to be treated like her bitch...oh, who am I kidding; it makes it totally worth it...and the physical attacks are usually accompanied by a few harsh names. I heard the words "cunt-lapping whore" out of her mouth as she tripped me this time, finishing it off with "Enjoy the view, slut" as she went on her way.

Mandi and I have been enemies since the minute we met, and it's not just sex or academics - it's almost everything. In high school, I was, by far, the hottest girl in school - tall, blonde, big tits, a tight, round ass that turned every head in school, and a secret - I craved pussy. Guys never did anything for me, much to my mother's dismay; she wanted me to stop flaunting my body and find a nice boy, marry him, and settle into a life of domestic servitude, much as she did until Dad died. That wasn't for me, though, and I was heading off to college to do great things and eat pussy. I told Mom I was a lesbian before I graduated, but no one found out at school until I was off to college - well, no one I wasn't seeing on the sly.

My first day in college, I was looking fine as hell - I might not like guys, but I like the attention. Tight, form-fitting jeans that show off my fantastic ass, and a low-cut tank top. Dressing like this usually caught the eye of anyone, guy or girl, walking past, and it pissed off more than a few teachers. I barely got any attention, though, for my looks - Mandi was in the sluttiest cutoffs I had ever seen and a midriff-baring top hiding two gorgeous DD tits without a bra. And when I tried to make up for it with my skills in class, there was Mandi again, cutting down every point I made. Just to make things worse, on the way out, she told me, "Welcome to college, bitch. I'll always be the girl you wish you were." And then she shoved me to the ground. That was my first chance to check her out as she arrogantly walked away, her ass looking fine as hell in those cutoffs.

I tried everything to make her look worse than me, but if I got an A, Mandi got an A+, and if I showed up to a party looking hot, she showed up looking hotter. I finally decided late freshman year that I wouldn't let her bother me, and when I met Veronica, I forgot all about Mandi. Suddenly, she didn't bother me anymore.

Veronica and I started dating in the spring of my freshman year - she was a sophomore and had a little more experience with girls, but she was everything I wanted. Smart, stable, and cute, though not mind-blowingly gorgeous like Mandi. We saw a lot of each other, and even Mom agreed that I brought home a nice girl, the first nice thing she had to say about me being a lesbian. It was a long summer, and I had completely forgotten about that stuck-up rich bitch who made my life a living hell for a year.

The first day back changed everything, though; as I drove through town trying to get to campus, I looked over to the side to an apartment building full of upperclassmen - and there stood Mandi, leaning on the hood of that damn Ferrari, smoking an expensive cigarette as two college guys moved her stuff into her place. I didn't say anything; I had forgotten about how much she got under my skin, but I knew she was always going to be a problem for me.

The first day back to class, it happened again; this time, she body-checked me into a wall on the way out of class. As expected, no one saw her do it, and I was pissed as hell, but once again, I got the best view in the world as I looked up at her - that perfect ass in those cutoffs. I remembered exactly why I didn't say anything to anyone about her.

She caught me in a bad mood one Monday afternoon a few weeks ago, though, and when she pulled my hair, I dropped to the ground as she expected - and got in her face. Not wanting to do this in a crowd of people, though, she pulled me aside into a deserted hallway, and I let her have it. "What the fuck was that for?" I demanded.

"When the fuck did you become the physical type, bitch?" she countered.

"I'm sick of your shit, Mandi!" I shouted. "Do it again and I'll fucking kill you!"

"Whatever, you dumb cunt," she coldly replied. "You won't do a fucking thing to me and you know it."

"I said I'd kill you, bitch!" Pure rage on my part.

"Eat pussy and die, lesbo bitch," she laughed. "You're scared of me."

"Rich slut!"

"Whiny bitch!"

"Fucking bully!"

With that, she said nothing, waiting for a couple of seconds, seeming to check out of the corner of her eye if anyone was coming - they weren't - and then she pinned me against the wall. I thought I was dead. I had no idea if I could take Mandi in a fight, but I knew if I lost, it would be the ultimate humiliation. I didn't see her next move coming at all.

She kissed me. Right on the lips - deep and sustained, she planted her lips on mine. She had me pinned against the wall, and I couldn't escape if I wanted, and as she stuck her tongue in my mouth, she seemed to be asserting her dominance over me. The message it sent to me was that I was hers and she owned me.

She broke the kiss and walked away, leaving me absolutely stunned. The woman who had tormented me and made me miserable had just made out with me in public. I felt so used, so degraded - and I wanted more. Veronica had never kissed me like that - she wasn't a passionate lovemaker, and when we were intimate, I had to fantasize about girls I went to high school with to make it work. She was wonderful in every other way, but in the bedroom, she was barely into it. This one kiss from my most hated enemy was more passionate and intense than my entire relationship.

For the next few weeks, it was all I could think about. Mandi had gotten into my head, and she knew it. I didn't know if she was really into girls or if she just kissed me because she knew I was - she never had boyfriends and told her father she was only interested in her studies - but it was all-consuming. Veronica and I only had sex once in that time, and the whole time we were together, I was pretending she was Mandi. Every time I masturbated, even to some of my favorite lesbian videos, all I thought about was how hot Mandi was. I couldn't believe it, but I finally came to terms with it - I was lusting after my worst enemy, and it was the hottest fantasy I had ever had.

I even went to greater lengths to show off, all for Mandi - my usual jeans and tank tops were too boring for someone who dresses as slutty as Mandi, so I turned my favorite pair of ass-hugging jeans into cutoffs and paired them with a white bikini. We went to school in California, and it was always warm and the atmosphere relaxed, so no one really commented on what we wore. Veronica wasn't happy about my attire - she dresses much more conservatively - and she would have been pissed as hell if she knew it was for Mandi.

I wanted Mandi to notice, and she did, at least in the way she dressed; the low-cut tops were out, replaced with bikinis as skimpy as the ones I wore. The cutoffs somehow got even shorter, even exposing the bottom of her delicious ass. After a week of staring at that, I upped the ante and lost the cutoffs, going in just my bikini and getting away with it. Mandi countered with a hot pink thong bikini, and her ass looked even hotter bare than it did in those tight cutoffs, if that was even possible.

Our argument seemed to reach the climax earlier today when my newest bikini arrived - barely-there coverage for my tits, and the bottoms were g-string, hot pink, and if the students didn't know I was shaved before, they did now. It was a good thing Veronica went home for the weekend; she would have passed out seeing me in that.

In walks Mandi to class - and damned if she didn't copy me. Same bikini, same exposed ass, but in black. And yes, like me, she was shaved. I couldn't believe we got away with dressing like this - we could probably have gone nude and no one would have said anything - and I couldn't believe Mandi stole my idea. But at least with our fights over who can dress more like a slut, the physical bullying had stopped - until after class.

This time, she tripped me, and this time, I got an eyeful of her perfect, delicious, wonderful ass - totally bare except for the little bit of black string going up her ass-crack. Yes, the trip pissed me off, and now I had to pick up my books again, but if the price for a glimpse of her luscious ass was being tripped, bullied, and harssed by the meanest bitch in school, then I would have let her do anything she wanted at that point.

It was the last class of the day, so I was on my way back to the dorm to get ready for a party tonight - when I received a text. I wasn't expecting anyone's call or text, so I was a little surprised, figuring my mom wanted to talk or something. Veronica never texted me, so I knew it wasn't her. I picked up the phone, and the message read: "Lesbo Bitch: Get your ass to my apartment at 11 pm tonight. Don't change your clothes. You know where to go. Mandi" I had no idea what she had in store for me, but it had to be hot. Mandi - into girls? The idea made me horny as fuck.

I couldn't think about anything else, and the next eight hours were the longest of my life as I waited for eleven o'clock to arrive. I got stares, catcalls, and even a few attempts to grab my ass - and I was totally numb to them. All I could feel was passion for this crazy, cruel woman who wanted me to meet her at her apartment. I didn't know if she was going to fuck me, sell me to be fucked, or kill me, and frankly, I didn't care. I wanted her so bad I would have done anything she told me.

Finally, horny like the crazy bitch I am, I headed over to Mandi's in enough time to get there by 11. I waited anxiously for about ten minutes because I was early, and then just a minute before my cell said it was 11, I went up to her front door - she had her own apartment - and there she stood, dressed in the same black g-string bikini she had on earlier. I had done as she told me earlier and kept mine on as well. She motioned me inside, and as I entered, she slammed the door behind her and locked it. It was just me and Mandi.

Just as she had done a few weeks ago, she pinned me against the wall and kissed me - this time, her tongue went straight into my mouth, and I moaned as she kissed me deeper. I wanted it so badly, and I kissed her back. She forced her body against mine, using her legs to pin me while she undid my bikini top, freeing my tits as I did the same for her. Down to our g-strings, she worked her way to my ass as I did the same, stripping off her slutty g-string as she did the same to me. I was finally naked with Mandi and in a deep, passionate, sustained kiss - and I had never wanted anything more.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and the back of my neck, turned me around, and threw me onto the couch face-down - I loved how rough she was being with me - and stood over me. I knew what was coming, and as expected, she slapped my ass - hard. Very hard. I had been a submissive for a kinky older woman before, but she was never as rough with me as Mandi was with just a few smacks to my bare ass. "Harder," I pleaded - and she obliged. The smacks got harder and stung more - and with every time she spanked my ass, I got more turned on. Being Mandi's bitch was my ultimate fantasy, and nothing could compare to it.

Soon, she decided her hand wasn't hard enough for hitting me, so she reached into her drawer and took out a riding crop, thrashing my bare ass with it. I just laid face-down and took it from her, knowing Mandi owned me now and I was hers to abuse.

Beating my ass with a riding crop got boring for her fast, though, so she pulled me off the couch by my hair and forced me to kneel. My ass was sore and red, and I wanted more. She looked me over as I stared up at her, ready to worship her naked, flawless body, and just made me stare at her for a few minutes. She did nothing, and I just knelt with her towering over me; I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted her to do something - anything. Beat me. Whip my tits. Anything she wanted.

But she continued to study my naked body, front and back. Finally, she spoke. "I think I know what I want done to you," she finally said. "These?" Pointing to my nipples. "Pierced." I had always wanted to get my nipples pierced - Veronica talked me out of it.

I started to speak. "So you can twist--"

"Shut your bitch mouth!" she commanded. "You talk when I fucking tell you to talk, you dumb cunt." Then she started smiling devilishly again. "You have no fucking clue what I'm about to do to you." After a brief pause, she continued. "Into my bedroom. Now."

As I walked, she was right behind lashing my ass with the crop, giggling the whole way to the bedroom. The door was shut - presumably she wanted it to be a surprise, and it was. When she opened to door, I realized she had her bedroom converted into a dungeon. "I don't know if you know this about me, slut," she said as the reality of the situation hit me, "but I'm quite the dominatrix. I love dumb blondes like you who think they can handle me. I especially love girls who hate me. But what I really love, and you're the first, is a dumb blonde cunt who hates me but secretly worships me." She was spot-on - I hate her with a passion, but I can't get enough of her.

She continued, "Hands above your head and feet spread apart." I did exactly as she told me.

She cuffed my hands to the ceiling and shackled my feet to the floor - I couldn't move if I wanted. I was totally defenseless against her, and I absolutely loved the feeling. As only Mandi would, she started into a monologue before dominating me, just to drag it out. "So now you see what I do to dumb bitches like you. And since most of my conquests hate my guts, I have to remind them who's really in charge so no one finds out what a deviant girl I really am. After all, if Daddy found out his sweet little angel is crazy for pussy, it would just break his heart. So we have an understanding, right, cunt? Not a word to anyone about this. Besides," she paused, smiling with that evil grin I hate, "you wouldn't want your girlfriend to see this, would you?" At this point, she could have thrown Veronica in the room and made her watch Mandi dominate me and I wouldn't have cared. What Mandi wants, Mandi gets.

"I'll keep your secret like a good bitch." All I could manage. "And you can do whatever you want to me. I hope you do. I need my ass beaten."

"That's what Mandi likes to hear." The riding crop struck my ass again - harder this time. I didn't care if she beat me until I passed out - I wanted it so badly. I was so wet for this twisted angel, and all I wanted to do after she punished my naked slut body was eat her pussy until she screamed.

She worked the crop faster and harder; every smack on my round ass seemed to get closer together. She taunted me as she beat me, too - the usual names she called me, all of which were true. I was a cunt-worshipping whore, and I would give it up for any girl she told me to. All the things she described to me that she wanted to do? Whip me until I cry like a bitch? Sell me to her rich friends for them to abuse? I was getting wetter and more turned on with everything she said. And from looking at her, so was she.

Soon, she stopped focusing on beating my ass with the crop and took out a leather whip - a cat o' nine tails that she said was one of her prized possessions. "I make blonde cunts cry with this every day," she teased. She felt up my tits - tight, bouncy, and a little bigger than D's but not quite as big as her delicious DDs - and she looked me in the eyes. "I think I'll be using it on these tonight. But first," she paused, and I knew it wasn't good - well, except I loved being tortured by her.

She took out a ball gag and shoved it in my mouth - forcefully, as if she didn't care that she was hurting me, which I knew she didn't. As she hooked it in, she slapped my face - hard. "I think you talk too much," she scolded. "I like my bitches to be silent. Your mouth is just for eating my pussy as a thank-you when I'm done with you. And if you're good, I'll do it to you again tomorrow night. Oh, and by the way," she said, going back to my tits with her hands, the whip in one of them, "these." She smiled devilishly. "Implants. You're getting them."

There would be no way to hide the fact that I was worshipping Mandi if she made me get my tits bigger - but through my gag, I nodded my head and agreed to her demand, and as she did, the first lashing of the whip hit my tits.

She ignored my screams, as much screams of pleasure as intense pain. My tits are extremely sensitive, and I loved when girls I hooked up with played rough with them - but none could dominate me worth a damn. Every lash on my delicious tits brought out more intense pain - and closer to orgasm, a sensation I knew Mandi wouldn't let me experience, at least not right away.

I bit down on the gag as she lashed my bouncing tits; she verbally teased me for shaking them for her, as if to encourage her. I even made it a point to shake my tight ass for her as she lashed me. She never let up, smacking my DDs with her prized possession, inflicting an insane amount of pain on me - but never enough. My tits were on fire as she whipped me mercilessly, hearing my muffled screams through the ball gag. I couldn't believe how fucked-up this was, with me worshipping this heartless bitch, but I couldn't help myself and I wanted it every chance I could.

My tits were in more pain than I could ever imagine, and Mandi was laughing maniacally as she tortured me. I wondered just how far she could take this. But at the same point, though I was delirious from the pain, I was also on the edge of the most intense orgasm of my life.

Predictably, before I could begin to climax, Mandi stopped whipping me, still laughing like a villainess. I pictured her as one of those comic supervillain women who finally captured her enemy, drained her powers, and tortured her in the most depraved sexual manners. I felt totally powerless with her - my mind, my talents, my charm, all useless against Mandi, as they always had been. Her powers, however? Her seeming mind-control that she had over me, keeping me from thinking about anything else but wanting to fuck her? She was all-powerful. She was a goddess.

She walked up to me and reached behind me to my ass. "I think your ass is a little lonely tonight, bitch," she chuckled. "Wouldn't want it to feel left out." Neither would I, I thought as she also touched my nipples, causing intense pain and apprehension in addition to shockwaves of pleasure. "What do you think I should use on your ass?"

Of course, I couldn't answer because of the gag, but she showed me a few toys she had, starting with a ping-pong paddle from a children's toy set. After she whipped my tits, it wouldn't do and we both knew it. She upgraded to a wooden paddle, but I wanted more.

Finally, she settled on a strap with metal studs in it. She stood in front of me and asked me, "Do you think this is rough enough for your bitch ass?"

She took out the gag for a second - and kissed me deeply. I fucking loved when she kissed me. I felt like such a desperate slut, which, for Mandi, I always have been even if I didn't know it. She shoved her tongue in deep, as if to remind me who owns me, and when she was finished, the gag went back in before I could say a word, not that I would except to beg for even more torture.

Barely a second passed before she inflicted the first lash on my ass, and with each passing lash she got more precise and inflicted more pain. The studs dug into my ass cheeks, especially when one hit the same exact spot as an earlier lashing. The pain just intensified, and it gave me a rush like never before. I only wished I could look over her beautiful naked body as she whipped me so I could study every curve, knowing my tongue would be at her service later.

Suddenly she stopped, seeming bothered and coming back to face me. She was incredibly sexy, from her gorgeous tits to her tight, shaved pussy, and I even got a look at her perfect ass. But clearly something was wrong, and she was quick to say it.

"Something's missing here," she smirked as she said. "I love beating your ass, but now..." I shook my tits for her as if to remind her they needed attention. She must have either read my mind or taken the hint as she took out two clamps - I've been clamped before, but not by anyone who knew what she was doing - and hooked them on as firmly as she could, even pinching my nipples. I screamed through the gag, but I knew she wasn't finished, and she wasn't.

The clamps had hooks on the ends, and I knew what they were for. She took out little weights designed to look like grenades and hung them from the hooks - I knew they weren't real but it was hot that she hung them by the 'pins' as if to show she was totally reckless. I couldn't believe how much pain she was inflicting on me, but all I could think of was how much more was to come and how badly I wanted it.

With my tits clamped, she returned to my ass, warming it back up with her studded strap and smacking the same spots that she had hit earlier. This time, though, she knew I wanted to watch her, so she uncovered a mirror so I could study her naked body the same as she studied mine.

She slowed down a bit, using her hands to spank me in addition to the strap, as if to remind me she could - and would - do as she pleased. I think she just loved the feel of my used and abused ass, but I loved her hands on my ass. She definitely made me think that, though she didn't say so, when she stopped the spankings between the lashings and instead just caressed my ass. My God, I fucking wanted her.

Once again, she gave me my wish, taking out the gag - this time, dropping it to the floor - and kissing me deeply. She was more passionate this time, as if she wanted the kiss as badly as I did. She undid the clamps and pressed her naked body against mine, feeling my ass as she tongued my slut mouth. I kissed back, and she almost didn't give me any resistance. If I didn't think in the back of my mind that we would just go back to hating each other after tonight and this would be just another psychological advantage she had over me, I would have treated this like another passionate hookup. But we both knew I would never be able to control my slut side, the side the craves pain, torture, and cruel women.

She unhooked me from the device and pushed me down onto her bed, still in full control of me; I knew I was letting my guard down and she was letting me think we were just going to fuck, but I let her do it anyway. Mandi was good, and I was good at letting Mandi be good.

I should have known the torture wasn't over yet - the bed had satin sheets but also had handcuffs attached to it, and my wrists went into the cuffs. Next to be cuffed were my ankles, and once again, I couldn't move. I wondered what kind of torture she had in mind - but I could never expect what she did.

She came back with a thick stack of printed papers. "Know what these are?" she asked - and I didn't. "You know how you put your innermost slut thoughts into writing on your computer for no one else to see?"

I thought, what? Where did she get those? But Mandi had said earlier to be silent, so I said nothing. She was right, though - I wrote stories about me being submissive to other women, and I had since I was 16. But I never showed anyone and never shared them.

"You know how you put your favorite lesbian clips on that file-sharing program? Well..." She said, chuckling - damnit, I put them in that folder, and Mandi found them. "I love your taste in girls, by the way - cruel, dominant, and sexy like me. And I love all the things you wrote. You've been at this a while, haven't you? A total library of 122 chapters, all ending with you beaten, bound, and wanting more."

She was totally right about every one of them. The early chapters were pretty vanilla but showed how depraved I could be. At the end of chapter 1, I was tied to a chair in my bra and panties watching my girlfriend being taken by a cheerleader. Tonight? Being cuffed to my worst enemy's bed after she whipped me and clamped my tits? Let's just say she hasn't read very far in.

"Wow, slut," she smiled. "By chapter 34, you're in prison?" One of my biggest fantasies. "And my favorite one...chapter 77...guess who enters the picture?" I never liked to admit it to anyone, but the minute I laid eyes on Mandi, I lusted for her, and she was the one who was my main tornentor in stories from chapter 77 onward. Of course, by that point, I was selling my body to any woman who would have me and use me, so it's no surprise I would lust after that rich goddess.

She climbed on the bed, straddling me, and shoved her shaved pussy in my face. "I'm fucking horny as hell reading about all the things I'm going to get to do to you," she grinned. "I want my pussy eaten. Now."

With pleasure, I thought, as I dived into her delicious cunt. She started grinding it in my face, and I just sucked it, licked it, and enjoyed it. I've eaten pussy every chance I got, but rarely tied up and never like this. I was pleasing my most hated enemy - and I couldn't stop if I tried. I was so into her. I couldn't tell if she was into me or if she just loved torturing me. I knew she was a lesbian like me, but that didn't mean I was hers as anything other than a cunt-worshipping bitch who lived to be tortured.

I searched frantically for her g-spot as she hung onto the bedposts; her pussy straddled my pinned-down face as my arms and legs were spread out on her king-size torture bed. She shoved her cunt in my face, smooth and shaved like mine, as she rode me, calling out nasty names I had only dreamed of before. My pussy dripped as I got wetter and hornier, anticipating the same treatment or at least something in return for worshipping her. A hard whipping or something...anything to make me remember she's really in charge and I worship her.

She started screaming in ecstasy, the first moans I got out of her not related to her cruel maniacal laughter. I knew she was about ready to climax, and I wanted to please her so badly. My tongue seemed to find her g-spot, and I focused on working her tight pussy with my slut tongue as she managed to work in a few more nasty names for me. I wanted to play with her bouncing tits so badly but I knew she wouldn't allow it.

Her screams seemed to reach the tipping point, turning into orgasmic moans as she held on tighter and increased her grip on my face. I felt like such a whore beneath her cunt, but it was everything I wanted. She was so wet, so tight, and so delicious, and all I wanted was to make her scream more, and I did, for what felt like forever. Her orgasmic screams were my heaven. I was hers.

As she died down, though, the screams were replaced with her cruel, evil laughter. I knew more was in store as she got up and stood over my helpless naked body. I knew I was in bigger trouble as she reached for the ball gag I had worn earlier in the evening, and as I expected, she shoved it back into my mouth.

She coupled it with a blindfold, so now I couldn't speak or see what she was up to - which I hated, since she has a hell of a body. "I have a couple more surprises for you, bitch," she chuckled. I waited anxiously as she seemed to be ready to hook something else onto me.

I felt the pinch on one of my nipples - the clamp went on, this time without the weight. She pinched it tight, and I let out a shriek through my gag, not that Mandi cared. She repeated the hard pinch with the other nipple, forcing out another shriek - this time, she laughed. I wondered what more she had in mind for me.

"Thanks for the orgasm, slut," she laughed. "I think I'll give you the night to think about all the thinks I have planned for you. But I'm out of here; I have a party to go to. And by the way," she seemed to say menacingly, "that bikini you wore? I like it, and I think I'll keep it. You live on the other end of campus, right? I'll have to remember that." I heard her laughing as she walked away, and I built up rage at her for abandoning me here in this position. "Goodnight, slut," she laughed, and I was left with nothing more than a desperate need for an orgasm and no way to get one...

Next: Chapter 2

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