My Wild Life

By Scott Patrick

Published on Aug 30, 2011


Disclaimer: This story contains sex between teens under 18, but not any younger than 15. If you can?t handle it or you find it troubling, please don?t read it and exit now. The following work is fictional. If you like it or have any comments please e-mail me at:

The same main characters apply.

My Wild Life Ch. 4: New Discoveries

I slept well that night. I woke up surprised because I wasn?t in the same condition that I was in. My brother wasn?t in the same bed, but I was tied up to my bed, both arms and legs. I noticed something strange. Carson was shaving my body. He was shaving legs. I noticed even my pubic hair was gone. I had no arm hair. I didn?t expect this.

?What are you doing?? I asked him

?Remain still.?

How was I supposed to explain this to Liza or even the guys in the locker room? I noticed that Carson was finally done shaving me. My body did feel free. It was just something you don?t expect to wake up to. Ryan came up and untied me. All he could do was smile. I smiled back, but a confused look was on my face.

?You look so much hotter, Bro. Don?t you agree Carson??

?Yes, indeed. He looks so fabulous.?

I blushed and got up. I rubbed my wrists. It was about time to go to school. They had delayed me so there was no time for a shower or anything. I put on my boxer briefs with their eyes not leaving my body. I couldn?t explain what I was feeling. I wanted to have a threesome with Carson and my brother. It was hot to me. I was new to the incest thing. You have to admit, incest can be hot. I don?t consider my father hot and it would be nasty to do it with him.

We arrived to school and no Liza. She stayed away from me for some reason. It was ok though. I got to check out some guys. That?s all I could think of recently. Even the fat guys I wondered how big their cocks were and how good or bad it would be to blow them. My hormones were raging and I really wanted a guy to have fun with. It was a few days until my 18th birthday. I couldn?t wait. I definitely wanted to try something that I knew I wouldn?t ever dream of doing in the past. Goran came up to me. He definitely had been checking me out lately. I have thought about him too. Our birthdays were actually a day a part so it was quite easy for what I had planned.

?What?s up dude?? He asked me.

?Not much. I can?t wait for this weekend. I have some plans. I will tell you later.?

I didn?t want to go any farther than that because some guys of the football team were walking up. They waved and kept walking. I looked back and stared at their fine asses. God, I was definitely going gay and there was no stopping it. I was accepting that I was taking that path. I knew I would definitely have to break up with Liza soon. A cock in my mouth is what I most of all in my life other than my brother?s or Carson?s. I wouldn?t mind Goran?s. His European uncut cock in my mouth would be amazing. He does have the hottest ass you have ever seen. We separated from each other, but we were both eyeing each other. Little did I know, Jeremy Francis, a defensive lineman, was watching me eye Goran. This would be the first step to my demise, but I didn?t give a shit.

I got a text from Liza. She needed to see me. I wondered what this could be. I met her by the janitor?s closet. I thought it would be something bad, but it was quite the opposite. She pulled me inside. She took off all my clothes and I took hers off. She stroked my cock causing me to moan loudly. She shh?d me. We kissed with our tongues dueling. I thought maybe if people knew that me and Liza fucked, they would see that I wasn?t gay. I was turning though. Liza was probably the only girl that I could fuck. I penned her up against the wall and fucked her hard. I did have a condom on. Our moans echoed like never before. We knocked a lot off the walls. I knew I was about to cum. We went at it for minutes. We were both sweating. We came at about the same time.

When it was over we exited the janitor?s closet. Jeremy was outside the closet. He smiled at me and I smiled back. It was good that he was there so he couldn?t say anything about me being gay or interested in guys too. The rumors did begin to spread about me being gay with Goran but that was put to rest after I fucked Liza?s brains out. As Liza went her separate way and so did everybody else, Jeremy came over to me. This guy was 6?3 240. He was all muscle and very hung. If you ever seen him in the locker room, you would swear he had the thickest cock in the world.

?You nail her huh??

?Yep. She is an amazing fuck.? I responded.

?Was it me or earlier were you checking out Goran. I saw you guys looking at each other like there was something between you two??

This made me mad. I wouldn?t mind being fucked by Goran. I even dreamed about it but I didn?t want anyone else to know about it or give me shit. I was the team captain and I wasn?t going to be put under fire about rumors. The rumors that were going around must have been started by Jeremy. There was nobody else that would say anything. Only my friends knew about me and my brother. Liza knew about me blowing Carson. She didn?t mind it as long as I put her number one.

?That?s bullshit!?

?Whatever dude. Chill.?

?Don?t tell me to chill. You accuse me of being gay when I just fucked the hottest girl in school?? I said as I was hot about this.

?Sorry. Now that I know you ARE not gay? maybe you would like to come over and have a party at my house.?

Now, Jeremy?s circle of friends was different than mine. He normally hung out with guys that were into video games, Magic the Gathering, and that sorta thing. He was a nerdy jock. His friends really never thought highly of me especially Chris Hutton. When we were in the fifth grade, I beat the shit out of Hutton for being an asshole to my brother. You would think that a person wouldn?t hold a grudge but Jeremy?s friends were all about grudges. I called them the Grudge Group. They normally hated jocks and everyone related to them except for Jeremy.

?Okay but don?t be all like you?re gay and shit when you don?t even know my personal life.?

?Man dude, I never thought you would be this defensive. The only reason why I?m giving you shit is because I caught your brother making out with that Carson in the hallways. Is your brother gay?? He asked me.

I nodded.

?My older brother is gay too. I don?t have a problem with gays but I didn?t want any on the football team because I don?t want a gay guy checking out my junk. I save my cock for girls and only girls.?

?I had no clue that Patrick was gay.?

We continued to talk and calm down. It was good to meet someone else that was going through something like I was. I knew nobody would pick on Ryan because of me. Everybody knew that I was very protective of my brother and Jeremy was protective of his older brother. We instantly became friends. We hadn?t ever talked this much.

?I will go to your party.?

?Cool.? He replied

We had it set up for next weekend. We knew we couldn?t have it this weekend because I was having my 18th birthday party this weekend. I couldn?t wait to be an adult. There were so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to start doing things that adults were doing like clubbing. There were clubs that 18 year olds could go to as long as they didn?t drink. I had so much shit going on though, It would be my chance to escape school, my brother, Liza, and the college scout that was coming in a couple of weeks to meet up with me. He was from Ole Miss.

I arrived to the locker room and got undressed to get dressed up. Mike Devlin came up to me. He was the running back. He was black around 5?11 180. He was really fast and cool. We were friends for awhile before he started hanging out with other people. We still talked every now and then. He was one of those guys that could get the world to settle around him. He was heavily scouted by the University of Oklahoma. He was going to be a Sooner. I hated the Sooners. I always wanted them to lose.

?Dude, where?s your body hair?? He asked me.

?I shaved it off because it will give me and edge making have less resistance.?

?That is so gay.?

That caused the other players in the locker room to laugh. Couple of the players came to my side. Some of them agreed that it could make you get off the ball faster. Mike continued to give me shit about it. I didn?t think he would truly think of me being gay. I saw Goran and he was laughing at me. I knew that Goran thought better than that. I shook my head. He put his arm around my shoulder.

?You ok in my book.? He said to me.

After practice, I headed home. I knew that Ryan probably needed me. I walked in and found our parents were distraught. My Dad looked down at Ryan. They probably knew he was gay. He probably came out to them. I tried to think what to say because this was one subject that was extremely sensitive to both me and Ryan. We did shit together and we both liked it. I decided to go to my brother?s aid but before I could say anything our parents confronted me.

?Did you know that Ryan was gay?? Mom asked me calmly.

?Yes, I did. I still love him and it changes nothing.?

?I don?t want a fag living here!? Dad exclaimed.

I was boiling mad. I was about to crush my father. There was no way he was going to kick Ryan out or even do anything to him. Ryan?s hands were covering his face as he was balling his eyes out. Our Mom was pissed at Dad for talking that way. She was a little more understanding than Dad was. Her best friend in the world was gay. His name was Tom Clevenger. He was also a drag queen. His stage name was Star Bright. Mom mentioned a club called Majestic. It was a gay club that had competitions between drags and other things. Our Mom kicked my Dad out of the house. My brother left also but went to stay at Carson?s for the weekend. My parents were soon to get a divorce. It was brewing but this was the final straw.

Finally, the weekend came. Today was my birthday. Ryan and Carson were due to come over and so was our group. Tanya was going to be over first because she liked decorating and she was the best at it. Liza wanted to give me a birthday fucking. I knew this birthday was going to be the shit.?

--I want to say thanks to Alan and everyone else who commented. There will be more. I have many ideas. If you have any ideas please submit them and I will incorporate them with my own to give the best story possible--

Next: Chapter 5

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