My Wife's Father

By Mister J Author

Published on Nov 29, 2022



My Wife's Father By Mister J

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A 27-year-old closeted bisexual and his straight father-in-law have a mutual dislike for each other. And he is thankful the man lives in another state.

But one night, the man shows up unannounced and intends to stay longer than expected. He tries to get along for his wife's sake, but he keeps getting reminded of why he doesn't like the man.

Can he keep himself from getting in a fight with his father-in-law, or will he get physical in another way?

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"UGH! I don't want to read another essay from whiny high school teenagers with first-world problems for the rest of the night." I marked the grade on the last paper's upper right corner and placed it on top of the stack on the coffee table.

"That, right there, is whining." My wife chuckled while typing on her laptop on the kitchen table. Her long, black hair tied in a ponytail draped over her chest.

I downed the last of my beer and got off the couch to get to the fridge. "I heard that."

Grace's cell phone rang a pop tune.

After taking another bottle, I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Who said I didn't want you to hear it?" She stuck her tongue at me and accepted the call. "Hi, daddy. How's everything in Seattle?"

Oh, him.

Rolling my eyes, I went back to the living room.

"Yes, we're home. He's watching the game."

I pretended to watch while trying to listen in on them.

"No, daddy. He's not like that."

What is he telling my wife now?

I tried to let it go and watch the game for real.

"Bye." She hung up. "My dad says hi."

Yeah, right?

While knocking back my beer, I grunted.

"Babe?" She asked while rummaging through folders spread out in front of her.

"Yeah." I kept my eyes on the game.

"Thanksgiving is coming in a couple of months. And I was thinking. Maybe we could invite my father over this year."

"What?" I snapped my head in her direction. "Why?"

"I know you're not really a fan of my father."

Not a fan? I scoffed silently. That's one way of putting it.

The man is rude, arrogant, and controlling. Just because he has money, he thinks he's above me.

"Why can't he spend it in Vegas with your brother's family like last year? His grandchildren are there."

"They're going to New York and spend it with his wife's family."

"Then let him go with them."

"Babe, I haven't seen him since mom's funeral. It's been more than a year. I want to see him. I miss him."

But I don't miss him. And I don't want to see him.

"Can you at least try to get along? For me. Please."

I gave a deep sigh. "Okay, fine. Tell him to come over for Thanksgiving. But don't expect us to become best friends."

`Yey!" Grace clapped in glee. "Believe me. I have no hope of that happening. You're just as stubborn as he is."

"What are you talking about? I'm not stubborn."

"Nuh-uh. You are."

"I agreed to invite father-in-law for Thanksgiving, didn't I? That's not stubborn."

"Oh, babe." She chuckled. "I've known for a long time that I married a stubborn man."

"Your honor, I object. My beautiful and sexy wife is telling lies."

"Even if you turn the world upside down, you are."

The doorbell chimed.

"No, I'm not." I got off the couch. Who could that be? It's ten in the evening. "I'll get it."

"Thanks, babe. And yes, you are." She resumed typing with a smirk.

I shook my head in amusement and opened the front door.

A 6'3" hulk towered over my 5'11".

"Jacob?" I froze in front of my father-in-law.

The professional wrestler-sized Filipino-American's long navy shirt threatened to rip from his muscles hidden underneath.

"Ryan." He straightened the suitcase next to him.

I offered him a handshake as an act of civility.

He took my hand with a calloused bear paw. "You call that a handshake? Put some strength into it, son. My hand won't break."

With a strained grin, I gripped tighter.

"See? My daughter married a man, after all."

Pressing my lips together, I suppressed a `fuck you.'

Jacob let go, adjusted the bag strap on his shoulder, and barged in, towing the suitcase behind him.

I stepped out of the way before I got trampled. "Why don't you come in?" I asked under my breath.

My father-in-law stopped and turned his bearded bald head. "Did you say something?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Babe, look who's here."

"Where's my favorite daughter?" His built frame stood in the middle of the living room with hands on his hips like a comic book hero.

"Daddy?" The chair's legs creaked against the floor, followed by excited footfalls.

"There she is. Surprise!"

Grace crashed into her dad with a hug. Her slim build and height made her look like she was embracing a giant.

I hung back a couple of steps away.

"We were just talking about inviting you over for Thanksgiving." She let go of him. "Why didn't you tell me? Ryan could have picked you up at the airport."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

"How long will you be staying in San Diego?" I wrapped an arm around my wife's waist.

"Not sure yet. I'm planning on scouting potential locations for a branch of my restaurant here. So, maybe a while."

"It's not a problem, daddy. You can stay as long as you like. You're always welcome here." She looked at me with wide eyes. "Right, babe?"

"Of course." I flashed a smile that I hoped didn't give away my real feelings.

"Have you had dinner? We still have some chicken left over."

"Yeah. I ate something at the airport. But I'll make a sandwich later if I get hungry."

"Babe, can you show daddy the guest room? Let me finish my work here first, and I'll check on you later."

Jacob handed me his bag and left the suitcase behind.

Are you kidding me? He could carry his luggage on one arm with me on it.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind him.

We walked up the stairs in silence, giving me a full view of his ass in tight slacks.

Fuck. I have to admit my father-in-law is hot. If he weren't such an asshole and I weren't married, I wouldn't hesitate to nuzzle between those muscular cheeks and eat his hole all night.

When we reached the guest room, he went inside and unbuttoned his shirt.

I dragged his stuff in and placed them next to the bed.

He tossed the shirt aside and faced me, revealing his hairy chest. His muscles screamed masculinity and strength.

"Ryan, are you still a teacher?" He plopped his suitcase on the bed.

"Yes, I am."

He scoffed. "My daughter is still bringing in the bigger money, I see."

The heat started to rise within me.

Clenching my fists, I tried to remain calm. If I were a cartoon character, smoke would blow out of my ears.

"Your daughter already knew I was a teacher before we even dated."

Jacob faced me. "Look, I'm not going to pretend anymore. I really don't like you. I still don't understand why my daughter married you. If I were her, I would have married her ex-fiance."

Fuck it. Not caring if he was way bigger than me, I walked to him and stopped close enough to smell the manly musk radiating from his muscular body.

My father-in-law remained unphased.

"Well, I don't want to marry you, too. I'm not into dicks."

He frowned and went back to unpacking his stuff. "Whatever."

"Babe, is everything okay up there?" Grace yelled from downstairs.

"Yes, babe. Everything's good."

Jacob and I made eye contact.

"Oh, okay. Could you come down here for a minute?"

"I'll be right there."

When I reached the door, I faced him. "The bathroom's next door. There's a robe in the closet. I'm not sure if it's long enough for you, but it's there if you need it."

He ignored me and continued unpacking.

"Our bedroom is right across from here. If you need anything else, just let us know."

"Bring me a beer." He carried a bunch of his clothes to the closet. No please' or thank you.'

"Sure." I flashed a contemptuous smile and left the room.

Once I got out into the hallway and out of sight, I flipped him off with both hands.

Fucking dick.

"BABE, stop tossing and turning." My wife, with a sleep mask on, groaned on her side of the bed.

"Sorry, babe." I kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep. I'm going to the kitchen to drink hot chocolate to help me sleep."

"Okay," she said in a sleepy whisper.

I sat up and looked at the digital clock on my nightstand.

It showed a few minutes past one in the morning.

Wearing nothing except boxer briefs, I put my robe on and left the bedroom.

A sliver of light escaped through the gap under the bathroom door, and water trickled into the toilet.

It seems the source of my stress is still up.

Just hang in there, Ryan. He's going back to Seattle soon. I hope it's sooner than soon.

When I got to the kitchen, I gathered everything I needed to make hot chocolate.

The pot slipped my hand and dropped on the floor. Metal clanking echoed in the kitchen.

Cringing, I picked it up as fast as I could to make it stop. "Nice going, me. Very stealthy."

After making the hot chocolate, I poured it into a big mug.

"Is the leftover chicken in the fridge?" a deep voice asked.

The interrupted silence made my body jolt. Some of my drink spilled.

"Shit." I turned and rubbed my robe as if it would remove the hot chocolate from it. "You fucking scared me."

My middle-aged father-in-law stood in the kitchen in a robe. With his hulking body, it covered only halfway down his thighs. A giant bulge showed on his crotch.

The front of my boxer briefs stirred with curiosity to see the snake hidden underneath.

His lips lifted into a subtle smirk.

I turned around and adjusted my robe to cover the beginnings of an erection. "It's in the fridge."

"I got hungry and want to make a sandwich."

Forgetting my drink was still hot, I took a sip.

It burned my lips and the tip of my tongue.

But I didn't want to get humiliated, so I bore it in silence.

"Y-you want some hot chocolate, Jacob?" I glanced behind me.

"I'm not really a hot chocolate guy. I'll stick with water."

While gathering veggies from the chiller at the bottom of the fridge, my hulking father-in-law was bent over. His short robe showed a briefs-covered ass. The white cotton hugged two bulbous balls.

Blood rushed to my dick, making it grow in record time.

Snapping my head away, I closed my eyes to try to get rid of Jacob's hot sight from my mind.

He brought the vegetables he needed to the kitchen counter next to me and started working on his sandwich.

I adjusted my robe to keep the tent from getting noticed.

"Where's your—" Jacob kept opening the cupboards above.

"The what?"

He passed behind me, and his fat bulge brushed against my ass.

My body stiffened, and my hole winked at the unexpected contact.

I pressed my hard dick into the counter.

"Ah, there it is." Jacob took a plate and returned to where he was before his raid as if nothing happened.

Did he do it on purpose? Or am I reading too much into it?

Pushing the thought away, I went to sit at the head of the kitchen table with my hot chocolate.

Maybe it would be best to stay seated to keep my hard-on hidden until he leaves.

"This fucking thing is not working." My father-in-law tapped the bread toaster. "This is what you get when you buy cheap crap."

I rolled my eyes. "Is it plugged in?"

He glanced at me. "Of course, it's plugged in. I'm not stupid."

After shifting my dick inside my underwear, I walked over. "Let me."

"It's your toaster. Be my guest." He stepped aside and worked on the tomatoes.

While trying to figure out the problem, I kept my front away from view.

"Is it broken or not?" He leaned on the counter with his hands.

"Found it. The power cord is not properly inserted into the back of the toaster."

The power indicator turned on.


As I returned to my seat, I mouthed, "Thank you, Ryan."

After assembling his sandwich, he walked over to me and sat on the adjacent chair.

Jacob's robe opened, showing more of his hairy chest. The table hid everything from below his chest.

We consumed our food and drink in awkward silence.

But the knowledge of him sitting in his underwear an arm's length away from me made my hand vibrate.

I set the cup down to keep him from noticing.

Under the table, his hairy leg touched mine, and it lingered.

My heart pounded like a jackhammer sending more blood to my raging dick inside my boxer briefs.

Frozen in arousal, I couldn't withdraw from our contact.

"Grace found out about what happened earlier," he said while chewing.

"It didn't come from me. I didn't say anything to her."

Jacob set his half-eaten sandwich down on the plate. "I know. She got it out of me."

"So, what's your point?"

"Will you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to apologize here."

I looked at him wide-eyed, caught off guard.

My father-in-law, apologizing? What was in that sandwich?

"Do you accept my apology or not?"

A snort came out of me. I take it he doesn't apologize to a lot of people. But it's a start. "Yeah, sure. I accept."

"Good." He resumed eating.

We fell into another awkward silence.

Maybe all this time, I just misunderstood him. It wouldn't hurt for me to make an effort to connect.

After a sip, I asked, "H-how's the guest room?"

"The pillows are not firm enough. How could you expect your guests to sleep well with them? You should buy better ones."

And the asshole is back.

Jacob devoured the rest of his sandwich and got up, making the chair screech against the floor.

His open robe revealed his white briefs with an outline of his fat dick pointing down over his big balls.

I bowed my head at my mug and ogled his bulge from the corner of my eye.

The pouch of my boxer briefs filled up once again.

He picked up his plate and turned toward the sink, blocking my view of his bulge.

With a slight twist of my head, I followed him.

Turn back around, damn it.

After a dull thud hit the sink, my father-in-law turned and leaned against the counter, his hands gripping the edge. The open robe displayed his almost naked body.

"Hey, Ryan. Didn't you hear me?"

"I'm sorry. What?" I tore my gaze away from his crotch and looked at his face.

Jacob stepped closer and stood behind his chair. His bulge hovered above the backrest.

My dick twitched.

"I asked if there's a gym nearby where I could work out while I'm here."

"You could use the one in the basement. We converted it to a gym a couple of months ago."

He nodded. "I'll check it out tomorrow."


My father-in-law closed his robe and went to the sink. "I'll just clean up and go back up."

"Leave that to me. I'll take care of it."

"No, I'll do it. I used a lot of stuff and made quite a mess." He turned the faucet on and started rinsing.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'll be washing my mug shortly anyway."

He turned the water off and wiped his hands on the robe. "Are you sure?"

"Get some rest, Jacob. I'm sure you're tired from your flight."

"Thank you, son." His big paw squeezed my shoulder before he headed upstairs.

Finally, a thank you.

"GO ahead, Ryan." My father-in-law stood in front of me with his robe open.

From my knelt position on the kitchen floor, I stared at the big bulge in his tighty-whities inches from my face.

"You know you want it."

I brought my hand closer but stopped before it made contact and looked up at his face. "Can I?"

"Yes. You can touch your father-in-law's cock."

A message notification on my phone snapped me out of my fantasy.

My hard dick threatened to burst out of my shorts.

Fuck, that was hot.

I searched behind the laptop and under the scattered papers on the kitchen table to find my phone.

Tyrell, my best friend and co-worker who lived next door, sent a text. `Yo. Rain check on watching the football game tonight. Last minute thing with my wife.'

`Sure, man.' I pressed send and went to the fridge to grab a beer.

My dick was still hard.

While knocking the bottle back, I shoved my hand inside my shorts and adjusted.

I still can't get last night out of my head. After cleaning up, I went straight to the bathroom and jerked off. It didn't take long to shoot all over the floor.

"Get a hold of yourself, Ryan. He's off-limits. You're married, and he's your father-in-law," I mumbled and returned to making my lesson plans.

My phone's ringtone blared, and a picture of Grace appeared on the screen.

"Hey, babe. Are you on your way home?"

"Actually, I need to work late at the office. Has my dad returned?"

"An hour ago. He's working out down in the basement."

"I see. Will you guys be okay with ordering pizza for dinner?"

"Don't worry about us. We'll manage."

"Okay. I'll try to be home before midnight. Bye."

"Bye, babe." I hung up and went back to work.

"Was that Grace?" Jacob entered the kitchen in a white shirt soaked in sweat, making spots on the fabric translucent.

"Yeah. We're on our own for dinner tonight. I'll call for pizza in a bit."

"Make it all meat." He took the milk from the fridge and put it on the counter near the blender and protein powder.

"Noted." I scanned his wide back stretching his shirt as I knocked back my beer.

The blender whirring took over the whole kitchen.

While waiting for his protein shake to finish, Jacob removed his shirt and draped it over his shoulder.

His tanned skin glistened at the fluorescent light, defining every curve of the solid muscles of his torso and arms.

The waistband of his gray shorts darkened from all the sweat it soaked up.

If he ordered me to lick him off right now, I don't know if I wouldn't, especially his armpits.

"How's the gym?" I asked.

After Jacob turned the blender off and poured his shake into a tall glass, he turned around and drank it.

I looked away and pretended to type on my laptop.

"It's not as big and complete as a professional gym. But it will do."

"I'll let management know." I joked and typed for real this time.

My father-in-law finished his drink. "I'm going to take a shower. Just let me know later how much for the pizza."

"Don't worry about it."

He nodded and went past me, giving me a whiff of his strong masculine musk.

I picked up my phone and ordered dinner, making sure to get my father-in-law's request.

The guy didn't guarantee a delivery time, but it would be at least half an hour.

Since it's a little early for dinner, I didn't have a problem and ended the call.

Footsteps approached from behind me. "Uhm...Ryan?"

I looked behind me from my chair. "Uh..."

Jacob stood a few feet away in nothing but a classic white jockstrap. The mesh pouch bulging in front of him hinted at the big dick pointing downward.

My cock grew inside my shorts in record time.

Lucky my lower half was tucked under the table or there's no way of hiding my erection from him.

"D-do you need anything?"

"Where can I get towels?" His hand went to scratch his balls.

I forced myself to swallow to make sure my mouth was closed.

"There was none in the bathroom."

"Oh, yeah." I pointed up the stairs.

He turned to the side to follow my finger. The jockstrap showed more of his bulge in profile.

"The cabinet at the end of the hallway."

My father-in-law headed back, exposing his hairy ass cheeks.

Fuck. I bit my lip and squeezed my crotch. Will you look at that? I kept my eyes on him until he went out of view.

A notification from my phone indicated it only had five percent of the battery left.

I got up and headed upstairs to get the charging cable from my bedroom.

As I walked the hallway, the sound of running water escaped through the ajar bathroom door.

My dick returned to full hardness at the thought of the view waiting inside.

I tiptoed on my approach while my heart pounded inside my chest like a jackhammer.

When I reached the door and looked through the gap, the clear shower glass showed a naked Jacob under the spray.

Standing with my back close to the door, I tried to stay quiet.

Jacob rubbed his hands all over his body, washing away the sweat from his workout. The water cascaded down his muscular back until it reached his round ass.

My erection twitched inside my shorts.

He poured some of my body wash on his hand and started lathering himself, paying close attention to his crotch and between the butt cheeks.

White bubbles sliding down his tanned skin hypnotized me.

I brought a hand toward my bulge, squeezed it, and rubbed it with my palm.

A soft moan escaped from me.

My father-in-law turned toward the door.

Shit! I stood straight up and readied myself to run the other way.

The beating of my heart pumped a hundred miles an hour, and my breathing wasn't far behind.

After a few seconds, I slowly peeked through the door again.

Jacob washed the soapy froth under the shower.

When I was about to step away before he noticed the voyeur spying on him, my father-in-law poured body wash on his hand again.

I remained where I was.

He leaned on the tiled shower wall, brought the hand to his crotch, and started jacking his dick.

My wife's father pleasuring himself in our shower sent my dick raging.

I pressed my hand hard into my bulge.

The body wash lathered up as it lubricated his pistoning hand on the fat shaft, making it bigger with each stroke.

I wanted to burst in there and jack him off myself, suck it even.

While his free hand tugged at his balls, Jacob leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. "That's it, bitch. Suck my dick."

My eyes went wide.

He's imagining someone sucking his dick.


I can't take it anymore. I need to jack off with him.

After shoving a thumb through the waistband of my shorts and underwear, I pushed and hooked them under my balls.

My hard dick sprung out, pointing toward the ceiling. A bead of precum formed at the slit.

I wrapped my fingers around it and started stroking while I watched Jacob continue with his.

"Yeah. Keep that lips sliding on my cock." Jacob's head swung side to side.

Shit. I want to do that for real.

A soft whimper came out when my other hand stimulated my nipple through my shirt. I jacked myself faster.

I'm getting close.

I shut my eyes and concentrated on bringing myself to orgasm, surrendering to the pleasure.

Without thinking, I leaned my head and weight back.

The bathroom door swung open, and with it, my body.

"Ryan, what the fuck?"

To be continued... - - - Follow me on Twitter:

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Check out Mister J books on Amazon and Smashwords: - -

Book titles include: - Bes Friends with Benefits - Fuck Buddies - His Proxy Wife - Pounded by the Bodybuilder - Derek's Buddies - Hunks University - The Bro Code - Jocks on Lockdown - Ring of Desire - The Future In-law

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