My Well Bred Friend

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Jul 19, 2011


My feet tickled and I giggled. They were so warm and wet and clean.

My eyes bolted open and I saw Philo, curled around me at the bottom of the bed. My feet had poked out from underneath the blanket, and I could see the curves of my clean toes. Philo leaned in slowly and kissed my foot. He let his moist lips rest softly on them, curling, before he sucked my foot sweat into his mouth.

I gasped and Philo chuckled.

He ran his tongue between each toe; dragging the skin clean.

I growled.

He swallowed my toes one by one.

"God," I whispered.

Philo let my foot slip out of his mouth.

"It's been torture," he murmured. "You have the most handsome jock feet Viren. They are so strong and distinct and adorable. The smell of your foot sweat is intoxicating. I love sleeping with them in my face. I've wanted to kiss them—to worship them--for so long."

I moaned.

"Yeah, Viren," he said, pushing the blanket away from my hairy legs. He kissed wet along my ankles, my calves, my quads, my thighs. He looked up into my eyes.

"Please Viren," he whimpered. "Please let me make you feel good."

"I don't know Philo," I said softly.

"Please let me be your cocksucker, Viren. Please. I've wanted to taste you—to suck you--for so long."

"Okay," I muttered. "But you owe me."

He touched my cock, and it pulsed. "What were you dreaming about?" he asked softly.

"I don't know," I said. "It was empty sleep."

He smiled. He rubbed my cock until it was hard. His eyes were glued to the head of my cock, where a bead of precum had formed. He stuck out his shivering tongue, and leaned in slowly. He waited, his tongue inches below my cock, as the bead dripped out and fell into his mouth.

He swished and swallowed slowly. He closed his eyes. When he opened them, there was a fire in them. He opened his mouth wide and dove onto my cock.

"Fuck," I whispered.

He swallowed around my cockhead, his tongue swirling and dragging. His tongue curled around my shaft as he tried to pull me deeper inside him.

I put my hand in his hair and guided him back and forth along my rod.

His muffled moaned rippled up my cock and I groaned.

He squealed, humping the bed as he slurped. His smooth ass undulated into the air as he fucked the bed and sucked on my big cock. Whatever sweat or precum his thick tongue came into contact with he immediately swallowed. Sometimes, if there were a few moments without anything leaking into his hole, he would just swallow anyway.

Damn, he did know how to make me feel good. Which was weird, because he is such a virgin. I guess all that practice sucking on his finger, dreaming it was my cock... Plus, he has a dick. He knows what feels good to a man.

But it's the eagerness that really does it. Gina is willing to have sex, but she doesn't really need it. Faggots, on the other hand, crave sex. They drool and beg for it. They worship you for it.

And Philo was my faggot.

I shoved him deeper until he gagged. Gina never took my whole cock into her mouth, but Philo would if I made him. He would do anything for me. He's my bitch.

I slowly pumped more cock into his face. He sniffed for air each time I pulled out, then bubbled around my cock each time I slipped in. His lips were wrapped around his teeth; he didn't want to bite me; he just wanted to be a soft, wet, sucking hole for my cock to fuck.

I helped him be what he wanted.

"You like the way my leaking cock tastes, don't you bitch?"

He nodded, his eyes half closed.

"How about my sweaty balls? You like them in your face?"

He moaned and closed his eyes completely. My cock slipped out slowly and he nuzzled my balls. His mouth opened wide and my balls rolled inside. He swished them around, slurping, drawing the sweat out. I bucked my legs and tightened my fist around a clump of his hair. He lay motionless, drool flowing around my balls and coating his bitch lips.

"You want to swallow my load, Philo. Don't fight it. Accept it."

Philo moaned and moved his lips to my cock.

"I'm going to fuck your face," I growled, rolling us over so he was below me. "And you are going to take it all without resistance. Is that clear faggot?"

"Please don't use--"

"Shut up," I growled. "Is that clear faggot?"

"Yes," Philo whimpered.

"Good bitch," I said.

He tightened his wet lips. I shoved my cock inside. I dug through his gagging, holding his arms down as I forced my cock deeper and deeper into my bitch's face. He made a variety of noises as my cock disappeared into the back of his throat. Soon, my balls smothered him. I plunged my cock into his hole; my balls dripped and slapped against his chin.

He moaned.

"You are my cocksucker," I growled, my cock sinking balls-deep into his face. He drank obediently.

I humped faster, harder, my cock stretching. I could see my rod in his mouth, inflating his cheeks, distending his throat.

He gurgled around it, and I cradled the back of his head as I wheeled my cock in and out. He was sputtering around my cock as I rocked faster.

"You want this, so bad don't you, Philo?"

He gasped, attempted to nod, then whimpered and closed his eyes. His tongue played along my shaft as he sucked hard.

I smirked, massaging his face wide open, fucking it deep.

"Swallow it, bitch," I growled.

He obeyed, swallowing over and over, stimulating my cock to completion; my cock hardened completely, sparks dancing through it, as it lingered on the edge; Philo moaned, white ropes shooting out of his dick.

That did it. Philo desperately wanted to be my cocksucking hole. I just couldn't believe that having a slave that served my every whim--that lived to fulfill my every desire--could be more arousing to him than to me.

He wanted it even more than I did. He needed it.

I emptied my balls into my destitute bitch. Everything was meaningless if he didn't have my cock; and he sucked it for dear life, slurping every strand of cum that shot or dripped inside him. Then he wrapped his tongue around the head of my cock and licked it clean, swallowing whatever remained. He drained me, moaning and sucking even as I grew soft.

"Fuck yeah," I said, groaning. We rolled to the side. I rubbed his hair and pulled him off, despite his whining.

"Again?" Philo asked, his cheeks turning red.

"Maybe later," I said, laughing. "Now go shower."

He complied, and I changed into my swim trunks.

Then I went to knock on my brother's door.

"What?" Aaron asked, glaring at me.

"Aaron, I—I want you to know that I am okay with you, however you want to be. And--I am okay with Philo, too."

"So you admit you were wrong?" Aaron said, raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up," I said, smirking. "You know I'm never wrong."

"So what were you and Philo doing up there?" Aaron asked slowly.

I glared at him. "Philo and I weren't doing anything. Is that clear?"

A tear rolled down his cheek. "You knew how I felt about him, Viren."

"He's four years older than you," I said softly.

"That's the difference between mom and dad," Aaron muttered.

"Where are they, again?"

"A convention in Ithica," Aaron said.

"They are never home," I said, laughing.

"Tell me about it," Aaron said. Then he sighed. "I just hope I stop falling for your friends."

His door whined shut and I shook my head. I smelled the scent of warm bacon wafting from the kitchen.

Philo had cooked me breakfast. I grabbed my plate, eating messily and looking out the window. Philo was outside, lying in his speedo on a poolside tanning chair, smiling and gazing at the sky. I downed my eggs and meat, washed the plate, and went outside, looming above him.

Philo swallowed.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Swimming," he said, the chord in his voice chiming.

He bounced to his feet, launching himself forward and pulling me with him into the pool.

"You'll pay for that," I said, grabbing him around his arms and pecs and hugging him tight. He was trapped; his back inside my muscled chest, his speedo-clad ass wrapped around my cock. He turned to me and smiled.

He looked into my eyes. "You never have to pay when you throw me into the pool," he whispered.

"That's because I'm in charge, and I make the rules."

"The rules aren't fair," Philo said, his lips curling upward.

"That's right," I said.

Then I kissed him.

We played in the water for a while, but eventually I swam away. I sat on the edge of the pool, facing away from the house, into the distance.

"What are you doing?" Philo asked, swimming toward me.

"Finding the edge of the beach," I said.

Philo stood in the water between my legs, looking up into my eyes. Then, slowly, he reached into my trunks. His hand wrapped around my cock, which hardened as he brought it to his lips. He kissed it, pausing to moan and let his eyes flutter. Then he swallowed it down.

"Fuck Philo, you still thirsty?"

He groaned.

I pulled Philo out of the water and picked him up, his legs dangling over one arm and his back cradled in the other. I threw him onto the trampoline and he bounced onto his stomach. I crawled on top of him, kneeling over his tight speedo, my hands gripping his shoulders.

"Viren," he whimpered.

I pulled his speedo down and exposed the double arc of his ass, the shadowy crescent in the middle.

"God Viren," he whispered. "Aren't you afraid that Aaron might see us?"

"I'd bet your house that he just mopes and masturbates in his room all day." I exhaled into his ear. "Sort of like you."

He moaned.

"You are so loud," I said, covering his mouth with my hand. He kissed it.

"Don't bother pretending to resist. I know what you want bitch," I said, pushing my hardened cock between his ass cheeks. He turned toward me, his squeal muffled by my hand, his eyes shimmering as they widened.

I smirked.

Then I slammed my cock inside.

Next: Chapter 6

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