My Well Bred Friend

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Jun 28, 2011


I did what I needed to with Gina then drove her home.

Recently with Gina it has left something to be desired.


Was that too specific?

Whatever, I'm not subtle.

I stared at the ceiling for ten minutes, then took a shower. I smirked as I dried myself off. Philo had forgotten his wallet. He was such a dreamer. I suppose he did leave in a huff.

I got back in the car and drove to Philo's.

Did I mention that Philo was fucking loaded? According to my mom, he comes from a family of very fine breeding.' According to my dad, his family is rich, rich, rich.' I mean, it's not like my family is impoverished. We have a pool. And a patio. And a trampoline. And a boat. My family is fine. Some would even say richer than average.

But Philo is in another league.

He has one of those houses where everything is curved inefficiently simply to take up more of the spare space. My car curled along his wavy driveway, stopping in front of the convex garage. I walked along the slithering path, over a little wooden bridge, under a white archway, and found myself in front of the door. It resembled a drawbridge in shape, size, and hospitality.

I knocked.

Nobody answered.

I knocked again.

I sighed and tried the door. There are two kinds of rich people: the kind that trusts no one and has armies of security, and the kind that reaps the benefits of their proximity to the first kind. Though his parents may be of the first persuasion, Philo was definitely of the latter.

The door clicked open and I walked down the winding hallway. There were moans coming from Philo's room. I figured he brought home Maria after all and I shook my head at the thought. Philo was a man after all. Philo's well-oiled door opened in near-silence as I peeked into his room.

It took me a while to figure out what I was seeing.

Philo was facedown on his bed, naked, his tight ass high in the air, a single finger from his left hand tunneling inside.

"Oh, Viren," he muttered.

Had he seen me out of the corner of his eye? My lip curled in confusion. Philo's eyes were closed, his face burrowing into a red silk fabric. He inhaled deep, like he smelled something delicious. With a jolt I recognized the silk.

It was mine. From a pair of boxers that I had lost about a month ago.

He started to lick my boxers slowly. He pushed his ass higher into the air and fucked himself harder with his left hand, moaning.

"I love you, Viren," he murmured.


He pushed his tongue into the boxers' cock-hole, sucking the front of it into his mouth.

"Mmm," Philo muttered. He was bucking his ass hard now; his fingers slid so deep you could hear the slap of his palm against his ass as he rocked back and forth.

His mouth released my boxers with a smack. His right hand curled inside, his middle finger weaving out through the slit like a soft cock. He sucked it between his fat lips.

He moaned and started to rub his dick against his bed, humping in time with his fingers twisting deep up his holes.

"Viren," he squealed, his finger slipping out of his mouth. "Fuck me Viren. God yes! Pound my tight little hole."

He groaned louder each time his finger sunk palm-deep into his ass, stretching his cheeks apart as they ascended into his waiting grip. He continued to bob up and down on his middle finger, sucking it deep inside. He fucked the bed harder; it started to whine and shake beneath him; Philo shivered and moaned as his fingers filled his holes to the hilt.

"Viren," he whimpered. "Oh god. I love you. I love you so fucking much. Oh, fuck yes. Oh fuck!"

Philo's dick slid and ticked against his soft sheets, his round balls crushed red. As he pulled back, I could see the lines of his ab and chest muscles flexing, shimmering with sweat and wrinkling the light. His ass rose high into the air, tightening around his fucking finger and swallowing it to the root. Philo bit into my boxers, his right hand slinking away, finding his left nipple, which he wrung.


He repeated those two words, over and over, his voice growing louder, shriller, harmonic, echoic. I could hear the duality in his voice playing against itself; the sounds bouncing around the room, mingling with his clicking dick, his choking bed, his gulping ass, his moaning throat.

"fuck viren Fuck Viren FUCK VIREN, FUCK VIREN!"

He squealed and moaned, and I saw the sudden stress lock him in place, his balls drawing closer to his reddened ass. He groaned as his dick painted his sheets with bubbling, silver cum. Then he collapsed into it.

A few seconds later he was cleaning it up with my boxers. I retreated silently into the shadows. When he had scooped up all his cum, he crinkled my boxers into a ball and stood. His face was red, etched with water, and contorted as he threw the boxers into his laundry pile. He collapsed onto his bed in the fetal position, hugging his pillow to his chest. He sniffed and shivered, his eyes closed tight.

I could hear the trickle of tears roll down his cheek and patter onto the bed.

I dropped his wallet and left.

I hopped into my car, turned the ignition, and floored it.


I tried not to think it, but it just kept floating across my mind.

Philo's a faggot.

How could he keep something like that from me? I thought he was my best friend! Best friends don't just omit huge chunks of who they are every time they see you, do they? God damn! That felt so disgusting. I felt like I had been violated.

He had no right to think about me like that!

I just felt so betrayed. We've been friends since third grade. I always thought we had complimentary personalities and that he loved me for that. What if he just liked me for my muscles and cock like all the other bimbos out there? Is there anyone that even really likes me?

My best friend was just a big fat lie.

Damn it! It was so uncomfortable! I couldn't think about anything but Philo's ass rising into the air as he pretended he was my sex bitch. What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?!

I pulled into Gina's driveway and parked. The front door opened to the touch. Gina and Maria were sprawled on the couch, watching TV.

"Back so soon?" Gina asked.

I just shook my head.

Gina walked up to me and grabbed me through the shorts.

"Hard again already, Viren? I think I know what you need." She ran a finger across her lips.

"I guess," I said. "I think I just want to talk."

"Come with me big boy," she said. "I can't wait till our big date Thursday night! It's been so long since we've been to the Ritz. Oh, but now isn't the time to get excited. You had that thing?"

I followed her into her bedroom and sat on her bed.

"Tell me everything," she said, pushing me onto my back and undoing my belt.

"Well, it's about Philo," I said.

"Don't worry about Philo," Gina said, sliding my jeans off. She pulled out my hard cock and sucked.

I groaned and closed my eyes, shoving her down deep until it was over.

"I have to worry about Philo," I said, rubbing my forehead. "Gina, I think he might be gay."

"Gay?" Gina said, as though it was the first time she had ever heard the word.

"Maybe I should have known all along," I said, zipping up my pants.

"But there weren't any signs!" Gina said loudly. "It's not like you are fucking psychic or something. No one could have possibly known." She ran a hand down my arm and I stood up.

We walked slowly back to the other room.

"Maybe there were a few signs, in hindsight," I said quietly. "But I always thought it was just normal behavior, you know, within the range of heterosexual diversity."

"What are you talking about?" Maria asked. I barely understood her through her thick Russian accent.

"Philo's gay," Gina said.

"Guess that explains why he didn't want my pussy," Maria said, shrugging.

I wrinkled my mouth. "I just felt really betrayed," I said softly.

"Betrayed?" Maria asked. "Because he loves you?"

"Because he lied to me!" I snarled.

"Sounds like he really hurt you," Gina said. "Anyone that makes you this upset has to be a bad person."

"I do not think Philo is bad," Maria said slowly. "He always seemed like the best of us. He is a total person. Full of life. Full of spirit. He is an individual—he has a sense of self. But he's not selfish. There is no one else like him. You are the boring one. Just a bunch of muscles and flesh. Maybe if you can't see it—he deserves better."

Gina laughed. "Maybe that would have made sense in Russian, but in English it's just a bunch of gobledegook. What she should have said is, maybe Philo is a jerk. I'm so sorry, Viren," she said, running a hand down my chest.

"I don't want you to say negative things about Philo," I said softly.

Gina nodded. I flashed a half-smile, turned around, and left.

Author's Note: Thanks for those sending feedback at! I think I might send Philo to an ex-gay camp and the next part will just be the intimate details from Viren and Gina's hot, lonely interactions, which it seems like everybody loves.

Next: Chapter 3

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