My Well Bred Friend

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Oct 3, 2011


He melted into my arms.

"Viren," he whispered, "I love you so much. I'll do anything for you. All I want is for you to be happy."

I smiled. "I'll be happy when I've made love to your sweet ass."

Philo curled his lips. "You say that like you never have."

I put my hand on his cheek. "Trust me, I am going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

Philo moved my hand to his mouth and kissed my middle finger. He sucked it into his mouth, moving it in and out, smirking, looking into my eyes. He moaned.

I pulled him off and pushed him softly onto the lower bunk.

"You taste like chocolate," he whispered.

We were both still naked, so I took the moment to look at him. To really look into him. He was lithe, smooth, hairless muscle. He was a swimmer. His skin was the color of sand. His soft eyes were full of light. His lashes were long; his ears were big; his ass was round. He was shivering again, but he couldn't stop smiling. I ran my hand down his chest and he shook even more.

"I've wanted to try something," I said.

"Yeah?" Philo said.

"Get on your stomach," I said.

He shimmied onto his stomach, his tight round ass protruding into the air. I leaned in and slapped it softly. Then I kissed the red mark I had made.

"Ohh," Philo whispered.

I pulled his ass apart, slowly, tenderly, as he moaned and writhed. I held him down so that he couldn't squirm away. I kissed across his ass cheek, letting the feelings and smells wash over me...but it wasn't gross like I feared. It was beautiful.

I held his ass apart as I slowly reached my tongue towards his hole. I couldn't believe I was actually doing that! It was so gay--but fuck--I just didn't give a shit. I snarled and pushed my quivering tongue against his hole.

"Fuck!" Philo whimpered, struggling, but I held him down with one flexed arm.

I moved my hands back down to his ass and spread it. I exhaled, then lapped at his glinting hole.

"Oh, fucking god, Viren!" Philo whimpered. "Holy fuck!"

He writhed around, squealing and bucking, but that just drove my face deeper into his delicious ass. I moaned low and tasted his warm, sweaty crack, his fertile hole; he tasted like a man, but he softened like a bitch.

I growled and breathed--soothing pulses--remembering that beneath this hot, submissive, flexing ass; beneath this warm supple muscle and flesh, there was Philo, the boy I loved.

I kissed his ass. First with smacking, wet lips. Then I probed him with tongue--and penetrated. I opened his hole. My tongue stretched his channel, until it was winking at me, beckoning me deeper. I obliged, my tongue fucking deep, his squeals growing loud, wild, as he flailed everywhere and shook.

"Viren!" he whispered, his voice breaking. "Oh please Viren. I'm yours. Completely yours. You are torturing your bitch boy."

"Yeah?" I moaned. "I can call you my bitch boy, now?"

"Shut up and get your cock in my ass."

I kissed up his back until I was tonguing his ear. "You want me to fuck you, bitch boy?"

His breathing was ragged. "Please fuck me, Viren. How many times do I have to say that I am your bitch?"

I exhaled, and swirled my tongue inside his ear, breathing slow and warm. "Once more," I whispered.

"I'm your bitch Viren," he said softly. "Through and through."

I pulled his ass cheeks apart until his hole glittered up at me.

I positioned my cock so that the head was pressed up against his hole. Philo sucked in air and bit his pillow. I continued the assault on his ear, whispering again. "Wanna know a secret, Philo?"

I paused, and he nodded, his eyes closing.

"I love you Philo. I've always loved you. I just never knew how."

Then the head of my cock slipped inside. Philo's eyes clamped shut as he ground his teeth, but he said nothing. I carefully slipped in deep; slowly but without pause I pushed into him; softly yet relentlessly I took his ass.

I held Philo's arms down so that he couldn't move--for the most part. He warbled a long, soft, trilling moan as my cock curled deep up his hole. Finally my groin was warm against his ass; mingling flesh, sweat, and heat merged our bodies, my breathe still beating on his ear, my heart working on his back, my arms ebbing and flowing across his softening body.

With a sudden shred of power, Philo pushed his ass into me. It slapped into my groin, my hardened abs pressed against him, and I could feel his ass constricting back and forth along my cock like waves beating against a rock, over and over, flexible, soft, and wet--yet powerful in its endlessness. He was groaning freely now, I could hear the chord in his voice as he let it out, his voice stretching into an open squeal. "fuck viren Fuck Viren FUCK VIREN FUCK!! VIREN!! Oh god, Oh fucking god! I--love!"

I could hear his dick drenching the sheets; I could feel the blowback in his ass; as I felt his feelings wash over me. I felt so warm as I hugged him close, and it wasn't just Philo's tight body and sweat. Not anymore.

"I'm not sure you finished that sentence there," I said, running my hand down his cheek, turning his head to face me. He just shivered and smiled, his eyes wide, his pupils enormous. They glimmered, then his mouth opened slightly, and I leaned in. My lips brushed against his, my tongue surging inside, circling his lips, his tongue, his mouth. His eyes closed, and so did mine, and our bodies softened into each other, and for a moment--we were intertwined--we were infinite.

"I love too," I whispered, smirking.

My hand ran down his cheek, his neck, his back, till I was massaging his ass.

"Mmm," he hummed. His flexing ass ascended up around my cock until I was balls-deep inside it. "I just can't help it," he mumbled. "I can't help it and I can't hide it."

"Don't even try," I whispered. I massaged his ass cheeks apart and anchored my cock deep inside him. My hips undulated and spun, sinking my cock down into the undiscovered places beneath. Philo's breathing was deep, broken, and frenetic. His hole opened and closed around my cock, hugging it, drawing it in.

Slowly I pushed and pulled, in and out, crashing over and over. Our bodies were so soft against each other, my sweat flowing from my body to his in thick drips, my hands sifting the stress out of his back and breaking it down.

My breathe rattled against his ear. "I want to see your eyes as I fuck you."

Philo's breathing deepened, and he gasped as I pulled out. I flipped him onto his back. There was cum glistening against his abs like icing. I ran my hands up his chest and his mouth fell open. I pinched his nipples and he giggled and laughed, his legs rising into the air. I pinned his knees to his chest so that his hole glinted up at me again. Philo's face was red, his mouth and eyes wide, as he looked into me.

I nestled my cock inside.

"Viren," he whimpered.

I watched his hole ripple around my cock as it sunk back inside. Eventually, it grazed a bump in his ass and his eyes lit up.

"You like that, huh?" I whispered.

Philo nodded, his mouth open.

I milled my cock into that place, over and over and over. Philo started shaking, gasping, his eyes bright and stretched, his mouth hanging. I tongued his open mouth. He sucked my tongue deep inside, moaning, as I continued to wheel my cock into him. My hands explored his thighs, his abs, his chest. I rubbed his pecs, caressing his nipples, and moved my mouth to his neck. I exhaled and nibbled on it as he continued to writhe.

"You are trying to get me to cum, aren't you?" he asked quietly.

"Damn right," I growled.

I lowered my face to his nipple and sucked.

"Fuck! Oh fuck, Viren. That tickles. Oh god, man, that's so intense." He giggled, but I continued to slip my tongue across his nipple, scraping my teeth softly, willfully, lapping at the little outcropping and shoving it into his body with my tongue and lips.

Meanwhile, my cock plunged in and massaged his sweet spot over and over.

"Oh Viren," he whimpered. "Viren!" he whispered.

"What?" I said. I ran my hand through his hair and cradled his head.

"You are so hot," he whimpered. I raised my eyebrows. He smiled. "You are so confident and cool and beautiful. And you have such a determined, fiery, unrelenting soul. Oh god that feels good. Oooh. I--just hope I am worthy to be your bitch."

I shook my head and smiled. "If I didn't think you were worthy, then why would I make you say it all the time? If anything, I'm not worthy to be your stud. But that's not my place to say, now, is it?" I continued to roll my cock in and out.

Philo couldn't talk anymore. He was consumed in an ocean of moans. He kept shivering, but I calmed him with the strong stroke of right hand, which moved down his body and brushed against his hard dick.

"Mmmn," Philo managed. "I'm so close--don't touch me--I'm too close."

I smirked at him and bent my head down. I wondered... I leaned my head, my cock still deep in his ass--and barely licked his tender dick.

"FUCK!" Philo yelled, squirming.

I shoved my cock into his hole, and Philo's eyes widened. He just couldn't close his mouth, as he panted, and I pulled him into me. He eagerly accepted my tongue, taking it, sucking my drool into him and swallowing it down. I let my spit roll into his mouth and he took it all.

He was humming. His ass was slinking away slightly, so I grabbed his legs and pushed them back into his chest, burying my cock deeper. Then I grabbed his dick and raised my eyebrows.

"I want you to cum, bitch," I growled.

I felt his dick pulsing in my right hand, as my left hand held his body down. He was shaking again.

"Viren, you fucking stud, you fucking, fucking---fuck. FUCK!!!"

I jacked him while he shot all over himself in thick, clicking strands. His ass clenched around me and I growled. Philo moaned slowly, slumping back, his eyes fluttering closed, his lips winding up.

He was so beautiful. I brushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes, exposing his big eyelashes. They curled like little butterfly wings, or like cresting ocean waves. His face was so pure. His big lips were glistening red. I leaned in and kissed them softly, without tongue. He just lay there. His breathing grew fainter, rhythmic, and I flashed a soft smile. I started to slowly pull out.

Philo bolted up, clenching his ass on my cock and holding it inside. He leaned against me so that our sweaty bodies were against each other, and so that his mouth was against my ear.

"This isn't over till you cum in my ass, goddam it. Now fuck me hard."

"Now you are issuing commands? I'm not sure I approve," I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"Then remind your bitch of his place," he whispered. I felt something wet against my ear. Philo had slipped his tongue inside. He ran it in slow circles.

I slammed him back down into the bed. "Maybe I can be a lover and a fighter," I whispered. Then I forced my cock in to the root. Philo squirmed and I smiled.

"Wrap your legs around me," I said. His hairless swimmer legs hugged me tight. They were warm and soft, yet they held me with such vigor.

I draped one arm behind his neck to hold him in place. He softened.

Then I drilled him balls-deep.

"God, Viren," he breathed.

My cock dove in, his contractions rolling around it. My balls splashed against his ass, sweat softening the crashing blows.

With each thrust my balls and abs slapped harder into him.

He just moaned and took it, flexing his ass around my cock and holding it in.

I pounded his ass without mercy. I heard my slapping balls beat against him with each thrust; the thunderclap of my ripped abs grinding his ass and thighs; the shallow gasps and deep growls I hardly knew I was making; and the peal of moans erupting from Philo's swollen lips. It all blended together as I continued to force my cock deeper.

I pulled his ass cheeks apart so that I could slam all of my cock into his open hole. I wanted to be so deep inside him that I was a part of him. I was ready to claim him. I felt a new source of power as I sculpted his feelings and played off of them.

"Oooh, Viren," he whimpered. "It's so much--I can barely take it."

"You want me to stop?" I whispered, plunging deep inside. I could feel the sweat running off my abs, my crotch, and my balls. It trickled onto Philo's body, where it mingled with his.

"Of course not, you bastard."

"Then what do you want?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He smiled and looked at me. "If it seems like I can't take it--then make me."

"As you wish," I said softly.

I pulled his ass as far apart as I could stretch it, and then, with one smooth stroke, I hammered my cock inside.

"Oh fuck," Philo muttered.

I slammed over and over, our breathing so hot it lingered like mist, our profuse sweat filling the air as it evaporated. Everything was so moist.

I fucked him now--I was a fighter and a lover--and I assaulted his ass with all the force I could muster. It was getting harder to breathe; the air was humid with the smell of sex; Philo's harmonious moans weaving it all together in the back of my mind--reality was growing fainter as my impulses strengthened, and I could barely see, my eyes were whitehot, like all that was there were warm clouds and light. I felt like I was scraping at a dream, trying to breakthrough, forcing my cock up his hidden hole, and crying out in frustration. I bit my lip and snarled, slamming into him, again, again, and again.

"I love you," Philo whimpered.

I felt the end come crashing down. The tingling, drawing up of my balls, the pulsing warnings in my cock, in my whole body. "Oh, god, Philo--I love you. You are a walking dream."

Orgasm washed over me and a torrent of cum flooded out of my cock. I swear I made a small ocean in his ass. Philo's was gasping, his ass clamping, as I pushed him over the edge one last time. His dick released shot after shot, which covered his chest, his chin, and his face.

We couldn't stop breathing.

"Fuck," Philo whispered. "I can't believe you made me cum three times."

I shrugged. "I had to beat the first time."

Philo laughed. "It sounds to me like you are setting a pretty lofty precedent."

I smiled. "Well, I feel `lofty.' I feel like I am in the clouds." We cleaned our bodies off with Philo's speedo. Then I wrapped my arms around Philo and soon we were dreaming.


My left eye pealed open. There was a trail of light seeping in through the window, paved by a sea of dancing dust. I couldn't believe it was morning already.


I opened my other eye and determined the source of the noise: a sea gull strutting around the window sill, its beady eyes glued to the fake grapes hanging inside. Do sea gulls even like fruit?

"Wwak wwak wwak."

I sighed and got up, shaking my head and laughing. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that restaurant I went to with Gina where she told me about what we could have had together. But all I ever really needed was to wake up.

I rubbed Philo's shoulder, and he smiled, turning in his sleep. Then I got up. I threw on my shorts and walked outside.

Joe and Neal had cleaned up the pullout couch and were sitting on it. Or rather, Joe was sitting on the couch, and Neal was sitting on Joe. Some would say it looked a little funny, seeing as Neal was slightly bigger than Joe, but I saw no reason to laugh. In fact, I saw no reason to bother them at all. I walked by them, and looked outside, where Aaron and Maria were sitting on the sand, staring into the ocean.

I sought them out.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," Maria said back, smirking.

"Aaron," I said softly, "were you planning on sneaking onto the roof last night?"

"There is a roof?" Aaron said, his face lightning up. "Can I see it?"

I rolled my eyes.

"So I heard that you made up with Philo," Maria mused.

"From who?" I asked chuckling. I skipped a shell into the ocean.

"No--I literally heard it. You are so fucking loud." Maria was laughing. Then her face brightened. "You are a good guy in the end, you know that?"

"I'm okay," I said, shrugging. I skipped another shell. It bounced along the surface three times before plunking against a wave and disappearing into the sea.

Maria rubbed my shoulder. "You brought Joe and Neal together--do you know that? Boys like them are so eager to protect themselves that they have fights before they have problems."

"And what about me?" I asked.

"You have plenty of problems," Maria said.

"Really?" I said, wrinkling my mouth. But I was laughing inside.

"And you don't really protect yourself. In fact you sort of harm yourself."

"But I'm a good guy in the end, right?" I asked. I put my hands behind my head with my elbows out and leaned back until I was lying in the sand.

Maria sighed. "You are," she said softly. "You are a leader. You bring people together. And you only discovered what you could give when you stopped stifling yourself."

I chuckled. "Well, Joe said that I was his hero. I think I like his compliment better."

Maria laughed. "Well how about my insults? I am the best, with those, I think, you shitty bastard."

I smiled. "But what about you and Aaron? You guys are still alone."

Maria shrugged. "That can be solved easily. We will be together."

"I'm gay," Aaron said.

"That's never stopped me before!" Maria said, laughing. "Here, Aaron wanna see my tits?"

Aaron started screaming and running away, and Maria chased after him, turning back to look at me for one last jab. "The boys here are so different than the boys in Russia!" Then she turned and chased him into the ocean.

I looked around at the rolling sand caught in the wind, at the folds of light and shadow on the ocean's surface. I reminded myself that this was the last time I would ever be here.

I could hear Aaron screaming as I walked closer to the shore.

"No--Maria! Philo said we could play charades! Cards! Explore caves! Tidepools! God---anything but this!"

I smiled. This was my last time here. And I was going to make the best of it. Threads of sea water were weaving through my toes, and I gazed at the glimmering water, letting the morning sun beat down my chest, my arms, and my face.

Then, with one final gasp of salty air--with one final glance at the glittering surface--I dove inside.


Author's Note: This was quite a journey, wasn't it? I bet some of you will wish this story could go on--which some wished would happen for favor--and maybe some time I will come back to old favorites. As for my next story, it will either be Project_99, in the authoritarian section, or slip_of_the_tongue, in the college section. I haven't decided which one to work on yet, or when.

Throw me a line if you want to talk about the story, or how I could get published, or anything really. Anything at all. I am:

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