My Well Bred Friend

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Jun 22, 2011



This story is probably fictional. Any similarities between people in real life and my characters are most likely not coincidences--I doubtlessly based my character off that specific individual you are thinking of. Comments, questions, concerns, advice, or requests? I'd love to hear from you at

Part I

"What is the weirdest-ass thing you have done with a girl?" Joe asked.

Philo ran his hand through his curly, spiked bleached hair. "One time, during sex, the girl stuck her finger up my asshole," he said.

"Dude, that's disgusting," Neal said, groaning.

I laughed. Philo is my best friend, but sometimes he can be so—ridiculous.

Philo smiled. "No, it actually felt weirdly good."

"You are a perv," Neal said simply.

"Well what about you Neal? What's your weirdest thing?" I asked, smirking.

"Well, Jenny begs to lick my ass sometimes, and I let her."

"Dude, that's wicked," Joe said, his eyes blazing, his mouth curling.


Everyone turned to look at me.

"Well," I sighed. "Gina is a pretty nice girl. She likes to get fucked a lot, but it's very vanilla. Her pussy has been stretched a lot by my monster and it's just not that tight anymore. Anyway, for the last few months, I've been hinting about fucking her up the other end, but she shoots me down."

"Who can blame her?"Neal asked. "We've all seen your bull-cock in the locker room. No one could take that."

"So is that it then?" Joe asked.

"Not quite," I said, smirking. "Last month, I got drunk and called a whore."

"What?" Philo asked.

"It's all a dream now. I felt my blood pulsing as she pulled off our clothes, switching back and forth, running my finger through her mouth. I remember snarling, losing my patience, and throwing her down on the bed.

"She squealed like whores do as I ripped off her tight little underwear. I started shoving the lube I use to jack off with down her backdoor. She struggled, but my iron-grip shackled her to the bed like the slave she was. I pulled her little ass cheeks apart--then buried my cock inside.

"I remember groaning for the whole first minute. It was better than I ever imagined—so tight and warm. It was like the ultimate pussy, choking my cock on all sides, squeezing and gulping, imbibing my cock—I started to rub her little legs and she started spamming bitch moans. I reached around and rubbed her tits while she pushed her cute ass into the air. She had like twelve orgasms while my monster cock scrubbed her dirty little shoot into oblivion. She left in a storm—didn't even remember to charge me."

"Bullshit dude. No way you got a free whore," Neal said.

"Best start believing. Dude, what is wrong with you?"

Philo was staring at me, his eyes wide, his mouth half open, his tongue curling out. An unmistakable flash of yearning crossed his face. Who knew how much he wanted to fuck a girl's ass? He's such a perv!

I chuckled. "Damn Philo, if it sounds that good to you, I'll get you a whore tonight and you can fuck her however you like. Shit man, why are you looking at me like that?" His eyes flashed as he gaped at me—then his gaze fell to the floor.

"Last question," Neal said. "Have you ever done anything with a guy?"

Everyone said no quickly.

"Guess its time to go," Joe said, yawning. Joe and Neal have to get up early for lacrosse, so I let them slide. We said goodnight, and the door rattled closed behind them.

"Should we clean up the beers?" Philo asked.

"Aaron can do it."

Aaron is my brother.

"Aaron is thirteen!" Philo said.

Aaron is also thirteen.

"Whatever—it's about time Aaron learned about beer anyway. My parents shield him so much that he is sort of a faggot."

Philo turned red. For god's sake. Who knew he could get so angry about a couple of beers?

I went up to my room and stripped. I could hear Philo clanking bottles on the patio. Sometimes I wish he could be just a little less bitchy. I smiled. It was sort of nice how he looked after me, though. I pulled on my boxers, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed.

Soon I heard Philo brushing his teeth. He came out in his black speedo. I think he wore it when he wanted to go swimming the next morning. He fucking loves swimming.

Philo coiled into a ball at my feet. I'm sure that sounds weird, but that's how we've slept for years. It made more sense when I was little and there was room down there. Now he has to wrap himself around my big jock feet. I'm sort of afraid it might be uncomfortable with my toes inches from his face, but he doesn't seem to mind that much. I smirked as his body curled around my feet, his fabric-covered ass flexing out at me. He looked so ridiculous, yet oddly content.

I flipped the light and fell asleep.

I loved the feeling of warm feet in the morning.

Philo was still flexing around them. I playfully kicked him off the bed.

He grunted. "Jerk!"

I laughed. "I'm going to shower. You should cook breakfast."

He scowled. "Why do I always do everything?" he asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What, you want me to cook?"

"Point taken," Philo said, sighing.

When I finished my shower, I got into my swim trunks. I pride myself on knowing what Philo wants. He's my best friend and I read him like a book.

I went downstairs and ate the eggs and bacon Philo cooked me. Then I looked for him. He was outside, gazing intently at the pool in nothing but his black speedo. I swear, Philo is the most sensitive guy I have ever met.

He just isn't quite the stud I am. I mean, he's muscular, but it's sort of a lean, streamlined build, whereas I am just plain buff. He also has this swagger to his walk that doesn't exactly exude masculinity. You can hear it in his voice, which has a sort of chord to it: a high and low aspect, which gives off a sweet conflict in a way that puts me on the brink of laughter. In our friendship, I dominate and he submits.

I'm glad I have him because I like the way he looks up to me and trusts in my leadership. He is loyal and I know he would do anything for me.

He still hadn't noticed me standing there, smirking at him. I laughed, grabbed him around the waist, and lunged into the pool. We surfaced and he was laughing. "All you ever do is throw me around, huh Viren?" he said between chuckles.

"I also drink beer, work out, and fuck."

He splashed me; I splashed him; soon we were wrestling around the pool, our salient muscles cutting at the water, slicing ripples and waves this way and that.

Soon I was hugging him into my chest; he had nowhere to run, his face plastered into my pecs. He turned up at me. Other than his nose and ears, he has really big facial features. His big eyelashes tickled my skin; his round eyes watered slightly; his fat lips curled and opened. He leaned toward my nipple and stuck his tongue out.

I threw him off. "God, Philo, sometimes you can be so gay."

Philo laughed. "You fell for my ploy. Now I have escaped your iron-grip and am free. Bwah ha ha ha!" He jumped out of the pool and started running in the grass. I followed. He dashed along the wall, but soon he was cornered next to the trampoline.

He jumped onto it and I followed, tackling him despite his deft attempt at spinning away. I pinned him to his stomach. He tried to squirm out, bucking with his tight, fabric-stretching ass, but I threw all my weight onto him and he had nowhere to go.

"I win," I whispered into his ear.

His breathing was ragged which was odd because he was in good shape. He probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I smirked.

"Now you gotta do what I say," I whispered.

He nodded and swallowed.

"Tell me that you are my bitch."

"No," he said, giggling.

"Yes," I said. My fingers danced across his chest and armpits.

He burst into laughter, and then started screaming.

"Okay, okay," he said, turning to look me in the eye. His face was red, his eyes were twinkling, and his pupils were wide.

"I'm your bitch," he said softly, his voice ringing low and high. He looked so vulnerable, his lips puckered out slightly, and his eyebrows sunk. His ass flexed into me. I rolled off, looking at the sky, trying to sort out the pulsing I felt.

I grabbed my cell-phone.

"Who are you calling?" Philo asked.

"Gina. You got me all riled up and I need to let off some steam."

"Not Gina!" Philo moaned.

"Relax, she'll bring Maria. Maria has been desperate for you to bang her ever since you ditched her at homecoming. Pussy for everyone."

That didn't cheer him up as much as I expected.

Philo lay on edge as I talked to Gina. He turned away when I hung up the phone, anxiety collecting in his tense ass.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you like her?" Philo asked softly.

"Gina? Because she is a bimbo," I said.

Philo frowned. "But you guys don't even care about each other," Philo said, his eyebrows wrinkling.

"I'm not looking to care about someone; I'm looking to fuck someone," I said, my voice rising. "If I'm I the mood to have feelings, I'll act warm with my bros--with you man. Gina is just there for hot, meaningless sex. I really have no respect for her at all. Why tangle sex with feelings?"

"Maybe it's better," Philo said, still quiet.

"You're such a girl, you know that?" I said.

Philo smirked.

"Make me a promise okay? When Maria arrives, get over the fact that you don't like her and fuck her."

Philo scowled. "No."

I laughed. "God, what the fuck does it take to arouse you anyway?"

Gina and Maria arrived in their tight bikinis.

They met us in the pool. Gina and I started making out immediately.

I ran my hands down her neck, her breasts, and her back. She moaned and whispered, "Ooh pussy is so wet."

"You are underwater," I said quietly.

"Still," she muttered.

I grabbed her ass and split her globes with my fists, rolling them in my palms. She moved my hands underneath her bikini, to her loose pussy lips.

"What's wrong with him?" Gina whispered.

Philo was sitting on the edge of the pool, glaring at Gina and shivering as water ran down his defined muscles and dripped onto the cement.

Maria had her arm draped over the side of the pool as well, kicking slowly into the water and staring into the distance.

I swam to Philo. "What?"I hissed.

"Nothing," he muttered.

"What's going on?" Gina asked.

"Gina, just go to my room, I'll meet you there in a minute."

She sighed, rolled her hands down my chest, and whimpered. "I'll be ready for you."

Once she left I rounded on Philo. "What is your problem?"

He just looked at the water.

I splashed him. "Listen to me! Why do you hate Gina?"

"I don't hate Gina," he said, his voice empty.

"You should just go home," I said. "Take Maria with you."

"Okay," he said softly.

I just shook my head. "You are so selfish! You want all of my attention, but you don't seem to care about me at all! You just sit there and mope. I'm not some inhuman angel like you Philo—I have passion and lust! I get horny and excited! I understand that you have no idea what that feels like, but that doesn't mean you can act like my feelings are stupid and sit there thinking you are better than everybody."

"That isn't how it is," Philo murmured.

"Oh yeah?" I said, my voice crackling. "How is it, then? Why are you such a fucking asshole to my girlfriend? Do you secretly love her or something?"

He spoke softly, "I think you were right; I should just go. I'm sorry."

"Whatever," I said. "Just hurry up, Gina's not patient when she's horny."

He helped Maria out of the pool and left with her, not even bothering to remove his gaze from his feet.

God. Was he even trying to be empathetic? It's like he wasn't even trying to understand me.

I smirked. I'd just channel it all into my imminent fuck. Who needs foreplay when Philo gets me wound up all by himself?

I walked upstairs, thinking about Gina's loose, wet pussy and what it would take to get her to turn around.

If you think I should continue this story, please send me an email at

My previous story: favor (High School section) All feedback greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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