My weekend in London

By moc.liamtoh@XXXretsuL

Published on Jan 10, 2004



This is a true story of my trip to London on weekend

Carolanne's Weekend in London

About five years ago when I opened my Email one evening I was pleasantly surprised to read that I had accumulated enough frequent flyer miles to take a free trip to London for four days and three nights. I'd been working hard and decided to treat myself to a nice long weekend!

After a long flight I finally touched down at Heathrow Airport. Since my pockets weren't bulging with cash I asked a taxi driver if he knew a cheap place to stay, he said he knew a nice little hotel in Putney (an area outside of central London) that wouldn't cost much, "OK, sounds good to me."

A more non-descript place I'd never seen before, if it wasn't for the small sign out the front you'd never know it was a hotel. I walked up to the front desk and rang the bell since no one was around. About a minute later a middle-aged man checked me in, gave me my key and told me where my room was. The place was small, only eight rooms, but was quiet and clean. I had to share a common bath and toilet but I didn't care...I was in London and going to have some fun!

After a few hours rest I decided to go out and see some of the town. I got directions from the desk clerk and caught a big red double decker bus heading towards the city. I didn't want to go too far and get lost so I got off after about five minutes and decided to walk around. The street I was on was filled with one small shop after another, no big malls or department stores here. I walked for a few minutes when I noticed a lingerie store across the street, I decided to take a look.

Once inside, the array of underwear I saw tantalized me. Stockings, garter belts, panties of all styles and colors. I had a good collection of undies at home, but nothing like this. I spent the best part of an hour picking out what I liked and ended up buying six pairs of panties, three garter belts, five pairs of stockings, three bra's and a shear black night gown. I spent the rest of the day shopping for tops, shoes skirts, shorts and some new makeup, by mid afternoon I was ready to go back to my hotel room and get myself ready for the evening.

When I walked in the hotel lobby there was nobody at the front desk so I went straight upstairs to my room. I hadn't seen anyone else in the hotel and assumed that I was the only one staying here. I spread out my new collection of lingerie on the bed and tried to choose what to try on first, it all looked so nice. But before I get too involved I needed to get cleaned up a bit. I found the bathroom, closed the door and started filling the bath. When the tub was full I slid in and soaked for a half an hour, then shaved my legs and anything else that needed it! I dried off, walked back to my room and tried to decide on what to wear. Since it was the middle of summer I wanted to wear something light, short and sexy but not too obvious since I didn't know how a CD would be treated here.

For my underwear I chose a white bra, light tan stay up stockings and black mesh panties. They all felt so wonderful as I put each item on. For my outer apparel I went with a cream midriff top, a pair of light brown tight hot pants and some comfortable wedge shoes with open toes and ankle straps. The hot pants were just long enough to cover the cheeks of my small tight ass (that is unless I bent over)! I'd brought three of my favorite wigs, my short chestnut brown, medium length blonde and full length auburn, tonight I was going to be a short haired girl. I put on a fresh coat of red nail polish and let it dry before putting on my face. I didn't go to heavy with my makeup, I didn't want to stand out but I did want to get noticed, I spent a lot of time doing my eyes so that they were sultry with long lashes and the final touch was a subtle application of medium pink lipstick.

Just opposite the hotel was Wadsworth Park, a huge commons with lots of woods, fields and paved paths running through it. Since there was still about an hour of daylight left I thought a nice walk could start off my evening. As I went downstairs I wondered if the desk clerk would give me a problem if he saw me, but as usual there was no one there so I walked straight out the door, across the street and into the park.

As I got on to one of the paved paths and started walking I saw another person heading towards me smoking a cigarette but he was a long way away from me. I slowed my pace a little as we gradually got closer and closer to each other. As he got near I could see he was in his mid 50's, nicely dressed in jeans and button shirt and had a good build. When I left the hotel I'd grabbed my cigarettes but had forgotten my lighter and wanted a cigarette badly. As the man got within a few feet of me I stopped and asked, "Excuse me, do you have a light"? "Yes of course" he replied He gave me a big smile while reaching into his pocket for his lighter. He never took his eyes off me as he pulled out his lighter and lit my cigarette. "I left my lighter back in my hotel room". "You're American"? he asked "Yes, just arrived today, I'm staying right across the street". Just then, I dropped my cigarettes, bending down I knew that he was getting a good shot of my ass cheeks. When I stood up he kept looking me up and down with kind of half smile on his face. I've always liked older men and this one was one I liked a lot. "You all by yourself are you"? he asked "Yes, just came over for the weekend to have a little fun". "My name is Ian"! "Hi, I'm CarolAnne". I delicately reached out my hand for him to shake. He grasped it very gently as he shook it, his hands were soft with long thin fingers. There was an awkward moment of silence, then I casually put my hand on his arm and rubbed it up and down, while looking him in the eyes. "Well thanks for the light, maybe I'll see you again". I said. "You're quite welcome love, I hope so".

We started walking in opposite directions and as we did I made sure to sway my ass as I went, I turned my head back in his direction and he was still watching me! I strolled around for about another 15 minutes until it was almost dark. I decided to go back to the hotel to get my lighter then go and try an English pub. I took a pathway that led me into the wooded portion of the park but still in the direction of my hotel. Walking further I could see someone standing next to a tree about 50 feet into the woods. As I got closer I could see it was Ian, I wanted another cigarette and needed a light. Ian glanced over his shoulder at me but didn't move. I got to within a foot of him and said, "Hi Ian, can I get another light from you dear"? He turned slightly in my direction and as he did I could see he had his cock in his hand as if he was having a piss. "Sure CarolAnne". He let go of his cock, reached into his pocket, pulled out his lighter and lit it. The flame gave off enough light so that I could see his stiffening member hanging out of his jeans more clearly. As he lit my cigarette I looked down at his cock, then back up at him, "Did I interrupt something?" I said with a sexy smile on my face. He put his lighter back in his pocket, then took hold of his semi hard cock and started stroking it back and forth slowly. "No, just thought I'd have a pee". But the way he was stroking his prick while looking at me told me differently. He would look down at it then look up at me glancing around to see if anyone else was near.

Watching him play with himself got me hotter than hell, I was the one who wanted to be stroking that piece of man meat. I kept looking at his cock with an obvious stare in the dimming light of the evening. Finally moving closer to him I reached out, put his cock in my hand and asked. "Can I help you with that"? He released his grip, moved right next to me and let me stroke him back and forth several times. He had a fat cock and wasn't short in the inches department either! I could feel him getting harder with every movement of my hand. He unbuttoned his jeans, pulled them down slightly so I could fondle him from the tip of his cock to the base of his balls. Giving him long full strokes now he leaned forward and kissed me, I opened my mouth and he did the same, letting our tongues explore each other's mouths.

I could feel myself getting harder and harder. The longer we kissed I could feel his cock getting fuller and fuller in my hand; suddenly he reached down and started rubbing the front of my shorts. I couldn't wait any longer; I eased down my hot pant so he could rub me against my panties. Ian wasted no time in putting his hand under my panties and rubbing my bare cock with his hand. I let him rub me up and down a few times at which point I bent down and took his cock in my mouth. I sucked him up and down a few times then knelt down in front of him so I could take him completely in my mouth. I gently massaged his balls as I took the full length of his cock down my throat. He put his hand gently on the back of my head as I went up and down his shaft with my mouth, God he tasted so good!

After only 30 seconds or so I felt him pull away from me, "This isn't safe, let's go to my place". I stood up, fixed my panties and shorts, gave Ian a big kiss and said, "A nice cozy bed sounds better than leaves and twigs"! Ian put himself together, took hold of my hand and guided me out of the now pitch black woods. Once we were back onto the street we went in the opposite direction of the hotel. We quickly turned down the first street we came to, then down a few houses, "I live here" Ian said. We walked through a gate and up a short sidewalk to the front porch. Ian opened the door and ushered me inside.

His house was nicely furnished but small. Once he closed the door he turned, grabbed my waist and gave me a long passionate kiss, I hugged him intensely as our tongues met again. I started rubbing myself up against him as he reached back and started massaging my ass cheeks. "Like something to drink"? Ian asked. "Sure, anything will do". I was so horney now I felt that I was about to explode. Ian poured two big Scotches then led me into the bedroom. He put the drinks down on the dresser then turned around and immediately reached for the button on my shorts. At the same time I was undoing the snap on his jeans and started unzipping his fly, I wanted to feel his cock again so badly. Ian was having a problem with my tight shorts so I offered to help. "Let me do that sweetie". I unbuttoned the top button, and then slowly slid them down past my hips until they hit the floor. In a split second, Ian started rubbing the front of my now wet panties, feeling the hardness underneath while fervently kissing me. I couldn't wait any longer, I started tugging his jeans down, then his underwear until his cock sprung out. Once again I dropped to my knees guiding his almost fully erect cock into my mouth. I could taste the pre-cum on the tip of his cock which encouraged me to suck him more intensely than ever.

As I sucked Ian to full firmness I could tell that he was taking off his shirt, he pulled me up then knelt in front of me. Ian reached on both sides of my hips, took hold of my panties and slid them down to the floor, my now fully erect female clit directly in front of him. Without a moment's hesitation, Ian kneeled in front of me and put my member in his mouth and started sucking, taking all of me with loving passion. I closed my eyes as I savored the feel of his lips and mouth on my hard female clit. I unbuttoned my top and threw it aside exposing my new white bra. As he sucked, I felt his finger probing between my ass cheeks, just where I wanted him to play next! "Ohhhhhhh, let's get on the bed baby where we can get more comfortable" I said. Ian got up, handed me my drink, we toasted then kissed again. Stepping back, I struck a pose while only dressed in my bra, shoes and stockings, "You like"? "Ohhh, yea"!!! I reached for the dresser, bent over, jutting out my ass in a side pose and said, "And what about this"? "Very nice my dear"! "Well, I think you need to lube up CarolAnne so she is more comfortable". Ian reached into the dresser draw and took out a jar of anal lube, put a big mound on his finger then firmly inserted it up my ass. His finger felt so good as he pushed it deeper and deep inside me. "Like that CarolAnne"? Thrusting my ass back and forth against his finger I said, "Ohhhhhhh God yes Ian, but I want more baby, I want to feel you inside me". Just then he swung me over to the bed, bent me over, spread my ass cheeks and guided his cock to my waiting hole. I could feel the tip of his swollen cock at the entrance to my anus."Fuck me Ian, come on fuck me baby". Ian pushed firmly as the head of his cock entered my ass, then pushed again thrusting deep inside me. Moaning with each stroke, Ian started fucking my ass with ramrod force, clutching my hips while slamming my ass like it had never been fucked before. "God your ass feels so good CarolAnne" Ian said as he thrust harder and harder into me. His cock felt so wonderful inside me that I could barely say a word. I started pushing back against him, spreading my ass cheeks so I could take every last inch of his meat. "Ohhh God, fuck me Ian, fuck me". Just then I could feel him swell just a little bit more, I knew he was about to cum. "Oh yea, oh yea...!" Ian then pushed firmly up against my ass, giving short hard thrusts, I knew I was getting his thick hot load. "Oh baby give it all to me, give me all your cum"! I said. I could feel his hot cream filling my ass as Ian gave his final few pushes into me; finally he stopped.

Ian slowly pulled back, his cock easing out of my well fucked asshole. He staggered over to the bed and lay on his back, cum still oozing from his cock. I grabbed our drinks and put them on the dresser next to the bed, then went into the other room and got our cigarettes. I came back to the bedroom, lit a cigarette for both of us and then handed Ian his drink. I reached down to his semi erect cock and started stroking and squeezing it to get the last drop of cum he had left inside. Then I turned, put my head between his legs and started licking off the last few drop of cum from his now shrinking cock. As I licked Ian, I felt myself getting harder again, Ian noticed too. He reached over, spread my legs and took my hardness into his mouth. His mouth felt like velvet and in next to no time I was shooting my load deep down his throat. Ian swallowed each spurt as if it was honey.

For the next 20 minutes or so we just laid there, sipping our Scotch and having a smoke in between kisses. As it was getting late and Ian had to go to work in the morning he needed to go to bed. He asked me to stay for the night, but I declined. I got cleaned up, put on my top, panties and shorts then had one more drink. Ian was almost asleep so I made my way out the door, we never arranged for another meeting, we just enjoyed what had happen.

With all that I had drunk I was pretty well bombed but not out of control, I felt really good! I made it back to the hotel OK, strolling past the empty front desk without fear of questioning. I made it to my room, went inside and tried to get myself together. I took one look at myself in the mirror and knew I needed to do some fixing up. I still had all of the underwear spread out on the bed that I had bought earlier in the day. I took off my top, shorts, stockings and panties and decided to try on something new.

First was my black silk bra, then a sheer black thong, a new black garter belt with black stockings and finally my new see through, floor length black nightgown. I put on my red 5" heels, straightened up my makeup a bit and changed into my full length auburn wig. I felt an urgent need to pee and thought it would be OK to walk down to the toilet the way I was dressed. After a good long pee, I opened the toilet door and started walking back to my room, before I got there the door of the room next to me opened and out stepped a slim young man of about 25. He left the door slightly ajar, we looked at each other for a second, he gave me a good look and a sexy smile, "Hi" I said. "Hi honey" he replied. His shirt was off and he was only wearing a pair of jeans. I couldn't help but peak inside the his room as I went past, noticing another young man dressed in only in a pair of tight briefs lying on the bed. I walked past and went into my room feeling a little excited that this young man had seen me dressed in such sexy garb. I turned on the TV not quiet sure of what I wanted to do for the rest of the evening, then there was a knock at the door. I felt a little panicked for a second, maybe it was the manager because the other guest complained. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's your neighbor from next door" I heard in a slightly feminine English voice. I opened the door and to my surprise it was the guy who had seen me in the hall. In his hand was a bottle, "I think we're the only one's in the hotel and I wanted to say hello". Holding up the bottle as a gesture of friendship I knew he was sincere. "Would you like to come in?" Without hesitation he stepped into my room. "Hi, I'm CarolAnne". "Hello, I'm Erick, care for a drink?" I was already feeling pretty good from what I had had with Ian and thought another drink would hurt. Erick got two glasses from the side table and poured us each a drink. "What's in the bottle?" I asked "German Schnapps" he replied Erick sat on the bed and starred at all the underwear I had laid out on it. "Sorry, I did some shopping today and haven't had a chance to put everything away yet". Erick reached over and picked up a pair of red panties, admiring them as a woman would do, then he looked up at me and said, "These are lovely and would look great with what you have on now dear!" I took a big drink of the Schnapps, hesitated then thought I'd see if he was what I thought he was. He was so close to me and what I wearing was so sheer there could be no doubt that he could see everything I had tucked in my black thong. "Would you like to see them on?" I asked. "Love to see how they look on you, if you don't mind". Since the only place I could change was right in front of Erick, I finished my drink, reached for a cigarette, lit it, then took the panties from Erick's hand. I turned my back to him and slowly slipped of my black thong. I slid them over each of my shoes then started putting on the sheer red mesh panties. I pulled them up then turned to face Erick. "Well what do you think"? "Honey, they go much better in that outfit than the others. Would you do like something else along with your drink"? I had no idea what he meant by that. "What do you mean?" Erick reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white packet, put in on the side table of the bed, unfolded it carefully to reveal a mound of white power inside. "Like to dust your nose a little, really first class stuff this".

I hadn't had cocaine in ages, but loved it when I did have it. I thought about this for a second then said the hell with it, I was in London to have some fun. "Sure why not." Erick dumped a huge quantity onto the glass top of the bedside table, then drew two big lines out with a piece of paper that was kept next to the phone, then rolled up the paper into a straw. "Here, you first." I moved over to the table, sat on the bed next to Erick and snorted up the line that was closest to me, instantly I felt the cocaine rush, it made me horney in a second. Next, Erick bent over my lap, snorted the remainder then leant back. "Good stuff isn't it!" I had a terrific buzz by now, I felt so great I leant over and kissed Erick. "Thanks sweetie, that was wonderful." Erick put his hand around my waist, pulled me close to him, and gave me a long passionate kiss flipping his tongue in and out of my waiting mouth. As we kissed he put his hands on my panties and started rubbing my ever hardening member. As he did that I instinctively reached over and started rubbing the front of his jeans, he was already rock hard. Erick suddenly stood up, unbuttoned his jeans and took them off, he had on no underwear and had a massive cock which was almost fully erect. Without thinking I leaned forward and took as much of his cock as I could in my mouth, sucking like a whore on his protruding prick.

Without a word being said I sucked down as far as I could for what seemed like 15 minutes, I couldn't get enough. "Let me suck you, now." Erick said. I moved my mouth off his cock, stood up and pulled down my panties exposing my ragging hard on. Erick spread open my nightgown, bent down in front of me and started sucking me with all the lust in the world, rubbing my stocking legs as he sucked. I closed my eyes, grabbed the back of his head and held on to him as he took me in his mouth. After about three minutes there was another knock at the door. I panicked again, Erick pulled away from me and calmly said, that should be my friend Martin.

I went to the door and said, "Who is it?" "It's Martin from next door, is Erick in there?" I opened the door and was the young man who was lying on the bed in only his briefs. "Looks like you started the party without me!" Erick was lying on the bed naked with a huge hard on and the front of my nightgown was showing signs of pre-cum. "Yes we did, come on in." Erick did the introductions, Martin and I gave each other a kiss to say hello. Erick rolled over to the bedside table and drew out three big lines of cocaine, one for each of us. "Let's get this party started!" he said. I grabbed another glass for Martin, filled everyone's glass with more Schnapps while Martin got undressed.

As we each took turn snorting the white powder on the bedside table one or more of us was engaged in one form of sucking or fondling who ever was available. By the end of the night I had been fucked by Erick while sucking Martin, then they reversed and I sucked Erick while Martin fucked me. Erick and Martin fucked each other while I watched and then finally joined in.

This carried on for at least three hours, finally Erick and Martin went back to their room so we could all get some sleep.

I spent the next couple of days just taking it easy and seeing the sights of London, nothing could have compared to my first night and I was happy with the fact that I had so much fun all in one night.

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