My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Mar 6, 2005


Andel and all characters are copywritten material of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* My Vampire Encouter Part 6 by Banky Edwards & JT Willow


My relationship with Connor only grew from the day he took my virginity. We spent even more time together, sometimes not even bothering to speak to anyone for a twenty four hour period. I knew it was inevitable that someone, other than Fred, would find out about us. But, I didn't care. All I thought about was Connor.

Well, not at the current moment. Actually, I was more worried about the two vampires attacking me. One had my arms pinned behind my back and the other was approaching. Connor and Angel were too far away to help. Just before the other vampire reached me, I threw my legs up onto his shoulders, clamped them around his neck and twisted my lower body with all my strength. His head tore clear off and he turned to dust. The other vampire let go of me and began to run, so I chucked a stake and caught him halfway down the dock. Did I mention we were at the docks? We were.

I took off towards Con and Angel, but was prevented from doing so. A huge burst of light exploded from the ground in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. When the light cleared, a man was standing in front of me. He looked normal, save the clothes, until you got to his head. Out of his light blonde hair protruded two, very large, very thick, curvy black horns. Take those and the clothes away and this guy would be quite attractive. Maybe twenty something. Maybe a model. Who knows? But... obviously, he was a demon or something.

He looked at me curiously, as if studying me. He turned his head to the side and stared at my face. His eyes were completely white, no pupils, no irises. Just plain white. He smiled slightly then took a step towards me. Instinctively, I backed up. I hadn't noticed it before, but this guy... this demon wasn't standing on the cement like me. He was six inches off the ground, floating. I couldn't get around him seeing as I was backing onto the actual dock itself. Connor and Angel were still preoccupied with the oodles of vampires and unaware of my strife.

"Connor! Angel! A little assistance would be greatly appreciated!"

The demon chuckled. "Don't be afraid, Fletcher. All I want is to take your soul,"

I laughed nervously. "Oh, is that it? Well, now's not a good time. Come back tomorrow and I'll give you my spare. What the fuck kind of request is that?!?"

"Not a request," he said in an eerily human voice. "I will have your soul. Fight me and I will kill you and take it from your rotting corpse,"

I sucked in a deep breath. "Mm, no."

He moved forward and my feet hit the back of the pier. "Hey!"

The demon stopped his approach and looked behind him. Kaelin stood, arms crossed. "Don't you have somewhere to be right now?"

"Excuse me?" he replied. Kaelin slowly walked over. "I'm pretty sure that your late for a previous engagement. Let me help you out. Here is some pixie dust to help you fly." Kaelin blew some sort of glitter mixture on the demon. "Now just think of some happy thoughts and..." Kaelin clapped his hands. "Discede!" And with a poof the demon was gone. He beckoned me over. I walked through the remaining dust and up to Kaelin.

"What did you do to him?"

"Teleported him"


"Who cares? I believe a thanks is in order," he smiled smugly.

I looked down at my clothes. "This glitter shit better come out or you and me are going to fight."

"Whoa, you're welcome." Kaelin replied slightly disgusted. I rolled my eyes and joined Connor in fighting the last remaining vampires. "That's twice!" he yelled behind me. We dusted them quickly, meeting with Angel and Kaelin. As Kaelin walked past me, he brought the scent of the ocean with him. Hey! Wait a minute...

"Fletcher, you all right?" Angel asked. "Did he do anything to you? Say anything?"

"Other than the fact that he wanted my soul? No,"

Angel sighed deeply. "All right. Everyone back to the hotel. We've got research to do,"

The four of us headed back to the car, Angel and Kaelin sitting in the front seat, Connor and I in the back. Angel occasionally peered into the rearview mirror while talking to me. "Did he say how he would get your soul? Like. ritual sacrifice? Magical extraction? Charms?"

"Well, he said if I didn't give it to him willingly, he'd kill me and take it from my body,"

"Typical," Angel muttered. "You didn't happen to get a name, did you?"

"Nope. Sorry,"

Angel nodded and ended the conversation. Connor held my hand discreetly, randomly squeezing to console me. I wasn't too worried about the demon. I mean, I had killed a demon before. And, I was sure that this guy wouldn't react too well to a knife in the head. But, I wouldn't pass up a chance to hold Connor's hand.

We returned to the Hyperion and Angel went into hyper-leader mode. "Fred, Gunn, Cordy. We've got a rogue demon after Fletcher's soul. Fred, I need you to hit the books and see what you can find on a human-looking, horned, floating demon. Cordy, find out anything you can from the Powers. Gunn, you run the usual demon hangouts and see if anyone knows anything."

"And, we can help Fred research," I chimed. Angel nodded. As the team dispersed, Kaelin beckoned Angel to a secluded part of the room. Connor and I joined Fred in one of the offices. I described to her what it looked like and she began pulling random books from the shelves. Before long, Angel came in. "Connor. New plan, you go with Gunn."

"What? Why?"

"Because he needs backup and I told you to,"

There was a second where I thought Angel and Connor would have at it. Connor's fists were clenched and the anger in his face was obvious. He looked at me, then stormed out, glaring at Angel, who slid out of the room after him. I looked to Fred for an answer, but she shrugged. So, we buried ourselves in the books, looking for some clue as to what we were dealing with.


Connor's voice startled me out of my reading. I had never heard him so angry in my weeks with the group. I started towards the door, but Fred stopped me. "If Connor is fighting with Angel, you should stay out of it. Trust me,"


Connor's voice had changed from anger to what sounded like sadness, close to tears. He let out a disgruntled shout before I heard the door slam. Angel walked into the office slowly, eyes down. Fred took one look at him and continued searching the books. We worked in silence for what seemed like hours. Suddenly, Fred jumped up. "Oh. Oh! I've got something!"

"The demon?" Angel asked. Fred shook her head. "But, a lot better. Listen: The Second Soul is vital to the world salvation. Together with the People's Champion, the Second Soul is one of the most powerful magical entities. While outwardly vampire, the Second Soul is not harmed by certain weaponry. Sunlight and holy water will kill the Second Soul, but crosses will only cause damage. Stakes will only release the power of the soul. While the Second Soul does not share the curse of the People's Champion, it can be lost through the killing and draining of an innocent human. If the Second Soul is lost, with it are the hopes of the people."

I took in Fred's words the best I could. I was key to saving the world. I could lose my soul if I killed someone. I was confused by the middle part though. " What does it mean it `does not share the curse of the People's Champion'?"

Fred looked at Angel, who explained. "My curse is. if I have a moment of true happiness, I lose my soul. However, it seems that you don't have to worry about that." I noticed a bit of bitterness in his voice in that sentence. He glowered at me for a second before turning to Fred. "I'm going to go call the others back. You keep looking for that demon,"

He left, leaving me in stunned silence. I picked up the book and read the passage over and over. I didn't think that I was so important. But, here I was, in this ancient text, prophesized about and labeled. I couldn't live up to this. I couldn't be the Second Soul. That was too much. And, now, Angel was acting weird, like it was my fault.

By the time Gunn, Connor and Cordy returned, I had memorized the paragraph. Angel gathered everyone in the lobby, except Fred, who was still researching. "So, we have a development. We've found out why Fletcher still has his soul." Angel read the passage aloud causing everyone in the room to look at me, with the exception of Connor. When Angel closed the book, Gunn nodded. "Well, at least we know he won't kill any of us,"

"So, let me get this straight," Cordy said. "Sunlight and holy water: fatal. Crosses: painful, but not fatal. Stakes: power releasing? What's that about?"

Angel shot me a look that scared me. "Let's find out."


"Gunn, hold him,"

I edged off of the couch, hoping that someone would talk some sense into the sulky Angel. Cordy stood up between Gunn and I. "Angel, this is insane. We know that Fletcher is this `Second Soul'. Why do you need to stake him?"

"We need to know everything we can about him, Cordy. Otherwise, someone could have the upper hand on us and use him against us,"

"But, staking him?"

Angel didn't budge. I, however, took off for the back of the hotel. Gunn jumped over the couch and tackled me, restraining my arms and making me stand. "Let me go! This is fucking crazy!"

I looked at Connor pleadingly. His eyes were directed away from mine, at the floor. As Angel approached, stake in hand, I called out. "Cordy! Connor! Please!" Connor closed his eyes, obviously fighting emotions inside. I thrashed, hoping to dislodge myself from Gunn's grip. If the passage was wrong, I was about to die. Hell, even if it was right, I could die. And, Angel had no problem with that. His eyes were colder than I'd ever seen. It was like had some personal vendetta with me that I didn't know about. Something I did to tick him off.

Suddenly, a scent passed my nose. That sea breeze smell. Then, just as he did in the alley, Kaelin appeared out of a shadow on the wall. "Connor! He knows about us! Kaelin was in the room! He must have told him! Please! Don't let him do this!"

Connor bit his lip, crying. Angel was right in front of me now, stake raised. A lot of things happened in that second. I closed my eyes. Cordy screamed. Connor jumped off the couch, yelling my name. Angel jammed the stake in my chest.

I let out a piercing scream, feeling the wood work it's way through my skin and into my heart. This was pain beyond pain. I was living through death and I couldn't have hurt more. Angel still held the stake, pushing in even further. He twisted the piece of wood, making tears stream down my face. Just as I thought I couldn't take anymore, a shadow burst out of the hole in my chest, encompassed my body, knocked Angel and Gunn across the room and removed the stake. I hit the floor, feeling my chest heal itself. Cordy was by my side, cradling me.

"Are you happy now, Angel?" she asked angrily. "Are you happy now that you've hurt him? Is that what you wanted to do?"

"Of course it is," I spat, standing up wearily. "He's upset that I chose Connor over him and now he's taking it out on me,"

Connor looked at Angel, then me. "What do you mean?"

Angel's face turned even darker, if possible. I continued explaining. "I know why Angel really saved me: because he thought I was cute. Because he wanted someone to fuck around with. But, when it came down to it, I couldn't give him what he wanted. So, when he found out I was dating Connor-," I looked at Kaelin. "- he couldn't be more infuriated. And, to piss him off more, I can actually be happy with Connor, unlike him and Buffy,"

I punctuated the last three words so hard, they seemed to hit Angel in his face. He shoved Cordy out of the way and lunged at me, taking me to the floor. I broke his grip and kicked him off of me, hastily returning to my feet. "You wanted a fight, Fletcher, you got it," he growled. "But don't expect me to take it easy on you just because you're sleeping with my son!"


Angel's fist connected with my left cheek and a kick knocked my legs out from under me. I lay, dazed, on the linoleum, listening to the voices around me. Everyone was yelling, trying to get Angel to back off. At first, I thought he had, but he sat on my chest and began pounding away at my neck and face. Out of my blurred vision, I saw Connor jump on Angel's back, wrenching him away. They tussled for a while before Angel shoved him away, sending him flying across the room. He stormed towards me, fists clenched and teeth bared.

"Maelstrom of the darkest blue, do my work! Divide these two!"

A water pipe burst in the wall behind Kaelin. A jet of liquid shot between Angel and I and forced us both into the nearest wall. Although stunned, neither of us was down for the count. Angel and I charged each other, ramming into each other at full speed. As he and I traded punches, something odd began to happen. The room began to shake. Lights rattled, things slid off of tables and Angel and I fell to the floor. I scanned the room looking for the source of this impromptu earthquake. When I found it, my tiff with Angel seemed unimportant.

Kaelin stood in a puddle of water, breathing heavily. "If a simple spell won't stop you two, then this will." He rolled up his sleeves, threw his hands out and sighed deeply. When he opened his eyes, they were once again black. "Mistress of the ocean deep, goddess Undine, hear my cry! Do my bidding!" The puddle around him rippled then rose off of the floor in large tornado-like columns. The three large columns swirled around him, rising six feet off the floor. He clapped his hands, the hollow sound reverberating through the lobby. The water trembled from the resonance, then stilled itself, floating eerily. As he separated his palms, the water gathered between his hands. "Manipule oceatus,"

He held his hands out towards us and the water shot out, taking the form of two large. well, hands. One grabbed me, the other took hold of a struggling Angel, holding us ten feet off of the floor. "Now, instead of fighting, the two of you are going to use your words like big boys,"

"Fuck you, Kaelin!" I yelled. "This is your fucking fault! If you had kept your big mouth shut, none of this would be happening! It's not my fault Angel left you! He didn't love you! He -,""

The hand around my body squeezed a little tighter, stopping my speech. "No," Angel snarled. "This is your fault. If you had kept your hands off of Connor-,"

"Maybe you should have kept your hands off of me!" I screamed. "Instead of trying to fuck me, you should have been minding your own business!"

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA!" Kaelin yelled. "You tried to what?!?"

"Yeah, please explain," Connor chimed in, arms crossed. Angel was suddenly on the spot. His eyes darted between the three of us. "I don't need to explain anything,"

"Tell them how you tried to fuck me after my brother abandoned me," I started. "Tell them how it hurt, but you kept going until I begged you to stop. Tell them how you came all over my face, then kicked me out of your office like I was a piece of trash!"

"This needs to stop!" Cordy yelled. "Just. shut up! All of you!"

Everyone was silent. "This is ridiculous! First, Connor's fighting with Angel. Then, Angel's fighting with Fletcher. Now, Fletcher's fighting with Kaelin and Kaelin's fighting with Angel! We're supposed to be working together!"

There was contemplative silence until Angel muttered, "We would be if Fletcher wasn't taking every available cock in him,"

In an instant, the blood boiled in my body. "Fuck YOU!" The shadow from the staking shot out of my chest, blowing the water hand away from my body. I landed on the floor, as did Angel. "Fuck me, that hurt!" Kaelin cursed, holding one of his hands. As I considered taking on Angel again, Connor grabbed me by my waist, hoisting me off my feet and headed for the back. Angel started towards me, but Kaelin stepped between us. "Take a nap," Kaelin held out his and spoke, "Morpheus." Angel fell into his arms, completely knocked out.

"Can you do the same to this one?" Connor asked, struggling against my thrashing. Kaelin nodded, placed Angel on the nearest couch and walked up to me. "Morpheus." I spat in his face, unaffected by the spell. "Rage preventing the spell from working?" Connor asked. Kaelin nodded and wiped the wad off of his cheek. "Yup, so I'll have to try again." To me, "Nighty night. Keep your butthole tight. Violence causing endless sorrow, sleep my friend until the bright of morrow." Despite the rage that kept me awake the last time, I crumpled into Connor's arms, passing out quickly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* So... now you know what's with Fletcher's soul. But, what will happen with the Hyperion gang now? Everyone's at each other's throats. Hm... FIND OUT IN CHAPTER SEVEN BIHATCHES! And, let us know what you think... for real, yo.

Next: Chapter 7

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