My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Mar 3, 2005


Angel and all characters are copywritten material of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

My Vampire Encounter Part 5 by Banky Edwards & JT Willow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stirred and rolled onto my side. "Aw, fuck me," I groaned. The shooting pain in my stomach kept me from moving. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the ceiling of my room in the hotel. How I had gotten there, I didn't know. But, I did recall my fight with the bitch of a man-witch, Kaeling. I sat up in the bed, clutching my side. Someone had taken the liberty of removing my shirt and shoes, so I gladly put my shirt back on and made for the door.

Angel's voice stopped me. "I'm grateful you brought him, but I think you should leave now."

"That's a mighty rude thanks for saving your little friend." Kaelin. "And since when do you protect random vampires?"

"Trust me. Fletcher could have handled himself against one vampire," Angel replied. "He's not as defenseless as you think. He's different from the others."

"Ah, yes. Another vampire with a soul, right?"

"How did you know that?" Angel asked.

"Anyone with power can see it. It flows around him just as it does you. I'm not the poor seventeen year old amateur magician you left in Sunnyday, Angel," Kaelin laughed. "Willow made sure of that."

"Regardless, I think it's time you leave."

"Don't get bent out of shape with me just because you and the slayer fell out."

There was a pause before Angel spoke, voice tense. "You should go. Besides, what happened between me and Buffy had nothing to do with you,"

"Like hell it didn't!" Kaelin replied indignantly. "Do you not remember the nights you spent with me, Angel? The nights in my bed? The nights with my arms around you?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now," Angel said sternly. "I have to check on Fletcher. You know where the door is."

Kaelin paused, thenlaughed knowingly. "You're still in love with her, aren't you?"

There was a moment of silence where I could only hear Kaelin's breathing, then Angel spoke. "Kaelin, we've been through this. You don't understand-,"

"No! I understand perfectly. You love her, but know that you can never be with her. Because the second you do and have your one moment of true happiness... well, we all know how that would turn out, don't we, Angelus? I was there to take care of what she couldn't. There's no chance to lose your soul to someone that you could... or would never love, and that's fine. I accepted the fact that you could never feel for me what you felt for her a long time ago. But, to skip town without so much as a good-bye to your... your fallback fuck! I-,"

There was a loud bang on the door that made me stumble backwards, ear ringing. I quietly snuck back up to the door and was greeted by the sounds of an animalistic kiss. I could smell the mingling hormones emitting from Kaelin's body and the sounds of his quickening heartbeat was almost deafening. I heard them part, Kaelin nearly gasping for breath.

"I left without saying good-bye because I could't leave her. Or you,"

Kaelin sighed. "Sure... whatever helps you sleep during the... day."

"Angel, I... need a place to stay. Just for the night... or two,"

"We've got plenty of space."


I threw myself back on the bed just as Angel opened the door, closing my eyes as if I were sleeping. I felt Angel sit on the bed, so I faked a yawn and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes met Angel's. The eyes that watched me as I serviced him and then stared at me as he kicked me out. He reached for my stomach, making me jump. "I'm just checking your bruises," he said comfortingly. I looked at him for a second before sliding off the bed and walking out the door.

I ran into Kaelin and immediately tensed up. He raised his hands submissively. "I'm not going to hurt you. I actually wanted to apologize for-,"

"I'm fine," I said. "I can take care of myself,"

I walked off and made for the front lobby. As soon as I stepped into the light, I heard my name. Sort of. "Fletch!"

I looked to my left at the lobby desk only to see Connor jump over the counter and bound up to me. He almost hugged me, but stopped, remembering that, to everyone except Fred, we were just acquaintances. "Are you all right?" he asked. "That guy brought you in, but Angel wouldn't tell me anything. I've... been waiting for you to wake up,"

I looked at Gunn and Cordy who were sitting around, looking up every now and again at Connor and I. "Come on. Let's go somewhere and talk,"

"How about out... never mind,"

"What were you about to say?"

"Outside," he smiled. "Sorry,"

I shook my head and started back into the room area. Connor and I chose one of the spare rooms and went into the bathroom. I peeled off my clothes and turned the water on in the large tub. Connor did the same next to me. When I went to climb in, he stopped me. "What?" He turned me and gently ran his finger over the bruises on my side. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you,"

"I didn't need help," I replied bitterly. "I was fine."

Connor smiled slightly before placing a tender kiss on my lips. That tender kiss turned into tonsil hockey before I knew it. Fully intending to bathe, I slowly backed away, confusing Connor. "We came in to talk... and clean. Not examine each other's throats."

He nodded and climbed into the tub. I joined him, facing him and entangling my legs with his. The bubbles in the bath were giving off a slightly flowery smell that was very relaxing. I rested my head back on the rim of the tub and closed my eyes. Connor began rubbing my calves under the frothy bubbles. "So, are you going to tell me what happened with that guy?" he asked.

I lifted my head and opened my eyes. "Nothing," I replied. "I was fighting a vamp. He showed up and told me that little kids like me shouldn't hang out in dark alleys. So, I tried to kick his ass. Naturally."

"You took on a witch?"

"Well, sorry. I wasn't raised with my parents telling me not to fight witches and demons, okay? I don't even think he's that powerful. He just caught me off guard." I replied, nudging him gently with my foot. Connor smiled and moved across the tub, kissing me while rearranging himself. He slid across my body, making me giggle in our kiss.

"Fletcher? Um... I need to talk to you,"

I jumped. "Fred? Can we talk like... when I'm not in the bathroom?"

She giggled slightly. "It's sort of important. And, this is the only time we can talk, really. Sorry, I'm coming in,"

The door opened and I shoved Connor under the bubbles. Fred walked in, sitting on the toilet lid. "I just wanted to talk to you about the whole Connor thing,"

I smiled uncomfortable. I could feel Connor's face in my crotch, but I was far from enjoying it. If Fred didn't leave soon, Connor would have to come up for air. And, that would be awkward. "Fred, I really, really, really don't think this is a good time," I told her. Just then, Connor released a bubble of air that caught Fred's attention. "That wasn't..." Then, it dawned on her. "Connor's under there, isn't he?"

I nodded and let him up. He had his eyes closed and was gasping for air. Despite the situation, he was definitely looking sexy. His hair was wet and clinging to his face. As he rubbed the water out, he asked, "Did you get her to leave?"

"Not entirely,"

Connor opened his eyes and looked right at Fred, who giggled nervously. "Hi, Connor,"


"I guess this isn't a good time," she said. "Like you told me."

"What's going on?" Connor asked. "Is there a problem?"

Fred shook her head. "No. Well, kinda. Actually... no. But, it could kinda be. Everybody's getting a little... suspicious abotu why you two always disappear together. Ya know? I mean... we know that you're not sparring anymore. Angel oversees those. And, it's not like you can leave the hotel during the day. And... well, it's getting kinda obvious,"

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Connor asked. "Tell everyone?"

Fred shrugged. "I'm just the messenger. And, on that note, I will leave you to your... cavorting... or canoodling... whichever you were doing,"

She slipped out of the bathroom, leaving Connor and I alone. He looked at me curiously before locking his lips on mine. He sat back in the tub and pushed his hair back. "So, what do you think we should do?" he posed. "I mean... everyone knows you're gay,"

"I take it they don't know about you,"

"Well, we sort of have a 'Don't Ask, Don't Care' policy here in the hotel," Connor laughed. "If no one asks, no one gives a shit,"

"They why do they care if we're together?"

A look of sullenness shot across Connor's face before he feigned a smile. "Maybe they're just bored with the demon drama and want something a little more personal. But, let's think about that later. How abotu you and me finish up this bath and head to bed?"

"To sleep or to bed?" I asked warily. Connor placed a hand on my leg. "Depends on what you want. I could go either way,"

"You're trouble,"

"Would you like to be in trouble?"

I groaned, half-disgusted, half-amused by his lewd comment. "You know what? I'm going to relax in here for a while, then I'm going back to my room. If something happens, so be it. If not, oh well,"

"Works for me."

I turned my body around, placing my back against Connor's front, resting into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, drawing me closer. Cue the knock.

Connor gasped, then shoved me under the water. Don't ask me how long I was under there. I discovered, however, that my body wasn't crying out for oxygen. After a while of holding my breath, I didn't feel the normal underwater pressure and tension that I normally would. I settled in the tub for a few minutes before Connor tapped me on the shoulder.

I rose out of the water. "Who was that?"

"Angel. He was looking for you. I told him I had talked to you and you disappeared somewhere. Sufficient lie?"


"All right. Can we please get out of the tub now?" he said, slithering out from under me. "I'm tired of people walking in and out,"

I joined him in toweling off before a question popped into my head. "Connor, how did you know I would be all right under the water?"

"Vampires have no need to breathe," he replied. "No heartbeat equals no oxygen. No oxygen equals no inhales or exhales. You could stay underwater for the rest of your life if you wanted to,"

I found that interesting, so I decided to experiment. I stopped breathing. It was hard to prevent my body from doing the thing it had been for sixteen years on its own. But, I stopped. And, nothing bad happened. My chest didn't start burning. My heart didn't go crazy. I didn't get light-headed. I was still functioning while not breathing. How cool is that?

"Come on," Connor said, snapping me out of my trance. "Off we go to bed."

"Um, clothes?"

Connor chuckled. "We don't need clothes to go to bed, Fletch,"

"We need them to get there,"

Connor shoook his head, threw the door open and tore down the hall, naked as the day he was born. In a rush of exhilaration, I followed, praying that no one would happen to be in our path. Of course, with my luck...

"Aah! Connor! AAH! Fletcher!"

Papers flew everywhere as Connor and I skirted around Fred in her shocked state. She had her hands covering her eyes and was constantly shaking her head. "Oh, my eyes. If there is a god, you'll burn that from my memory!"

Connor and I dashed into my room, closing and locking the door behind us. We burst into laughed, collapsing on the bed. The laughter faded and I noticed Connor staring at me intently. His hand traveled from my stomach to my face as he pulled me into a kiss. Without taking his lips off of mine, Connor lifted his body on top of mine, pinning me to the bed. Due to my lack of body heat, Connor seemed like he was on fire. I wrapped my arms under his, pulling him closer into the kiss.

He broke the kiss and slithered down my body, maintaining eye contact the entire time. I shuddered as he took my cock in his hand and squeezed. "Fletcher?"


"Can we... I mean, if you want to, I'd like to..."

I knew what he meant. Connor wanted to take my virginity. I thought back to the encounter with Angel and immediately felt intimidated. The pain I had endured during that two seconds was almost enough to scare me away from the thought of sex my entire life. Then again, Fletcher wasn't as thick as Angel. He was just about the same length, though. I weighed my options: I could say no and spare myself a world of hurt or say yes and no longer have the burdensome titled of virgin hanging over my head.

Before I could figure out my thoughts, Connor wrapped his lips around my erection causing me to lose track of my thoughts. Now, I'm no porn start, but I'm not exactly lacking in the downstairs department. So, when Connor took my entire length in his throat, I couldn't help but let out a groan of pleasure. I clutched Connor's hair and thrust my hips upward, pushing further into Connor's throat. He had no problem taking it either. I bit my lip in an attempt to keep myself from moaning too loudly. After all, Connor and I were still a secret.

"Connor... I want it," I said, panting heavily. For no reason. He released my cock, immediately latching onto my mouth instead. This kiss wasn't tender, though. This kiss was fueled by passion and lust. Connor rubbed his body against mine, grinding his waist into my hips. He took my knee in his hand, lifting it and placing it around his waist. I took the liberty of doing the same with the other.

Connor's lips moved down to my neck before he lifted his head. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

I nodded. Connor leaned over the bed and opened the bedside drawer, pulling out a small bottle of lube. "Has that been in my room the whole time?" I asked incredulously. Connor smiled as he lubed himself up. "I didn't know when you might decide you wanted to have sex. I had to be prepared."

"Prepared. Right."

Connor rolled his eyes, then daintily slid one of his fingers inside of me. He held me close to him with one hand while slowly fingering my virgin hole. As I began to relax, Connor forced another digit inside of me. I whimpered slightly which seemed to excite him even more. He buried himself to the knuckle, wiggling his fingers around inside of me. Before long, he removed his fingers and placed the tip of his cock at my entrance. Unconsciously, I tensed at the feeling.

"You've got to relax," he whispered. "Or else this will be really hard."

I nodded and tried my best to do so, but it was difficuly. The Angel experience was sitting in the back of my head. I took a few deep breaths, despite the fact I had no need to. Still, it worked and I found myself relaxing every muscle in my body. I closed my eyes and felt Connor push his cock inside of me. I tensed up, feeling that familiar pain. Connor sensed my discomfort and stopped, giving me time to adjust. He placed a gentle kiss on my neck as I forced my body to calm itself. Connor continued, pushing almost half of his length inside of me.

The sensations moving through me were amazing. Not only did it fill me up, but Connor's body head seemed to emanate through his rod and spread through my own body. I was so caught up in the feeling that I didn't realize Connor had pushed himself all the way into me. Only when he bottomed out did I come to, letting out a loud groan. I clutched his back fiercly, not bothering to reign in my vampiric strength. We sat still for a minute, reveling in the feeling of each other's bodies.

"You okay?" Connoer whispered, eyes half closed. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. As we kissed, Connor began sliding out of me. He pulled out until on the head remained before pushing back in. Going back in was a much different sensation than coming out. I wasn't sure how to describe it other than... well... great.

Connor bottomed out again, making me moan loudly. He chuckled slightly. "Hey, keep it down. We don't want anyone barging in on us,"

"I can't help it," I replied dreamily. "I've never felt this good,"

Connor's face suddenly took on a serious look. "I'm glad I could be your first, Fletcher."

"Me, too,"

Before the moment got too mushy, Connor began to retreat from my ass. It didn't take long before Connor was thrusting in and out at a moderate pace. I tried my best to keep my moaning and groaning to a minimum, but it wasn't easy. The closest I had ever come to sex was the one time I had ventured to stick a finger in my ass during a masturbatory session. I had enjoyed it, but never did it again.

Connor's anal assauly went on for ages, him pumping and grinding. I just lay back and writhed in pleasure, occasionally sitting up to press my lips to his. Eventually, I had to remove the pillow from behind me and use it to muffle my yells of pleasure. I was grateful for my lack of need for air. Connor took the quieted opportunity to quicken his pace, now pounding into me. I abandoned the pillow and grasped for Connor's shaggy hair, yanking him down into a kiss.

By now, both of us had thrown the idea of stealth out the window. The bed was squeaking, I was moaning, Connor was grunting with every thrust and random obscenities were shouted at random intervals. I couldn't take it. I grabbed my previously unattended dick and stroked all of two times before I let out a yell a deaf man could hear and shot all over my stomach, chest, neck and chin. Connor wasn't far behind. He pushed himself into me further than I thought possible causing me to clutch at his back so fiercely, he winced in pain. With a grunt of appreciation, I felt him shoot his load into me, convulsing with every shot.

Connor collapsed on top of me, smearing my load between us, panting. After a minute or two, he rolled off of me and lay facing me, hair matted to his face and sweating profusely. I couldn't help but smile. He moved his arm, but stopped, wincing again. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"My back. Where you clawed me,"

"Roll over,"

He turned his back to me and I gasped. There were four bleeding streaks on each shoulder blade, obviously made by my own hands. "Con, you're bleeding," I told him. He attempted to look over, but gave up. "Well... drink it,"


"You need it to survive," he replied simply. "And you don't have to kill or bite me. Just... lap it up. I don't care,"

He remained on his side, inviting me to, literally, like his wounds. The ex-human in me was grossed out, but the vampre was hopping up and down in excitement. The internal fight was one sided. I leaned forward and licked the left shoulder, shuddering as the blood hit my tongue. As I swallowed, it heated my throat, almost scalding. I continued until the left shoulder was cleaned and moved to the right. As I fed, an odd scent passed my nose, like a passing breeze coming off the ocean. I sat up and looked around the room. "Con?"


"Do you smell that?"

He sniffed and looked around as well. "I think so. I mean... it's definitely a person, but there's no one here. I don't even hear breathing."

"Angel?" I suggested. Connor shook his head. "I know his scent. This is someone new. Eh. Maybe it's just residual from... some visitor,"

I nodded and rolled off Conoor, flopping down on to the bed. I placed one arm over Connor, giving him and awkward hug. After all, this was the guy that I had allowed to take my virginity. He had done what no other had and that made him special to me. Connor rolled onto his back and ran his fingers through my hair. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep. Before I was completely out of it, though I heard Connor whisper, "I love you, Fletcher."


Ooh! Gripping! Hope we're keeping all of you readers satisfied! Next chapter: we find out how Fletcher's soul has been kept intact! Questions will be answered and new ones will be raised! E-mail us at:!

Next: Chapter 6

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