My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Feb 20, 2005


"Angel" and all characters are copywritten materials of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

My Vampire Encounter Part 2 by Banky Edwards & JT Willow (formerly Jason Salem)

A week later, Angel came into the hotel with news. "There's someone or something going around in clubs attacking people between the ages of eighteen and twenty five,"

"Let me guess," Cordy said. "All pretty with nice bodies and plenty of hair gel?"

Angel nodded. "It's moving down a line of clubs owned by the same guy, so we know where it will be tonight. A place called Odyssey. It's the only one left."

"Odyssey? The gay club?" I blurted. Everyone in the room looked at me. "I... went once or twice... okay, every Friday night,"

"You're sixteen," Cordy pointed out. I rolled my eyes. "Fake ID. Come on, people. We're in L.A., for fuck's sake,"

Angel shook his head. "Anyway, we're going to get this thing tonight. It likes to eat its victim's hearts. The only thing is, the body is left intact. Somehow, it's drawing out the heart without damaging the victim. Well, other than the whole killing them part,"

"So, what's the plan?" Gunn asked.

"We go in, spread out and try to find this thing before it kills again,"

"Let's go," I chimed. Everyone looked at me curiously. "Oh, I'm going, damn it. I've been cooped up in here doing nothing but training and sleeping. I'm going to the club,"

"It's dangerous," Angel said, leaning in closely. "Are you sure you want to come?"

"I'm going,"

Angel nodded. "All right. Here. Take this." He handed me a seven inch long serrated dagger and a sheath. "You might need it. Let's go, guys,"

Despite the objections of the group, I rode along with Angel, Gunn, Fred and a new friend, Lorne. He was a demon, which was fairly obvious from his green skin and horns protruding from his forehead. He managed to keep a low profile somehow. We drove to the club and entered, Lorne staying with the car. It was as I always remembered it: loud, crowded and full of beautiful people. Angel looked around and decided we should split up. I immediately made for the dance floor.

"What are you doing here on a school night?" a voice asked. I swivelled around and grinned. A friend and former sorta-kinda-but-not-all-the-way love interest of mine, Dillon, smiled back at me before embracing me in a tight hug. From his strawberry blonde curls down to his extremely taught muscles, Dillon was, for a lack of better terms, a hot catch. Our relationship hadn't gone anywhere because... well, because I was sixteen and couldn't exactly stay out any time I wanted. Kinda put a stop to the whole... dating thing.

"I'm my own man, now," I replied, not letting go of him. "I do whatever the hell I want."

"Does that mean you can stay out all night?"

I nodded and Dillon grabbed me by my wrist. "Dance with me. Now,"

We danced while I scanned the room for anything out of the ordinary. Trying to find a demon or something drawn to an attractive person was like looking for a fat person who wanted food. Harsh, I know. But, funny at the same time. Besides, Dillon's hands we distracting me from focusing. "What are you doing tonight?" he muttered into my ear. I shrugged, shuddering from his breath on my neck. "Why don't you ditch Mr. Brooding Beefcake and come home with me?"

"I don't know, Dill," I replied. "I've kinda got work to do,"

"Work is better than having fun with me?"

I turned around to face him. "Dillon, you've been after my virginity for months now. I told you. I can't lose my virginity to you,"

"Why not?"

I grabbed his package. "Because you'd kill me,"

He laughed and nodded. "All right. Be that way." He turned his back to me, still dancing. I rested my chin on his shoulder, halfway flirting with him, halfway combing the room. I started falling into a trance, listening to the beat of the music. I realized, however, that it wasn't the music I was moving to. It was Dillon's heartbeat. With his neck only an inch away from my ear, I could literally hear the blood coursing through his veins. I shook the thought out of my head and tried to focus.

But, it was still there. That dull pounding in my ear. The sound of blood moving. It was driving me insane. My eyes locked onto his neck and I could see the skin rising and falling with every pulse. I couldn't take it. I had to have it.


I could feel my face transform and my teeth lengthen.

Don't do it.

I licked his neck as if sampling a dish before tasting. "Ooh, aren't you bold tonight?" Dillon chuckled mindlessly. Don't do it.

I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head to the side. "And rough. How'd you know?"

Don't do it!

I opened my mouth and leaned in to bite...


I released him and returned to my normal appearance. Dillon turned around just as Angel grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away. We reached a dark corner and he stared at me. "What just happened?" he asked. "Tell me what you were doing,"

"I... I was dancing with him. He's a friend of mine and..." I struggled for words. "I could hear his heartbeat and it was making me crazy. I wanted to bite him, but something told me not

to. So, I stopped,"

"You decided not to? By choice?"

I nodded and Angel squared his jaw. As he opened his mouth, Gunn ran over. "We found it. It's out

back with some guy,"

Without hesitation, we took of for the back door. Angel threw it open, looking around frantically. He ran to the left and I heard a scuttle, a yell and the sound of footsteps. All in a matter of seconds. The demon, which resembled Brad Pitt with half cooled lava for skin, had Angel pinned against the wall, hands held by some glowing blue light. Gunn charged and was knocked to the side like a rag doll. I looked at Fred who looked at me. Shit, I couldn't fight that thing. I was just a scrawny (but muscular) sixteen year old. What the hell could I do?

Throwing all inhibitions to the wind, I threw myself at the demon in an attempt to take it down. When I threw my body weight onto it, I literally stopped dead and fell to the cement. It looked

down at me and, I think, smiled. "You'll make up for my lost kill," it gurgled. I jumped to my feet just as it grabbed me by the shirt and slammed me against the nearest wall, knocking the proverbial wind out of me.

The demon pressed its mouth to mine, but not in a kissing sort of way. It held my head firmly in its grasp, preventing me from moving, as I felt something enter my mouth. It wasn't a tongue but more of a tube. I groaned in protest, but in vain. The tube slid down my throat, writhing and squirming. It was going for my heart. It hesitated, however, looking almost shocked.

"Fletcher!" Angel yelled. "The dagger!"


I pulled the dagger out of the holster, and jammed it into the demon's skull. Its red eyes rolled up into its head as it released me and fell, roughly yanking the tube out of my throat. I fell to my knees, retching. Angel, released from the spell kneeled next to me. "You all right, kid?" I nodded as I sat back on my knees. "Why did it stop, though? It had me,"

Angel smiled slightly. "Lack of body heat. It was probably confused,"

"Well, there's one advantage to being a vampire,"

"Wow," Fred exclaimed. "You're full of surprises. Like the whole Connor thing,"

I shot her a look of death. Angel looked back and forth between the two of us as Gunn walked up. "What Connor thing?" He turned to Gunn. "Do you know about a Connor thing?"

"What Connor thing? There's a Connor thing?"

Angel waited for an answer, which Fred supplied. "The whole... being a better fighter thing. I mean... Connor's good and all, but Fletcher here is... good... er."

"Oh." Angel bought it and headed for the car, Gunn in tow. I turned on Fred. "You almost told him!" I screeched, keeping my volume down at the same time. "How could you slip up like that?!?"

"Sorry! I... it just fell out,"

I rolled my eyes. "You're going to get me in trouble."

"You got yourself into trouble the moment you came here,"


Thanks for reading! I'd really like to hear some feedback or even some ideas for future storylines. Drop us a line: ! I'd really appreciate it. Next chapter coming soon!

Next: Chapter 4

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