My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Feb 18, 2005


"Angel" and all characters are copywritten materials of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

My Vampire Encounter Part 2


Banky Edwards & Jason Salem

I awoke to the feeling of lips on mine. My eyes snapped open and I came face to face with a dark haired stranger. I pushed him away and sprung off of the bed, tripping over a chair and landing on the floor. "What were you doing?!?" I screamed. "Who are you?!?"

"Relax, relax," he said soothingly. "It's me, Angel."

My head throbbed insanely, as if something we inside, fighting to get out. I jumped to my feet, not recognizing this man who called himself Angel. "I've got to get home! My parents are going to kill me!" As I grabbed my shoes and jacket, Angel watched sullenly. Then, the events of the previous night washed over me incoherently. I touched my neck and felt a bandage. "No way. It's not true,"

"Fletcher, I'm sorry, but you can't go home," Angel said. "You're not going to make it out of this building, actually,"

"What does that mean?" I asked, inching towards the door. I bumped into something in the doorframe and turned. "Gunn, don't do anything yet," Angel ordered. "We're still not sure-,"

"He's staring at my neck," the man named Gunn replied. It was true. My eyes had wandered to the stranger's neck on their own. "I say stake him,"

"Stake me?" I repeated. "As in, vampires die by stakes in the heart? I'm not-,"

"Kid, you're a vampire,"

"No! I don't want to suck blood! I don't even like my burgers rare! I'm a well-done, charcoal briquette kinda guy!"

Gunn looked at Angel curiously. "Is there something wrong here or am I imagining it?"

I took the momentary lapse in attention as an invitation and dodged past Gunn, running for what I guessed was the entrance.

I flew past a woman with short hair, making her yelp, and towards the large double doors. "Don't open those!" Angel yelled behind me. I flung the door open and was bathed in sunlight. But, I didn't move. I couldn't. My skin stung at first, but then began to burn and smoke. I was frozen in pain and couldn't get out of the sunlight. Gunn tackled me and kicked the door shut in one movement.

Gunn stood, leaving me groaning on the floor. "No, no, no, no, no, no..." I couldn't be a vampire. I was only sixteen! I hadn't even had sex! I hadn't gotten my licence! I hadn't had an alcoholic beverage... legally! Now, I was doomed to spend my life sucking blood and dreading sunlight? How about no. An arm grabbed me and hoisted me off of the linoleum. "Fletcher, you're a vampire. Accept it," Angel said firmly. "It was the only thing I could do to keep you alive."

I pushed him away and sat down on a nearby couch. "I'm not. I can't be,"

Angel sat down next to me, closer than I would have liked and looked at me worriedly. Then, in silence, he leaned forward and

pressed his lips to mine again. This time, however, something was different. It took me a while to realize what it was. Angel had

bitten his lip and was bleeding amidst our kiss. Immediately, I felt a hunger for it that I couldn't ignore. I placed my hands on his neck and drew him closer, lashing out with my tongue and trying to get more of the precious liquid. Much to my dismay, he pulled away. "Feel that? That desire for it? That hunger for it?"

I felt like crying. It was true. The taste of blood now sent me into a fervor. The rays of sunlight that I had once enjoyed now burned me. I'd never see my family again. Or would I? What would happen if I saw my mom or my dad? Or my brother? Would I attack them and drain the life from them? It was something I couldn't bear to think about. Especially not with four sets of eyes staring at me. I burst into tears and ran back to the bedroom I had awakened in, throwing myself on the bed. Dramatic moment? Yes. But, you try waking up a vampire and shrug it off. Bitch.

I don't know how long I laid on the bed, brooding before the door opened. I rolled over and sat up, wiping the tears from my face. The short haired woman stood in the doorway. "Um... hi. My name is Cordelia, but everyone calls me Cordy."


She chuckled, obviously uncomfortable. "Fletcher, I know that you're... new to this vampire thing and you're probably not

too happy with it right now, but we want you to know that you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want. I mean, we could use the company. I bet you and Angel could-,"

"Anything that involves him is not a good idea,"

Cordelia sat on the bed, hands folded on her lap. "Fletcher, why are you so angry towards him? You've only known him

for one night."

I jumped up, laughing angrily. "Why do you think? He fucking turned me into this... thing! This monstrosity! I can't even w alk outside without burning to a fucking crisp! Why should I act like everything is peachy keen?"

"He had no choice," she replied quietly.

I yelled out of frustration. "He had no choice? Of course he didn't. He was being the hero. And, instead of letting me die, he sentences me to an immortal life." I paused. "Vampires are immortal, right? Or is that a Hollywood myth?"

"Oh, it's true. Angel is several hundred years old,"

I clutched my auburn hair dramatically. Before I could verbally express my anger any more, Angel entered. "Connor's here. And, he wants me to train him!" He looked excited, like a kid at Christmas. Cordelia promptly stood and made for the door. She stopped in the doorframe and reached for my hand. "Come on, kid. This will be fun,"

She pouted until I caved and took her hand. We walked into the main lobby area and joined the others. However, there was an addition to the group. He was a boy my age with mid-length brown hair and light eyes. Even fully clothed, I could tell

that he had a rather muscular body for someone our age. He stood opposite Angel and Gunn. Also with them was a small, somewhat geeky looking girl with long hair. "All right," Angel started. "I'm the demon. Gunn's the human who needs protection. Get past me to the innocent and keep me off of him. Got it?"

The boy nodded and assumed a fighting stance. For the next couple of minutes, the two traded blows while Angel yelled instructions and corrections. The boy I assumed to be Connor was a good fighter. His stance was a little awkward and I wasn't exactly sure what fighting style he was using, but he pulled it off. After he and Angel had worked up a sweat, Angel stopped and looked at me. "Your turn."


"I know you can fight," he said. "You have a fighting stance. Go ahead,"

I approached Connor who looked from me to Angel and back again. "Oh, sorry, Connor. This is Fletcher. Fletcher, Connor."

I nodded. He did the same. "Go."

Connor moved first, aiming a punch for my chest. I dodged and retaliated with a kick headed for his rib cage. He caught my

ankle and twisted, landing me on the floor. With my right foot still in his hand, I threw out my left and knocked his legs out from

under him. As he fell, I jumped up. But, Connor wasn't staying down. He stood and began throwing punches and kicks without abandon. I could barely keep up with the speed of his attack, much less strike back. Then, as if with clairvoyance,

I saw an opening and stuck my heel into his chest. He flew backwards and slid along the floor before thumping into a couch.

A silence overcame the room before Connor stood and said, "Chalk one up for the new boy."

I smiled to myself. Angel was right, of course, about me being a fighter. Kickboxing, tae kwan do, karate and a little ju jitsu.

Combine it all and I call it `kitaeraju'. I'm a dork. I know. Angel patted my back, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Fantastic

job," he grinned. "Absolutely fantastic. Well, both of you smell, so feel free to take a shower. And, hurry back. I've got

notes for both of you."

"Where would the shower be?" I asked. Cordelia jumped up. "I'll show you. It's this way,"

I followed her to the bathroom which was stocked with towels, shower gel, hand cloths, shampoo and everything else I would need. When I peeled off my shirt, Cordelia stuttered through a few syllables before stepping out of the door. I cut on the water as hot as it would go and climbed in. I had always loved hot showers and this one was no different. I placed the soap on the rim of the tub and stood under the stream of water. When I reached for the soap, I couldn't find it. I opened my eyes and scanned where I had put it. "Looking for this?"

I wheeled so fast that my foot slipped out from under me. Connor caught me and, in the process, pressed my naked, wet body into his naked, wet body. After getting over the initial shock, I stood on my own. "What are you doing in

here?" I asked, a little bewildered. Connor shrugged. "Angel said for us to take a shower."

"Not together!"

"Why not?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but found no answer. Connor nodded. "Exactly. Besides, I knew you were gay as soon

as you stepped into the room,"

"And, how, pray tell, did you know that?"

Connor smiled. "I didn't. You just told me,"

"You smarmy bastard,"

His smile didn't fade as he closed the gap between us, lips meeting mine. Our bodies met as well, Connor stepping between

my legs and forcing me onto the wall. I held onto his waist for support, completely content with nearly dying in the shower once. With the finesse of a sexy French movie star, Connor slipped me the tongue and I relented. My hands traveled up his body, exploring every inch of the pale, smooth skin. When I reached the top, I entangled my fingers in his hair, drawing him closer into the kiss. He separated and kissed my chin, then my jaw, biting the skin every now and again.

"Fletcher, are you okay in there?"

I slid an inch in surprise. "Um... yes, Angel. I'm good,"

"Got everything you need?"

"Sure do!" I replied. "And more." I added quietly. Connor laughed quietly, latching onto the non-wounded side of my neck. I barely stifled a moan, not sure if Angel had left the bathroom or not. Connor pried himself away from my quivering body and looked me in the eye. "You're fucking hot, Fletcher. I want you. Right now,"

"Con, as much as I would love to act out my most carnal and animalistic desires right now, I can't. I want to, but... I can't,"

"Why not?" he asked, almost hurt. "You're here, I'm here. We're naked. In the shower. How much hotter can it get?"

I laughed. "Not much, but still. We just met half an hour ago."

Connor nodded, then took my erection in his hand, making me gasp. "Your mouth says not now, but this says immediately,"

Before I could even think to protest, Connor's lips were on mine again and he was stroking me into submission. Gently

and carefully, he turned me around so I was facing the wall. For a split second, I flashed back to the previous night in

the alley. That disappeared though when I felt Connor place his cock on my ass. Without thinking, I tensed up, being virgin and all. "What's wrong?" he asked sweetly.

"I've... I'm still a virgin,"

"Oh... well, in that case, I'll save this for later," he said seductively. "We can just fool around it that's all right with you,"

"I don't mind at all,"

Connor continued his handjob, slowly rubbing himself against me. He buried his face in my neck, breathing heavily. For a long time, the only sound was the patter of water hitting the tub and the occasional grunt of appreciation. Between the lips on my shoulder, the hand on my cock and the cock on my backside, my body quivered in waves of pleasure.

Connor bit my earlobe and I completely lost it. I groaned loudly and shot all over the shower wall and Connor's hand. Prodded by my orgasm, Connor rubbed himself against me fervently, arms wrapped around my chest. It was rather odd

having another guy using your ass cheeks as his own sex toy, but it also felt good. And, it was the closest I'd ever been to actual sex.

Connor let out a deep, guttural groan and tightened his grip on me. He tensed and I felt his cum hit my back and dribble

back down. He heaved a sigh and rested his head on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair, leaning on the wall.

"You've got a hot body," Connor mumbled, obviously worn out. I shrugged and turned around. "Not as hot as yours,"

Connor's lips touched mine just as the shower curtain was yanked back, revealing the nerdy girl from before. "Oh! OH!

I... I heard a yell and... I didn't... CONNOR! Oh, my... um..."

"Fred... can you close the curtain?" Connor asked politely. She bit her lip. "Um, right. I... this is one of those secret things, isn't it? As in, I don't tell Angel?"

Connor looked at me and I nodded. Fred nervously shut the curtain and disappeared, leaving us alone. We met eyes and simultaneously began cracking up. "I don't think that could have been any funnier," I laughed. Connor nodded. "Well, unless she had caught us in the act. Poor Fred. She's probably traumatized,"

We stayed in the shower for about another five minutes before I finally decided to exit the shower. Connor followed suit, toweling off and pulling on a pair of boxers. Somewhere in my mind, I could tell that the sun was setting, despite the fact that all of the windows were boarded up. Still, I was tired from the fight and worn from the encounter with Connor. I headed back to my new room and crawled under the sheets.

I lay back on the pillows and thought about the last twenty-four hours of my life. I had made a mistake walking down that alleyway. A mistake which led to my life doing a complete turn around. I couldn't pretend that I was a normal sixteen year old. I was now a sixteen year old vampire with many years to come. I, however, would not graduate or go to college. I wouldn't have children. I wouldn't die a natural death. I would outlive my parents, my brother, probably my brother's children and grandchildren. I pushed all that out of my head. That was human Fletcher's life. That was in the past. Now, I was with Angel, Cordy, Fred, Gunn and Connor. Yet, I felt more outcast than I ever had as a pubescent, moody, angst-ridden human.

The bed shifted, then settled. I turned my head to see a smiling Connor scooting under the sheets. I stared at him, then curled into his body and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Thanks for reading! I'd really like to hear some feedback or even some ideas for future storylines. Drop me a line: ! I'd really appreciate it. Next chapter coming soon!

Next: Chapter 3

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