My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Feb 14, 2005


"Angel" and all characters are copywritten materials of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

My Vampire Encounter by Banky Edwards & Jason Salem

It was late, so I was rushing. I knew my parents would kill me for being out this late, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see my favorite band. How could I not break their curfew? Besides, I was sixteen. It was natural

for me to break rules. If I got home before they woke up, how would they know anyway?

I decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway, shaving about ten minutes off of my walk. I turned my jacket collar up before shoving my hands in my pockets. I picked up the pace, wanting to get home and into my bed. Rocking hard can take it out of you. I reached into my pants and pulled out a cigarette, placing it between my lips. When I reached for the lighter, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned, but saw no one. When I

looked forward, a dark figure was standing right in front of me. I gasped and dropped my cigarette.

"How did you...? Who are you?" I asked. The man in front of me smiled and then... his face changed. His forehead seemed to shift down and harden. Then, I noticed his teeth. His canines were now about three times

as long as they should be. "I'm the last person you'll ever see," he grinned. In a flash, he lunged at me. Five years of martial arts training automatically kicked in and I dodged his attack, then retaliated with a fist to his chest. He staggered long enough for me to take off running.

I yelled for help, doubting that anyone could hear me, but hoping anyway. My cry was cut short when I ran full force into another body. I looked up. This guy had the same kind of face as the other, but he was twice as big. "Holy..." My pursuer caught up to me in my shock and took me by the arm. He twisted it behind me and pressed me against a dirty brick wall. "He almost got away from you, Dee" the big one commented. "Young meal like that. Would have been a pity to lose,"

"Yeah, well, he didn't," Dee snapped, increasing the pressure on my arm. I let out a quiet groan of pain which seemed to excite Dee. "Don't worry, meat. It'll be over before you know it." With his free hand, he clutched a handful of my hair and pulled, exposing my neck. "No fucking way," I thought. "There is no way I am being attacked by vampires. They don't exist!" I was completely wrong, though. I felt Dee's fangs sink into my neck. And, I felt him begin to drink. I could literally feel the blood being drawn from every point in my body and out of my neck. After a while, there was no pain. Just dizziness and numbness. My brain, however, was still functioning.

What would my parents think when my body was found with two holes in the neck? Would they find out what really happened or would they concoct some crackpot theory about new teenage cutting? "If I get out of this, I will never go out a night again," I thought. Suddenly, the vampire behind me was gone and I collapsed, weak and on the verge of dead. Instead of hitting the ground, a pair of arms caught me. "Angel, is he dead?"

The arms holding me spoke. "No. He's alive, but barely."

"What do we do with him?" a female voice asked.

A sigh from the arms, Angel. "We can't leave him here,"

"But, he's a liability, Angel," the first voice said. "If we take him to the hospital with a bite like that, there will be news."

"We can't leave him," Angel pressed. "We'll take him back with us."

"Come on! He's just-"

"Gunn! Don't argue with me. This kid needs our help,"

I was lifted off the ground and pressed into Angel's chest. I didn't know him, but I liked him so far. And, the girl was fine. The other one, Gunn, seemed to be somewhat of an asshole. In my head, I laughed. There I was, making judgements about people I didn't know while lingering precariously on the line of life and death. How interesting my life had become in just one night. I remained vaguely conscious of what was occurring around me. There was a long walk, with the occasional "How's he doing?", before I felt the air become warmer, indicating our entrance into a building.

"Oh, my god," another female voice gasped. "Angel, who is he? What happened?"

"I don't know and vampire bite," Angel replied. "Almost lost him,"

"Vampire bite?"

"Yup," Gunn answered. "Next time this kid wakes up, he'll be asking questions that we damn well can't answer. But, Angel here demanded that we bring him here. So, he can let everyone know-,"


"Fred, you know I'm right! There was no reason to bring him here!"

"He was hurt, Gunn! We couldn't just-,"

"Leave him, I know! Whatever,"

There was the slam of a door and a long silence before Angel spoke. "I'll put him in W-... the spare room." I felt the trip to the spare room, coming to a little. Angel placed me onto the bed gingerly

and sighed. "What are we going to do with you? Guess I could make you comfortable and get this wound cleaned up,"

He applied some liquid to my neck and covered it with a bandage. I heard him leave the room, which made me nervous. After a few moments, though, I felt him unzip my jacket and carefully remove it, propping me up with his free hand. He took off my shoes as well, placing them somewhere. I felt his hand enter my pocket and remove my wallet. He sat in silence, so I couldn't tell what he was doing. As I slipped into a deep sleep, I heard someone enter the room. "How's the kid?"

"He's still out, Cordy," Angel replied. But, at least we know his name now."

"What is it?"


"Well, what are we going to do about Fletcher? Let him die?"

There was a period of silence before Angel spoke. "I want to sire him."

"What?!? Angel, why? We've got enough on our hands with Connor! Not to mention the constant demon threat. Why would you want to bring another soulless, bloodsucking, traitorous vampire

into the world? No offense."

"Because... I've got a feeling." Angel lifted me up and I felt him place my head on his legs. He shook me gently. "Fletcher. Fletcher, wake up. Come on, buddy. Open your eyes." With an immense amount of effort, I did just that, looking up at a gorgeous man with dark eyes and hair to match. "Fletcher, I want to make you a vampire, okay? It's the only way you're going to live. All you have to do is suck my blood. All right?"

I mumbled something unintelligible which Angel took as an affirmation. To this day, I still do not recall if I agreed to what happened next or not. Angel bit his right wrist and held me up with his left. He then placed his bleeding wrist near my mouth As the first drop of blood touched my lips, I fell into a sort of mental oblivion, completely losing touch with reality. And consciousness...

Thanks for reading! I'd really like to hear some feedback or even some ideas for future storylines. Drop me a line: ! I'd really appreciate it. Next chapter coming soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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