My Unexpected Lover

By moc.oohay@585yrret

Published on Feb 6, 2000



His hair was very black and hung down over his forehead and he was always sweeping it back. He smiled a lot and those beautiful blue eyes would flash. The black hair combined with the blue eyes gave him the most remarkable stare. Every time I looked into those eyes I'd blush and my legs would begin to give way. I couldn't help it and I couldn't figure it out. "I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay". I kept saying it to myself but how else could I explain my reaction to this guy. Whenever we were talking directly to each other I would get this overwhelming urge to lay my head on his chest. It was insane, I was acting like a school girl and I didn't seem to have any control over it. At the same time he scared me a lot. I'm only 5'8" and my build is kinda slight. Not that I looked bad or anything just that I wasn't a real big guy. He on the other hand was a big guy. That gorgeous head was attached to massive shoulders that tapered to a slim waist. His legs were big and he had big hands and feet. He was about 6'2" and probably 190 pounds all of which I guess explain why he liked football so much. His crotch was packed but I could rarely bring myself to look at it, it would just short circuit my nervous system so I tried not to look. I guess it's pretty obvious that when I was around Mark I pretty much lost all control of myself.

Mark's reaction to this was confusion. He looked at me like he thought I might not be playing with a full deck but he was still going to give me the benefit of the doubt. But he did look at me a lot. I couldn't understand it but every time I glanced his way he would be looking at me with a kinda puzzled look on his face. He'd look away quickly or make some excuse about how he was just thinking about something. The first couple of weeks we were roommates he seemed to be trying to keep his distance from and was kinda edgy but then he seemed to change and he began to relax around me.

Unlike a lot of college guys Mark seemed totally comfortable with his body and after that first couple of weeks he started changing clothes in front of me and seemed totally at ease. Mark usually wore faded old Levi's that were worn in the crotch and butt. I loved watching him move. Even though he was a big guy he moved like a cat. I had never met anyone with such animal magnetism. Even if you added up the great looks, packed crotch and hot butt it didn't account for all that was there. There was something more, something intangible and electric. All of this kept me in a state nervous excitement that had me almost nuts. When he wasn't around I couldn't wait for him to come and when he was around it was total torture. When he was paying attention to me I felt intoxicated. I'd be sitting at the computer and he'd walk over to see what I was looking at. When he placed his hand on my shoulder I'd begin to sweat and blush. God he made me a total wreck.

Mark's face was slowly coming closer to mine, his hair falling over his forehead his lips slightly parted. He kissed me gently and then moved his tongue into my mouth. Oh my god! I'm cumming, I cumming! "Bill! Bill! Billy wake up!" I could feel Marks hands on my shoulders. He was shaking me. "Man you're gonna be late for class. You've gotta get up!" Mark was leaning over me.

"OK Mark! It's OK now I'm awake now." I stammered. I could feel the cum running down my side and beginning to soak into the sheets. God what happened? How did that dream happen? Does he know I just shot a load? He must be able to smell it. I can smell it. "I'm OK Mark. Thanks for waking me up." Fuck classes, all I can think of is getting Mark out of the room so that I can clean myself up and pull myself together. I'm sweating and I can feel it running down the side of my face. Shit I must look like some kinda spaz. "Man are you sure you're alright, you're sweating?" He ran his hand across my forehead and rubbed some of the sweat off. "You don't feel like you've got a fever." Marks face had a look of almost fatherly concern. "You gonna be OK?" "Yes-yes I'm OK. You better get to class I'm fine, go ahead." Mark was kneeling next to my bed and I could feel his shirt brushing my arm, his warm breath on my face and the incredibly masculine smell of him. He laid his hand on my chest. "OK buddy if you're sure you're alright." He got up and started gathering up his books. "Well I'll catch you later guy. Maybe we can go out for a pizza or something." He turned and walked out the door. I could still feel where his hand had been on my chest. I had never had much interest in girls but before this I had pretty much forced that reality out of my mind. When I thought about it at all I convinced myself that it was probably something that would develop in time. The idea that I might be gay was never allowed to surface but it was surfacing now. I thought of my mom and dad. Shit! What would they do if I was gay? What would they say? I remembered all the gay jokes I'd heard my dad tell. I remember the ridicule and disgust in his voice. I wanted to die. Their little boy Bill was a fairy. I could feel the tears in my eyes and didn't try to stop them. Maybe if I just lay here I'll have a heart attack or something and then it'll be over, the pain will stop. I pulled the sheet over my head and closed my eyes. The smell of sex was still there, overwhelming under the sheet. I had to get up. I swung my legs out of bed and began to roll up the soiled bedding. I had to get rid of it. After showering I put on a sweat shirt and shorts and walked to my old beater of a car. I didn't want to go to classes, the thought made me feel like puking but I needed to move, to get away from that room. I drove around the campus for a while and then noticed I was near the football field. It seemed like it would be as good a place as any to get away from everyone and think. I parked the car and walked into the stands. Down at the other end of the field I could see players practicing. Shit, I thought, Mark's got to be down there. He's the last person I wanted to see. All of a sudden I heard someone yelling and then the players lined up and started running around the field. When they came abreast of me I could see that Mark was one of them. As he was going by he turned his head and looked at me, then smiled and continued his run. Just fucking great! Now he thinks I came here to see him practice. I jumped down and walked to my car. I decided to take a ride to one of the local malls and just walk around until I got a grip on myself.

It was late afternoon when I left the mall and got into my car to go back to the dorm. I turned the key in the ignition and zip, nothing happened. Oh shit! Turned it again, nothing. Oh god don't do this to me, not today, please god, not today! Tried again. It started and I started breathing again. I pulled slowly out of my parking place and began to move toward the parking lot exit. I had to slow for another car and mine died. Oh shit this wasn't good! I tried to start it and nothing. This time the engine wouldn't even turn. There obviously was no electricity going to anything. In case you haven't noticed I know shit about cars. I just laid my head against the steering wheel and began to cry. I didn't know what to do. I had only a few dollars with me and about the same in my checking account. There was no way that I could afford to have this piece of shit fixed. I could call my parents but they were poor and I couldn't ask them to send me money they didn't have. I tried to think of who I could call but I really didn't have any close friends at college, at least not yet. There was only Mark and god he already probably thought I was nuts and this would surely prove it. I just wanted to die, just lay down on the front seat of my car and die. After a while I pulled myself together and walked over to Walmart and called Mark. He said just three words, "Be right there." I felt relieved and nervous. My hands were shaking and I just couldn't get them to stop. This is just fucking great now if I just start to drool on myself it'll make the picture complete. I went and sat in my car to wait for Mark.

Ten minutes later Mark pulled up next to my car in his 2 year old Celica. His mom and dad had given it to him when he left for college and he took great care of it. He was wearing a tee shirt and a pair of black Levi's and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. His hair was a little messed up. He must have left just as soon as I called. Since the mall was about four miles from the dorm he made record time getting to me.

Mark opened the driver side door and just said, " Slide over and let me give this a try." I watched as he turned the key. Nothing. He tried again. Again nothing.

Mark turned his head toward me. "This an 86?" He asked.

"I think it is. Yes, I'm sure it is." I said.

"Well then I think I know what the problem might be. I'm gonna run over to Walmart and get something. You stay here. OK?" He smiled at me.

"OK" I said.

"God you look like shit." Mark was smiling. He took my hand and squeezed it. "It'll be OK. You just need to relax. I'll take care of it." He let go of my hand and slid out of the car. I was still looking down at my hand when he was halfway to Walmart. I think it was that moment that I fell in love with him. He said he'd take care of it and I believed him, I was sure of it. The tone of his voice, the look on his face were like a warm breeze wrapping around me. He'd take care of it, and I knew he would.

Twenty minutes later Mark got back. He took some tools out of his car and spend 30 minutes under the hood of mine. I sat in the front seat like and idiot. I knew I couldn't help him and I guess I sensed that he didn't expect it. This was his thing and he was doing it.

A sweaty greasy Mark poked his head through the window. "Try it now, Bill." I turned the key and it started right away. I was flooded with relieve. Mark closed the hood and came over to my window. "I want you to go right back to the dorm. Don't turn off the car until you parked." He looked very serious. "I don't completely trust this thing yet. I'll have it computer checked tomorrow." Then he smiled. "Relax, you're not going to fall off the earth. I'll be right behind you most of the way but I need to stop at the store for a sec." He backed away from the car and I drove slowly to the dorm. I watched him almost constantly in the rearview mirror until he pulled over into the little convenience store parking lot.

When I got to our dorm room I washed up and sat on my bed while I waited for Mark. I thought about all that had happened today. I wondered what Mark was really thinking. Any of his jock friends would have made a better roommate for him than me. We were so different. He was great athlete with a terrific body. He was also a good student who could hold his own with anyone. I was a jerk, a nerd, a loser.

A couple of minutes later Mark walked into the room. He was carrying a sixpack of beer and he stopped just inside the door and looked at me. He smiled. "You've had a rough day buddy. I figured you might need a couple of these." He pulled off a couple of beers and popped the tops.

"Mark I'm really sorry you had to come and save my butt. I just," I didn't know what to say. I lifted a hand and just dropped it back into my lap. I sat there starring at the floor.

Mark walked over to the window. He lit a cigarette and starred out into the twilight.

"I didn't know you smoked." I said.

He glanced at me. "I don't." He cracked the window and flipped the butt out.

Almost to himself he said. "Damn! I didn't want this to happen. Not now, not yet."

"I'm really sorry Mark. I thought the car would be OK." I said lamely. He turned to me with a confused look on his face. "Oh the car." He said. "I don't give a fuck about the car" He walked over to me and knelt down in front of me. Even kneeling down his face was almost even with mine. He reached up and took my face in his hands. With his thumbs he wiped the tears out of my eyes. "You shouldn't cry. It kills me when I see you cry." He pulled my face to his and kissed me gently on the mouth. I started trembling and he pulled me down to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my head down to his chest. I didn't resist, I couldn't. I just felt myself melting into him. I was crying even more now but for a different reason. I knew in that instant that this was the rightest thing in the world for me. I knew with all my heart that I belonged there in his arms.

He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face off his chest. "We'll talk about this. We've got a lot to talk about but tomorrow not now." He smiled at me and smoothed my hair with his hands. Mark began kissing me again but with even greater intensity. He stood up and pulled me up with him breaking our kiss for a moment while he pulled my shirt off over my head. He bent his head down and started licking my nipples. Then we pulled me over to his bed. Mark told me to lay down on the bed and I did. All during this time it was as if I had lost my sense of free will. He had only to touch me and it was like throwing a switch, I found myself doing whatever he told me to do. I was totally overcome with feeling of love and especially trust for him. I would have done anything he told me to do.

While I lay on the bed Mark took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. When he came back into the room it was actually the first time I saw him naked. His cock looked enormous and was standing up at 45 degree angle. It swayed back and forth as he walked to the bed. He got onto the bed and pushed my legs apart and knelt between them. He lowered himself slowly and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his warm breath on my face and then he kissed me. "I love you" he said, "and you're mine." He searched my eyes for a moment. "OK?" I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head. I lifted my head and kissed him as I held onto his shoulders. He was so big so overwhelming. He kissed me back shoving his tongue into my mouth. I could feel the thick mat of his chest hair pressed against my chest. He pulled away from the kiss and taking the band of my shorts pulled them off along with my briefs. My cock was laying hard against my stomach. He tossed my shorts and then grabbed the base of my cock with his hand. In one quick movement he took my entire cock in his mouth. I had never had anything like this done to my body and I just seemed to go into convulsions. Mark placed his hands under my knees and pushed them up toward my chest. He then started licking my balls and taking them into his mouth. I shot off a huge load of cum, some of it hitting my face and the rest on my chest. Mark just looked up and said. "Wow" He reached over to my chest and scooped up some of the cum. He licked up some of it and spread the rest on my asshole. He scooted forward on the bed and placed the head of his dick at my asshole and began a gentle probing of it. He would move it in until he felt resistance and then back off. He was slowly opening me with his cock and it took several minutes but at last he was able to shove about two inches in. When I felt that happen I shot again. I was covered in cum and sweat and the smell of sex in the room was heavy. I could see that Mark was moving pretty quickly into full lust mode and soon he began to push strongly into me. He had been making short slow jabs into me so that I could get used to his dick but now he pushed his cock all the way into me. I could feel his huge balls against the small of my back. He was all the way in. He left his dick there and leaned forward and kissed me again. With his tongue still in my mouth he began to slowly pull his cock out of me and just as slowly move it back. My ass felt totally filled and I felt totally under his control. Sweat was pouring off his body onto mine, I could taste it. Mark kept up that slow deep fucking for awhile but then began to increase the speed until he was slamming into my ass. Pretty soon his body went rigid, his face contorted and I could feel his cum hitting the walls of my well used ass. His cum spurting inside of me triggered my orgasm and I shot off for the third time. I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my face was pressed tight to his. I could feel his huge dick still moving very slowly in my ass. On each inward stroke some of his cum was forced out of me and ran down the crack in ass and into the sheets. I was covered in my own cum from the waist up and Mark's chest was moving around in it. It was like we were glued together with cum.

Mark looked into my eyes. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Maybe just a little at first," I said, "but not much and then it felt really good, it still does."

Mark got a playful smile on his face. "Do you want me to take my cock out of your ass?"

"God no," I said, "I don't ever want you take it out. It was the most remarkable thing ever." I looked deep into his eyes and asked. "Do you really love me. I mean, I don't understand why you love me." He ran his fingers through my hair and said. "Yes. Don't you know you've been driving me crazy? I don't think I could have gone on much longer. I had to have you but I figured you thought I was just some cruddy jock and you're so studious and," he laughed, "and beautiful." Mark got a very serious expression on his face. "Please Bill, tell me out loud in real words that you won't ever leave me. I need to hear it. After all this I couldn't face the thought of losing you." I lifted my head and kissed him. "Mark I'll be with you for as long as you want me." I could feel the tears running down my face. "I've never felt as safe as I do with you Mark and I couldn't love you more that I already do. I'm yours forever sweetheart just please never get tired of me." We kissed for a very long time and then Mark just laid his head on my heart while I stroked his hair. Mark lifted his head off my chest and looked into my eyes. "We're lovers now, a couple," he touched my face, "and we always will be."

Mark's dick had slipped out of my ass and he said laughing. "We're gonna drown in this cum," lets get a shower and change the sheets." I felt his hand on my ass as we walked to the shower.

Mark fucked me in the shower and then again later in bed. My life was never the same after that night. Mark fucked me 23 times during our first week as lovers and he never once asked if he could. That was the best part of it, he considered my ass to be his and when he wanted it he took it and he still does. Not that he's a bully or is unkind in any way, quite the opposite. He's a big strong tough guy but never with me. With me he incredibly gentle, it's almost like he's afraid I'll break. But he is in charge and that's the way I like it and I suppose the way that I need it to be. I am after all the type who would lose their head if it wasn't attached and Mark takes care of that. He enjoys being in control and I guess it kinda turns me on. I only have to look at him and I feel the need to be fucked and he sure loves to do it. I hope he never changes.

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