My Superman

By trese

Published on Jan 14, 2000



The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. =============================================================================== Author's Note:

Here in Part 05, I used some of the songs of James Taylor. The author wishes to clarify that this story is not about him or his sexual preferences. Some of his songs were incorporated in the following chapters because it is quintessential to its present plot. No malice or libelous acts were intended by the author towards Mr. Taylor. =============================================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes. Posting, copying or redistributing this material via electronic mail or in any form is strictly prohibited. Only individuals, groups, or websites that were given proper authorization have the right to post, copy, or redistribute this material. =============================================================================== Synopsis

This is a continuation of KILT: My Superman: 01-04. A true story between a man and a teenage that discover love. Names were changed to protect the identities of all parties involved. ===============================================================================

My Superman - 05 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

In New Light

"Welcome to Budding-A. I'm Aloy and I'll be singing couple of songs for your dining pleasure. So, folks, sit back, relax and enjoy the show." After he said that, he started strumming his guitar and begun to sing.

"Whenever I see your smiling face... I had to smile myself because I love you, Yes, I do... When you give that pretty little pout, It turns me inside out... Something about ya baby, I don't know... Isn't it amazing a man like me can feel this way... Tell me how much longer it could go stronger everyday..."

As Aloy was singing his rendition of James Taylor's Smiling Face, Chris was raptly listening to his student. He couldn't believe how lovely Aloy's voice. Never had it entered his mind that this same kid in his class could be so talented.

Through out the show, he was gawking over Aloy. At, first, he said to himself that he was just fascinated with Aloy's vocal abilities. But as moments passed by, he was seeing the boy in a different light. He started noticing the way the teenager's lanky swimmer type body sway when he would sing some up beat songs. At 5'10, Aloy could really dance and shake his bubbly buttock very sensually. It nicely toned and very well defined just perfect for touching. Then, he noticed how beautiful Aloy's face was. The kid has creamy white smooth complexion, perfect round black eyes, thin nose, and reddish lips. Perfect for kissing, he said to himself. Chris couldn't believe that he was entertaining such thoughts. At that moment, he felt like a schoolboy who had seen his crush for the very first time. He tried to dismiss his reaction towards Aloy as mere admiration for a fellow member of the male species. But he couldn't deny that he was starting to lust for the adolescent, more than he ever lusted for his girlfriend. Though, it had troubled him, he also felt at home at the same. This confused his thoughts a lot.

Chris felt like he was staring at Aloy, eternally, but in reality, it was just a couple of minutes. Debbie didn't noticed it because she was watching Aloy the whole time. But Jake did. Jake recognized that looked before, but couldn't quite place it. All he knew was his best friend was heading for trouble very soon. He was about to ask Chris if everything was alright, but he opted not to. He would rather have Chris open up to him than pry into his private thoughts.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Aloy saw that his professor was present in the club. He found it very accelerating that the love of life was watching him perform. And he was doing his best to captive him with his sensual singing and moves. In between his performance, he noticed the way Chris looked at him and he recognized that look. Chris' eyes revealed a very raw and passionate look. At first, Aloy wasn't sure if he had read it right. Could it be that Chris like him? It couldn't be, Chris was all male and full of machismo, he said to himself. But why he was staring at him that way. These questions lingered in his mind. Eventually, he set aside his thought about Chris and focused his attention on his act. He didn't want his performance to be affected by his libido. There would be plenty of opportunity to test the water, he assured himself.


My Superman - 06 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

Green Monster Is Loose

A week after the incident in the club, Chris and Aloy hadn't had the opportunity to talk to each other. It was a hectic week for both of them. Chris was busy making test questionnaires while Aloy busied himself reviewing. Both of them tried to block any thoughts they had for one another. And, they succeeded in doing so. When the mid-term week was over. Things were almost back to normal. Both of them totally forgot the tension they might had felt towards each other at the club. Aloy forced himself to believe that he was reading Chris way off. Likewise, Chris pretended that he didn't felt anything for Aloy.

Then one day something happened that both of them didn't expect. Chris was going home and when he reached the parking, he saw that Aloy's vehicle was parked beside his car. He wandered where Aloy might be. Suddenly, he started to feel very excited at the thought he would bump into his student. As he approached his car, he saw something or someone moved inside Aloy's Vitara. He looked to see if Aloy was inside, and when he did he was shocked with what he saw. From the windshield, he could see Aloy with some guy he could see the face. Aloy was in the driver's seat, his polo were fully open exposing his erected brown nipples. His eyes were closed from the ecstasy he was receiving from his partner while the other guy was sucking his left teat. Aloy's right hand was placed on the other guy's head and pushing it harder into his nipple. While, his left hand was groping his hard on in his jeans. Chris was totally stunned by the whole scene.

"Shit!" Chris said very loudly. And placed his hands on his mouth to stop himself from further outbursts. But it was too late. Aloy opened his eyes somewhat in a dreamy state, and when he saw Chris was looking at them through the windshield, he panicked. He pushed his sex partner away from his chest, and went out of his vehicle. Then the other guy realized that they had been caught went out of the conveyance and ran.

"Wait!" Aloy shouted to his companion, but the other guy just kept on running. He turned his head towards Chris, and his professor just stood there with that surprised looked in his face. He tried to regain his composure as he approached his teacher, but the latter turned his back from him. Chris was about to opened his car door when Aloy's right hand got hold of his left shoulder.

"Sir Chris, let me explain," his voice was trembling.

"Aloy, there's nothing to explain. What you do in your time is your business not mine." There were traces of anger in his voice.

"Sir, I..." before Aloy could finished his sentence, Chris entered his car and shut the door. Aloy knocked through the window of the driver's side but Chris wouldn't opened it. Instead, he drove off leaving Aloy in the parking lot alone and crying.

Aloy stayed in his room that night crying. How could he be stupid? How could he face Chris again? At that moment, he wished that he was dead. Negative thoughts filled his mind and he was very depressed. Things couldn't get worse than it is, he said to himself. He cried himself to sleep, not knowing what tomorrow lies ahead.

Chris arrived at his house stinking drunk. He couldn't erase the images he saw earlier in the parking lot. He was infuriated. Yet, he didn't know why. He wanted to kick Aloy's ass, but he couldn't come up with the reason why. Then he run to the bathroom and sank his head in the toilet. He was vomiting. Not because he was disgusted with Aloy, but due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed. After he left the parking lot, he proceeded to a bar and drank his anger away. When he was finished throwing up, he dragged his body in the shower and cleaned himself.

Chris is now restlessly laying in his bed. He couldn't sleep. How could he do something dumb like getting drunk? He had no answer to his question, all he knew he was totally piss off at Aloy. He was trying to analyze his reaction and it dawned to him he was jealous. And, he knew the reason why. He was jealous because Aloy was doing it with another guy and not with him. And, these thoughts frightened him. How could he feel this way? He was not gay, he rationalized. Yet, the more he analyze his feelings, the more he was convinced that he had fallen in love with Aloy. God, he said aloud, how could this be. This can't be happening, he said. What about my wedding and Debbie? He couldn't come up with the answer, and he stopped searching for one. All he wished right now that he hadn't left Aloy in the parking without letting him know how he felt towards him. And that is, he loves him.


My Superman - 06 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

Brown Box

The following morning, Chris woke up with a throbbing headache. He called the school where he was teaching to inform them that he was sick. After instructing them where his lesson plans were he put the phone down and went to the bathroom to take his shower.

Meanwhile, Aloy was in the classroom anxiously waiting for Chris. He didn't absent himself from class for he thought sooner or later he has to face the music, might as well get it over with now. Then, the substitute entered the classroom announced that Mr. Garcia was sick. Aloy's heart begun to palpitate faster, and he wished that he could be with Chris and take care of him. All his fears of being confronted by Chris' judging eyes were gone. All he wanted right now, was to make sure that Chris was okay.

Chris kneeled inside the confession box.

"Son, tell me what's on your mind."

"You see father, I'm having some problems right now." Chris said.

"What about?"

"You see, I'm about to get married and I'm in love with someone else."

"I see, go on," encouraged the priest.

"And to make matters worst, I'm in love with a guy who's a student of mine."

There was a long silence between the two of them. Chris begun to feel uneasy bringing up his problem to a priest. He was about to leave when the priest spoke again.

"So, how are you gonna break the news to Debbie?"

"Well, father I will tell her..." he paused. Then he realized that he hadn't mentioned his girlfriend's name. How could this priest know her name, he thought.

"Jake, is that you?"

"Yes, Chris. It's me."

"Shit man, you freak me out? Ops... sorry about cursing."

"Come on, Chris let's get out of this box and talk."

With that both men went out of the confession box and sat on the bench.

"Chris, are you sure about how you feel?"

"Every since that night..."

"at the club, am I right?" Jake interrupted.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Chris, I know you like I know myself. There's nothing you can hide from me."

"Yeah, the singer in the club is a student of mine. And I love him more than Debbie."

"How can you be sure?"

"Well, when I saw him with another guy last night, I really had a fit. I was `really' jealous that he was with another guy."

"And, does he loves you too?"

Chris paused for a while and then sigh.

"I don't know. All I know is that I love him."

"What are you gonna do with Debbie?

"I don't know that's why I'm here, ain't I."

"Don't get smart with me, kiddo"

"Ah, Jake you know that I hate it when you call me that. Besides, I'm a full-grown man now. Stopped treating me like a kid."

"Just teasing."

"For a priest Jake, you could be such a joker. Man, be serious. I really need your advice. I'm dying here."

"Okay. Fine. Look, Chris, have you "really" thought about it and it's consequences?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then, it's useless for to say anything. I guess, you had made up your mind."

"Jake, I need more than that!" Chris voice was desperate.

"Chris, you know I love right?"

"Yeah, Jake I love you too. But what does it have to do with my problem?

"A lot. Chris, I'm talking to you right now as your best friend, and as a brother, and not as priest. If you need my approval about the course of actions you're going to take, sorry to disappoint you, but I won't."

Chris heart was crestfallen upon hearing Jake's word.

"Hey, Chris, you're taking this the wrong way. What I meant was be true to yourself and follow your heart. Let no one run your life for you."

"But isn't this a sin?" Chris asked.

"It is a sin to love, then."

Both friends sat quietly and hugging each other. There was nothing more to say.


My Superman - 07 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

In Your Loving Arms

Aloy just finished performing and returned to his dressing room. When he opened the door, he was astonished to see Chris sitting on the sofa.

"Sir, what are you doing here? How did you know I was here? Oh, that's a stupid question. I mean how did you get inside. About the other night..." he was stammering.

"Whoa, wait a minute. You're babbling. Let me answer your questions one by one. First, I want to talk to you. Second, I know that every night you play here. Because before I went here, I called first to ask for your schedule. Third, your boss let me in after I told him that I was one of your teacher. And lastly, about the other night, forget about it. And call me Chris, we're not in school premises anymore."

He stood up and went to Aloy. He held the lad by the waist and guided him in the sofa. He told him to take a seat and then he closed the door behind him. He went back to the sofa and sat beside Aloy. He held Aloy's chin in his right hand and lifted the teen's face to meet his.

"Aloy, I know I'm taking a big risk here. But I want to know something."

Aloy was in a dazed, all his fears melted away and his body trembled. He was drowning in Chris' beautiful eyes. He couldn't control himself, he gently kissed Chris' lips, before he could speak again. Then, Aloy reluctantly broke the kiss.

"I guess that answered my question," Chris grinned.

"Oh, shit! Sorry about that I couldn't help myself."

Aloy started crying. Chris hugged Aloy and placed the teen's head beside his chest where his heart is.

"Aloy, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" As he wipes his tears from his eyes.

"Listening again." Chris pressed Aloy's head again in his chest.

"Listening to my heart beat Aloy. It's beating because of love. Love for you."

Aloy looked up with his teary eyes to Chris. Then Chris kissed on the forehead and held him tight in his loving arms.

-o-o0o-o-o-o0o-o- THE END -o-o0o-o-o-o0o-o-

Well, folks, that's the end of story. I hope you liked it.

I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

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Thanks, tReSe

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