My Superman

By trese

Published on Jan 14, 2000



The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. =============================================================================== Author's Note:

Here in Part 02, I used some of the songs of James Taylor. The author wishes to clarify that this story is not about him or his sexual preferences. Some of his songs were incorporated in the following chapters because it is quintessential to its present plot. No malice or libelous acts were intended by the author towards Mr. Taylor. =============================================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes. Posting, copying or redistributing this material via electronic mail or in any form is strictly prohibited. Only individuals, groups, or websites that were given proper authorization have the right to post, copy, or redistribute this material. =============================================================================== Synopsis

This is a continuation of KILT: My Superman - 01. A true story between a man and a teenage that discover love. Names were changed to protect the identities of all parties involved. ===============================================================================

My Superman - 02 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

Choir Boy

He threw his knapsack at the backseat of his metallic blue Vitara, and ignited the engine. As he drove off the garage, he started humming some tune. At seventeenth, his dreams were beginning to materialize right before him. When he turn left, out the main gate of their subdivision, images of his early high school years filled his thoughts.

"If winter, spring, summer or fall...

Now you gotta do is call...

And I'll be there, yes, I will...

You got a friend...

You got a friend...

And ain't good to know...

And ain't good to know... (he paused)

You got a friend..."

The audience were cheering and clapping after his number. He stood from the stool holding his guitar and took a bow. Still, the listeners kept on chanting in unison, for him to sing more songs. All he could was smile as his exited the stage.

At the back stage, his high school music teacher, Ms. Ignacio was with another man he didn't recognized. Some of his contemporaries, who were in the back stage, congratulated him. And when he reached his vocal coach and her companion, Ms. Ignacio begun to speak.

"Mr. Leviste, this is Aloysius Reyes III," as the man extended his hand to the teenager.

"Sir, glad to meet. Please just call me, Aloy"

"Mr. Jacob Leviste is a former classmate of mine in college. Like me, he majored in Music. He now owns a folk house, catering to budding artists like yourself, Aloy. I invited him over to see you perform." Ms. Ignacio proudly said to her student.

"Thanks, Ma'am." It was all that he could respond, while blushing. Though, his teacher had given him comments during their rehearsals, she never did it so vocally as she was doing right now.

"Now, don't be so modest, Aloy." Jacob interrupted. "When Gina told me that she had a precious talent under her wings, I readily accepted her invitation. You see, during our college days, Gina here, is the most gifted among us in recognizing and molding good talents when she sees one. So far, she's never been wrong. You were more than good tonight - you were great!" he said in utmost sincerity.

The teen was effervescent upon hearing those words. He knew that he was good but never in his wildest imagination that he could be that great. The man handed him his calling card offering him a regular spot in his joint. Aloy accepted the card, and said that he had to consult his parents regarding his offer. He added that he would call him the morning after to inform him of his parents' decisions.

As he pulled over at the parking lot of the Budding-A, he realized he had gone a long way since began singing professionally, two years ago. He took his backpack and guitar and headed towards the back door.


My Superman - 03 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

Other Side of the Fence

"Chris, honey, let's go."

"Coming!" He shouted for his room. He entered the living room buttoning his polo.

"Hi, handsome. Looking as gorgeous as ever." She said seductively, as she stood up from the sofa.

"Oh, don't start Debbie, we might not make it of Jake's party, if you keep it up."

"Start what?"

"You know what."

"No I don't know what."

"Oh, quit it, babe." As he approached her side and planted a kiss on her lips. Then, he pulled away teasing her lower lip.

"Now, looks who's starting what."

"Oh, come on." He looked at his watch it was nearly 8:00 p.m. "We better head out or Jake would `really' kick my ass this time, if I am late. I'd promised him that I wouldn't."

Debbie picked up her bag from the coffee table and Chris searched his pockets for his car keys.

Chris had met Debbie while they were in sixth grade. He became infatuated with her the very first time he saw her in their school cafeteria. During the weeks that passed by, Chris contented himself with stolen looks and simple smile every time he would see her in the vicinity. He only mustered enough courage to approach her and introduced himself, when he lost a bet from Jake during a game of basketball.

Jake knows Chris from inside outside. Their relationship was forged since birth, when Jake's mom became Chris' godmother and vice-verse. Since then, the rascals had been inseparable. They studied school in the same school, took their first communion vows together, and gave each other moral support when they were circumcised, even being scolded by their mothers at the same. Though, they treated each other as equals, Jake, who was merely a month older than Chris, had always been custodial of his god brother, and best friend. These feelings of protectiveness began when Chris' dad died from cancer when they were five years old. Thus, Jake took it upon himself to play the surrogate father to friend, from then on.


My Superman - 04 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999


Jake was waiting for Chris and Debbie at the pub. He recalled how he fixed Chris and Debbie the first time. He knew the Chris had had a crush on Debbie from the very first time his friend saw her. But, he knew Chris would be to reticent to make the move to do anything about his feelings for Debbie. So, he thought of a plan how to bring the two together. And basketball was the perfect plan. Since he was a better player than Chris was, he was sure that he could beat him. So, he made a bet that who ever loses would do what the winner wishes. He knew that Chris was an honorable guy and he would do anything just to keep his word.

He was proud of what he did twelve years ago. Now, Chris and Debbie were engaged and planning to get married sometime soon. Then waiter came with his order of ice tea and menu list that he requested.

"Thanks." He said to the man waiting on him. He looked at the menu and decided what he wanted to order. As he was about make his order, he heard his name being called.

"Joaquin Nobles Torendo!"

"Christopher Calulan Garcia!" he shouted back as he stood up from his chair. He hugged Chris. "Man, it's so good to see," as he unlocked their embrace.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Advanced to you too.!" Jake turned to Debbie. "Hi, Debbie," and then planted a kissed Debbie on the left cheek. "Come on let's sit down, I was about to order."

"Jake, you look so awesome. You seem to be at peace and so happy." Debbie said.

"I am!"

"I think that's what priesthood does to a man, away in solitude and just sitting in their butts and do nothing but pray. I'm surprised that you look so fit and trim, Joaquin" Chris laughed.

"First, it's Father Jake to you. And second, we keep ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually fit. Sound body and mind to have sound spirituality." He said in his most "fatherly" tone.

"Man, I can't believe that my best bud is now a full pledge priest."

"Better believe it."

"So, before we get to caught up with our conversation, let's order I'm starving." Debbie interrupted.

"I second demotion that!"

"You're always hungry, Jake." Chris said.

The three of them laughed and then ordered. Just in time, after they had finished eating their meals, the lights were dimmed.

"Testing 1,2,3... testing 1,2,3..." a voice on stage was heard. Chris looked at the stage when it was lighted by the spotlight.

"I'll be damned!" he exclaimed.

Part 5: To be continued . . .


I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

For your comments, suggestions, or constructive criticisms, kindly write to

Thanks. tReSe

Next: Chapter 3: My Superman 5 7

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