My Superman

By trese

Published on Jan 14, 2000



The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. =============================================================================== Author's Note:

Though, the name of Mr. Christopher Reeve was mention in this article, the author wishes to clarify that this story is not about him or his sexual preferences. It's about someone who looks just like him, in some respect. No malice or libelous acts were intended by the author towards Mr. Reeves.

This is a true story between a man and a teenage that discover love. Names were changed to protect the identities of all parties involved. =============================================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes. Posting, copying or redistributing this material via electronic mail or in any form is strictly prohibited. Only individuals, groups, or websites that were given proper authorization have the right to post, copy, or redistribute this material. ===============================================================================

My Superman - 01 by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese Co. 1999

The First Day

"Sorry, I'm late," said the teenager grasping for air as he approached the desk of his professor.

"You should be..." the professor looked at his watch, "... a minute more, and I would have mark you absent. Where's your class card."

The teenager opened his backpack, and searched for his organizer. It took him sometime to rummaged inside his bag, for it contained a lot of his school stuff mixed with some of his worn clothes. When he found what he was looking for, he immediately gave it to his instructor.

"Ok, Aloysius, you may sit down," said the man to his student.

As Aloysius scanned the room, he noticed that the only chair available was the one in front of teacher's desk. Damn, he said to himself. He wished that he could be seated at back of the classroom, so no one would see him if ever he decided to take a nap during the class. Reluctantly, he took his seat. After being seated, his instructor began introducing himself.

"Good Morning, I am Mr. Christopher Garcia. You may call Mr. Garcia or Sir Chris. I'll be teaching General Psychology."

After that Mr. Garcia started writing the course outline on the board behind him.

Since Aloysius entered the classroom, it was only now that he realized how resplendent looking the man in front of him. In all of his student life, he never had a teacher as gorgeous as Mr. Garcia before. His instructor hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, and rosy luscious lips reminded him of Christopher Reeve, the actor who portrayed Superman in the big screen during the 1980's. What a coincidence! But their similarities end there. The Christopher that was now in the same room with Aloysius was somewhat horizontally challenge. He was only 5'5. Dressed in baby blue long-sleeves, which was rolled a bit to his elbow, it contrasted with his tan arms. And when Aloysius shifted his eyes down to the man's trim waistline he was rewarded with Chris' protuberant buttocks. It was poorly hidden inside of his khaki slacks.

Aloysius felt that his body temperature was about to reach its maximum boiling point, as he stared at Chris. Especially, when he would have occasional glimpse of Chris' bulging basket every time the latter would turn around to consult his notes on the desk as he writes on the blackboard. Wow, thought Aloysius to himself, where this guy lack in height, he sure did gain it in length.

How convenient the situation was for Aloysius. While Mr. Garcia was busy with what he was doing and the rest of the class was busy taking down notes, he was sure that no one would notice that lustful look in his eyes towards his teacher. Though, he still had plenty of time where he could gawk unobserved, he opted not to push his luck. He willfully broke his gaze from Chris and started scribbling in his notebook.

Part 2: To be continued . . .

+++++++++++++ I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

For your comments, suggestions, or constructive criticisms, kindly write to

Thanks, tReSe

Next: Chapter 2: My Superman 2 4

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