My Superman

By Robert Ainsworth

Published on Sep 11, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is not true. Its Fake. Pure Fiction. This never ever happened. I don't know the sexuality of Dean Cain. What I do know is that the characters in this story are mine. Please do not steal them. Everything on this page is copyright 2001 Robert J Ainsworth. You must be 18 or 21 depending on your local laws to read this as this story does deal with male to male sex at times. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!!

Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I couldn't wait any longer and I called Adriane. Too excited to wait and I knew she was going to kill me, but that is ok. To coin a phrase, "She worships the quick sand I walk on." I picked up the phone and called her.

"Hello?" she sounds very groggy.

"Hey girl get up I need a favor from you."

"Mom is that you?'

"Yea it's me, now get your ass out of bed and fix me some chicken!"

"Rob I am so going to kill you. You bitch, do you know what time it is."

"8:30 am honey."

"I just went to bed 4 hours ago."

"Hey you do the crime; you pay the time, now I need that favor!"

"Oh I am so going ghetto the next time I see you on your ass. Now what do you need so I can get off this phone and go back to sleep."

"Hey Dean Cain is going to be at the MGM for 3 months shooting a film. I was hoping you can get me on the set so that I might be able to see him in person."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY FAVORS I AM GOING TO HAVE TO CALL IN FOR THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as I held the phone a foot away from my ear.

"I know honey and that is why I am asking, because if any one can, it's you. I would like owe for like forever and a day. And you know I am good for it," as I said sheepishly.

"Yea right as if I would ever get any of that. Sorry babes sloppy seconds aren't my style."

"OK, I'll let you have that one, but now back to my favor; will you do it for me?"

"OK Rob, I will do it. I'll call you back in like 5 ok?"

"Oh you are the best Addy. Love you bunches! Kisses, hugs and a couple of licks!"

"Gross, bye Rob."

I hung up the phone and was on pins and needles now. I went downstairs and started the coffee maker. I needed something to settle my nerves and I found that coffee did that for me. Besides JD was bugging me to get him something to eat. After feeding JD I took the cordless out by the pool and listen to the water falling over the spill way from the hot tub to the to the pool. Listening to water always had a calming affect. At the other end of my backyard I had a water fall installed and flowed into the pool. Just the sound of water was great for me. I loved it.

I have a pretty nice backyard. No grass though. Always hated cutting it when I was younger so I made sure I didn't have any now. Besides have grass in the desert just doesn't seem natural. I have a pool and a hot tub that flows into each other. Around them I have a couple of solar lamps that give off a soft glow at night. All around my backyard I have planter with nothing but Rose bushes in them. Just something very simple. Of course all my out door furniture is made of cherry. It gets too dam hot here for plastic or metal and I have always love the feeling of wood.

I didn't even notice the phone ring because I was enjoying the soothing sounds of the water and my nice cup of coffee. I looked at the caller id and it was Adriane.

"Hey girl, please let me you have good news."

"OK Dean Queen, here's the deal..." I didn't like the sound of that.

"I was able to get you a pass for the shoot. But you are so going to owe me. What I was able to get you was an actor's pass and you get to do a scene with Dean!!!!!!!!!!!"

I just stood there shocked. The phone was silent. My mind was going a mile a minute. I didn't know what to say. Shock had set in, and being the queen that I am I was thinking, what am I going to wear?

"Hello Rob, are you still there?"




"OK baby I am on my way over. Be there in two shakes!!!!!!!"

"No, no, It's ok I am still here. I am just in complete shock. How did you manage that?"

"Well they needed someone to escort Dean to his hotel room and the hotel was looking for some one and I managed to call in the favor that the President of Hotel Operations owed me. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas for the rest of your life!"

"God Addy, I love you so much!" saying that through tears.

"Don't get mushy on me. You are going to make me cry too!"

"I'm trying. This is a dream come true."

"Your welcome baby, anytime. I have to run now. Need to get my beauty sleep. Be there a week from today at 9 on Saturday. I will bring the pass with me on Wednesday night."

"Thanks again honey. I love you so much. See you Wednesday night."

I hung up the phone and sat there finishing my morning coffee and listen to the water again. I was a nut case by now. There were so many things that I needed to do before the weekend. And I know I was going to need some help.

I went upstairs and took my shower and cleaned up a bit. I was feeling pretty calm now and decided that I needed to go shopping for some new clothes. I picked up the phone to call Josh.


"Josh, its Rob."

"Hey what's going on?"

"What are you up to today?"

"I wasn't planning on doing anything today, why what's going on?"

"I need to go shopping for some new clothes and was hoping that you would give me a hand."

"Sure Rob, can you give me 30 minutes and I will be right over?"

"Not a prob, hon. See you in a few then."

I went and got my planner from my desk. Penciled in the shoot on Saturday. And caught the rest of the week up. I called my hair girl, Tina and made an appointment with her for a wash, color, cut, and style for Friday and also had her set me up for a manicure.

Good lord, I have to pull it together. This isn't a date. But on the other hand it is Dean Cain. I mean how many people get to do a scene with him, other then famous people. I just couldn't help myself. It was a dream to meet Dean Cain in person and now I am doing a scene in a movie with him.

There was a knock at the door. I opened the door and let Josh in. I gathered my day planner and jumped in the car to go to the mall. It was a usual Saturday at the mall. All the teens and college students were there shopping and hanging out. We walked into Robinsons May and hit the sales.

Josh is the only guy I know that has real fashion sense and I completely trust him when it comes to clothes. I managed to get 2 pairs of CK Jean shorts, couple of GAP shirts and a nice button down shirt, all for $100. All in all a good days worth of shopping.

We hopped back into the car and started home.

"Alright Rob, what is going on? You have had this grin on your face all day long and the most I have seen you pay for clothes at one time is only $25. So I ask you what gives."

"Ok Josh, first of all do me a favor and just listen for a minute before speaking. I was online last night and found out that Dean Cain will be shooting a movie here for 3 months. A couple of scenes are being shot at the MGM. I spoke with Adriane this morning and she managed to get me a bit part with Dean in the movie."

For the first time in my life I saw Josh speechless and dumb founded. If you have known Josh for the same amount of time that I have, he always has something to say. The look on his face alone was enough to just sit down and laugh. His chin was definitely on the floor. The only things I wish I had was a camera to take a picture because no one will believe me when I tell them.

"Gosh Rob, that is really great. I am speechless. I mean god what do you say?"

"Thanks Josh, I know exactly what you mean. I sat in my backyard just thinking for like 30 minutes this morning after I talked with Adriane. I was in complete shock. Now I am just planning to look my best for next Saturday. But to be honest the other reason you are here is that I need your advice. I need someone to ground me."

"What's on your mind Rob? You know I am here for you and there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."

"I just need someone to ground me and tell me that there is no chance that I can get involved with a celebrity. Besides he is married, has a kid, and has his whole life ahead of him. It could never work out. I live here and he is in Hollywood."

"Rob it sounds like you have it all figured out. What's the problem then?"

"Josh I know what my head is saying, but it is my heart that isn't hearing."

"OK, well the only thing I can tell you right now is to listen to your head. I know you want to believe your heart, but I think it is going to lead you the wrong way. Go next Saturday, have a good time, get an autograph or two, and fulfill your dream."

"Thanks Josh, I think that did the trick. Love you lots and I mean it."

The rest of the car ride was silent. We got back to my place and had a quick lunch. Josh left at 4 because he had to go home and get ready for his show tonight. I told him I wasn't going to be there tonight. I needed some time to myself and think. A lot had happened today and I was in information overload. After Josh left I took JD for his walk. When I got home I went for my nightly swim. It was relaxing and gave me time to think. I was still excited about next weekend but I needed to stay focused.

I finish my swim and went in the house for a glass of White wine and went back to the hot tub. The sky was clear tonight and all I could do what sit there and stare into space. Just letting my mind wonder and thinking about what I needed to do tomorrow. Just the usual Sunday of cleaning house and clothes. About an hour later I went inside and took my shower. Crawling into bed and drifting off to sleep.

I was in my house, running, and scared. I knew my life was in danger but I couldn't get out of my house. He was there again. Looking for me. I had to find a place to hide. He was in one of his fits again. He wasn't home when I got home and I had a bad feeling about it. I didn't call Josh because I was too embarrassed about what was happening. I heard the car pull up and he slammed the door when he came in the house.

At the top of his lungs he was screaming my name with anger. I got out of bed. Started running from my room. JD was up and growling. I told him to be quiet and follow me. He did. We went into the guest room. I locked the door and hide in the closet with JD beside me. I feared for JD more then me. I didn't want to see anything happen to him. I heard him come up the stairs, still screaming my name.

He threw the door to my bedroom opened and yelled even louder at the fact that I wasn't in bed. By this time I was shaking. This seemed so much worse then before. I heard him walking down the hallway and came to the guest room door. He tried the knob and found it locked. I heard him laugh at that and then bust through it. JD started growling a little and I put my hand over him muzzle to keep him quiet.

The door to the closet slide open, there he was, Matthew, drugged out of his mind. The anger in his eyes was so intense. I was frightened for my life. He raised his hand.

I sat up out of bed and screamed. JD was instantly there. Looking worried at me. Once again I had had a nightmare. This wasn't good. I now know that I wasn't going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night. Thank goodness my doctor had prescribed a sleeping pill for me when nights like this happened. I got up and went to the bathroom and took one. My heart was still pounding from the dream. I went back to bed and within 15 minutes I was out and slept the rest of the night.

Chapter 3

The beginning of my week was pretty uneventful. Before I knew it Wednesday night was here. I called and ordered pizza. Just as I was getting off the phone the door bell rang. I answered the door and Adriane was there.

"Hey girl, how are you doing?"

"Not too bad Rob, just a little tired, been a long week so far and it is only half over. Movie production people can be such bastards sometimes. Everyone thinks they are the star! I can't wait until it is all over."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I totally understand. My week has been real busy. I'm working on three projects with tight deadlines."

"Well Rob, I hope you don't have to work this weekend. Here is the pass to get on the set. You have to be there at 7 am sharp. Plan on spending the entire day there and if you need anything just give me a call."

"Oh Addy, I love you so much girl. God this means the world to me and you know that if there is anything that I can do for you just let me know and I will so it for you."

"Yea, OK Rob, quit pouring it on so think and don't get mushy on my. I know I own you ass now and I plan on calling in quite a few favors for this one."

"OK missy, I know you own my ass, and I am your slave forever."

We walked into the living room and I got us both a glass of wine. We chatted for a bit about the party. Just telling each other how excited we were and how we couldn't wait to get it done. 10 minutes later the rest of the gang arrived and the pizza was here. We all moved into the dining room with our pads of paper and pizza. Before I knew it, it was 12:30 in the morning and I was beat. We all wrapped up and cam out with some good ideas.

Patrick was in charge of the entertainment. We already had Kitty and Ginger who were going to perform but we also though it was be cool to hire a DJ and get our dance on. Adriane was going to handle the catering. Since she was in the hotel/casino industry I knew she would have some connections that would get us a great deal on food. Josh was already going to get some number to perform, so he was going to go shopping for invitations. Shawn and I were in charge of the decorations.

With that being set we packed up all of our stuff and got ready to leave. I saw everyone to the door and said our good nights. Shawn and I made plans for next week to get together and start buying the decorations.

I closed the door and locked up for the evening. I was completely exhausted. I called JD to follow me upstairs. Half an hour later I was out like a light. Once again I dreamt of Dean Cain and all the excitement that I was going to have.

As Saturday approached I was getting more excited. I was on my way over to see Tina, my hair dresser, after work on Thursday. While sitting in the chair I told Tina that I wanted a really good style. You see funny enough, the way I judge a good hair stylist is someone that I can go into and say just style it to make me look good. Without any instructions at all Tina know the drill, so I sat down and she just went to work. We chatted for a bit and then she notice that I was also set up for a manicure.

"Rob, you seem to be going all out with this visit. A wash, color, style, and manicure. What is the special event?"

"Well honey, are you ready for this?"

"Rob, how long have you been coming to me? You know that I can handle anything, now just spill it. Is it a new guy you want to impress?"

"Well, yea sorta. I managed to get a bit part in a movie being shot here and I get to do a scene with the star."

"Rob, that's great. I had no idea that you were interested in acting."

"Well, to be honest I'm not. I was never a big fan of the spotlight. I am a home body, I don't need all that attention."

"Ok, so if it isn't the fan, who is the star then?"

"Dean Cain" I said with a big smile on my face.

Tina just stood there and stared at me through the mirror.

"Oh my god, Rob that is great. Now I know why you are getting all dolled up and let me tell I am going to do you right."

I was in the chair for three hours and when I left I looked dam good. Tina had really worked her magic this time. She gave me a high and tight cut on the side and left it long on top. She decided that for the coloring we were going to go with a black cherry base and then on the front half she put fire red high lights. She then styled my hair so that it was the wet messy look and really showed the high lights. I saw myself in the mirror and felt that this was the best hair cut that I had gotten. It really brought out the blue in my eyes. I was shocked at how well she had done, I loved it. As I left she wished me luck and asked me to get an autograph for her.

I got home at 9:30 and I was wiped again. But I think this was more of an excited – can't wait type of tired. After all I had one more day to go before I was going to do the shoot. So I got changed into my pj's and crawled into bed. I knew that drifting off to sleep was going to be hard but I still had to work in the morning. I think I fell asleep around 2:30 in the morning.

Friday went by pretty quickly, but concentrating on work was pretty hard to do. Between thinking about the shoot and the lack of sleep I knew I wouldn't get that much coding done. Thankfully today was my meeting day. Fridays are always like that. By the time I got home I knew that I needed to do something to tire me out even more or I was going to be up all night long again. So when I got home I changed into my swim suit and swam for an hour. By the time I got out of the pool I was pretty tired, but just to go that extra mile I got JD and took him for a run. We ran for about 30 minutes. By the time I got home I was really exhausted.

I went upstairs and took my shower, threw on some pjs and crawled into bed. I made sure I set the clock for 4:30 am so that it would give me enough time to get ready in the morning. I drifted off to sleep I knew I needed this rest for the morning.

The alarm went off and I was up like a light. There was no snoozing for me this morning. I got out of my nice warm cozy bed. Did the usual things and turned on the TV. to listen to the news while I was getting ready. I made my bed, went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and shaved. I had plenty of time so I was in no rush.

I jumped into the shower and got cleaned up. Styled my hair the way Tina had done and got dressed. I took JD for his morning walk and had a cup of coffee. I left the house at about 6:15 am. I didn't want to be late and I was excited. The drive only took about 15 minutes. Of course I was lucky because I found myself speeding to the MGM.

I parked the car and went in. Adriane told me that everyone would be in the Grand Garden Arena for makeup and costumes. I put my pass around my neck and walked to the Arena. Security was all over the place. As I walked to the entrance, Security started to block my way until they saw my pass.

I was amazed at all the activity when I walked in. It was like watching the Discovery channel documentary about bees. I mean people going everywhere. Set hand yelling orders for equipment, running for make up and costumes, actors and actresses working on their lines. Finally I saw where the extras were supposed to report to and I went and stood in line. When it was finally my turn I was greeted by this big burly woman.

"Name please."

"Robert Smith."

"Robert Smith, ah yes, here we are. You are supposed to do the scene with Dean when he gets to the hotel. Ok, here are your lines, go over to wardrobe and make up. They will help you with your costume and make sure everything fits correctly."

"Thank you." I replied.

"Oh and Mr. Smith, good luck, and just remember to have fun. The director will tell you what you need to do, just follow what he says and everything will be fine."

I smiled at her and walked away. As I walked away I was thinking that I sure wish I would have drunk a second cup of coffee. Granted I was excited but I just was really feeling perky right now. But I was on cloud nine right now. It was a fun feeling. Just as I was walking towards the wardrobe area I noticed that there was a table with food and drinks. There is a God' I though, I'll just go grab a cup of coffee.'

I walked over to the table and it was pretty busy so I waited my turn. I was studying my line stand there. I wanted to make sure that I knew them by heart and didn't want to mess anything up when it came to my scene. I didn't even notice it when a guy slammed into spilling coffee all over my shoulder and back and splashing it on my lines.

I yelled from the pain of the hot liquid and immediately let go of my lines and tore my new shirt off. I ran to the table and got some napkins and soaked them in the ice water and started patting my shoulder and back. Just one of those things I learned from first aid training.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!!! I didn't see you there. Are you all right? Is there anything I can get you? Johnny get a first aid kit over here and get this guy some new clothes to wear. Shit I am so sorry."

"No, no it's ok. Really I am fine." I said while I was still holding the napkin to my shoulder. I was thinking to myself that I hoped that I didn't get a blister. When I looked up to see who was talking to me, I was stunned. I was so wrapped up in my line and then in the pain that I didn't even notice until now that it was Dean who had bumped into me. I stood there like an idiot staring at him.

"Hey are you all right?" Dean asked.

I just shook my head.

"Johnny, take this guy to my trailer and fix him up. I'll be there in a minute." He told this Johnny. He turned back to me, "I am really sorry, you have to let me get your shirt cleaned. I'll go get your lines again and then meet up with you in a minute. Johnny here will fix you up and check for burn. By the way, what is your name so I can get your lines?"

"Smith...Robert Smith."

"Ok Robert, I will see you in a minute. Johnny will also get you some new clothes to wear and I insist that you either let me get them cleaned or replaced."

"Ok, Mr. Cain." I said.

At that he laughed and ran off. Johnny came up to me and asked me to follow him. We walked to the other end of the arena where the stars trailers were set up and walk into the on that said Dean Cain on the door. Johnny got a first aid kit and told me to sit on the couch. He checked my shoulder and back. Made sure there would be no blisters. He told me that I was going to have redness for a couple of days and if there were any other problems to just contact him and everything would be taken care of. He then suggested that I might want to take a shower and get cleaned up, but he warned me to not use too much hot water in the shower.

I said ok and stepped into the bathroom. By now I had forgotten all about the burn and was awe struck about being in Dean Cain's trailer. God I had gotten more out of my morning then what I was hoping for. Wait until I tell the others. I turned the water on and left it slightly cold. I got undressed and jumped in. When the water hit is was a little shock because I was use to warmer water but I left this on the cool side.

I rinsed all the coffee off. The cool water started to feel good on my back. I finished up in the shower and stepped out. I fished around for a minute for a towel, and finally found one in an over head cabinet. After I toweled off I wrapped the towel around my waist and grabbed my clothes. I walked back into the main area to be greeted by Dean. I blushed a little as I was in my best state right now. I mean I spent a week getting the right outfit, my hair and nails done, and now look at me, a towel wrapped around my waist and my hair a mess.

Sensing my uneasy Dean broke the silence.

"Robert, I am really sorry about that. I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I feel real bad. Let me go get you some clothes. I'll be right back. What size are you?"

"Really, it's ok Mr. Cain. Accidents happen all the time. No permanent damage. I am a large for shirts and a 36 30 for pants."

"Cool, same size as me. I'll go grab some clothes. And Robert, just call me Dean. I think we are past the formalities." He laughed as he said that.

I blushed as he walked away. I sat down and got some burn cream from the first aid kit and started rubbing it on my shoulders. Dean walked in with an outfit for me.

"Ok I got you some new clothes that I had bought yesterday. Never been worn so no worries there. I even managed to bring you a new pair of boxers. I hope you don't mind. I'll have Johnny have the other ones clean and returned to you by the end of the day. Here, let me help you put that cream on you back, looks like you could use some help."

"Thanks Dean, you really didn't have to do that. I'll be fine and all I really needed was a clean shirt." I said as he rubbed the cream into the middle of my back.

"Nah it's all cool. Don't worry about it. I just feel real bad. Now then you should be all set. You can go ahead and use the back room to change."

"OK, I'll be back in a minute."

I walked into the back room and changed real quickly. On my way back to the front I stopped in the bathroom and fixed my hair. I walked out and told Dean that I had borrowed some hair gel and fixed my hair real quick.

"Hey not a problem Robert, that is the least I can do. Here are you lines. I still feel real bad about what happened. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Dean, seriously there isn't, you have done way more then what I would have expected from anyone. Please don't take that the wrong way. I don't mean to stereotype you. Just all that I was expecting was a simple sorry and to be left to my own devices."

"No offence at all Robert. Just glad that you didn't get too badly burned. However, I do have a question for you now."

"Sure what is it?"

"Well I have never been to Vegas before and to be honest I though that with all the celebs that come here, everyone would be used to seeing them. But every time I go somewhere to shop or eat I get mobbed. Is there a place you can recommend that I can go where I am not going to get mobbed and just have a nice quiet meal?"

"Well there is this nice quiet Italian restaurant that I know of. I know the owners and can make a phone call for you. It is in Green Valley. Nice family dining and not usually busy. It is one of my favorite places to eat. I can give you directions. It is really east to get there."

"Cool, but I have a better idea. How about you call and make the arrangements and then meet me here at about 7 and we will go together. I mean it is the least I can do. I have this horrible guilt complex and I just don't feel like I have done enough for spilling that coffee."

"Dean, really you don't have to do that, I was an accident and you have already done enough. You don't have to do this."

"I insist, it will clear me soul and make me feel better."

Seeing that I wasn't going to win this I agreed to meet him and we would go to dinner. I then said that I had to get going so that I could get my costume and get ready. He laughed and said it was spoken like a true actor. I left his trailer and went to get into to costume.

I had gotten fitted for my costume and had my makeup done. Everyone was really nice. Once again I was surprised at how everyone was. On TV you see people rushing and rude to everyone. I now had a chance to memorize my lines. I had to make sure I had them down pat; I didn't want to seem like an idiot in front of Dean when it came time to do the scene.

Once I had the lines down I was able to think about what was really on my mind. I had no idea that Dean was such a nice guy. I mean I wasn't expecting him to do everything he had done. To be completely honest I though I was going to melt when he started to rub the burn cream on my back. His touch was soft and caring. Just having him behind me was a great though. He had strong but gentle hands. I had never imagined that this would happen. All I expected was to do the scene and get a couple of autographed pictures. And now I am going to have dinner with him tonight.

Before I knew it, it was time for me to do my scene. I was escorted to the front desk area of the MGM. There was an area blocked off for the shoot. The director explained to me what was going to happen and I waited in my spot. Dean walked up and did a quick double take and smiled. The rest of the cast got into their places and the Director called action.

"Mr. Moore, welcome to the MGM Grand Hotel. I have your confirmed reservation for 2 weeks. If there is anything that the MGM can do to make your stay better please let us know. If you will please follow John he will escort you up to your room."

"Thank you."

Now it was my quick lines and I was so nervous.

"Is this your first time in Las Vegas Mr. Moore?" as we walked towards the elevator.

"Yea it is, can you recommend a couple of places that I should stop at and see?"

"I recommend just watching the unique shows the properties all show in from of them. They are usually a lot of fun and for someone who has never been here before you would be amazed at what they can do."

We walked into the elevator and that ended this portion of the shoot. We then proceeded up the 35th floor. Dean and I rode together.

"I had no idea you had a part in the movie," he said as he flashed me that smile again, "Though you were just one of those extras that had one line and that was it. Are you looking to break into Hollywood?"

"Yea, it is pretty cool. I have never done anything like this before." I said with a little smile. "Nah I'm not looking to break in, I love my job, just though that this might be fun to try once."

"Well I must tell you, you did really well down there. I was impressed. Most extras that get line parts like this usually mess it up and we have to do it a couple of time. You nailed it on the spot."

"Thank you very much."

The doors to the elevator open and we stepped out. The crew was already setting up for the next shot. We waited for them to give us the go ahead. He walked away to talk with the director. I was just standing there going through my last line again. Five minutes later we were ready.

"Here is your room Mr. Moore. Please feel free to call the front desk for anything."

"Thank you. Here you go."

He handed me a tip and I walked out of the room. I walked down the hall and headed back to the Grand garden arena to return the clothes and get ready to leave. As I entered the elevator I noticed that Dean had come out of the room and looked at me and winked as he headed over to the director again.

What was that I though as the doors closed? Did Dean Cain just wink at me? I must have just imagined it. I looked down at my hand and noticed the play money. I had always wondered if it was real enough or just really fake and no one noticed it. I unfolded it and there was a plain white piece of paper folded in it. I opened it and noticed there was writing in it.

Don't forget tonight! Call my cell when you are on your way. 555-4570. Dean.

I was completely shock. He had slipped me his number. What was going on here? I am guessing he is just lonely without his wife and kid and he really felt bad about what happened earlier. I went to wardrobe and changed and left to go home and get ready for tonight.

Well that is it for chapter 2 and 3. Let me know what you think. You can email me at

Copyright Lois & Clark and the Superman Logo are copyright Turner Network Television, American Brodcasting Company, Warner Bros. and DC comics

Trademark Ripley Entertainment Inc

Next: Chapter 3: My Superman 4 5

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