My Summer Trip

By Richard Ramirez

Published on Sep 18, 2015


My Summer Trip, Chapter 5, What the fuck? (c) Richard Ramirez

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Chapter 5, What the fuck?

I woke up late. I started thinking about last night, about Terry's dick, stroking and sucking it and eating his come. I started to squirm and twist and got all tight. I felt my skin start to sweat. I'd never stroked or sucked any dick but Robbie before, or fucked anybody else. I felt myself get red all over, squirming, to feel hot all over, getting sweaty.

I opened my eyes and it finally went away. But I was wide awake now. I got up and got in the shower, not wanting even to look at myself in the big mirrors. I put on the same T and shorts from last night and found Robbie in Leslie's bathroom looking at in the mirror. He was leaning in over the bathroom sink and didn't even turn when I pushed the half open door. He was looking close on his face, looking and feeling his cheek like he had a pimple or something. He didn't. When he noticed me he said,

"I spent too much time at the pool yesterday... sun's bad for my skin."

On the way down to eat, Robbie started laughing to himself.

"You should stay in boxing. You've got a wicked body punch"

I didn't want to talk about it, but Robbie went on, a big laughing smile on his face.

"You could make some money off him. Lo says he's rich and that he works only because he feels like it"

I really didn't like him saying I should make some money like that.

"Lorenzo liked you too, man", he said.

He was serious, and I thought that that it was no big deal to be liked by a bunch of queers. That's what I got for hanging around faggots.

We went into the coffee shop to eat breakfast and started figuring out what to tell Leslie, when Leslie showed up with a white guy and sat in our booth He was carrying this box full of gambling chips. Looked like a lot.

"Did you guys miss me last night?"

Robbie said, "yeah, Leslie, where you been?" Damn he could think fast.

"I got into this great crap game with my agent here," pointing to the thirty or so year old thin white dude with him, "Been playing all night! We're going to eat and go back. I'm famished".

His friend said, "Les here's ahead by almost 30 grand!"

We let Leslie do all the talking, telling each other more than us how their game had gone, talking about rolls, all excited. They kept looking around and telling the waitress to hurry up and ate real fast when the food came. Leslie got up after signing for the tab and dropped some gambling chips on us and told us to get us some better clothes. He was looking at me when he said,

"You guys look like you slept in those clothes."

Robbie laughed. I really didn't like the guy.

Before we went up to the room, we went into this store in the hotel mall. I asked the lady if we could spend the chips and she said no, that they didn't accept chips as cash. I asked her where we could cash them but she said you had to be 21.

She said she could cash them for us and so we gave them to her and she went out the store. We looked around shopping and she was back pretty quick. She handed me a wad of 50s and hundreds. I counted $850. I gave her a hundred dollar bill and she gave it back and took $50. She was a nice lady and said that if we needed anything just ask and went back to the counter.

Robbie said I should have counted the chips before we gave them to her, but what the fuck. We each bought a tennis outfit, some Adidas, and gym bags, and workout clothes. We also got these badass sunglasses. Robbie tried on some Tennis shorts in the store. I thought he looked real baad, like in magazines. We split what was left over. It was a lot.

Lorenzo came by to take us to a gym to work out. I went with them. It was like the one Robbie used in LA, and had really good equipment.

Lorenzo's workout was a killer. I tried to keep up but couldn't. I ended up just working some upper body machines. Lo gave me some real good tips on using the machines, talking to me, like a friend, watching and giving me advice. I liked him.

Robbie disappeared real soon. Lo wanted to do sprints and went looking for him. He came back kind of pissed but didn't say anything to me, and we left. We jogged to a university track that was close, a mile or so. He did some real complicated footwork and I couldn't keep up with his sprints. I just jogged along the track. It was even cushioned. He really was fast. I timed him on my phone.

I'd run in hot weather like this before so I drank a lot of water we'd brought with us. But I jogged about 4 miles anyway.

We went back to the gym and found Robbie in the shower.

"Still trolling?" Lorenzo asked. I knew what he meant. Robbie just shined it on.

When we split up Lorenzo gave me a bunch of guest passes for the gym. He warned me that at night it was a big gay hangout, so unless I wanted a lot of sex, to come during the day. He'd gotten them for Robbie but knew Robbie wouldn't be interested in working out all that much.

Lo's a super cool guy. I really got to like him. He's a real committed athlete. We talked jogging back, and he said you had to be a world champ to make any money in sprinting. So he's going out for football, and had to be in training at the end of August. He said to look him up when we're back in LA. He said it like he meant it, like I didn't have to suck his dick to be his friend.

That night we ordered room service and watched movies on TV. Leslie called up on the hotel phone and told Robbie to get ready to go out. He came in all bleary eyed, and did a few lines of coke right in front of us. Robbie did a couple of lines too, but I didn't want to. They went out but I stayed. Leslie looked at me like I was expected to go with them, and only looked at Robbie, who just shrugged.

When I woke up the next day, Robbie hadn't slept in his bed and wasn't in Leslie's bed either.

At breakfast I sat alone and thought about it. I didn't want to be no gay. But now, I didn't know if I could still get it on with a lady, because I got a hard on thinking about the sex I'd had lately, with Robbie and men I didn't even know. I was afraid to find out.

I didn't know what to do or where. I even got the jeep out of the parking lot and took it to a do it yourself carwash. I just stayed away from Robbie and Leslie and the room.

When I did go back, about eight o'clock that night, nobody was there. I fell asleep around 1 AM, watching the tube. When I woke up, Robbie hadn't come in. There was a note on our dresser that Leslie wanted to see Robbie, and that he shouldn't leave the room.

After breakfast I walked to the gym and did a really heavy workout that took all morning. The stiffness I had felt after yesterday's workout was gone. I felt a good glow afterward. Lo said that when your body's happy you're happy. It's true.

Nobody was in the room. I decided to go swimming and I went down and bought a boxer short swim suit types that were shorter and tighter than regular boxer swim trunks I already had.

I had lunch by the pool, styling my bod and new trunks - and my new sunglasses. I noticed this little white chick, about fifteen or sixteen, in a hot bikini, with a real small waist and nice small firm tits and long thighs, and a girl's ass and hips that wouldn't quit. She was eyeing me like she knew me.

I thought, "What the fuck" and ate my club sandwich fast. I dove in the pool and came out where she was sunbathing. These white people hate dark skin, on anybody but themselves.

I sat on the edge of the pool next to her and checked her out, and she checked me out. I turned to her and said


She said "Hi.

"I asked her if she was staying at the hotel. She said yes, and I said,

"So am I."

She said she thought I worked at the hotel, and when I asked her why, I had moved over and sat next to her, almost touching, real close, my legs stretched out, leaning my body on my elbows behind me, flexing my pecs and shoulders just for her.

She asked if my Dad was a dentist too, that she'd been there three days.

"I saw you and your friend the other day. My, he is a sight to behold, sooo really cute. Just mostly old people come to the pool. Normal people are all in the conference or gambling."

I asked her if she's like a coke and we sat together, watching the people around the pool. She was right, most all the people were kind of old, but there were also some bad ass women that I guess she didn't notice. There were a couple of young guys too, but she said they were too fat or too skinny.

"Not like you," she said, looking at my chest, down to my legs.

I let her do all the talking, and she told me all about herself, that she was there with her parents, her father was a dentist from someplace in Iowa, that they were there for a few days for her Dad's convention and then they were going to Europe from LA. There was something wrong with everybody but her Dad, and her Mom who was too strict, but "very beautiful".

Her chatter got real old real fast, and after a while, after she'd asked me what my dad did and I just stumbled around. I thought she figured out I wasn't rich, and asked for the check. I signed for the tab, showing the waiter the room key.

I said it had been nice to meet her got up and stretched to give her one last look at my bod. She eyed it, and said, "I'd invite you to my room, but my Mom's taking a nap."

I asked her if she wanted to come up to my room, and she reached over, under the table, kind of looking away, and said, "as long as you've got the key," except that she slid her hand from the key and felt my thigh - real close to my balls.

"Will your friend be there?"

"Maybe, I said." All right!

All the way up to the room I tried to be real cool, but I was tense. My hand was shaking a little bit. I had to fuck her. She kept on talking, nonstop, about her fiancé who was in college, her new clothes for Europe, and even when we got into the room she acted like there was no big deal.

As I made sure the front door was locked, she checked out the place and said it was nicer than their place, that they only had two connecting bedrooms and no sitting room or kitchen. I guess she meant the bar. We went inside to Robbie's and my room, and as I closed the door, she turned on the TV.

It was gay porn!

We both stared at it as this skinny guy with his red tongue lapping up long white salami.

Once I was at a house Chale had taken over, nobody lived in it. It was really funky but Chale paid for the water and it was his. There were parties there, with girls hooked on rock or just wanting to get high on weed. They did sex for the dope. To make a long story short, I was there one night from the gym, sitting on the couch with a guy called Flaco. He was a tall skinny dude. He had this thin, long, curved body, really sexy. No fat.

He was sitting without his shirt (he took it off whenever he could) talking to a girl sitting on the arm of the couch. He pulled his dick out for her. It was thick and long, a little curved to the side at the end, with the foreskin making a little round hat on the dickhead. She bent over, grabbed his dick and peeled the foreskin off a really nice thick dark dickhead, and came down on it, mouth open. It was hot.

The dick in the in the porno was just like Flaco's dick.

As we watched the blowjob, the little chick said,

"Last Christmas my fiancé brought his best friend home for the holidays. Honestly I don't know about you men. It was like they were more interested in each other than they were in me."

I got behind her and pressed my hard on against her ass, and she reached back and squeezed my dick. I kissed her neck.

"I'm really interested in you," I said.

She'd been fucked before! I turned her around and gave her a kiss, and she kissed back. I tried to feel her pussy, but she didn't let me even though she had her hand on my dick. She was looking at herself in the mirror next to the TV, and took my hands and put them on her waist as she reached up in the air and put her arms around my neck. But she didn't take her eyes off the mirror.

I cupped her tits with my hands and kissed her neck. Her tits were nice! She liked it, but she wouldn't let me take her bra off. She started watching the blow job on the TV and watching my hands rubbing her smooth firm flat stomach, and took one hand and put it over her bathing suit, and said,

"Rub down there... gentle."

"Last Christmas," she said, like it was a secret, "I did that with my fiancé and his best friend from college. He's going to be our best man so it was all right. We're going to get married after college," she said, "So it's all right".

I said, "Yeah", and feel her pussy mound. I stuck my fingers under her panties and found her clit. I struck gold! I kissed her neck, rubbing her stomach with my other hand and pressing my hard on against her ass.

She got into the blowjob on the TV and I dropped my swimsuit and got naked behind her. She reached back and felt my dick and told me,

"Oh, you're bigger than my fiancé... but his best friend is longer."

She felt my balls and said, "Ugh, you're all sweaty." I told her I was still wet from the pool but she said I should wash up. She was beginning to piss me off but I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself off in the shower.

I came back from the shower and she had her bra off, and was cupping her tits to the mirror, lifting them up, licking the round red nipples with the end of her tongue, watching a close up on the screen, Flaco's big dick fucking an asshole in an in-and -out from the rear.

"They're certainly not very attractive" she said, still looking at herself licking her nipples.

"Let me do that" I said, and licked her nipples, cupping them with my mouth. Her tits were a nice round handful and I kissed and sucked on them. I came up to kiss her and we necked. She didn't know how to kiss and just left her mouth open, just a big space in her mouth. I told her to use her tongue and she did, and liked it.

I got behind her again, kissing her neck, glancing at the movie, rubbing my dick against her swimsuit panties, pressing it down, coming up and rubbing the shaft on her bare back, cupping her tits. She put her fingers under a panty leg and fingered herself and squeezed my dick and balls hard, too hard, and I started going limp.

I lay on the bed to watch her hoping she wouldn't notice I'd lost my hard on, and she turned to me and asked, "What's the matter?"

I pulled her down beside me and we got into some heavy necking, rolling around, and rubbing up against each other. I managed to get my hand under her panties. Her pussy was wet. She opened up. Rubbing her wet, hard little clit with my finger was easy now.

I tried to get on top of her as we kissed. But she laughed, and said, "You men... always so impatient."

She fingered her pussy like I wasn't even there. She had a great ass and I imagined my dick deep into the crack up her ass. I looked at the tube and started to get harder. I held my dick up in my fist and felt the head with my fingers so she'd see it, but she just kept glancing at me and the TV. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror.

I stood next to her put my arms around her, hugging her sideways, my dick rubbing high on her hip, almost her waist, showing in the mirror. She watched my dick rub against her in the mirror as I pressed her tits with my forearm, sliding my other hand down her back to her big round ass. I got my hand between her legs to finger her pussy and felt her wet cunt from behind. She was ready.

She stepped back, and started to pick up her bathing suit, stepping into the panties.

I pulled her down on me and sat her hard on my lap. I pulled her loose panties away and tried to fuck her from behind. But she looked at the mirror, and even though her eyes lit up in the mirror, she tried to stand up, saying,

"No... No..."

"Why not," I asked her, kind of pissed off.

"You're not even white", she said, in a loud voice. "...Besides, I promised my fiancé."

"And his best friend too I bet. They'll never know."

As she got up I took a swing at her and caught her on the back of the head. She'd pissed me off. She fell on the bed all dazed and I knelt over her, Terry flashing in my mind for a second, and stuck my dick in her mouth, pulling her towards me by the back of the head. She didn't move, but when I started pumping it deep in and out of her mouth she choked and grabbed it and started to stroke it and started sucking and mouthing it.

She didn't give very good head. I felt her teeth on my cock, so I slapped her head, and told her to watch her teeth.

I heard the door and looked up and there was Leslie standing in the open doorway. He was all bleary eyed, his eyes all red, smiling this really crazy smile. He wasn't looking at her. He was checking me out!

Pissed off, I said, "You want some?"

He stepped back and I went back to the chick on my dick, slowing down on my pumping, letting her work my dick. She may not have been a pro, but she knew what she was doing. As she sucked, I reached for her cunt, and it was wet and small. Her little clit was hard and she went "mmm" when I rubbed it. She was tight!

I felt the small patch of pubic hair and her little clit with my fingers and was getting ready to fuck her when Leslie walks back into the room in a bathrobe.

He sat on the foot of the bed and opened the bathrobe. She saw him, and was about to scream, when I slapped her head again, and grabbing her by the hair lifted her and shoved her face into Leslie's lap.

"Meet my best friend," I told her."

Leslie was smiling eyes closed, and just lay there on the bed on his elbows. He made a fist around his dick and nodded at me to suck it and put his head back and closed his eyes. I pulled her head up by the hair and put her face on his dick, shoving her head down on it. I lifted her up by the hips forcing her head down on the long, hard, black salami, and slid my dick into her pussy from behind. All she could do to keep her balance was put her hands on the bed beside Leslie's thighs, her cheek hard against Leslie's long stiff cock.

I reached around and grabbed Leslie's dick, rubbing the dickhead on her lips until she opened her mouth and it went in.

I felt the tight, slippery wet warmness of her pussy and pumped my dick into it deep. She gasped but kept her mouth on Leslie's dick. He had his head back feeling the warm mouth on his hard salami, so I didn't let her mouth off his dick. I slowed down to enjoy fucking her pussy from behind, looking at the Flaco's comeshot on his partner's face.

I could see her head go up and down on Leslie's black pole. He looked almost passed out. He was really out of it. He smelled real bad like cigarettes and booze.

She grabbed his black salami tool with both hands and sucked on it to keep him from choking her as he pushed her head down.

Seeing Leslie's hard on and her spit on his dick, as he let her off for some air only made me hotter. I started to feel like coming so I pulled out and told Leslie to switch.

He didn't move. So I pulled her up next to him by the armpits, and rolled her over on top of him. I reached between her legs to feel her pussy and to put Leslie's dick in it. I stroked it a couple of times to make it harder... really nice, straight dick. It wasn't real hard so I sucked on it some. When I licked under the head he started to get real hard, so I bent it a little and pointed it into her wet hole. I managed to get it in her pussy and he rolled over on top of her and slowly started to fuck.

I lay on my side high on the bed on one elbow and watched his ass go up and down between her legs. She looked at me all in a panic. So I stuck my dick into her mouth. As she sucked, I looked at the mirror and could see Leslie's ass between her wide open legs, Leslie's longer legs straddling hers, pumping his ass up and down. I could see his tight balls bounce and his dick go in and out in her cunt as he worked it deeper inside her, working his body higher on hers. I could see the sides of her pussy cave in with each of his down-strokes. It must have been the fuck of his life - and hers.

I pulled my dick out of her mouth started sliding back and forth along her open lips. But Leslie took it in his mouth and sucked on it. His fucking got harder. The little chick started making these little whimpering sounds,

"Oh, oh, yes, oh yes."

Leslie kept sucking my dick as he fucked, taking it deep as he could sideways, keeping it in his mouth, going in and out with it as he did the in and out with her.

She let out some real loud yelps, almost screams, and Leslie started to come, grunting, pushing in as deep as he could.

I came, rubbing my shooting dick on her nose and lips, my shooting cock smearing the come all over both their faces. Leslie opened his mouth for me but I ignored it, so he ran his closed lips on it and started kissing and licking her face, my dick sliding along their open mouths. He opened his mouth wide and took my dickhead. Then he started licking and sucking her face, eating my come, getting it into his mouth and then letting it drool into her open yelping mouth.

He was coming too, and his strokes got longer and slower. She was making noises like she was coming, little yelps, with his stroked, and she kept saying,

"Oh God! Oh God. YES."

He slowed down and finally lay on top of her like a bag of potatoes, but I still had a hard on, and pushed him off of her, and got on myself. Her pussy was real wet and slimy, but I fucked her anyway. Leslie had really opened her up, but she still tight and acted like she liked it, yelping like a puppy with each of my strokes.

I could feel something inside her pinching the head of my cock like a nutcracker, but soft and good. I came again, groaning, the intense pain of coming, of her cunt squeezing the head of my dick lasting for a long time, and then I just lay like a heap on top of her.

Leslie watched for a while and smiling, said, "I'll leave you two love birds by yourselves now", and staggered out of the room still all high and drunk, and closed the door.

I rolled off of her, my dick getting limp but still heavy and dripping, and lay beside her, my legs over the end of the bed and touching the floor like hers. I could see the hump of her little patch of pubes and the slimy dick on my stomach, both at the end of the bed and in the mirror. Her pussy was closing, round and red.

I lay back with my hands at the back of my head and looked at her, expecting her to be all pissed off. She was crying, with these long tracks of tears rolling down her cheeks. I asked her,

"What's was the matter, didn't you like it?

"You didn't have to hit me...You raped me", she said almost crying out loud;"... you and that black man raped me!"

"It's all right", I said and pulled her to me. "I it wasn't all that bad. You liked it."

She resisted but I pulled her to me anyway, and she said, "Ok... ok..., but don't hurt me any more... be gentle." She snuggled up to me and she kissed my chest, licked at my nipple, and said, smiling at me,

"I didn't know it could feel that fabulous." It wasn't the little girl voice anymore.

I kissed her on the mouth, tasting my own come on her cheek. I looked over at the porn and my dick started getting hard again. I put her hand on it and told her to beat me off, and we both watched the mirror and the TV. A dick was getting sucked as she played with my dick, and I told her to do what they were doing on TV, stroking it and kissing it, licking the head. I told her how to pull on my balls as she sucked, not to bite the head but to rub it against her cheek and top of her mouth, and to suck it with it deep in her mouth. I told her how to beat me off holding my balls, making my dick wet with her spit and sliding her hand over the head.

I went down on her and we 69'd. I licked her cunt and licked and sucked on her hard little clit as I fucked her face, like in the porno. I was looking for Leslie's come. I tried sticking my tongue deep into her cunt looking for it and she loved it. I did find most of it as it dribbled down to my mouth from deep down inside her.

It was good... even with the pussy juice.

We stayed in the room naked, feeling each other up, kissing and watching gay porn on the TV and trying the things we saw, in front of the mirror. This time I was the beautiful one, this time she was the one that took orders.

We were all over each other, rolling around on the bed, taking turns being on top. Her skin felt good against mine, my dick felt great with her stomach against it.

We finally lay on our backs. I had almost come. She sat up and felt my dick.

"May I see it close up?"

I said "sure," and she bent over to take a close look at the hard wet cock on my stomach. She picked it up and asked,

"Does it hurt when I do that?

"You mean picking it up like that? It doesn't hurt at all. It's supposed to be like that. She looked at close up and stroked a tight grip.

"Put it down between my legs. She did, and I told her to let it go. It popped right up and hit my stomach.

She squealed, "oh, how cute" and did it some more, putting it between my thighs and letting go, slapping my already wet stomach with my dick, slap, slap, slap. I had to laugh.

"It gets wet," she said, "just like a pussy."

She stroked it and a big drop of slime formed on the slit.

"Lick it" I told her, and she did.

"It's salty" she said, licking it, tasting it, and swallowing it.

I could fuck girls! And this time it wasn't in the back seat of a car, or on the mattresses on Chale's house floor, with other couples fucking right next to you, but in bed the way it's supposed to be, feeling her body on mine, or mine on her, her little handful of tit, her girl's big nipples, feeling her little pussy between her legs, kissing it and her face, her lips, her mouth.

Watching the porn, my cock was hard the whole time and she loved it, feeling and stroking it right this time, grabbing it tight, kissing it and the dickhead, kissing up to my chest, my mouth. It was great! She even licked my body and sucked and kissed my nipples.

She straddled my hips and rubbed her pussy along my cock.

"Oh," she said her hands on my chest, "this feels good too." It felt good for me too, feeling her weight on my dick, her wet pussy sliding up and down on it, her hands on my chest, going back and forth, eyes closed, trying to open up even more to rub her clit against it.

When I was losing my hard on I just watched the tube, so it was hard almost the whole time.

We fucked once more before she left, a long fuck, enjoying every stroke, her warm soft body under me, her legs spread out, then around my hips, feeling sex all over our bodies, enjoying the wet tightness of her pussy. Neither one of us wanted to come. But we both did.

It was long slow fuck and I think we came together. She said she'd never been with a boy like this before.

"Usually they just want to poke you then pull their pants up and leave. But this is the best time I've ever had with a boy. And she kissed me one long passionate kiss.

"Oh, she said, I better go douche. Don't want any little brown babies."

She got dressed real fast and walked her to the front door.

"Don't let anybody see you," she said, before she opened the door. She kissed me and pushed me away from the door and left. I forgot I was still naked.

I felt real good after she left. Leslie called me into his room. He asked about her. She never told me her name. Leslie was afraid she would tell her parents but I told him I gave her some money, so that if she did talk we could say she was hustling. He asked me how much and I said $200 even though I hadn't given her a cent. I was learning.

He gave me $300, and I tried to tell him it was on me, but all he would say was, "I know how to take care of my boys."

I didn't bother to hide myself from him as I sat, then lay back on one of the beds, enjoying the glow. He did more lines of coke and I noticed a glass pipe on the dresser, next to the car keys, for free-basing. This guy was really into coke.

I got a little pissed him trying not to look at my body but taking long looks from the side. He finally started to look straight at it all he wanted, and I let him. When I felt another hard on coming I went to take a shower. When I came out Leslie was still doing coke, sniffing and squeezing his black, now red, thin white man's nose, looking up at the ceiling. If he wasn't smoking a cigarette he was smoking a joint. He had both lit. He dressed and when he left told me to tell Robbie to stay in the room tonight, that he was horny.

When I went back to the room after I ate, Robbie was in his bed watching TV, and asked me where I'd been. I told him what Leslie had said, and Robbie just nodded. "I'm kinda horny too", he said, looking at me, at my eyes. I sat on my own bed and told him what had happened.

He listened to the whole story, smiling and laughing. He said it was probably the first girl Leslie'd ever fucked. He got up from the bed, his hard on looking about a foot long and straight out, and got a joint from his pants and sat next to me and lit it. As I toked it he lay back, his arms under his head, making sure I had a good look. I put the joint in my mouth backwards and leaned on my elbow alongside him, and blew the smoke in one long steady stream in his face, in his nose and mouth, like we used to. I handed the joint to him and he put it in his mouth backward, and blew the smoke straight out, and I cupped my mouth over his and inhaled it all.

He lay on his back and I lay on my elbow on my side and we looked at each other's faces, deep into each other's eyes. I stroked his dick, beating him off slowly, feeling the rock hardness of it, feeling the length, playing with his sex like it didn't matter, like I was scratching his back, not thinking of it as sex, only that it seemed the normal thing to do, that I liked him and that he liked what I was doing.

He just lay there smoking the joint, looking into my face, letting me play with his body, letting me peck at his nipples or rub his stomach or dick, giving me these warm and sexy feelings, looking at my eyes. Once in a while he'd take a toke, and we'd French kiss, and he would blow the smoke from his lungs to mine. But my hand never left his dick.

We heard Leslie. Robbie got into his bed under the covers, and Leslie came into the room. He was all fucked up, all crazy eyed. He looked at me hard, like laughing inside at me, like he didn't like me.

"Haven't fucked a woman since high school," he said. "And I didn't need gay porn to do it."

He went to Robbie's bed, and asked Robbie if I had told him what had happened. Robbie said "yeah", and Leslie said,

"There's no need to be shy now", and pulled the covers from Robbie and bent over to suck Robbie's stiff dick, unbuttoning his shirt and dropping his pants, in front of me, like I wasn't there, like he didn't care I was there.

I didn't know what to do, so I watched as Leslie stripped and felt the long black dick and pointy head, looking at me,

"You're free to join us."

I just got up to leave the room, and as I turned from the door to look at Robbie, Leslie, still standing at the side of the bed, had a grip on his dick, pulling the foreskin back, telling Robbie to lick it,

"You know how I like it."

He pulled Robbie's head to him. All I could see as I dressed was Robbie, throwing back the covers and sitting up on the edge of the bed naked, leaning over, his tongue under the black pointy head. The dickhead was halfway in his mouth and his tongue was lapping fast, working it like a dog at a leaky faucet.

As it got hard Leslie put his hands around Robbie's head and pulled it toward him, the long black rod going deep in and out of Robbie's mouth. He pumped at Robbie's face with his hips, in and out, in and out... but looked straight at me the whole time, smiling crazy, his upper lip up like I'd done something, showing his teeth at me, like he was superior, like he's won something, saying,

"Get it nice and went. I want it all down your throat."

I could smell him, like he hadn't taken a shower in a long time, of cigarettes and booze.

I had to get out of there.

In the hall and in the elevator all I could see was Leslie fucking Robbie's face, and Robbie just sitting on the edge of the bed taking it, taking that long black dong deep in his mouth, his hands at his sides on the bed, just leaning over, feet on the floor, limp like his face was a pussy and Leslie could do anything he wanted with him, like he was some kind of zombie or slut slave.

I was stoned and got lost, and as I looked for the stage door to see Lorenzo, I forgot where I was going and ended up in back, outside the hotel, outside the kitchen. There were a lot of trucks and a big bus, marked ICE loading guys into it, guys that looked like me and my cousin Robbie into it like kids into a school bus.

One ICE guy came up to me and asked me where I was born, and I didn't understand and said, "Huh?" He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward the bus. I pulled my arm back and he hit me on the side of my head and I fell down, and two other ICE guys came up and picked me off the concrete.

One ICE guy was a Chicano. He said, "This guy's not illegal. Look at his shoes, they're Adidas." He asked me where I was from.

"LA" I said.

The other guy said "Yeah, he looks like a Chicano."

The guy that hit me said, "He looks like they all do."

They got my wallet out of my pocket and looked at my driver's license. They asked me for name and address and if I still lived there.

I said, "Yeah."

The Chicano was from East Los too, and asked me about my high school. We talked just a little. I knew his cousin Tony.

They let go of me and left me standing all scuffed up and alone as they got into their cars and into the bus and drove away. I could see the faces on the bus, mostly young, a couple scared, looking at me out of the window.

As I stood there trying to get myself together a guy in an apron came out and asked me if I wanted a job. I still couldn't get it together and said,


"They took all the dishwashers, man, and we got to cover 'til 6:00 AM."

He led me to the kitchen, where this snotty looking dude in a black suit, the maître de, I knew the type from when I had worked at in Hollywood) looked me over and said, "He's stoned".

The other guy, the dude that had pulled me in said, "That's ok, he's only going to do dishes... dishwashers work better when they're stoned anyway." He picked up my arm and pressed my bicep, "Look, he's bigger and stronger than the ones we usually get."

The Maître de sniffed and said, "All right, but I want all the dishes washed, the pots cleaned and the floors mopped before the next shift."

They left me in front of the sink, and out of habit, I started to rinse the dishes with the power sprayer, and stack them in the racks for the dishwasher. The guy brought me an apron, and as I put it on, I asked him how much I was going to get paid.

The guy told me not to worry about it that it was double the normal rate, 'cause it was a lot of work for one guy and they were hard up. I asked him again, this time stepping back from the sink and stopping my work.

"Oh... ", he said, "Fifteen bucks an hour... that good enough for you?"

He left me alone with this stack of dishes and silverware that seemed to go the ceiling, and I figured I would make 90 bucks if I worked from now, about midnight, to six am. I still had the pots to do after the dishes - and the floors to mop. I took my apron off and walked out.

As I stood in the parking lot still stoned, trying to figure out what to do, I heard a voice behind me,

"Hi there stranger, remember me?"

Next: Chapter 6

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