My Summer Trip

By Richard Ramirez

Published on Sep 2, 2015


My Summer Trip, Chapter 4, Camping in Vegas (c) Richard Ramirez

You can use this story for whatever, as long as you don't make any money off of it or take credit for it. Feel free to let me know if you like it (or not).

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Camping In Las Vegas

Leslie had room reservations in this big hotel casino, a "suit" that had a sitting room, two bedrooms and a kitchen that probably nobody ever used. The desk clerk didn't ask questions he didn't have to. It didn't matter in Las Vegas. They had Porno movies in the rooms and the Desk Clerk told us how to disable them "if we wanted."

"I see you want a smoking suite," he said.

I guess he saw the looks on our faces when Leslie said "yes" like he meant it. The guy was cool and offered Leslie a suite with one smoking bedroom and one not smoking.

"That sounds real good," said Robbie. Leslie just grunted.

Leslie had some "business with his publisher" that he was going to meet. He's slept all night in the back seat anyway. We knew he was awake when we heard his lighter click and smelled the cigarette smoke.

Leslie called me on my phone so that I could have his phone number just in case. It was good to have a phone again. I could even re-charge it. There was no reception at the cabin and I wanted to call home. Robbie had a phone but he never carried it. He said it made an ugly bulge in his pants. I guess he didn't want to hide his dick.

Robbie and I just slept in our room all day. And when I woke up that afternoon, Robbie was paying me back for not doing me the other morning. He was sucking my cock. He had put on a gay fuck movie but I lost interest in it real soon.

He lay between my legs and did my dick, sucking and stroking slowly, letting it go limp and making it hard again, smiling at me as he played with it, slowly making me want to come, slowly making me come.

Before, when I'd had sex with Robbie, I always had the feeling he was rushing me, wanting me to come fast so I could do him. And I'd always gotten off on his body, touching and feeling it as we did it. But this time, I only felt what he was doing to me, feeling his mouth, his lips, his tongue on my dick, feeling him feel my chest with his hands, pinching my nipples, kissing my chest. He took my stiff dick deep in his throat and I forgot all about the porno movie. My eyes closed, I only cared about how good it felt for me. I rubbed my nipples, wet with Robbie's spit; I felt the hard muscles on his arms and back, and the soft hair on his head as he worked on me like my dick was the only thing in the world.

He closed his eyes and took a full mouth, round against my pubic hair, my dick deep inside his throat. I put my hands on his soft head of hair and led his face all over my body, on my pecs and nipples, showing them where it felt good for me. Half awake, my body limp and heavy, I could only feel the wet mouth and tongue, the pressure of his mouth, sometimes tight, sometimes moist and gentle, the pressure of his grip of his hand on my dick when he stroked it to kiss my balls, the sharp sensations of pleasure, not caring if it was his mouth or lips, only caring that it felt so good.

I finally came, arching my back against the bed, my dick deep down in his throat, his hands on my chest and my nipples between his fingers. It was slow and easy, but it didn't last as long as I wanted. I could understand why men were willing to pay him big bucks. It felt so good, and as we lay on the bed, his head still on my lap, my limp dick against his cheek, rubbing his soft hair with my eyes half-closed, I could only feel a kind of tired, heavy glow all over my body, and didn't want us to move.

I was getting ready to do him, but we heard the hallway door and Robbie went for the shower in their room and I pretended to sleep in mine. I lay on the bed, turned on my side, legs sprawled apart, naked under the starched white sheets, hugging the pillow, and felt my half hard dripping dick and heavy balls hanging from between my legs.

I turned to my side and felt my cockhead touch and bend my dick against the bed and felt loose and relaxed, but ready to come again. I thought about showing it to Leslie again and laughed to myself.

Leslie told Robbie to move his stuff into my room. Robbie only wanted to sleep there sometimes to avoid the smoke. He and got pissed off and told me later that Leslie probably had some plans. I was glad. Leslie gave us "an advance" of a couple of hundred dollars apiece and tickets to a dinner show in the main lounge that night. He said he was going out with some business types that night and that we shouldn't wait up for him.

He looked Robbie in the eye real hard and told me there was a couple of hundred in it for me if I kept Robbie out of trouble. I guessed there'd been some trouble before because Robbie blushed. Leslie had been real generous to both of us even though I wasn't real nice to him and so I said ok. He handed me another couple of bills and Robbie just made a face.

As he gave me the money he said thanks and went into his room to shower. Robbie and I dressed and went to look around, to get something to eat.

I was all excited about being on our own, but they didn't let us gamble. We could walk around the casino. We looked too young, I guess, but didn't hassle. We got the message.

There was even a mall in the place. It was gigantic. We went shopping and I bought a really cool short sleeve shirt, cargo shorts and regular baggy shorts, not too baggy like they didn't hang under my ass or anything. I don't know they just looked cool, just down to the top of my knees; I got some sierra hiking sandals and a package of really cool t-shirts.

We tried on some swimsuits. Robbie wanted me to get some Speedos and I did look good in it, but I bought some regular trunks. Robbie looked great in his. He bought the two Speedos and said one was for me. They were expensive. All in all we spent most of the money we'd gotten from Leslie that morning.

We went swimming in the hotel pool, Robbie in his new Speedos and me in cool new trunks. The towels were supposed to be at the pool, so I wore a t-shirt, but Robbie only had on his Speedos and sandals. At the pool they looked at our room key and gave us towels, and came over where we were sitting, and we ordered drinks and charged them to the room. No brew for me, just a fruit pinch that was real good.

This older guy kept looking at us and tried to get friendly but he got shined on. Robbie started diving on the diving board and I did too. We'd dive, go back to the board and dive again. Some kids, both big and small, boys and girls, started diving and jumping from the board with us, and even though we didn't really talk to each other we were all laughing and having fun. I started throwing a ball for the kids to catch as they jumped in. Shit like that.

But the lifeguard came over and said some people wanted to swim so we had to stop. The kids got out of the pool and this old lady got in, with a blue tube around her waist, under her flat tits, hugging the side of the pool. That was all. What a bitch.

We left. The elevator had people in it going up to their rooms. Robbie stood right next to the door in just his Speedos. I leaned against the back and watched people as they gave him the eye. He pretended nothing was going on, but one older white lady really gave him the evil eye, and told him, almost wagging her finger at him when she got off,

"Young man, you shouldn't be walking around naked like that when there's small children around." She "hrrump'd." Robbie just shined it on, smiling at the rest of us. He really got off on people checking him out.

A young white woman getting off on the next floor stood beside Robbie as the elevator door opened.

"If you got it, flaunt it," she said, and pinched Robbie's ass as she left.

I'd had a "no nonsense" (that's what she called herself) blond teacher like that in Middle School. Good looking - just said what she felt. All the guys thought she was hot.

We tried on our new threads back in the room. Robbie wanted me to do him, said it was my turn. But I didn't feel like it and promised to do him good after the Show. He got a little pissed but I shined it on. I watched a ball game on TV while Robbie admired himself in his new threads.

We got to the show kind of early, but the band was playing. They put us off to the side real close to the front, all by ourselves. We had a salad, rib steak, mashed potatoes and string beans, and a good cheese cake dessert. I liked it but Robbie didn't. He only ate about half his food and I ate the rest of his and all of mine. It was good.

The famous lady singer sang at the end, after the comedians and a not so famous singer. We could only see half of from where we were sitting, but what we could see we saw real close. They had some hot ass women dancers. The men dancers were good too.

As the show went on their outfits got skimpier and skimpier until they were all practically naked except for a little bras and a balloon or little g-string or a feather or something, wearing these long robes that would open and show it all. They were long and slender with great legs, and carry something over their heads as they walked around so their tits would be real high and their waists real small.

The men dancers wore little bikinis or tight briefs pants under their robes and danced around the ladies, flexing their pecs and asses. Some were better than others but they were all hot, and as the dance went on some of them, both men and women, lost their robes.

About halfway through the dancing, a long line of male dancers was walking around the stage just in front of us and Robbie grabbed my arm, and whispered,

"Remember the black guy I told you about, on the track team? That's him. That's Lorenzo!"

I looked at this black guy, looking blacker because of the white chick he was holding up over his head. But he wasn't "black as night" like Robbie had said. He was just brown, darker than Leslie But not all that dark. He had these beautiful long, well defined arms, a long body, wide at the shoulders, deep chest and really nice pecs. His waist got really narrow as he lifted the girl up in the air. He had the square thick thighs and big round hamstrings of a sprinter that flared out from his hips down to his knees. And from his knees, his calves flared out and tapered down to his ankles.

He was nice to look at - good dancer too, good moves.

As I looked him over he saw Robbie and stumbled a little, and flashed the whitest smile I had ever seen. He and Robbie kept smiling at each other the rest of the show, and I wondered if people could tell that Lorenzo had a hard on under that Tarzan flap as he danced around. I could. But we were sitting close to the stage so I could see under his white Tarzan flap sometimes. His bikini under the flap got so tight his dick seemed to curl up under his balls and between his legs. It looked like his dickhead might be rubbing against his asshole. The girls in the show got a kick out of rubbing up against him. At the end of the dance, a little white chick stood on his back holding her arms up as he lay face down on the floor and the curtains closed.

After the show this usher came up to us as we were leaving and gave us this note with a phone number and a message,

"Call in half an hour".

We went up to the room and Robbie couldn't sit down while we waited for the half hour to end. We both took a shower. Robbie finally called the number. It was the dressing room. After a lot of yelling, "How the hell are you," and, "big surprise," and shit, he gave Lorenzo the room number.

He told Lorenzo he was "here with a close friend." I guessed he meant Leslie. And after a while Lorenzo comes up and walks in the room, looking a little shorter and a little smaller but in the same proportions as the show. Up close he was really tight, looking cut and buff. He had a pretty blond white dude with him named Terry, who started looking me over the minute they came in. I guess he liked me and relaxed, as we both watched and listened to Lorenzo and Robbie hug and kiss and ask each other over and over how you doing.

Lorenzo asked Robbie what he was doing in Las Vegas. Robbie told him we'd come with a friend. Lo looked at me and Robbie said

"No, the friend's really a john, and he's out. I don't know his schedule. Pointing to me with his thumb, he said, "But he's the close friend."

Lorenzo suggested we go to his place so we left. He led us down the long hotel corridor, away from the guest elevators to the service elevator at the opposite end. As we were going down Terry kept looking at me, and Lorenzo said,

"He's wondering if you're gay. You look like a Chicano brother just off the corner looking to rumble."

Robbie laughed uncomfortably, and I just looked at Lorenzo. I didn't know the dude, and I didn't know what to say. I looked at Robbie and the look on his face told me I was expected to answer.

"Hey, look man," said Lorenzo. "I know a dude with some fine young pussy who owes me a favor. He'd lend us some fine young thing if you want. He's got a lot of 12 year old virgins," and he laughed.

I still didn't know what to say and Robbie said

"Like I told you man, he's with me."

Lorenzo put his arm around Robbie's waist, and said,

" long as he knows the program".

The pretty blond guy just looked at me with big soft eyes and I looked at the flashing numbers on top of the elevator door. I didn't know what to do yet. Robbie looked at me and I just nodded and he nodded back.

Robbie asked Lorenzo how he got to Las Vegas.

"Last time I saw you, you were going to a summer track camp, then off to SC."

Lo said, "Yeah. A brother took me to a dance club and saw me dancing. He told me about this gig, just for the summer, so I came out with him when classes ended - almost busted out of SC though. My grades sucked first term. A Sociology TA I made friends with helped me out a lot, so I'm still a Trojan. A football coach said I might be a really good receiver or defensive back so I'm going out for football too. I'm doing ok on the track team. Grades are tough but I'm keeping my track scholarship for next term." He said it happy, like glad and kind of proud.

"I got to learn to speak and write English. Hood jive just don't cut it. Terry here's teaching me white talk this summer, and I'm getting better at it already. He's teaching me how to write too - goes to Yale."

"How 'bout you?" Lorenzo asked. "I saw your underwear ad" He grabbed Robbie's ass and said, "I'd know that ass anywhere."

Robbie laughed but didn't blink.

"Yeah," he said. "A friend of mine in Hollywood introduced me to a photographer from New York. He got me that gig. It's still running, mostly in department stores in Europe and Asia. I get some royalties but it doesn't pay the rent.

"I got an agent after that. I don't own me anymore. This guy can tell me what to do and what not to do - gets me gigs though. He's lining up a spread on Playgirl for me. But I got to make do in the meantime. There's the Christmas catalog and ads this September - should be good."

I didn't know about all this, him being a model and all, but it wasn't time to ask.

Lorenzo got us out of the hotel real fast. He seemed to know all the security guards. They all nodded or said hello to him. He pointed out the stage door to Robbie on the way out.

We walked to the employee parking lot across from the back of the Hotel. There were a lot of trucks pulling in and out of the place, beer trucks, whisky trucks, produce, and all kind of shit... It was late but there were a lot of people around.

It had cooled off but it was still kind of hot, maybe around 80. Terry unbuttoned his blue Hawaiian shirt. He had rings pierced in his pink nipples - gold rings on his hairless chest - another white dude with a little kid's body. It was ok though - good ass and legs. I could fuck him, I thought.

I'd seen a dude in Hollywood with rings like that and a handkerchief in his back pocket, like this guy, and Robbie had told me that those dudes like pain. He had told me about a John he had. Robbie said he liked to get fucked doggie style, Robbie pulling on the chains attached to the rings on his nipples, tugging on them as he fuck him, like riding on a horse.

It'll be ok, I thought, might be fun.

We got into Terry's Volkswagen van. Robbie and Lorenzo went for the back seat and I sat in the front with Terry. It was an old van - the long front seat was up against the windshield. The seats were from the 80's - no console, just one long front seat. I said that I didn't know there were any left still running, and Terry said he'd bought it 'cause he thought it was cool.

"And I can fix it," he said. I like fixing old cars."

It made all the Volkswagen van clunky noises and rattles. I rode with one arm in the open window and the other on the back of the front seat, expecting some conversation with Robbie and Lo in the back seat.

But the minute the car took off Lorenzo and Robbie started necking - sloppy, big, open mouth smacking kisses. You could hear them. The back seat was far back, past the sliding side door, and I could see it all. Lorenzo already had Robbie's dick in his hand and I couldn't figure out how he's done it so fast or even just how he'd gotten that long hard thing out of Robbie's new tight pants. I watched them neck for a while, Lorenzo stroking the underside of Robbie's long dick with the palm of his hand, gently, rubbing it against Robbie's stomach as they held these long passionate kisses. Robbie had his hand on Lorenzo's crotch, squeezing the lump under the pants.

I took off my t-shirt and let the warm air hit my body.

Terry asked if he could "touch."

I didn't answer and he reached over to feel my chest and shoulder, and pinched my nipple. I let him but not too long, and I put his hand on my crouch, and after he'd given me a hard on and outlined my dick on my thigh through my shorts I threw his hand back at him by the wrist. But he looked happy after that and smiled when he looked at my body and at my dick out of the corner of his big blue eyes.

We rode like that for a while and I asked Terry if he was a dancer too. He said no, that he was too puny, and that he worked in the money room counting money. He said he got along with the dancers, at least most of them, nodding his head toward the back seat.

"I enjoy working wardrobe and make-up when things aren't all that busy and I'm on time off my regular job.

Lorenzo got into it and said that Terry was the best makeup man in Vegas.

Terry said to straighten up and Lorenzo did, leaving Robbie's stiff dick out his pants.

"Man, that thing even longer", said Lorenzo, "We should just tie a flag to it for the Fourth of July."

"I'd salute", said Terry, who'd fixed the rear view mirror so he could see them make out, and they all laughed. He turned on the radio to a station he said only played Sinatra.

We were definitely in a black neighborhood. It looked like my neighborhood when people sit outside their houses at night after a hot day. As we stopped for a light two old black guys crossed the street, and one looked at me and then Terry and said so we could hear,

"Man, Chicano dude gonna get his nut tonight." He and his buddy laughed as they walked right in front of the van. What the hell, what about my nuts?

Terry laughed too and waved at them. I didn't know what the fuck they were talking about but didn't say anything. We finally got to a place where there were no houses but mobile homes and trailers. The lots were nothing but sand and gravel and a few bushes and trees. We pulled up to this trailer next to a tree and Lorenzo said'

"Welcome to my funky abode. I be moving though, kinda too funky,"

As we got out of the car, Robbie didn't bother to put his dick back in his pants until he was out the van. It was dark and the nearest trailer lights weren't all that close.

"Be cool", said Lorenzo, "sound travels pretty far in the desert. Wait 'til we be inside".

Lorenzo opened the door trailer door and we got a blast of hot air. He told us to wait outside watching the lights go on, the roof vent closing, and the heard the air conditioner.

Lorenzo switched to some low lights. I looked around and sat down on the couch that ran around the small front room. Lo went into the kitchen part and took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. I asked if he had some beer and he laughed and said he hadn't had any real macho types in his trailer in a long time, maybe never. But there was a six in the fridge, and I cracked one and sat down.

Lorenzo got a handful of rubbers and put them on the counter. He told me not to forget using one.

"Oral's ok," he said, "but no fucking without rubbers. That a rule." He turned to me and said, "Ok?" I looked down and said "Yeah."

Lo sat down next to Robbie all excited and kissed his shoulder and cheek and said, "I'm gonna get sexy for you" and got up and went to the back of the trailer. Terry put down a small black bag he'd brought in, and as Lorenzo ran into the bedroom at the other end of the trailer and slammed the door, Terry took his bag into the bathroom behind the kitchen and next to the bedroom and also closed the door.

Robbie looked at me and said, "Remember, don't pinch or twist anything too hard and don't break the skin... It's easy to get into it and really hurt these guys... Ok?"

I said "yeah" but he thought about it and went on. "He'll have a way of letting you know when he wants you to stop. Listen for it... It's probably something like 'please master' or 'no more, master'".

I got king of bugged. I guzzled my beer and got up and went to the refrigerator to crack another one. What the fuck was he telling me? I could handle myself. If the dude came on too strong I'll just deck him, fuck it.

A drawer by the refrigerator was half way open and saw a big plastic bag full of pills. I left the bag in the drawer so Robbie wouldn't see and got a couple of reds and dropped them with my new cold beer. I hadn't had reds before. I'd seen Chale drop a few but I wasn't into it. Robbie wanted some more wine and I poured it for him, and Lorenzo came out of his bedroom.

He had on a kind of mini skirt made up of little pieces of mirrors or shiny small metal plates, hanging in strips from his narrow waist. The overhead light wasn't all that bright and it was hard to see his body. He had oiled it up. The oil glistened off his shoulders and thighs in the dark light as he came into the room. He did have a lean muscular body, deep chest and shoulders and well defined muscular arms. He must have had a hard on 'cause I could barely see the outline of his balls.

I couldn't believe it. During the show and leaving the hotel he was all macho. Now he was acting like a big muscular fairy. If he didn't move around like two little birds fighting he'd look tough and baad even in that skirt.

Robbie and I were sitting across from each other on the legs of the U shaped couch and Lorenzo stood between us and with his hands on his hips, twirled in front of us and giggled. "Isn't it beautiful?

"What does it remind you of - only one guess?" Robbie and I just looked at each other and stared at Lorenzo's fidgety dance.

"'La Cage aux Folles,' the black maid?"

"It looks terrific," said Robbie with a wide smile, looking at Lorenzo's twirling waist and up at his face. Lorenzo looked at me as I was looking at his chest, looking at his dark nipples on his brown chest, on his flat plates of muscle. He had a fine, fine bod.

I said, "yeah, looks real fine." It was really too gay for me - but what the fuck.

"It was for the part I auditioned for... But I guess I wasn't cut out for it, not fey enough," he said. He stopped for a moment and looked at us, and said,

"You need some refreshments," hissing his esses." He laughed.

"You're so silly camping," Terry said, smiling too.

I was already into my second beer, and the reds I had dropped were beginning to work, but I kept my mouth shut as he handed us a couple of purple caps.

Handing a glass of wine to Robbie, he said that the caps were "ecstasy", good for sex or anything that mattered. I popped mine, guzzling the last of my beer and got up and cracked the third. Lorenzo put on some Sinatra music and turned on a track light in the ceiling, reaching up with his long black arms to do it, swaying his ass to the slow sexy beat of the music.

He had a body that couldn't quit. I noticed that there were a couple of hooks attached to the ceiling that he hung to as he danced this slow, sexy dance for Robbie on his tip toes. I asked him what they were for.

Without taking his eyes off of Robbie, swaying and moving his fine round ass in my face, he said that the trailer came from a long line of dancers and that it had been fixed up like that when he'd rented it.

"Some guys, like your pretty friend here, like to be hung from the ceiling when they make love," he said. He and Robbie laughed, and Lorenzo grabbed a hook with both hands and swung his ass around to the music.

I was beginning to get dizzy and lay back on the sofa. The place started to look and feel weird, like I wasn't really there. I watched as Robbie, like in a dream, stand up and watching Lorenzo's dance, looking at him right in the eyes as he took off his clothes, stripping his t- shirt and stepping out of his pants naked, his dick half hard and floppy, and dance with his arms around Lorenzo.

Lorenzo took off the mini-skirt, the glass reflecting the lights, and threw it on Robbie's clothes, and he slowly put his arms around Robbie's neck. Laying his head on the crook of Robbie's neck and shoulders, he softly kissed Robbie's neck and cheek, rubbing Robbie's arms and upper back with his hands, rubbing against Robbie's neck and cheek with that nappy head.

They danced real tight and slow against each other. The last thing I remember was Robbie's white arms around Lorenzo's black waist, blacker in that soft light, his hands stroking Lorenzo's back and ass, his fingers pressing into the long crack in that high black man's ass, moving slowly to the music, tight against Lorenzo, their mouths pressed together, sucking each other's tongue.

I got really dizzy and sat back, and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. I dreamt I was in a dark room, that my clothes were stripped from my body, and as I got used to the dark, I was raised an all fours by hands I couldn't see, so that all that I could see was the dicks of the men all around me, pulling me by the hair and shoving their dicks in my mouth. I had a dick up my ass, and as it came the man stepped back and another rammed his dick up my ass. Out of the corner of my eye, as I tried to breathe past the thick dick in my mouth, I noticed that all the men were white, and that all had thick, uncut tools. They stroked and felt their dicks as they watched me suck them off, pushing against me, slapping the back of my head and my back with hard cocks as I sucked the dick in my mouth.

And then I noticed Robbie in a corner, curled up, his arms around his knees, barely breathing, covered with blood.

I tried to stop to go over to Robbie to see how he was but they wouldn't let me stop sucking them off. As another one pulled out and creamed on my face, the next one blocked off my view of Robbie. I felt my own dick between my legs growing, and I looked down and saw the skinny blond kid that I had found in the mountains, on all fours, his head between the legs of the guy I was sucking, my hips tight against his bleeding ass.

He turned to look at me and said, "Please, mister...pleases mister..."

I tried to get off of him but they wouldn't let me and kept pulling my head against their balls, pumping their thick dicks in and out of my mouth. As I tried to lift myself off of the little dude the man fucking me pressed against my own ass, and as I got fucked my dick went in and out of the tight skinny ass underneath me. They took my hands and had me beat off two guys waiting for a blow job on either side of me, and I had to grab their dicks hard just to keep my balance.

And they all kept saying, "That's good, you greaser faggot, that's real good. Suck that dick... suck that dick."

I kept sucking the dicks in my mouth, squeezing and pulling the cocks in my hands, and fucking the little dude underneath me as I got fucked. As the cocks in my hand came, I could feel the come like white glue, sticking to my hands and forearms. And as the dicks that I was blowing came, they came on my face, sticky white glue that just hung on my cheeks and lips drying slowly or dripping slowly, in long white drops off my hands and face.

They kept coming at me, until they picked Robbie off the floor and stood him in front of me, his long lanky dick longer than I knew. They kept sticking it in my mouth limp and I would miss it, or it would miss my mouth and just fall out. I tried to suck it, to make him feel better, but he looked passed out and was limp in their arms.

They took him away, and the next man to step in front of me was black, with a pot belly and a cock that looked like a small roast, a piece of thick meat with no head. The dicks in my hand were black too, and as they moved Robbie around behind me I noticed that they were all black now.

Robbie had a hard on but was still out, and as they pressed his heavy body against me and his dick into my asshole. I could feel his dick inside me, moving through me and into the little white dude I was fucking. As the dude I was sucking came, he pulled out and I looked down at the little dude's face. He looked at me, turning his head sideways and up, and he opened his mouth and Robbie's dickhead came out of it! The thick white globs of come from the thick black dick fell heavily on the back of my head and upper back as I kissed the little white dude and sucked on Robbie's dick, feeling the dickhead with my lips inside his mouth, biting it gently and taking it in my mouth as deep as I could, pressing the boy's mouth against mine.

I could feel my own dick getting bigger inside the little dude, getting big like a balloon. I knew I was going to come and I pressed my lips against his, and worked Robbie's dickhead, still in my mouth, with my tongue.

I tensed up and came. I woke up and saw Terry in the overhead dim lights of Lorenzo's trailer, on his knees, his blond head between my legs leaning over me as I slouched naked on the couch. I didn't remember taking my clothes off. He must have pulled my shorts and shoes off while I was asleep. But there he was, my cock half way in and out his mouth, taking my load in his mouth with his eyes closed, looking pretty and soft, holding my shooting dick inside his mouth with his thumb and three fingers, real dainty for an angry dick.

I lay there for a while, half in, half out of my dream, the soft, warm pressure of Terry's mouth on my cock. It stayed stiff even after I had come, and he kept it in his mouth. I reached down to stroke it myself, feeling the swollen wet head, and Terry licked my balls for a while as I fingered my cock, still in the dream. He ran his tongue down inside my thigh - down my whole leg - to my foot and sucked on my toes! - felt good.

I kept thinking of the dream, still in it, and the little dude that I was fucking as Robbie fucked us both, Robbie's dick in my mouth through his mouth.

I got a flash that the dick that I was jerking off in my hands was Leslie's salami dong, and I got hot again felt my cock get really hard again. I told Terry to suck on my asshole like I'd seen in the porno, and as he slid up to the couch and got his head between my spread out raised legs, I put my legs on his shoulders, working the head of my dick as Terry kissed and licked my asshole.

Terry's nose and tongue worked on my asshole deep, his face tight into my crack. It felt ok - kind of tickled. I remembered the dream, the long drops of come sticky white glue on my upper back, the dicks in my hand and the head of Robbie's dick in my mouth, fucking and kissing the little white dude.

I told Terry to suck my dick. His face came out of my crack and took my dick in his hand, looking up at me smiling, flashing real white even teeth. I guess he was kind of pretty. He took my dick all the way in a few times, deep, in and out, turning his head from side to side, then licking and sucking the dripping cockhead and down on it again.

And I came again.

I sat back and took my dick in my hand and Terry raised his head between my legs and licked my stomach and bellybutton, sucked and licked my nipples, and went back to my cock. I let go of my dick and Terry sucked on it, cleaning it with his tongue, l licking and kissing on the pubic hair, and started licking my balls, pulling on the ball sack skin with his teeth, then a wide red tongue lick all the way back to the head. He looked like he was having fun.

I watched him, still half asleep, still apart, like I was far away, and put my feet on his back again, and he started to lick my hole again. I could feel his tongue inside it and lick all around and over it. Felt good!

I forgot about Terry's tongue and tried to remember the fading dream. I realized that the room I had been in was a jail cell. I also remembered that when they had brought Robbie over to me he didn't have any blood on him, and that when he had started to fuck me he had straightened up and had grabbed my hips to get his dick in deeper.

That pissed me off and I got up from the couch, surprising Terry, sitting on his ankles as I got up. I stood there for a minute, like a drunk not knowing where he was going, and went to the refrigerator to get something to drink. My mouth felt like cotton.

I took a half full bottle of wine and took a couple of long drinks from it, found a couple of unlit joints in an ashtray and lit one off the stove. I leaned against the counter and looked over to Terry, sitting on the couch in the indirect light his hand between his legs beating off, looking at me like he loved me.

I went to the bathroom, and as I was taking a leak, looked at myself in the mirror over the sink. I looked kind of crazy, my eyes all red and lit up like a crazy man's. My heart was pumping fast. I was wired, jumpy, nervous.

I looked at myself naked in the mirror taking drinks from the bottle in my hand. I looked like somebody else. My dick looked small in the mirror compared to the dicks in my dream.

I sat on the toilet not thinking of anything, or thinking of too many things all at once, smoking the joint and drinking the wine.

I heard voices, Lorenzo's and Robbie's, talking and laughing through the wall. I listened to try to hear what they were saying, but I could only hear them talk. I guess they were done fucking, at least for a while.

I listened to the sound of their voices, sounding friendly and warm, like when me and Chale and the guys would sit around and bullshit till the sun came out, not talking of anything that was important, just talking and laughing with my friends.

I calmed down a little and got up to go see what was happening. I stood in the doorway of the bedroom; the low light from the ceiling too bright now, almost hurting my eyes. As I got used to the light they noticed me and Lorenzo started kidding me about falling asleep. They were both naked on the bed, Robbie stretched out, his ankles crossed, his head propped up on a pillow, Lorenzo sitting on the edge of the bed, his hips touching Robbie's, his thick upturned hard dick up against his stomach. Both drinking wine, like sex was the farthest thing from their minds, even though they were both naked and hard. It seemed real natural, like being naked was another way to relax. I was naked too. I had a hard on too.

Robbie asked me for a toke from the joint I still had going and as I reached in to hand it to Lorenzo, and then him to Robbie I noticed that both walls on either side of the bed were tiled with mirrors, and that the ceiling was one big mirror too. There was a mirror tiled over the bed on the wall at the head of the bed, and another over the dresser alongside the door at the foot of the bed.

Robbie noticed. "It's a trip, huh? It's fun"

I said yeah, and stared as Lorenzo got up to sit cross legged on the bed next to Robbie, making room for me where he had been sitting. He had a hard on but Robbie didn't notice or didn't want to notice and only toked the joint. I looked at Robbie and his hard on. As Lorenzo stood up he looked at himself in the mirror, and watched himself move as he stood on the bed and sat down. Robbie watched him too, and as Lorenzo sat, he looked at the ceiling and felt the tip of his dick on his thigh with his fingers.

My coming in had broken up their conversation and I could feel the sex in that room, the same feelings that Robbie gave me, the same feelings that Lorenzo had given off when he had been dancing. I felt a tingle on my dickhead too, and saw that Lorenzo and Robbie were cruising me, looking at my body like I was looking at theirs. Lorenzo laughed, and reaching over to stroke the underside of Robbie's dick with the palm of his hand, gently sliding his fingers along the sides of the shaft, asked Robbie,

"Where you pick this hot ass young Chicano stud up, man?"

Robbie laughed and looked at me and said, "don't get all excited man, he says that to all the boys".

I had puffed up my chest a little when Lorenzo'd said that, and I laughed and told Robbie that he seemed to like it, and stroked my dick. I said it kind of tough, not the way I meant it, and they both just looked at me and the sexy feelings, the pressure I had started to feel on the head of my cock started to go away. I got red and shifted on my feet and said I was sorry I'd broken up their conversation, but the words came out all fucked up and sounded like mumbling.

Lorenzo laughed softly and smiled his wide, white smile and said, "Hey, man, we just friends here. You say and do what you like. I do." and he and Robbie laughed again. "

I laughed too, and Lorenzo said,

Looking at Robbie, Lorenzo said, "let's put on a show for this hot Chicano bro."

I heard a noise, turned into the living room, where Terry was leaning over his little black bag, putting on some leather straps around his boy's naked body.

I looked back into the bedroom and saw Lorenzo lean over and take Robbie's dick into his mouth, his lats along his back beautifully defined as he stretched out, his shoulders and arms round and muscular. He had a natural build, no weights, a deep chest and a stomach that bent into his waist when he sat or bent over. Robbie, looking up at the ceiling, reached over and pulled Lorenzo down next to him and kissed him, and Lorenzo stretched out next to Robbie, pressing their hard dicks together as they kind of rolled around, their arms around each other, pressing their mouths and bodies together and curling their legs around each other's legs.

I could see the broad black head of Lorenzo's hard dick come up from between their stomachs, thick and broad, a full black dickhead, the pressure of their bodies crushing it, making it leak, and watched their ass muscles tense and soften as they squirmed and pressed against each other. I watched them kiss long kisses, draw apart to feel each other's dicks and their own, kiss each other and press and squirm against each other again and again.

They knew I was watching and kept on going. Robbie reached over and got a rubber as Lo sucked his dick. When he'd bitten it open he got up on his knees and took it and pinched the rubber head as he rolled it down his hard boner about half way. He spit on his hand and smeared it on his cock. Lorenzo lifted his legs letting Robbie get his long dick up past his balls and into his asshole. With Lorenzo's legs up in the air, Robbie slowly sank his long dick into the black asshole. He started to fuck him a slow long fuck, leaning down to Lorenzo to kiss as he fucked and the kissing went on. I could see Robbie's long dick go in and out of Lorenzo's asshole as they both moaned and kissed.

Lorenzo wrapped his long legs around Robbie's waist. He reached out his long arms and put his long thick fingers up Robbie's ass, reaching Robbie's asshole and gripping the broad, tire- like cheeks of his tense ass, pulled Robbie in deeper inside him. They rolled over, and Lorenzo sat facing Robbie, stuck on that long white pole. Lo watched himself go up and down in the mirrors, holding himself up on one hand, going up and down on Robbie's dick, feeling his chest and ripped abs with the other. He stroked his dick and rubbed on Robbie's stomach as he got fucked, making little wet circles on Robbie's flexed abs.

They turned over again, Robbie pulled out and Lorenzo put on a condom and had his dick up Robbie's ass real quick. Robbie's legs were over Lorenzo's shoulders, his hands gripping Lorenzo's sides, reaching for Lorenzo's ass. He took the thick upturned dick in and out, up his ass. They didn't talk but it seemed like they had done this so many times that they knew where each other's body was, where their dicks and assholes were, and they didn't need to talk.

Robbie looked at the mirror. He peeled off the rubber still on his dick, sitting on Lorenzo's dick, feeling his nipples and stomach and rubbing his dick on Lorenzo's flexing abdominals.

They weren't putting on a show for me. They were putting on a show for themselves.

As Lorenzo fucked him, Robbie, holding himself steady on the bed with his hands, went up and down as Lo went in and out. A couple of times his head went back and he lifted his ass off Lo's hips, oohiing and ahhing. It looked like he was going to come. But after a while of" oh" and "ah" Robbie reached over and took a washcloth from a white plastic bowl on the nightstand and cleaned his dick with it. He hadn't come but sat up from Lorenzo, up from the black shiny upturned dickhead and lay back next to Lo. He peeled off Lo's rubber and cleaned the thick, hard tool off with the washcloth. Then Robbie knelt up into Lo's face. As Lorenzo gripped Robbie's long stiff tool with one hand and sucked on it, he took the washcloth and wiped his own dick with it, wrapping it around his dick, stroking it slowly as he worked Robbie's dick, turning his head from side to side, pulling out and licking the head.

They lay next to each other and rolled around together again. They 69'nd, Robbie lying flat on his back, stretched out in front of me, his spread long legs over the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor. Lorenzo straddled Robbie's body on all fours sucking and stroking Robbie's tool. Robbie reached to grab Lorenzo's ass with his hands, pulled himself up, licking the thick cock up against Lo's stomach, and putting it in his mouth with his tongue, He took the stiff, broad tool almost all the way to the small patch of tight kinky pubes.

Lorenzo pulled his leg back to let me get a better view of his thick dick down Robbie's throat deep sucking him, as he looked at himself and Robbie in the mirrors, stroking Robbie's long dick in long, tight, slow strokes. Then he went back to the hard wet pole in his hand to the round wet dickhead with one long broad thick tongue.

They danced the 69', sucking and stroking, licking balls, with Lorenzo's leg stretched back giving me a view - of Robbie licking Lorenzo's balls, the ebony tool rubbing on his cheeks and chin, then sliding into his mouth - of Lorenzo licking the now almost purple-red head, squeezing it tightly in his fist, and licking the slime up with his broad red tongue, then taking it deep again.

I tripped out on their bodies, the definition on their flat lower backs and tapering sides, the way their chests, lats and abdominals would flex and show their definition, their shoulders and upper arms expanding into large round balls, but mostly the flatness and definition of their abdominals. The both had thin waists; their stomachs were flat. And when they flared their chests breathing deep, a long deep slope went from their rib cages down to their pubes.

Lorenzo's stomach was muscular, and when he flexed, his abdominals would bow out a little into a rectangle of expanded, square, rippling muscles, while Robbie would show his finer definition in a perfect oval under his ribcage, without much expansion, but in finer, smaller ,flat definition.

I watched them 69, watching like it was a graceful dance with two beautiful dancers, two beautiful bodies, until they came, together, Lorenzo taking it in his mouth, his thick lips wrapped around the long shaft almost to the pubes while Robbie moaned, then slowly pulling back and letting the long shiny dick come out his mouth, stroking the hard tool and watching it ooze and drip, gripping it, playing with the white come on the dickhead and shaft with his tongue. Robbie licked and mouthed Lo's balls, working his mouth up the underside of the hard, wet tool flat against Lo's stomach, and when his mouth reached the head, it came, half in Robbie's mouth, some shooting in his mouth, the rest on his cheek, dripping on his chin and chest. Robbie turned his head and took the shooting black head deep into this mouth.

I got a strong smell of sucked dick, and fucked asshole -and come.

I heard a breath next to me saying, "beautiful... beautiful", and noticed Terry behind me, his chest all strapped up, a big leather belt tight around his hips with rings and stuff all around it, and a little pouch under the belt for his dick and balls.

They both looked up from the bed and smiled the same broad proud smile, and I couldn't understand why they did that. Terry clapped and it pissed me off and I pushed his face back into the small, dark kitchen hallway where he landed with a thud on his ass.

One of them said, "Go to it, tiger."

I went to where Terry was lying propped up on one elbow. Kneeling on one knee, I pulled his face against my dick.

As Terry sucked hard and stroked my dick, squeezing the base, trying to make it harder.

It didn't feel all that good and I was still horny. I dragged him by the leather collar he was wearing to the living room. I dumped him on the floor under the lights and I saw that he had two gold chains attached to the rings in his nipples, and standing over him I pulled on them lifting his nipples high off his chest. I stood him up and hooked the two leather wrist bands he was wearing together. I lifted him up and hooked him to the ceiling.

I was still dizzy and confused. I'd seen this mop in the bathroom and got it, and sat on the sofa. I started to fuck Terry with the long handle. He got closer and bent over as much as he could to get it in his ass-hole, and it looked like he was doing a dance. I finally got a couple of mop handle inches inside him and he squirmed against it.

He was pissing me off again. I shoved the broomstick up as far as it would go and got up and tugged on the chains pulling the rings on his nipples. He groaned and said, "Please, Master. Please master, do the tit clamps."

"Tit clamps? What the fuck are those? I want one chain from each nipple. I want to pull on them while I fuck you good."

I looked into the black leather bag and saw chains of different lengths, leather thongs, rubber dicks of different sizes made out of rubber, and some little clamps, for his nipples I guess. I picked one up and closed it around the end of my finger. It hurt. Then I saw a piece of leather that turned out to be a hood that fit over someone's head.

As he looked up at me, fear on his face, one gold chain falling from each of his small round pink nipples, I crammed his head into the hood and stuck the Velcro straps in the back together. It had no eyeholes, only a closed zipper over the mouth. I was all speeded up and felt pissed off only I didn't know why. I really didn't care. After I did the Velcro straps on the back of his head I got a couple of pointed little tit clamps and put them on the ends of his nipples. He turned his head on the first one and really moaned but he didn't flinch on the second one.

"I hope it really hurts" I whispered, and pulled on the chains. "Take it like a man."

I got behind him and took the broomstick out his ass. I tried to fuck him but my dick was all tight and small. Pulling on the straps crisscrossed across his chest or down on the little gold chains was no help. He liked it too much, whimpering and twisting around.

I got into the black bag and started shoving these rubber dicks up his ass, dipping the black rubber heads into a jar of grease from the bag. I began to feel and stroke my dick with the grease. I felt his hard streaming dick and greased it up with my fist tight.

I stroked his dick and mine for a while, looking at his dick slide in and out of my fist. I knelt in front of him and sucked on the greasy leaky head. I had only sucked Robbie's dick before but this felt just as smooth, just like the Robbie's velvet in my mouth - only it was thinner, I licked the head tasting his slime and went down on it. After a little while I could get it down my throat real easy. As I pressed my face to his pubes I could hear him moan under the hood.

I thought he was coming and it pissed me off even more. I got up off my knees and worked the largest rubber dick, about a foot long, real thick with ridges on the shaft, up his ass. I felt his dick and it was still dripping hard. And the noise under the black hood got louder.

I stroked his cut dick. I was definitely thicker, but his was a good handful. I pressed my chest against his side and got off on stroking his dick and mine at the same time. It felt good having a hard dick in each hand. His body started swaying. It sounded like he was shouting something,

"Please... Please..." and something about breathe, and he goes, "oh, oh, oh."

The noise under the hood got louder, but then it stopped. And then he came, and I felt my hand and fingers get wet with his warm come.

I milked his dick getting some come on my hand. I thought I should have sucked him off, and it pissed me off. I tasted it off the back of my hand, licking a thick line of it, making a good white glob of it on my tongue. It was as good as Robbie's, maybe better, all salty sweet and creamy.

My dick was finally hard and I got right behind him. I ran my hands down his sides and pulled his hips back to fuck him. I couldn't reach his hole real good, maybe just the head. He was too high on the hooks. I wanted to shove my dick deep up his hole. I fucked the dead weight white Terry ass standing up, slapping his ass.

I told the ear under the hood to get tight, but he just hung there like dead weight. I was getting more pissed off and hotter, pulling down on his thin shoulders, pulling on the straps and chains on his chest, trying to ram all my dick up his ass, pulling his hips against me hard. I felt Terry's dick and it was soft, like his soft balls.

"You fucked up whore," I said, really pissed off now. I pulled out, flipped him around and gave him a couple of hard body punches. He was as dead weight as a body bag, a skinny all strapped up ribs body bag.

I guess Lorenzo and Robbie heard the "OOF" and were in the room real fast. Lo lifted Terry off the hooks and laid him on the floor.

Lo unzipped the zipper over Terry's mouth but he just lay there. Lo squeezed his cheeks and Terry let out a big "gasp!" his mouth wide open, breathing deep and hard, gasping and panting. He was getting his breath back. I guess he had a hard time breathing under the leather hood.

He still hadn't opened his eyes and Lorenzo got a real worried look on his face and slapped Terry these little slaps like to wake him up. Finally he put ice in a dishrag and rubbed it on Terry's face and body.

When he started coming to, he whimpered, "Oh fuck me, fuck me fuck me again, please, again..."

Lorenzo laughed and got a rubber from the kitchen counter and put it on.

"Oh yes," Terry said, opening his eyes, stroking his dick with both white bony hands still tied together.

Lo went down to suck on Terry's dick as Robbie rubbed his long hardon along Terry's open mouth. I just sat on the couch, emptying the wine bottle and smoking an unfinished joint from the ashtray, not saying anything, just watching.

Lo was hunkered down between Terry's legs sucking him off and Robbie, his knees spread wide, running his long dick across Terry's open mouth. It was hot! Then Lo got next to Terry's head, across from Robbie, taking turns with Terry's mouth, turning his head from side to side as he lay on the floor stroking his own dick with both hands, each dick taking turns in his mouth.

Lo put a cushion under Terry's head and another under his ass. He really moaned when Lo lifted his ass on it to fuck him. He still had his hands tied together and tried to feel his ribs, moaning loud after hitting a soft spot on his ribs. But he kept it up, feeling pain and taking Lo's thick black dick up his ass and another long white one in his mouth.

"This is really beginning to hurt," he said, turning his head side to side. But he kept fucking the dick up his ass, sucking the dick now deep in his mouth and stroking his own dick, whimpering to Lo to fuck him good. I knew it hurt bad. I'd taken some hard body shots where the pain really didn't start until later.

Terry arched his back and let out a yell, a big, "oooh, oooh," and plopped back to the floor.

On his knees, Lorenzo fucked Terry with slow strokes, his hands lifting Terry's bent knees. I really got off on Lo's body, watching him fuck Terry, his narrow hips and 6 pack abs moving back and forth, back and forth, watching Lo's dick do the in and out. Lo finally pulled out and stroked his dick when he was coming. He bent over Terry and stuck his dick into Terry's mouth. They both came together, Terry two hands stroking his own shooting dick with Lo's wide black cock shooting in his mouth. He tried to reach Robbie's long pole after he came but couldn't reach it with his hands tied together. It looked like it hurt too, when he tried to reach out. Terry mouthed Lorenzo's dick, licking the little come left on it off, looking at Robbie's long, hard pole sideways, licking and sucking on Lo, swallowing Lo's come.

Terry finally looked up at Lo and said weakly, Lo's stiff dick covering his mouth,

"Thank you. That was great."

Lorenzo smiled and rubbed Terry's blond head, and sat down next to him on the floor. Robbie sat on the floor against the couch, cock still hard, like me. Terry got up all stiff. He had trouble getting up and had to get on all fours first. We watched Lo help him up. Terry stood up like he as confused or dizzy. He rubbed his come on his stomach but real careful, like it hurt.

He got some clean glasses from the shelf and served us the last of the wine and said, "Excuse me. " He slowly went into the bedroom and lay down.

Lo went over to the kitchen and opened the bag full of pills. Robbie scooted up next to me, put his arm around my shoulder and softly rubbed my nipple. I put my hand on his thigh and let it drop down between his legs to play with his soft, round, hairless balls, rolling them around in my hand. I pressed the base of his heavy long cock with the heel of my hand, feeling his balls and his pole got hard again and stood up. I bounced it against my forearm, pulling on his balls.

"You drop the reds?" Lorenzo looked at me.

I said "Yeah."

"You didn't use a rubber either."


Lo just put the pill bag back in the drawer and went over to Terry. We looked at his fine back and ass as he leaned on the doorway and talked to Terry. His body was complete, not like most people whose bodies look like different parts that fit together. His body looked like one big beautifully proportioned muscle, all the same chocolate brown, his legs reaching up to his thighs and into his fine big athlete's ass, his back flaring from his narrow waist to broad, muscled shoulders. The groove of his spine between his smooth, back and shoulder muscles ran like a lighter brown, smooth tape of skin running up from his ass to his neck.

Looking at his backside I thought, "He is fine!" I thought. He looked so natural, so graceful, so together. In his own way he was just as beautiful as Robbie.

He came back over to us, Robbie's balls still in my hand, his dick flapping against my forearm, and said,

"He says better take him to the hospital."

Lo gave me a tall cold bottle of water from the refrigerator and told me to drink it all. I did. It did make me come down and feel better, not so jumpy. We got ourselves and Terry dressed and carried him out to the van. It was a bitch getting him dressed what with the straps and all.

It turns out while I was jerking Terry off he couldn't breathe with the hood zipper closed, and passed out just as he was coming.

"It was wonderful," he said, as we were loading him into the front seat. "Asphyxiation never worked for me before." Maybe he was talking about the rubber dicks I'd shoved up his ass.

Lo dropped us off first. I stepped up to the passenger window and told Lo I was sorry I'd gotten so loaded. I told Terry I was sorry if I'd hurt him and he said,

"Oh, no," he said. "It was wonderful. I've never come like that before. And I'm just now getting into the pain in my ribs - my whole body really. Never had it like this - it's giving me a raging hard on again."

Lo just smiled and shook his head. He laughed, put the old clunker van in gear and rattled away.

Robbie and I went up to our room. The beds were all turned down. Leslie hadn't been there. I took a quick piss and shower and got into bed -and slept.

Next: Chapter 5

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