My Summer Trip

By Richard Ramirez

Published on Aug 25, 2015


My Summer Trip, Chapter 3, Bikers, Boys, Bears and Blacks (c) Richard Ramirez

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Bikers, Boys, Bears and Blacks

I woke up with Robbie in my bed, the sheet off the bed on the floor. I looked down and saw his bare ass as he lay flat on the bed on his stomach between my legs, his biceps flat and round against my thighs, my stiff dick in his fist, his eyes looking up at me while his lips licked and sucked the underside of my full round dickhead. When he saw I was awake he took the head into his mouth and I felt the moist warmness of my dick in his mouth. I shivered a little, and felt my bare chest, naked in the chill of the morning.

His dark brown hair moved up and down, straight down on my dick. I pulled my knees up, my thighs thick alongside his head. He moved his shoulders under my knees and I rubbed the soles of my feet against the sides of his back and ass. He sucked for a while, my dick deep in his mouth, between his teeth and cheek, his lips on the slit, then back down deep. He came up on the bed, my dick still in his mouth and I pressed his soft hair down on my lap with both hands and as he hugged my wide open thighs. I enjoyed the soft, moist, warm feeling of my dick even deeper now in his mouth.

I lay back and enjoyed the sloppy slurping wet warmness of his mouth. After a while he reached over the side of the bed and took the tube I had seen him use on Leslie's dick. This time he took a glob of it on his middle finger and as he closed the tube he looked at me smiling past my stiff tool in his face. I smiled and looked up at the rafters, and he began to suck and mouth my dick again and feel my asshole with his greased up finger.

I was tight and I tried to relax as he felt my asshole running his finger over it, sticking his finger into it and feeling around. With my dick still in his mouth and me with my eyes closed feeling him suck my dick and feeling his finger in my asshole, I concentrating on the feelings he was giving me. He managed to get two, then three fingers into my hole, working slowly and gently around and around, both my asshole with his fingers and my dickhead with his mouth.

I could feel my dick dripping into his mouth, his mouth moving around and around as he swallowed and sucked. As he worked my asshole he turned his body and straddled my head, and I began to bite his dick with my lips and make it wet in my mouth. I really did like that dickhead and kissed it all over. I almost came sucking and biting it as he sucked and licked on mine, and I pushed his head away. He let go of my dick and went down to lick my asshole. I felt his body press against my hard cock as his head went down between my spread legs, fingers again in my asshole. He came up kissed my stomach and thighs and then went back to my drooling, wet, stiff, aching cock.

As I stroked his long dick and played with the head in my mouth, stroking the long straight shaft, biting, pulling his ball sack with my teeth and licking his balls, and one long lick back up to the head. His fingers worked round and into my hole, stretching it, getting it ready for a fuck.

But I hadn't gone to the toilet yet and needed to. I couldn't relax enough.

I pushed him away and sat on the bed and said, "I've got to go to the head".

He said, "Yeah, you should," but he didn't laugh like he always did. As I went down the steps I asked him where Leslie was and he told me he'd gone for a walk.

"He always takes these long walks in the morning," he said. "Wash up real good."

The grease made it an easy quick shit to take, but I sat on the head, still sleepy, not really knowing what was going on.

I went back up the steps after cleaning off deep with a washcloth. Robbie was lying on his back with the head of his dick in his greasy fist, his other fist holding the shaft low, tight against his pubs and balls, as he worked the head with his greasy fist. I stood on the steps watching him, shivering a little in the chilly mountain morning, and felt my hard nipples as I watched his face, serious, his eyes closed, his hand closed tight around the head of his dick, as he arched his back and rubbed his shoulders against the bed, arching his whole body, up on the soles of his feet. He really was beautiful. As I went into the loft he opened his eyes and smiled a weak, half hearted smile and made room for me on the narrow, lower bunk bed.

I lay down beside him and he hugged me real tight, then he turned me around and put his hand between my legs again. I lay on my side, my eyes closed, hugging the pillow against my head and felt his breath and kisses on my back, and the fingers in my ass hole.

He turned me on my back and got between my legs. He held my knees up and I felt him cramming his dick into my tight ass hole. As my stiff dick got soft and dripped a big drop of slime, I felt his pressure inside me, inside my stomach, felt the pain, and I knew he wouldn't stop until he'd fucked me good.

It hurt so I turned on my side, eyes closed, one leg bent at the knee. He got behind me and holding my thigh up he worked the head of his dick around, out and into my ass, slowly, with a steady push. When he was all in he gave me some short, slow strokes, pushing it deeper. When it was all deep inside me, he pulled out and turned me on my back again and pulled me up by my waist. He lay on top of me, and I felt the smooth skin of his back, his chest on mine, his open mouth on mine. As we kissed I felt his cock in my ass and got a chill, and felt it go in and out in slow strokes that got longer, longer and harder.

I felt him push and pull me with his hands on my waist. He slapped my ass a couple of times, hard, the slap sound hollow in that musty loft. I could only feel this dick ramming into my ass, the pressure in my stomach, and the smoothness of his pumping, in and out, in and out.

I stroked my heavy half hard dick and felt him tense up as he came inside me, shoving his dick deep inside with every hard shot that both he and I felt. When he was done he lay on top of me breathing hard, and pulled my legs up and slid his dick in my asshole deep again, moaning in my ear, kissing my cheek and ear lobe, rubbing my nipples and sides with his hands.

As I opened my eyes and turned my head he kissed me, forcing my mouth open, and ran his tongue all over mine and on the roof of my mouth. He pulled his dick out as I lay on my back and he just lay on top of me, his half hard slimy dick on my stomach between us, his mouth on mine. I tried to get his hand on my dick but he wouldn't move, like he was all limp.

He jumped off the bed and said "Leslie's coming!" and ran down the steps leaving me naked, wet and horny on the bed. I had just woken up!

I jumped up fast too, and heard him in the shower. I relaxed and just sat on the edge of the bed not thinking anything at all. Robbie came out of the shower and I heard them talking. So I sat back on the edge of the bed, and leaned back, my head against the wall, my ass barely on the edge. I rubbed my stomach, and held my hand to my nose smelling the goo of come and grease left on my stomach. I felt my ass and got as much of the come as I could on my hand and stroked my dick with it, rubbing Robbie's slime and goo, all mixed up on the head of my still stiff dick. I started to beat off, and heard a noise and saw Leslie watching me beat off, his head and shoulders poking through the trap door.

"I came to wake you up", he said, smiling. "I guess you'll be late for breakfast", he said, with this evil little smile.

I mumbled "fuck you" or something like that, and felt my face getting red.

But I was coming and couldn't hold it. I pressed my thumb against the base of my stiff wet cock holding it, pointing straight up.

"Want some?" I asked, pointing it at him, and shot right at him, twice. I could see the white shots of come shooting across the loft right at him.

I held my dick up and another shot of come shot to the bottom of the top bunk. Another shot came back dripping on my face and chest. The hard red head oozed a white stream of come and I pointed it at him again so he could watch it run down all the way from the drooling, throbbing dickhead slit to my balls.

He watched it all and didn't say a word. He just had this little smirk. When I was done coming he disappeared back down the hatch. I heard him and Robbie laugh, and lost my hard on. I had a mess on me and I could still taste Robbie's morning breath in my mouth.

After psyching myself up I wiped myself off with the dirty t-shirt, put on my cutoffs and a sweatshirt and went downstairs. There was a big spot of come just in front of the trap door near the ladder. I guessed I missed him. But when I got downstairs he was at the sink rubbing something off his shirt at the shoulder with a dishrag. I wish I'd hit him in the face.

I went past them smiling at me, and took a shower. The water was cold but it felt good. I came back out with a towel around me and sat next to Robbie, across from Leslie who was eating the leftover quiche. Robbie and I ate a mess of scrambled eggs, bacon and hotcakes that Robbie had cooked "just for me" while I was in the shower.

Leslie got real serious and told us that he'd seen a biker gang around the dog-leg side of the lake, and it looked like they were planning to be there for awhile. He lit a cig, leaving an already lit one on the ashtray on the table. It stunk. Robbie told him to go outside to smoke.

After breakfast Leslie took us to the top of a hill that overlooked both ends of the lake and there were maybe twelve or fifteen bikes and bikers and their women and children, tents and a couple of fires. Leslie was worried, the smirk he had when he looked at me now gone from his wide eyed face.

He went into town to find out what was going on and to call his publisher, and Robbie went with him to do some laundry and buy some supplies. I didn't feel like going, so I stayed and cleaned up. I also explored the whole cabin.

I read a little of the book Leslie was writing. It was about this black man in the south, who fell in love with a white woman. The woman did a lot of things and said things that Robbie did, but it really did sound like it was a woman. He even had a hot love scene that I imagined him and Robbie in and it fit. I didn't read a whole lot.

I decided to go for a run and took Leslie's binoculars. It was hard running up the mountain trail and I got winded and sweaty. Back up on the hill I spied on the bikers, but most of the bikes were gone now, and all I saw was some women and a couple of kids wading in the lake or laying around their tents.

The sun was hot. There was a tree with one thick branch that grew along the ground. The bark had been peeled off I guess by people who sat on it, in the shade. I made sure there were no ants.

I took my t-shirt off and sat on the tree, and felt the warm breeze cool against my sweaty skin. It felt good so I took my shorts off and lay on the log on my t-shirt and put my rolled up shorts under my head.

I hadn't slept much and kind of dozed off, thinking of that morning, his body and his dick. He'd even gotten prettier. I felt my cock heavy and rubbed it and kind of started to jerk off.

I heard a noise of something in the bushes and looked up. A boy - he looked about 14 or 15 - stepped out from some bushes, and said,


I jumped off the tree and started to put my shorts back on, but I kept stepping on them, and couldn't get my foot through the leg.

He was wearing these tattered old shorts that were too big for him and was barefoot, his t-shirt tucked into the back of this shorts. He had a young boy's upper body, a thin and under developed but well defined chest and stomach. But still, upper body all ribs and shoulder blades. He stood there on sturdy legs and under the baggy shorts, a round boy's ass, watching me trying to put my shorts on.

He asked me what my name was and I told him. He told me his name was Andy.

"You with the bikers?" I asked, still trying to get my shorts on.

He watched me tripping on my shorts and said "Yeah," And then, "Will you take me with you?"

I laughed and said that if he did he'd probably get fucked real good.

He didn't laugh and for a minute I thought he might not know what fucking was, but he said "that's OK, as long as I don't have to do it when I don't want to. I suck real good."

The minute he said "suck" my dick started to get heavy and hard.

I didn't know what to say so I told him "Nah, my roommates are afraid of bikers".

He looked at me, at my bare chest and at my heavy dick and balls, my shorts still in my hands. He dropped his torn up baggy shorts and came toward me naked, his skinny hairless body white as paper where his shorts had been. His soft thin, four or five uncut red carrot inches hung between his legs.

"What the fuck?"

I stood still as he pressed his face against my chest like smelling it, licked up my abs, and kissed and licked my nipples, hugging his skinny little body against me. He was taller than I thought but I still had a couple of inches on him.

He licked my nipple and went down my chest and stuck his tongue in my bellybutton. Then he knelt and licked my dickhead. He held my dick looking up at me smiling this soft blue eyed smile and said I had a pretty dick.

"You have a nice body too" he said, reaching up to rub my stomach and pecs, "real hard muscles and no fat at all."

He went back to smell my dick and lick it and then he took it in his mouth, feeling my ass.

"Fuck," I thought, is the whole world's fucking gay?

He did suck good, really good! My hard cock got harder and looked thick inside his wide open Little red lipped mouth below his thin blue eyed boy's face. He couldn't get it all inside his mouth, but he know how to work on the head, making it warm and moist, sucking it stiff and hard, rubbing it against the inside of his cheek and against his throat, biting it no teeth just enough to make it feel good, squeezing it as he stroked it when he stopped sucking to lick the shaft and balls.

"If I suck you good will you take me with you?" he asked,

"I don't know," I said, "don't stop."

He sucked my dick and gagged a little as he forced it down his throat. He bit it with soft lips, licking then sucking on the slit, his mouth around the end of the head, then taking it deep again, and all the time feeling my ass with both hands, sticking his fingers in the crack, sucking and biting the head, licking the whole dick all over, kissing and licking the slit. He took it down deeper and deeper each time 'til I wanted to come. And like a good cocksucker he knew when I was ready.

I looked down on his smiling blue eyed face, looking up at me, my dick tight in his hand. I saw that he had a hold of his dick too, a thicker red carrot looking up at me through the wrinkled foreskin.

He let go and came up kissing my body, my pubes, my abs, up to my chest to kiss and rub on my nipples, rubbing my cock and balls against his chest and stomach as he came up.

"You have a really nice body. Your dick is fun to suck too," He said, stroking it. Smiling straight to my face he asked, "Do you want to come?"

"Yeah," I said,

And he knelt again and took my dick back in his mouth, deep at first and then in and out, licking my balls and up the shaft to the head, kissing and licking the slit then slowly deep again, pressing his nose on my pubes. He put the thick head half way in his mouth and started licking and slapping the underside with his tongue. I could feel the two round halves under dickhead underside getting slapped by his tongue. I even felt his tongue on the thin ridge of skin between the two halves and that felt good too. I'd never felt that before. He really did suck good.

He was stroking his own carrot dick showing a bright red head. He reminded me of the kid in the porno I saw with Robbie that had turned me on - thin shouldered, looking up and smiling, blue eyes hungry for the hard wet dick next to his face.

He went back on my wet dick, squeezed the base of the shaft making the head red and hard, licking it again, sucking on the slit, then in and out of his mouth. I could feel it rub against the roof and back of mouth. My dick looked thick as it went in and out the thin red ribbon of his lips. He was getting it all down his throat. I closed my eyes and felt my dickhead getting tongue-slapped and sucked, getting ready to shoot into his mouth.

I came. He took the strong shots of come in his mouth then fucked his throat with it as it shot again.

Aahh.... I grabbed his head and froze - it felt so good!

I grabbed the back of his head and pressed against is face, as deep as I could. When I was done shooting, he pulled out, stroking the wet, shiny dick, watching the come ooze out of the dark red head. He stroked the full length of my dick gently and firmly and licked and sucked the come as it oozed out, his little red pointy tongue out his hungry mouth under dick head.

I looked down at him and saw a spot of clear white on the head of his red carrot, the head barely out of the foreskin. Then two or three shots - but they weren't as thick or strong as mine. His own come oozed out of his red dickhead as he stroked it slow, a clear almost white stream down to his hand, making spots in the dry brown dirt. He came too but he didn't stop as he took my load and stroked and swallowed and licked my shooting cock as he came.

"You're good", I said, rubbing his blond dirty hair. "Where you learn to do that?"

He was still hunkered down between my legs, milking my dick, watching for the white drops to come up to the slit and licking them off before they fell to the ground.

"Oh," he said, "Mama's friends." He looked up at me.

"Big John's got a dick a lot thicker than yours and I can't get the whole head in my mouth. But Jimmy's better- He's got a skinny dick and I can suck him real good. He taught me."

He looked up at me a little scared and said "but you've got a real nice dick - and a real nice body, not fat at all."

There was one last drop on the head of my half hard dick that didn't fall, and he wrapped his lips around the dickhead slit and licked it clean.

"Big John likes me to do that", he said, "he don't like come on him".

"And you" I asked him, "you like come on you?"

"I don't mind," he said, "Yours is good ...tastes like carob."

We pulled up our shorts. I thought of how Robbie was fucked by Indio and his stories and some of the other stories I heard from Robbie's friends on the street and I wondered how much of that shit went on with kids - lots, looks like.

As the kid put his shorts on I saw blood between his legs below his asshole and I stopped him and bent him over to look. He got really scared and said,

"No! Please don't... It hurts too much."

I looked anyway and saw blood clotted on his asshole and inside his legs.

"How did that happen?" I asked.

"Big John didn't like the way I was sucking him so he fucked me... without grease or anything.

"And that's why you want to come home with me?"

The kid looked down and said, "Yeah... Big John's mean when he gets all methed up and drunk at the same time. When Jimmy and my Mom tried to stop him from fucking me he hit Jimmy with a bottle and slapped my Mama out."

"He's gonna start fucking me good now, like he does Jimmy. They had to take Jimmy to the hospital this morning... he was hurt real bad... couldn't wake up, bleeding from his ears. I left. I hid."

I told the kid I'd try to help but that he couldn't tell anybody about him sucking me. I told him that one of my "roommates" was really afraid of bikers and would probably kick him out. I felt bad for him. I felt a little bad the way I had stuck my dick in his mouth just like that. But when I'm horny... You can't tell somebody to stop sucking your dick- at least not when they've started already.

We got back to the house. Robbie and Leslie were packing. The bikers were going to be there for a while, or so the sheriff said, and we were off to Las Vegas. All right!

Leslie got real pissed off about the kid and called him "jailbait."

"I made arrangements to meet my editor in Vegas. I have business there. We have to leave."

I showed him the kid's asshole and he got real serious and just said,

"Let's get going".

I told the kid to wash up and gave him an old t-shirt that I'd used to dust, that Robbie had washed in the Laundromat in town. He came out of the bathroom looking a lot better, kind of pretty face. He had a nice clean boy's freckled face and a full head of almost red hair. But he was bleeding down his leg. He said he tried to wash it. I gave him some rags and told him to go lie down in the loft and maybe the bleeding would stop.

"Too bad about the fish" I said, looked good."

"Oh yeah," said Robbie. Put it in the ice chest. We're going to buy some ice and drinks on the way out. And we gotta take the garbage with us too, or the bears might fuck things up."

Nobody talked a whole lot, mostly Leslie telling us what to do and to hurry. He was really scared. When I said that all we had to do was get a couple of shotguns he looked at me real hard like I'd said something stupid or wrong, and told me to

"Just hurry up."

He was pissing me off, lighting cigarette after cigarette, really stinking up the place. He was standing next to me as I was sorting the laundry telling us to do this, do that, to hurry. I got behind him and went,


He jumped. Robbie, smiling, told him to go outside to smoke, to relax. I'd gotten even and maybe a little happy too.

We put my Chevy in the shed where they kept the Jeep SUV, a big SUV with 4 wheel drive. I had to drive my funky Chevy slow up to shed cause the suspension wasn't all that great, needed some work. I covered it up with a couple of old army blankets but it was already covered in pine needles and shit. We put this big padlock on the shed. I hoped the bikers didn't find it.

We got into the small town kind of late, almost sundown. As we were driving through the town, Leslie stopped and took the kid in to the sheriff's office. None of us knew he was going to do that, and I got real pissed off but Robbie told me to cool it, that the kid wasn't any of our business.

The sheriff came out to ask me about the kid but all I could tell him was that I had found him walking around, that he was hurt and I took him back to the cabin. He asked if the kid had mentioned any names, and I told him,

"Something about Big John hurting him."

"Those bikers are evil," he said, "The kinds of things they do to each other... to their own women and young kids."

"How old do you think he is?" I asked.

The Sheriff said, "From what he told us, he's probably 15 or 16, small for his age. Probably doesn't get a whole lot of healthy food... much less food." He said we had done the right thing.

I went inside to tell the kid goodbye but they had already sent him to the clinic. Maybe Leslie had done the right thing. He was torn up kinda bad.

Robbie and I drove me first. Leslie fell asleep real quick on the back seat. The SUV was nice inside, nice front seats and console, a big back seat that Leslie took, and plenty of room - a big fancy SUV. We planned to drive all night to Las Vegas.

At first we were real quiet as I drove down the mountain past the dark forests to the Nevada desert floor. Robbie fell asleep too.

Listening to Leslie's soft snoring, I remembered one of Robbie's stories. I don't know why it was so important for him to tell me about his shit when we met on Sunset last summer. I asked him once and he wanted to talk about it but didn't have too many people to talk to. He said I was a good listener and didn't make him feel like a freak. I guess he could tell I got into his stories too.

I remembered about Lo.

Robbie said that after his family moved from our house and he started high school in a different place, he was pretty much alone, not making friends because he started getting off looking at guys and didn't want to start hitting up on them. He started going out with this girl and got laid ok, but said he was kinda sad and lonely.

A gym coach told him he should try the pole vault. His high school didn't have a good pole-vaulter and the coach thought Robbie had the shoulders and back for it and promised to work with him. So Robbie joined the track team. He still worked out with weights anyway and he was bored.

Robbie noticed a sprinter on the track team, a black dude, black as night he said, who would be the last guy out of the showers and liked looking at the guys in the locker room dressing and undressing. He looked a lot at Robbie. Robbie did it too, looking at naked dudes in the shower, but said he was a lot cooler about it. The black guy's name was Lorenzo. He made friends with Lo and they started talking and working out together.

One afternoon after training Lorenzo invited Robbie over to his house, a shitty apartment in the projects where he lived with his Mom, who waitressed and was never home anyway.

He smiled as he told me about how Lo, as he called him sometimes, and him sat on this seedy couch drinking cokes, and Lo started talking about all the great blow-jobs he'd gotten off of this ninth grader in the janitor's closet between classes. Lo played with the coke can between his legs, running his fingers up and down on it like was his cock. He started pressing his dick against his leg as he told of his adventures in the closet and suggested to Robbie that they beat off.

Before Robbie could say yes or no, Lo had pulled his dick out and started stroking it, looking at Robbie. Robbie waited a while to get Lorenzo excited and then pulled his dick out.

He said Lorenzo's eyes bugged out and leaning over to get a good look at Robbie's tool said, "Man! I knew you long, but you a black man's long dick..."

He looked at Robbie's dick stroking his own and said they should beat each other off. He didn't wait for Robbie but reached out and gave Robbie a few strokes, admiring the length of his hard white cock, whiter in Lorenzo's dark fist. He went back to his own thick upturned dick but it wasn't long before he had scooted over and had Robbie's dick in his hand again.

Robbie lay back as he felt Lo's rough hand beating him off. It felt real good he said and he had to stop Lorenzo from making him come.

Lorenzo took off his t-shirt and then pushed his pants down to the floor and lifted his long, muscled thighs and runner's calves out of them. He sat next to Robbie and played with both their dicks, not beating Robbie off but feeling the length of his cock, his balls, the shaft and the head, gently, but with a hard hand that Robbie said felt real good. He stroked his and Robbie's dicks, one in each hand for a while. Robbie just sat back, but before he knew it Lorenzo leaned over and put Robbie's dick in his mouth.

He mouthed Robbie's dick a while and asked Robbie to beat him off. Robbie did, and sat next to Lorenzo, beating him off with Lorenzo still holding on to Robbie's stiff, long dick. Robbie got real hot and stood up to strip, and Lorenzo sat on the floor against the couch, one long black leg stretched out, the other one bent at the knee, supporting his elbow, stroking his dick as he watched Robbie take his clothes off.

Robbie posed naked (a little, he said) for Lo, and stepping over Lorenzo's stretched out leg, stood directly in front of Lorenzo. Lo reached out and took Robbie's dick and stroked it. Sitting on his heels, he put the stiff long white cock in his mouth again and began to suck it again, feeling and pulling on Robbie's balls.

When he felt he was coming, Robbie stepped back and sat on the couch. Lorenzo knelt between his legs, his kinky head over Robbie's lap, his mouth stuck on Robbie's dick, his thick dark lips sticking out and around the long, white shaft as he worked the dick up and down with his mouth. When Robbie pushed his head away so he wouldn't come, Lo got up and leaning over, kneeling on the couch, asked Robbie to suck his dick, trying to put it in Robbie's mouth, holding it in his fist, pumping it back to show a couple of inches of the broad black head. Robbie turned away.

"Hell", said Lorenzo, sitting back on his heels between Robbie's legs, his arms resting on Robbie's thighs, Robbie's dick in his hand again, stiff and pointing to the ceiling, "nothing wrong wid it. When we in Chicago, my Moms be doing it with my step-dads all the time."

Robbie laughed as he told me the story. He'd gone into a lot of detail telling me his stories, like he got off telling me shit in detail.

He said Lorenzo went back to sucking and stroking his dick while he slouched, his hips over the edge of the couch, his thighs wide apart and his head leaning back, eyes closed, concentrating on the moist mouth and the feeling on his dick,

Lorenzo was deep into it the long white pole tight in his fist, sucking and biting the head with his lips, licking it. Robbie said he felt Lorenzo's fuzzy head and was surprised to feel how soft Lorenzo' hair was. As he felt Lorenzo's ears and cheeks, he couldn't hold it anymore, and pulled Lorenzo's head back and came, shooting into Lorenzo's face. Lo kept pumping Robbie's dick slowly, watching the white come ooze out of the pink-red, hard head and run slowly and dripping down the head and shaft of the dick in his hand, on his fingers, collecting in the crook of Lorenzo's thumb and forefinger.

Robbie lay back eyes closed and enjoyed the relief, the feeling of just having come. He opened his eyes and saw Lorenzo still holding his cock, held up now only by Lo's dripping fist. He looked at Lorenzo's face, a couple of globs of his come running in a shiny path leaving tracks down his cheek, Lorenzo looking a little lost, embarrassed. Lo's chest was tight, and Robbie noticed that Lo's arm, his other hand was between his own legs.

Robbie looked between his legs and saw that Lorenzo had come too, and as he held Robbie's dick in one hand he held his own with the other, just as wet, the come just as white on one hand as on the other, dripping to the floor.

Robbie looked into Lorenzo's face close to his own. Lo's face was red, even under the black skin. Robbie said he could feel the shame and confusion in Lorenzo. He said he'd felt it too, after getting fucked by Indio, or sometimes just thinking of about it.

Robbie felt it too, coming from Lorenzo. The look on Lorenzo's face reminding him of his feelings after Indio had used him, and he hugged Lorenzo's neck with his strong long arms, and whispered into Lorenzo's ear that it was all right.

Lorenzo just got up, pulled up his pants and told Robbie that maybe he should go home now. Robbie said he just hugged Lorenzo, but Lorenzo stepped away. He grabbed him again, hugged him hard and whispered in his ear that it was all right. But Lorenzo was stiff and didn't hug back. So Robbie said,

"I love you."

Lo gave in a little and hugged Robbie back, getting off on rubbing against him, running his sticky hands up and down the soft skin of Robbie's back. Robbie did have some beautiful skin, to look at and to feel.

Robbie said they hugged that way for a while - Lorenzo's head in Robbie's arms Robbie's hand on the back of Lorenzo's head rubbing his cheek on the soft nappy head. Lorenzo kept holding Robbie tight, rubbing his cheeks on Robbie's chest, kissing his pecs and nipples.

Lorenzo said, "If you love me so much, why don't you suck my dick?

Robbie chuckled as he described the scene, looking at me sideways once in a while to check and see if I understood the way he wanted me to. But I didn't know what I was thinking or what to think.

They cleaning the come and sweat off their bodies with a washcloth in the funky, plaster cracked projects bathroom (the shower didn't work). Still naked, Lorenzo put some TV dinners in the old, smelly oven and they sat together on the floor, watching Lorenzo's favorite re-runs on the old TV, "Good Times" and "Star Trek".

They leaned their backs against the funky couch, different parts of their shoulders and hips touching as they shifted positions, but always touching someplace, their arms around the other's shoulders sometimes, sometimes feeling each other with their hands, their thighs, or arms, rubbing each other's chests or backs, sometimes pecking at each other in short, quick kisses on the arm, or shoulder or back, Lo sucking Robbie's soft dick, Robbie feeling Lorenzo's balls and squeezing his dick, giving each other a hard-on again and then letting go.

Lo really wanted Robbie to suck his dick that night but Robbie refused. What did happen that made Lo real happy was that, as Robbie was checking on the TV dinners in the oven, Lo came up behind him and took him by the hips, and played around like he wanted to fuck Robbie, to stick his uncut stiff, upturned, thick black dick into Robbie's hole. Robbie felt the stiff dick behind him with his hand and took Lorenzo by the cock over to a kitchen chair and bent over it like he had with Indio, and told Lo to go head-on.

Lo couldn't believe it and Robbie said "go ahead" so Lo put some cooking oil on his dick and slowly pushed it up Robbie' ass.

It was about as thick as Indio's but longer, more flat than round, Robbie said, and because of the way Lo did it, there was hardly any pain, and he felt good that Lo was getting off on it.

Robbie said he could see Lorenzo fucking him on the bedroom door mirror, and watched him kissing his back and feeling his thighs and sides, pulling on his hips, getting off on it. Robbie got off on it too, and said that it was nothing like the meanness of Indio's dark, drunk, puffy face. Lo pulled out and Robbie asked him, what's wrong?

"I almost came," Lo said softly.

Robbie told him to go ahead and come inside him, and Lo slid his dick up his ass, slowly, enjoying every inch. He started slow pumping, getting faster and harder, deeper and harder, turning both of them on with loud slaps, slap, slap, slap, until he froze, his hard dick shooting deep up Robbie's ass.

Lo didn't pull out right away, keeping his still rock hard dick up his ass, hugging Robbie tight, kissing his shoulders and back, licking his neck, biting the lobes on his ear.

He didn't want to pull out and put his arm around Robbie and started jerking Robbie off, his thick dick still up Robbie's ass. Robbie told Lo to lie down on the floor, and then straddled Lo, fucking him like he'd fucked Indio, leaning back on his hands and running Lo's dick in and out. Lo just moaned and gasped and held on to Robbie's waist.

Robbie said he couldn't get the feeling up his brain like he had with Indio. So he leaned back on one arm and jerked off. He said it felt good fucking Lo anyway and coming with a good thick dick up his ass felt really good too. As Robbie jerked off Lo came again. Robbie came too.

When Lo's dick finally got too soft and plopped out of his wet, fucked asshole, Robbie lay down next to Lorenzo and they just lay there.

Without looking at him, Lo said, "Baby, I love you too." Then he lay on top of Robbie and they necked and rubbed against each other getting hard all over again.

They sat together on the couch. Robbie said, that they had more sex that night, but what he really got off on that night, was that it felt good to be able to do what he wanted, do what he felt like doing with another guy, looking at another guy, looking at his balls, touching another guy's dick and balls, touching his body, kissing, saying queer things without being worried or scared, without feeling like a fag.

"Did you really love him?" I asked.

"Shit no," Robbie said. "But I couldn't go home anyway. At night the gangsters took over the projects... I could have been beaten up or even killed. It was all I could think of. No cops in the projects, just gangsters at night. And Lo's moms never showed up."

But, he said, they got real close. He said that at first, whenever they started feeling like fags they'd hug and kiss until the bad feelings went away and he and Lorenzo would laugh.

Robbie later did suck Lorenzo's thick dark upturned dick and swallowed his come. They got into fucking each other too. They became roommates on the team and used out of town track meets to sleep all night with each other, waking up in each other's arms. Robbie said it only took one day to recover so they liked meets that took a few days, to get some rest in between events.

They liked to make each other hot training together, but Lorenzo made sure they worked hard and stuck to the routine. Lorenzo was a hurdler and sprinter and made All City Varsity that year, and so did Robbie.

"Lorenzo really works out hard when he was in training," said Robbie, "He made me work hsrd too. He has a real nice hard lean bod... nice big tight chest. We were both real happy together... I guess we like each other." He snickered when he said it and turned to me to see what my reaction was, but I turned away so he couldn't. I really didn't know what I was thinking.

"He just graduated, a year ahead of me. He's in training now, maybe a track scholarship to USC and even the Olympics. He's really fast."

But for that year he and Lorenzo became real tight, tighter than he'd ever been with anybody, hanging around with each other all the time, spending time and nights together, their friendship even tighter knowing what would happen if some of the other guys in school found out about them being queer. It was their secret. They figured the track team was their protection.

Or, "It would have been all over."

When the school year ended, Lo went to a track summer camp and Robbie started his new career as a professional slut. I thought about Lorenzo, and Indio, and Leslie, and Robbie in that mountain cabin getting fucked by another black guy, my dick stiff and dripping, wondering again what Robbie had gotten into this time.

Later that night, when we'd reached the Nevada Desert flat land, I started getting real sleepy. When I stopped for gas I woke Robbie up to take a turn driving and to keep me awake, He put on the radio and started asking about family, and I told him about dudes he hadn't seen in a long time. We laughed and got sad, told some jokes and sang along with some oldies on the radio. We talked the whole rest of the trip down, taking turns driving. And when we pulled into Las Vegas, we were tight again but like old times with no sex.

I was glad the bikers had come.

Next: Chapter 4

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