My Summer Trip

By Richard Ramirez

Published on Aug 19, 2015


My Summer Trip, Chapter 2, From the Roof (c) Richard Ramirez

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From the Roof

Lying there in that musty mountain loft, the sheets and blanket tight against my chest, trying to get to sleep, a big dripping hard on, I remembered Robbie.

I remembered when I was around 13 or 14, just out of junior high but going to high school soon, at the end of that summer. Robbie's a couple of years older than me. My buddy, Chale's dad had bought him a set of weights and we all worked out in his garage. We all wanted to be tough, to be strong now that we were going to high school. We hated wimps and wanted strength and enjoyed pushing each other for one more rep.

We worked out every other day no matter what, and used our spare time in the beginning to rip off more weights and equipment from the school or sports shops. We really got into it, everybody but Robbie.

In the beginning of that summer Robbie's house burned down, and his family came to live with us until his dad figured out what to do. The cops said it was arson and the insurance wouldn't pay.

I remembered as I lay on that bed in that mountain cabin, lying on my own bed with Robbie when they came to live with us. One night his little bothers, with my little brothers were sleeping on mats on the floor. We whispered to each other so we wouldn't wake them about some hot girls that we had seen at a teen dance that night, making ourselves horny.

Robbie started talking about working out, and felt my muscles to see how I was doing. I felt his chest and shoulders and was surprised how hard and lean he was. He looked a lot thinner than he really was. He told me that he had been working out by himself. He didn't want to bulk up like we were doing and did a lot of reps.

We felt each other more, and Robbie felt my dick and it was hard. Before I could say anything, he put my hand on his shorts and he had a hard on too. Robbie pulled his shorts down and made a tent in the sheets and laughed. I did the same thing and we started messing around with our dicks, at first just pulling them hard, and then stroking, beating off.

Whispering in my ear, Robbie suggested we beat each other off and grabbed my dick and squeezed it and it got really hard and I let him go on until I almost came. I stopped him.

He pulled the sheet up from his body and looked at me and nodded toward it, like it was my turn. I thought, "What the fuck" and put my hand around his hard dick and began beating him off. Robbie had a long dick even then and it felt good in my hand. I pretended it was my own dick and beat off myself while I stroked him. It felt good having two dicks, one in each of my hands.

Robbie stopped me, and got out of bed, and naked, with this long hard-on, stepped over all the little sleeping bodies on the floor and went out the open window to the roof over the garage. I followed him, and on that roof we sat with our backs against the wall. I went back for a blanket, and we stretched out, our arms around each other to keep warm in the late night chill, and stroked each other and ourselves, not really saying much, just closing our eyes and feeling our bodies pressed together... and our dicks. I got on top of him and then we turned over and he got on top of me, and I felt his naked back, rubbing against each other until we almost came.

He finally beat me off, and when I did come he kept my dick in his hand, lying on his side looking at it shoot up in the air and then on my stomach, and smiling when the come just oozed out, dropping down my dick to his hand or on to my stomach. When he came I pulled my hand away. I didn't want his come on me.

We did that a lot after that night, waiting for the little kids to fall asleep, rubbing against each other and touching each other, getting hot, and then going out to the roof to stretch out on the blanket to beat off. I got used to his come on my hands and arms. One night Robbie asked me if I wanted to suck each other's dick and I laughed and said that I would if he would let me fuck his sister. He laughed.

But one night he told me to kiss it and he kissed mine. So I kissed it and it wasn't long before we were sucking each other off. I was surprised it didn't taste like anything, and more surprised when I knew I liked it in my mouth almost as much as his sucking and licking on mine.

We got into 69ing and then sucking and beating each other off. It was good, but I always felt guilty the next day, for a while anyway, until I went back to bed with Robbie and I got into him. Then it was all right. It was just fun with each other.

The insurance came through on the house. The cops arrested some guy they found drunk in the back yard. But it took a couple of months. Robbie's dad found a house near Long Beach, and they moved away. His dad sold the lot and started a gardening business for rich people in Orange County. When school started, he was in another school district and we didn't see each other much after that.

There were times that I remembered those nights on the garage roof. I got horny and beat off thinking about it and his long lean body and hard dick. I never told anybody and knew he wouldn't either.

I went out for the boxing team in high school and even though the guys in my weight division were all older and had a lot more experience, I stayed in. My Dad knew a guy who had a gym and I had hung around there, sweeping and shit. The guy liked me and had taught me to work the bags, so I knew something about it. But I didn't get a chance to fight much. I just kept getting handled in sparring matches. It got old but I kept hanging around the gym, learning. My dad was real proud. During that year I went from a junior flyweight to a featherweight. Now I'm developing into a true lightweight. I have really quick hands and throw combinations good. And because of the strength training I have wicked body punches.

Anyway, I heard from my Mom that Robbie had gotten into the track team in his high school and went with them to check him out when our school had a meet with them. He did real good and won the event, the pole vault. And when I went to tell him congratulations, I noticed that he was getting taller than me. His legs were long and his calves were thick and good sized, but not like mine. Mine made one tapering ball under the back of my knees and then went into my leg just above the ankle, like an upside down bottle. His were large and tapered. It made his legs look even longer and more slender. But close, his thighs and calves were thicker than they looked from the stands.

His whole body was like that. When you look at Robbie from the front, his hips look narrow and small. But sideways, his round tight ass curves out from his body like a half-moon, like somebody was pushing his ass from the sides to make it round out more at the back. His waist is real narrow and he has to buy pants that fit his ass and so his pants look too big for him when you see the slack in the waist. His shoulders and back were getting broader too and that made his chest and arms look thin, but when you were close you could see that his arms were well developed and his chest was broad. He looked good and very happy at the track meet and I was glad for him. I told my Mom and she was happy for him too.

I led my own life after that, that is, I didn't see much of Robbie. Neither one of us went to each other's house much anymore. And when the families visited each other both of us had something else to do. Chale's gang got meaner and into more trouble, and as for Robbie, I heard a while later that he'd dropped out of school and had a job in the valley working nights and weekends. But I stayed in school and later dropped the gang, and decided to go to college. I became, in my high school sophomore year, what Chale hated - a college wimp.

My only real problem was the money. But my dad said that he'd make sure I had it and that was it. He was a foreman in construction. I still worked out, tried to (and sometimes succeeded) getting laid, but I stayed away from getting serious 'cause I didn't want to end up pumping gas with a baby at home before I was eighteen. I even started to study, and did ok... Not great, but ok.

One night, at the beginning of summer, when I barely 15, Chale and I were cruising Sunset after a dance and I thought I saw Robbie on a corner on Sunset. I didn't say anything to Chale, but when we found some homeboys, I borrowed Chale's car and left him there to yell sweet things at the white girls passing by in their convertibles, and told him I had to go home early. We didn't worry about licenses or insurance then. And Chale was cool. I didn't tell I'd thought I'd seen Robbie because the corner was full of putos waiting to get picked up and I didn't want to start no rumors.

I went by the corner and didn't see him so I parked and went into a diner across the street. I saw him again and took a good look at the dude and I knew it was Robbie. He was even taller, or looked taller and was wearing a white tank top and raw cotton pants that showed his ass. They were loose and tight at the same time. You could see his dick if you looked for it, like the outline of his long dick under his pants. And his ass stuck out - and really, no underwear. His tank top was a see through, and I could tell he was doing some serious working out. He did look sexy...

I was going to cross the street to give him some shit but a guy in a shiny brand new Porsche pulled up and the other vatos on the corner made way for Robbie as he got in without asking. The Anglo dude turned to talk to him as they drove away, Robbie putting on the seat belt.

I borrowed Chale's car the next week, on Tuesday, when nobody needed it, and went up to Hollywood to look for Robbie. I waited in the diner and about ten, Robbie got dropped off by a guy in a van, and I saw Robbie go into the cafe where these dudes hung out, on the corner, and sit next to this black kid and talk to him as he ate something.

The waitress threw me out because I'd been there too long, and after I paid my tab, I walked out the door and saw Robbie walking away from his corner. I followed him and a few blocks away he went down a narrow street and into a porno theater. I thought about it. But the guy selling tickets left the booth so I jumped the turnstile. I went in. Nobody saw me. But I was nervous anyway.

It had two curtains, one with a sign that said "Gay." The other curtain didn't have a sign. I had to get out of sight so I went into the closest one, the Gay one.

When my eyes got used to the dark I saw Robbie sitting towards the front. The place had a balcony and I went up and looked over the edge. Robbie had his long dick out and it looked like he had a hard on, and he was feeling the head with his thumb and fingers, like he was showing off how long it was.

I saw that he was showing it to a dude sitting against the wall on the same row, against the wall, 'cause Robbie had his leg up on the aisle side, and his foot on the armrest, and the dude kept looking at Robbie's dick and then his face. Robbie held up two fingers and the dude nodded. Robbie put his dick back in his pants and got up. The other dude got up too and followed Robbie out.

I sat next to the aisle at the top of the balcony steps and waited to give them time to leave. Then I saw Robbie's head coming up the steps, and ran to the back, to the other side of the projection booth and the last row of seats. I hid behind the seats in front of me and looked for Robbie through the seat backs. It was hot up there.

Robbie went about two rows in front of me. He stood and looked back, and as the dude behind him came up, Robbie took off his tank top slowly, letting the dude (and me) take a good look at the play of the muscles on his body and arms, lit and colorful as the light from the screen reflected on him.

He sat next to the wall and laid his arm real sexy on the seat back. The other dude, a big older white guy with a big gut sat next to him and as Robbie watched the movie, he dude rubbed Robbie's leg and crotch. He started rubbing Robbie's chest, and leaned over to kiss Robbie but Robbie turned his face to the wall. The dude then began to kiss Robbie's chest and arms, licking and getting off on the armpits. He pulled Robbie's dick out of his pants and stroked it.

Robbie lifted himself up as the dude pulled Robbie's pants down, and then sat back as the dude beat him off and sucked him. Robbie turned sideways on the seat and the dude got on his knees between Robbie's legs and I could see his arm move, beating himself off as he sucked Robbie's dick in and out of his mouth, up and down with his whole head.

Robbie threw his head back as the guy ran his mouth up and down the dick, taking it deep and then up and down again. He stroked Robbie's dick and pulled out his own dick through the zipper and stroked his own. His hand was bigger than his dick. He really slurped and choked on Robbie's dick and got real tense. I guess he came. But he kept on sucking the long hard dick and after a while Robbie moaned loud, like he didn't care who heard him.

The big white dude got up and put his 'chora' back in his own pants and took out his wallet and threw a couple on Robbie's naked lap. Robbie just sat there, his pants around his ankles, naked watching the movie, his hand on his dick as the dude walked away.

The guy on the screen licked the come off a big fat dick, the other dude's stomach and his own fingers and the movie ended. The house lights went on, still dim, but enough. Robbie got up and I didn't have time to do anything but try to duck and hide my face in my hands.

I felt somebody come into the row and stand next to me. I looked up. It was Robbie looking down at me.

"What are you doing here, vato?".

I kind of stuttered my explanation that I'd seen him and followed him. He sat there and looked straight ahead. The lights dimmed and movies started again and I felt like running out but Robbie just sat there in my way with his feet on the armrests in front of him and watched the movie and didn't say anything. He wasn't going to let me out.

We both watched the movies and after a while I relaxed and got into it too. I kinda forgot where I was. The next one had a kid that looked 14, at least his body did, really good abs and thin but developed chest, thin back and shoulders, nice legs and ass. He was making out with his older brother's best friend. He looked like I did last year, good ass and legs, thin shoulders and chest, and good abs. I muttered to myself that he looked like a little kid, and Robbie said, in a pissed off way,

"Nah. You got to be 18. They check your birth certificate."

Robbie was still 17.

Anyway, the bigger guy got kind of rough, telling the kid to suck his dick. But the kid didn't blink and went for the guy's crouch, unzips his pants and pulls the hard cut dick from the guy's pants. He starts sucking it, looking up at the guy, smiling at him as he wraps his red lips around it. The bigger guy pushed his pants down his thighs as the boy sucked, and then he had the little dude stand up and take his clothes off.

The little kid got naked real fast. He even took the guy's shoes off and pulled off his pants. He went right back to his cock sucking. He just went up and down on the thick white dick, his lips around it a thin red line, liked the hairy balls, and up again to the dickhead. The guy had him stand up again, and sucked the kid's boner, kind of thin, round and long enough, with a pink- red head a little bigger than the shaft.

He had the kid get on all fours on the couch and fucked him. Somehow he'd gotten a rubber on it. Anyway, he fucked the kid for a while, the kid, in a high pitched wimpy voice telling him,

"Oh yeah, fuck me... yeah please fuck me... harder." And, "feels sooo good."

He got the kid on his back, his blond curls against the couch arm rest, and had the kid blow him, fucking his mouth, no rubber. Then he fucked the kid again (with a rubber again). The kid, on his back, the dude's dick up his ass (you could see it go in and out) started beating off, going,

"Oh, oh, oohh."

There was this shot of them fucking looked down from the kid's head, showing his body getting fucked with long strokes from the big guys' hard thick tool going in and out. The kid's body looked nice as he stroked his dick, his nice 6 pack abs, his ass getting a real fucking. They fuck for a while and the kid comes first, the thin dick in his hand shooting on his chest and on his stomach. He kept stroking his streaming dick as the bigger dude pulled out and peeled the rubber off. The kid all excited and smiling, raised body on the armrest and got his face real close to the hard dick getting stroked by his head. The guy grunts standing beside the blond head, and beat off, leaning in and coming on the kid's open mouth face.

The boy took the first shots on his cheek and then started sucking it again. He stroked it as he sucked the hard streaming tool - and licked it all over, the big balls too, making sure he got all the come. Then he sat up on the couch to suck the thick dick more, holding the hard cock shaft between his thumb and two knuckled, thin dainty white fingers, sucking the slit of the dick like he was finishing a coke through a straw. Then he looked up and giggled and held the hard wet dick against his pretty girl face, smiling and giggling, and the movie ended.

Robbie got off on the next one, one black dude and a white dude, the white guy was fixing a light bulb standing on a table wearing shorts, and the black dude fucking around pretending he was fixing a telephone looking up the white dude's shorts looking at the white guy's balls and dick. He starts feeling the white dude's crotch and pulls on the long white limp dick and starts sucking on it. The white dude's eyes get big, then he takes his shirt off and lowered his pants and pretty soon they're both naked getting it on. Most of these porno guys had decent bodies - nice chests. Some did have little pot bellies though.

Robbie got into it, rubbing his dick and pressing it against his leg when the white dude's kneeling on the floor sucking the thick black dick, and then sucks the black balls and then, goes under the dude to suck and kiss the black dude's asshole, sticking his face into the long, full crack, while the black dude beats off.

Robbie turned to me and asked me if I remembered when he stayed at my house and I snorted and said "este vato" under my breath. He'd just gotten sucked off. He pulled his dick out and he had a hard on again, beating off! He laughed his laugh and turned to the movie, still feeling his dick. I wanted to stroke it - but not here. But I did give it a good squeeze and then stroked it.

After the black dude fucked the white dude hard in all kinds of positions he beat off and came on the white dude's open-mouthed face. The white dude takes the streaming dick head in his mouth and sucks it. The white guy beat off on the black dude's chest and spread his come on the guy's chest with his big dick. They kissed and the short ended.

Robbie said "let's go" and I followed him out. The guy at the booth gave me a dirty look and was about to say something. Robbie slipped a bill under the window and we kept on walking. But all the questions that I was going to ask Robbie kinda disappeared. He liked this homo shit.

We didn't talk much and walked up Hollywood and went into a hamburger joint and sat in a booth. Robbie asked about my family and I told him about his family too. He asked me point blank, looking at me if I was going to tell them.

I said "no". Your dad would kill you if I told him... He'd kill me first for telling him and then he'd kill you."

Robbie laughed. He loosened up and we felt like friends again. It was cool with me what he was. I felt bad for his Mom, though.

I started to go up to Hollywood on the Sunset bus to look for him once in a while as school ended. I was trying to get a job with the county, and they kept telling me to come back, so I went downtown a lot for a while and then up Sunset.

One time I borrowed Chale's car and we met the La Brea tar pits and as we were walking around the museum, Robbie asked me if I remembered where his house had been before it burned down. We'd been real tight when he lived in that house.

I said "sure."

He told me what happened:

One day Robbie was working out in his back yard with weights his dad had gotten him and this dude that lived in the apartment house they had built across the alley came over to watch and give Robbie advice. Robbie's whole block was turning into apartments. But his family still had their house and a big yard. Everybody in the neighborhood knew this guy they called Indio, and he was a postman. I knew who he was 'cause we knew he had played for UCLA but had to drop out of college because he'd gotten a girl pregnant or something.

Robbie just thought the dude was being friendly, and he had seen Indio washing his van in the alley and knew Indio worked out. He had the build of a fullback - all thick, big short muscles and no neck. He was about 5'10" tall and just as wide.

Indio invited Robbie to work out in his apartment where he said he had a real good set of weights. And after a couple of invitations, Robbie took him up on it. He said Indio lent him the key to the apartment and when Robbie worked out Indio would watch and give him advice, what exercises to do and reps and stuff like that.

One day soon after that, while Robbie was working out in the apartment, Indio showed up drunk. Robbie said he hadn't thought Indio would be there and had stripped to his underwear and was working out in front of the closet mirror. Indio started to feel Robbie's body and tell Robbie how 'nice' his muscles were developing, and when Robbie started to get uncomfortable, like he was going to leave, Indio went into the bathroom to take a shower. He came out with a towel around his waist and started to tell Robbie how to do curls as he dried himself and showed his short, thick cock. He had a hard on.

While Robbie was doing curls in front of the mirror, Indio grabs him from behind. Robbie tried to get away, dropping the weights, but Indio was too strong, and pushed him on the bed, stripping his shorts off. Indio lay on top of him, fucking him on the bed. Then he made Robbie stand up and sat on the bed and pulled Robbie down. Sitting on the bed with Robbie in his lap, Indio whispered, if he liked it and how he could tell Robbie was queer when Robbie kept looking at his dick.

"You like it, don't you, you little faggot," Indio kept saying. "Look at your dick. You get a hard on just fucking on my dick."

Robbie said he had to put his hands on the bed to keep his balance as Indio pumped his dick in and out his ass. He had to lean back to give Indio room to pump his thick short dick in and out, and as he arched his back he felt a strong kind of feeling go from his asshole up to his brain. He started moving his ass up and down on Indio's dick. Indio pulled him down on his dick and came.

Robbie leaned back, and kept on moving easily now, with Indio's come greasing up his hole, smooth and painless up and down on Indio's dick. He said it felt really good, that I had no idea.

Robbie's dick was waving side to side as he slid up and down the thick short dick, and felt his dick get ready to come. And he came too, his long dick waving side to side, shooting lines of come, shooting strong, again and again, on his arms and chest, dripping down the long waving hard shaft to his balls. He said it was intense. He had never felt coming so strong, so good.

Indio came again too, up Robbie's ass. Robbie pulled off the dick and sat next to Indio.

He kept saying, "It was intense, really strong. It was intense."

Indio got up and pulled Robbie by the hair into a closet. Robbie said he still had a hard on, and he pressed his feet up against the closet wall and got his dick real close to his mouth. He said he could reach it with his tongue. He stroked his dick, licking the drops of come still in his dick off the head as he squeezed them out. He was still hot and beat off, stroking his dick pointing it to his mouth and came again, shooting into his mouth and licking the shooting dickhead as he came.

He waited for a while. When he tried to leave he found Indio on the bed, still drinking, really drunk. Indio saw him and told Robbie to suck his dick. Robbie'd never sucked dick before and he said he wanted to see how it felt, so he got between Indio's thick thighs and took the soft uncut dark dick in his mouth. He pulled on the soft foreskin with his teeth, peeled it back to lick and suck the head, running up and down on it. When it got harder, he bit and pulled on the foreskin. He licked up and down the dick, and licked and sucked the hairy balls. He even rolled them around in his mouth. He said it was fun.

Indio told him to suck on his nipples and Robbie did licking and biting the little hard round tubes on the big powerful pecs as Indio finger fucked him. Hard again, Indio got up and pulled Robbie by the hair to a chair, and had him hold on to the back of a chair, in front of the mirror, and watched Robbie's face as he forced his thick short hard cock up his ass. He fucked Robbie hard, pulling at his shoulders, turning and twisting Robbie's head to kiss him.

He finally let Robbie go but told him that if he didn't come over when he told him to, he would tell the guys in the neighborhood that Robbie was queer and liked getting fucked in the ass.

Robbie said he thought that now that he was going along with fucking Indio it would get better. He like it and did all his workouts at Indio's apartment. But it got worse and worse. Indio would only get madder and madder. He would make Robbie work out naked and liked to watch, Robbie said, half smiling.

He got to be really afraid of Indio, and the fear would make him really strain on his workouts. Indio started drinking even more and to call him out at different times and he wouldn't know what to tell his family. He'd even go to their back yard to yell for him.

One time Indio came to the back door and frightened his Mom. She told him that if he didn't stop bothering them she'd call the cops. That calmed him down for a while, but he kept getting drunker and drunker, meaner and meaner.

One day Indio was really drunk again and slapped Robbie's face and ass real hard, and tried to stick pins in Robbie's ass, then his nipples and when Robbie started to really fight back, Indio slapped him hard against his head, threw him into the shower and pissed on Robbie's face. Robbie said he didn't know what was happening, and thought Indio had turned the shower on, and then he realized Indio was trying to piss into his mouth.

Robbie said he started puking and shaking so hard he couldn't stop and Indio let him go home. He was real scared. Late that night, when Indio started yelling for him from his family's back yard, Robbie went down to calm him down. He tripped on a gas can in the garage. Indio was really loud just outside the garage back door. Robbie didn't know what to do. So he went back in the kitchen and got some matches and set a fire in the garage just to get away from this guy. But the whole house burned down.

He told me all this in a real quiet voice in the Museum of Natural History, in front of the models of little cavemen in a little village skinning a big elephant. I didn't know what to think about him getting fucked and sucking dick, about setting fire to his own house.

It was Indio they arrested and convicted of arson. He was too drunk to defend himself and got his story all screwed up. They matched a rape kit to him too and he was doing a whole lot of time.

Robbie looked at me and said, "But he was right. I did like it. I am queer. Indio made me a queer."

He looked at me like he expected me to say something... I couldn't look at him and mumbled something like "that's all right, man," or something stupid like that.

I was remembering when he had stayed at our house after the fire. I liked it too, at least with him.

We walked away from the cavemen and got a hamburger at the museum coffee shop. We were real quiet. He took the bus to his corner and I took my bus home.

I started to hang around Robbie more after that, but it was like he needed to see me, and not just to hang around. Just walking around Sunset and Hollywood Boulevards, I saw a sign in a window and got a job bussing at a steakhouse. Robbie said only suckers do that kind of work, but I know he didn't mean it. I needed a summer job and the County wasn't coming through. I spent the rest of the summer hanging around with Robbie in the early afternoon, and about 4:30 we'd both go to work.

We had pretty much the same hours but I had no idea how much he really made. Later I started waiting on tables and making better bread 'cause I spoke English good. The manager was real nice and showed me what to say and shit like that. It was a nice restaurant and made really good steaks. I ate there.

Robbie bought me a membership at a nautilus health club where street gays like him worked out and I got to know them too. I understood why Robbie needed a real friend. Some of those guys were cold and would steal from you if you weren't careful. But they were always laughing and cheerful. But Robbie had the best body. I had a pretty good one too. I learned a lot about muscles at the nautilus place, and got pretty well-built myself. We'd work out together on the different machines, and then get something to eat before work.

I never asked him about his work, but we would talk. Being a bus boy and waiter wasn't all that interesting. He just said he got off on men getting off on his body - but to hang around on the street? Having sex with strangers, with anybody? What kind of summer job is that?

He told me first time he was walking just around Sunset, up near Hollywood. It was a hot day and he took his t-shirt off. A big car, a Bentley pulled up next to him and the driver called him over.

The guy asked him what he was up to and Robbie told him he was just walking around. The guy asked if he wanted a date and Robbie asked,

"What kind of date?"

The guy just smiled and put the car back in gear. Robbie was curious and had never been in a big expensive car like that, so he said,

"Wait. Sure." Robbie thought that the guy wanted him to take his ugly daughter to a dance or something.

The guy told him to get in and drove him up Sunset to this big rich house on top of a hill. Robbie still had his shirt off, feeling the smooth leather on his back. The guy felt his chest and told him he had beautiful skin.

"You're a birthday present for a friend of mine. Just get naked and do what he says and we'll be all right." He's kind of old so it won't be like a big thing."

They went in and found the old guy in a robe, on the phone. His friend said, "Happy Birthday." They kissed on the cheek. The old guy motioned to an open bedroom door. The guy led him in and told Robbie to get naked and take a shower. He took Robbie's clothes back to the living room and turned on a big TV and sat on this big long sofa.

Robbie sat on the bed and saw himself in the big mirrors. He found the big bathroom with a big sunken tub, and stepped in and turned the shower on. There was a big mirror there too and Robbie saw how really good he looked. The old guy came in to the bedroom, still on the phone and pulled the sheets back, and got into bed in silk pajamas.

He wasn't even scared or nervous. It all felt normal, he said, like this was what it was supposed to be. No big deal.

He got out of the shower, making sure the old man saw him dry off with a really big fluffy towel. He wrapped it around his waist and went back into the bedroom. The old guy, still on the phone, in bed, patted the space on the bed next to him. Robbie sat beside him on top of the covers and leaned back on the big soft pillows.

The old guy, still on the phone felt Robbie up with his free hand, and holding the phone on his chest said,

"You've got beautiful velvet skin. And holding Robbie's heavy cock, "and a really beautiful dick." He felt Robbie's hip bones sloping down to his pubic hair.

"... young, too - beautiful."

Robbie liked it. He admired himself in the mirror, watching the old man's hand run up and down his chest, feeling and pulling on his hard dick. He didn't know if he should feel up the old man or what, so he waited to be told what to do.

The old man was talking on the phone:

"Yes, it's the same deal. You get director choice. It's a beautiful coming of age story. I wanted to make it a Last Picture Show. But I know you'll get along with Tony very well. I had thought about Lester. But Tony's been with me for years and knows how I work. And he can call whenever he wants."

He listened still feeling Robbie up, and finally said, "I know. But I don't know when or how this chemo will work out. I don't want to hold this project back. It's a winner. I wish you the best." Then, thank you.

Robbie just lay back and felt the big soft hand on his dick get tighter. The Old man put the phone down on a nightstand and turned to the body lying next to him.

"Nice," he said. He bent over and sucked on the dick, up and down for a while, slurping, getting It wet.

"On your knees."

Robbie got on his knees on the bed and saw himself on a closet mirror. The old man told him to turn around and he did, and the old man felt his back, down to his full round ass. Robbie tightened it up for him. The old man kissed the hard round cheeks and felt the crack, putting a finger or two up the puckered hole. He finger-fucked Robbie as he rubbed his face against the ass cheeks, going from one to the other.

"Turn around."

The old man took Robbie's stiff long dick in his hand and looked at it, smelled it, licked it, and sucked the long hard pole, mouthing and licking it, licking the tight hanging balls, running his mouth up to the head, licking it and taking it full in his mouth. Robbie liked watching his dick slide in and out of this rich white man's open mouth, watching the white tongue lick his dick and balls and then lick back to the head wet with spit and slime. He watched himself in the mirrors too, his round ass flexing as he pushed and pulled his dick in and out of the old man's face, his stomach flexing a six-pack.

The old white man lay back on the pillows breathing hard. He told Robbie to straddle his chest and Robbie did, the old man's big soft body between his wide open spread thighs.

The old man stroked the hard dick right in front of his face. He sucked it as deep as he could, and then, holding the long hard dick tight looked up and told Robbie,

"Fuck my face."

Robbie did. At first he didn't know how deep to go, the old man was already taking it deep. The man took Robbie's hands and put the white head between them, and told him to fuck away. So Robbie did, first just deep and then deep and hard, pressing against the old man's face. It didn't matter how old the guy was, a willing eager throat was all he felt, down and deep, down and deeper, until he was coming and pulled out, his dick dragging long gobs of thick spit.

"Don't stop," the old man gasped."

So Robbie went back to his work, starting slow again but picking up the thrusts, admiring his long flexed young body in the mirror, in and out, deep and hard, feeling the old guy's nose against his pubes, admiring his hips and round ass sway back and forth against the spit covered face.

And he came, once, twice, three, four times, deep in the soft willing throat.

The old man kept Robbie's body against his face, holding his ass, pulling it against his face as hard as he could. When he finally let go and Robbie pulled out he was surprised how long his dick took to slowly slide out of the drooling, gasping mouth.

Robbie got the towel and tried to clean the old man's face. It was covered in drool and come. The guy waved it away, and called out to his friend, who had watched it all.

Lying back on the pillows, eyes closed, he said, "Tony, make sure this young man is well taken care of.

Tony waved his hand to Robbie to come out of the bedroom. He motioned to Robbie's clothes on the sofa and told him to get dressed.

"That was hot," he said, and went back to the bedroom to tell the old man they were leaving. The old man thanked Tony for thinking of him, that he appreciated it "very, very much." As Robbie dressed, the old man and Tony talked, but Robbie wasn't listening. He was looking around the big house and fancy furniture, paintings, taking all of it in.

Tony handed Robbie a handful of $100 bills that Robbie just stuffed in his pocket. Going down the hill past these big rich Pacific Palisade houses, Tony was smiling and happy.

"Wish I had time to do you myself," he said. "I've got to be on the set early."

"What's your number?"

"Don't have one," Robbie said.

Tony reached to his wallet and took three big ones out. "Buy yourself a phone and call this number," he said, handing Robbie a card. Just leave a message that Rex called.

Robbie smiled as he told me. "Rex means 'king,' he said.

Tony dropped him off at a corner on Sunset, where some young guys were hanging out on the corner. Robbie had never been there before, but he got the message. He got out of the car and thanked Tony.

"I had a good time," he said. Tony laughed and drove away.

The other guys told him the corner was taken and to go away. So he walked down Thelma, and sat on a chain in front of a closed parking lot. When he was sure nobody was watching he pulled out the wad of bills. He counted out $2,000 - plus the $300. So he walked down the street and bought a phone. He called Tony who answered. Tony said cool, and made a date for the next week, early.

It was just the beginning of summer. Robbie had Hollywood regulars. No actors, just producers, a couple of agents and staff. He said actors and directors got all the young pussy and dick they wanted, free. But his regulars were rich too, and nice. He sometimes got a dinner, but always lots of money. And they always used rubbers. He said he only did pickups and the porno theatre when he was bored.

I remembered all of this in bits and pieces, and it came to me that Robbie needed sex, a lot of it. He was like a junkie, he needed it. He got off on guys getting off on him and needed it. He just thought that there was nothing wrong with it.

But I still couldn't sleep in that musty cabin loft, my hot hard, wet leaking dick in my hand.

Next: Chapter 3

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