My Summer Trip

By Richard Ramirez

Published on Aug 1, 2015


My Summer Trip Chapter 1. Into the Woods (c) Richard Ramirez

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Into the Woods:

He always surprises me, blows my mind. All the cool I'd been practicing, the act that I'd gone over and over again in my mind was down the drain when I saw him running up the hill towards me, naked, his long, lanky dick flapping against his thighs and stomach, his broad shoulders flexing and gleaming white in the spots of the sunlight coming through the trees, his long slender legs bending high at the knees with each step he took on the soft dirt of the steps formed by logs in the uphill trail, getting closer and closer to me. I could see his broad, flat pecs tighten and jiggle with every stride; I saw the smile on his face, the white gleaming teeth, and when he reached me and hugged me I could smell the clean sweat he had raised as he ran, the clean, musty smell that I knew was his, the smell of him that I had always liked.

He grabbed me, his long, white, well defined arms tight around me and kissed me hard. I wasn't ready for him and stiffened. As he kissed me he felt my stomach and ran his other hand down my back and under my pants. His mouth on mine he pressed his palm against my cock. As it got hard I relaxed and returned his kiss with my mouth open and all my cool was gone.

I ran my hands up and down his back. He bent slightly to kiss and lip-bite my nipples, to lick them, his broad red tongue out of his wide open mouth. He took my dick and squeezed it, and I felt it get heavier and stiff under my shorts, his hand pressed hard against it. I rubbed the back of his head as he bent to bite it through my shorts, grazing the narrow ridges of my abdominals with his cheek as they tightened and showed their definition when he went down.

He popped the buttons on my shorts and pulled my hard dick out. The head of my dick in his mouth felt good. He pushed it against the roof of his mouth and rubbed the head against it. He took it in his throat as deep as it would go, stroking the shaft.

I lifted him up. He told me to strip. So I took my t-shirt off and he stepped back as if to see if it was the same body he knew. I looked at him looking at me and he told me to go on, his fingers playing with the head of his long hard dick. I took my sneakers off and looked at him again and he laughed his soft laugh. He knelt on the trail and reached for my cock again. He stepped toward me and began to play with it again, looking at it close-up. He gave it a big sloppy kiss, biting the underside with my lips and sucked on the under-side of the hard head hard, as I looked for his eyes, taking the bald head in his mouth and making it wetter with spit.

He held my dick in my mouth, running it in and out over his tongue as my two hands felt first his big broad shoulders and then down to his chest, my fingers finding his hard nipples and rubbing them against his pecs. He threw his head back enjoying what I was doing. I felt him pull my balls lower with one hand and still running his dick in and out of his wet mouth. I ran my hand down his smooth flat muscled back to his ass, as he felt between my legs. He felt the roundness of my ass, feeling my crack with the tips of my fingers.

He was breathing a little hard maybe because of his run up the hill. He got up and I felt his ear against mine and his hand on my crotch, undoing the buttons of my cutoff Levis.

I helped him push my cut off shorts and underwear down and stepped out of them, still in my shoes and socks. I felt his round ass and his asshole. It was looser, not the tight puckered ass- hole I remembered. His dick was really hard like it was ready to pop. He kissed me again. His warm body felt good against my naked skin. I always got off on feeling his bare, hard chest against mine, feeling the broad, thick, tapering strands of muscles on his sides and back, the deep groove of his spine, and the roundness of his ass. His skin is like my mom's red silk scarf. I like to hold it against my face and rub it, feel it on my body when I beat off thinking about him.

He pushed me backwards onto a large flat rock right by the trail, with a thick army blanket on it. As I half sat on it and propped my elbows on it, I thought I knew why he had run. He was always thinking ahead, and he knew just where he wanted me. This dude! He was heller baad.

He knelt on both knees in front of me and with my dick in his hand looked at my body and up at my face, smiling. He said,

"Wanna make sure you feel welcome," and smiled his big smile at me.

I put my head back and closed my eyes as he began to run my dick in his mouth, taking almost all of it in on the down stroke, feeling my ass like I had done. His other hand didn't stop feeling my stomach and chest and pinching my nipples. I had learned that from him how to make it feel good, where to rub, how to pinch.

He lay back on the blanket and we started to kiss again, running our hands up and down each other's body and his silky soft skin. I felt his dick with the tips of my fingers, up and down from his hairless balls as we kissed. It was longer than I remembered. He looked at me, into my eyes and said,

"Why don't you give it a kiss?" It was how he had gotten me to blow him the first time.

I stroked his dick looking down at it, and said,

"It's bigger."

"Nah, he said. It's just a little bit thicker... maybe longer."

So I slowly kissed it, a full lip kill, licked the head slit and took it in my mouth. It felt good, the head smooth as silk – like his skin - soft and hard at the same time, so smooth. I worked my tongue around it as I ran my head up and down on it. He lay back and opened his legs so I could pull on his ball sack as I sucked and licked the broad pinkish red head. He liked that.

I got into it, in broad daylight, both naked, him on his back, his long lean body stretched out on the rock white against the blanket, his long legs spread for me to suck and feel his balls. I got into a 69 position, almost falling off the rock and we both sucked, making sucking noises, kissing and licking each other's balls and dick and body, running our hands up and down each other, pinching nipples and skin.

I hadn't had sex in a long time and I tried to warn him. But he kept my dick in his mouth. I froze and came, shooting down his throat. He put his long middle finger in my tight ass hole as I shot hard into his mouth, once, twice, three and four times. I finally relaxed and lay back but he kept my dick in his mouth, lips tight around it until it was all over and my dick stopped trying to twitch and got half limp.

We lay on the flat part of the rock, and rapped about my trip a little. I could see his long dick stay hard as he felt the underside of the head with his fingers absentmindedly rubbing the broad, flat top part of the head with his thumb, like he always did.

I reached over, pulled it away from the tips of his fingers and stroked it. As he laid back, his forearm over his eyes, I sucked him again. I had missed his long, lanky dick. I had beat off to it lots of times and daydreamed about it when I couldn't. I knew what he wanted. I lay beside him on my back and he sat up on me, his long dick leaking a long clear line to my stomach. We both tried to get my dick in his ass but it wouldn't go.

He put my clothes under our hips and had me lie on my side on top of them. He lay back and I got a good grip on his long leaky dick and watched the head appear and disappear in my tight fist. He felt my back, as he lay back, his other hand came up to my face and touched my cheek.

I sucked on his dick some, tasting the ooze and felt him tense up and looked down at the shooting cock still tight in my fist. I really liked watching him come, watching him shoot from my hand. When it started to stream I held it straight up from his body and watched it shoot into the air, once, twice, three times. The come landed a little on my cheek but most on his chest.

He pumped his dick, slower but stronger, into my fist, moaning, taking the feeling; the dickhead leaking long lines of white come on my hand and on his pubes, making a puddle of come on his stomach. He lay still on the rock on his back, his forearm again on his eyes. I noticed a small glob of white come on the tip of his half hard dick laying straight up on his stomach pointing at me, and I bent over and licked off the Yellow-white drop.

He pulled his arm away from his eyes, looked at me and stroked my hair, and said, "Este vato."

We lay there on the rock for a while, my head on his chest, smelling his smell, my hand on his stomach, looking at his dick, not thinking of anything much and then he said,

"Let's go", hopped off the rock and waited for me, looking like he didn't want to be late or something.

The sun through the trees made patterns of light and shadow on his tall, slender body and I enjoyed watching him move, watching the long, super defined muscles on his shoulders, arms and back as they flexed. He was really cut. I hadn't forgotten that part of him but it was still good to see it again.

I got my clothes together and hopped down too, and he said I should put my clothes on.

"I told Leslie you were straight. Watch out... maybe he'll go after your ass too."

He watched me put on my clothes and I followed him down the trail. We talked about the trip up from East LA in my '55 Chevy that he knew. We'd had it for a long time. It hadn't been a bad trip. I had left at about 9PM after rush hour and got to the lake at about 12:30 today. The mountain roads were slow and my car had heated up a couple of times but it gave me a chance to nap and to get something to eat.

We made a turn at the bottom of the trail after he picked up some rubber thongs that he had shucked there, and came into a clearing. Around and above the big rocks, on the other side, was a large cabin, the front deck under the sun and the back up against the shade of tall trees. There were solar panels on the roof and steps leading up to the deck close the trail that went past the cabin. A small stream went down past the front of the house and into a meadow, then into some trees. Nice place.

As we walked up the steps a black guy, looked in his 30's, looked out the window and said,

"Hi. Hope you had a nice trip. We weren't expecting you 'til later."

I thought he wasn't wearing a shirt, but when I got inside I saw he didn't have any clothes on either - naked like Robbie.

We shook hands. He was a darker brown than me. I'm not really dark but I tan good. His almost perfect Fu-Manchu mustache went half way down to his chin, and had a body like somebody who plays tennis a lot and diets, trim but soft.

He smiled at me and said, "Hello, I'm Leslie. Robert must have told you about me." Robbie hadn't told me nothing, just about a "friend" with a cabin in the mountains, and if I wanted to come for a couple of days. He held on to my hand a little too long.

Robbie said he was getting chilly and was going to put on some clothes. I was trying not to look at the black guy's dick so I followed him up these narrow steps, a ladder, really, and at the top Robbie pushed this trap door aside with a large bang, and stepped up into this dusty loft. We left Leslie talking to himself, saying,

"But it's the first really hot day we've had."

The loft ran the length of the house. There was a pair of bunk beds to the right and a couple of army cots, parallel up against the sloping roof. There were a couple of large trunks at the foot of each of the cots, and a couple of throw rugs next to each of the beds and an old thrift store dresser with three or four drawers, a mirror propped up on the dresser and that was it... all dusty, everything dusty and the rafters full of cobwebs. I opened the drawers and there was just junky stuff you find in drawers. To the left was just empty, dusty space with a brick flue from the fireplace going up through the roof and nothing behind the flue but a dusty floor and dustier window.

"I like it up here," said Robbie as he noticed me looking around while he put on a white t-shirt and faded Levis cutoffs.

We went downstairs and I could hear a typewriter going clack-clack. Robbie called out to Leslie to see if he wanted a sandwich.

Leslie said, "Yes! I'm famished!"

Robbie and I rapped while we made sandwiches, and I found out that the refrigerator ran on gas, that the water pump did too, and that there were kerosene lamps all over the place. There was a wood stove in the kitchen and a gas stove too, and a big tank for gas outside the kitchen window. I guessed the solar panels didn't work.

There was even a gas lines for the lamp hanging from the ceiling. The loft upstairs ran across the cabin, over the bedroom next to the kitchen and across, over the living room that had a big stone fireplace. The kitchen had its own shed roof and shared its long narrow space with a long picnic table and the front door.

We took the sandwiches and some brew through the bathroom and out the back to a deck that ran the length of the house in back where Leslie was typing at a small table, a coffee can ashtray and pack of Newports. We put the stuff down on a picnic table and as Leslie came over to sit with us I got a good look at his dick - it was long for a limp dick, about 6 inches, an uncut soft black salami flopping between his legs. He had smallish balls, not near as big as Robbie's or mine that hung tight and very little hair, not even on his bare balls. I guess he felt me cruising him 'cause he smiled a knowing smile and said,

"Looks delicious, doesn't it?"

I figured I'd fucked up, but Robbie said that we should do our business first.

"So be it", said Leslie. And he lit up a cigarette.

They talked about me, that the deal was that for $300 a week I would help Robbie out with the chores.

Leslie kept glancing at me up and down as they talked, and said that it was up to us to keep the place "spick and span". He laughed and Robbie gave him this hard look.

"No pun intended, Pleeze!" said Leslie, but he was still smiling.

I didn't get it at first. But when Robbie gave him this look I did, and it pissed me off. What an ass hole! I was ready to rub this nigga's face in cow shit. Leslie saw my look, but Robbie reached across the table and touched Leslie's frightened hand and asked,

"Want another beer?"

Leslie, putting out his half smoked Newport, said no, and looked at me and said, "Sorry. I know how you feel. I get shit like that a lot myself."

I just shrugged and looked at my now empty paper plate and potato chip crumbs.

Robbie asked me in front of Leslie if I wanted the job, and looking at him I knew he wanted me to stay. I looked at Leslie and he said he hoped I would consider it or some bullshit like that, and I figured that if the puto was that chicken-shit, I wouldn't have much of a problem. And $300 bucks a week for a vacation wasn't bad.

I had only expected to stay about a week so I thought about it some.

I said "ok."

I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the loft, sweeping and dusting the cobwebs away, washing the windows at either end, and beating nothing but dust from the rugs on a line outside. After I'd wet mopped the loft floor, it was time for supper. The sweat had made long black lines down my body from all the dust, so I took a shower; there was still some hot water - not much, so it was quick.

Leslie cooked a quiche, his "specialty." I passed and had a couple of big cold-cut sandwich. But Robbie said it was really good. The salad was ok though.

I washed the dishes and then we went fishing at a shallow lake just past the meadow fed by the stream. The sun was going down and the fish were jumping. There were lots - good fishing, mostly trout.

Fishing with Robbie reminded me that when we were little our dads would take some of us out with their friends up by Big Bear to fish. I started to talk to Robbie about it, how his Dad or mine told us how to cast, how to fish. We were both real rusty and our casts weren't doing all that good so we set up a couple of poles too. But I liked casting.

Leslie started talking about how lucky we were, how he grew up not knowing who his father was, until he was 19. And so Robbie and me just fished as he talked.

The more Leslie talked the more he got into it. He didn't know who his father was until his mom told him when he was 18, "as a birthday present." He searched the net and found that his father was doing life without parole for raping and killing a pregnant white lady for her SUV.

He fumbled around his pockets and lit another cigarette.

Leslie got emotional telling us that he went to see him in prison a few years later and said that his father was a real piece of shit. When Leslie told him his mom's name and that he was his son the guy looked like he was trying to remember and then slouched back on the chair, put his hands behind his head and smiled.

"That was a long time ago," he said, and put a hand on his crotch.

"The son of a bitch put his hand on his crotch. He told me to send him a picture that he already had two and that `you my third.' He said my mom was a real nice piece of ass that he wanted to turn her out."

Leslie said he got really hurt and tried to hurt him by telling him that maybe they were all gay "like me."

The guy just smiled and told Leslie to let him know if he ever did time, that he could make some money and wouldn't mind fucking Leslie's young nigga ass – "after you swallow some of your little brothers and sisters." And then the guy laughed.

When Leslie said "and then he laughed," his voice broke like he felt like crying. "Fucking psychopath... "

He suddenly got up and dropping the fishing gear and all, and stomped back to the cabin.

Robbie and I were quiet. I picked up Leslie's pole, a really nice one, and just cast for a while. I looked over at Robbie and he was smiling. He looked at me and said,

"Downer. That's cold."

I said, "Yeah. ... bad ass dude." And we both smiled to ourselves until I couldn't help it and laughed. We both laughed, but not too loud.

We fished for a while, laughing to ourselves. Then Robbie said,

"I kind of like your little babies myself."

I guess he saw the look on my face and cast out.

Like I always say, he really does blow my mind every once in a while. And I imagined all his little babies swimming around the puddle of come on his stomach. I'd swallowed some too.

When the mosquitoes got too bad, getting past the repellent we went back to the cabin. Leslie was working, the typewriter was going full steam, non-stop on the kitchen table. He didn't look up when we came in, and said,

"Nothing like writing to drive away your demons – for a while anyway."

We cleaned the fish - about half dozen smallish trout and one good catfish. I felt real tired and went up to the loft to sleep. It was still early with light but I was beat. I found some old sheets in the dresser and a couple of army blankets in a trunk and I was all set.

But I couldn't sleep. I guess I was too tired.

They built a fire in the fireplace and the heat came up the loft trap door and filled the room. I opened the window that had a screen and moved the sheet and blankets to the lower bunk bed under the window. I could see the light of the lamps through the open trap door, and could hear the murmur of Robbie's and Leslie's voices. I lay in the soft darkness of the loft and wondered what Robbie had gotten me into.

The light downstairs started moving around, as Robbie and Leslie heated water, and I heard them wash before they went to bed. Running around barefoot and naked, I guess they didn't want to get the sheets dirty.

I noticed that there was a crack in the floor by the bed. A light shone through from the kerosene lamp they lit in the bedroom. I got out of bed and crawled over to it careful not to make the old planks creak, and looked in.

The crack was right over a double bed where Leslie was laying on it, his hands under his head, his eyes half closed, and his ankles crossed. His dick lay heavy on his stomach, not hard but heavy and the foreskin was peeled back a little.

Robbie sat on the bed, turned sideways and looked at Leslie's dick. He picked it up off of Leslie's stomach and peeled the foreskin back, showing an almost arrow shaped head, as black as the shaft. Stroking the black dick in his hand, Robbie turned to Leslie and bent forward to kiss him. Leslie lowered his arm and took Robbie by the back of the neck and pulled his face against his own.

Robbie sat up and turned to Leslie's cock, now thicker and standing in Robbie's hand. He straddled Leslie's thighs with his right arm, and stroked the pointed dick with his left hand. He brushed the tip of the dick against his lips, and nibbled on the dark purple head, then took the head in his mouth and ran it in and out, stroking the shaft with his fist, once in a while licking the shaft, the shiny, wet dickhead.

He held the dick in his hand, biting and sucking the underside of the head as Leslie rubbed Robbie's side, running his thumb on the edge of the long definition of his lat muscle, and dropped his hand between Robbie's legs. He stroked Robbie's dick and I could see the long white shaft and head, appear and disappear, whiter in that yellow-brown fist.

Robbie kept up his sucking and biting the head. I could hear him slurp, until Leslie pushed Robbie's forehead up and sat up to kiss him. Robbie lay on top of Leslie and they kissed and rubbed against each other for a while. Robbie's backside looked long, strong and lean as he pumped and rubbed himself against Leslie. They really got into it, moaning, slurping kisses, holding each other tight. Once in a while one of their hard dicks would poke out from between them. They both had long dicks.

Robbie sat up and took some stuff out of the nightstand next to the bed where a kerosene lamp gave off a soft yellow light. He lay back again to peel a rubber on Leslie's stiff meat, and to smear grease on it from a tube. He smeared it on Leslie's boner, rubbing it on the head and down the hard thick shaft as it lay on Leslie's stomach, first smearing, then gripping and stroking the shaft with his greasy left hand making it shiny, while his other hand pressed against his ass, his fingers greasing up his hole.

Leslie groaned and gripped Robbie's cock, squeezing it, and I imagined the pink head turning red. Robbie screwed the top back on the tube and put the tube back in the drawer. He stuck his fingers between his ass cheeks with his greasy fingers again, I guess to make sure it was ready. Leslie sat up and leaning over put Robbie's stiff dick in his mouth. Robbie lay back over against Leslie's legs and stroked the shiny black dick, licking the head and underside.

I watched them 69, as Leslie bent forward, leaning his face into Robbie's hips lying tilted toward him on the side of the bed.

I couldn't help stare at the curve of Robbie's long torso and his tight defined abs, curving around and over Leslie's thighs holding himself up on his elbow, stroking the long thickness of the black cock with his hand making the dark had dick shiny again. I admired Robbie's shoulder, a large ball of solid muscle rounding into his arm as he held himself up over Leslie's thighs, the squared long tricep holding him over those thick thighs fully defined, and his other bicep, round and flexing with every long, tight stroke he gave the long black dick, greasing it up again with his still greasy fist.

Robbie was really cut, and I followed the long curve of the furrow in his flat back, down to the furrow of his rounded ass. It was hot!

Robbie moaned like he was coming and Leslie took it all. Then, as Robbie lay on the bed Leslie got up on his knees between Robbie's open legs. He pulled Robbie's long legs up and put them s on his shoulders as Robbie stroked his own long cock and felt the head with his fingers. Leslie leaned over Robbie and pointed his hard long dick into Robbie's ass and slowly pushed his hips against Robbie.

When he got all in, he lay on top of Robbie, and as Robbie's face frowned and closed his eyes as Leslie's pumping got faster. Leslie's strokes became hard and I could hear the slaps, and the oohs and aahs. He raised himself off his knees and really leaned into Robbie's ass, the large high black ass rising and falling in a hard, heavy beat. As he pumped, Robbie put his arms around Leslie's neck, hugging him, his face still frowning, his eyes still closed, his feet now high over his head, the fuzzy black head next to his own...

They got into kissing again. I could tell Robbie was stroking his dick and came again. Leslie grunted too, and came, and as he made a deep noise in his throat, he pressed against Robbie and his pumping slowed down. He lowered himself back to his knees as his pumping got slower, then stopped. He got off Robbie and lay on his back, his wet shiny black dick in his hand. Robbie kissed his cheek and got up and brought him a towel. Leslie pulled off the rubber and tossed it in the trashcan, wiped his dick and his stomach, careful to pull back the foreskin back and clean the head.

Robbie watched Leslie clean his dick stroking his own. When Leslie was through, he tossed him the towel, turning on his his side to sleep.

Robbie reached back and put the towel between his legs, still standing, stroked his long, still hard dick. He lay next to Leslie and reached over to the lamp.

I got back in bed. The light went out through the crack on the floor and I lay on my cot in the dark with my own dick stiff in my hand, thinking of Robbie - and wondering, really what he'd gotten me into.

Next: Chapter 2

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