My Summer of Love

By James Arthur

Published on Feb 27, 2017



My Summer of Love

Part 1: Sheri

I first spotted her in front of the meat counter in the grocery store I was working at that summer. She was blond but young, too young. Her hair was golden, and it was just long enough to touch her bare sunburnt shoulders. It was hot that season, and she was wearing a white top with thin straps and blue shorts. I moved behind a chip display and continued to stare, hoping she would see me. She was chatting with a older lady, her mother I assumed, but I couldn't quite hear what she was saying. From this distance, it appeared that her eyes were blue and she wore just a touch of makeup; she was probably forbidden to wear more by her mother. The mother moved the cart further down the aisle and the girl I was admiring slowly followed her. I moved to the edge of the display to get a better look, and that's when it happened: Her head turned toward me and her eyes glanced into mine just for a second. A rush of warmth came over me as I quickly turned my head to hide my obvious stares of attraction. I had to make eye contact again or I would never forgive myself. I moved my eyes back to her, and she smiled. I couldn't believe it. She had acknowledged my presence and had actually smiled at me. I returned the smile and nodded subtlety. Her mother spoke again and they began to walk, faster this time toward another section of the store.

I stood there frozen for second. I was both excited and disgusted. I wasn't even going to guess her age, but I had never been attracted to someone this young before. I wasn't sure what to do. Walk the other way and pretend it never happened and never see her again? Or should I follow and see if I received another glance of permission. I knew if I didn't, I would never forgive myself, so I slowly moved from behind the chip display, and walked in the direction they had moved to.

I found them again in the cookie and cracker aisle, both the mother and girl were staring at the selection of cookies. I stood at the end of the aisle, pretending to be arranging some displays of new candy. I again courageously starred in her direction, making sure the mother did not see me. The girl, almost like she sensed me, turned her head caught my eyes again. This time I didn't look away and she did the same. We both stared into each other's eyes and she smiled bigger this time. She made a subtle motion with her head toward the back of the store, and then she tapped her mother on the shoulder and spoke to her. She then started walking in the other direction. I started to follow, but then decided to walk one aisle over so not to be seen by her protector. I walked briskly until I reached the end of the next aisle, and watched the beautiful Lolita walk through the door marked "bathrooms."

Looking both ways to make sure I wasn't being watched, I then followed her through the rocking door. There was a long aisle with a few stacked boxes and some random displays. It was the area of the store the placed marked down items. The bathrooms were at the end of the long aisle. I started walking toward them when the voice startled me.

"I told my mom I needed to go pee."

She was hiding behind a stack of marked down items. She stood there with one foot behind her against the wall. One of her straps had fallen down on her arm and

I could see the suntan line that remained. Her eyes were light blue and piercing through me. I turned toward her and stared. I couldn't breathe.

"How old are you?" she asked in a soft, but surprisingly flinty voice.

"A senior next year," I answered, then wondered If I should have lied with a younger age.

"You work here?"

"Yes, my first summer."

"Are you going to ask how old I am?" I knew that was going to be her next question.

"No," I said and I could tell she was surprised. "I don't want to know."

She smiled and understood why. She nodded and reached to move her strap back in it's place. That subtle movement cause me to harden. I couldn't believe it. Staring at this forbidden beauty and her one small gesture caused a sexual response that I couldn't control.

"You are very hot." she said and again felt my pants tighten. "I love boys with long hair."

I had let mine go longer for the summer and it was down to my shoulders. Surprisingly, the manager of the store didn't mind. She reach out and touched my hair just below my ear.

"We don't have much time. Do you have your cell with you?"

I nodded and reached in my pocket to pull it out.

"Okay, type this in. 325 E Grissom street."

I did as she instructed.

"Come by tomorrow at 11:00 AM. My mom takes a class and I'll be home alone for two hours."

I repeated the time and address.

"I wanted a boyfriend this summer and I guess I got my wish. A little older than I expected, but that's fine."

She then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I almost exploded.

"It's Sheri, but he way. You forgot to ask"

I swallowed and replied, "Jeff."

"See you tomorrow, Jeff." she turned and started walking to the exit.

I turned and walked the other direction.

The men's bathroom was empty thank goodness. I entered the toilet stall and locked the door. I pulled my pants down to the floor and stood over the toilet. Placing my left hand again the wall, I licked my right hand with spit. I bent over and started stroking it vigorously. Thirty seconds later I ejaculated into the toilet. A small drop of semen clinged to the tip of my penis and I put my index finger under the drop and raised it to my mouth. I didn't know if that was normal or not, but It was how I always finished pleasuring myself. I pulled my pants back up and washed my hands and returned to work.

I couldn't sleep that night. I excitement and possible guilt were tearing me apart. I lay in bed thinking about what I might do. I wasn't sure what Sheri had in mind, but my guess was that it was everything I wanted in a girlfriend except for the age difference. I finally drifted asleep and dreamt about my first girlfriend I had in the sixth grade and wonder what had happened to her.

At 10:45 the next day I peddled my bike past 325 Grissom and down an alley next to the house. I wasn't sure if she wanted me to come to the from door or be more secretive. The back yard was surrounded by a wooden fence and I rested my bike against it and peered through the crack in the wood boards. I couldn't see anyone. The was a gate so I lifted the latch and walked into the back yard. The yard was mostly empty except for a small above ground pool next to the house. I walked up to the porch and peered into the kitchen through the screen door. I heard soft music playing from inside the house. I gently knocked on the glass above the door and waited.

She appeared out of the front room and smiled at me through the glass. She then open the lock and pushed the door open. I stepped inside and was again overwhelmed with her youth. I started to panic a bit and then she spoke.

"Right on time." her voice cut through me with pure pleasure.

I minute I heard her again, I knew there was no turning back. She was dressed in a one piece yellow swimsuit with a blue flower design on the front. "I thought you might want to swim."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a pool. I didn't bring a suit."

"No problem," she said. "Come with me." She grabbed my hand and guided me toward the hallway that led to the back of the house. She pulled me into a bedroom and then pointed toward the dresser.

"There's a suit in the top drawer you can wear."

I walked over the drawer and pulled out a white brief swimming suit.

"It's my older brothers. He is away this summer, but you can wear it"

"Okay, thanks." I stared at her waiting for her to leave the room. She made no move the door. I felt uneasy and wasn't sure if I should start to undress in front of her.

"Can I watch you change?" She asked and lowered her eyes to my waist.

I nodded and first pulled my Polo shirt over my head. I stood there shirtless for a few seconds. I was thin but muscular. I worked out twice a week and lifting boxes at the store had kept me in pretty good shape. Sheri stared at my chest and I hesitated.

"Listen, Sheri. I don't want to get into trouble."

She moved over closer to me and held out her arms She wrapped them around my waist and looked up into my eyes. She then pulled me closer and placed the side of her face on my chest. I breathed deeply and felt my penis hardened.

"It's our secret, Jeff. I want you to be my first boyfriend, my first everything. I won't tell a soul. I promise. I've never been so attracted to a boy."

She then reached down and push my shorts to the floor. My penis was completely hard now, and push out my underwear. I pushed my underwear to the floor and stepped out of them. I stood there completely naked in front of this beautiful girl. She stared at my erection with fascination. I felt like I might ejaculate right there. I reached out for the swimsuit and pulled it up. I was able to relax for a second. She walked to the bedroom door.

"Let's swim"

The swimming pool wasn't much larger than a big Jacuzzi so there's wasn't really any way to actually swim. We both lowered ourselves into the cool water and stood facing each other. I look around to see if the fence was concealing us from the neighbors. She must have know what I was thinking.

"Don't worry. No one can see us."

She moved closer to me. I stared into her eyes then it happened. Our lips touched for the first time. I was crazed with desire. She pushed her lips tighter against mine but there was no movement.

"My first kiss." she declared after pulling away for a second. She then pulled my head closer to her and kissed me again. This time with complete passion. Our mouths opened, and she gently push her tongue into my mouth. I responded and our tongues danced on each other. Her hands wrapped around my waist and she pulled me closer. We were making out like two teenagers after the prom. I couldn't believe it. I only hoped we were two teenagers. We continued for minutes. Our heads changing positions, our faces touching each other, and our hand running up and down our bodies. Our tongues darting in and out of our mouths. Little sounds of pleasure emanated from each of us.

She then pulled away and stared at me. She lowered her body completely under the water and I did the same. We watched each other under water for a few seconds.

We then both raised up out of the water and laughed. I was falling in love. It was not just a lusting for a forbidden young girl. I was feeling something I had never felt before. She then grabbed my hand and guided me out of the pool. We walked into the house and back to the bedroom. She pulled me into a room I assumed to be her bedroom. It was decorated in young feminine colors. She stopped and let go of my hand. I stared at her wet body. She reached for a towel and the edge of her bed and dried herself then passed it to me. I dried vigorously and tossed the towel to the floor. She backed to the bed and sat down. I followed and sat down beside her. I moved closer and for a second thought about getting up and leaving. She reached out and touched my hair and I panicked. Something happened I can't explain but I stood up quickly.

I started to move toward the door and she spoke.

"Where are you going?'

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'll get in trouble."

She stood up and pushed the bedroom door shut and locked the door. She started to pull her swimsuit down from her shoulders.

"It's too late honey. There's no turning back"

She finished removing her suit and stood there naked in front of me. Her breast were small but shapely. I looked down and stared at the small amount of brown hair between her legs. I couldn't believe it. I had no idea how old she was, but I was overcome with lust. I pushed my suit down and my erection was pointing toward her. I walked over and she back up onto the bed. She laid down and I slowly moved on top of her.

"Is this your first time?" she asked but I didn't answer her. My answer was guiding myself into her. She gasped a little. I was fully penetrated now and I breathed deeply. I waited a moment to make sure she was ready and then I slowly moved inside her. She moaned just a little and I pushed again and that's all it took. I ejaculated like I had never done before. I felt like my entire insides of my body were entering her. I moaned so loud i started myself and Sheri. I felt her legs wrapped around me. I thrusted one more time and I was finished.

I lay there quietly on top of her. My face to the side of hers. Our deep breathes were in unison. I tilted my head and kissed her ear.

"I love you, honey." I whispered.

"I know. I felt it. We love each other."

I took my weight from her and lay beside her naked body. I placed my hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently. She moved her foot against mine and our feet danced together. She shut her eyes for a short moment and my had lowered to the top of her leg. I felt a small drop of semen that had landed there when I had exited her body. I rubbed the drop with my finger and it stuck. Her eyes were still closed so I placed the finger in my mouth and tasted it.

She opened her eyes and rolled over.

"We better get dressed"

We did so. I put my shirt and shorts back on and she dressed into a pair of shorts and sundress. I thought about my person still being inside her.

"My mom will be home soon, you'd better go."

I leaned over and kissed her and she looked at me funny. Did she taste my surprise? I'm not sure.

"Should I come back tomorrow?"

"No, my mom will be here. I'll come to the store and see you soon"

She seemed dismissive and I got immediately concerned.

"Okay, bye"

She waved at me and I walked out the back door to my waiting bike.

Part 2: Jimmy

"Oh, Hi Jimmy, come on in."

My mom opened the door and Jimmy entered. Jimmy had been my best friend since we were ten years old.

"We just about to eat. Have a seat."

Jimmy moved into the kitchen and sat beside me. He had recently trimmed his hair shorter than normal, and he look like a studious young man. I glanced over to him and smiled.

"I appreciate you letting me eat here tonight. My parents will be home tomorrow." he said, looking at my mom.

"That's alright, Jimmy"

I always felt that my Mother didn't really care for Jimmy but I could never figure out why. She couldn't possibly know our secrets.

We ate quietly and my Mom was the first to notice.

"Well, doesn't anyone have anything to say tonight?" she ask.

My mind was still swimming from my encounter with Sheri. The sudden passion than the quick dismissal. I was afraid I would never see her again and I was deeply in love. I almost hoped I had impregnated her so we would have to spend our lives together.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kemp. My mom always told me to keep quiet at companies dinner unless I'm asked a question."

"You're free to speak freely, she joked" and Jimmy laughed.

At that moment I felt Jimmy's foot against mine. He kept rubbing it until I look at him with acknowledgement.

"Well, I'm finished." I said. Jimmy you want to play some video games.

He didn't answer but got up and walked to my room.

"Good night, mom" I said as I followed Jimmy.

"Please keep the volume down, I need to get some sleep" she said as we marched into my room.

Jimmy was already turning on my HD television and the XBOX. As I entered, he walked behind me shut the door. I heard the lock latch in place. I knew we weren't playing XBOX. Jimmy was the most passionate person I had ever met. I turned the volume to a reasonable level. Enough to not keep mom up but just enough to drown out our noise.

Jimmy was already pulling his pants downs and smiling at me.

"Why were you so quiet tonight? He asked. He knew me better than anyone.

"No reason." I lied and he was already on me. He pulled my face to his and our tongues started to probe each other's mouths. He unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it to the side of the bed. I leaned back and he was on top of me, our bare chest touching each other.

Jimmy and I had learned everything we know about sex from internet porn. We thought everything we saw was the way loving couples expressed themselves. Jimmy pushed my pants down and I started to get hard. Not as quickly as usual and Jimmy was suspicious.

He stopped kissing me and look me in the eyes

"Really what is the matter, dude?" he asked and he massage my crotch.

"Did you score today?' he asked.

Jimmy and I had sex as often as possible, but we both pursued girls also. He called our relationship friends with benefits. Secret benefits.

I didn't answer. I pulled him to me and kissed him passionately. We pulled our remaining clothes off and Jimmy kissed my chest and made his way south. I was fully erect know, and Jimmy took me in his mouth. He fellated me vigorously. I moaned with desire, making sure Mom would not hear us. I came close to ejaculation, and pulled his head from my waist.

Jimmy laid down and I returned the favor. I sucked on him with total pleasure. I loved Jimmy with all my heart. I would marry him if he was a girl. I moved myself so we could pleasure each other simultaneously. We had developed a rhythm over the years and were in total synch. Jimmy pause for second and spoke:

"You want a special favor?" he asked.

I positioned myself on my back and lifted my legs back and raised my bottom. Jimmy push a pillow under my rear. I pulled my legs back further and Jimmy started to lick my testicles. His tongue slowly moved to my anus. Jimmy and I had started pleasuring each other this way only recently. We didn't think we would like it, but soon realize the extreme passion only realize by anal stimulation. His tongue kept licking the edges of my anus.

He then grabbed my penis and stroked me to ejaculation. Jimmy then grabbed himself and his semen joined mine on my stomach. We both looked at the combined juice and Jimmy placed his finger into it. He raised the semen to my mouth and I licked it from his finger. He then lowered his lips to my stomach and lick a drop unto his tongue. He laid down beside me and I wrapped my arm around him He leaned over and kissed me. We both said I love you at the same time and we meant it. We fell asleep naked and covered in white creamy liquid.

I woke up later and turned the TV and Xbox off. I went into my bathroom and cleaned off my stomach. I walked back into the bedroom and stared at Jimmy. I wondered if I could love two people at the time. Of course I could. I climbed back into bed and place my arm around Jimmy, but I thought about Sheri and actually got hard again. Jesus, I said to myself. I thought about masturbating, and also about waking Jimmy for a second go around, but that would solve the problem. I quietly rose out of bed and started to dress. I carefully opened the door and walked toward the back. I decide against the bike because it was in the garage and I couldn't chance raising the door.

I started walking toward Sheri's. The night was still warm and I wore only a pair of short, T shirt, and some slippers. I walked briskly through the back alleys. I tried my best to remember where she live in the dark, and I thought I might get lost in the byzantine alleys, but I got my bearings and was soon closing in our her place. I slowly crept my way to the gate I had used earlier. I stopped and peered through the cracks to see if anyone was awake. It was 11:30, so there was a chance she or her parents might be awake. I moved very quietly into the back yard and move toward her bedroom window. I crouched down and tried to see inside. She was sleeping on her side with her face toward me. I immediately was stimulated when I saw her young beauty. I continued to stare and considered trying to wake her, but I decided it was too risky. I started to turn and almost screamed when I felt a presence behind me.

"Is that your new girlfriend?" it was Jimmy. He had followed me.

"Damn, dude." I whispered. "Let's get out of here." Jimmy didn't listed and walked over to the window to look inside. He stared for awhile and then walked back to me. We walked out of the gate back into the alley.

"We'll is it?" he asked again.

"I'm not sure. We met today, but she's too young and I think maybe she regretted it."

"What makes you say she's too young? Did she tell you how old she was?"

"No, I was afraid to ask." I replied.

Jimmy looked at me and shook his head. "I don't think she as young as she looks. I'm sure I've seen her around the high school."

I could tell if he was joking or not. We stopped walking and look at each other in the alley.

"Did you guys have sex?'' he asked.

I just nodded.

"Did you like it? Was it hot?"

"Yea, it was hot. Different than I've ever had."

He moved closer to me. "It's because you thought she was forbidden. That's always turned you on. That why our sex was so hot at first. Now, with all the changes in the world, two guys have sex doesn't seem so forbidden anymore."

He was right. I was attracted to the forbidden fruit. I really didn't 't think of myself as gay. Jimmy was the only boy I've ever been with. But it was so wrong at first I loved it. Now it's just convenient sex with my best friend.

We continued to stare at each other and I realize how important he was to me.

"Jimmy, when we are older....would you consider." I stopped cause I didn't want to scare him.

"Marrying you?" he finished my thought. "I'm not sure. I love you with all my heart. But I think I have to go all the way with my partner."

Jimmy and I had gone all the way only twice, but neither of us was comfortable being the bottom

I leaned closer to him and realize how much I loved him. I kissed him softly.

"I love you more than life itself. I'll do anything to please you."

And I meant if. I wanted Jimmy forever and was willing to be his bottom if that's what it took. I was already pulling my shorts down. Jimmy was kissing me hard and unbuttoning his shorts. He pushed them down and I turned around and put my hands on the alley fence. Jimmy licked his hand and rubbed his penis. He put his had in my mouth and I licked it also. He continued to apply the spit to his hard penis. I bent over further and raised my bottom for him. I knew what I want to be. I wanted to be his woman at the moment. Jimmy pushed but couldn't get in in. It was too dry.

"Dude, I'm sorry"

"it's there a store around here?"

"He nodded. The Zip Trip. Two block from here. I'll go get something. You wait here."

He pulled up his pants and put on his shirt. He started running down the alley. I stood there naked with my shorts on the ground feeling foolish. I got dressed and decided to walk home.

"What's going on, what are you doing here?" It was Sheri. She and heard a noise in the alley.

"I was just out walking cause I couldn't sleep. I decided to see if you were awake."

"I am now. I thought I heard another voice. "

"No, I'm alone. It may have been a neighbor."

She leaned in and kiss me. I was instantly aroused and confused. Two minutes ago I was going to give Jimmy everything I could, and know I wanted this young girl so much it hurt. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck, then suck hard. She was giving me a love mark. She continued to suck and then bit my neck.

I jerked away. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the house.

"Come with me, and be quiet."

We walked into the back yard and up to her opened window. She climbed in and I followed. She quickly got into bed and I followed.

"We have to be very quiet. No love noises." She pulled off her nighty and I started to undress. I erection was bulging again. We both lay naked on the bed and I leaned over to kiss her. She pushed my head down and I obeyed. I had never had a girl in my mouth before, but I started to lick her passionately. She could keep her pleasure quiet. She moaned softly. I stopped the oral pleasure and put myself inside her again. It lasted longer this time; my third time of the day always takes more time. She wiggled under me and I couldn't last any longer. I came inside her for the second time today. I kissed again and lay beside her. She placed her head on my chest and we feel asleep.

I woke up later to a tapping noise. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep. I rolled over and saw Jimmy at the window. He was waving at me to follow him. I gently rolled out of bed and grabbed my clothes. I turned and looked at Sheri's naked body. It somehow seemed less attractive in the dark room. I wasn't as attracted to her as I had been. I climbed through the window and put my clothes back on. Jimmy grabbed my hand and pulled me to the alley.

"Damn, dude. What happened? I was ready to go."

"I don't know. She came after you left. I couldn't say no."

When we got to the alley, Jimmy push me a little. My back hit the fence. It all the years I had known Jimmy, he had never struck me, or I him. We had a mutual friendship based on trust and love. I was shocked at the physical attack. I turn around in fear.

"What the hell?" I asked as he put his hand on my neck.

"Don't ever leave me again like that. I don't care about your young girl. But don't ever chose her over me. Now take off you clothes; let's finish what we began."

"Jimmy," I protested. "I'm exhausted, let's go back to bed"

He didn't give me a choice. He pulled me closer and kiss me hard. There was no doubt that Jimmy was stronger than me and as I tried to pull away. As he rammed his tongue into my mouth, he pulled my shorts down. He pushed my shoulder to spin me around and my rear was now toward him. I stepped out of my shorts and Jimmy kicked them over the fence. He pushed me down and my hands hit the ground. All I could see was the ground, but Jimmy started wiping something on my anus. It was the lube he had bought at the store. It felt good, warm and tingly. I next felt the tip of Jimmy's penis touch my anus. He push and this time it slipped in. I felt like I was being split open. Jimmy thrust harder and I groaned. I got semi hard, but didn't achieve a full erection. I looked up a little, and thought I saw someone watching us through the crack in the fence. Jimmy thrusted a few more times and it was over. He filled me up with his semen. He didn't pull out until he was finished. We both breathed heavily and jimmy backed away and started to dress. I was standing there with my shirt on and no shorts.

"Why did you toss my shorts away?"

"Sorry the heat of passion."

I didn't know what to do. Jimmy started walking toward my house and I just stood there. I could still feel Jimmy's seed inside me and it disgusted me and excited me. I realized my only choice was to go home.

I quietly entered my home and made my way to my bedroom. Jimmy was already in bed and appeared to be fast asleep. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I tossed my shirt into the laundry basket and started to shower. The warm water felt good over my body. I let the streams of water run down my back and over my anus. I wanted to feel clean again. I closed my eyes and let the day's event pass away.

The shower door opened and Jimmy stepped in, naked of course. He didn't say anything. He squirted some body wash into his hands and rubbed them over my body. He cleaned me like a lover should. I felt warm and content as his hands passed over mine. I considered lowering to my knees and taking him in my mouth, but decided against it. I didn't want to spoil the tender moment.

He finally spoke.

"Just us from now on, okay? If you let me inside you, I don't need anyone else, and would like you to only have me, okay?"

He stared into my eyes. and I couldn't resist his love. I nodded and kissed him. We shut off the shower and dried each other off. He slipped back into bed naked and held each other. He both drifted off to sleep and I dreamed of Jimmy and Sheri in my bed at the same time. He was taking me from behind and I was orally pleasing her.

Part 3: Todd

The next morning I woke up and noticed that Jimmy wasn't beside me. I got out of bed and slipped into a pair of shorts and searched the house. My Mother had left for work and the house was empty. I had to get to work by noon but it was only 10:30. Yesterday had seemed like a dream. I went back into my bedroom and noticed a note on my dresser. It read, "remember your promise." I did remember my promise and felt a satisfaction and contentment I had not felt for awhile. JImmy and I were boyfriends; there was no other way to say it. I loved him with all my heart and would be his lover from now on. I started to look for a shirt to wear, but heard a knock coming from the back kitchen door. I walked over and peered out the glass door. It was Todd, a boy who lived a few blocks away and went to my school. He knocked again even though I was looking at him.

"What do you want?" I asked. Todd had never visited me before. He smiled through the glass and held up my shorts from the night before. I slowly opened the door and Todd slipped in.

"I have something of yours." he said as he smile and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Those aren't mine." I lied. He didn't believe me.

Todd was A year younger than me and the most effeminate boy I had ever met. He had been teased entire life for being girly. He has reddish ginger hair and a slightly pale complexion. He sat there smiling at me and crossed his arms. Even his movement seemed like a girl. However, we has quite attractive in his own way. He had stunning pale blue eyes and a cute pointy nose. His lips were thin but bright red.

"So, how long have you and Jimmy been lovers?" He asked.

"What do you want Todd; no one will believe you."

Todd seemed annoyed and slightly hurt.

"I'm not going to tell anyone. Hell I'm jealous. You and Jimmy enjoying each other while I get teased for being a fag. And I've never done anything gay."

I sat down next to Todd and smiled. I couldn't believe it but I was attracted to him and already felt movement where it counts.

"Thanks, Todd. For not telling anyone" I reached out and touch his hand. He was surprised and I could tell attracted to me as well. I lean over and kissed him. Todd didn't' back away, but didn't kiss me back. I stroked his hand. He breathed deeply. He stared at my bare chest.

"Please kiss me again." he said and I obliged. This time the kiss was harder and we opened our mouths a little.

"I've never got to do anything with anyone." I stood up and pulled on Todd's hand. He walked together back to my bedroom. He looked around at everything.

"You have a nice room." he said and sat on my bed.

I stood in front of him and let him look at my body. I slowly pushed my shorts down and exposed my hard penis. Todd started and it and couldn't look away. He reach out and touched it gingerly. He was breathing deeper now. I moved close and my hard cock was inches away from his rosy lips. He looked up at me and I nodded with permission. He took it in his mouth. Very gently, like all first timer do. It felt nice and innocent. Something new for me also. JImmy and I had become comfortable with each other, but here was a beautiful boy who need my guidance. It was wonderful. I pushed myself deeper into his mouth and he gagged little. I smile at him and reached down and put my hand under his chin. I pulled him up to my mouth and we kissed again. My cock throbbed for more, but I wanted to be gentle with Todd. I kissed him longer and then started to take his shirt off. I kissed his neck and bare chest. I kissed his pointed nose and he giggled. I was in heaven. I wanted this queen more than anything. Todd unbuttoned his pants and pushed them to the floor. We stood there naked and I dropped to my knees. Todd had a long narrow penis and ginger hair decorations. I'd never seen anything like it, and I immediately put him in my mouth. Todd couldn't take and a yelped in pleasure. I huge amount of semen entered my mouth and I had no options but to take it all and swallow. It was salty and warm. Todd spoke:

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I wiped a little semem from my chin and pulled Todd to me. He backed away but I protested.

"No Todd, this is what happens when you don't warn me." I pulled his mouth to mine and slipped my white salty tongue into his mouth. Todd tried to pull back again, but I continued to push my tongue into his mouth. He stopped refusing and his tongue met mine. Our semen covered mouth muscles danced with each other. It was nasty and hot. Todd lay back on the bed and I told him to roll over. He didn't protest. I reached over to my dresser and pulled out a bottle of lube. I started rubbing it into my still hard penis. Todd arched his butt up and i moved closer. Todd was thin but had a curvy rear. His cute butt turned me on and I pushed my tip into his anus. Todd yelped but didn't protest. I got the feeling he had been practicing for this. I soon was deep inside him and froze for a second. This was only the second boy I had ever mounted and I wanted to cherish that sensation. Todd moved his rear a little and I started to thrust to him. It was amazing. It was new and different and fantastic. I could feel my testicles bounce against his ass. I had never notice that on Jimmy. I thrusted gently; i didn't want to hurt him and he moaned with pleasure. I got into a pleasant rhyme and started to feel a contentment and excitement I had never felt before. It was like we belonged together. Two partners coming together in a lustful dance of giver and receiver. I finally ejactulated and pulled out so as not disturb Todd. I came on his white cheeks. He moaned with pleasure. I fell down beside him and kissed him hard. He looked into my eyes and I realized for the second time in two day I was in love with someone new. He spoke first:

"That was incredible. I always knew I wanted it but know I know for sure. Thank you".

I kissed him again. "Our secret Todd. I can't let Jimmy know." Todd nodded and seemed somehow required.

"A secret lover. I've always wanted one".

We both got up and took a quick shower. We didn't horse around, just cleaned ourselves off. Todd dressed and kissed me again.

"Goodbye lover." he said and walked out the back door.

I stood there in disbelief. It took me less than one hour to break my promise with JImmy. I couldn't believe it. I started to dress and headed out the door to work.

Part 4: Bobby

It was becoming apparent to me that I had something other people wanted. Two older girls watched me and I peddled to work that morning. I guess my long curly brown hair and lean body were something special. After I got to work I started my duties and quickly as possible. The distraction of work was refreshing, but I felt different. I felt like every girl or boy in the store was a possible sexual conquest. I checked everyone of them out. But it was a fellow employee who was getting most of my attention.

Bobby had started working at the store two weeks ago and I immediately noticed his cute body. He was a petite thing, but the curves he had were perfect. His cute bottom was a masterpiece and his dark brown hair and brown eyes were perfect. He walked up behind me and slapped my butt.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

I couldn't believe he had touched me that way. Was he really flirting with me? I looked down at this eyes and smiled.

"Not much, Bobby. How are you?" He again reached out and touch me, this time my arm.

"I heard something about you." he said. "Something awesome." he smiled again.

I had no idea what he might be talking about. Did Tood or JImmy tell someone about us?

Bobby started walking toward the back of the store. "Come here I want to show you something."

He said and I started to follow, but then I saw here at the end of the aisle. Sheri stood there in a yellow sundress and sandals. He wore a cute white hat on top of her blonde hairs. Bobby kept walking then looked back at me. I started walking toward Sheri. Bobby look annoyed and came over to me.

"Where are you going?" he asked. "I need to talk to you."

I pointed toward Sheri. "That customer needs assistance"

"Who, Sheri?" He asked. I was surprised by is response.

"Do you know her?" I asked,

"Yea she goes to our school. I dated her for awhile. She's gorgeous"

I kept walking toward Sheri. She looked like a model from a spring catalogue. I approached her and smiled. I said hi and she responded.

"Where's your mum?" I asked as she look down at her feet.

" I came by myself. I wanted to see you."

I looked around to make sure no one was watching us.

"Is there anywhere we can talk?" she asked and stared into my eyes.

"Yea, go back into the hallway by the bathroom, we can talk back there."

She started walking back there and I noticed Bobby was still watching me. Sheri went through the back door and I waited to make sure it didn't look like I was following her. I then went through the same doors and saw Sheri standing in the hallway. I walked past her and motioned for her to follow. I went into the men's bathroom and held the door for her.

"There's a lock on the door."

She followed and I locked the door.

"God, you're beautiful. I can't stand how pretty you are."

She move closer to me and kiss me softly. I started to get hard.

She leaned back against the bathroom wall and parted her legs a little. I moved in and started to unbutton my pants but she shook her head. She reached up and pushed my head down. I lowered myself to my knees and reached into her dress. I pushed her yellow panties down and put them in my pocket. I lower my head under her dress and stared at her vagina and the small patch of hair above it. She parted her legs a little and I placed my face against her. I started to consume her like a predator on a victim. I licked and kiss her femininity with total abandon. And although I loved being this close to her youthful beauty, it was at this time i realized that I was gay. I had always assumed I was just messing around with Jimmy. But it became clearer to me now that I enjoyed having a penis in my mouth more than a woman. I continued to consume her until I thought she had been satisfied. Then I stood up and lowered her dress.

She looked and me and then kissed me.

"I'm leaving for a while on vacation. "

"That sucks" I lied. I truly felt this would be the last time I would be with girl.

"I'll miss you, and I see you when I get back"

"Do you want these?" I asked and showed her the panties.

She shook her head and walked out of the bathroom

I followed and Bobby stood there looking at me.

He pushed me back into the bathroom and started to speak:

"Do I get a turn" he started to lean in for a kiss then stopped. "You smell like a girl, no thanks. I get you at a better time."

He started to walk out then i shouted.

"What did you mean you heard something about me?" I asked.

Bobby didn't answer and continued to walk out swinging his rear.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I was very busy. At the end of my shift I started to leave and Bobby started to walk beside me.

"Let's have lunch," he said like it wasn't any choice. I was hungry and since I decided that I was only interest in men from now on, I decide to accept his invitation.

We went to the closest hamburger joint we knew about and sat down in a booth. Bobby stared at me with his brown eyes.

"So how do you know Sheri?" I asked.

"We were in junior high together. We were pretty good friends for awhile. She's really pretty don't you think."

I nodded and he continued.

"We dated for a while. She was my first kiss."

I was shocked and annoyed. Either he was lying or Sheri had lied to me before.

"So what happened? Why didn't you stay together?"

Bobby looked at me and grinned. "She really wasn't my type, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Somethings you have to sample things before you know if you like it or not. He placed his foot on top of mine and smiled again.

"So what's the story with you. Is she your girlfriend?"

"We just met a few days ago. I'm not really sure I was infatuated with her beauty, but I think its passing."

Bobby continued to rub his foot on top of mine.

"I'm looking for a new friend if your interested."

At that moment I could not remember Jimmy, Todd, or Sheri. Bobby was gorgeous and I wanted him.

We were at Bobby's house before I knew it. He only lived a few blocks away and both of his parents worked.

He wasted no time. As soon as we walked into the house he locked the door and started undressing. I couldn't believe it. Within seconds he was standing naked in front of me with an erection. He didn't trim and had a full mound of hair around his penis. It was a beautiful straight cock and a spot of moisture glisten from the tip.

"I'm kind of a slut." he said and smiled. " I can't help it. I love sex and were young. We need to do it know while we can"

I started to undress myself and he was on me like a wild animal. He quickly put me in his mouth and fellated me like a starving animal. I was in heaven. This beautiful brown hair boy was sucking me dry.

He then pushed me down on my back in the living room floor. My erection was pointing toward the ceiling and bobbly crawled up on me and grabbed my erect penis and pushed it toward his butt. He licked his hand and applied the moisture onto my piece. He lowered himself slowly onto my cock. I'd never made love like this before. Flat on my back with a beautiful guy rhythmically moving on top of me.

He stopped for a second and squeezed his anus on my penis. He kept doing it and I was in shock. He didn't say anything. Then he started moving again. I warned him that i was going to ejactulate but he did care. He took it all into his butt. He then rubbed his own prick until he blasted onto my chest. He didn't say anything and got up and went to the restroom..

"That's all I wanted." he said. "You can go now"

I felt a little used but it was worth it. He had told me he was a slut and I accepted it. There's nothing wrong with a quick piece of ass once in awhile. I got dressed and went into his bathroom. I was looking for an aspirin in the medicine cabinet, but only saw Oxycodone. I took one then put the rest in my pocket. I was feeling a little mischievous. Let's see what he thinks about that.

That night before dinner I took two more Oxy's and was feeling light headed but confident. I sat across from mother as we ate cheese burger and fries. She spoke first:

"I'd like you to do me a favor, Jeff."

"Okay, what's that?" I assumed it was a new household chore she wanted me to start doing or something simple like that.

"I'd like you to take Jacob's daughter to a dance."

Jacob was my mom's boss and he had a daughter my age. I'd never met her, but if she needed a blind, she must have been a real gopher. Anyway, I had decided to only date dude's from now on.

"Mom, I think i need to tell you something." The prescription drugs were affecting me more that I knew. "I like guys more than girls. I don't want to date girls anymore"

She looked shocked and surprised. I always assume she suspected it, but she seemed totally unaware.

"You're just confused. You spend too much time with Jimmy. You need to spend some time with some girls. You're seventeen, you need to have sex with a girl for godsakes." She stopped and walked into the living room. I Didn't want to argue with her. I wanted to tell her about Sheri and would have if Sheri would have been older, but I couldn't

A knocking at the door interrupted us. I opened the door expecting Jimmy, but it was Bobby.

"Dude, I need to talk to you." He burst into the room and I didn't have a chance to stop him.

"Who is this?" my mother asked. I told her it was my coworking and he wanted to borrow a video game. I took Bobby into my room and shut the door. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear.

"Did you take my Dad's pills? He asked me as he held me tight. I was both frightened and aroused.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I was pissed at you for dismissing me."

"Give em back, my Dad's going ape shit."

I told him I had already taken three, but gave him the two I had left. I then told him that we could swipe my Mom's but would have to be careful.

"Actually Bobby, you can help me.'' I reached out and cracked the door open a little. I pulled Bobby down beside me on the bed and kissed him.

"Dude, your Mom will see." he protested.

I just nodded and continued to kiss him like a teenager in love. I embrace him fully and probed his mouth with my tongue. I ran it on top his teeth I then heard the door open slightly and heard a gasp from my mother. She stomped down the hallway and out the front door. I released Bobby and walked into my mom's bathroom. I grabbed five pills from her bottle. I gave three to Bobby and we each took one ourselves. We then continued to kiss a short time, but Bobby wanted to get back to his Dad and get out of trouble.

"Bobby, I love you." I lied, wanting him to return for fun later.

"Sure dude, leave your window open." He walked out and I lay there feeling the effects of the Oxy. I undress and raised my feet about my head on the wall above my bed. I started stroking my penis and aimed it toward my mouth. Quickly I came and shot the juice into my welcoming mouth. I enoyed the taste of my own semem and let it on my tounge for awhile. I wonder when Mom would be back and what she would say.

I heard Mother come home a few hours later and she peeked into my room to see it i was along. She then went into her room and went to sleep.

Bobby did returned shortly after that and asked if he could spend the night because his father was still upset. I told him of course. He slipped out of his clothes and got under the covers with me. I kissed him softly, but we didn't have sex. I held onto his slim body and we soon fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later still holding onto him. It was nice. I felt a closeness to him that was differently than anyone else. I stared at his beautiful face and lovely brown hair and eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder and was falling for this boy. I couldn't believe it. Earlier he had treated me like meat but a few hours in his arms and I was in love. I placed my hand on his chest and his eyes opened. He looked over at me and I whispered to him.

"I love you Bobby, I Really do. I' not screwing with you." Bobby snuggled closer to me and held me tighter.

The next morning we both woke up at the same time and started into each other's eyes. We took a shower together and were drying each other off when my Mom opened the door. We stood there looking at her with our towels in hands. She sighed and told us dinner was ready. Bobby ate with us then had to leave for work. I made sure I kissed him in front of my mother. I wanted her to accept the son was completely in love with another young man. Bobby kissed me back and then kissed my mother on her cheek.

"Goodbye mom." he said and I laughed. Damn what a tease. Damn I loved him

The next day at work, Bobby and I snuck into the men's bathroom and locked the door. He immediately dropped to his knees and starting sucking me. I returned the favor and then turned him around so I could get to his cute butt. I started to lick his anus and he moaned with passion. I tasted more than I wanted to, but I was in love and didn't care. When we finished we opened the door and our boss Mr Harrison was looking at us.

"Get out," he said. "You're both fired. We didn't argue. We know we had screwed up.

We went back to my place and played video games for awhile and talked about what we should do for the rest of the summer. Bobby wanted to move in with me and just have sex for the next two months, but I know Mom would allow that.

Bobby wanted to try something different, so he took his pants off and laid down on my lap. I slowly pushed my finger into his anus and Bobby squirmed. I moved it slowly in and out and bobby got hard. I continued until he came and we had lost track of time. My mother entered my room and caught us. My finger still inserted in Bobby with a white puddle on my bed. She had seen enough. She told me to get out and never come back. There was no reasoning with her.

Bobby and I checked into a cheap hotel with money we had saved from the store. We didn't have plans but I was so mad at mother my first plan was to get back at her.

Part 5: Julie

I found her boss's Jacob's number and called her daugher. I knew I had to work fast before mom went back to work. His daughter's name was Julie. I called her and told her that my mom thought we might like each other and wanted to know if she would like to go out. She said yes and agreed to meet me at the local pizza place. I got there early and Bobby went also, but took a seat by himself. A small mousy brunette entered the restaurant and I knew it had to be Julie. I waved and introduced myself and see sat down across from me. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't pretty either. She and short brown hair and hazel eyes. She word wireless glasses that made her look smart and she was just a bit overweight. I ordered a pizza and we talked about school and summer jobs. I i didn't tell her I had been fired. She struck me as a girl who probably didn't have a lot of boyfriends and that might help my plan. I found her easy to talk too, and she started to stare at me. I believe she was starting to become attracted to me and suggested we go back to her house. She agreed. I didn't have a car but she did. As we got into her car, I told her that I left my wallet in the restaurant and we went back inside. I made sure the door was left unlocked. Bobby slipped into the back seat. I found my wallet and we got back into the car. Bobby was small and did his best to hid in the back seat of the car. When we got to her place we went inside and I left the front door unlocked. I sat down beside her on the sofa and we started to talk. I did my best to flirt with her, even though it was all an act. We stopped talking for awhile and I made a move. I leaned closer and kissed her. It was awkward and without passion. She back away and look embarrassed. I didn't relent. I leaned in again and kissed her hard. She started to kiss me back and slowly our mouths parted. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and touch her tongue with mine. She seemed amazed. I was sure this girl had never been with a guy before. I continued to kiss her passionately then reached out to touch her breast. She didn't resist. I knew the plan would work now. I asked her if we were alone and said we were. I stood up and reached out for her hand and led her down the hall.

"Which room is yours?" I asked as she guided me to the farthest room back.

We entered and I shut the door behind her. I twisted the lock and turned to look her in the eyes. I reached up and started to unbutton my shirt and she look surprised. I completely unbutton my shirt then leaned in for another kiss. I removed her glasses and kiss her again. Soon i was undressing her and we laid on the bed. I turned on some music so she would hear Bobby in the house. She had nice firm breast and I was suddenly attracted to them. I kiss her neck then took her right nipple in my mouth and licked it. She moaned. I got on top of her and grabbed my swollen penis to guide it in. She gasp with pain and pleasure. I started to make love to her slowly. I wanted it to last. I kept pausing and then starting again. She seem to love it. It lasted longer than I expected then I finally ejaculated into her. I kissed her softly and told her I loved her. She smiled back but didn't say anything to me. I kept myself inside her and started to move again. She didn't resist. I did it faster this time. I always wanted to fuck someone like a rabbit and this was my chance. She protested a little, but I continued to go at it. It didn't take long and i came again inside her. I was falling in love. I couldn't believe it . Two times with this mousy girl and I was totally in love with her. I still was inside of her and moved some more but she stopped me.

We got dressed and she drove me back to the corner near the hotel. I kissed her passionately and told her I would call her tomorrow. I got back into the room and Bobby was sitting on the bed naked masturbating. He had got $500 from the Julies house and he was so excited he had to have an orgasem. I sat down beside him and we looked at the money. I felt guilty but in a good way. Bobby was jealous that I had made love to Julie twice, but I didn't tell him that I had fallen in love. We went to sleep in each other's arms. I woke up a few hours later and was hard as a rock. I moves closer to Bobby and put my penis next to his bottom, but he didn't respond. I wanted him so badly and couldn't believe he didn't want me. I loved him more than anything and he resisted me. I went to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bathtub and masturbated until I came into my hand. I put it all in my mouth and swallowed. I loved my own semen and didn't want to waste it.

The next morning I woke up Bobby was gone. The money was gone also. No wonder he had resisted me last night. He was a traitor. My one true love deserted me. I sat on the bed and started to cry. I didn't know what to do. I had not spoke with Jimmy since I fell in love with Bobby, Sheri was out of town, Julie was probably suspicious, then it hit me. I called Todd, my true love Todd. He didn't hesitate to come over. Todd had his own car. He had worked every summer and saved his money. Todd knocked on the door and welcomed him into my room.

"Are you alright, what are you doing here." he asked with concern. I told him my mother had kicked me out because she found out I was gay and that I had had a fight with Jimmy; I lied about that part. I didn't tell him about Bobby or Julie or anything else. Only that I needed him. Todd sat down on the motel bed and I smelled his lovey cologne. Or was it a perfume. I missed his ginger hair and pale skin. I hugged him passionately to make sure he knew I loved him. I gave him a small kiss and he kissed me back. We started to unbutton each others shirts and soon were naked and in each other's arms. I sucked on Todd until he came into my mouth. He semen was wonderful. I swallowed most of it, but there's just enough for him to taste it when I kiss him again. Todd rolled over and got on his hands and knees on the bed with his butt just above the edge. I licked his anus passionately and he moaned with desire. I loved Todd more than anyone in the world. I soon pushed him down and mounted him. He loved it. I thrusted gently and moaned with every push. I told him I loved him several times and he told me the same. I finally came in him and he didn't resist. He was mine now, I had marked my territory. Todd was mine and I was inside him to prove it. We held each other in our arms and he asked me to marry him. I told him i would, but not right away. We decided to leave the city for awhile and take a vacation. Todd had enough money for us to drive to someplace nice. We showered, left the motel, and drove down the highway. I loved Todd. He was my summer of love.

Part 6: Conner

Todd and I rented a small apartment near the beach and both got jobs working at a restaurant as waiters. The pay isn't bad and the apartment was small and cheap so we were able to make our rent payment and buy enough food and the other things we needed to survive. We settle into a pattern of domestic living, and it was like Todd and I were married and sharing each others lives.

We also got into a pattern of love making like I had never experienced before. I was never able to have sex every night in my own bed with someone I loved. We became experts at pleasing each others bodies, and I began to understand why people became long term couples.

One night, after we had been in the apartment for several weeks and I held Todd in my arms after we made love. He drifted to sleep before me and I started at his face and body in the dark. His ginger hair had grown longer and his pale face had become spotty due to long exposure in the sun. The smell of lust still filled the air as we usually didn't' clean up after sex until the next morning. I ran my finger across his chest and for some reason thought of Jimmy. I had not seen him for weeks, and didn't give him a proper goodbye. He probably thought I hated him for what happened in the alley that night, but that wasn't the case at all I had simply gotten distracted by Bobby. I loved Jimmy and needed to see him. I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. I then dressed in a loose fitting.shirt and shorts and grabbed Todd's car keys from the counter. I quietly walk down the stairs and entered Todd's compact car. It started quickly and I drove towards Jimmy's house. I didn't know if he would be home or not, but I felt a strong desire to see him. I missed him terribly. We had spent years together and the it just ended. I wasn't what I expected from him, but I knew I wanted him I wanted to taste his lips against mine again. I wasn't to take him in my mount and pleasure him, and I think I wanted him inside me. Todd never wanted to get inside me, and I wanted to feel that unique pleasure again. The pleasure the was borderline pain. Feeling someone completely fill me up with lust and passion.

Jimmy's house was ten miles away and I got there quickly. I parked on the side street and walked around the back yard. It was a dark night with no moon and I slipped stealthily into his property without seeing me. JImmy's room was in the basement so I peered into the low windows looking for him. He was asleep of course, it was well past midnight. I tapped on the windows and he finally awoke and moved toward me. He smiled when he saw it was me and made a motion for me to meet him at the back door. I walked to it and he opened it slowing and whispered for me to be very quiet. He was dressed only in his briefs and his body looked amazing. He must have been working out since I had last seen him. I followed him down the stairs and stared at his amazing butt. I had to have him. I could not stand it.

We entered his room and he locked the door behind us. I immediately reached out and pulled him to me. I hugged his as hard as I could. His smell was incredible. I couldn't believe how long it had been since I had seen him. I could resist and was already pushing his briefs down.

"What a minute, dude. Not so fast. Where the hell have you been?" he demanded.

I didn't listen and started to lower myself. He backed away and pulled up his briefs.

"Damn it, I mean, it. Where have you been."

I told him I had moved to an apartment because my Mom had kicked me out, but I didn't mention Todd or Bobby. He wasn't buying it.

"Come, on. There got to be more to it than that. Your Mom had to know you were gay."

I shook my head. " She didn't, she was naive. She didn't want to accept it."

I moved toward Todd and kissed his neck. I needed him so much. I again started to push his briefs down and this time he didn't resist. I lowered myself in front of him and knew what I wanted to be. I took him in my mouth. He was a little soft, but I liked making a man hard. I started to suck and fellate him but he push me away again. I turned and push my butt toward his crotch, but he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. He slapped me hard. I was stunned.

"You little bitch, don't you understand. I loved you. I loved you with all my heart. I wanted to spend my life with you and you took off. It's not only about sex, you know. It's also about feelings."

My face burned from the slap. I stepped back and started to unbutton my shirt.

"Get out." he said. "Get out until you can tell me the truth and be honest."

I sat down on my bed and told him everything. I told him about Todd and Bobby and Julie. He laughed about Todd.

"You've been living with that girly boy?" he joked, but then apologized.

"You should have come to me. You could have lived here in the basement with me. I've told my mom and I guys and girls and she understands. She had a few girls before she got married. She totally gets it.'

I didn't know that.

"I'm sorry I slapped you." he said the brushed my cheek with his hand. He moved closer and took me in his arms. This time, he initiated the action. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and threw it to the floor. I unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them. Jimmy stepped out of his underwear. We stood there looking at each other naked. He moved forward and our erections touched each other like a friendly greeting. It made me giggle. God I had missed him. He moved his hand to my backside and slipped his finger between my crack. He gently touched my anus with his finger and i quivered. He kissed me hard and I lowered myself to the bed. I got on my hands and knees and Todd came up behind me. He reached over to the dresser and removed a small bottle. He applied the lube to my butt and i moaned. He slapped his erection on my ass I couple times and I giggled. The he inserted the tip and I gasped. He hesitated, then push further. I breathed deep and accepted it. He was totally inside me now. I felt like a knotted bitch and I loved it. He started a slow rhythmic thrust and each time he got deep and squeezed just a little. We were in perfect synchronization. I couldn't believe two people could become one like this. We were totally joined and I loved it. Jimmy was all I needed, I would love him forever. He suddenly moaned and fill me up with warm delight. I could feel the pleasure juice inside me. I layed down and Jimmy was still behind me but he was not finished. He pushed his finger into me and continued the massage. His semen covered finger probing me was incredible. I then ejaculated on the bed. He stopped and removed his finger and pulled me closer. I loved him so much.

"I love you Jeff," he whispered in my ear. He held me for awhile and I told him I need to get the car back to Todd. JImmy was going to talk to his Mom, but he was sure I could live with him and finish my schooling. I got dressed and kissed him goodbye. It seemed like my life was finally getting the structure I needed but the drive home proved an unexpected distraction.

About three miles from our apartment I saw a young man walking on the side of the road. He was a black man dressed only in a swimsuit. I pulled over and rolled down my window.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he peered back to me.

"I lost my cell phone and my friend went off with a girl. I live a few miles from here so I'm walking home."

"Would you like a ride?"

He didn't hesitate to get into the car. He sat beside me and I could believe his beautiful dark body. I wasn't sure if he was African American or what, but he was incredible. He had a wedge shaped haircut and beautiful white teeth. I started driving again.

"Which way?" I asked and he told me to go two blocks then turn. He told his name was Conner and that he lived in northerns points. Which was a gated community for rich people. We drive two more miles and chatted about lots of things. He was interesting and warm.

"I had a girlfriend," I started to tell him but decided I wanted something different. I looked deep into his eyes and didn't look away.

"Un, huh" was all he could say.

He finally broke the ice.

"how's that working out for you?" He asked.

I didn't answer moved as close I could to him. He was looking straight ahead so I placed my hand on his leg. I started to get hard. The suspense was killing me. He finally looked at me and our eyes meet. I leaned in for the kiss, but his head back away. I was going in no matter what. I kept moving my face closer and our lips finally met. God his lips were soft. I loved the taste of him. I started to part my lips and he back away.

"I'm sorry I don't know if I can do this."

I nodded and sat back. He placed his hand on my leg and it surprised me.

"Kissing I mean".

He unbuttoned his pants and rubbed my leg. I reached over and grabbed his zipper but the front door opening startled us and he quickly moved away and buttoned his pants

"Jesus" he said

Then a beautiful brown girl entered the room.

"Hey Conner." She said. "Hi" she looked at me. I nodded and said hi. "I'm Jeff". I gave Connor a ride." She stared at me with beautiful brown eyes. I reached out to shake her hand and when we touched I ran my finger across her hand. She smiled and I knew I had made a connection.

"I'll walk you to the car,". Conner said and stared toward the door. I followed him and his sister spoke. ". I'll see you later". I nodded to inform her that she most definitely would.

Conner and I waked to the car he spoke softly.

"Can I call you sometime?"

I looked at him and laughed. "Only if you kiss me good night". He look at the house then back at me. He grabbed my face and pulled me close. Our lips touched then to my surprise he opened his mouth and push his tongue in. It was long and awkward. He stopped and I gave him my number. I wasn't sure if I would see him again but I was sure I would see his sister.

Part 7: Angel

As I drove home I was feeling frustrated and hungry. I pulled my cock out and rubbed it while I drove. I spotted a all night hamburger joint and pulled into the drive in.

I ordered a cheeseburger and a soft speaker voice thanked me. I pulled around and removed some cash from my wallet. The girl taking orders was young and petite. At first glance I thought she was a boy. She wore a polo shirt that hid any figure she might have. I handed her the money and smiled. She smiled back and gave me change. I softly touched her hand. She had black hair and white skin. I couldn't detect any breast but her boyish features appealed to me. I was hard again and wanted this tomboy badly. I pulled the car over and got out. I stood at the back of my car and stared at the drive in window. She took another order but then notice me. I waved and she waved back. I then motioned for her to come out. She turned around and disappear. I got back into the car and the passenger door opened. She slammed the door and punched my arm. I was stunned. "Drive" she said so I did. She instructed me to a dead end road by the beach. We stopped and she got into the back seat. I followed. She quickly kissed me.

"Fuck your sexy."

I kissed her hard and our tongues met wildly. I started to pull on her shirt but she stopped me and started pulling down her pants. So be it. I pulled my pants down and we kept our shirts on. She laid down and I got on top of her. She spread her wings and I couldn't stop. I grasped my hard penis and guided it in. I started moving and she grabbed as butt and pulled me in harder. I had not felt passion with a woman like this since Sheri. I kept thrusting and she cried out and I came. All of it inside her. I gasp and thrust again and was drained. She kissed me hard and I told her I loved her. We kept kissing then she pushed up into a sitting position. She climbed on top and started thrusting. I let her fu k me this time. It lasted longer and then I came again. She stared into my eyes and I told her I loved jet ago. She just sat there on my limping election.

"Are you gay?" She asked me. An odd question considering I had just come inside her twice.

I didn't answer. I touched her chin and pulled her in for another kiss. I could still feel her lower lips on my lap.

"Yes I like to fuck guys". I was feeling especially crude all of a sudden.

" Gay guys like me for some reason ". I kiss her again and rubbed her back. " I think it's cause I look like a boy."

I smiled and nodded. "There's something very sexy about you". I said

"I don't mind. Gay guys are hot and usually last longer."

She wiggle again and I hardened a little.

"Third time's a charm. ". We did it again and It lasted even longer this time. We got out of the car and I took from behind. Her ass was as flat as her breast but she felt warm and nice. After we finish we got dress and kisses for awhile.

" I have a favor to ask". She said I need a date to the back to school dance. I agreed to take her I thought it would be run and wouldn't mind another round with her. I drove her back to the hamburger joint and she kissed me again. "It's Angel, by the way".

I returned home and slipped into bed with Todd. A few hours later I felt him digging into my shorts and I stopped him. I want sure I could muster another election. I did give a blow job though and loved his taste. I was going to miss Todd but I needed a change and wanted to live with jimmy. I told Todd about my plans and he started to cry. I reassured his that we would see one another again but just not every day. I kissed him and he tasted himself on my tongue. He was turned on. I walked out and rode the bus to jimmy's house. I never did see Todd and again and honestly forgot about him quickly.

Jimmy's mom welcomed me with open arms. She told me she loved me she would rather have Jimmys lover on the house so he wouldn't sleep around. She was the most liberal mother I had ever met. That first night we ate spaghetti with Jimmy's mom and the. Watched a movie. Jimmy and I then went into our room after she fell asleep and we sat on the edge Ochoa bed. I told him I loved him a bad loved me too. We started to kiss like a new teenage couple. We made love twice that night and I was his girl both time. We fell asleep in each other arms and I dreamt of Angel and Sheri having sex with Each other.

The next morning I told Jimmy about the promise I had made Angel and he had no problem with it. He had to leave town anyway with his mom and he was glad to lend me a nice suit. I showered and dressed that evening and borrowed Jimmy's car for the date. I picked Angel up at her house and she was dressed in a suit of her own. Her hair was oiled and she looked more like a boy than ever. I'm sure no one would guess she was a girl. We walked down the sidewalk. And entered the car.

"You look amazing Angel" I told her

"Thanks. And thanks for taking me". No problem. I leaned over to kiss her but she stopped me and told me not to mess up her make up. I told her I could wait and that I loved her. That really got her going

"Jeff, you should tell people you love them when you don't".

"But I do love you" I argued.

"We've only been around would each other a few hours. You can't love me".

I started to argue but didn't want to spoil the evening. I did love her. That's how I knew I loved her. To taste her lips on mine. To be inside her. To kiss her deeply. That's what love was. I always knew I loved someone after I tasted their juices. That's how I knew. People made love to confusing. To me it was simple.

We got to the dance the teacher in charge said no same sex couples and we laughed.

"Mr Jenckes, it's me Angel".

He apologized and seemed deeply embarrassed. Angel patted him on the cheek and told him not to worry. God I loved her. We went inside and immediately started to slow dance. Several other students watched is and pointed. I knew they were jealous. I was here with a stunning tomboy and Angel held me like she loved me. Then I couldn't believe what I saw. Sheri was there dancing slow with a boy. She looked like a goddess or a movie star. God I couldn't believe what I saw. She was gorgeous. What the hell was I doing with this little dyke tomboy when I could be with that Golden goddess. She spun around I got a view of her date. It was Bobbly. I couldn't believe it. That little prick and stole my cash and ran off with the girl I loved more deeply than anyone. He looked up and saw me. He grinned like a Cheshire Cat. He then leaned in and kissed Sheri hard. His hand reach down on her rear. I was pissed. Angel then looked up and saw them both. She could take her eyes off them. She let go of me and walked over to both of them. They all giggled and started to the door. My petite little lovers were leaving me here alone.

I started to follow them, but a beautiful brunette with long hair asked me to dance. I stared at her and considered dancing with then falling in love with tonight in my car, but I refused. I need to follow my past lovers. I kept far enough behind them so they wouldn't see me. The three of them went into the night and into a large sedan that was part not far from the car I drove. All three climbed in the front seat and drove away. I quickly got into my car and followed. Bobby drove and Sheri sat in the middle. From my distance behind them, it looked like Angel was resting her head on Sheri's shoulder. The then turn and drove to the beach. They park the car there and I parked close enough to watch, but far enough not to be detected.

From my vantage point, it looked like Bobby had rested his head and again the driver's side window and watching the other two. Angel moved in closer to Sheri and put her hand in Sheri's golden hair. She stroked it gently. She moved closer and took Sheri's face in her hands and stared. I could only imagine staring into the remarkable beauty. Angel held her for awhile, then moved in for their first kiss. It was short and I imagined soft and perfect. Bobby continued to watch them. I became incredibly hard and pulled my erection from my pants. Angel kissed Sheri again and this time it looked like she kissed back. The were now kissing like lovers. Angle continued to touch her lips to Sheri and now was kissing her neck and unbuttoning her blouse. Sheri did not resist. I had no idea Sheri wanted to be with another girl. Or did she? Did Sheri know that Angel was a girl. She did fool the teacher. What an incredible ruse. A cute tomboy making out with an unsuspecting lover. Angel then started to kiss Sheri's breast and Bobby moved in closer. He lower his head and kissed Sheri's mouth and Angel kissed her breast. I couldn't take it any more. I both despised and desired them. I wanted to be in Bobby's place so bad it hurt. Bobby continued to kiss Sheri and Angels went down further. Sheri's head went back as Angel consumed her. I exploded in my hand. Semen sent everywhere. I licked off want was on my hand and arms and loved the salty taste. I continued to watch the petite treesome when my phone interrupt me.


"Jeff, it's me Cassie"


"Cassie, Conner's sister" My God it was Conner's sister. What luck.

"You want to come over, I'm bored and alone." I was already starting the engine and driving away. I looked and it appeared that Sheri had lower her head to Bobby lap and Angels head was too low to see.

I knocked on the door and Cassie answered. She was dressed in a loose fitting blouse and short. She looked beautiful. I walked and she led me to the sofa.

"Do you want something to drink?' she asked.

"Yes anything would be fine." She went into the kitchen and return with a glass of wine.

"You got and Oxy?" I asked hoping she like them as much as I.

"Is that the same a Percocet?'

I nodded. She went down the hall and returned with two white pills.

"My dad takes them for pain"

"Everyone's dad takes them for pain, do you want some?"

She refused and sat down beside me.

Her dark beauty consumed me. I didn't know what to say.

I reached out and touched her face and she took my hand in hers. I moved toward her and kissed her softly. She moaned softly and kissed me back and opened her mouth. We started our tongue dance and were soon ready to move on. I pulled her blouse off and removed her bra. He undress me also, first the shirt, then she pulled my pants off. My erection was huge and she started at it. I didn't want to be crude, but I reach out to her head and pushed it down to my lap. She didn't refuse. She fellated me masterfully. She continue and brought me to rhythmic pleasures. I started to feel like I was going to explode, so I pulled her off and kissed her hard. I pushed her down on the sofa and she opened her wings for me. I penetrated her and I was in love. True love. I wanted to spend my life with her. She was all I wanted from now on. I came quickly and she moaned with pleasure. I didn't pull out. I wanted her to get pregnant so she would have to marry me; I loved her that much. I held her tightly and rolled over and saw Conner watching us from the hallway. He looked amazed and confused. He turned and walked back toward the back of the house. I held Cassie for a while then we both got dressed and held each other in our arms.

Later I decide to return to the beach and see if the threesome was still going on. It was not. I had hoped to watch some more of my lovers having fun. I then decided to drive to Sheri's house, but she wasn't home. What about Angel's? I drove other there and saw the sedan park in the driveway. I parked and walked quietly and looked in the window. The three of them were sitting on the couch just talking. I couldn't believe it. There was adult there that must have been Angel's Mother. I was annoyed for some reason. How do they get to have a sexy threesome and then act like nothing happened. Angel sat next to Bobby and they held hands like boyfriend and girlfriend. Sheri st next to them and looked amazon. Even Sher's mom couldn't take her eyes off of her. Her mother then got up and left the room.

Angel got up and dimmed the lights. It was harder for me to see, but three of them started to undress. I couldn't believe it. They were going at it again in Angel's living room. The tossed their clothes on the sofa and sat naked on the floor. Angel's breast were the smallest I'd ever seen. Angel went for Bobby quickly. She took him in her mouth and Sheri watch intently. She continued to fellate him and then Sheri moved over to kiss Bobby. I hated Bobby and all his passion. He sat back with his arms behind him and kissed one gorgeous creature as another one sucked on him. The girls then switched places. Then I couldn't believe it, but Angel's mom was watching from the darkened hallway and she wasn't doing anything about it. The both continued to fellate and kiss him and she enjoyed the show. Bobby then moand and ejactulated over the carpet. He then moved toward Sheri and kissed her and got on top of her. He started to make love to her and Angel watched for awhile then got up. The mom quickly left and Angel went down the hall and didn't return. I watched them make love until Bobby came, and then they held each other in their arms.. I then return to my car and drove home.

But I could not go home. I didn't want to be alone. I turn and decided to go back to Cassie's place, but not for Cassie. I park on a side road and walk up to the house and starting looking into windows. I found Conner's room and tapped on the window. He got out of bed and came over and opened the window.

"Dude what are you doing here" he asked. He was dressed only in white boxers and I could not take my eyes off him.

I told him I was lonely and didn't go home. He resisted at first, but then let me in the room. He sat on the bed and I told him about how I had been betrayed by my friends. He was understanding and told me I could sleep on the couch.

"Can't I sleep with you," I pleaded. He told me he wasn't gay and just had a moment's lapse earlier.

"I won't try anything." I lied. There was no way I could be in bed with this dark adonis and not try something. "I just want to sleep next to you. You are so kind and understanding. He relented and I undress except for my underwear and slipped under sheets. I immediately place my hand on his chest and he removed it.

"I told you I'm not gay. Besides, you already slept with my sister tonight."

"I know, and I loved it. But you are beautiful. I can't stop thinking about you. Connor you don't have to be gay to enjoys a little gay sex. No one will know. I pushed his briefs down and he didn't stop me. My erection grew. I pulled back the sheets and start at his brown cock. It was amazing. But I wanted something else. I pushed his legs up and he arched his back a little. I pushed a pillow under his bottom and his anus invited me. I licked the edges of it and he moan and breathed deeply. He couldn't believe it. I continued to lick his tart anus and then grabbed my head and pushed me down on his erection. It didn't take long and I was enjoying his semen. I laid on his chest and listened to his heart beat. But I was thinking about my three petite friends making love on the floor at Angels. I couldn't get that image out of head. I had to have them, all of them. I was my obsession.

I left Conner's room and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and took some prescription drugs from the cabinet. I swallowed two Percocet and quietly left the house. I started the car and drove back to Jimmy's.

I slipped into bed alone and was still frustrated. I wasn't getting the satisfaction I needed. I tossed and turned thinking of Bobby and his sexual conquests. God I hated him. I wanted Sheri and Angel so much that I was permanently aroused. I considered taking a stroke on the beach for a pickup, but I finally drifted to sleep and dream of my first time with Jimmy.

The morning I awoke in the empty house and didn't like being alone. I had never lived alone and hated empty. Jimmy wasn't expected to be home until later and I had assumed I would had Angel to sleep with and play with today. That didn't work out the way I expected. I showered and ate a quilt breakfast and realized I'd need to get out of the house. I put on some shorts and saddles and left my shirt unbuttoned. I drove around the beach awhile, but it was early and I didn't see any one worth pursuing. I needed company but every I love was gone and had forgotten about me. I decided to drive by Sheri's house and it looked deserted. I then drove to Bobby's And his car wasn't there. Had they all spent the night at Angels? I went there next and Bobby's car was still park outside. I parked at the side of the house and snuck around the front. I peak in the front window and Bonny and Sheri were sleeping on the floor on a sleeping bag. The cuddled that children and that enraged me. I moved to the other window and Angel was sleeping alone on her bed. I tap on the window she finally awoke and came to the window. She pushed it open and spoke.

"What do you want?" She asked as she yawned. She was dressed in boy's pajamas and looked more like a young guy than a girl.

"Why did you leave last night?" I asked and she just smiled.

"Why do you think? Did you see those two? They were beautiful."

"They are my friends and you stole them away"

She laughed and told me that I didn't have friends. Just lovers. I didn't understand her point.

"Can I come in?" I asked and she giggled and shook her head.

"Go home, Jeff. Our fun is over. Thanks for the date and the fuck, but I've got new lovers.

Why she called it a fuck I didn't know. I cared deeply for her when she was in my arms. She slammed and window and walked out of the room toward the sleeping lovers.

Except they weren't sleeping anymore. Sheri was on her back with her legs bent and her legs spread. Bobby was enjoying her breakfast juices, and she looked like she was in heaven. He continued to lick her lower lips and Angel entered the room and watched them. Angel removed her pajamas and sat on the sofa and started touching herself. I was of course fully erect. It was like they were torturing me. Sheri's head thrashed back and forth and Angel finally lowered herself and laid down beside her. She kissed Sheri gently and they were obviously in love. Angel then whispered in her ear and Sheri nodded. Angel pushed Bobby aside and took his place. He sat up and watched. He started to touch himself and was fully erect. God I hated and wanted him. I would have killed to take him in my mouth at that moment. I couldn't take anymore and drove to the beach.

Part 8: Ashton

It was more crowded now and I left my car only wearing my shorts. The early morning cruisers had arrived and I scoured the possible partners. Two girls looked my way but they were older than me and I wanted some youth. Then I saw him. Coming down the wooden board walk was a brown thin boy wearing only a speedo and thongs and I stared at him until we met and I said "hi" before he passed.

"Hi yourself" he said I couldn't believe my luck. He was close to my age but looked younger. His skin was tanned to a mocha cookie color and his dark brown hair climbed to his round face. I looked down to evaluated the bulge in his speedos and I knew I had found my new lover.

" Wanna go for a walk?" He asked and I said of course. He walk off the boardwalk to the beach and I stopped him.

"I've got a car if you want to go with me"

"This is more fun." He said and walk toward the beach. I couldn't believe his body. Is was small but curvy. His but was wonderful and perfectly shape. He seemed vaguely familiar. Had I seen on the internet maybe? It wasn't important. He walked to the age of the surf then started down the other direction. We walked for awhile and then stopped.

"That's far enough." He said and we were far way that the other beach visitors were small in the distance.

He walked into the water and I followed. He got in waist deep then took a dive under the water. I followed him. We surfaced and he moved toward me. His hair clung to the side of his face. He flicked his head to force the hair out if his eyes. I pushed my wet hair out of eyes and we moved closer still. I move in as close as possible without touching and he spoke.

"You're sexy." And he kissed me hard and long. I opened my mouth and accepted him. He held my held and we kissed passionately. He was amazing. He was just what I needed. This young beautiful specimen to quench my desire for Bobby's troika. He held my head and continued to kiss me. My shorts were hard and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the beach. I reached out and pulled his swimsuit tie string and he push them to the ground. I stepped out of my shorts and we sat down naked in the sand with our erections pointing at the surf. I couldn't resist and bent over and started to suck and fellate him. He leaned back with his arms supporting him. I like giving me pleasure without him touching me. I felt powerful and naughty. I stopped sucking then stroked his erection. He moan and ejacualted. I kissed him hard and whispered in his ear:

"Please come home with me." He agreed and he dressed quickly and walked to the car. We held hands like teenage love birds and some others on the beach stared and giggled. I felt so cocky walking hand in hand with this sun browned God. I released his hand and put my hand in the back of his suit. His ass felt firm and warm. We got into the car and climbed in. I started to drive and he pulled my penis out and started sucking on it while I drove. I drove with my left hand and stroked his hair with my right. I almost came but held back as we approached the house. We quickly ran up and I shut the door behind us. He walked into the living room and dropped his swim suit. He put himself on the couch on his hands and knees and presented his ass to me. I kneeled down and licked his butt cheeks and testicles. I then pushed my index finger into his anus butt it was too dry so I pulled out. His anus puckered and I smelled his scent. I bit his right ass cheek and then placed my mouth over his hole. He moaned and squealed. I was pushing my tongue into him, tasting him and stroking his testicles with my fingers when the door opened.

I heard a female scream and Jimmy shout "holy shit". My new friend giggled but made attempt to change his position. Jimmy's mom left the room and slammed the door. Jimmy stared at me and turned around.

"I'll go talk to her, get dressed. "

He left the room and my partner turned around and grabbed his swim suit.

"I'll wait in the car."

Jimmy returned with a small bag and passed it to me. It was my stuff. His mom had said I had to leave.

"I can't believe you couldn't go one day with out cheating on me". He said and I had to hide a smile. I had had sex three times since I last saw him.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I know it wouldn't help."

I kissed his cheek and he looked into eyes.

"Dude, where did you meet Ashton?"

I didn't understand what he was talking of about. I looked at him confused.

"Dude, that's Ashton Peters, the porn star." Then it hit me; that's why he looked familiar. Jimmy and I had been watching Twink porn for years and Ashton was a huge gay porn star for the last year. I didn't tell Jimmy I'd hadn't realized.

"At the beach".

"I have to admit I'm really pissed but that was fucking Hot. Eating his ass like that. " Jimmy said and then ask me if I needed a ride.

We went to the car and Ashton was sitting in the front seat. Jimmy got in the driver's side and I got on the other side of Ashton.

"You want a ride back to the beach?" I asked but wanted to go home. We drove to the downtown and neither of us talk much. I did stoke Ashton leg cause I didn't want this to end.

We got to Ashton's apartment and we got out. Jimmy gave me $50 for a hotel room. I kissed him goodbye. I knew he would get over it and we'd fall back on love, but that would come later. He drove off and I asked Ashton if I could use his restroom. He said yes of course.

The minute he shut the door I tore his suit off. He bent over and placed his hands on the counter and I dropped to my knees. Instead his ass cheeks and pushed my tongue in as far as possible. I tasted his insides and my cock grew quirky. I was so turned on knowing who he was I was crazy. Fuck Bobby, fuck Jimmy, fuck Sheri , fuck Angel, fuck those black beauties. I had my tongue inside a master sex Twink and I loved it more than anything. He fell down on the floor and and I lowered myself on top of him. I kissed him passionately as he tasted himself on my tongue. He stopped kissing me and stood up naked and walked to the kitchen and pulled something out of a drawer. He put something in his mouth then presented two pills two me. One was blue and one was white. I recognize the viagra but wasn't sure what the white one was.

"One makes you hard and one makes you horny. He handed me a pop and I swallowed.

He asked me to lay on the floor and I didn't hesitate. He placed a pillow under my head a done under my bottom. I lifted my legs on top of his shoulders and he rubbed KY jelly on his penis and my anus. He moved in and I felt his penis tip penetrate my outer ring. He slowly pushed harder and I felt my sphincter open and accept him. He continued and I felt a wave of intimacy I'd never felt before. This pills had worked but this was more. He was in deeper than anyone I remembered. He was totally inside of me and his eyes stared into my sensual soul. He started a rhythmic thrusting and I was gasped in pleasure. I felt like a young girl losing her virginity. It felt totally new. His eyes never looked away from mine and he kissed me softly. I reached down and stroke my erections we both moaned and came together. I sure sign of love. His warm white cream filled up my insides and I pulled him tighter. He moved beside me and kissed me. He whispered " I love you" in my ear and I answer the same.

We held other for a while then took a shower together. We washed each other with soapy towels and I hadn't had this much fun in days. He gave me a pair of his sexy underwear and a pair of shorts and a polo shirt. I sat on the bed and he sat beside me. I wanted to ask him about his career, but decided not to.

"Jeff, you can stay here if you want. But you'll need to share the rent ". I agreed. He said he would help me find a job.

We walked down to the close fast food hamburger place and he bought me lunch. The cute blonde boy working the counter flirted with him and I was pretty sure he was aware of his movies

"How come you haven't asked me about my movies?"

"I figured it's none of my business."

He told me its my business now cause we're friends. He told me he started watching porn when he was very young. He knew he was gay since he was 12 and was fascinated with the sex videos he saw on the Internet. He moved to the city a year ago and sent pictures to the gay porn studios who paid good money for cute twinks. He got a call from one of them if them and the next day was naked having sex with a stranger for money. He loved the thrill and the fame. He was trying to save enough money for college so he could study film.

"I want to make movies. I'm not naive; I know once you fuck in camera you'll never be a star. I'd like to make commercials and tv shows. Be a director or something. "

He was gorgeous and I told him I wanted to help.

We slept together that night but didn't make love. Ashton had a shoot the next day and needed to save himself. We woke up early and he took a bus to the studio. I walk around looking for work. It didn't take long. The fast food places were always hiring and I got a job at the place we had eaten lunch. The cute blond boy trained me and ask me about Ashton. He told me he'd offered Ashton money for sex but he had refused. He said he would do anything to be with him. I told him I lived with him and he was totally jealous. I only worked for four hours that day and it was like most fast food jobs. Hot and smelly, but the boss was nice and I noticed All his employers were cute young boys.

I got home and and wash up before Ashton arrived. I brought burgers home for dinner and waited. He got home a hour later and we ate dinner on the sofa and watched tv. He laid his head on my lapped and I ran my fingers through his hair. He told me he didn't like to have sex after filming but would give me a handjob if I wanted. I didn't. I was content just being with him.

Ashton's phone rang and he spoke quietly on the kitchen.

"After hanging up he looked at me and said "come on honey we've got a party to go to." A car pulled into the apartment complex and we got in the back seat. A young blonde shaggy haired boy was driving and a beautiful blonde was sitting close to im. Ashton introduced me and told me their names were Cam and Carla . We a drove a few miles to another apartment complex. There were a lot of young men swimming and a few girls talking with each other. We walked up the stairs and went into a nice apartment. A cute boy asked Ashton for payment and he whispered a response in his ear. They both went into the bedroom and I sat on the couch. A cute girl sat beside me and ask who I was. She was little too thin and pale and wore too much makeup. I told her I lived with Ashton and she giggled. I asked her what kind of party it was and she said it was a Pharm party. Everyone brings oxy, Percocet, or Vicodin from their parents medicine cabinet and share the drugs to get high. I told her I didn't have any. She said Ashton was taking care of it and asked me to go onto the back room. I wanted to see Ashton was doing so I peaked into the bedroom. The boy had his pants down and was sitting on the bed. Ashton was fellating him. I felt betrayed and started to go in but the girl grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in the other direction. We went into the other bedroom and sat down. I was a little emotional and she kissed my cheek and and said everyone cheats at these parties and that Ashton buying admission by giving that guy a blowjob. She reached into her pants and handed me some Percocet. I took one but

she said to save the other. We sat down by a coffee table and she crushed the Percocet into powder. I was scared but curious. She put a little on her finger and sniffed it into her nose. I did the same and my head started swimming. She started to kiss me and tell me I was hot. I backed away and she got upset. She tried again and I kissed her for a second but didn't want to. I loved Ashton. She slapped me and called me a fag and got up and left. The door cracked open and Ashton came into the room. I was so high if felt like a dream. He kissed me and told me he loved me and said this something he did once I awhile. He got up and I layed down. The door opened again and the blonde boy from work, Terry, walked in. He looked amazing. So cute and innocent. He offer me a pill and I took it. My head started swimming and he started to kiss my neck. Me penis hardened and I started to kiss him back. Ashton looked into the room and smiled and enters. He shut the door behind me. Terry pushed me down and Ashton pulled my pants down. Terry pulled out my penis and removed my underwear. I felt like I was dreaming. Terry and Ashton both them started licking and kissing my penis. I couldn't believe it. The both took turns sucking on me then started to undress. Ashton pulled my legs over his shoulders and Ashton pushed his cock into my mouth. Ashton started fucking me hard and it hurt a little. A sucked on Terry's penis and that's the last thing I remember.

I woke up later and walked into the living room. My head was still spinning. The girl who had tried to seduce me was having sex on couch with an older guy. Ashton was in the kitchen with Terry kissing him gently. Terry couldn't take his eyes off of him. I went over and looked at both of them. Terry didn't stop kissing Ashton and I walked outside.

I saw the couple that had brought us to the party sitting on some patio furniture. I walked over and sat by them. I told them I was upset and they said I shouldn't be.

Ashton could have any boy he wanted and he wanted me. That meant I might have to share him once in awhile. I agreed and Ashton walked from behind and grabbed my shoulders.

"Let's go home honey."

We all stood and got into the car.

When we got back to our apartment, our two guest came inside with us. I was surprised. They sat on the sofa and started making out. Ashton giggled and motioned for me to follow him to the shower. We undressed and got into the warm water. I wiped soap over him and asked him why he laughed when our guest started to kiss.

He pulled me close and whispered into my ear.

"They are brother and sister."

I couldn't believe it. No wonder they could not go home. We continued to bathe and I thought about the siblings in our living room It made me hard. It was strange but oddly erotic. I pushed Ashton down on my erection and he relieved me. I loved him dearly and would have to share his love if that what it took. We dried off and laid down in bed. He held me close and I drifted into dreams about a sister I didn't have.

The next day Ashton asked me something that shocked me. He wanted to know if I wanted to do a scene in a porn movie,and of course I said no

"Dude, you'll be wearing Zombie make up. No one will be able to tell it's you" he said.

He went on to say that it was a horror spoof about gay zombies that need to eat ass to survive. That made me giggle. I'd be wearing white make up and maybie and wig. I'd do one rimming scene and that would be it. It would pay $1000.

I couldn't believe I'd make that much money for one scene so I decided to at least check it out.

The next morning we took the bus to the studio which was three miles from our house. It was a two story office building. Once we got inside Ashton introduce me to the owner and the director of the movie. He told me exactly what Ashton had said and he gave me some Oxy to made me feel better. They led me to a back room and two other cute boys undressed me and applied makeup to my face. They also painted my hair a silver color. I really like the attention and was starting to understand the appeal. I wore a funny custom and when I look in the mirror i didn't recognize myself.

We moved to the studio which was just an office room made into a set that looked like a boy bedroom . I cute boy with blonde hair was lying naked on the bed. All i had to do was say, "zombie needs ass" and then give the boy a rimjob. The boy winked at me and my heart suck a bit. I stood outside the set and felt dizzy and confident from the Oxy. The cameras rolled and I walked into the set and said my line.

The young actor screamed and I grabbed him by the legs and pulled him to me. I pulled his ass to my face and started licking his ass and then moved into his anus. His scent has a little strong but I didn't mind I continued to lick and kiss his anus. The actor reached back and pushed his penis between legs back toward me. It was very sexy and I assume okay for the scene. I suck his penis like that for a few minutes then continued with the ass licking. I wasn't sure how to end the scene, but the actor ejactulated and fell to the bed. I got up and walked out like a satisfied zombie. The director said cut and another boy showed me to the showers.

I removed my clothes and stepped into the showers to wash away the make up. I wasn't sure wear Ashton had gone. The actor from the scene asked me if it was okay if he shower also and i said. Okay. He was gorgeous. I had removed all the make up and started to walk away and he came over to me.

"I'm Justin" he said and shook my hand. "I like your acting".

I laughed a little and Justin leaned into me and kissed my cheek.

"I wish we could have done more." he said and I leaned in and kissed him.

"We can honey." and we started to make out like long time lovers. We were gentle with each other and it was very erotic. After kissing for a while Justin lowered himself to his knees and suck me I moaned into the shower mist. He then pulled me down on my back and he climbed up on me. He lowered himself on my cock and fucked me until I came. He raised up as I ejactulated, then lowered himself on me again. After that, he kissed me and thank me and I was standing there alone.

I dressed and went to the front office for my check. Ashton was outside the door enjoying the sunshine. The lady gave me my money and said it was $2000.

I told her it was suppose to be $1000 and she said,

"No, $1000 per scene, one bareback. I told her I only did one scene but she said talk to the director."

I just decided to leave with my money. I told Ashton about the extra money and he got suspicious.

"Did you get seduced in the shower by that blonde twink?" he asked while we rode the bus.

I told him I had and he said I had been tricked. They had film that encounter and it would probably be a bonus feature. I was scared and furious. AShton gave me a pill to help me calm down.

That night i laid in bed with the realization that I was now a porn star. I was both scared and excited. I wondered what Sheri was up to. It seemed so long ago when I first saw her in the grocery store. God I missed her.

The next morning I felt light headed and kind of strange so I went to the kitchen and found only one oxy. I swallowed it down with some coke. I climbed back into bed and cuddled with Ashton. I couldn't decide if he was my one true love or not. Could I really find happiness with a guy like him. I don't know really what else I wanted, but I started thinking of Sheri again and felt lonely. I know I was gay, but being inside a beautiful girl like Sheri was a wonderful experience. I mean, that's what girls are for, right? The are built to make boys happy so we will all have sex and make babies. There is nothing that feels quite like being in a girl. I guess I need that feeling again.

I told Ashton he were out of Oxy and he made a phone call ; he said some would be delivered soon.

He then got online and started searching for something.

"Dude, come here." I went over to him and sat beside him at the kitchen table. He was staring at his laptop.

"It's a preview of your video." he said and hit the enter key.

A preview of the video I was in started playing. It was called "Twink Zombie High" and it showed a shortcut of my scene in costume. It was funny and sexy. It also showed the other scenes in the movie which were all similar to mine: Zombie eats a hot young guys ass. Then the video switch to a special bonus scene included and there was eye in the shower with Justin. I couldn't believe. I was online for everyone to see having sex in that shower. I was scared but also excited. I have to admit I looked pretty good in that shower sex scene. I guess there was no going back now. Ashton took my hand and smile. He kissed my cheek.

"When that oxy get here?" I asked him and i said soon.. He told me to pay Carla when she brought it over. Ashton had to go downtown for an errand.

I sat on the couch and watch my preview scene again. I watched a few other scenes and realized that a lot of the boys from the Pharm party were in the scenes. I guess it wasn't a big deal.

The doorbell rang and Carla was holding a small bag. I asked her in and gave her a coke. He asked for $100 and I gave it to her. She sat beside me and I showed her my scene.

"That's funny and hot." she said and I said thanks.

"You can ask me about my brother." she said. "I know everyone wants the juicy details"

She told me she had always been attracted to her brother, even from a very young age. They used to play normal sex games like all siblings, but there's never stopped. One night in high school, she couldn't sleep and was feeling very sexual. She slipped into her brother's bedroom and got under the covers with him. At first they justed cuddle a little, but then she leaned over and kissed him. Soft at first, but then got the courage to keep kissing.She undressed and he did the same. She said the didn't speak at all; somehow that would be wrong. She climbed on top of him and lowered herself onto his erection. She said it was so hot he came immediately and suddenly felt shame, so she left the room. The next day he apologized to her, and said she shouldn't have entered his room. The next night she did the same and he didn't resist. It became a ritual after their parents had gone to sleep. She told me she love him dearly and they were going to move away as soon as possible and live together. She asked me If I thought she was terrible, and I said no. I believe most brothers would gladly make love to their pretty sisters if they had the chance. She just gave him the chance. She hugged me for being understanding and I asked her if he would be friends.

"Of course we can be friends, silly." I looked deep into her eyes and thank her. I told her I didn't have any friends except Ashton, cause they had all betrayed me. This was my new life and I needed as many friends as I could get.

"Lets celebrate your new life.' she pulled out another oxy. I small pink pill and place it on her tongue. She stuck her tongue out at me and I used my tongue to snatch it away. We giggle and then i moved in for a true kiss. She stopped me.

"I don't mess around with other boys," she said. I love Cam with all my heart. I didn't really pay attention and was getting hard so I leaned in again. She pushed me away hard.

"I mean it Ashton, don't spoil this. You're incapable of expressing feelings without sex."

I back away and apologized and blamed it on the oxy. She stayed awhile longer and we watch some more videos with Ashton in therm.

"Are you going to make any more videos?" she asked.

I hadn't thought about it.

Part 9: Beth and Sally

She left and I decided to take a swim in public pool across the street. I paid the two dollars and cool myself off in the water. I then laid down on a chaise lounge and enjoyed the sun. I couple of young girls kept looking at me and then they finally came over. They were cute and curious.

"How ya going?" they asked and I said I was fine. Both girls were blonde and has small but cute breast. They sat down beside me and offered me a coke. I took one and we started to chat. They were friendly and I enjoyed talking to them. They wanted to go swimming but I was reluctant. I had a feeling they might be able to convince me.

Both girls pulled in my hands and forced me to go swimming. Both wore bikinis which had bottoms that tied on both sides. One wore blue and one wore red. They both had sunglasses of the opposite color. There names were Beth and Sally and they looked like provocative bookends. We swam together and splashed like children. Beth moved closer to me in the water and my heart melted a little. She move in closer and put my arms around me. Sally moved beside me and my back was against the pool wall. Children splashed and played around us. Beth continued to stare into my eyes and I could smell her sweet fragrance. Sally reached up and played with my wet hair. I grew in my shorts. Sally then rubbed her finger on my arm. Beth leaned in and kissed me and I tasted her strawberry lip gloss as Sally nibbled on my ear

The pool lifeguard yelled at us to cut it out and Sally told him to fuck off cause we weren't doing anything. I told them we could go to my place and we all got out of the water and dried off. The girls grabbed their hand bags and we walk out. We crossed the street and I took them up to my apartment.

We say on the sofa and Sally reached into her purse and produce three white pills. I assumed it was E and we swallowed them down with coke.

Beth instructed me to get on the floor and I laid down. In a moment of discretion I said,

"Ah, you guys are of age, aren't you."

Beth laughed and pulled on her bikini tie.

"Yea , honey, were 'of age'."

And her bikini bottom feel to the floor. I stared and her blonde shock of hair over her vagina. It was small but thick. She removed her top and when I looked at Sally she was already naked. Both had very similar bodies and their public hair was trimmed the same. They both lowered themselves and pulled down my suit. The giggled like school girls when they saw my erection.

"I think he likes us" Beth said and took my penis in her mouth. Sally move down and they both took turns licking and fellating it. I was in heaven. It was them I realized that I many ways I was an very lucky young man. I was undoubtedly attractive; there's no denying that. I had brown curly and hair and dark brown eyes with flecks of hazel. I had high cheekbones, the kind you see on male models and full red lips. My jaw was strong but not angular. My body was lean and tight and I was a shapely butt that seems to be my strongest asset. But there was something intangible. It was a scent or a aura, but it just seemed like every girl or gay guy I meet became attracted to me immediately. They instantly became consumed with sex and wanted me, and if they were hot they usually got me. My uncle once told me to have fun when you're young, because you'll never be as beautiful as you are when you're in high school. I took the advice to heart and decided to have sex as often as possible as long as it was consensual and legal. I didn't smoke, rarely drank and had only recently discovered the appeals of narcotics and Ecstasy. My partner always knew I wasn't monogamous. And if they forgot they were reminded soon. The idea of one sexual partner at my age was ludicrous. This was my age for exploration, and everybody was worth discovering. The fact that I likes guys and girls made it much more fun. If I had to make a choice I'd pick men. I love a cock more than anything a girl has. But a nice coupling with a hot girl was hot also , and two was proving to be amazing.

They both continued to lick and suck me. They passed my penis back and forth like they were sharing a sweet ice cream cone. One would suck on the head and then pass to the other and she would lick it from the testicles up to the knob. I moaned softly and then they changed positions. Beth climbed on top of me and put my erection inside her. He started to move slowly and Sally watched and giggled. I reach over to touch Sally's leg, but Beth pulled me back and and said no. She grabbed my face and force eye contact. She wasn't sharing any more. She pumped hard and I came faster than I want to. She pulled off and my semen splattered on my chest. Beth leaned down and licked up a small drop and leaned toward me. She hesitated and I nodded and she fed my white salty cream drop to me. It tasted warm and comforting. I like it a lot. I whispered "more" and she bent over and licked up a long row of semen. She kissed me and pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. The taste was salty but lovely. Sally giggle some more and seemed shocked. Beth moved aside and Sally mounted me. My erection return quickly and I felt warm and comfortable inside her. She moved slower than Beth and seemed more engaged. We made love rhythmically and I loved her gentle responses. I came but she didn't back off and I filled her completely. She lifted herself off me ands small drop of semen fell from her onto my stomach. I brushed it with my finger and put it my mouth.

"Damn you Bi guys are kinky". Beth said as she stood up and grabbed for her suit, but I wasn't ready to finish. I stood up and asked them both to get on the sofa with their bottoms toward me. I started on Beth and licked her ass and then her lower lips a little. I then moved my mouth to her flesh flower and probed her bottom. She giggled and moaned. I'd never licked a girls anus before and i found it very exciting. I tasted her scent with pleasure and she seemed to be fully stimulated. I went as deep as I could with my tongue and parted her warm flower. She spasmed in pleasure as i went back to her lower lips.

I then moved to Sally and repeated the technique. Sally seemed more responsive and I believe her infatuation with me was deeper. I preferred her musty scent and my erection returned. I asked Beth to get my Vaseline from the bathroom and she obeyed . Rubbed my penis with it and placed its tip against Sally's anus. She clinched but I begged her to relax. Beth watched intently as I engage Sally in the pleasures of anal sex. I worked slowly and knew what she was feeling. I boy can know the feeling a girl gets from anal if he has had it himself.

Beth got behind me and put her index finger in the Vaseline. She pushed gently past my first ring and deeper. She was trying to massage my prostate but her angle was off. She got too deep and I moaned and came on Sally's butt. We all the sat on the sofa and giggled. I grabbed their hands and we showered together kissing the entire time. We returned to sofa feeling very relaxed.

Beth looked out the window and saw there ride waiting and quickly laced up their suits. The ecstasy had distorted our time judgment and we had been engage for much longer that it felt. I was new to ecstasy but I like it. It made me feel warm and euphoric. I wanted to get some more.

I watched them cross the street and get into a minivan driven by an older lady. I felt fully content and a bit naughty.

That night I asked Ashton about possibly doing some more movies. He said he would check into it. He wanted to make love that night but I told him I was feeling nauseated. We fell asleep and I dreamed about Beth and Sally.

The next morning I gave Ashton a blowjob but I didn't want to ejacualte. He left again but didn't tell me where he was going. I stood on the porch and watch the pool next door. Sally and Beth were dropped off and after the van left they scampered across the street and up to my apartment. I let them in and we sat in the couch and talked and laughed. I asked Sally if I could buy some E and she gave me 10 for $100. She asked me what I did for a living but I lied and said I work at the grocery store like I did at the start of summer. It sounded better than flipping burgers and fucking twinks. We took some E and soon enough I had my lips on their asses. They really loved the attention. I took Sally in the kitchen and she laid down on the table and I penetrated her deep and slowly. I ran my fingers through her pubic hair as I pushed myself into her. I was falling for her. Beth started to act jealous I I kiss her tenderly and told them both I loved them. I was thinking about the way I had seen with Bobby, Angel, and Sheri and this was almost as good. I wanted Beth to go down on Sally she she would not do it. They were not lesbians. They kissed briefly and softly but that's all they would do. He all sat naked on the carpeted floor just talked and laughed. I asked them again about ages and they laughed and said we weren't breaking any laws if you combined there ages. I laughed and wasn't sure if I cared anymore. Sally rested her head on my lap and Beth sat beside me. She asked me if I had any pot but I told her I didn't like smoking anything. She said she'd bring cookies next time. The door suddenly opened and Ashton walked in.

"Jesus," he said and laughed. "I missed the orgy". I was stroking Sally's hair to make him jealous. Beth leaned over and kissed and asked,

"Who's the beautiful boy?" I told them about Ashton and Beth asked him if he want some E. He decline and the girls starting getting dressed. We watched them go back to the pool and I sat by Ashton on the sofa.

"Dude, what you do is your business, but how old are those two girls?" I lied and told him I knew they were legal and he doubted it. He agreed they were cute and I suggesting we go on a double date sometime and he thought it might be fun.

"Oh, come with me to the studio tomorrow. You can do another scene."

"Great I said and kissed him." We watched a movie that night and fell asleep lying on the couch. I felt really special. Three hot lovers and a new job.

We took the bus to the studio that morning and I met with the producers. They offered me a five to ten movie contract for $1000 for each movie performed bareback. They wanted me to start working out to bulk up and they wanted me to get a natural tan. I also couldn't make a movie for another studio. They would evaluate my popularity after five movies. I would film my first movie in one week. Hey gave me $500 cash signing bonus and a bottle of viagra. I asked for some Oxy and they had a doctor write a prescription for me. Ashton had to film a scene so I decided to walk home for the exercise and the sun.

I walked in the pharmacy down the block and they quickly filled my prescription of 120 pills. The clerk was cute and I flirted with him to make his day. I bought a coke and swallowed two pills on the way out of the store.

I started to walk down the street and enjoyed and sun and the sounds of the city. Kids were playing and dogs were barking. Traffic noise filled the air. I heard a loud engine noise and a motorcycle drove past me. He looked back and turned around. He pulled over and spoke to me.

"You need a ride?"

He was a few years older than me and had light brown hair wrapped in a little bumP on back of his head. His eyes were light blue and he wore a white polo shirt and blue shorts with sandals. I was going to decline but I was getting tired and I would love a ride. I hopped on the back and grabbed the bar behind me.

"Wrap you arms around me." He demanded and i obliged. He took off slowly and merged into traffic. His cologne he was pleasant and I scooted closer so my lap touch his rear. He did not complain. I told him where to go and he headed towards my apartment. I moved my head as close to him as I could and my cheek touch his.

"Is that okay?" I asked and he said sure. I block from my home I was hard and worked up the courage to kiss the back of his neck. He didn't say anything and turned into my lot.

I got off and he said. "you got anything to drink?" And I said sure.

He followed me up the stairs and out his hands on my waist. We went inside and I got him a coke.

"Do you want some Ecstasy?" I asked and he shook his head and said he didn't like it. I sat down beside him. He put his hand My leg and I kissed him. He blushed a little and then kissed me back. I got the feeling he wasn't experience with other guys. I touched his face and he said that was nice. I reached for his shorts but he asked if we could just kiss for a while. We started to make out like a couple on their first date. It was nice and his was manly and I liked the way I felt I his arms.

There was a knock on the door and I got up and opened kit. Beth and Sally stood there in their usual attire except they had switched colors They walked in and saw my new friend he looked at the girls and blushed. He stood up and said. "I'm sorry I got to go." He walked out and I yelled thanks for the ride and he drove off quickly.

"Who was he?" Sally asked and then Beth said, "Damn dude did we cock block you. I'm so sorry". And she giggled. I was upset. I wanted to make a new friend and these two got in the way.

"Listen girls I'm kind of tired maybe you should swim today. ". Beth moved in front of me and pulled the string that held up her suit. That was her modus operandi for seduction. It worked well. She pushed me down on the sofa and sat on my lap and started kissing me. I soon forgot about my motorcycle dude and fully engage my two lolitas in passon. I tried anal again but Sally didn't want to. She said it made her feel funny. Beth declined also and told me to fuck boys if i want anal. I told her good advice. I made love to both of them tenderly and we laid on the carpet when we had finished. We took some E and in a few minutes felt very affectionate and euphoric. We started up again and the time disappeared.

Someone knocked on the front door and I was too high to be cautious. I opened the door and an older lady stood there staring. Beth and Sally jumped up naked and screamed. They grabbed their suits and dressed quickly. I recognized the lady from the minivan and I assumed it was one of their mothers. I was so high on E that the seriousness of the situation didn't hit me. The ran out, I closed the door and crashed on the sofa.

I slept for the rest of the day and when I woke up Ashton was home and we had a quiet dinner and watched tv.

The following morning I rode the bus to the studio to start my filming my scenes for my budding porn career. When, I got there the first thing they did was take me into a bright studio for some publicity still shots. There told me to take my clothes off and gave me a pair of bikini briefs that had their company logo on it. I put them on and possed on a bed with a red spread. I older woman photographer gave me instructions on hot to poss. She then told me to pull my cock out and push the briefs elastic band under my testicales. This caused my penis to stick up and it looked kinda funny but very sexy. She then told me to remove the briefs and she took some shots of me naked. First I was just semi hard but then she wanted me hard.

"Do you want someone to blow you so you get hard?"

I was a little shocked and didn't answer at first so she called for Jessie.

He was very young looking, but really cute with ginger hair and white, pale skin. He wore a company t shirt and briefs and he quickly got on bed with me and started fellated me very and hard and quick. He was very good at it and in no time I was hard and told them I was ready.

Jessie stop and jump off the bed.

"Thanks." I said, and he winked at me. Jesus, how much were they paying this kid for his duties.

She took a few more pictures then told me to go to studio "C".

I put the briefs back on and two guys grabbed me outside of the studio and gave me my wardrobe. It was simply a bikini bathing suit and a towel. They described the scene to me. It was a scene of two guys returning from the beach and then fucking on the bed. They informed me the studio was looking for more natural scenes so i should go slow like I was with my true love. They asked me If I would lick up and cum and then kiss my scene partner. I told them I do whatever they wanted.

My partner was called Trenton and he was bigger than me with tanned thick arms. He had a short haircut and look like someone who might play football on a small town team..He had on a white muscle shirt and swimsuit. We said Hi to each other and started with the silly dialog about returning from the beach. I wasn't going to have any time performing with Trenton. We both got on the bed and started kissing. He was a very passionate kisser and I started to enjoy his strong arms holding me. We kissed for awhile and then I removed his shirt and kissed his chest. He had a ring tattoo around his right arm which I thought was very sexy. He pulled my suit down and I did the same to him. I was letting him dictate the action. I figure he knew what he was doing. He put his legs behind him and supported his weight from behind with one arm. He used his other arm to guide my head down and I started sucking him. His pleasure noises filled the room and I started to fill very excited. The cameras were rolling and people were watching and I was making love to a very sexy man. He came and I let most of it touch my tongue but some dripped to his stomach. I licked it all up and then moved and kissed Trenton. Soft at first, then probed his mouth with his own juices.

Next, he rolled me over and started eating my ass. It was wonderful. He then reached for the lube next to the bed and then he rubbed my ass and his penis and he slowly push inside me, waiting for my single to go deeper.

We were one and he started fucking me. I was totally enjoying the experience and realized I had found my calling at least for awhile. I was a gay porn star and people would pay to watch me have sex. That was awesome.

We finished the scene and I got a few congratulations and then they moved me to studio D.

This scene was threeway with Trenton and a boy name Peter. We filmed it in a similar style and it was wonderful.

Afterward, I cleaned up in the shower and one of the producers came in to talk to me while I was wet and naked. He told me I could make lots of money if went out on arranged dates with rich gay older men. I wasn't sure I was ready for that, but he said to let him know when I had decided.

They paid me my $2000 for the scenes and gave me a prescription for Oxy.

"Any other meds you might like?' they asked.

"Something to help me sleep." I said and I had a prescription of Valium

They also gave me a copy of my first movie on DVD.

Trenton was standing outside the studio waiting for a ride. He was gorgeous and I ask him if he'd like to have lunch.

"No thanks, nothing personal. I just do this for the money. I'm not here to make friends."

His ride arrive and a young pretty girl was driving. He got in with her and kissed very affectionately. I was surprised.

I went down the road to the pharmacy, flirted with the tech again, and then got on the bus for home . On the ride I felt really confident and strangely proud. I had done a day's work, got paid for it and enjoyed it. I still couldn't believe I was a gay porn star.

When I got home I watch my DVD and felt proud. I thought my scenes were the best. I rested for awhile and then decided to go for a swim next door. There were lots of kids playing and a few teens and some parents watching. I didn't expect to see Beth and Sally and I was correct. I sat down on a lounge chair and this young boy stood beside me.

"Looking for your girlfriends." he said and looked down at me. He must have been a pool regular.

"That must have been hot as hell, fucking those two girls at the same time."

I looked at him and told him to fuck off. I never saw Beth or Sally again.

Part 10: Nicholas

The next two days went easy. I had to shoot may last threes scenes in one day and I was saving up my energy.

The first two scenes went fine, but the third one cause some issues. I cute young twink was filling his fist scene and he was very nervous. He was in a scene with Trenton and he was getting impatient. Jesse sucked him hard and the twink was finally able to get hard and finish, but it was awkward. We all took showers afterward, and the new boy shower alone and didn't talk to us.

I was standing outside waiting for the bus and he was sitting on a bench crying a little.

"It's okay dude. Your were just a little nervous"

"They only gave me half my money." he said and had tears in his eyes. "I only did it for the money."

I felt sorry for him and he looked lost, like he didn't know where he was suppose to go.

"Do you have anywhere to go?' I asked and he shook his head. I asked him to get on the bus with me, but he was reluctant.

"Just as friends." I said and he was relieve.

On the bus ride, he told me his name was Nicholas and was from Nebraska and had been kicked out of his house because his dad found him looking at gay porn on the internet. He cashed in a savings bond and flew out west. I was worried for him and we went into my apartment and I made him a sandwich.

"I still feel dirty" he said and I suggested going to the pool. Nothing like a dip in cool clean water to cleanse the body.

"Can we just take a shower." he said and I was surprised.

We stripped and stood under the warm water. He was gorgeous and I understood why the studio offered him a contract. I didn't touch him because I did want him to think he had to have sex with me. He did reach out to me with a soapy sponge and we bathed each other. It was very sweet and not sexual except for my erection.

"Sorry, it said. Your just really hot." he smiled and kissed me softly.

We laid down on the couch for awhile then he leaned over and kiss me he hard.

"You can fuck me if you want." he said. I wanted to.

We peeled out clothes off and he presented his ass to me. It was cute and round and firm. I licked for several minutes and Nicholas loved it. I then lubed him up and started my insertion. The first penetration is always the loveliest and Nick moaned with total pleasure. He surrounded my cock and our engagement started. He clinched and I thrusted and we synced up beautifully. I was in love again. The door open and Ashton walked in holding some groceries. NIck's face was buried in the sofa and continued to make love to him as Ashton watched. I was trying to make Nick love me and make Ashton jealous. Both were working. I came in him and he squirmed with delight. He held each other like lovers and I knew my life was going into a different direction.

Thank night, woke up and looked at Nick sleeping on the sofa. I had to help him.

I gently shook him and told him to be quiet. I grabbed all my cash and pills and we walked out of the apartment together. I signalled for a Uber driver with my phone are he arrive quickly. We climbed into the back seat and I gave the driver the address.

"Were we going?" Nick asked and I replied:


During the drive, I thought about Sheri and how my encounter with her had started this entire summer adventure that only got worse as it went along. I didn't blame her, entirely. A incredible beautiful young girl should understand the power she has over teenage boys. I told myself I'd never have another encounter with a dangerously young girl again


We pulled up in from of the house and I paid the driver. We were drowsy and scared. I knock lightly on the door, and Mom finally answered. She look at Nick and I and seemed shocked.

"We don't have any place to go." I said. She moves aside and we entered. Nick was exhausted and needed to sleep. I pointed to the guest room and told him to sleep there.

He whispered at me, "Can't I sleep with you?" and Mom heard him.

She looked at NIck innocent scared face and became a Mom again.

"If he's your boyfriend, he can sleep with you."

We held each other tightly and sleep the rest of the night.

I woke and told Mom my story, leaving out some of the details like Beth and Sally. I did tell her about the films, and she cringed, but she said we could deal with it.

I enrolled in night school with Nick we took our classes together. I got a job at the pharmacy chain near our house and NIck worked at the local pet store. We helped mom with the bills and at night made love to each other. I didn't think it would ever end.

The following morning I was working at the pharmacy store stocking the shelves when a soft voice echoed behind me.

"Can you help me?" she said.

She was young, too young. and her blonde straight hair touched her sun burnt shoulders. She wore a touch of soft makeup and a sundress of yellow. She had cute freckles and light blue eyes and thick eyelashes. She smelled of strawberries. She was eating an ice cream cone and had a small drop of it on her upper lip. I swallowed hard.

"Yes what do you need."

She leaned forward and her left dress strap fell from her shoulder and exposed her gorgeous tan line. My penis responded.

She whispered:

"Do you sell the Plan-B pill?'

Oh, shit.

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