My Summer of Lotion

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 12, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I'd finished putting away my things in the dresser and put on my swimming suit and wrapped a towel around my neck. I was ready now to begin to truly enjoy this summer at Palm Springs. My family (with the exception of me) was bound to Sweden to spend a summer in that country's temperately warm climate, but I'd chosen to take the cash in lieu of the trip (college is expensive), and fortunately, my neighbor's oldest son was looking for a roommate for a few months to help with the costs at his Palm Springs cottage. With a pool! When he offered, I jumped at the chance. I didn't know squat about Palm Springs, but it was a vacation place and with a pool on the premises, I couldn't go too far wrong.

I'll tell you what Palm Springs is in summer. Hot! Damned hot! The temperature in late June was already up into the hundreds and it was only going to get hotter. The sole virtue to this weather was that there was practically no humidity and the heat was so dry that it didn't knock you down the way humid weather does. Your body could sweat, the sweat would evaporate quickly and cool you and you were able to endure long as you remembered to stay hydrated. Of course, swimming in a pool would also work! Work damned well, in fact!

I made it out the back door to the poolside and stopped dead in my tracks. My new roommate, Trent, was lying on a deck chair by the pool, soaking in the sun...and he was stark naked, unless you count a pair of sunglasses as wearing clothes!

Trent wasn't my age, he was a bit more than forty years old, and he was bronze-toned (all that sun) all over, well-muscled and more rugged than pretty-boy handsome. He was splayed with his legs apart and the sausage of his dong dangled between like a long, brown invitation to gawk.

He'd said something while I'd been gawking where I shouldn't have. "What was that?"

"I said, are you going swimming?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"Well, if you're going to live here, I got to let you in on a cardinal rule around the pool."

"What's that?"

"You can't wear anything in or around the pool, except for two things."

"Sunglasses." I guessed one of them. But he was otherwise bare. "What's the other?"

"Suntan lotion." Trent said. "You got to keep yourself protected in this weather. Suntan a little at a time, or you'll burn or peel like an onion on speed."

"I'll be sure to remember that." I grimaced. "Can I swim before I smear myself into an oily mess?"

"Knock yourself out." Trent said and turned onto his back, showing a pair of marvelously oval, dimpled buttocks. I stripped out of my trunks and hit the water in a hurry. I was envisioning splitting that pair of man-melons with a meaty sex-rod and my cock was swelling in agreement. I used it to split the water and kept it submerged until it decided to behave itself.

Then it was laps on the pool. It wasn't Olympic-pool length, but I figured three laps in this pool would about equal one lap in an Olympic-sized one. More for frolicking in than serious exercising. But I'd give it my best shot.

After I'd put in a half-hour of this, I decided I was due for a break. Not that I was exhausted, but I felt my back beginning to feel the burn. I crawled out and toweled off. "I'm ready for that lotion, Trent." I said to him.

"I can use another layer myself from time to time." was his answer. "You rub my ass so it won't burn, I'll rub yours."

Ah, shit, that was last image my brain needed. Back to trying to hide my boner, which I did by sitting down. "Okay, but me first." I said. "I'm feeling the burn."

"We can't have that." Trent assured me. "Let me get you covered up and fast." I felt lotion covered hands slap onto my shoulders and the smooth silky feeling of Trent's hands on my body began to slide up and down and over me. "These shoulders of yours were turning red."

"I know." I said. "It's why I got out."

"You got to keep yourself with plenty of lotion all over." Trent breathed in my ear. "It's one reason I wanted someone out here with me. You can't cover yourself properly, you got to have someone rubbing it on you. Get it everywhere."

I can see that." I said. Trent's hands were done with my back and to the top of my buttocks, now he was working on my sides and chest, his arms reaching around my body from behind. When he reached furthest, his breasts brushed my lotioned back, smooth skin on smooth skin. Slippery and slick as buttered bread on my tongue. I felt disappointed when he finished with my chest and stomach and began to work on my arms.

"You could use a massage." Trent observed. "Your muscles are so tight."

"I was exercising." I pointed out. "The object is to stretch your muscles to the limit."

"Okay, we got your upper body covered." Trent said. "Now lie down on the chair and we'll work on the lower body."

"All right." I didn't let him tell me which way to lie down, I chose my stomach, because Oscar (my pet name for my cock) was being naughty and sticking up, but I kept that secret from Trent with some quick movements.

But then his muscled hands began to work on my buttocks. God, that lotion was making every touch a smooth, gliding heaven as he lathered my butt, even the crack between. I yelped a bit when he dug in deeper. "Hey, that's getting private!" I objected.

"You have to get the lotion everywhere for it to work." he explained.

"All right, but don't get too frisky." I warned.

"I'll try to get just frisky enough." he countered.

I had to laugh. "You get too personal, be prepared to deal with the consequences."

His hands were on my lower legs now, much less personal-feeling. "I'll remember that." he said. "Got to keep your personal space lotioned up, too, though. Don't want it to sunburn, it'd make jerking off painful."

"More painful as not doing it?" I asked, languidly. The rubbing on my body was relaxing me despite it not being a true massage.

"Much less painful than that." Trent assured me. "I personally have to skin the monkey twice a day."

"Me, too." I admitted.

"Roll over now."

I did, as if in a dream. I'd quite forgotten about Oscar's little performance twitch, or maybe the constant physical contact let me relax enough with Trent to not care.

"Let's get the rest of you lubed up." Trent said softly. "Don't want that luscious pillar of manhood of yours to get all red and hot, now would we?"

"No." I breathed.

"I'd better give it a careful coating." Trent said as his hand wrapped around it. "It works better if you rub well in."

"You think so?" I gasped. God, that hand felt fabulous! All greased up with suntan lotion and slipping up and down smoothly and easily. "Better give it a good rubbing, then, yeah!"

"Don't worry." Trent assured me. "We'll get your little friend well protected."

"I'd appreciate that!" I groaned. Trent's hand was unabashedly pumping my pud now, no pretense about coating my dick with lotion now. "He gets tired of me working him over all the time."

"I'll give him a break from you all summer." Trent promised. "Meanwhile, why don't you get in the groove and give me some of that man-cream to spread on. It's good for the skin."

"Won't it clash with my suntan lotion?" I moaned. Damn, I was close!

"Not for you. For me. Give me a wad right on my chest!"

"Your chest?" My brain was starting that ancient, ageless squeal of static that was orgasm.

"Right here." Trent gestured with his free hand to a point between his breasts. "Squirt it right up here."

"Ah, God, ah, ah, AH-GAH-HAH-AHHH!" And damned if I didn't squirt hard enough to do it. Trent was aiming my dong at himself when I blasted and it landed well above the point he'd indicated and then the second and third wads hit his chest more-or-less where he'd indicated. Trent used the hand he'd pointed with to start lathering my spunk over his breasts, the suntan lotion on his body made it slide about more than it would have if he hadn't been prelubed. I squirted some more wads that didn't make it to him, did get a part of his lower leg and my own pubic patch, then I was done.

Trent was playing with my spunk, spreading it on his chest and making grunting sounds. Shit, and he was my roommate for the summer? All right!

"God, I love the feel of hot teenaged jizz." he said to me when he was done. "I want to get more of it, soon as you can give it to me."

"Is that why you wanted me to move in." I marveled.

"Part of it, anyhow." Trent said.

"So what's the rest of it?"

Trent got onto the other deck chair and laid back. His dong was standing proud and tall and waiting. "I need to keep my own little friend well protected."

"Sounds like a cue to me." I agreed, and picked up the suntan lotion.

The feel of the lotion squirping around in my palms as I rubbed them together. I used both hands to get that monster of his coated well, and then I commenced to give Trent the best pump-job I could. He growled like a bear and squirmed underneath my hand eagerly. His hips thrust upwards at me and made holding onto that huge prong.

"Aw, damn, that feels good!" he grunted as he humped at air and my hand impartially. "Only way to put on suntan lotion is to use a lot of it and just keep on rubbing, ah, damn, yeah!"

"Come on, stud, give me a come bath like I gave you! I need a spunk lube to keep my skin supple and smooth. Give me a thick, hot load, give it to me and give it to me hard!"

"Ah, shit, I'm being milked by a teen horndog, God, yeah, pump me hard, dude, pump me hard." Trent raised up on both elbows.

"Come on, give it to me, give it to me!"

Ah, ah, I'll give!" Trent threw his head back and moaned, "Ah-ah-ah-YEEEEEEE!" That was the sound, yeee! Somehow, it fit him in this situation, because when he yelled out that sound, he also sprayed his wad. Less cohesive than mine, it was like turning on the sprinklers and it went everywhere! There was no chance to aim it, it was flying everywhere, it got on me, it got on him, it was like the rain, splattering everything around us.

"Ah-hah-ah! Ah-hah-ah! Ah-hah-ah!" Trent was slumped down over the deck chair, a limp residue of the man he'd been, and the gleam of his come and mine peppered his body like so many diamonds in the sun.

"Man, you had to come bad, didn't you?" I marveled. "You came twice as much as I did!"

"I was saving it up for you." Trent admitted. "Have to keep up with you teenagers as best I can."

"Well, I'll make up for it with a second load, if you'll give me an hour or so."

"I'm counting on that." Trent agreed, and we both laid back to soak in the sun, the days stretching out ahead of us in a lazy succession of sunny days, a summer of suntan lotion.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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