My Submission to Matt

By Sub Boy

Published on Feb 4, 2022


This segment got long - I was so turned on writing it! Thanks for the feedback and motivation.

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I was exhausted after the session with Scott and nervous about seeing Matt again. I had to tell him but really didn't want to - would he count what we did as Scott fucking me?! I headed to the hotel and crashed for a few hours. I woke up to a text from Matt telling me to check out of the hotel and go home. I just responded "yes sir" and did as he instructed. The sexy hotel clerk was there and immediately asked me what was wrong. I just told him I screwed up and he asked if I needed a load of his cum to make me feel better. Once again I almost said yes but I wanted to make sure things were good with Matt first, and that I wasn't stepping over the line. "Follow me, faggot," the clerk ordered and he got up - I saw the big bulge in his pants again - and walked down the hallway. His ass was just so sexy too! I followed him into the public bathroom which he locked and then ordered me to kneel. He proceeded to strip - fuck, this guy drove me crazy - taking off his shirt first to show a lean sexy muscled chest, lightly furry, and then flexing his arms and showing off his biceps -- which showed off his hairy armpits! I moaned hard when he started licking his biceps then armpits, and he told me to take off his belt. I obeyed, now out of control.

It was hot as fuck to unbuckle his belt, knowing that big dick was just under his pants and underwear. I pulled the belt off and he rubbed his big cock on my face, then ordered me to unzip his pants and pull them down. I left his underwear on since I hadn't been told to take them off, and his big dick was straining against the sexy light blue fabric of his briefs - with a giant wet spot over the head. The material was sheer anyway and when wet like that, left nothing to the imagination. I was intoxicated by his smell and aggression, ready to please him however he wanted.

"Open wide, bitch" he ordered and I complied, only to get a huge wad of his spit right in my mouth. He started talking dirty, dominating, things like "faggot wants my big dick and doesn't even know my name" and "beg for it bitch!" which of course I did. We were feeding off each other and I had a hard time not reaching for his cock but he ordered me to get naked and on all 4s. Fuck, this seemed familiar! He made me face away and beg to be fucked. Nooooo! This is not what I needed.

"I am sorry sir, but my owner Matt wants to take my hole first. I want you so bad - is there any way I can please you?"

"Turn around, faggot" he said and when I did I found him leaning against the wall, legs spread and the back of his underwear pulled down to show off his sexy hole. I knew to get to work, and teased up and down his crack with my tongue before licking around and then inside his tight little hole! He was moaning, moving his hips, really getting into it! Suddenly his hole spasmed on my tongue and I realized he was cumming into his briefs! He came down from the high and turned around, showing me one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen in my life: his chest and cheeks were red from the orgasm, his briefs stretched and strained, the huge load visible around his cock head!

"Fuck sir!" I gasped and he laughed at me. "Call me master Mark, bitch. You want this cum?" "YES SIR!"

"Turn around, faggot" and as I was still on all 4s, I obeyed. He must have pulled down his briefs because now I felt his big dick head spreading his cum all over my hole! Oh my god it was hot, and he kept telling me what a worthless bitch I was, how I needed to learn to take it like a man. "Stand up!" he ordered and I did, turning around to face him - which earned me a HARD slap across the face. "Did I say to turn around, queer?!" I spun back around and felt his hand aggressively spreading his cum all over my hole! "Crawl home to your owner and let him find this haha - you are NOT to clean up, do you understand?" With that his finger slipped in my wet hole and he spread more cum - I was barely to groan out a "yes sir".

"Turn around, faggot" he ordered and I slowly turned around. He was still sexy as fuck and his dick still hard. He ran his hand down his chest, down his abs to the top of his underwear - still soaked and stretched by that big cock! - and pulled the briefs off oh so slowly. His big dick strained to get free, and smacked his abs wetly when it popped out. He removed his briefs completely, threw them to me and told me to put them on as he started getting dressed. I was overwhelmed, wanting to smell and taste his underwear, but obeyed - the sticky wetness wasn't very pleasant but was really sexy! And watching him try to tuck that hot big dick into his pants commando style was HOT!

"You sit in here until they dry then drag your faggot ass home. Keep them on until you're told otherwise. Enjoy that crusty feeling, faggot!" he laughed and let himself out. I relocked the door and stayed there, thinking about what was happening, feeling the cum go cold then start drying. It was uncomfortable but I knew my place now. Matt texted asking where I was, and I texted back saying "Sorry sir, Mark at the hotel told me to stay here until his cum is dry in the briefs he made me wear. Should I come home?"

He sent back "Follow his orders and go home when they're dry and crusty haha. Loser." I was pretty mortified but also turned on and scared. It was a whole new world for me, heading home to my now-empty house, newly divorced, and being passed around by three men to use. I saw Matt's car at the house and perked up and got nervous - what would he think about Scott's dickhead being in my hole?!

I walked in to find him working on his laptop on the couch. He barely looked up, ordering me to be his footstool and tell him everything that had happened.I started at the beginning, trying to leave nothing out, staring at this sexy god in front of me as he continued working. Occasionally he glanced at me and grinned or asked me if I liked something, sometimes laughing at me, but I tried to stall as I got closer to the end of the session with Scott.

His laptop covered his crotch so I couldn't tell if he was hard or not, but he did squirm some and I suspected he was turned on. As I told him about being ordered to grind against Scott's dick and us both cumming and his dickhead slipping in, he looked more thoughtful than angry. He made me go back and retell that part in detail, then tell him all about Mark the hotel clerk. He made me stand up and strip, showing him the briefs and then taking them off so he could inspect them. It was hot as fuck to take them off (and felt good not to have the hardened huge load rubbing my crotch...for once I was glad to have the cock cage on to protect my sensitive cockhead.)

Matt took the briefs and laughed, "They're wet! You were supposed to let them dry, faggot." He glanced at me and laughed harder, "Did you cum boy or is all that mess precum?" I told him I didn't think I had cum but was too focused on pleasing him to notice. "Well boy, you fucked up - you were told not to get fucked and Scott's big dick was in you before mine. I am very disappointed." He spit in my face as he stood up, closed his laptop and said, "Don't contact me" over his shoulder as he left.

I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I understood he was mad but was it over? Had I lost everything? I went and got cleaned up and tried to get motivated to work around the house now that it was half empty, but my heart wasn't in it. Had I lost Matt?

As the days went by with no contact, I was more and more worried but felt trapped. His last order was not to contact him but god I missed him. I was a jumble of emotions and realized several days later that Matt had taken Mark's briefs with him - that was weird, and I wondered if he had smelled or tasted them?! My little dick tried to grow in the cage for the first time since Matt had walked out, but of course there was no relief.

I tried not to count the days since Matt had left but had almost determined I'd have to figure out a way to cut the cage lock off and move on with my life. I was literally looking for the right size bolt cutters on line when I heard two voices outside, and Matt and Scott came tumbling in. My heart almost stopped, they were so beautiful! And clearly drunk!

I fell to my knees as they stumbled in, Matt locking the door behind him. He turned around and him and Scott kissed each other deeply, thoroughly! Now this was hot as fuck but also felt like punishment since they ignored me. I knew better than to say anything, just happy that Matt was back!! They started tearing each others' clothes off, clearly horny, and I was so turned on. Matt's huge dick flopped up against his abs as Scott removed his briefs, then Scott pulled his off, showing off that beautiful dick that had come so close to fucking me.

Matt took Scott's briefs and moved towards me. I opened my mouth and put out my tongue, hoping to please him. He looked stern as he put the briefs over my face, covering my eyes, putting the waistband (doubled over) across my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I could barely even smell Scott's scent because the best parts of the brief were on top of my head. But I could smell Matt - god I missed his scent! I hoped for a slap or smack or spit, but felt him move away.

For the next several hours I knelt there, listening to them go at it. I can't tell you how hard and frustrating and hot it was not being able to see them at all but to hear them talking dirty, moaning, sucking and fucking! There was a lot of rimming at first, and I could just imagine their big dicks leaking and jumping as they ate each others' holes. Scott was the most vocal when he got rimmed, and Matt kept him on edge forever. I could hear Scott saying, "fuck - I'm going to cum!" and then Matt slapping his big dick to make him stop. Over and over.

Then Scott stopped talking because it sounded like Matt's dick was down his throat. Matt was talking dirty and being aggressive, telling him to take his huge dick and never try to fuck his property without his permission. Scott was moaning, trying to talk, but Matt kept his dick deep from what I could hear. My knees were getting weak but I didn't want to piss either of them off now, so I sucked it up and concentrated on the smells and sounds.

Next up Matt ordered Scott to rim him, and I heard Matt's moans (I think he moaned more when I rimmed him? which made me proud) and the slurping sounds as Scott pleased his hole. Then I could hear wet stroking sounds and could just imagine Matt stroking his big rockhard cock! Sure enough, just a couple minutes later I heard Matt groan loudly and the wet smacks of his load firing all over the place. I could still hear him breathing hard and just caught a whiff of his cum when I heard him say, "sit on it, bitch!"

For a split second I thought he was talking to me, but I head Scott say "Sorry stud, I don't get fucked." I heard an immediate loud SLAP and Matt said, "You try to fuck my faggot, now you're gonna find out what it feels like. SIT!" God I wished I could see! Suddenly I heard Scott gasp, "oh fuck!" and Matt say, "take it, bitch!"

I could imagine Scott struggling with that big cock, and they both got louder until Matt almost bellowed "NO!" and I heard Scott whimper in pain then in pleasure - then heard a load being shot!! I figured Scott must have tried to pull off of Matt and he had taken matters into his own hands. thrusting into Scott and making him cum. It seemed like hours they fucked, Matt cumming multiple times inside Scott and me getting more and more turned on and more and more misterable - this was torture!

From time to time I could hear Scott struggling to breathe, and could imagine Matt choking him. Matt would talk in time to his thrusts: "!" There were times when Scott went quiet and I sensed that Matt had pulled out of his hole and made Scott clean off his dick. God I was insanely horny and frustrated! I was almost to the point where I was going to crawl to them and beg to serve.

Finally they came down from their rutting high and I could swear I heard a wet pop when Matt's dick finally was pulled out of Scott's wet hole. The cum and sweat smell was amazing! I hoped to get to clean their wet dicks but heard them start to find their clothes and talk about work the next day. I could hear them go to the bathroom to piss one by one - god I wanted to see and smell and taste! Without addressing me, Scott pulled his briefs off my face, the light blinding me briefly. Matt was already pulling on his shirt and Scott finished up getting dressed and then they walked out. Just like that. I wanted to cry.

I kept hoping Matt would walk back in but heard their Uber show up and after waiting a few minutes decided to go investigate the mess they had left. There was cum everywhere - along with a hand towel they had used on themselves then left there! and I wanted to smell and taste it of course but felt like I was being punished and it would just be worst torture, not being able to touch my achy little dick. I started the laundry and opened the windows to try to move on from that display, it was too hot and distracting.

If I thought the previous weeks were hard, the following days were even more difficult. I felt used, abandoned, worthless. Low. I started to message Matt multiple times to let him know I was removing the cock cage - I wasn't even going to ask in case he never responded - but never had the guts to send a message. It was bad. I needed to get my house key back. The thought made me incredibly sad.

Suddenly I heard a car pull up to the house and two doors slam, then the key in the lock! I was nervous, scared honestly, and so happy. Would they talk to me this time? Would I get relief?!

Matt and Scott walked in, both in casual clothes and looking hotter than ever. Matt was totally in control as he looked at me and ordered "STRIP!" I quickly shed my clothes and knelt with my head bowed even though I wanted to keep staring at them. I had seen nice bulges in both their shorts and wondered if they had been messing around.

I saw Matt's running shoes walk into my field of vision, his crotch right at the crown of my head. I could feel the heat coming off him and stifled a whimper. He stood there not moving for a few seconds then rested one hand on the back of my neck. "You fucked up, faggot," he said quietly.

"Yes sir," I managed. I hung my head even more and tried not to sob. "We're all to blame. boy. I pushed you pretty hard, whoring you out. And Scott is a stud horn dog. And you are a needy faggot who let it happen."

I nodded minutely, not sure where this was going, the tension killing me. I assumed I was going to be punished - hard - but nothing could be as bad as not seeing or hearing from Matt. I stiffened my resolve to take it like a man. But I was about to break...please say something!

Just then Matt tilted my head up and our eyes met. I saw tenderness and lust and dominance there - and got a huge wad of spit all over my face! Matt pulled off his shirt, showing off that body I craved, then shucked off his shoes, socks, shorts and underwear in quick succession! His big dick was almost fully hard and very wet and I wanted it so bad but kept my hands behind my back so as not to fuck up. I still didn't know where this was going.

Matt turned and walked into the kitchen, and I heard the fridge open and him grabbing beers. It felt weird that he stripped himself and got beers himself - those were my jobs. As he returned he handed Scott one of the beers and ordered me to stand without looking at me. He walked by Scott, grabbing that big dick still in Matt's shorts as Matt was taking off his shirt, then sat down on the couch. Scott reached in his shorts pocket as he shucked them - and his underwear - off and pulled something out before throwing his clothes on top of Matt's. He walked over to me and I shivered in fear and anticipation. WTF was going on?!

Scott grabbed my ballsac painfully, crushing and twisting just a bit as he spit in my face also. Then he took the object from his shorts - the key!!!!! oh my god - and put it in the lock on the cock cage. He didn't twist the key and I growled in frustration, my head whipping to the side as Matt started speaking.

"You want the cage off, faggot?" Elation soared through me - oh my god, to have the cage off and be able to touch myself and stand to pee and feel like a man again!! But panic also set in..was this the end of Matt owning me? For the last weeks, that cage was the only link I had to the man.

"Sir, I have a love/hate relationship with the cage. But I am proud to wear it for you and want to make you happy, so I submit to you as always." The gleam in his eyes showed I had answered correctly, and he gave a minute nod then Scott turned the key and unlocked the cage!

My heart was beating like crazy as Scott walked over to sit next to Matt on the couch. "Take it off, fag" Matt ordered and I somewhat reluctantly, somewhat joyously removed the lock and the cage. I thought I'd get hard immediately, these two naked studs lounging on my couch, my cock finally free - but it stayed the same little shriveled up size it was in the cage. Dripping a steady strand of precum to the floor!

"Faggot can't even get hard," Scott laughed. Their dicks were rising as Matt said, "We'll see about that." His eyes looked hard, predatory. "Let's do this," Matt said and Scott got up and disappeared into the bathroom, returning with a bath towel that he spread across the sturdy coffee table. "Where do you keep your toys, bitch?" Scott asked. I realized he meant the stuff I'd been collecting/ordering off line that I had never been brave enough to try, and told him the bedroom closet. He went to retrieve the bag of tricks as I thought of it as Matt told me to lay down on the coffee table face up. I was in trouble.

Scott returned and put the bag next to my head on the table, then the two studs with big dicks swinging - right over my face - began to pull out the things I'd bought. Ropes, restraints, hood, vibrators, butt plugs, hot lube, sleeves, clothespins - what was I thinking?! Matt sat down when the bag was empty and put his feet on my face. I started worshiping the soles of his feet, hearing him moan, and Scott started securing my hands to the table legs. Oh fuck. Next he made me bend my knees and tied ropes from my wrists down to my knees, keeping my legs up and spread. Fuck fuck fuck.

They were both rock hard now. I was sweating. I felt like I had zero control and I was in for torture. I was right, just not the way I thought.

Scott started out rimming my hole - it felt so good after all that time, and I was moaning and thrashing, trying to get more contact, more sensation...but the ropes kept me from moving much. Matt didn't let me let up on his foot worship so I tried to focus on that. But then a vibrating toy was put against my wet hole and I was writhing, thrashing, felt like I could cum already! Scott slowed down the toy and started flicking my balls with his hand, lightly slapping. Oh god. This was the torture I dreaded!

Scott was a master. A master of taking me right to the brink with the toy on my hole, then using pain to bring me down. Sometimes my balls were beaten, other times he smacked my cock directly, sometimes he'd wrench my nips in his strong fingers. Sometimes he'd just withdraw all sensation from my ass. Then the nipple clamps were applied GOD THEY HURT then the clothespins put on my balls and oh god I was out of control and was leaking and couldn't stop and fuck the toy was back on my hole and OH FUCK I'M CUMMING!!!!

I hadn't cum in a month and it was painful. Exhilarating. Explosive. I was screaming like a chick, out of control. No coherent thought.

Then pain. Fuuuuck. No! Scott was stroking my cock - no, he was rubbing my cockhead! Just using his thumb over the distended glans, over and over. God! Make it stop! It's too sensitive!!!

Scott was intense, rock hard, and totally in control. I didn't have the bandwidth to look at Matt even. I was begging, BEGGING, pleading with him to stop. He had a rhythm going with his thumb on my super sensitive cockhead and was tugging on the chain between the nipple clamps. I don't know which was worse - when the rub and tug were in sync or when they alternated. I could not come down from my orgasm, feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, when all of a sudden my dick shot again.

It wasn't a big load but it was a huge orgasm - huge in that it made me more sensitive. I didn't think that was possible. Scott just kept torturing me, my little dick shrinking with the pain but the orgasms continuing. It felt like he rubbed the skin off my dick!! And now his big dick was dripping precum on Matt's feet that I was licking off but begging them to stop and oh fuck.

With that, Matt stood up. I wanted to cry in relief and Scott stopped his torture. "You wanna get fucked, boy?" Matt asked me, his eyes lasers to my soul. YES SIR! I practically screamed, anything to stop the torture - and feel Matt take my hole. Matt reached down and started rubbing my cockhead and slit! Noooo! "Beg, boy" he ordered as his huge cock throbbed and waved over me and Scott was back at my hole with his tongue and the vibrating toy.

I couldn't not shout. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE MATT I ONLY WANT TO PLEASE YOU PLEASE FUCK MY HOLE I LOVE YOU I NEED YOU PLEASE STOP PLEASE GOD SIR FUCK PLEASE!" He whipped out his phone with his free hand and made a video! Oh fuck. This is bad. I don't care. "PLEASE FUCK ME!"

And with that. Matt moved between my legs. I was about to get fucked for the first time, by the man of my dreams, my master. YES! Scott's big dick filled my throat and the torture stopped as Matt put a hand on each of my ankles, lining up his huge dick with my needy wet little hole. Here it comes!!!

Nope. Fuck. Matt teased my hole with his big dick, thrusting against it and rubbing over it - while Scott went back to torturing my cockhead, my sac, my nips. God, I didn't know how much more I could take before passing out! It was too intense, I got slapped several times as a reminder to suck on Scott's big dick - my mouth just wanted to hang open so I could beg. Scott was rubbing my cockhead faster...harder...fucking my throat faster...harder...oh fuck he's about to cum!

"No," Matt spoke with quiet firm authority, and Scott slowed briefly in my throat but then said, "I need to cum!" "No," Matt repeated, and pushed Scott bodily away from my mouth. Scott's big dick was covered in precum and saliva, rock hard and flicking around looking for a hole. At least the cock torture stopped, but Matt snapped his fingers and Scott was back to rubbing my poor little dick and I was back to thrashing and screaming.

"Beg," Matt said quietly still. "Please stop torturing my poor little dick!" I yelled and Matt laughed out loud "thought you'd beg for this big dick...or do you want Scott's instead?" "NO SIR I want you to fuck me, take me, mark me, use me, own me please PLEASE" my voice trailing into a high-pitched scream as both Matt and Scott - I didn't even know who was where - tortured my cock, balls, and nips. I almost passed out.

When all of a sudden: WHAM! Matt thrust his huge dick all the way in my hole. Oh god it hurt! The clothespins on my sac were ripped off by the force of his thrust. Please take it out! No, I can't. I don't think I could formulate words but oh my god he filled me up and it hurt. He started stroking in and out, all the way, way too soon - my hole couldn't stretch - oh fuck. He sped up and just plowed me, making me moan and whine and scream. Scott's torture had not eased one bit and Matt gasped and looked at him, "Oh fuck, keep on the faggot, you have no idea what his hole is doing!" and with that his big dick started cumming in me!

FINALLY! Oh my god, I had Matt's huge load deep in my guts and all of his dick in me. Maybe now the torture would stop. Matt held still, his dick still pumping, before he started thrusting again and I realized I wasn't off the hook yet - they just kept going. Fuck! I had stopped even noticing when I had an orgasm - sometimes I dribbled a little cum but more than not it just felt like a really hard sensation on top of all the other really hard sensations. But apparently Matt noticed! He gasped and said, "little faggot is cumming again!' and jammed his big dick hard and deep in me, crushing my little sac. That hurt which turned him on and we were trapped in a feedback loop. I loved it but god I was hurting.

I realized tears were streaming down my face - the sensations were overwhelming: emotional, physical, spiritual I think. Matt slowly - slowly - pulled out and it was hot as fuck seeing his abs tense just when his big strong dickhead popped out. Apparently the sensations were great for him too! He moved around to feed me his cock but didn't fuck my throat, just let me gently lick his cock all over. I was in heaven and he looked happy and exhausted too.

Which left Scott. Who still hadn't cum. He thrust hard in my wet gaping hole and made me moan. Apparently that wasn't enough and he went back to torturing my wrecked cock, feeling the sensations Matt had felt and reveling in it. I started begging him to stop - everything hurt - and that pushed him over the edge, his big dick unloading in me. He moved over to the other side of my head and now I had two big dicks hanging there, the sensation on my poor cock finally stopped.

I worshiped those big dicks and started rubbing their perfect abs and asses, everything sweaty, loving these two men. Suddenly my dick throbbed and a load shot out - I thought I'd be shooting blanks at this point but god they had me. They laughed and Scott left to jump in the shower as Matt began untying me. I was forced to clean up the toys and fluid while Matt finished his beer, then Scott came out, dick swinging, ready to go again! I groaned and Matt laughed. "You get the faggot tomorrow, Scott - give him a break if you want him to be any use." Scott didn't look happy but agreed and started getting dressed.

Matt made me get back on my knees and thank both of them as they spit in my face at the same time, then Matt put his dick back in my mouth as Scott took off. As soon as the door closed, Matt pulled me to my feet and planted a long, lingering, deep kiss on my mouth. Which fell open, letting his tongue explore. He pretty much had to hold me up - I was SORE - but I was moaning and loving it. Matt flipped the towel over, laid it on the floor and told me to lay facedown on it. Of fuck, would this never end?! I had nothing left.

I felt Matt's hands on me as he began massaging my wracked body. It felt amazing and I really needed it! I think I drifted off in a state of bliss until he told me to turn over and he got my arms and the fronts of my legs (which he massaged with his big dick hanging right over my face). To say I was in heaven was an understatement. He helped me up and took me to the shower where he cleaned me up like I was inanimate (which I almost was) then took me to bed and snuggled next to me.

"You did really well today, faggot. I needed to get your attention and punish you, and once again you took it all."

"Thank you master Matt. I loved it all but you had me right on the edge. I felt like I could pass out for hours."

"Why didn't you use the safe word?!" Fuck, I had forgotten again. I wouldn't take any of it back though.

"Sir, I'm not sure I can do that regularly. It's too much." Matt told me that was punishment and as long as I obeyed it would be better. "Sleep well" he said, seeing I was fading.

I wondered if he'd fuck me in the morning......

Next: Chapter 7

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