My Submission to Matt

By Sub Boy

Published on Jan 30, 2022


I dozed for a couple of hours and dreamt hard about Matt. And Scott. I felt so close to Matt and so turned on by them both. When a knock came at the door my little dick hurt like it had been hard and aching for hours. I couldn't figure out who might have knocked - Matt said he had a key - and I was pretty spent so I started to roll over and try to get back to sleep when I heard a key in the door. I wasn't exactly alarmed but very interested in who might be coming into my room! The silhouette at the door looked vaguely familiar, and he closed the door behind him before saying, "I hope it's ok, Matt told me when he left that you needed practice and I could come get relief when I was done at the front desk." "Yes sir" was all I could croak out...I was turned on and wanted this stud but felt a little pimped out. I decided to turn on the light next to the bed and instantly decided this guy was suck-worthy! He was tall and fit, and there was a nice big bulge in his black pants. "Matt said you were a faggot and needed to be bossed around - that right?" he said rather aggressively. I again responded "yes sir" and a smile spread across his face.

"I need to piss then you're gonna take my load then I'm heading out, understood boy?" I loved his directness and climbed out of bed to go kneel next to the urinal. He looked a little surprised but had a problem hauling out his big ol' dick - he was almost fully hard!! And over 8 inches of thick wet dripping cock!!! I asked if I could clean off the precum first and he just nodded, so I used my tongue and mouth to lick and suck it all down. While about 2 or 3 inches of his dick were in my throat, I suddenly felt a blazing hot stream -- he was pissing right down my throat!!! I fought my gag instinct and swallowed...over and over! This guy was just unloading in my faggot throat and I had no choice but to swallow it all or choke. As his stream stopped, he spit right in my face and laughed, saying "good faggot!"

I asked him if he would strip so I could see his sexy body, and he said he didn't have time and just shut up and suck. He wouldn't even go to the bed so I knelt there on the hard cold tile next to the toilet and worshiped his big dick on my knees. He loved fucking my throat and forcing me to take all of it! His hips sped up and he threw his head back and then he was pumping all the way down my throat! I really wanted to taste it but didn't get much until he started pulling out, then he wiped his big wet dick on my face, spit on me again and said, "Next time I'll have more time and really work you over, boy. Fucking queer!" and with that he stashed that big tool back in his pants, zipped up and left.

I tried to calm down, really wanting to jack off, but knew I couldn't get to my straining cock. As I got back in bed I saw a text come through from Matt "That was a reward for your good work boy (plus he's better at training faggots than I am). Sleep in and get to Scott's at 10am". I really felt pimped out but proud too - this man had my heart firmly in his grasp. I texted back "Thank you sir, sleep well" and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up with plenty of time to get cleaned up and get food before heading to Scott's. As I was at breakfast, I got a text from Scott telling me to bring him breakfast (a pain-in-the-ass expensive order from Starbucks) plus groceries and cleaning supplies. This was not what I signed up for (and let's face it I really didn't sign up) but just when I was about to balk and make an excuse, two pictures came through: one of Scott's sexy face with him flipping me off and another of his big thick cock and bushy pubes! I instantly replied "YES SIR" and rushed out to complete his errands so I could go see him.

It took me a while to get everything and make it to Scott's place but he seemed pleased with what I had done. "Get naked, faggot, then put the groceries away." I stripped down in front of him - he was lounging on his sofa in pj bottoms and a tshirt that showed off his body nicely. I put away the groceries after handing him the coffee, then sank to my knees by his feet. He nodded at them, and I went to work licking and sucking and massaging his feet and calves, and he moaned and threw his head back.

"Your master has been working me hard in the office so you're going to do all my work today, boy. Go start the laundry; you'll be folding and ironing later." There was something very hot about being bossed around this way, and my dick was dripping! He had a lot of workout clothes in the laundry, and I sniffed it all - especially the armpit area and crotch of his briefs. I was getting worked up and rubbed the "best" pair (the ones that smelled most like him!) all over my faggot face.

I wanted to go back and see if he'd feed me his big dick, but when I walked back towards the sofa Scott told me to go kneel in the corner with my face on the floor. I was humiliated and disappointed - I couldn't even see him - and he left me there until the washing machine was done. When he told me to go move his luandry to the dryer, I asked him if I had done something wrong and he just laughed and said "nah - I just like keeping my faggot in its place."

Next I was sent out for lunch for him, then to fill up his car with gas, then to the dry cleaners to drop off his work clothes. (I was made to dress obviously, but had to get naked as soon as I set foot in his place.) Then I worked in the kitchen, cleaning, taking out the trash - all the jobs he didn't want to do. Throughout it all he lorded over me and I sort of liked it. I heard him on the phone, and it turns out Matt had called to check in on us. Scott brought the phone over and I saw Matt was at the office on video; Scott showed him me working and Matt just laughed.

"You like having an in-house faggot?" Matt asked. Scott laughed and said it was great, he needed the time off and I was doing a decent job. "Do you still want to watch when he sucks me?" Scott asked Matt. Matt said to call him so he could watch, and I was incredibly turned on. I was to make dinner for Scott then hoped to get at his big dick that was swinging around in his pjs! Scott told me what he wanted for dinner and I googled recipes then cooked for us(?). When it was ready he told me to fix him a plate and come work his feet while he ate. I was starving but apparently wouldn't get to eat with him.

He was pretty critical of dinner and told me I'd have to get better at cooking for him, but he did moan at the foot worship and ate most of the meal. He finished up and put the plate on the floor and told me that was my dinner! I had left some on the stove for myself but didn't push the issue, and leaned over to eat off the plate as he had kept the silverware. The position left my ass up in the air, and he started massaging it! I was turned on - it felt great to be fondled - and moved my hips around to get him to feel all of my ass.

Suddenly - SMACK - he spanked me hard and I almost spit the food out. He worked my ass, thankfully nowhere near as hard as Matt had - until I finished then I was told to go clean up my face and the plate. When I got up I saw Scott was rock hard in those sexy pjs!!! He stroked along his dick and pulled out his phone to call Matt -- I was about to get to suck this stud while Matt watched!!!

When I got back to the living room, Scott had placed the phone so Matt could see and Matt called out to me, "Do a good job faggot!" He was at his desk at work and had his shirt off. I wondered if he was naked?! But Scott was there and suddenly intent and aggressive - "get on your faggot knees, bitch - you are going to take my cock and cum." That's all I wanted really so I was good with it! Scott stood up and his big schlong was right in front of me...I could see a wet spot at the end of the long bulge and then he was rubbing it on my face! The wet bulge encased in the soft pj material was sensual as hell and my cock just kept leaking.

"Pull it out, fag" Scott moaned, and I unbuttoned the pjs and reached in, pulling out his thick tool. It was so wet and he was moaning as he sat back down, grabbed my head, and forced me down on his cock! I choked some and he smacked my ass again - that hurt! - so I really focused on sucking him deep. He was getting into it when he pushed me back yet again, standing in front of me, and shucked off his clothes completely.

God this guy was build - smooth strong muscles under pale perfect skin, hairy legs, cum gutters, treasure trail - fuck! I wanted to lick and worship it all but Scott had other ideas. He turned around, leaning on the back of the couch and told me "eat my hole, faggot!" I knew how much he loved it and dove in as fast as I could. I glanced at the phone as my face entered his ass crack and saw Matt stroking his huge cock! I moaned into Scott's hole and he made a strangled noise like he felt electricity shooting through him. I still was getting used to how huge Matt's dick was, and how much bigger it looked against his compact frame.

I focused on Scott's perfect hole and spread his ass cheeks wide to get as deep as possible, getting rewarded with deep loud moans and gasps. Scott was clearly getting close and I hoped to make him shoot with my tongue in his hole again, but he had other ideas. He pushed my face out of his ass and turned around and slapped me! His big dick was bobbing, soaked with precum, and clearly looking for release. "All 4s, faggot!" he ordered and I assumed the position on the floor. He smacked my ass cheeks quickly and aggressively, and I was moaning and trying to move my ass around to spread out the pain.

I put my head on the floor and turned to see Matt - stroking his dick furiously - and Scott - starting to sweat, his big dick throbbing and jumping with each smack on my hole. Suddenly he stopped and rubbed my ass which felt like it was on fire, looked straight into the phone and gasped, "I really want to fuck this hole now, sir!" Matt shook his head and said, "I told you that ass is mine, at least until I mark my territory and maybe longer if it's a nice hole. Sorry Scott, you agreed." Scott growled in his throat and said "yeah" but sounded disappointed.

He started rubbing his big dick all over my ass, getting the cheeks wet with his precum. Then he'd spank me, making a loud wet sound and turning them both on. Matt was clearly getting close and moaned out, "fuck that is hot!" which just goaded Scott into more rubbing and spanking. Scott's dick was sliding in my ass crack now, up and down, poking against my hole with every long stroke. He grabbed me under my arms and maneuvered me around so I was facing the phone, staring at Matt stroking!

"Tell Matt how good it feels, boy" Scott ordered, and the words fell out of my mouth (along with some drool - I was very turned on!) telling Matt how big and hard and wet his dick was and how good it felt against my ass. My hole. "Tell him you want to get fucked, boy!" I felt trapped because right then at that moment I wanted Scott inside me more than I wanted air to breathe! But it was clear they had talked about it and Matt was planning on fucking me!! Scott grabbed my hair to get my attention and barked "SPEAK, FAG!"

"Master, that cock feels so good against my faggot hole. It's huge and hot and wet and hard and reminds me of you. I can't wait to feel your big dick in me sir. Fuck me please!!!" and with that, Matt's huge dick exploded all over his sexy body!! A huge load up over his shoulder, down the side of his face and all over his perfect abs. Scott's dick was now lodged tightly against my hole and he was pressing - hard! I panicked and said "'No, please sir" and Matt yelled "Scott I will fuck you up - stop NOW."

Scott smacked my ass HARD and pulled his dick away then lay back on the sofa with his legs in the air and told me to get my faggot tongue back in his hole. He was pissed but turned on, and I hated to turn away from Matt but loved servicing Scott's hole so dove right in. Scott moaned and had his arms spread, showing his sexy armpits as I licked deep and worshiped his hole. His moaning got louder and louder until his big dick exploded, spraying all over his tight sexy body. "Clean it bitch" he moaned as he came down from his orgasm, my tongue feeling crushed from the contractions in his sexy hole as he shot.

I moved up to lick up his load and heard Matt moan "spread your asscheeks, faggot" so I reached back and spread them. Scott grabbed my head and made me look back at the same time, seeing Matt stroking his fully erect cock once again! He was staring at my flaming red ass cheeks and wet hole and started to moan, "Faggot I am gonna wreck that hole. I am going to mark you as mine and you'll never forget it. Maybe Scott will beat your ass as I push into you. FUCK!!!" and with that another big load sprayed out of his perfect cock.

We were all pretty spent, but Matt told me to serve Scott well however he wanted except for getting fucked. I thanked Matt as Scott put me back to work worshiping his feet and hung up on Matt. As soon as we were "alone", Scott said "so did you want it faggot? Did you want me to fuck your little hole?" I was honest and said, "yes sir! You got my hole so wet and needy, god I am pathetic and worthless and needy." His big dick twitched and a huge glob of precum oozed out. I asked permission to lick it up but Scott told me it was going on my hole and to straddle him. I knew it was dangerous but I really wanted to feel it!

I climbed on top of Scott and he moaned when his dick contacted my hole. thrusting his hips up. My hole and his dick were so felt so good..he could just slide in.... NO!! I knew it was wrong and wanted Matt to be the first, so I pulled off, glad I was on top and could keep my hole tight for Matt. Scott slapped my face and told me to sit on it. I was almost in tears, upset at how badly I wanted Scott inside me and feeling vulnerable without Matt watching. "He'll never know boy, just take my big dick!" Scott ordered.

Now I was crying, tears streaming down my face, miserable that I couldn't please this man. "I am sorry, sir, but Matt owns me and controls me." I didn't tell him how badly I wanted - needed - him to fuck me but he knew. In frustration he told me to get on all 4s again then shoved me down when I hesitated. He grabbed his huge dick and stroked furiously while spanking me harder than ever! I was writhing, crying, begging for him to stop and that just turned him on more as I felt his load spray all over my ass, focused right on my hole.

He instantly had his big dick against my hot wet hole and said, "you want it boy?" I almost begged for it - I wanted him to fuck that load into me - but my hesitation was enough to piss Scott off. "God DAMN IT" Scott almost shouted then he came down from his sexual frenzy and backed off thankfully. "Fuck I wanted that virgin hole faggot - and I know you want it - so this is Matt's fault and I won't take it out on you. Go get cleaned up then clean the kitchen and get out of here before I take that hole!"

I jumped up and went for a quick shower, wanting to jack off worse than ever before, then cleaned up the kitchen. Scott just seemed pissed at me but finally settled down and told me to come sit by him before I left. He put his arm around me and I got to smell his sexy scent from his armpit as he told me I did a good job and he wasn't mad at me. Then he spit right in my face - on my mouth - from just inches away and told me to return in the morning with breakfast again and I'd be done for the day.

I was exhausted driving home then remembered I had to go to the hotel instead for the next few nights, and was relieved when the guy from the night before wasn't at the front desk. (I wanted to see him naked and suck him again - absolutely! - but was exhausted.) I got to the room and once again found Matt waiting. He was lounging on the bed in just running shorts and was surprised to see me, but I told him Scott had let me go until morning.

"Let me taste that hole, boy" he said and I quickly stripped and got on all 4s on the bed. Matt's tongue licked up my crack to my hole as he rubbed my burning ass cheeks, still heated from the earlier abuse. He moaned and dug his tongue in my hole, licking and making me squirm. "Scott left a lot of precum here boy, was he inside you?"

"NO SIR!" I responded, breathing heavy, wondering if I was about to get fucked! I tried looking at Matt's crotch and could just make out his huge dick stretching the of the hottest views ever! "Did you want to get fucked boy? By Scott?" I wasn't sure how to respond but figured Matt knew, so....

"Sir I want to get fucked and Scott pushed all my buttons but as soon as I knew you might fuck me, that's all I wanted. Scott really tried to fuck me and I wouldn't let him because I want to feel you gaping my little virgin faggot hole!"

That was DEFINITELY the right thing to say as Matt moaned into my hole and then lightly smacked my ass. "Here's my third load of the night faggot - you're welcome," he said as he hauled out his big wet dick and I spun around to swallow it. Matt moaned and whispered, "Scott's big wet dick against that tight little hole, him ready to rape you...oh fuck!!!" and his dick unloaded in my mouth. I swallowed it all, so happy to be with my master, and my little dick exploded at the same time.

Matt slapped my face away and said "no teeth! fuck" and I realized cumming had made me lose control. But then he laughed and asked if I had cum with Scott that day, and he seemed proud when I told him he had made me cum but Scott hadn't. "Get down and clean up all our cum, fag" Matt ordered, his dick still hard and throbbing. I worshiped his cock and cleaned it up, then turned and licked my load up off the bedspread while he fondled and fingered my hole a little.

"You did good today, faggot. As a reward, we're going to shower together, ok?" I was so excited, I thanked him and we climbed into the shower together. He was stunning, perfect, and just incredibly sexy. He had me soap him up, massaging his sexy body, feeling every muscle. He moaned and leaked through it - and I did too! When I finished up he spit in my face and rinsed off, telling me to serve Scott properly in the morning as he ordered but not to give up my hole obviously. I really hoped he'd spend the night but he just laughed and said I got more than I deserved, and with that he was gone.

In the morning I had a text with instructions from Scott for breakfast, and I picked up another pain-in-the-ass special order and got to his place on time. I walked in as ordered, only to find him fully naked and rock hard, stroking on the couch! I hit my knees immediately and he said "get your ass over here faggot - worship my sac while I eat and stroke!" I jumped at the chance and after handing him his food I started licking his big sac, loving on each ball and licking his taint long and deep. He kept stroking and shot super fast all over his sexy abs and chest. I wanted to lick it up but he pushed back and moaned "hole" as he made it available to me and I dove in, licking and raping his little pucker with my faggot tongue. He kept stroking, never losing any of his sexy hardness, and pushed onto my tongue while he licked his own cum off his fingers.

I was really getting into it when he made me stop. I was really disappointed but then he was scooping cum off his sexy body with his fingers and rubbing it on and in his hole!!! I was drooling, wound up so hard, and when he ordered me to beg, the words came spewing out "please master Scott please let me service that sexy fucking hole and make you feel good. I am your faggot and love you!" Where the hell had that come from?! But it must have been the right thing because he gasped and stopped stroking, right on the edge. "Go boy!" he ordered and I dove into his sexy hole, reveling in the taste of his cum and hole. He was rubbing his strong body, teasing his nips, and his big cock was throbbing and leaking.

His moaning ramped up as I dug deeper and deeper into his hole when he told me to stop again. "You want your hole used, boy?" he asked. I panicked a bit - God I wanted nothing more, but wanted to save it for Matt. Before I could formulate an answer he told me to get up and use my hole on his big wet dick. I thought how good it would feel with that dick rubbing on me, so I complied and gyrated my hips, trying to please him and get another load out of him. He was thrusting, breathing hard, trying to breach my virgin hole and I almost - almost! - gave in. God it was hot and the sweat was letting his dickhead start to spread my ass lips and fuck fuck fuck!!! With that, my aching little dick exploded into the cage and his big dick started blasting against my little hole!! My legs were weak - I was weak - and his dickhead slipped inside me!! OH FUCK. My dick kept spasming and my hole kept tightening on his dickhead and he tried to push in more.

With a frustrated gasp I fell off him onto the couch, and he followed me and shoved his big dick in my mouth. I cleaned it off as he smacked my aching sac, making me work harder. His dick finally started to deflate and it was even sexier with it hanging in my mouth, looking up at his perfect body. "Faggot, I am going to fuck you. You need to beg Matt to fuck you, because I won't wait forever. Understood?!"

"Yes sir!" I moaned and got a big wad of spit across my eyes. He dragged his big dick through the spit then made me lick it clean, over and over. I was in heaven, covered in precum and spit, smelling his sweat, rubbing his abs and chest. "Get out" he ordered and I left, head low, feeling bad that he hadn't fucked me fully and feeling bad that his dick was in me before Matt's. I had fucked up with both of them, I felt, but Matt was my man and I'd just have to take whatever punishment he decided on. I was screwed.

Next: Chapter 6

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