My Submission to Matt

By Sub Boy

Published on Jan 24, 2022


The next day I carefully dressed professionally, my little caged cock drooling, thinking about what kinky fantasies my owner (and brother-in-law) Matt might have in store for me. I got there early since I was told not to be late, and used my code to get in, finding Matt's door closed though. I figured it was part of the fun and tapped lightly. "Come in!" Matt's sexy voice beckoned me. I opened the door and walked in, finding someone sitting in Matt's office. A quick glance told me he was young and sexy, but I only had eyes for Matt of course. He was dressed even nicer than usual and looked incredibly hot: his suit hugged every line of his lithe strong body, and his grin was as sexy as ever. "This is Scott, it's his second interview and I wanted you to sit in." I checked out Scott more carefully and damn he was well put together! Dirty blonde hair, almost a swimmer's build but with muscle. Quite a bit younger than Matt even; I thought he might be fresh out of college. He just nodded to me as Matt continued, "This is an associate. Sit over there," he ordered me, pointing towards a chair that had been moved against the wall.

Matt and Scott picked up their conversation, discussing the position and the company as if I weren't there. I had a great chance to check out Scott thoroughly and was impressed - his sexy strong features were almost a younger, lighter reflection of Matt. I tried not to fidget, but I couldn't figure out what I was doing there.

After about half an hour Matt said, "OK, you've gotten the spiel and you know we want you, your record is pretty impressive and we think you'd make a great addition. Anything I can tell you to help you decide?" Clearly Scott was ready for the question and asked about salary, how negotiable the entire package was, and ended with asking "What makes this firm special - what makes it stand out from the others? I'm the top of my class and can bring a lot to the table, so sell me on it."

Matt didn't seem surprised or put out, just calmly nodding and saying, "Yes, many of the firms are similar and you'll find the compensation here in line with other firms. We can offer one thing I highly doubt they can: a personal assistant." Scott looked unimpressed and told him that almost every company had assistants. Matt smiled and pointed at me and said, "Let me explain - this faggot will serve you without question for any need at all you might have, once a week. He will treat you very well."

Scott seemed more curious than surprised and asked Matt, almost as if I weren't there, "Is he good at it? I mean I know I'll be busy and may not want to mess with dating or anything but I'll need someone that can please me very well." Matt just stretched out his sexy legs towards me, propping one shoe on the other and said, "Go boy."

I wanted to hesitate but instead just hit my knees and started removing his shoes and socks, licking and worshiping and massaging his feet just like I would have if I were alone. They continued to discuss me and the other normal company perks as if I weren't there, but Matt was definitely showing a bulge and moaning lightly. I had most of Matt's foot in my mouth, sucking on his toes, when he asked Scott if he wanted a sample. "Sure!" he said eagerly and Matt just snapped his fingers.

I crawled over to Scott, bowed to him and began giving him the same attention I had Matt. I was a little upset being 'whored out' but also turned on by this new man. Would I get his cock? His cum? He moaned more than Matt, who told me I was a good faggot. I was in heaven, feeling slutty and dominated. Matt snapped his fingers again and said, "Strip, faggot, and get over here to be my footstool." I didn't want to strip in front of these two sexy studs but would not disobey Matt, so got naked. They both looked at my little caged cock and laughed at it leaking, discussing how faggots loved serving real men. I got on all 4s for Matt and he put his feet up on my back!

They continued discussions, Scott asking what rules there were about having me for a day a week. Matt was clear that we would have a safe word, there were to be no bruises or scars, that kind of thing. Scott was very upfront about having 'a big dick' and 'the faggot better not gag'! I was leaking like crazy, leaving a puddle on the floor, and they finally acknowledged me, laughing at me, and told me to lick it up. I complied of course and was pleased to see a big bulge in Scott's pants when I checked it out.

"Faggot is already hungry for me. This is pretty great, I will seriously consider the offer. Can I give him a test run tonight before I decide?" Scott asked. Matt seemed to consider and finally said, "It's up to the faggot, really." I was really happy to be included in the decision and after just a few seconds consideration asked them both, "Can Master Matt be there too? I am not confident enough yet to know exactly what is expected and don't want to fuck up." Apparently that was the right thing to say because they both had smiles as big as their bulges!

They decided to get drinks first (I would be paying) then go to Scott's place for 'some fun'. Scott was very upfront, asking about how my blowjob skills were and if I could take a pounding. Matt was way more honest than I expected and it was really hot to hear him say, "Well, he's my brother in law and just started serving me so honestly I don't know. If he's not up to the job we'll have to figure something else out." I was getting excited! Scott mentioned he lived really close to the bar and was going to piss before we walked to his place, but Matt said, "Can you hold it? The faggot likes that kind of thing," while ruffling my hair and smiling at me. I was really turned on!

Scott said sure, pay up and let's go! I followed them out, watching their sexy asses. We got into Scott's place and they stripped off their suit coats, looking sexy as fuck. Scott looked at me and asked, "You wanna watch, boy? You wanna taste?" I looked at Matt first for permission and he told me to obey Scott as I would him. "YES SIR!" I said. Matt followed us towards the bathroom and I saw his big dick was very hard in his pants. Scott told me to kneel next to the toilet and unzipped his pants, hauling out a big flaccid cock with a wet head!

I loved the thickness of it and licked my lips. Scott laughed and said I'd get plenty of opportunity to worship it but right now he had to PISS! And with that, a huge strong stream sprayed out, making a loud sound in the bowl. I glanced up at both of my masters and stuck out my tongue, tasting his stream. It went on and on but as it slackened off I said, "May I please Sir?" and he just nodded so I put my mouth around Scott's big member as he finished his piss. I swallowed it all and got a "good boy" from the both of them.

As I slurped the last of Scott's piss out of his big dickhead, I could also taste his precum starting to flow and realized his dick was growing - FAST! Oh fuck, it ballooned to 9 thick inches in just seconds! He looked a little embarrassed, telling Matt he really needed to get off multiple times a day but had just been too busy. Matt laughed and said he totally got it - then reached over and stroked Matt's big thick hard cock!!! I sucked the first few inches, Matt stroked the base, and Scott moaned louder and louder!

Matt and Scott told me to get naked at the same time, laughing at me. My little cock was dripping like crazy of course, making them laugh more as Scott slapped my face with his big thick cock, then pushed back in my faggot throat. I was choking, drooling, and sucking for all I was worth, wanting to see Scott naked. That thought ratcheted up my efforts and Scott moaned in appreciation.

Matt started rubbing his huge bulge against my cheek as I sucked Scott, who was thrusting his hips - they both were! - and getting louder and louder. Scott had one hand on my head, controlling my sucking, and the other started feeling up Matt's perfect clothed body, rubbing down his strong chest to that huge bulge. Just one or two strokes along that thick meat and Scott shouted, "OH FUCK FAGGOT HERE IT COMES, TAKE IT ALL!!!" He almost knocked me over with the power of his load, spraying in my mouth, down my throat and all over my faggot face as he pulled out and pushed in while shooting. I was covered and in heaven, having never tasted a fresh load of cum from a man in my life.

It all overwhelmed me and my dick, painfully caged, shot a huge load! I fell over, just out of control, stunned, pulsing and feeling like I would pass out. They both laughed at me and before I could recover Matt casually said, "Don't leave Scott's place a mess, boy - clean it up!" I painfully got on all 4s to lick it up. It wasn't my favorite taste or texture, but that cum represented everything manly about these two studs and I slurped it up feverishly. Matt smacked my ass and said, "Now his big cock, faggot" and I moved to clean it off. He was still mostly hard, hung big, wet with cum - and as I started licking and sucking, I saw Scott and Matt move their heads closer and suddenly they were kissing! Deep, passionate, and absolutely the hottest thing I had ever seen.

Scott broke the kiss first and said, "I need a fucking massage, boy" and started stripping down. I loved seeing his sexy body revealed as he walked to his bedroom and flopped face-down on the bed. He had a great ass too, clearly worked out a lot, and I dove in, starting at his feet and massaging every inch. His moans were egging me on, and I took the liberty of licking wherever I felt like - which was everywhere - without getting in trouble. I did avoid his ass crack, not sure how he felt about that. Matt lay down next to him, stretched out and relaxed despite the huge bulge in his pants. "Good boy," he purred at me, which only spurred me on.

I worked Scott's sexy shoulders and back thoroughly, and he flipped over, once again raging hard. I reached for his big dick to stroke it as part of the massage and was promptly smacked across the face by both of them! One blow from each side, telling me to ask before touching. I was more surprised than hurt but once again was reminded of my place. I went back to his sexy feet and massaged up the hairy legs I was falling in love with, and he spread his legs and put his feet on the bed, lifting his ass slightly into the air. "Get that faggot tongue in my hole, boy" Scott moaned.

I couldn't wait to please him and moved quickly, licking and massaging right up to his hole, then licking around and over it over and over. He was in heaven, gyrating his hips, moaning loud, grabbing my hair, forcing my face harder against his sexy little pucker. "IN!" he almost shouted, and my tongue invaded his tight little hole in a heartbeat, making Scott arch his back and throw his hips up like struck by lightning. I followed, forcing my tongue deeper, really getting into it.

"Fuck, faggot, eat my hot hole!" Scott was on fire, getting really aggressive and dirty, and I followed his lead, digging in as deep as my tongue could reach. He seemed to like it when my stubble rubbed his sensitive parts, and all of a sudden both of his hands were on my head, burying my face deep in his crack. I struggled to breathe when all of a sudden I realized his hole was pulsing like crazy - fuck!! He was cumming!!! My tongue was getting crushed, my head was trapped, and it was sexy as fuck hearing him moan and release.

"Clean that up and get the fuck out, faggot," Scott moaned. He released my head finally and I moved to lick up a giant load off his sexy, sexy body. I took my time, loving the strength of his lithe muscles, trying to make Matt proud and seal my bond with them both. Matt and him chatted while I worked and I vaguely heard Matt suggest I could be of more use before leaving. Scott ended up ordering me to change the sheets on his bed, start his laundry, and clean the bathroom before I left. I was exhausted but on cloud nine and put all my effort into pleasing them both. Matt took off, still hard in his pants, and I felt empty as he left, even though he praised my hard work. I missed him already.

Scott relaxed - naked! - on the couch while I did his chores then turned in, telling me to lock the door when I left, after the bathroom was clean. I was exhausted when I got home but perked up immediately when I saw Matt's car there! He had let himself in and was lounging - fully naked and ROCK hard - on the couch!!! Holy shit, this guy was stacked!!! I thought Scott's dick was big, but Matt had a good inch or two on him and was thicker too.

"You did good tonight, faggot - probably landed the best recruit the firm could get. You want this reward?" he asked, holding his big dick away from his perfect abs. It stretched inches past his belly button and had leaked precum all over his abs, down to his nice pubes. I couldn't get a word out, just nodding and hitting the floor kneeling. Matt shook his head before I could get to his cock and I realized I should be naked - he liked seeing my dick leak. I stripped down as fast as I could and knelt to start licking up precum.

Matt moaned louder than Scott, and all his muscles flexed naturally as he started pumping his hips as soon as his big cockhead was in my faggot mouth. He started talking dirty, telling me what a good faggot I was and how hot it was to see me suck that young stud's big dick and take his cum. He was winding up, getting closer to shooting, when he pulled my mouth off his big dick and told me to worship his body. I was out of control, licking his furry armpits, across his sexy defined chest, down his abs to his furry legs and sucking his toes. He LOVED that and moaned and squirmed, clearly trying not to grab his huge throbbing meat and finish himself off.

"Get back on my cock, faggot!" he barked and I swallowed as much of it as I could, desperately trying to get his load. He was on the edge again when he pushed me off his big cock, snapped his fingers, and ordered, "Pay me faggot." I was shocked and stunned, sitting back in confusion when he continued, asking me if I wanted his load (which of course I did) then telling me I had to pay for his attention. I was forced to beg for his load, telling him how much I loved his huge cock and sexy body, and begging to pay. He kept upping the amount from $500 to eventually two grand! He told me to hand him my phone and he initiated the transfer himself while I was forced to lick his sexy sac. God I loved and hated this! That was a lot of money, but he smelled and looked and tasted amazing!!

"Back!" he barked and I rested back on my heels to watch him stand up. His huge cock was waving right over my face and suddenly he spit right into my open mouth! God damn it was hot, then he followed that up by rubbing his fingers through his precum then feeding me that amazing nectar by letting me suck it off his fingers. "Open wide, faggot," he ordered and I did of course. He started stroking his big thick cock purposefully, all his muscles tensed - I felt like the luckiest faggot in the world kneeling there watching his muscles twitch and flex, hearing his moans, feeling the heat rolling off him.

Suddenly his dick just fucking exploded! The cum flew everywhere, getting in my face, my hair, on my chest, on the floor behind me. He was desperately waving his dick around looking for my mouth while I desperately tried to taste every bit of his load. He shoved that big dick right in my mouth and I set to sucking the best I knew how, while my hands roamed his tight sexy body! He pumped in and out, moaning loudly, coming down from his orgasm then winding up again. He was getting close again! I redoubled my efforts and he was almost there when he looked down and said, "another grand?" and I moaned yes around his big dick, nodding and begging with my eyes. "TAKE IT, FAGGOT" he said as another orgasm rocked his frame and that dick exploded.

I didn't let one drop escape, and as soon as he was finished made me run (naked) and get him cash this time. I went upstairs, counted out the money and returned. He had dressed and was sitting on the couch, holding out his hand and reading messages on his phone like I wasn't important. I definitely felt put in my place as he stood up, casually said "good job" without giving me a glance, and took off.

That hurt. I hurt. I had worked my ass off and paid - and while I had four big loads of cum in me, I felt used and useless. I sort of wondered what I had gotten myself into and how much more I could take/afford. But I knew I would do it all again for Matt, over and over, because I just couldn't get enough. My fingers trailed down to my little caged cock as I climbed in bed, and I found it so wet that it was like I had pissed myself. My little dick knew the score even if my brain struggled with the complete submission. I had little choice but to follow my dick, and I drifted off smiling, a very happy faggot.

The next few days were really tough as I didn't hear from Matt except to tell me he was busy and would see me when he had time. Plus suddenly my wife was coming home the next day - finally, but it felt weird. What would I tell her? I felt like I should be honest but man this was going to be awkward. What if she saw me in the cage?! I worked hard to get the house looking good and met her at the airport; it was weird for both of us I think since we'd never been apart that long. Oh, and since I was serving her brother!!!

We had dinner that night and I was working up the nerve to tell her. "Look, we need to talk," I started and Sara looked scared and said, "I'm really sorry. How did you find out?" She realized from the confusion on my face that I had no idea what was going on but she spilled the beans: she had been cheating on me while away and already had divorce papers ready to go, with a very generous settlement for me. I was stunned and sad of course but also felt pretty relieved. She said she was going to spend the night at Matt and Kim's and would get me a hotel room for the next week so she could clear out her stuff from the house. I was in shock.

I didn't sleep much that night, and got the hotel info from her the next day. When I checked in with a bag to last a few nights, the clerk gave me a key and a weird look so I assumed he might have known why I had the room. He was also very sexy, late 30s and well-built. I'd really started to notice the men around me and wasn't sure if that were a good thing or not! When I got to the room, there was Matt sitting at the desk in running clothes, working on his laptop! He barely glanced at me, said "Kneel!" and I stripped down, dropped my bag and knelt next to him.

He stopped working, looked down at me and said, "Look, I'm sorry. I knew Sara hadn't been happy for a while but I think it's for the best. I am going to work you hard, do you want that, boy?"

"Yes sir!" I barked, committing to pleasing Matt and moving on from my failed marriage. He stretched out his legs and went back to work, and I knew to untie his shoes, take them and his socks off, and start worshiping! He smelled amazing, so manly, and was moaning as he worked. I laid on my back to get a better angle and he used my chest as a footstool for his other foot. It was humiliating but of course I could look up at him and my little cock was just dripping precum.

Matt was working hard and I was too. His moans kept me engaged, and his little running shorts did little to hide his huge cock. I had missed it so much these last few days, and he closed his laptop and stood up, stretching, showing off his beautiful body. He stripped down and laid on the bed facedown, saying "I loved watching you work over Scott. Do exactly that for me now, boy. He signed on with the firm, by the way. You're a good faggot."

I felt warm inside and dove in, working his feet more then up to his ass and back and shoulders, not being shy about licking his perfect little hole. He flipped over after a while and his huge cock was soaked with precum and twitching against his hard abs. God! I was mesmerized but a kick from his nearest foot to my ball sac got my attention! I went to town on his legs and chest and arms, massaging and licking, and eventually he lifted his ass off the bed and I flipped over on my back and wiggled between his legs to lick his hole. His perfect fucking hole! The run had it sweaty and manly tasting, and my tongue dug in and just went crazy. He loved it, moaning loudly, calling me names, and then I felt his hole contracting! "Get up here and clean every drop, bitch!"

I couldn't believe the amount of cum - fuck! It covered the headboard, his face, his chest and abs! I went to work, saving the cum on his face for last. When I got there and licked the first globs off, he pulled my head to his fiercely and kissed me deeply and passionately!!! I almost passed out from pleasure! He moved my head so I could lick up the rest of his load then kissed me over and over until he was clean. His big dick was still rock hard and throbbing, and he pushed me down to suck him! I could taste his cum and precum which was oozing out, and he flooded my mouth with a huge load. God this man was pure testosterone!!!

"Scott has you tomorrow," Matt said when he had come down from his orgasm. "You'll be at his house at 8am and come back here the next morning when he's done with you. Don't disappoint me, faggot." Matt was getting dressed and I felt small and lonely - and horny - and didn't want him to leave. "I have a key, fag, you might see me later." And with that my god left the room, and I lay down and fell asleep, tasting of his load and painfully hard in the cage thinking about serving Scott.

Next: Chapter 5

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