My Submission to Master Paul

By Marcus Byron

Published on Jan 25, 2024


My Master Paul ordered me to write our story and publish it on This is our story, how Master Paul makes me his Slave.

Master Paul is open for suggestions and requests from you readers on how to train me to become a true faggot faster. You can write me

via or on telegram Also for Feedback on my current Training.

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Master Paul went to the bathroom. I was still in shock. I tried to be so careful not to get into a situation like this but Master Paul saw right through me and now I was really trapped. No way out. My wife and my business can't find out. I would loose everything. My mind raced on how to get out of this situation. If I could offer Master Paul something else. "Fag, I'm in the bathroom, crawl over here and bring the Sharpie as I said. And bring some rope and while you're at it. If you're not here in 30 seconds you will be severely punished."

Fuck Fuck FUUUCK. Ok. I will do as he says and then I will talk to him. I'm in Management. I know how to talk myself out of situations. First let them have a little bit of what they want and then re-negotiate. So I crawled behind him to the bathroom.

"Finally, hurry up, I really need to pee. Remember: what ever comes out of my dick goes into your mouth." He pointed to the toilet "Sit next to it on the right, put the lid up and show me your left arm. Give me the sharpie" He grabbed it and wrote something on it.

"So this it how it goes: your going to perform lots of tasks and services this weekend. I will write them on your body and once you've finished the task I'll grade you on a scale of 1-5. Your goal is to get at least 4 points for each task at the end of the weekend. We start easy with Urinal Services. When I need to piss and when we do it at the toilet you sit next to on the right it like now, put the lid up, place your face on the rim, open wide and look at me. You're aim is to swallow as much as you possibly can. Once I'm finished you first clean my dick with your tongue and then clean everything else. So this should be an easy task. Nod if you understood and then get in position."

This was humiliating but it seemed easy enough. So I got into position. "Hug the toilet and fold your hands on the other side of the toilet" As I did he used the rope to tie my hands tight so I was tied to the toilet. Fortunately we just moved into this Hotel Room so everything was really clean.

I'm not a big fan of piss. I only had it couple of times from tops but only small amounts and usually it was really watered down. He stood wide-legged n front of the toilet, and slowly opened his zipper. Then he put out his cock and pointed it at my mouth. "Now that's a pretty picture. Put out your tongue and act like you long for it. Yes that's it. Good boy"

What happened next happened so quickly I didn't had time to react. With one hand he aimed his cock at my mouth, with the other he grabbed his phone. He said "enjoy" and started pissing and filming at the same time. My face was in shock. He pissed on my face, in my mouth, my nose and in my eyes. And it was strong, deep yellow, intense smelling piss. I couldn't see because my eyes were full of his piss. I tried to immediately pull away but I was tied to the toilet. "No No No, you can't do that. I said no to filming." His piss splattered everywhere. The toilet, my face, my body, the floor, It was a mess.

"I said I won't show your face. It can be blurred out. But I didn't say that I'm not filming this. Sharing it in my telegram groups is half the fun." He stopped for a second. "Hey Fag, stop moving. Open your mouth and look at me. This time keep it in your mouth until I tell you to swallow. I had a lot of coffee before I came here. Just for you." I never tasted piss or smelled piss this rancid. The smell was so intense that I had to gag. I tried to free myself and get out of this situation. Master Paul didn't seem to mind. He just kept on pissing and film my struggle and disgust. He pissed like a race horse and it took minutes until he was finished. He shaked his cock like at a urinal and then zipped back up.

"Well it looks like you made quite a mess here." The bathroom was white and as his piss was really dark yellow you could see it everywhere. The Floor, the toilet rim, and he was also standing in a yellow puddle. And I was also dripping wet from his piss. My body, hair and face.

There are two things you should know about me: 1. I don't like disobedience, 2. I don't like mess. You're not off to a great start here. I expect you to clean this shit up asap." With that he untied my hands. "Get to work. You have 5 min." I reached for the toilet paper to clean up. "Woah woah woah, what are you doing? I said whatever comes out of my dick ends in your mouth."

I looked at him puzzled, I really wasn't understanding what he wanted from me. "You're only allowed to to use your tongue. So clean up this mess. Floor, toilet and the bits that splashed on my feet." My head started spinning, this was too much. I shook my head "No, I'm not going to do this. This is too much."

Master Paul looked really pissed. I could sense right away that I overstepped a line. "OK, so this isn't going to work. You're suppose to listen and do what I say. We're breaking this off."

I was shocked but also a little relieved. "Yeah maybe this isn't a good fit, I'm sorry master."

"Fuckin faggots!" And with that he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the hotel room door. "Ok, then off you go" He opened the hotel room door and pushed me out. All of a sudden I stood piss drenched, naked, collared, locked with his cock lock, with urinal service written on my arm in front of my hotel room and he was about to close the door.

"No No NOOO please, don't do this to me."

"Shut up Fag, I've had it. You're disobedient and complicated. You don't understand your role and you disrespect me. Get the fuck out of here"

"No Sir please, let me in, I'll do what you say, I want disobey anymore. I promise." I started crying, pleading, I was in panic. I begged him, I went on my knees and kissed his feet "I'll clean the bathroom, I'll do as you say, I will never disobey again, please let me in, please Master Please, please don't do this to me"

Master Paul smiled. But waited. He was enjoying the scene. The longer it took the more panicked I became. He was counting on this. "Why should I, you don't want to do this, you said it yourself."

"Please sir, I was wrong, please let me clean the bathroom floor and the toilet. Please let me lick your piss. I want it . I need it. I want to serve you. And do everything you say. Just let me in, Please sir, please."

The elevator door was opening. I freaked out. In the last moment before someone could see me Master Paul let me in again.

"If I let you in you accept that you're a fuckin faggot. And that I'm your Master. I'm up here, and you're down at my feet. I snap my fingers and you do. If you think, you think about what and HOW I want it. Your fucking purpose is to serve. Do you understand that?"

"Yes Master!! I'm your fuckin faggot. I'll serve you and I'll never say no again, Please let me serve you Master. "

I could hear footsteps from the elevator.

"Good, now let's start over again. This is your last chance. If you step out of line again I will throw you out naked, put the videos online and there will be no way back. Got it?"

"Yes Master!!"

"Good, so first lick my feet clean."

I did so enthusiastically. "Wow, loo at that, the fag finally comes to live. Now, crawl back to the bathroom and start cleaning the floor. Then clean the toilet. If you miss a spot you will be punished. You have 5 minutes to finish this task."

I crawled back and got to work right away. Master Paul followed me. I startet with the floor. I took short small licks. "You're doing it wrong, this will take to long. I'll show you: take your full tongue out" with that he grabbed my head and moved it alongtheu floor "slurp and lick it up in long strokes, like that. Good boy, over there is another puddle, yes much better. So same thing with the toilet." He moved my head to the toilet "Tongue out" and then he moved it along the rim. I started gagging. "Concentrate. You're almost finished." I tried but the smell from the bowl was really strong as most of his yellow piss ended up in the bowl. "Very good boy, now all that's left is the piss in the bowl" I looked at him in horror but knew better now then to disobey. He moved my head to the bowl and pushed it down "I will dunk you in and you swallow as much as you can until the water is clear, got it?" I nodded...As soon as my face was in the piss water I gagged and coughed. "Ok I'll give you some help for this time" and he put a brown small bottle under my nostrils. "Inhale deep, 3 times left, three times right" I did and it was poppers. The rush did help and when he dunked my head this time I could swallow it without gagging. It was disgusting. "Good boy, you're starting to learn. Maybe there's hope" It took 5 min or more until the water cleared up. He dunked me several times. Then he flushed the toilet with my head in it.

"I helped you this time, in the future I expect you to do this by yourself. Fast and thorough. As I said, I like it clean. Wait here until you've dried up. You don't deserve aa shower or a towel for this performance. Once your dry crawl to me to the sofa and start massaging my feet. Then you'll show me the all the toys and groceries and we'll discuss the rules for the weekend."

He left the bathroom and turned off the light. I sat next to the toilet I just cleaned with my tongue in shame. I was his slave for the weekend. It just dawned on me: now he had total control over me. This wasn't a playful weekend anymore. He expected me to become his faggot slave.

Master Paul is open for suggestions and requests from you readers on how to train me to become a true faggot faster. You can write me

via or on telegram Also for Feedback on my current Training.

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