My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 9, 2023


So, the next week was going to be a big one for vinny. He knew that we were having my rugby team over for dinner on Saturday. And... while he had tried to put it off , and had succeeded, more than once, vinny was going to start going to the gym with me. He didn't know that, but my mind works quietly and mysteriously.

Remember I told him he couldn't jerk off without my permission? Well, I hadn't given it to him for a couple of days. When we met at the train to go home on that third day, he looked, well, a little desperate. And good. DAMN did he look hot. There was something about his build: vinny looked good in vertical stripes, and he had on the blue striped button down shirt I liked, a red tie with a black pin dot pattern, and his navy blue suit. As I sat down to him, I put my hand on his knee , leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard before dinner tonight you won't believe it. And if you make me happy, we'll let you jerk off." I saw him take a deep breath. I had just taken away his need to beg me for permission to cum, and he just said "thank you Sir." He had learned enough about what I like, to get off his jacket, squeeze his hard on into jeans, and take off his tie. Then he asked. "The chair Sir? Or the bed?" I came over and I put my arms around him, touching my nose to his before I kissed him and whispered. "Bed. I want you so bad, I can't hold it through a scene." "YES SIR! " he answered. In fact, I had every intention of a scene. He got on the bed, and smiled, as I got rid of my shoes and climbed onto him. "MMMM. What sub has the sexiest mouth in town.." I kissed him with a loud clicking sound, and he opened his lips, tentatively, hoping for my tongue. "Is that me, Sir?" "Sure is vinny boy." I kissed him again, but denied him my tongue. "Sexiest lips. " I kissed hard, and now I did slide my tongue in. My knee was laying very gently on top of his crotch. Then... "Sexiest sub, and ... TICKLISH ONE." I dug my fingers into his pits. Just for a few seconds but enough for him to squirm and begin laughing. "C'mon Sir. That's not fair. "

"I know I know. It was mean. I just couldn't help myself. Just like I can't help myself with those lips. MMMM. " I began kissing him again. He was trying to pull me closer to him, to get some more friction for his cock. Then I started tickling him again. This time he screamed A high pitched one. "AAAAAG. " He was smiling. "You know what tickling does to me Sir?" I struck again. "Tell me." I didn't let up while he struggled. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It makes me.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HORNY. And... hahahahahaha. .I'm already so fucking horny. " I grabbed his wrists and pinned them over his head with one hand "Is that right vinny boy? You horny tonight?" My free hand reached down and found his navel, and I circled it as he giggled. My mouth was in his sensitive ear. "OH GOD YES SIR. I was horny before and now....." "You wanna cum vinny? You wanna shoot?" "Yes sir. Please... may I cum?" "HMMMMM. Maybe. You gonna come to the gym with me tomorrow?" He didn't answer, and when I tried to kiss him, he pulled his face away. "OH... You want some SERIOUS TICKLING vinny boi? And you wanna see if you can go four days without shooting? " I licked his ear. "Cause that's what happens when subs give that kind of attitude to their DOMS" Now I pressed my knee against his cock, and I REALLY dug my tongue into his ear. "I'm sorry Sir. Will you be there with me?" I looked at him. "I'm not letting anybody else see my hot vinny boi without me being there." "Then yes sir. YES. I'll go. You'll show me what to do?" "Just like I showed you how to bottom." He was breathing hard, because I had just opened his zipper and pulled out his cock. "Then I may like the gym more than I think I will. " He was REALLY desperate. vinny told me that he usually masturbated once a day, sometimes twice but I think he really did twice a day. He always had a hard on, and I won't be vain and say it was about me. I slid my hand back and forth. The combination of an edging, and my tongue in my vinny's ear, always drove him wild. I brought him to the point where his hips were pitching forward, three or four times. Then, I just squeezed, and my boi vinny lost it. He shot all over everything. He was trying desperately to get out of my grip of his wrists, and I laughed. "See what going to the gym does for you vinny? Can't get free no matter how hard you try, " "Yes sir. FUCK ME like you promised. Please?" "Heh heh. I'm so eager to fuck you that's a given. Roll over. I want you on your belly today" He smiled and rolled over, and got into the position, on all fours that he knew I liked. And I rewarded him. The tongue that had been in his ear began probing him, and he started moaning again. "OH GOD SIR. That feels SO GOOD. DAMN..." He was pushing his ass back into my face - something he hadn't done before. DAMN this bitch was RAVENOUS. Then I stopped, and pulled his cheeks apart. He made a whining noise, when he heard my zipper open, and then gasped when I fucked him hard. No gentle, slow movements this time: he had been treated well for a week. Now he was gonna take cock like a BITCH did. He didn't have enough hair for me to pull back on his head, but I decided: next time, he'd be leashed. Collared. And he'd deal with it. Same way he'd deal with.. But I digress. I poked him thoroughly that night. After I filled his ass with jizz, I teased him about how I guess he didn't want any sausage for dinner, which was good, since I was making chicken. "Can you hug me first, Sir? It was a rough work day. I needed cock. And I need to cuddle. PLEASE?" He fell asleep in my arms. I let him rest while I got dinner ready. After we had eaten, and he had taken the proper position on the floor, my legs wrapped around him, I was massaging his shoulders when I said "Usually I like my subs shaved. But you're so hot hairy, not gonna do it." "Thank you sir" He nuzzled my left calf. "Except for one part." I could feel him freeze, and I laughed. I began rubbing his earlobes. "Where do you think I mean, vinny?" "Uh... my pits Sir?" "NOPE" Now he was REALLY getting nervous. "My crotch Sir?" "Wrong again?" He seemed truly, truly flummoxed. I whispered. "tomorrow night, I'm gonna take your moustache." I knew how he'd react, so I tightened my legs around him. He got out "PLEASE." before I stopped him. "subs don't question their DOMS. I wanna see how you look. If I don't like it, you can grow it back." It was clearly paining him, what I had just told him. He didn't see me smile. The more things I could do to establish control, the better. "Know what vinny boi? There may not be more, but I think I need a nightcap blowjob." "Yes sir" I relaxed my legs and let him turn around so that he could unzip me and get to work. As he did, I thought "Yup. That moustache tickles. It's gotta go."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was clear when I met up with vinny at the gym, he was scared to death. "I'm here vinny. Don't worry. No one's gonna hurt you, and we're gonna be just fine. Now let's get changed." I laughed as vinny undressed: he had put his gym outfit on at work. I smiled, as he blushed. "It's ok, vinny boi. No one deserves to see you naked but me, even for a few seconds. " I didn't give him the REALLY tight shorts I wanted him to wear, not yet anyway, but a looser pair of longer white ones, and a loose fitting gray t shirt. I clapped my hand on his shoulder. "LETS GO LIFT STUD" I have to say: vinny impressed me. We did a little cardio to get things moving, and he wasn't fast, but he was determined. He didn't even break when I leaned over and said "Have I told you you have sexy legs?" He did blush. I showed him a few basic exercises, and I got hotter, and hotter as I saw my sub strain, and his muscles work. The one that got to me most, was when I had him do bench flyes. The exercise made him push out his chest, so his nipples were pointing out of his shirt , and his little biceps were surprisingly developed. I LOVED how they flexed. I was getting ideas. "The showers are private vinny, but if you're too nervous... we don't have to. Not the first day. " I laughed. "Just stay downwind of your colleagues." He laughed. I led him to the locker room to change, and had him wait while I DID shower. "Sweet boi you got there Dave" one of my buds said when I was finishing up. "HEY Mason. What's up?" "Same old same old. But YOU... You sneaky fuck. You found yourself a hairy little Italian number. " He dropped his voice "is he good in bed?" I smiled. I dropped my voice too. "Of course he is. Virgin before I got my claws into him. I taught him." He laughed. "Then how can that boi sit?" "He's resolute. HEY, we're having a dinner party for friends on Saturday. You wanna cum. You'll meet him in true sub mode." He grinned. Mason appreciated Italian men, and he appreciated hairy men . "I'll be there. You text me time and your address." I finished up and went outside. "Hey, vinny, we're gonna wait for a minute. My bud Mason is coming out." They shook hands, and Mason, who's a regular kinda guy, asked vinny where his family was from. "Naples. And somewhere in Calabria. I don't know where though." "Get Dave to take you sometime. I'm sure you'll have a good time. " He put out a hand again. "Nice to meet ya. Looking forward to Saturday." After he was gone, and we were walking back to our offices, vinny asked "How does he...." "How does he know? Mason and I have been friends for over 15 years. He saw the way I was looking at you." "I did too Sir. I also saw how you looked at anyone who looked at me. Thank you. I felt... safe." I laughed. "The only person you shouldn't feel safe around you sexy beast... is me." I sent him back to work, blushing.

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By the way, in case you're wondering, I WAS serious about getting that moustache. Apart from the bristles tickling my cock during a blow job, it was a good way to show who was boss. And it kind of filled my "mean girl" requirement to know how vinny was twisting about it. I didn't want to put too much on him on the day I introduced him to the gym, but he was really, REALLY obsessed with it. He brought it up on the train "Sir... do you REALLY have to do it?" "I don't HAVE to do it vinny, I WANT to do it." "But WHY?" I looked at him. "DOMS don't have to explain this to their subs." He sighed and pouted for a while. I smiled and ran my hand up his thigh. "You did SO good at the gym today vinny. It IS a good thing I was there, or someone would have kidnapped you, you looked SO hot when you were doing flyes. How you feel now?" "Exhausted Sir." I teased him. "So if I decided I were gonna shave that 'stache tonight, you'd have absolutely no gas for fighting me." He hadn't thought that through. I could tell. "Not tonight vinny. Tonight's chair bondage night. I'm gonna put you shirtless in the chair, and move you to the kitchen while I cook. Maybe I'll even put on the nipple clamps. " He moaned when I said that. I looked at him. GOD he was SO FUCKING HOT. (I know, I keep saying that, but he was. And he IS). He was in lavender that day. DAMN. I was getting hard on the train. He wasn't because, well, the gym had exhausted him, and now, the trauma of losing his moustache... When we got home, I told him "shower first. You stink . The jeans from yesterday. A jock. No shirt. Athletic socks." He sighed. "Yes sir. " And he did what he was told. I was pulling out steak and vegetables for dinner, and I saw him come into the living room. "Bring the chair over here vinny. Then sit in it, hands behind your back." He sighed. "Yes sir." I roped him and then I tied ropes around the top and bottom of his pecs, so they were forced to point out. GOD! Looking at my sexy man was making it hard for me to focus. "Sir, can we talk about the moustache.?" "NO. And now... you deserve this.." I took a ball gag - I hadn't used one on him yet, and shoved it in his mouth. Enough sound came out of his mouth, to make me even more horny. I stopped cooking and moved over to where he was tied. I began working on his nipples. "You know, we may have to eat late tonight vinny boi, because you are just so fucking hot I can't handle it. " I saw him close his eyes and either savor, or wince, or both, as I played with his nipples. I don't think he MEANT to, but he spread his legs opened. I smiled. "Well, well.. Is that an invitation to come in and play?" I thought he smiled a little and shook his head "yes." "Let me just finish putting a few things together. Then..." I pulled him out of the chair, and took him off to the bedroom. I did NOT take out the gag. "I don't wanna hear anything about your fucking moustache. Tomorrow, it goes. " I saw the look of resignation on his face, as I began taking off his jeans. "HMMM. Gym tiredness seems over vinny boi. Got an erection there. "MMMMPH. MMMMPH." he denied it as I pulled off his jock. "Well, if you don't have a hard on, I do..." I pulled his legs in the air. His wrists were still tied behind him, and I knew he was straining. Too bad. I wanted my boi, NOW. He saw how engorged my cock was. I smiled and thought about how far he'd come. It had been only about two weeks since I'd sent him the pink roses. Now, he was getting fucked almost every night. And loving it. As I finished off, I rubbed his forehead. "Listen up, studboi. You gotta eat, so the gag is coming off. If I hear anything about the moustache tonight, you're getting re-tied, and I'll tickle you for a solid hour. And I'll include your feet. Understand me?" "MMMPH HMMMPH." he shook his head, looking forlorn. But he kept quiet after he had put on a shirt ( a tight black polo shirt ) and came to dinner. Before he sat down, I took him in a bear hug from behind. "Look at my sexy vinny. Look how those muscles are already filling up. You're gonna have guns boi?" "Guns, Sir?" "It's what we call big arms. Try to break out of my grip." He did. Not happening. "And that's gonna be your test of how strong the gym makes you." "Sir, I'll never be able to break your grip." "You'll put up a better fight. And it'll be more fun, because when I break you, by doing this.." I began licking his ear in the way I knew he loved it "You'll know you've truly been overpowered." Watching him that night, well, there was no TV. I was just so thrilled with my boi. I dragged him to the bed, held him down, and tickled his belly for about 15 minutes before I said "You've had a tough one. Let's get some sleep." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

As they said goodbye from the train station that morning, Dave grabbed vinny by the wrist. "Better get used to this stud. No one's gonna shoot you, no one's gonna make fun of you." He leaned in and kissed vinny flat on the lips, smiling. "you have a good day stud. I'll see you at the gym later today." Dave had never kissed him in public. Vinny felt a slight charge of excitement in his crotch, and also, he felt scared. He looked around. Dave had already walked off to get to his office, and vinny was alone - alone with the hundreds of rush hour commuters. No one stopped, no one said anything, he didn't hear anyone yell "faggot," or anything else. He started to walk to work himself, and now, all the fear was gone, and all that was left was the excited feeling and the big smile on his face, that DID make people wonder "what does he know that I don't?" What vinny knew was that he had a man. It was beginning to get exciting.

"OK. Today that old favorite vinny, push ups. " He was at the gym with Dave. They had already done cardio, and Dave made vinny go and extra .1 mile. "Baby steps vinny boi. Baby steps. We'll have you up to five miles before you know it. " "Just do a few flyes, vinny. It'll inspire me." vinny smiled. "You haven't needed too much inspiration Dave" Dave smiled. "You know if the gym were empty, I'd fuck you on the weight bench right now. " "Yeah, I do. " Dave started laughing. "LOOK. You want me to. You've got an woody. " vinny was so embarrassed he almost dropped the weights. "Dave..." he whispered "Not so loud." "It's the gym vinny. You wouldn't be the first person. " "Well, I just...." "Get over it vinny boi. Or I'll kiss you right here and give everyone something to think about." vinny grunted, and got back to doing the flyes. He was getting savvy enough to know that the flyes were something Dave loved watching him do. And this afternoon, his t shirt was just a little bit too short, and his belly was showing. He saw Dave licking his lips. "I have the sexiest boyfriend in the world. " vinny was still not ready for showering in public, and Dave didn't push on that. He DID tell him "You know, eventually it's gonna get warmer and you're gonna want to get over this. " I saw vinny redden and then... it wasn't just embarrassment... he was afraid of how he'd "react" to other men. "You know, vinny boy, I don't care if other men excite you. As long as you come home with me." He reddened more when I called him out. "Do you look at other men besides me Sir?" "Less than I used to , but yes. You can look at men... " Now I smiled. "Just don't let me catch you. I may punish you." When vinny grins, it lights up the room. It's sort of what I call his "hyena smile," but it's adorable on him. "That's supposed to stop me ,how Sir?" I was ready. "It's not. Now let's get back to work. HEY, I had an idea. We've been dating a month. How about we celebrate tonight. Can I take you to dinner in the city?" "Where are we going?" "Where do you want to eat?" "Can I call you later Sir? " I smiled. "Sure. We'll go over at about six, so we have time to get home at a decent hour. " vinny knew what that meant. Dave didn't say anything, but he took out the clippers that morning while vinny was getting ready for work. His moustache was going. He really couldn't do anything about it. That afternoon, he took a look at himself in the mirror at the office bathroom. He tried to imagine himself without the moustache and couldn't: he had had it for years. Then he looked at himself: he was wearing one of the tighter shirts Dave had got him: a lavender one. His body silhouette was visible, and he wasn't unhappy. He could move his arms, but the sleeves were tight, and when, blushing, he flexed, he thought "I DO have muscles." He pointed out his nipples, closed his eyes, and imagined Dave chewing them, and then moving to his ears. He didn't think about it, but he put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes and said "yes sir.' Then he came out of his reverie. Yes, if this man wanted to get rid of the moustache, it was his choice.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx At the restaurant, I took my vinny's hand. "One month vinny." I squeezed. "Any regrets." He looked down. "That I waited so long? I don't know." I laughed. "I woulda found you eventually. " "I'm glad you did. I was afraid. Still am, but... it's different." I squeezed vinny's knee. "Know what vinny boi? I'm scared too. We all are. We just do what we can. " We finished up our dinner, and got a 7:45 train. We'd be home by 9. "Hey, I have to give you a gift when we get home too, vinny. I think you'll like it." He squirmed. "I didn't get you anything, Sir. " "Oh, it's not an anniversary gift or anything you handsome stud. It's something to, well, make things easier in the bedroom. And to make you feel more... let's say "owned." vinny shifted when I said that. I knew that on one level, he was still not comfortable with that concept but on the other hand, being controlled drove him wild with pleasure. Yeah, he was mine. And now, I had to start thinking of that responsibility. As I drove us to my house, vinny snaked his hand over to my leg and put it on my thigh. "May I Sir?" I smiled. "Sure can. You've got sexy fingers. They turn me on. " I smiled more. "You'll shower AFTER tonight vinny. I got a raging hard on. "Sir, can I ask you to do something for me the next time we're at the gym? Can you, well, NOT shower before we get home?" "Ha hahahahahaha. SURE. I think we'll be going on Sunday to work off Saturday's dinner. I see where you're going: gym, sex, and then the day. I had a vision of Sunday too." "Really Sir?" "Oh yeah, the two of us on the sofa, you in your cords, your beautiful sweater, a white shirt, curled up against me, reading the paper. Just a suburban couple relaxing." vinny sighed. "that sounds good to me Sir. " I pulled us into the driveway. After we were inside, I put my arms around vinny's middle. I said nothing but I made soft animal noises as I ran beard hair on his ear. "OHHHH. Oh yes sir. OH YES. MMMMM." he couldn't turn around because I was holding him so tightly, so he pushed his butt against my crotch. "You want it vinny boi?" "Yes sir. I've been thinking about it all day." "Bed. On your back. Put your hands up where the restraints are." "Yes sir." I got myself naked in the living room and walked in. I tied my boi down to the bed. "They're clean, but they can use another wash." I pushed each pit into his face and had him lick me. I could feel his cock growing as he did it. Yeah, I could come back home without showering. "Now, let's see how my boi looks clean shaven." I was surprised. I thought he'd fight more, but vinny lay there very still as I began taking off the left side of his 'stache." "How're you doing vinny boi?" "I'm find Sir. I'm just fine." "I think you're gonna be even sexier when I'm done." He laughed. "Is that possible Sir?" I gave his jaw a little squeeze. "I'm not sure. I am really not fucking sure, vinny. Cause you are SO FUCKING SEXY" The right side was next. I looked at his face. To be honest, I liked him with the moustache better, but this was another step toward total submission. I wanted it, he struggled with it because he didn't, and he yielded. Now I could get to the serious business of fucking my sweet vinny. I whispered into his ear. "You want my cock in you boi?" "OH GOD. YES SIR." I licked his ear. "Where do you want it?" "Anywhere you do Sir." I liked how this was going. I wanted his ass. Again. What can I say, I'm an ass man, and he had a lot of time to make up. "Smell the cock that's gonna take you vinny boi. SMELL IT" I straddled him and shoved my crotch in his face. The moans let me know: yeah, the smell was working. He moaned. He was twisting on the bed. I was grinning inside. I had been told I have a musky, almost animal scent. You either like it or hate it. vinny seemed to LOVE IT." I pulled away, as he was trying to chew on my jock. "BITCH. YOU ASK BEFORE YOU DO THAT." "Yes sir. Sorry . I... I couldn't help myself. "Well, let's see if I can. " I pulled off my jock and balled it up. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BOI." In it went. I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head. FUCK! I had never had a man who got this turned on by smell. And I was getting turned on by his ass. TOO turned on. I split his legs and moved in. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" came out of his mouth as I pushed in. That's when I realized that I had been waiting for this all day myself. I just held my cock there. Still. No thrusting. No pushing. I kissed my boi on his neck: JUST where I knew it set him off. It did. There was a big, dark moan through the jock strap, and vinny shot all over himself. I was next, going DEEP inside my boi, I could see he was trying to smile, so I pulled out the jock. "GOD THAT WAS GOOD SIR. SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD. " I was holding his head, kissing him. "You need a shower boi. You can check your new look out too." "Yes sir." I began to get the bed ready. I poured a couple glasses of wine, because I figured we'd ease into the night, and I could give him his gift. He came out, slipped into a charcoal polo and some jeans. He found me on the sofa. "Floor Sir?" He asked "Nah, come up here. In my arm vinny boi." He smiled. I knew how much he liked cuddling." I wrapped an arm around him. "How do you like the look?" "I didn't use the mirror Sir. It doesn't matter what I think. You like it." I held him tight. "Drink your wine sweetie." Then, I gently took a collar, and locked it on his neck. "What's that for Sir?" "Hmm hmmm hmmm. It's got two little loops on the front and back. One is the pull your head back when I'm fucking you. The other one... " I laughed. "I feel like leading you around on a leash sometimes. I can't wait to try it." I was surprised that vinny didn't ask if he was supposed to wear it to work. Instead he took my hand and squeezed it. "I'll wear it proudly Sir." He wore it the next day when we went to work. I said nothing. He just said "Should we go shopping tonight, Sir? To get groceries for the rugby party? "

Next: Chapter 8

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