My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 2, 2023


So, as I said, yes, I reinforced Sunday's lesson on Monday. I found vinny on the train, and because it was a little bit crowded I behaved myself - sort of. Every now and then, if I saw that none of the standees were watching, I'd squeeze his thigh just a bit. He'd blush, and sort of huff, but I could tell - just by watching the bulge in his crotch - that he liked it. "So, you want me to tell you about pink roses, vinny?" I smiled at one point, deliberately raising my voice a little. He looked at me with a little fear in his eyes. "Can it wait for dinner?" He didn't complete the sentence correctly so I stared at him, and didn't answer. He repeated, in a lower voice: "Can it wait for dinner, sir?" "It can. We'll talk about other things too." We got to my place, and I had him change into casual clothes. I had picked them that morning, when I picked his business outfit too. I could tell it annoyed him when I did that, but this was part of my plan for turning him into a complete submissive. Also, I had better taste than he did. He came out in a light brown button down shirt, and a pair of snugger jeans. I KNEW he liked the outfit, because again, his bulge was evident.

"You look so sexy, sexy man," I came up behind him, wrapped by arms around him and dropped my hand to his crotch. He gasped. My tongue went to his ear. "you like it when I manhandle you, don't you sexy boy?" He was breathing hard "Yes sir. I do.. OH. I need to masturbate Sir." "Nope. No masturbation. " I smacked his crotch and that brought down the bulge. I was finding a lot of things that vinny liked. He did NOT like pain. And that was fine. I pulled his arms behind him. "I oughtta tie you up and ravage you right now. You want that vinny? You want cock in your ass like yesterday?" I was going to town on his ear when I asked that question, and he was moaning. "Yes sir. I do. I want it bad." "Well, we're gonna check something first, sub boi." I had a surprise for him. I had seen how excited he had gotten when he had smelled my jacket, and when he had buried into my pit in bed. So, today, after the gym... it grossed me out a little, but I hadn't taken off my jock. It smelled of piss, of my sweat, and probably of a bit of semen. "Get on your knees in front of me." "Yes sir. You want me to suck you?" "Not yet, vinny. But I want you to open my pants, get them down ." He smiled. vinny liked getting my pants off me and seeing my cock. "YES SIR." When the pants came down, I pushed his head into my crotch, right into the jock. "SMELL IT. LICK IT. " "The sounds he made told me this was a success. I could feel his tongue, and I could hear his sounds: like a kid getting a piece of candy he loved. He tried to lower the jock and I smacked his hand away "I SAID THE JOCK, not the COCK" "Yes sir! Sorry Sir..." He continued to smell around and actually began licking the straps on the lower part of the jock. I was elated. "ENOUGH . We'll play more after dinner." "Yes sir."

At dinner I told him "So, if you're old school, you called a man's butt hole his rosebud. I'm the first one to have picked yours, and that's why I sent you pink roses. To remind you that you had been deflowered." He blushed. "You've got a dozen roses from me, but I've got the one that matters from you. " I grinned. Again, I could see he was a little mortified by my explicit language. But he was also getting excited, thinking about it. I could see the color rising in his face. "Now, what we're gonna start doing, more intensively vinny, is making sure you understand what it means to be not just my bottom - that's sex - but my sub - that's lifestyle." "They're not the same Sir?" I grinned. "No. They intersect, but they're not the same. You wearing what I tell you to wear, is sub behavior. It doesn't have to do with sex. It has to do with taking orders from your DOM - your MASTER. " "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that Sir." I put down my fork. "You'll get comfortable with it, or you can leave. We'll break it up. You want me to drive you home now? I'll pack up all your stuff too." He was silent for about 3 minutes. "I'm sorry Sir. This is just so new to me. I'm trying. I'm really trying. " I grabbed his hand and squeezed. "I know you are. And you're doing real good, vinny. I don't want you to leave, but I'm not gonna kidnap you." His voice went real low. "Can we pretend you did, Sir?" Now I was getting excited. "Not tonight. But we will. " I looked at his plate. "Have you had enough dinner?" "Yes sir. Can we..." "Get into the bedroom . NOW. " I wanted to get naked before I went into the bedroom and I wanted to see what he would do with open ended instructions. What he did pleased me tremendously: he had simply lay down on the bed, face up, spread out, the way we had started each time before. "Oh, vinny. You are just SO... FUCKING... SEXY.." I climbed on top of him and when I moved my mouth to the left side of his head, he presented his neck for me to nibble and to lick. I rubbed my stubble over that soft skin of his, and then began tonguing his ear. Sounds started to escape him. I knew.. he was primed. I kissed him, and my lips lingered. I pushed my armpit over his mouth. "WASH IT SUB"

He dug his tongue in, working as hard as he could. He seemed sad when I pulled it away. I had a plan though: I took that jock strap - the one he had washed before dinner, and shoved it in his mouth. "Keep ya from screaming, because now that you're not a maiden anymore, no mercy for you." He struggled to say something, but I wasn't interested. I was horny. I was FUCKING horny . I pulled up his legs, and rested his knees on my shoulders. Then I leaned forward and I stared at him and whispered "FUCK TOY" he just moaned some more, as I pushed in, taking his ass for the second time in two days. He WAS looser than the first time - how could he not be? - but he was still gloriously tight. This time, though, I did NOT give him time to recover as I slipped in, little by little. Nosiree bob, he was gonna have to learn to take his Master the way his Master liked to take him. He began to get used to it. The moans that were loud, and almost pained when I started, slowed down, and became more peaceful, almost a purr as I pump fucked him, over and over again. My cock felt like a piledriver, at least to me, so I figured it was much harder to him. GOOD. He needed to learn. "You like that vinny? You like a man taking you like a CUNT?" I spat out. I saw his eyes go wide. Another thing vinny did not like, was being compared to a woman. Not causing pain, I could live with. Not humiliating him? Not a chance. I slid in hard. Then I pulled out the jock. "TELL ME YOU'RE A CUNT." He moaned, and he bit his lips, but he was breathing hard. "I SAID TELL ME YOU'RE A CUNT." I pushed, hard, and then... "I'm a CUNT. I'm a CUNT Sir." "Who's CUNT are you?" "Yours Sir. YOURS." "That's right. Your Doug's MANCUNT. vinny the mancunt." I laughed. I had won another battle, and I shot into him , even harder than the first time. "Oooooh. Sir.. OOOOOOH. I... I..." "you WHAT, vinny the MANCUNT." "I feel so good. I feel so.... so fucking horny. Can I cum Sir? PLEASE? His voice went up at the end like a begging girl. "Yeah, go ahead. " "Please sir. Can you hold me while I do?" I could do that. I was in fact pleased that he asked. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and twisted my fingers back so I could play with his ear. My other hand toyed with his balls while he began jerking himself. "You're gonna make me such a fine, fine sub vinny. SUCH a hot ass, SUCH a hot man.... I wanna fuck you every day.." "OH SHIT SIR. OH SHIT OH SHIT... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH.... And vinnyboi released a load that I didn't think he could hold. I laughed. "I guess someone was excited. " "Yes sir. I was. I've been thinking about last weekend all day today . And then.. And then tonight." He didn't ask permission, but he turned to get at my other pit. He took a strong whiff. "I try to remember your smell Sir. It picks me up during the day." I flicked his nipple. "And thinking about fucking you picks up mine.." I kissed him again. "Now, we're gonna have to do some talking, because we're hosting a party on Saturday. "We are Sir?" "Yup. We're making dinner for the rugby team." "Oh yeah. You said that Sir. I misunderstood. I thought we were going out." "Nope. " I rubbed the top of his head. "I want my buds to meet my new boi." He turned and again, took the liberty of hugging me. I couldn't resist. I wrapped my leg around him. "Now, some of those guys have their own subs, and they'll be bringing them to dinner. Anyone who brings a sub, you refer to as Master, or Sir. Their bois will refer to me the same way. Everyone else, you can talk to as usual. We'll go over other things during the week." "Yes sir." "One thing . One very important thing. Some of these guys: they're WHORES and they're WOLVES. Now that they know that you're one of us, they'll go after you. You do NOTHING physical with ANY of them, without my permission." "I wouldn't do that Sir." I laughed. "You'd be surprised what happens at some of these parties. Just know.... if I catch you doing anything with anyone... I WILL make you pay." "I understand Sir. I believe you too." "So, during the week, we'll get you ready for being a sub at your first Master/sub party. For now, just start learning what I expect from you. Here's the first lesson." I slipped my hand behind his neck on the bed. "You ever jerk off in the bathroom at the office?" He looked like a kid who just got caught in the cookie jar. "Yes sir. I have. " "No more. From now on. NOT just at the office, but ANYTIME - you have NO authorization to jerk off, or even to play with yourself, unless I say you can. "BUT SIR..." I grabbed his balls and when he screamed, I let them go. "Tomorrow, when you start googling things, google "chastity cage." If I have to lock you in one of them, I will. That cock belongs to me. The same way your ass does. The same way your mouth does. The same way ALL of you does. " He sighed. I THINK he smiled a little when he said "yes sir. I understand." "GOOD. Now we're gonna go clean up after dinner. More lessons when we relax."

vinny is very good at clean up. He's meticulous. Takes a little long, but he does a better job than any other sub I've had. He pushed his sleeves back and his hairy arms drove me wild. I knew I was gonna have to tie him up at some point with those arms showing, but not tonight. Tonight, he was going to learn about sitting at his Master's feet.

After everything was cleaned up, I poured us each a big glass of red wine and we went out to the TV room. "Masters sit on furniture, subs sit on the floor. " I spread my legs so he could fit in between them. "This is your regular seat right now. So I can have access to whatever part of you I want, whenever I want it. If I give you permission, you can sit on the furniture when I'm here." "I understand Sir." "It's different when I'm not. But we're not there yet. " I rubbed both of his ears. "My sub boi good with that?" "I'm trying Sir. " He settled back, trying to get closer to me. "I love body contact from you Sir. " I smiled and wrapped my legs around him "MMMMM. Thank you Sir. That feels much better." Then I dropped my hands to his pecs and began massaging them. He stretched the way a cat would when you pet him - in fact, in a lot of ways, vinny's body is feline: it's surprisingly strong, given how thin and rangy he is, and when he stretches out fully, you're surprised he takes up that much room, because he's not that tall - vinny comes in at a sold 5'8" when he stands fully straight. And his reactions to pleasure are very feline - to displeasure too. The biggest difference, though, is that you really can't train a cat. I was training vinny. Little by little. I leaned down and whispered "shall we watch some porn, or go make our own?" He chuckled. "Let's make our own Sir." I uncorked myself from how I had him imprisoned in my legs, so we could both get up. I looked straight at him: "I wanna kiss that gorgeous face.." I did. My tongue snaked down his throat. After about ten seconds, he embraced me, trying to pull me in to get more. I laughed. "You can have all you want. It's not fattening vinny." "It should be Sir. It's SO GOOD." That night, I changed the way we were sleeping. I had been spooning vinny, and it worked well. He slept well, so did I, and our bodies seemed designed for that. But given how strongly he reacted to things like smells, I curled my arm around him and hugged him to my body, so that his face was much, MUCH closer to my pits. I sweat when I sleep, and I start sweating just about as soon as the blankets cover me. I saw him smile when I pulled him close. I was rubbing the back of his neck. "Sleep well my little truffle pig." His eyes opened "Truffle pig, Sir?" "I'll explain tomorrow morning. " "Oink Sir." Then I heard his soft breathing. He was fast asleep.

There was so much about vinny I just didn't know. I imagine I COULD have just tied him down and tortured him anytime I wanted to know anything, but the way the stuff kind of trickled out - and still trickles out - makes our relationship much hotter. For example, the next morning, there was a decided nip in the air. vinny had moved closer and closer to me - I'm a heat generator - during the night. While he was showering, I went through his clothes to find something that would keep the chill off my boi. He had sweaters. Most of them were items that he had clearly bought at "last chance sales," but I found one I was going to have him wear - a black, v neck sweater that may have been cashmere. Then, I saw this big, thick crewneck, in a beautiful mix of white, and dark yellow and green. Now, I would have worn that sweater myself. So I put it out with his outfit: a blue shirt, his grey slacks, and his jacket - I was gonna break him of the suit habit sooner or later, since we were all at business casual by that point, but one thing at a time. Just before I got into the shower, he said "Sir, I can't wear this combination together" "What do you mean, boi? It's a new shirt and it's a beautiful sweater." "Sir, only white shirts go under crewnecks." I laughed. "Where did you learn that?" He didn't answer, but I could tell, he was having a real crisis over what I had done. "Ok, vinny, you can wear a white shirt with it. " He smiled. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." "It's a beautiful sweater. Where did you get it?" "My niece and nephew gave it to me for my birthday Sir. They picked it out, probably with my nephew's lover's help." So, in one minute, I learned vinny had family, and that his nephew was gay. I shook my head. "One day, you're just gonna answer all my questions vinny." "Anything you want to know, just ask me Sir." And that was the thing: I had to ASK. vinny wasn't forthcoming on ANYTHING (I found out part of the reason for that, much later. Let's just say truth and honesty wasn't much valued when he was growing up). In any event, when I came out of the shower, he was dressed, and sitting on the corner of the bed, reading the paper. "I didn't know if you'd need any help getting dry, or getting dressed, or anything Sir." "Hmmmm. " I thought. "Ok, let's make something of this." "Did you shine my shoes?" "Uh, no Sir. Should I have?" "Damn right you should. Otherwise, you're gonna have to clean them with your tongue. Which is what you're gonna do tonight. DON'T MAKE ME REMIND YOU AGAIN." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. " I drove us to the train, with vinny handcuffed until we got to the station. "Damn I just wanna throw you on the backseat and fuck you boi." He laughed. "Sir, you fucked me so hard the last two nights, if you fuck me again so soon, I'll have to stand at my desk all day." "Heh heh. You'll want to have stood at the desk. I got bondage plans for you tonight." He smiled. "Yes sir." And I did. When we got home that night, I got him out of his sweater, and tied him to the play chair. The game was simple: knowing how much he hated pain, I was gonna see how long it took him to get out of my ropes. For every second over a minute, he was gonna get five paddles on his balls. I still remember that night and how hard he struggled. He wasn't near tears: he WAS in tears when he said "I can't Sir. I can't make a dent. " I looked at him. "Did you really think I'd smack your balls like that, vinny?" "I don't know Sir. I... I don't get to make those decisions. " "NO, you don't. But I'm not going to do that. I just love seeing you squirm. Now, though, remember what I told you that you had to do this morning? " "Yes sir. " "Well... " I untied him. "Get at my feet. Get them cleaned. Both shoes. NOW." He went after them like a starved man. When he was done, I looked at him. "Did you play with yourself today?" I saw a flush. "No sir." "You're lying to me." "I'm not Sir. I'm not. Really, I'm not.. " that's when my fingers got into his ribs. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, ok. I did. I did. But I didn't cum." "Good thing vinny . You get one bite at the apple. And speaking of bites at the apple, get naked. Get on your belly. " That was the night I introduced vinny to getting his ass eaten. I have to be honest, he didn't really like it, BUT.... I had an idea. "Get on your knees. Get your tongue up my hole. Wash out your mouth first." He gulped, but did what he was told, and I spread my legs to make it easier for him. He had never done this before, but he copied my technique, and he was good. The man LOVES smell, he LOVES the taste of a man, and I almost had to fight him away from my crotch, when it was time to get dinner ready. I rewarded him that night by NOT fucking him; but I ran my finger back and forth over his ass crack, teasing him. He spread his legs like he expected me to go in, but I just teased him for nearly an hour. "You're gonna be such a good sub, vinny. You're gonna impress all my friends." And he did. And to hear about that, readers, you'll have to come back.

Next: Chapter 7

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