My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 19, 2022


I DID have an outline for what I was going to do with Vinny that weekend, but DAMN IT. He was being so cooperative, and so willing, it was taking the fun of conquest out of things, and squishing my time frame. For example, I figured I could get him to suck my cock by Sunday afternoon. Now, it was Friday night, and he already had. Swallowing? That was several weeks off. Done. I wondered how much he had been longing for someone to just swoop him up and... well, DOMINATE him. "Ok, time to stop treating him like a beginner. Time to get rougher. He was still asleep, his head on my chest, and his hand thrown across me. He still snored a little bit, but he also seemed to be totally at peace.

Time to put an end to that. I began running my hand down his back - that was hairy, too - stroking his spine, back and forth, like you would a cat sitting on your lap. His snoring turned into something akin to a purr, with an occasional "mmmmm" in the midst of it. Time to get kinky.

On one of my downward strokes, I stopped at his ass, and found the butt plug. I began twisting it ever so gently. His breathing got a bit more labored, and the "mmmms" had a bit more urgency in them. Then I started twisting harder. And faster. It was a REAL small plug. It wasn't gonna do any damage, or open him up a whole lot, but he was new to this, and the groans began to sound more painful as he woke up.

"Hey, Dave, what are you doing? That hurts." "A cock is gonna hurt more vinny. Get used to it." "NO. I don't want to deal with it. OW! FUCK! " I had just twisted it hard. Now I laughed. "Roll on your belly, vinny." "Shit, NO Dave. What're you gonna do?" I moved my hand from his ass to his cock and I grabbed his balls. "I'm gonna twist these off if you don't do what you're told vinny." "OW. Ok, ok. Gimme a minute. " I squeezed harder. "YOU FORGET SOMETHING?" He sighed. "Gimme a minute SIR" He rolled over, his head to the side and his arms stretched up near the pillows. "What're you gonna do Sir?" "Well, first, I'm gonna spread THESE apart." I yanked his legs at the ankles, and spread them to the sides of the bed. "I SWEAR vinny, if you move them, I'll tie your ankles down and then I'll get my belt and whip the shit outta your ass so hard you won't sit on the train for a while." He seemed to take in a deep breath and his body quivered as he said "Yes Sir. I'll try." Once I had him in the position I wanted, I twisted the butt plug slowly, as if I needed to twist it to get it out. "Think of how something three times that size is gonna feel vinny. You're gonna graduate to that soon." He said nothing. I looked at his hairy ass. "IF YOU LOOK BACK YOU'RE GONNA GET THAT SIX INCHES THIS MORNING BOI" "I understand. I won't look behind Sir." I grinned. I knew he wouldn't. Then I ran my thumb along his ass crack. He began humping the bed, and moaning. "IF I WERE YOU, I WOULDN'T CUM ON MY SHEETS vinny." "I may not be able to help it Sir. I'm... I'm aroused. OWWWW" He felt my hand smack his ass." "Part of your new life is learning control. SUCK IT UP. THE WAY YOU SUCKED UP MY COCK." He almost seemed to smile at that, as I spread his cheeks a little further apart. I sucked on my second finger, and began sliding it into him. "OW. I'm not ready for that Sir." He twisted around a little, but then remembered what I had told him about moving his legs. "Yeah, but I am. And my decisions are what count. Not yours." I shoved it in further and heard him gasp before he rasped out "yes sir. I understand. " My second finger was in, all the way. Now I pulled it out, and wet my third finger. They went in together. "OH GOD. Are you fucking me Sir?" I laughed. "In a way. this is a finger fuck. Not a cock. Not yet. But..." I began to pump my fingers back and forth. It was almost funny, watching him try to keep his legs apart but almost involuntarily humping my hand. His hips were moving up and down, and he was groaning. No question about it, he was groaning. I reached under him and held his cock in my hand. I whispered "Who cums first vinny?" "Uh, you Sir?" "DAMN RIGHT. So..." I squeezed him hard to squelch his orgasm. Then I lay on top of him and slid my cock back and forth across his crack, as I went back to his ear. "You are the sexiest fucking Italian in this town, you stud. You fucking stud." I rolled his balls in my hand as I continued to slide my cock back and forth. "And by the end of this weekend, you fucking sexy bitch, I'm gonna fuck you . I'm gonna take your cherry, and then... whatever else happens, you're gonna know: I got there first. Whoever else puts seed in you, you'll be mine. " He didn't answer. The combination of the dick handling, and my tongue in his ear, were driving him crazy. I was getting a little nuts too, as I thought about other things I could do to him - and now I had ideas. As I slid faster, I put my fingers in front of his mouth. "LICK YOUR JUICE BOTTOM. GET MY FINGERS CLEAN. " I knew he was a clean freak and somewhat of a germophobe.This was gonna be a big test. He resisted. Good. I squeezed his balls hard. "I SAID OPEN YOUR MOUTH MANCUNT." Now, I almost never use the "C" word as I call it. I find it way too, well, crude. So I don't know where it came from. But it worked. I heard an almost tearful "yes sir," and then I felt his tongue around my fingers. I could feel him suppressing a desire to wretch. I suppressed nothing. His tongue was doing to me, what mine was doing to his ears. My cock got just hard enough, and the friction was just enough, that I splooched all over his back. I DID bite his ear a little harder than I wanted to, and we DID disinfect it later, but beyond that, I fell on top of him. "DAMN YOU'RE HOT VINNY. YOU ARE SO FUCKING HOT." I rolled him onto his back, and I smiled before I found his lips and shoved my tongue into his mouth. As I did that, I began stroking his cock, first slowly, and then faster and faster. Those moans, somewhere between pleasure and desperation, started again, slipping out of the seal my mouth had made on him, as he shot , all over his stomach and chest. I rolled off him. "OH YEAH. MY SEXY VINNY. MY SEXY STUD BOTTOM VINNY." His eyes were big almost like a rabbit. "Did I do ok Sir? Did you have fun?" "Ha ha. More fun than I've had in a long time. How about you, sweetums?" The man was honest. "I don't know Sir. I liked parts of it, and parts of it hurt." "Well, talk to me stud. What did you like best?" "Honestly, you giving me orders Sir. That was exciting. I felt like you owned me." "GOOD." What did you like the least?" "I hate to say this Sir. Taking your dirty fingers in my mouth. I wanna brush my teeth right now." I smiled. "Hey, vinny, what did I do when I rolled you over?" "You kissed me Sir. You kissed me hard. With your tongue. You put your tongue all over my mouth. " I smiled. "You figure it out?" I could almost see the wheels moving in his head. "OH. RIGHT. You got the same stuff that I did. " I shook my head. "vinny, there's no question. Some of what we do is not completely sanitary. It just isn't. But it feels good. For at least one of us. So if you want to continue, you're gonna have to accept that I'm gonna be pushing your limits a LOT. Now, go and brush your teeth if you want, or do it later, if you want, but before you go..." I reached over to my bed table drawer and I pulled out the next butt plug - about 3.5 inches long. "You wear this from now on. " I handed it to him with some lube. "Let me see you put it in yourself." He gulped. It was clear ANOTHER one of his limits was being pushed. He was clumsy at it. So clumsy at times I wanted to help him. But I was like a mother dog letting my puppy learn it for himself. It took longer than it should have, and there were some tears, but he got it in. I moved close to him and drank down one of the tears. "vinny, I'm gonna be honored to be the one who takes your virginity. I really, really am. Just know I'm not gonna do ANYTHING that's gonna hurt ya. I don't want to scare you away. In fact, I want you around a lot, and a long time. " "yes sir. Can I have another kiss before I brush my teeth?" "You gotta suck these fingers first, vinny" This time, there wasn't a problem. And he got his kiss.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx I let him shower first, because I wanted to give him time to dress. He had figured out that clothes were important to me, and that what he wore when he was with me, mattered. I wasn't telling him, but he had brought an older blue oxford with him, a lavender one, and a pink one. The first time I saw vinny he was in a blue oxford, so that had a special place in my ... "heart." Still, I wanted to see what he did. It wouldn't impact what we were gonna do that day, but it mattered in terms of how I trained him.

He dressed when I was in the shower. He didn't disappoint: the blue, with his jeans. His big question: should I tuck the shirt in Sir, or leave it loose? I had him try it both ways. "I have a favorite vinny, but what do you think?" "Well, untucked is more casual Sir, but you like my ass, so... I'll tuck it in." He was learning. I was taking him clothes shopping on Sunday, but for Saturday, I wanted to take him to brunch, and then to watch a pickup football game I played in sometime. I did NOT expect him to play: I was sort of in the middle of the pack size wise , and while I wanted to flatten vinny underneath me, it was for other purposes than these guys. "What IS brunch Sir? I've never been." I laughed. "Brunch is sort of like the gay Christmas dinner, vinny, except we have it every weekend." "Really? It just looked like overpriced scrambled eggs and toast to me." I laughed. "Well, it kinda is. No one goes to brunch for the food. You go to see people." He gulped. "People are going to see us together Sir?" I expected this question . Better get it out of the way now. "vinny, yes, they are. And know what? No one's gonna care." I got close to him again, kissed him once before I gently put his wrists behind his back and kissed him again." I looked at him. "Now that you're mine, I should tell you I think I wanna do something to you." "What's that Sir?" "I love your moustache, but I wanna see what you look like without it." I saw the look of shock go through his face. "I have pictures of me before the moustache Sir. I can show you." "They're not you now." I could feel him trying to get out of my grip. That wasn't happening. "If I want it, I'm doing it. I'll tie you down and I'll shave it off myself. Just understand that vinny. It'll grow back, but if I tell you to do something because I like it, you'll do it." I smiled. "Can't get loose, can you?"' "No sir. You're too strong. " "Keep that in mind, vinny boi."

"This is actually pretty good, Sir." vinny was sitting opposite me in my favorite brunch plaxce. I had suggested that he get an omelet of some kind with potatoes. vinny had the kind of build that really didn't show weight, except in a little pot belly. We could take care of that with clothes that fit him properly. For a grown man, he ate like a young one. I was pushing around a chicken Caesar salad - one of my favorite things actually. "Is that any good Sir?" "Yeah, I like it." "I ask because you're not eating really like you enjoy it." "That's because I'm enjoying watching you eat. And I'm enjoying watching the boys looking at us and talking. It's akin to "who's he" about you and "Dave has an actual DATE?" "you can tell that Sir? Just by looking around the room?" "You'll learn our 'customs' vinny. For now, just enjoy your eggs. In a little while you're gonna be watching me kick the crap out of some of these guys." "The football game Sir?" "The football game. We'll get you some coffee. You can watch this one. Maybe you'll play in the next one." After brunch, they headed to the field where they played "touch tackle football. Now, Dave's heavy sweatshirt , sweatpants, and shorts made sense. "I play defense vinny. My job is to take the quarterback - the guy throwing the ball - down if I can, or to try to stop someone who's got the ball on his side." He took off a jacket he was wearing. "It can get cold. Wear this or don't as you see fit. The game'll go for about an hour, then drinks. vinny DID know what a quarterback was. He heard one of the players yell. "Hey Dave. You bring your personal tight end to the game," and saw the laughing. He'd ask about that: it was clearly sexual.

I smiled when the guy asked me that question, and didn't answer. But on the third play, I had my chance and I PLOWED him into the ground with a tackle. I laughed, as I helped him up. "You're right. The tightest end I've ever had. Not like the Lincoln Tunnel of your anus, Bob." vinny watched. At some point, even though he wasn't all that cold (Dave had made him take a sweater too), he put the jacket on, just to get more of a whiff of Dave's sharp, masculine smell. That smell was part of what was making vinny crazy about Dave. At one point when they were sleeping, he wound up with his face up against Dave's pit, and the almost animal aroma that came out of him, nearly made vinny lick it. He was afraid that if he woke Dave up though, he would, well...

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"So Vinny, how long you known Dave?" They were sitting at a rough edge pub after the game. vinny was sitting next to Dave, with Dave holding his hand tight to make him feel secure. "Not too long. How long, Dave?"(vinny somehow knew not to call me Sir in front of these guys. At least not yet, and at least not here). "Maybe a month/month and a half. But I'll be honest." Dave let go of vinny's hand for a minute and wrapped his arm around him. "I have been planning how I was gonna get this boy in bed for a long, long time." "REALLY? " vinny began thinking "He had noticed me a while ago. ME? HE noticed ME? " "So why'd you wait? " a guy asked him. "You're not the paragon of patience you know." Dave laughed. "very true. But I wanted vinny bad. REAL bad. " He had his hand again. And when you want something or someone THAT bad, you wait for the right minute." He leaned over and kissed vinny. He wasn't letting go of his lips, as the guys started chanting "LET'S SEE TONGUE . LET'S SEE TONGUE." Dave laughed. "You pervs. Can't get it yourselves so you gotta watch." After they were back in the car, I patted vinny's leg. "Don't take those guys too seriously. They're goofballs, loveable goofballs, but now, they're jealous. " I leaned over and gave vinny another kiss. "And they should be." "Thank you Sir. Some of them are handsome." "yes , they are. And some of them are good in bed." vinny looked at me. "How many of them have you slept with Sir?" "Oh vinny! " I answered. "Give that up. Probably about 5 of them. I fucked two of them. I've had a busy life up here. Chances are, under different circumstances, you coulda been me, or you coulda been one of them. But let me answer the question I think you wanna ask. NO. I am NOT sleeping with any of them, I am NOT dating any of them. I am dating ONE man. YOU. The man I'm gonna make love to tonight. " "After you shower Sir. You smell." "Ha ha. Yeah, I do. I get rank after a football game. But you know, a rank jockstrap makes a good gag for a naughty bottom. Just keep that in mind. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

Dave drove them back to his place. Halfway through the ride, he moved his hand from vinny's thigh, to vinny's hand and squeezed it. "You're addictive, handsome. I think I like that." vinny squeezed back. Everything was so new to him. He was beginning to figure out Dave a bit though, and he could see from the way his face was moving, that Dave had some kind of idea in store for them. "Penny for your thoughts Sir?" Dave laughed. "Oh, I haven't heard that in a long long time. Let's just say I have them, but I'm keeping them quiet for now. " "Hmmm. I think I like the sound of that Sir." "I think you will." After they got back and put away sweaters, coats and jackets, vinny went off to use the bathroom. When he came out, Dave grabbed him from behind. The bear hug was tighter than it needed to be, because vinny wasn't going to fight. He knew there was no chance, and besides... he was waiting for what Dave had in mind. "You're going on the bed sexy. You're gonna get introduced to some new stuff. Stuff I like. You understand me, BOTTOM?" vinny was breathing heavily as he got out a "yes sir." Face up, spread out like a star, his wrists and his ankles were tied. Dave began to laugh. "With a few modifications, that's how you're gonna stay, until I get this sweat off me. Now, for the modifications. " First , he opened vinny's shirt, exposing his chest. Then he took off vinny's shoes, then his socks. vinny began to get nervous. "Hey. HEY. What're you gonna do to my feet?" Dave said nothing, but just ran one finger up and down each sole, one time. "ACCK. Hey. STOP. That tickles too much." Dave smiled. "GOOD. Then can you imagine what THIS is gonna feel like?" He reached into a drawer, and pulled out a pair of electric toothbrushes, and a roll of tape. vinny had trained as an engineer, so he figured out what was coming. "STOP. NO! NO Sir. PLEASE. " "Now vinny. I told you I make these decisions. It's just gonna be until I come out of the shower, don't worry. You can handle it. " He turned on the toothbrushes, and vinny began to laugh, right away. His bass voice went way up into the treble as he screamed helplessly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. DON'T TAKE...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A LONG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SHOWER SIR." "Hmmm. This is impacting you more than I thought. I have to do something. " vinny saw the mischievous look on Dave's face, as he began stripping. He saw him balling up the jock he wore from the football match. "Remember what I told you? " vinny was squirming helplessly, as Dave held his head steady and shoved the jock in his mouth. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaa" snuck out of the corners. "I won't be long vinny. We got MUCH more to do." Dave was true to his word. He was in the shower for maybe ten minutes. Seeing him come out, naked, wet, with a raging hard on, was getting vinny more excited. The taste and smell of the jock was doing that too. Through trying to deal with the toothbrushes, he was wondering : "is this gonna feel as good six weeks from now?" He was letting himself think a little about the future. He was enjoying this! And he never enjoyed anything! Dave tried off, and came over. He pulled out the jock and turned off the toothbrushes, and untaped them. He gave vinny a wicked grin. "I'm saving your pits for tomorrow, vinny" "OH SHIT" was vinny's answer. "But I'm not saving mine. I didn't wash them in the shower... He came over to the bed, and shoved his left pit into vinny's face. "YOU get it clean, bottom boi." "OH GOD YES SIR!" This was exactly what vinny had been dreaming about all day. He wanted those pits. He wanted to taste them badly after he had smelled them the night before. He dug in, making the sounds of someone enjoying a good meal. While he did that to one arm, Dave's other hand was down, playing with vinny's cock through his jeans. After vinny had washed both pits, Dave smiled. "I think we found something you REALLY like. Did you like that vinny?" "YES SIR. When I was wearing your jacket, your smell. OH GOD SIR YOUR SMELL. I wanted you so bad. " "We'll do more of that. For now though..." He began pulling off vinny's jeans. He was lying there in nothing but his open shirt. "What're you doing now, Sir?" "Shhh. Just be patient with me. Just be patient." Dave reached up and pulled out the bigger dildo. "How has this been feeling?" "Just fine Sir." He was laying next to vinny, running his fingers through vinny's thinning hair, playing with his lips, occasionally nipping his chin. "Do you think I'd ever do anything to hurt you?" "No Sir. I don't. You've been gentle like a lamb to me." "Ok. Then don't worry. Just relax. " He separated vinny's legs and lifted them slightly. "NO! You're not fucking me are you Sir?" "SHHHH vinny. Or I'll gag you again. I'm just gonna put my cockhead here. Not gonna do anything else. I want you to feel it. Just see if you like how it feels." Dave's cock was so rigid, it was easy to hold it there. vinny was pretty hard himself, and Dave began a slow edging of him. "How does my cockhead feel? " "It feels fine Sir. Oh, it feels like... I want more." Dave smiled. "push forward . Take as much as you want." vinny did. Dave's cockhead disappeared into his hole, and vinny moved down, about half the length of the bigger dildo before he stopped. He was breathing hard. "I can't go any further Sir. " "Do you want me to push in , sexy?" "A little. Just a little." Dave had a feeling that vinny was going to try to take more than he could handle and he was right. He saw the grimace on Vinny's face and stopped. "You've had enough today babe. Three inches is plenty for a newbie. " "Sir, it didn't hurt until the end." Dave smiled. "And we're not gonna let it hurt. This weekend we'll stick with the dildo we have. Next week, you move up. For now..." Dave took his hand off vinny's cock, and surrounded it with his mouth. "OOOH. HEY. SIR. No. Don't. Don't... OH SHIT. YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" vinny exploded inside Dave's mouth. He looked at Dave to see his reaction and he saw smiling, happy eyes. "My vinny likes a blow job." "Oh hell, Sir. I think that was my first one." Dave looked at him. "Really? No one has had the pleasure of blowing you before?" "Never Sir." He kissed vinny on the neck. "Better late than never stud. I'm glad you're learning from me. Now, you're on the right side of the bell curve on GIVING BJs.... Get to work. "Yes sir." Dave untied Vinny so he could sit up better and take the man's raging cock. And yes, he DID do an amazing job. It seemed that he had observed Dave's face when he gave him the first one, and he knew what got to Dave. Soon, IF vinny had wanted to roll Dave over and top him, he could have. Dave was thinking "this beginner is better than most pros," as he shoved foreward and shot down vinny's throat. "DAMN you're good at that vinny" vinny just smiled, as Dave untied him. "I think we deserve a nap before dinner. New place tonight. Tomorrow, we'll eat Sunday dinner at Chez Dave." "Will there be sausage on the menu Sir." Dave grinned. "You can count on that. It's a house specialty.

Next: Chapter 5

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