My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 9, 2023


We agreed to meet at the bar at 6pm, a week later. I didn't see Vince on the train that week, but he called, a few times. He never really had much to say, he just wanted to see how I was doing, and he reminded me of our date. "Seems lonely" my assistant Fanny told me after the third time he called. I laughed. "I think it's more than that" "Oh. He's horny too." Fanny and I have been together for more than 25 years. She was assigned to me and three other attorneys when I got my first job, and she's followed me from job to job. Now, while I don't have a corner office, but my name is number six on the masthead (with 50 attorneys), Fanny seems to finally have relaxed. She calls me Dave instead of "Mr. Richards," and she's not ashamed to talk about "her gay boss" to the other secretaries. There was a story going around the office for a while. A young lawyer (no longer with us) had referred to me as "That Queen." Fanny apparently looked at him and said "DO NOT CALL MR RICHARDS A QUEEN. HE'S AN EMPRESS."

When I asked her about that story, she would turn away and ask me about some will she was typing (I'm an estate planning lawyer. I'm supposed to only do high wealth individuals, but I pretty much do what I want. See, I became an expert in the valuation of high tech stocks, and that made me important to the corporate department. Also, if you show me a "high wealth" individual" who doesn't own high tech stock, I'll show you someone who's not a high wealth individual).

Anyhow, I tried to get some information on Vince. I had his last name. An interesting one: Fezzi. Italian? Greek? (Fanny insisted it wasn't Greek)? Something to talk about at our "date." I didn't find any information about family, or relationships, etc. I'd just have to wait. I hate waiting.

When I got to the bar that night, Vince was already there. He waved to me from a seat, and smiled. He had a big, wide smile. I liked that. He looked pretty much like he did that first night, except his suit was gray, and he was wearing a striped shirt instead of a blue one. There was one empty glass in front of him, and it looked like he was well into his second one. "Hmmm." I thought. "This may complicate things." "You're right on time, Dave. " He shook my hand and put his other hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I wouldn't have missed it. What are you drinking Vince?" "Scotch. It's just about the only thing I drink. On the rocks. " He leaned over the bar. "Hey Clarissa? Can you get my friend a drink? " Clarissa was your stereotype of a barmaid: she had the look of a woman who didn't take crap, and the hair of a woman who dyed her own. What's the line "Higher the hair, closer to heaven? " Well, Clarissa was clearly heading there. "What'll you have hon?" "Gin martini, very dry please. Olive. Tanqueray if you have it." She smiled. "Hon, you name it, I got it." I smiled back at her. "SO... Vince began. what's going on with you?" I smiled. "Nothing much Vince. You know how that area is." Clarissa came back with my drink. Vince slugged his back, and signaled for another one. Clarissa gave me a look and I tried to signal "it's ok. He's with me." "I know what you mean, Dave. Nothing happens there, NOTHING. I should move to the city. Might have more luck." "More luck with what?" I knew what the answer was, but when I go fishing, I like to play the rod a little. "Oh, you know. I can't remember the last time I had a date." His scotch came, and we toasted "TO WOMEN" he exclaimed. "TO DATES" I answered. "How about you Dave? You get any action? " Ok, time to start playing the fish. "I get my share. Never anything serious, but lots of fun." He looked at me. "Really? Where do you meet women?" I laughed. "Well, I'm not looking for women." Now he looked confused. "I hang out at Jaynee's" "Janee's? But that's.. isn't that a gay bar?" I smiled some more. "Yup. We didn't talk about it, I know. I didn't think it was important, so I didn't bring it up, but yeah, I'm your typical rural gay lawyer." Through his third scotch, Vince slurred. "Oh, I hope I didn't offend you. I mean.. I don't feel THAT way, and I always say, live and let live" "You might have a better chance of getting laid if you tried men, Vince" I answered him. I saw him get a little pale. "No, no, Vince. That wasn't a proposition," and he seemed relieved. I SWEAR I thought I saw his ass unclench on the stool. "I'm just saying you might double your chances if you didn't stick to one sex." "It's an idea." He looked at my martini, about 1/3 finished. "HEY, are you gonna drink with me or..." "I gotta drive when I get home Vince. So do you actually." "Nah. Clarissa usually calls me a hotel and I sleep it off. " "You don't have to do that . I'll drive you home. I'm really a lightweight when it comes to booze, so..." I looked at the schedule. "Hey, it's up to you, but I'm gonna catch the 7:52. You wanna take a shot?" "You'll drive me? You sure?" "Yeah, if you give me your address at some point on the trip home." He signaled to Clarissa. I moved to take out my wallet, and he shook his head no. "You get next one Dave. I'd like to see you again." "That sounds good. By the way, I like your tie." "Oh, thanks. I think someone gave it to me for Christmas. I have crappy taste. " "Hey, Vince, you want me to get you a ride to the hotel?" "Not necessary Clarissa. I'm taking him home tonight." She smiled. "I bet you are. You'll be the first one I know about" I winked at her. "I'll let you know." Vince was a little shaky on his way to the train, but I got him on. "Take the outside seat this time, Vince. All that booze in you, you may have to get up." "Yeah, you're right, but I don't like to use those skanky bathrooms." "I hear ya. I just think you might need it more than I do." He yawned. We weren't even out of the station before he fell asleep. In a couple of minutes, his head was resting on my shoulder. Now, this was NOT how I planned things, but... " I called over the conductor. "Yeah, he gets off one stop before me, so let me pay you the difference. I'll get him into my car and drive him home." He shook his head. "Sir, I've seen him out before, but never THIS , well.." "Shit faced is what you're looking for I think" He laughed. "Indeed it is Sir. Thank you." The train pulled into Vince's stop, and he never even opened his eyes.

As it pulled into mine, I shook him awake. "Hey, stud.. Time to get up. " "HUH? Oh, OH SHIT. Dave. Did I miss my stop?" "Not really. We agreed I'd drive you home. So we're at my stop. Here Lemme help you up." As I helped him off the train, I looked down. Was it a piss hard on, or a real hard on. "You're the best Dave" He slurred out, as I got him in my car. I got him home with me, and I wondered: leave him dressed, or undress him? Better move slow. We'll get fresh clothes tomorrow. I put him in my bed, where he began to snore. I hesitated for a minute, and then I bent over and kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams Vinny. I'll be in that bed with you soon," then I went to my fold out couch and got to sleep. Before I went to bed, I sent an email to Fanny "Probably not coming in tomorrow. Vince is a little, well, in need of sobering up.

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I was making coffee the next morning, when I heard him padding around.

He was still in the spoiled clothes from the night before, but he had taken off the tie. He was, well, charming in a very disheveled kind of way. "Morning Vince. Coffee's coming up." "How did I get here? You said you'd take me home." "Yeah, I did, but you never gave me the address, and you really weren't in a good place. "You shoulda let me stay at the hotel. I gotta go." "Sit down. Have some coffee first. You gotta clear the hangover." "I wanna go. " "Vince, you are going to sit down and drink some coffee, if I have to sit on you and pour it down your throat." He snickered. "Yeah, you'd like sitting on me wouldn't you? " I looked at him. "you sure you wouldn't like me to?" "FUCK YOU FAG." he yelled. "LET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE." He started heading to the door. I got a handful of his shirt collar. "GET BACK HERE, YOU STUPID CLOSET CASE." Vince struggled, but he clearly was out of shape. I got him in a bear hug and pulled him back. "Now, you're gonna sit down, and sober up." "I GOTTA GET TO WORK." "No work for you today Vince." He got up again and headed for the door. "Ok, that's it." I grabbed him again, and this time I tossed him to the floor and I DID sit on his scrawny chest. "Know what? You've been dying to know all of last night. Now, you're gonna find out." I started dropping my head down and he knew I was gonna kiss him. Right on the lips. He struggled, and he screamed, but I got my lips on him and started kissing. He continued to struggle, and then he stopped. Then his mouth opened. It stank of the scotch, and it was clear that this was new to him, but he took my tongue. He didn't fight it. I finished and looked at him. "You don't have to pin me down Dave. I won't fight you. I promise. " "If I were gonna kiss you again," I asked "where should it be." "My ears. Either one of them. You pick." "Left." He turned his head to give me room and I moved in. I slid my tongue up and down over his ear, and poked it inside. If it wasn't new to him, it had been a while. He began to moan. ' "Oh Dave. That feels good. MMMMM. Don't stop. No, don't stop. " I moved a hand from his wrist, down to his crotch and .. yup, this was a real life hard on. "Tell you what Vince? If you promise to drink some coffee, we'll take a ride to your house, and get you some clean clothes. Then we'll come back. You can shower, we'll spend the day. I'll make it worth your while." He smiled. "You already have. I was awake when you kissed me last night. That was nice."

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So, I put two cups of coffee in him, and made him stop and eat breakfast at a diner I know on the way. I hadn't eaten last night either, and I was hungry . He ate like he hadn't eaten in about three days. His plate was empty after I had finished one of my waffles. I put the rest in front of him. "Eat up. You're a skinny bird. Didn't take no effort to hold you down." He grinned. "You like a struggle, Dave?" "Sometimes." "You're probably not gonna get one from me." "Finish eating Vince. You're making me awfully glad I drove you to my place." He gave me the address to his house. We got there, and I waited while he pulled out clothes. The house was, well, sad. Immaculate, but I didn't see a coffee pot, I didn't see a microwave, or even a computer. (I found out later he didn't work from home because he was nervous about the computer being stolen. He'd drive to a cafe' and work on a computer there). After he had packed up, we got back in my car. "Dave. I have a question.. are you gonna... well..." "No Vince, not today. I'm not gonna take your ass. I'm gonna do other things to you, but I promise. You're gonna like them all. It's all about you." He showered first, and after he was dressed, I pointed to a chair. "SIT. You're gonna learn what I like, and then I'm gonna learn what you like. " "I'll be learning what I like too," he said, as he sat in the chair. I roped his arms behind him. "You gonna gag me Dave?" "Not while I'm in the shower. Too dangerous." I headed to the shower, and turned around. "Hey, how did you know to ask that?" "You leave your magazines out. I looked at one before I came down this morning." So my boy was tied to the chair. When I came out and got dressed myself, I stepped behind him. I put my hands on his shoulders. "So... my Vinny likes his ears being played with." "Please don't call me Vinny, Dave." That got a hand over his mouth. "I'll call you anything I want. YOU'RE the one who's tied up, and I'M the one in charge. GOT IT?" He shook his head, as I went to his RIGHT ear. I could feel him tensing up. Was this boy THAT close to shooting? Yes, he was. A loud moan came out of him, and I saw the spot forming across his crotch. "Oh, Vinny. Shooting before the man in charge does... That's not good." "Sorry Dave. It just felt so... well... GOOD." "Uh huh. And it's gonna feel good again. But now, I gotta get taken care of." "What do you want me to do, Dave?" "Well, first, you can call me Dave outside of this house, but when we're here, you call me SIR." "I can do that SIR. " I began opening his shirt buttons. "I know you just showered, but..." When his shirt fell open... DAMN. How had I missed that? He had a fucking forest FLOOR of hair. I'm serious. He may have been the hairiest man I had ever been with. That just got me harder. I got closer, and began to jerk myself. "Eventually Vinny, you'll be doing this with your mouth. For now though..." I reared back and when I was ready, shot all over him. It was the biggest orgasm I had ever had. DON'T ask me to explain. I have tied up my share of men: hunky ones, lanky ones, athletic ones, each one better looking than the next. If you had to ask me what it was about Vinny that drove me so fucking crazy, I can't answer. All I know is that, when I was done, I told him. "You're staying like that until I'm hard again. And then... we're gonna move to the bed." "Yes sir." I smiled. He was learning.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx "Sir. I really need the bathroom." I had moved him to the living room, tied up, while I worked on my laptop. I looked up. "Ok. I'll untie you. Finish up, and get back to the chair. " "Yes sir." I snickered when he went off. I knew EXACTLY what he was going to do, and he didn't disappoint me. When he got to the BACK door, I was standing there. "Going somewhere, Vinny?" "Oh, uh, I got lost Dave. I mean Sir." "I think it's time to get into the bed." "But it's.. it's not even one o'clock Sir. " "Never too early to learn about making out with another man." I have to be honest: while I've had hotter men, I had NEVER had anyone as responsive to what I did to him, as Vince was. He seemed to like everything. And everything got him excited. Nibbling his nips. Circling his naval with my tongue. Tickling his pits. You name it. It was like I had a cat in heat in my bed. After I had pinned him down so he couldn't fight me, and edged him for a good 20 minutes, I asked. "Vinny, when was the last time you had sex?" He paused, and thought about it. "With myself? Last week. With someone else? It may have been college, but I don't remember." AH. This explained things, but it was very sad. "You've got a lot to catch up on." I bent down and kissed him. "Yes sir. Can I ask why you're interested in me?" "Know what vinny? I don't know the answer to that. I just know that, when I saw you on the train that night, I popped a boner. I was so glad that seat was opened. I didn't want to miss the chance to, well, get to know you." "Are you telling the truth Sir, or pulling my leg?" "I just pulled your leg vinny, and now you're gonna pull mine." I lay down next to him and moved his hand over to my cock. "C'mon vinny. You can do it. This is easy stuff for a stud like you." He seemed to like it when I called him a stud, and he DID give a good hand job. Faster than he should have, but he'd learn. "You've been through a LOT today vinny. Tell you what? You can spend the night here, in MY bed if you want, but that may overload your circuits. Maybe we can have some dinner - I'll call something in - and then I'll drive you home. Spend the night at your own house, in your own bed? " Vince looked down. "Yeah, I think that might be better Sir. I'm processing a lot right now. " He smiled. "Chinese food?" "Sounds good to me." It shouldn't have surprised me that vinny ordered chicken chow mien, an egg roll, and wonton soup. He looked at my spicy shrimp and cashews, and decided he'd pass on a taste (I made a note to see about making him lick up some hot sauce in the future). "Hey I got scotch vinny. You can have ONE." "That sounds even better." I pulled down a bottle of my 40 year old stuff that I had bought when I was in Scotland. I poured some and he made a face. "You sure this is scotch? It doesn't burn." This one was gonna be a PROJECT. That was for sure. We finished dinner and I drove him back. We sat in the car for a few minutes and I took his hand. "vinny, you went through a lot . A REAL lot. You may not want anymore. So let's make a deal. YOU make the next move. YOU call ME, when you want to get together. And we will. " "You're being awfully nice Dave." He smiled. "We're not in the house. So don't call me Vinny." "Gimme a kiss then vince." He did. This time he opened his mouth big and wide. (Later, he told me he had to brush his teeth three times to get the hot sauce taste out ). I watched his scrawny ass as he made his way into his house, and began to wonder how long it was going to take me to get in it. Turned out to be less time than I thought. Two days later I got a call. I was in a meeting, but he left a message. "Hey Sir. This is Vinny. Can we hang out this weekend? Hope so." Wanna hear more? Come back.

Next: Chapter 3

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