My Student the Stripper

By moc.loa@FBMeinreB

Published on Feb 2, 2005


Hi, everyone! Well, part four is finally here. I want to again thank all of you who've stuck with this series and for all of your nice comments and suggestions. In answer to your question-yes, Tyler and Mr. F. will finally consummate their relationship-that is, get it on-that is, have sex. LOL! I just wanted to lead up to it, instead of just "wham bam, thank you, man", you know? I hope all of you will be pleased with this installment, and-as always-your feedback is welcomed.

You may remember that I asked my readers if they or anyone they know or have seen resembles the Tyler character, and if they would send in their pictures to pick a kind of definitive "Tyler"? Well, one of my readers suggested that we should do the same for the Mr. F. character, as well. And so, anyone out there who thinks they embody the spirit of the teacher of my story is more than welcome to send in their photos, as well. I'll be happy to post the two that I feel best represent the leads of this first story of mine.

I may end this series with this installment, or it may continue, based upon your vote. I have more ideas for Tyler and Mr. F., if you want to hear them. Otherwise, I have ideas for other stories, as well. I'm thinking about doing my take on a "Little Hercules" type who falls for an older guy. Only, in this version, the boy would be a bit older than the real kid, and a different ethnicity. Let me know if you'd like to see something on that, in the "Adult/Youth" section.

Ok, then. No more waiting. Here is part four of..."My student, the stripper". Enjoy.

As Tyler and I walked up the stairs to my apartment, I suddenly realized that I'd forgotten to ask him something important. "Babe, what about your parents? Won't they be worried about you being out so late?" He shook his head. "Nah, Mr. F. They went out of town with my brother and sister. Some kind of revivalist convention. They've trusted me to be home alone since I was 16. Oh, and I forwarded all my calls to my cell, so they won't get suspicious. So, it's all good". He looked at me with those bedroom eyes of his and actually licked his lips. My heart was beating so hard, I was sure the neighbors would hear it. "Yes, it sure is", I whispered, as my trembling hand fumbled for my key. Finally fishing it out of my pocket, I opened the door and turned on the light. "Wow, I'm finally here", he breathed, as if he'd arrived at a candy store, and I was the chocolate fudge or caramel or whatever it is he liked best. Putting down my keys, I told him, "please, make yourself at home". "Thanks, Mr. F. I will. Oh, can I use the bathroom? I've been holding it for awhile". "Of course, love. It's right there", I pointed. "Ok, be back in a flash. Don't go anywhere", he grinned. "Um, try and make me", I laughed. As he walked off, I couldn't keep my eyes of off his magnificent ass that, even clothed, was gorgeous to look at. I didn't know what to do while he was gone, so I went to the fridge, and took out two sodas, sat down on the sofa, and waited for him to return. Hearing the toilet flush, my heart started to race again. "What if I mess this up?" I started telling myself. "What if I'm so nervous that I do a lousy job? What will he think of me?" I tried to shut those thoughts out of my mind, telling myself that he knew I was far from physically perfect, but that he liked me anyway. I didn't have anything to worry about. Just then, the door opened, and he returned. He sat down right next to me, and-even though he'd been in my lap at the club in just his thong-I was completely frazzled. I tried breathing slowly, looking at his gorgeous face, and getting myself psyched up to make love to this amazing young man. He reached over and took my hand again, and-to my amazement-he kissed it tenderly! Wow, how romantic is that? He then said in a husky voice, "Mr. F., you can do whatever you want with me. I'm totally yours. I just want to make you happy. If there's anything you like, I'm willing to try it. Just remember, though, I'm still a virgin, so I might not be so great the first time. But I'm gonna try really hard, ok?" I almost wept as I said in a choked voice, "Tyler, anything you do will be more than amazing. And I want to please you just as much. I'm willing to do whatever you like, too. Ok?" He grinned that perfect smile at me, and said, "You've got it, teach". We just sat there, his hands in mine, as I asked "Tyler, is it ok if I kiss you?" He said, "Anything you want, Mr. F. I'm yours, remember?" "Ok", I gulped, as I leaned in to kiss him. He met me in the middle, and our lips finally touched. I'd never experienced a kiss like that before. His lips were so soft and full, his breath so sweet. I was hesitant to try frenching him, but considering the fact that we were now fully enveloped in each other's arms, I decided to go for it. Slowly, I snaked my tongue into his mouth. Without missing a beat, as if he'd done it forever, he began to gently suck on my tongue, causing my heart to palpitate with joy. As I hugged him, I felt his incredible musculature, which on any guy would've been impressive, but on an 18 year old was pretty amazing. He stopped for a moment, and said, "Wait. I've got an idea". He got up from the couch, and gently sat on my legs, but putting most of the weight on his own set. He then was able to fully sit on my lap, and we resumed our passionate frenching and hugging. It was getting so hot, I was afraid I might shoot right then. Perhaps sensing that, he stopped again after a while, and almost begged, "Mr. F., can we take this to your bedroom, please? I want us both naked and sweaty!" "I think I just may be the happiest man on earth", I cooed, as-again, hand and hand-we walked into my bedroom. We stood next to my bed, as Tyler looked serious again. "Mr. F., there's something I should tell you". "Ok, babe, what is it?" I tried to think what it could be. All sorts of thought went through my mind, as I hoped it wasn't too bad. He said, "The thing is-well-I kind off...cum pretty quick. I hate it, but I can't help it. When I jerk off, I usually shoot after a couple of seconds. And tonight-well-I'm so excited-I might disappoint you, so I didn't want you to be upset or anything". He looked so forlorn, I couldn't believe he'd think I was worried about something like that. Putting my hands on his solid upper arms, I said in my most reassuring voice, "Tyler, believe me, that is the last thing that I could possibly care about. You cum whenever you need to. Besides, you're not the only one who has that issue". He looked at me, surprised. "You mean, you cum quick too, Mr. F.? I thought that only happened with younger guys". I laughed and responded, "no, babe. It happens to us older men, too. But the good news is-I, reload pretty quickly. And I bet you can, too". He flashed that winning smile at me, and said somewhat embarrassed, "yeah, many times". "Ok, then. How about we stop worrying and start making each other happy?" "Let's do it", he said. "Um, how about we take each other's clothes off?", my baby suggested. "That sounds awesome", I murmurred. "Ok, who goes first?", he asked. "Well, why don't you do me first?", I suggested. "That way, if you don't like how I look, you can still go". I meant it only half-faceously, but he seemed hurt by the comment. "Mr. F., stop it! I don't want to go anywhere. I like you just as you are. So, don't hold in your stomach, or anything. Just be yourself. That's the man I want. Ok?" I tried not to start crying, I was so happy and grateful. "Ok", I said, as he began to take off my shirt, and then my undershirt, leaving me bare-chested for the first time in front of him. Now, I didn't have an awful looking body. My arms and legs were pretty proportionate. It was just my gut that I hated. Tyler, however, didn't seem to mind in the least. He began to run his warm hands up and down my torso. "So sweet", he breathed, as he gently tweaking my already half-hard nipples, bringing them to total erection. He then looked me straight in the eyes, as he began to unbuckle my belt, then unbutton and unzip my pants, letting them fall to the floor. I stood there in just my jockeys, which-needless to say-were tenting obscenely from all the stimulation. He then knelt down and untied my shoes as I sat on the bed to allow him to remove them and my socks. I stood up again, as he linked his thumbs under the waistband of my boxers. I knew this was a moment of truth. I still had some doubts that, when he'd see my comparatively smaller penis, he'd want to get up and leave. Those doubts faded as he slowly lowered them to the ground, allowing my hard 6 incher to finally spring free. "Wow!" he remarked. "You've got a nice dick, Mr. F." "Thanks, babe", I said back. I now stood naked in front of my fantasy guy. He'd now seen every inch of me, and still liked it. I guess maybe some dreams do come true. He seemed to be aware of how close I was to orgasm, that he didn't start hugging me or squeezing my cock. I knew instinctively that he wanted to wait till we were both in bed, before proceeding. "Ok, tiger", he grinned, "you've seen most of me already, so I hope it's not a letdown". I frowned at him, and said, "now, who's worried? I could see you naked a hundred times and not get tired". "Yeah, and now we don't have to worry about everyone watching us", he laughed. "Yeah", I said, as he lifted up his arms to let me take off his muscle shirt. Even though I'd seen his upper torso in the club, it was as breathtaking now as it was then. Big, meaty pecs stood proudly from his gorgeous, smooth chest, topped with dime-sized nipples that begged to be sucked upon. His flat stomach was crowned by a six-pack that would make the Governator jealous. The only fuzz on his otherwise marbled chest was a light dusting of blond hairs leading from his "innie" navel down to where I had only dreamed of going years earlier. Looking up again, I marveled at his beautiful arms, whose bi and triceps could only be described as sculpted. His narrow waist belied the full, round butt that I already knew he must have, and couldn't wait to see. I ran my trembling hands up and down his upper body, as he sucked in his breath. I could only imagine what emotions and feelings he was having right now. I mean, I was the first guy to actually be making love to him. I knew that I wanted to make it as special as I possibly could. Reaching those sexy nips of his, I couldn't help myself, as I leaned in and took the right one in my mouth, sucking and licking it with gusto. He began to make these guttural noises, as he panted, "oh, yeah, Mr. F.! Suck my nipples! That feels fantastic!" I continued on it till it was as hard and pointy as it could be. I then leaned over and worked my magic on the other one. He ran his fingers tenderly through my hair, murmurring things like, "oh, wow, that feels so great. I love it! You're wonderful, Mr. F!" Finally, I stopped, reluctantly. I had to see all of him-now! I reached over and undid his cutoffs (no belt, thankfully!) and slid it down his perfect legs to the floor, which he then stepped out of. His thighs and calves were sheer perfection. Meaty and fully, with just a light trace of the same silken blond hair as on his head. The only thing between us now was his leopard skin thong, which seemed to be bulging out even more than it had been in the club. Probably, he was more relaxed now that we were alone, I reasoned. I wanted so much to squeeze it inside its fabric, but didn't want for him to cum before we even got into bed. So, resisting the urge, I looked up into that angelic face-which was consumed with lust-and said in a somewhat strangled voice, "Can I see it?" He just nodded, seemingly unable to wrap his mind around all that was happening. I linked my trembling hands under the waistband of his thong and slowly-ever so slowly, like unwrapping a precious gift-lowered it down. It was no easy task, since I could barely get the tight spandex over his huge mound, but it was worth all the effort. First, his gorgeous blond pubes came into view, and as I lowered his thong further, this unbelievably long and thick shaft started to appear. My breath came in short, ragged gasps as I was finally able to extricate that magnificent member from its confines. I was completely dumbfounded! It was easily 9 inches long and probably 4 to 5 inches around, cut perfectly, with a beautiful mushroom shaft, that was already moist with beads of pre-cum on its center. His ball sac was enormous, with luscious low-hangers and almost totally smooth, with just the right amount of blond hairs covering it. I looked at him with a mixture of lust and love, as I decided to lay down first, so that he could lay on top of me. Holding out my hands, I felt his warm, strong body cover mine, as I wrapped my arms around his back, as our lips met once again. I felt his humongous tool poking at my leg, and I longed to swallow it whole, as soon as I could. Before that, however, he was determined to make me happy first. After another round of frenching, he moved down my body, and started the most wonderful process of sucking on my nipples. Mine were very sensitive, indeed, and just seeing that blond mop of hair going up and down on my tits was enough to drive me nuts. "Oh, Tyler! You're a natural at this. So good! I love it!", as he continued to suck, lick, and slurp my protusions without ever biting or hurting them. That's my baby-always caring for the other person! He then moved down my belly, licking the thin trail of hair that led from my pecs to my navel, and started to swirl his incredibly talented tongue inside of it, back and forth. I was in nirvana-how could anything be better than this? I soon found out that it could, as he moved lower and lower, skipping my throbbing tool for the moment, and going between my legs, which I opened further to give him total access. He began to slurp on my balls, treating them like fine jewels, making me hotter than I ever thought I could get. To my shock, he put his hands gently under my thighs, raising them, so that my asshole was in view. Tentatively at first, he snaked out his tongue on the surface of my hairy cheeks, causing me to groan with ecstasy. He then stiffen that tongue and poked it into my hole, penetrating it and sending me to the moon with excitement. He then alternated f**king my hole with licking my crack till I thought I'd pass out. Meanwhile, my overactive cock was brimming with semen, that was in danger of shooting out at any second, when he lowered my legs and wolfed down my throbbing piece in one gulp. I knew I wouldn't last long, so I decided I'd better warn him now. "Tyler, I'm gonna spew really soon. You don't have to swallow if you don't want to, ok?" Without taking my cock out his mouth, he said, "I want your load, Mr. F.! Give it all to me!" Before I could even express my thanks, he was back deep-throating my cock, like he'd been doing it for years. Before I knew it, I felt my meat start to throb, as the cum left my balls and headed up my shaft. "Oh, Tyler! I'm gonna shoot, baby! I love you so much! Oooooh!", I howeled, as my cock stiffened and began pumping blast after blast of rich, creamy cum into his vacuuming mouth. I thought I might never stop shooting, as he swallowed every last drop into his velveteen throat, not stopping until I had to gently push him away from the sensitivity of it. Lifting his head, he opened his mouth to show me that he still had every drop of cum I'd shot on his tongue. Then, dramatically, he closed his mouth, tipped back his head, and swallowed my load with a big "gulp" for emphasis. Grinning, he lay back down on my now much relaxed body, still poking me with that huge tool of his, as he whispered, "So, was I good?" I just nodded my head, a look of stunned admiration for his abilities on my face. "It was the best I've ever had, Tyler. I mean that." And I really did. Now, that some of my tension had been expelled-along with a boatload of jizz-it was time to fulfill the other half of my dream-pleasing him. And boy-would I ever. As many times as he wanted...

I know, I know! You want more. Don't worry. I won't leave you hanging -- figuratively or literally. LOL! I will continue this lovemaking session next chapter. Hey, at least, you had something to get off with this time, right? :0) I promise to have Chapter 5 ready as soon as possible. I hope you liked this installment, and that you'll keep reading. Remember, you can address any comments, suggestions, criticisms, photos of Tyler or Mr. F. types, etc. to I welcome your responses, and will try to answer everyone back as soon as possible. Until next time, be safe, and remember-you don't have to look like Tyler to want or deserve love. Tyler is an ideal, but reality is what counts most.

Next: Chapter 5

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