My Student the Stripper

By moc.loa@FBMeinreB

Published on Jan 26, 2005


Hello, everyone. Thanks so much for being patient. I know you've all been waiting for part 3, and now here it is! I want to again thank all of you who have written to me, and expressed how you've been enjoying this series. I look forward to all of your comments and suggestions, as this latest chapter with Tyler and Mr. F. unfolds.

In case you're wondering, I do intend for the characters to get together. It may happen now or in the next chapter, but I do intend for it to happen. For those of you who've been patient, I think you'll be rewarded for that...

Ok, then. Enough talk. On with the story...

I was sitting there, across from the object of my desire for nearly two years. I simply couldn't believe we were both here, in this all-night diner, eating together, talking, and soon-oh, gosh!-to be making love together. As I tried to keep my thoughts together, I looked over at Tyler, this beautiful teenage boy/man, and just melted at those beautiful blue eyes staring lovingly back at me. I sincerely believed that the modeling, acting, and gay porn professions were all being deprived of this incredible stud muffin. As I looked, I noticed that he'd only ordered a salad, with fat-free dressing. I asked him, "babe, that's all you're having? Don't worry-it's my treat. Whatever you'd like is ok with me". He smiled back at me and said, "oh, thanks, Mr. F., but I'm fine with this. I have to watch what I eat. Especially since I strip, they're always watching to make sure I stay in shape. Don't worry, though-I had something before I went to work". I felt very protective of him, being his teacher and authority figure, so I told him, "Tyler, believe me-you could gain 5, 10, even 15 pounds, and you'd still be a knockout!" He blushed slightly (I find that incredibly sexy!), and said, "thanks, Mr. F. You're the sweetest guy. But, I really do have to be careful what I eat". He paused, seemingly unsure about what he was about to say. "You wouldn't believe it, but when I was a kid, back in Utah, I was fat. I mean, totally round, Mr. F. Nobody from here's ever seen how I looked back then, but I remember how my classmates teased me, called me all sorts of names". The pain on his face was evident, as he contined, "my parents never bugged me about my weight, but it really got to me. So, when I turned 13, I started dieting and working out. At first, it was just a couple of hours every week. Then, when I could see my feet, and started to get muscular, I really liked how I looked and-well, I liked how other people looked at me, too. So, I upped the time I spent in the gym, plus I bought weights from my allowance, and I was working out like 2 or 3 hours a day. I got so cut up, that guys and girls were all looking at me. People who wouldn't talk to me at all now wanted my phone number, or just to hang out. I realized that they weren't sincere, though, because they never used to talk to me when I was fat. So, I begged my folks to move somewhere else, where no one knew me back then. Now, I'm here, and I think some people still like me for my body, but at least now, they can get to know the real me". He stopped again, and I could hear his voice crack slightly. "That's why I like you so much, Mr. F. I mean, you didn't know that I was a stripper, until tonight. But, you always treat all of us students fairly. So, I figured you might actually like me for my mind and who I am, not just the physical. Right?" He really wanted assurance that I didn't just want him for a quick roll in the hay, and I didn't blame him. After all, even an average guy like me had met guys who just wanted sex, and nothing else. So, I understood how he felt. I reached across the table, and took his hand in my mine, feeling how smooth and warm it was, and told him, "Tyler Young, I can't deny just how drawn I am to you. I think you're the most beautiful young man I've ever been priviled to know. But I don't just want to use you for sex. After you graduate in June, I want for us to be open about our relationship. I want us to date, go everywhere together. And maybe-if you want-we could even go further than that". He looked at me, his eyes wide with wonder. "How far, Mr. F?" I gently squeezed his hand in mine, and whispered, "well, maybe we might even consider living together. I mean, it wouldn't have to be right away, but maybe down the line. But only if you wanted that too, babe". He looked at me, and to my shock, tears started to roll down his eyes, onto his beautiful cheeks, and even into those killer dimples of his. "I want that so much, Mr. F. I want to be with you forever". When he said that, I just lost it. I started to sob, and he got out of his seat across from mine, sat down next to me, and we just spontaneously hugged each other tight, bawling like two young children. I smelled his cologne, and couldn't help stroking that magnificent flaxen blond hair of his gently, like it was fine silk. We sat like that for a couple of minutes, till we could both compose ourselves. Finally, he reluctantly broke our hug, looked straight into my eyes, and said in a pleading tone, "Mr. F., please take me home with you now. I need to make love to you. I don't want to wait another minute". I felt my breath coming in short gasps, because I'd never had another man tell me that-ever! And here was my fantasy, asking for my love. I thought to myself that I must have done something right to merit having this angel in my life. I said to him, "I can't wait either, Tyler. Let's go". I quickly paid the check, and the two of us were out the door and into my car in what seemed like seconds. During the short drive back to my place, I kept looking over at my boy, who gave me the warmest, most inviting smiles I could ever hope for. I kept hoping for green lights, and fortunately, it seemed to be working out exactly that way. When we finally got to my building, I felt that I had to tell him something, so I stopped the ignition, turned to him, and said, "Tyler, before we go upstairs, I just want you to know that I will do anything you like that makes you happy, within reason. I'm guessing you're not into pain or anything crazy, so short of that, I'm willing to do whatever pleases you most. Also, if there's anything I do that you don't feel totally comfortable with, I want for you to tell me and I'll stop. I promise you that, ok?" He nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. F. I can't imagine doing anything with you that wouldn't be awesome, but I'll tell you if it is". "Ok", I smiled, "oh, one other thing. I know it's weird to be calling me "Mr. F." even though we're about to make love. It's just that, if you get used to calling me Ben, you might do it in class, and that would get people suspicious. So, just until graduation, let's stick with Mr. F., ok?" He grinned and said, "ok, Mr. F., but I hope I don't call you "baby" or "lover" in class, instead. That would be worse, huh?" I gave him a withering look. "Oh, so that's what you plan to do, call me all sorts of lovey-dovey names, in class? You want me to get fired?" "No, Mr. F. I don't mean I'd do it deliberately. I just mean it could slip out. I'll be super careful, though-don't worry". I gently stroked his cheek, and said, "I know, love. I was just playing with you. Actually, I've gotta be just as careful, come to think of it." We sat there, not saying anything for the moment, and then Tyler blurted out, "Mr. F., I'm kind of nervous right now, because this'll be my first time. But I'm so glad it's with you, and not some stranger. I'm really ready for this to happen". "Are you sure, babe? As much as I want to be with you, I'll wait if you want". He then reached over and squeezed my crotch, which-needless to say-was at full mast right now. In a sensual voice I hadn't yet heard from him, he responded, "no, Mr. F. I want to do it now. And so do you. So, let's go inside and make love, ok?" I just nodded dumbly. Who could've said "no" to this incredible creature? Taking his hand, we walked upstairs to my apartment, knowing that tonight would be the most incredible of my nearly 38 years, and one I would never forget. Nor, for that matter, would he...

Ok, this is part 3 of my story. I know most or all of you are waiting for them to lock loins, but trust me-it will happen, probably in the next chapter. As always, I welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions that you may have. You may send them to, and I will respond as soon as I can. Also, I was thinking-if any of you or anyone you know, think that you look like Tyler, I'd love to see your photos. I might choose one or two that most embody who I feel Tyler really is, and put it on my home page. You already know what Tyler looks like-18, blond hair, blue eyes, incredible body. I'd love to see your photos and see if I can find the "ultimate" Tyler lookalike. Well, part 4 is on the way, so stay tuned, and enjoy. One last thing-as we mourn the loss of comedian/talk show host Johnny Carson, here's a bit that I found hysterical, and I hope you do, too. There was a commercial in the '70's where these two pretty young girls are walking along, with the camera panning in on their rear ends. One girl says to the other, "My new panties make me look like I'm not wearing nothing". The other one says, "Oh, yeah? My new panties make me look like I'm not wearing nothing". So, they do the skit and then Johnny, rest his soul, wearing a raincoat, and standing behind a park bench comes over to them and says, "Aw, c'mon, you little teasers. You know darn well that you're both wearing something, right?" The two girls turn to each other and resignedly say, "Yeah, we are". Then, Carson opens his raincoat, and yells, "Well, I'm not!" and runs after the girls as they run away screaming. I grew up watching the Tonight show, and miss Johnny's style of comedy. Hope reading this brought a smile to your face. Until next time, take care, everyone. :0)

Next: Chapter 4

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