My Student the Stripper

By moc.loa@FBMeinreB

Published on Jan 13, 2005


Hello, everyone! Well, part two is finally here. I want to first thank all of you who wrote to me, with your compliments and suggestions. In particular: Edward, Marek, Tom, Mrhvac2, Marc, Rock, tvoicemagic, Duke, Rod, Kevin, Jim, George, Kent D., Steve, Crckrjc15 ("M"), and Roger. Hope I didn't forget anyone.

Many of you have asked, or perhaps are wondering, who Tyler and Mr. F. are based upon. Well, Mr. F. is largely based on myself (write what you know, right?). Tyler is basically a composite of many hot model/porn stars that you see online and in the video store all the time. Some of the inspiration for Tyler came from Bel Ami boys Johann Paulik, Benjamin Bloom, and Tim Hamilton, as well as model Sammy Case ( I hear that he lives in my city-I'd love to meet him!). It also came from real life guys that I've seen everywhere, from the market, to the bus, or just walking down the street. I've mostly dated dark haired, exotic guys, but blond haired, blue eyed, all-American twink guys are really starting to appeal to me.

The club where the two characters meet is also based on fact. There is a real club about 20-30 miles from where I live where the dancers do their routines on stage, then mull about the crowd, getting tips and giving lap dances to the customers who want it. I actually met one or two strippers who recognized me from work or the neighborhood, which gave me the idea of Mr. F. running into Tyler. As far as whether I'm a teacher-no, I only substituted for a short while, and never did anything with my students (although there were a couple that I would have liked to...).

I was asked whether we'll learn more about Tyler and Mr. F. as people, not just as sexual partners. The answer is "yes"-that was my intent all along. While I know you guys want to get off, I also know from my mail that you enjoy a good story leading up to the "main event". So, I hope that this series will satisfy both your minds and your loins. :0)

The characters in this story will be having what is thought of as "unsafe sex". However, the characters are both HIV-negative, so that is why I am not including the use of condoms for this series. In real life, however, I urge everyone who is unsure about their partner's status to always use condoms, especially when anal sex is practiced. No amount of pleasure is worth getting sick or dying over. Stay safe for yourself and the ones you love.

Finally, I continue to welcome all of your comments and suggestions. I am simply overwhelmed by the positive response to this first effort of mine, and only hope I can continue to keep the quality of my writing at the same level. You may write to me at with any comments, suggestions, or marriage proposals you might have (just kidding-I think...). :0) Anyway, here is the long awaited part two of..."My student, the stripper".

I was in total bliss. My sweet, sexy, young student had just promised to go home and make love to me in just a couple of hours. I thought I was going to wake up, and have it be just a dream, but it was real. Tyler was still in my arms, now grinding his tight ass into my bulging crotch. "Woh, babe. Slow down!", I begged him. "You keep doing that, and I'm gonna cream my pants". He grinned at me, saying, "That's the idea, Mr. F. Don't you want a preview of what's gonna happen tonight? Except without your pants or my thong on!" I very reluctantly eased him off my now throbbing dick. "I had the greatest preview I could ever hope for, Tyler. I just wanna save the cumming part for when we're naked at home, ok?" He gave me one of those adorable little pouts, and said, "alright, Mr. F. I'll wait, but it won't be easy. I really want to go right now, but I've gotta do a couple more rounds. My boss'll be pissed if I don't". I told him, "that's ok, babe. Go ahead. Besides, these customers are all waiting for you, too. You can't disappoint your fans, right?" He smiled and whispered back, "ok, but I'll be thinking about you all the time. Oh, and don't worry-you can feel up the other boys while I'm gone. I'm not jealous. I know you might want a little variety, and it'll get you nice and worked up for me!" he almost leered. "Ok, handsome. I'll be here", I said, giving him a parting hug and kissing his smooth cheek. Man, could any boy be sexier than this? I don't think so!

As my Tyler made his way through the bar, I decided not to watch him "get friendly" with the other patrons. Maybe Tyler wasn't jealous, but I was afraid that I could be, so I turned my attention to the other dancers who were coming around my area. I had to admit that this bar rocked-the dancers were incredibly hot, sexy, young men, and I thoroughly enjoy touching and feeling them up-from the muy caliente Latino boys to the preppie black kid with a magnificent..everything! Even an adorable Asian lad, complete with spiky hair and lovely, almond-shaped eyes-but my heart and mind were still with Tyler. I began to worry-could I possibly satisfy the object of my desire for nearly two years? With his flawless body and face, and obvious gift of endowment, would he be happy with an older, out-of shape, graying guy? I shook my head-no, I'm not going to think negatively. If he likes me, then I'll be in heaven. If not, I'll be heartbroken, but I'll get over it. At least, I hope so...

I found myself glancing at my watch constantly. Damn, why did time have to pass so slowly? I wanted to be with Tyler, kiss his full lips, taste every inch of his awesome body. But I knew I'd have to wait. Not as long as I thought, however. With just over an hour to go before he was scheduled to finish, I heard that perfect, little, angelic voice say, "Hey, Mr. F. Guess what? They let me out early. My boss says he's got enough boys to cover the shift. I'll lose some tips, but it's ok. We can finally get out of here. You ready for me, papa bear?", as he hugged me in his arms again. I was this close to taking him right there on the bar floor, but resisted the urge. "Yes, sexy. I'm more than ready. Let's go", I said as we made our way out. A couple of patrons-and a few dancers-were looking at the two of us, probably figuring I'd dropped a couple hundred bucks to get Tyler to come home with me. If only they knew...they'd hate me! Isn't that cool? To be envied, just a little bit? I mean, I had an ego like everyone else, and being at the side of the hottest young guy I'd ever seen had to boost it way up. Along with one other thing, that simply wouldn't go down. I had to keep adjusting my pants, I was so hard, just being next to my student. I decided to try and get my mind off of sex, until we could actually do something about it. I asked Tyler, "you hungry?" "Yeah, I could go for something, sure", he responded. "Ok, how about this diner near my place? It's 24 hours, and they've got good food". "Sure, that'll be great", he answered. And so, we headed off for a late dinner.

As we took our booth, the waitress came and took our orders. It gave us the time to talk, and really learn some more about each other. Even though Tyler was my student, and I therefore had some background on him, I would learn far more about him than I ever had before. It turned out that he was one of three kids-the middle one-and that his parents were from Utah. Yes, they were Mormons, and rather strict, but loving. Tyler told me that he knew he was gay since he was 11 or 12, but had-amazingly-still not had sex yet. Can you imagine? This perfect creature was still a virgin! He joked that the only sex he'd had was with his right hand, and sometimes his left. I also found out that the reason he was stripping was not so much for the thrill of it as it was for the quick money. He told me that he wanted to save for college, and it was easier working two or three night a week, than taking a regular job, while still trying to finish high school. I asked him why he needed the tuition money so badly, seeing as he was a straight "A" student and would surely qualify for a scholarship. He said that he didn't like to rely on that, and he would rather have the extra money, just in case. It was his father's work ethic that inspired him to make his own way-although, I was sure it wouldn't have been his father's choice of how to make that money.

When it came time to asking me about myself, I was very open and honest. I told him that I was an only child, had also known I was gay around the same age as he had, and had come from a broken home, but was still loved by both of my parents. I shared the fact that I'd only been in two relationships before-each lasting less than a year, and had had my share of one-nighters, some clearly better than others. I told Tyler how I was infatuated with him from the moment I saw him in my classroom, but never dreamed I'd be sitting across from him, having dinner, and discussing our lives together. "I've been with attractive guys before, Tyler, but never one like you. And it's not just the physical. There's a warmth and sweetness about you that makes me just ache. I can't imagine anything better than to be with you. I only hope I can meet your expectations", I said somewhat glumly. He looked at me with those amazing baby blues and said, "Mr. F., you're the kind of guy I've always wanted to be with. You keep thinking you're not ok for me, because of your weight or age. Believe me-I think you're plenty sexy! I don't just look at a guy's body when I decide if I want to be with him. I look at everything. And you're such a cool person-you know, everyone says you're their favorite teacher." I said, "Really? They do?". "Yeah, you know why? Because you actually listen to us. When we have a problem, we can talk to you about it. You have pizza parties when we do well on a project. And you really love what you do. All of us can tell that. So, yeah-you're my favorite teacher, and now..well, maybe you can be more than that, too...I looked at him in a totally different way now. Not just as the object of my desire, but as a extremely intelligent, deeply perceptive, and amazingly sensitive young man. I was truly blessed to be in his presence. "Tyler, I'm honored that you regard me so highly as your teacher. Now, I really think you respect me as your friend, too. Right?" He smiled that winning smile back at me, and said, "Yeah, Mr. F. Although my motives aren't entirely pure. I do want to get naked with you and have amazing sex. Hope you don't think less of me because of that?" I laughed and moving close to him, so that we could've kissed, if it hadn't been in public, I whispered, "no, I think the world of you, Tyler. And I want the same thing. More than you can ever imagine." He whispered back, "me, too".

This is the end of Chapter Two. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as the first installment. For those of you who were hoping that Tyler and Mr. F. would have sex in this part-I'm sorry. I was intending on it, but I just wanted to flesh out the characters a bit, before they actually do the deed. I promise that they will get together, so you needn't worry. Again, I welcome all comments and suggestions you may have, and if you look anything like Tyler or the guys he's based upon, I am single, just so you know... :0) Part three will be very soon, so keep reading, and thanks again for all of your support. Take care, stay safe, and remember-no matter who you voted for in the last two elections, we are Americans above all. So, let's be proud of who we are, and support the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and pray for our men and women to come home safely soon.

Next: Chapter 3

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