My Straight Sub Brian - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 14, 2024


So, I spent some time thinking about how the weekend was going to go with Brian. We exchanged texts a few times: mostly logistics as to time (after work), could he stay over on Sunday and go to work from my place (yes, if he wanted to), what the plan was (on that one, I just gave him a `Bwah hah hah. You'll see), and so on. I had an agenda. There was no question in my mind that I wanted this boy as my sub and slave. Up until that point, I guess you could say that he was bottoming, and I was topping, but most of you know that there's a real difference between Top/bottom and Dom/sub dynamics. I was going to discuss those with him and also, I was going to start introducing him to actual practice.

"On my way. Just changing," he texted me, together with a picture of his naked body. His cock was hard. I texted back "Keep your hands off that cock." His answer, "ok," wasn't quite satisfactory and that was fine. It would be part of his training.

I'm a city kid, so I was sitting on my stoop when I saw him coming up the block. He had gotten a haircut. I could just make out the new look when I first saw him, and as he got closer - DAMN- it made him look finer than he already did. He hadn't gotten a "gay" cut, but much more the young executive type. It really suited him. "He may be getting it," I thought as he came up to my building. He was wearing a snug light blue polo shirt: the type you see on coaches everywhere, and a pair of tan khakis that suited him much more than his work pants. "Great ass," I thought to myself, and then I thought how hot he'd look with a little muscle tone, and a leather band on his right bicep, and his hands tied behind his back. Maybe a collar and leash, who knows?

He had a bag over his left shoulder, and as he came up the steps, he had a big grin on his face. "You ready for me, Kyle?" I laughed. "The more important question is: are you ready for me?" He laughed nervously. "I guess we'll find out." I opened the door and after he walked in, I put my arms around his middle from behind. I began rubbing my whiskers against his ear, and he was breathing hard. I pushed up against him. "You feel that, Brian? You feel my cock?" I moved my hand up to his nip and toyed with it. He began to moan. "OH YEAH. I feel it, Sir." Now, Brian denies he did this, even when I tickle him hard, but I could have sworn he began to push his butt up against my crotch. "Someone's got to take care of that. We both know who that is."

"I guess it's me, Sir?" I twisted him around and I pushed my tongue into his mouth. When I was finished, I said "Damn right. And this is how you're gonna take care of it." I had a photo from a porn magazine, of a sub in the classic presentation position: on his knees, his hands behind his back. I heard him gulp. "What are you waiting for, boy?" I dropped my voice a bit. "Don't keep me waiting." He was nervous and got a bit clumsy before he got in position. "Sorry, Sir," he said, "all new to me." I didn't answer, I just opened my zipper and my own stiffy popped out. The first time I had my cock in Brian's mouth, I took it very easy, and only went about halfway in. That wasn't happening tonight. "Lick the tip first," I ordered him, and he did. I thought about pulling back so he'd have to work on his balance, but hey, you have to crawl before you walk. I began to slide my dick into his mouth. I guess he thought it would be like the first time, because his eyes got wide with surprise when I kept on going. I smiled. "Time for the big league, Brian. " I didn't ram it down: I moved slowly and evenly, and when his gag reflex kicked in, I said "get that under control. I'm almost all the way in." He nodded very weakly. I could tell he was struggling: Brian's first time taking a whole dick. It took a little longer than it would have with an experienced bottom, but he got it in. "Like how that feels, Brian?" I looked at him. He, of course, couldn't answer. "Make sure you're balanced. I don't want to feel a single tooth on my cock." I don't know if I cracked a smile, but I was thinking "GOOD. Now I made him nervous. I want him just a bit scared." I began to move my dick, sliding back and forth in his mouth. "Use your tongue, stud. Stimulate me. That's your job."

"mmmmph," was his answer, but he got his tongue involved. He was a natural. He did something I love, but which I didn't tell him about: he'd change the suction of his lips, going from loose to tight, and he began to make sucking noises, which really got my juices flowing. I put my hand behind his head and shoved it forward. Again, he gagged, but less than I thought he would. "By the way, nice haircut. Makes you look even more handsome." When I said that, he moved his own head forward, and I let out a loud moan. "FUCK YOU ARE GOOD AT THIS!" That was enough to get him to use his tongue some more. I started sliding my dick faster and faster, not by choice mind you. I was close. If Brian thought he swallowed a big load when we "practiced, " he was about to swallow a MUCH bigger one. I gave out yet another yell and released. He was having trouble, but I didn't give him relief. To the man's credit, he didn't ask for it or fight it. He adjusted, and he took every last drop. When I was finished, I pulled out and rustled his hair. My "natural" didn't move his hands. I was proud of him. "We'll talk about this more this weekend, Brian, but from now on, when I tell you my dick needs attention, you'd better be ready to do what you just did. " I met his eyes and then said "or get on your back or belly as I tell you. This is the weekend stud. My dick is gonna be in more than your mouth." His voice was low: "I understand." He was scared. I have enough experience to know when a boy has trepidations. It was ok, though. "You can get up now. It's not fair that I got off and you didn't." I looked at him. "Did you keep your hands off your cock?" He blushed. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself." I shook my head. "Well, well, well. You know punishment is ahead for you. So take off that shirt and get on the bed. Face up." He didn't look particularly repentant as he said "YES, SIR" and bounded off like a puppy. I did what he'd be doing soon enough and cleaned up the living room. When I got to the bedroom, he was lying there, shirtless, with his hands out to the side. "No, no, no, stud. This time, you get the handcuffs." I had a set ready, and I put them through a vertical bar on the bed frame, and then I locked his wrists above his head. I ran my hand over his torso. "Hmm. Not as smooth as it was. Getting nubby. We may have to take care of that this weekend." He gulped and answered "Yes, Sir." I could see stubble in his pits, and I asked "what about your pubes? It growing back?" He did answer, and I began circling his navel with my finger. I saw him squeeze his lips together and try to suppress the laugh. "I'm just getting warmed up, muffin. " I moved my hands to his armpits and dug in. He lost it. He was laughing hysterically before you knew it. "PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE." "Oh, no," I answered him. "Inappropriate behavior has to be addressed." I dug into his ribs. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." He was thrashing so much that I backed off, because I didn't want him to get hurt. "Yes, Sir. It's coming back. Itches a lot."

"I'm glad to hear that. It's a way to remember who's in charge."

"I never forget, Sir." I'm sure he had figured out by then that him calling me "Sir" was a real trigger and encouraged me to dominate him even more. I had a surprise for his nipples, but I waited. "You bring gym clothes?"

"Of course I did, Sir. You told me to. OH FUCK" he moaned when my mouth went around one nip, and my fingers took the other. After about a minute, I stopped and asked him: "what's happening to you this weekend, Brian?" I saw the fear in his face.

"You're taking my ass, Sir?"

"That's right boy. I'm FUCKING you. DEFLOWERING my straight boy. And you are gonna LOVE it." I got up, and as I did, I saw that he was beginning to throw a boner in his pants.

"I have a feeling..." I said, and I opened his slacks, pulling down his briefs. "OH, you lied to me, boy. " He was hard and dripping. "Why'd you lie?" "Because I know how you punish me and.... I like it."

"You mean like this?" Now I REALLY dug into his ribs. I forgot about the handcuffs until he began to plead with me. "I thought you'd tie me down at the sides like the other times." I got up so that I could position myself on top of him. I moved my mouth to his neck and ear and whispered "there's a lot more for you to get introduced to, Brian. Don't assume things are gonna get repeated. For example..." I got up and went to the side where I kept my toys. His eyes followed me. I brought back the gentlest set of clamps I had. "Ever wear these, boy?" He looked at them, then me. "I don't even know what they are, Sir."

"Nipple clamps. They let me keep your tits sensitive while I use my hands, elsewhere."

"They look like they hurt." I grinned. "They can. I won't make them that tight this weekend, but..." then I attached them. I heard the "FUCK" escape his mouth. He didn't want to let me know what he was feeling , but I could tell. I tugged at them, and I saw his dick jump. There was a pearl of pre-cum on the very tip. "See? I can pull these with one hand and then...." My free hand went down to his cock, and I began stroking the back of it. "You were a good boy in following my instructions. But you don't need to look for punishment. Trust me, I know how much punishment you need." I came close to calling him "bitch," or "mancunt" or something like that, but I refrained. I didn't know how those words would go over with someone who did, and still does, insist he's straight. In any event, he didn't answer because he was being truly over stimulated. I did whisper in his ear: "you know who's in charge, brian?" He moaned "OH GOD YES SIR."

"Who's that?"

"You, Sir. You." I looked at him. "Kiss me," and I stretched out on him. The clamps, my fingers, and now my tongue, pushed him right over the edge. His moans leaked out from our kiss, and I could feel how our bodies were sticking together. When he was done, I licked a finger, and `booped' his nose. "You know how sexy you are? Well, you're twice as sexy when you're tied up." He blushed. "And you're gonna be twice as sexy a LOT this weekend."

"So, this is what I have planned for tomorrow, stud." We were sitting in a restaurant that I knew wouldn't be too intimidating. It didn't have the best food, but I knew there would be fewer "acquaintances" of mine there than anywhere else close by, and for so many reasons, I didn't want my gay brethren to meet Brian yet.

"You know the gym is important to me, and so we're going early in the morning. Do you sleep late on Saturday?" He blushed. "I do."

"Well, I think you'll start getting over that. Then, after we get cleaned up and have a bite to eat, I'm taking you shopping." His eyebrows arched.


"Yeah. You're a handsome, sexy guy, Brian, but your wardrobe needs a little fixing. I want my -- I want you to look -- HOT" I cut off the sentence just in time, because I realized I didn't know what I wanted to call him: my boyfriend? My lover? My fuck buddy? My friend? Brian isn't dumb. He caught it.

"You want your what?" He grinned. Now I was the one blushing.

"Look, I don't know what to call you, Brian. I don't

want to scare you but, I also want you to know, I see a place for you in my life and I know where that place is, but I don't know what to call you." He smiled. "Let me just say I've been looking forward to this all week. I can think of few things I've wanted more than I want to get in bed with you."

"Are you SURE you're straight?" I thought. I didn't say it. "Well, I hope I don't disappoint you. " I paused because the "big reveal" was about to happen, if I could get it out of my mouth.

"How much do you know about gay culture, Brian?" He looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" SHIT. He was not going to make this easy for me!

"I'll be specific. Do you know about tops and bottoms, and Doms and subs?" He had changed into a white oxford and his sleeves were rolled up. And his tight jeans. I wanted to fuck him on the table.

"Yeah, I did some research. I guess I'm bottoming for you, and you're topping for me. I'm good with that." My throat felt dry.

"Well, there's more. I'm a Dom. And in any of my relationships, I've always been in control, with a submissive guy as my partner. What we did when you arrived today." He interrupted me "Which was fucking hot, by the way". I took a drink of water. "That's Dom/sub behavior. If we have a future together, Brian, I'm going to want you to agree to be my submissive partner." He sat back. "I kind of knew that, Kyle. And I apologize for leading you on, because I did. You might have thought I was more ready for it than I am." My heart began to sink.

"But you're not?" I asked. He smiled. "I don't know. I had a feeling that you'd be -- pardon the pun -- showing me the ropes about that this weekend, and I'd have a better sense of what I want. " He continued "I want to tell you, Kyle, that I've really enjoyed everything physical we've done. I especially love kissing." He looked right at me. "I even sort of enjoy the tickling." I laughed. "You are SUCH a liar. You LOVE the tickling. YOU KNEW I was gonna tickle you this weekend and you came anyway."

"Are you planning to tickle me some more," he asked. "Maybe not tonight," was my response . "What else have you got planned?" He asked. "Well, you told me you had been on the crew team in college. I know there's a regatta within driving distance. I thought we'd go and watch."

"You enjoy rowing?" He asked.

"I like looking at sexy rowers. Especially at the end when they take off their shirts."

"Have you ever slept with an oarsman?" In fact I had. "He was a disappointment. Always falling asleep because he was exhausted from the workouts."

"Yeah, that happens Connor and I used to fall asleep right after we finished playing. One time, I even fell asleep in the middle of it."

"Do that to me, and you'll get a REAL punishment," I responded. "You promise?" was his answer.

Before we left the restaurant, I said to him "I want to make clear. The door isn't locked, and you can leave whenever you like. If things get too intense for you, or you decide this isn't for you, it's all good."

"What side of the bed do you sleep on?" He asked me.

Well, after we got back home, we sat watching mindless TV for about an hour. Brian cuddled up against my side, and I draped my arm over his shoulder, laying my hand on his nipple. (At one point in our relationship, he told me that feeling my hand there gives him a sense of security. I do my best to make him feel "secure."). When we got to bed, I realized we hadn't discussed HOW we slept. When I'm with someone, I like to sleep like "spoons," with me as the big spoon. Brian wasn't having that. He had a big smile on his face after he had finished brushing his teeth and getting ready and he moved my arm so that he could curl into my side. His head was on my chest, and he was smiling. I began playing with his hair.

"I love the way you smell, Kyle" he said. "Oh, really? Well, get your face in that pit." I was teasing him, but he dug in. He began to lick it. "BRIAN. Stop that. You're gonna make me hard again!" He whispered. "You say that like it would be a bad thing." I tugged on his hair and pulled his head back. I kissed him. "Go to sleep, pretty boy. You have a gym date with me tomorrow morning."

We fooled around some in bed the next morning, but eventually, I got off of Brian and we began to get ready for the gym. Brian's gym outfit was a t-shirt that he had worn in college: it had the college's name and "CREW" on it. It was faded, and it had shrunk so that when he stretched, the littlest bit of his belly showed. "You wore that on purpose," I growled at him. "You want me distracted at the gym, so I don't make fun of you." He shot back "If I wanted to distract you, I would've worn something other than these." He put on this baggy set of gym shorts that hid his ass and almost came down to his knees. "That reminds me, boy. I haven't explored the back of your knees. Are they ticklish, Hmmmm?" He began to squirm because I was holding him in a bear hub. "We're late, aren't we?" he answered, as I began chewing on his earlobe. "I think that after I hogtie you, I'll find out for myself. Hogtied and gagged. GRRRRRRRRRRRR" .

My workouts are intense. I'm not young anymore, and it gets harder to keep in shape. I did my best to keep an eye on Brian, making sure that he wasn't being "distracted" by other guys at the gym. I was lucky: my reputation precedes me in most places in my neighborhood, and most of the guys who show up on Saturday know me and know what I like sexually. They saw Brian and I come in together, and assumed that he was mine, and off limits. Well, I was sure of the second part, but not the first part of that. "New meat, Kyle?" one of my buds asked me. I shook my head. "Don't ask me what the relationship is. The only things I know for certain are that it's new, and he seems to be into me. " My friend laughed. "INTO YOU?" Kyle, you obsess about the workout too much. That boy has been giving you doe eyes the whole while. I don't know how much working out he's done, but he's been doing a whole lot of CHECKING out." I looked up and yeah, Brandon was right. I didn't see a drop of sweat on Brian. "I gotta take care of this," I thought, and went over to him. "Maybe you're confused. You need to pick UP the weights and put them down." He blushed. "It's been a long time since I've been in a gym."

"You forget how they operate, jock boy?" I said. "Well, I guess I'll take control of this, too. Hit the floor. I want a plank. 60 seconds.

"A FUCKING PLANK? FOR SIXTY SECONDS?" I dropped my voice. "Or ten minutes of rib tickling this afternoon."

"Yes, Coach," he said, and got into a plank. At twenty seconds he began asking how much longer. "Tell you what, Brian. For every second you hold it OVER sixty, I'll give you five minutes of whatever you like this afternoon." I regretted saying that, because I thought he'd ask for a blow job. It didn't happen, but I saw the look that let me know he was thinking about it. In any event, he held the plank for 65 seconds. Then I made him do squats, ball slams, curls, the whole nine yards. We finished with cardio. He whined. "I haven't run in years." "No better time to start than the present" was my response. I run a 6-minute mile, but I settled at 7 and a half minutes, so he didn't feel too embarrassed. To be honest, he didn't do badly. I teased him afterwards. "You have a good respiratory system. I think I have to keep my cock in your mouth more." He gave me a look "Your mind is never out of the gutter, is it?"

"Uh, who is it that wore a shirt showing my favorite part of the male anatomy?"

"You have a FAVORITE part?" He responded, and I threatened to tickle him right in the gym. "Ok, ok, you win. You'll probably let your friends get in their licks too."

I got serious. "Brian, NO ONE touches you but me. Make me a promise: if I ever ask anyone else to do anything physical to you, just drop me like a hot potato." He whispered: "you know, I don't feel comfortable doing it here, but right now I want to hug you so hard it isn't funny."

"Why is that?" I asked, and he sort of whined "I don't know. I mean, there's something kind of hot about knowing that someone thinks that they own you -- and thinking that you're owned." He stopped. "WAIT. This is getting too heavy for me. " I laughed. "You're nice and sweaty now. LUBED even. No better time than this to introduce you to the joys of butt sex."

And I did. But you'll have to wait for that, readers. Let me just tell you, I wasn't disappointed, and you won't be either.

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