My Straight Roommate

By moc.liamtoh@ydlabcnj

Published on Feb 3, 2010


Firstly, and most importantly, I want to thank all of you who have E-Mailed me concerning my writing. I love you all and appreciate it SO much. I hope that I can continue writing enjoyable material for you all! As always, I have changed the names of people and places. If you have any questions or you just want to say hi drop me an E-Mail ( Love to you all!

Chapter 4 - Grief

Two weeks after graduation, Chris and I were living with David. That is the worst living arrangement I have ever had in my entire life. Yes, it was wonderful that Chris and I were together and we didn't have to live in my parent's basement, but David has a one bedroom apartment so Chris and I were stuck on the twin futon in the living room/kitchen/office/laundry room. Chris and I were passed out on the futon after a long night of drinking. At about noon David came bursting out of his room, wearing what I guessed was only a short robe, and started slapping our blanket.

"Wake up you sick fucks! Next time you want to fuck for an hour and a half straight why don't you be a little more considerate for those of us who aren't getting any!" David yelled as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets trying to get coffee started, "I mean come on! Did you know that the sound of moaning fun makes the spins ten times worse when it's not your own?"

Chris started to fake moan next to me, "Oh Jas, yes! Fuck me with that enormous cock! Oh yeah, baby!" He threw back his head and laughed at his funny joke on David.

I climbed out of the futon to go to the bathroom and David threw a plastic bowl at me, "god bless America! Put on some fucking clothes! What the fuck?"

"Don't have a cow Davey I don't know where my underwear is," I said as I ruffled his hair and picked my briefs up off the table, "Wait, I found them!"

"No you fucking didn't..."

"Don't worry Davey we only fucked in the bed... At least last night..." Chris said as he climbed out of bed and slid on his briefs.

"You mother fuckers have no shame!"

When I got back from the bathroom I went over to pour myself a cup of coffee. Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my neck and slid his hands down my stomach and rubbed over my covered dick.

"Morning lover, how'd you sleep?"

"I was in your arms, how do you think I slept?"

"You two fucking disgust me."

After a nice cup of coffee and a little more fun pestering David, I got dressed and went to lunch with my mom and David went to work at the hospital, leaving Chris home alone to hopefully clean. My mom and I had a bit of a rough relationship, don't get me wrong, I love her to death and wouldn't know what I would have done without her while growing up, but my dad was abusive and she knew about it but ignored it. After lunch, I went to the movies with my sister to see the 3rd X-Men movie, then shopping, and out for a few drinks. I got home around 11 that night. When I went into the apartment Chris was sitting at the table looking too sexy. He was wearing my favorite dark blue shirt and a pair of khakis that fitted just right to show off the perfection that is his ass and legs. The apartment was spotless and lit up by only candles.

"What is this for?" I asked as he got up and walked over to kiss me.

"I love you."

"Well, I know that, but I wasn't expecting this!"

"I can't be spontaneous?"

"Of course you can," I said and pulled him in to kiss him hard.

"Hey now, don't start something you won't finish, you look tired."

"I'm never too tired for you, sexy," I said as I grabbed his stiffening dick through his pants.

Chris pulled my shirt apart, sending buttons across the room. I scooted my shirt off, not losing a moment of kissing his sexy, smooth lips. Chris pushed me back on the futon and turned on some music. He started dancing and slowly unbuttoning his shirt. When he slid his shirt off he unbuckled his pants and slid them down, leaving him in the fishnet G-String I bought for him. It was meant as a gag gift for graduation, but when I saw him in it I almost came right then. I started to undo my pants but he climbed on my lap and grabbed my hands, pushing them far out. Chris kissed me hard on the lips then kissed down my chest, stopping at my nipples to flick at them with his tongue and softly nibble on them.

When he got to my jeans, he slowly undid them and slid them off. Chris licked the small stain of pre-cum off the front of my underwear from his sexy striptease. When he kissed back up my chest, Chris reached behind him and grabbed two pieces of rope. He tightly tied both of my arms off, then knelt in front of me and pulled off my underwear with his teeth. He climbed back onto my lap and started grinding my crotch as he kissed me.

Chris slowly slithered down my body, licking the whole way down. He licked around the head of my cock and I moaned in delight. He licked down the bottom of my shaft and to my balls where he stopped to suckle on each one. As he licked and sucked on my balls he lightly ran his fingers up and down my inner thigh. I moaned loudly, knowing there wasn't much else I could do to stop the tickling because my hands were tied. He laughed and then licked down my taint to my asshole and then quickly back up to my cock. When he got back up to my cock head he took it into his mouth. He licked at my head and ever so slowly took more of my dick into his mouth, taking care to lick every bit that entered.

He got down to the base of my cock and kept it fully in his mouth, licking hard. My head flew back and my back arched, I didn't know how much more of it I could take before I exploded. He continued running his fingers softly up and down my thighs and pulled his head back so that only my cock head was left in his mouth. He worked my head with his tongue for a bit and I let out soft cries of pleasure. Chris plunged down onto my cock and started bobbing his head on it, then slowed and continued with the licking. I fought the ropes to no success and screamed in pleasure as he started bobbing on my cock again. I came hard, my hips thrust and I screamed out again because there was nothing else I could do with my hands tied back. Chris climbed back up me and with his face inches above mine let my cum ooze from his mouth onto my face.

"You basically just gave yourself a facial," he laughed and started to lick it all up slowly.

"Holy shit that was the best blow job you have ever given me!"

Chris kissed me hard and slipped his rock hard cock out of the small pouch that was holding it. He slid back down my body and knelt in front of me again. He pulled me down some so my ass was hanging off the futon and started licking my ass cheeks. He licked all around and over my asshole. I begged him to fuck me so he lubed up his cock and pushed just his cockhead in. I moaned loudly, cursing the ropes that stopped me from touching and feeling his beautiful body. He put my legs up over his shoulders and thrust is cock deep inside of me. He reached up and pulled at both of the ropes so I was free and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He kept his cock buried in my ass and stood up holding me tight.

Chris walked us over to a wall saying he wanted to try this. When we got to it I leaned my back against the wall and he started slowly pumping his cock into my ass. He placed both of his hands against the wall so that the only thing keeping me up was my legs over his shoulder and started to speed up his pumps. When he really got a rhythm of deep and hard thrusting into my asshole he kissed me hard. Our tongues met and caressed each other as I dug my nails into his back. He broke the kiss and rested his head against my shoulder, groaning as he pounded away at my asshole.

"Fuck babe I'm going to cum!"

"Pull out I want it."

Chris slipped his dick out and gently set me down. I got on my knees and grabbed my shirt off the floor to wipe the lube off his cock. I took his cock in my hand and plunged down onto it with my mouth. Chris had to catch himself on the wall because his knees almost gave out as I bobbed my head on his throbbing dick. When I stuck a finger into his asshole he cried out as he shot a huge load into my mouth. I swallowed every almost every drop of it and ran my finger around my lips to catch what I didn't. Chris pulled me up and kissed me.

"I love you, babe."

"I love you, too," I said and kissed him. We walked over to the futon and pulled it so it went to bed mode.

"Jason... Tonight wasn't just for fun, I actually have some pretty big news that I hope you'll like." We both sat down on the bed.

"Well... What is it?"

"You know how David is moving to Germany to take care of his mom... Well, we haven't really been looking for a place to live or anything even though it's only a few weeks away. So, today I did some looking, just to test the waters, you know, and... Well I might have found something."

"We can go look and see if we like the apartment then."

"Jas, I put a bid down on a house." I looked at him completely in shock, "are you mad?"

"Why on earth would I be mad? I mean, can we afford it?"

"It's a steal, when I called the realtor today she said that a great house had just popped up on the market and she asked if I wanted to see... I told her that I had just started looking but she insisted and Jas... It really is a steal. The house is absolutely amazing and for such a low price. She said the couple just got a divorce and they just want to get rid of it."

"Chris, I honestly couldn't be happier... We're getting a house together!" I kissed him hard.

"Well we have a meeting with the realtor tomorrow and we should find out if they accepted the bid or not."

"I love you so much Chris!"

We both lay back on the bed and cuddled each other to sleep. The next morning when David got home from his double at the hospital we were still asleep. He sat down on the futon and started shaking me awake.

"Jason, wake up. Why didn't you answer your phone last night?"

"What the hell are you talking about," I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Your sister and I have been calling you for three hours and you didn't answer!"

"I don't know where my phone is, I must have left it in her car or something... What the hell dude its 7 AM!"

"Jason, your dad died... Your mom brought him into the ER at about 4 AM because she thought he was having a heart attack. He went into cardiac arrest about an hour ago and the doctors couldn't revive him. I'm so sorry."

I just lay there, I didn't know what to do, "where's my mom and Abbey?"

"Still at the hospital, they sent me to come get you."

I jumped out of the bed with the blanket to cover myself, leaving Chris in just his G-string, and went right to the shower. While I was showering David must have woken up Chris because when I got out of the shower Chris was sitting on the toilet waiting with some of my clothes in his lap.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... I've got to go take care of my mom and Abbey."

"Do you want me to cancel the appointment?"

"No, you go."

"Jason, I want to be there for you."

"I'm fine Chris; I'm just going to be there for my mom and sister... As far as I'm concerned the bastard got what he deserved."

"Jason, don't say that."

"Why not? It's true!"

"Believe me, I know how it is to lose a parent you feel nothing but hostility towards, you know how my dad is, my mom was just as bad if not worse than him and I hated myself because I hated her."

"Chris, just leave me alone right now, I have to go deal with this."

"Alright, I love you," he said and kissed me before leaving to let me get dressed.

We ended up getting the house after raising our bid a little bit. We were going to move in two weeks later, just before David would be leaving for Germany. In the days before the funeral I tried not to think about my dad as much as I could. My mom and sister took care of all the arrangements and Chris and David didn't mention anything around me. I was miserable and drunk as hell at the funeral. I hated every person that came up to me and said they were sorry and how great of a man my father was. After three hours of standing around, most of the people other than family had left, I found Chris and pulled him to the empty upstairs viewing room. We went into the bathroom and I locked the door.

"I need your right now," I said as I started to undo my pants."

"Jason, stop, we're at your dad's funeral!"

"Fuck him; I can't stand all of those miserable fuckers down there who keep saying how great of a man he is. I want you to help me."

"Jason, we're not going to do this in the bathroom at your dad's funeral!"

"Well fuck you too, then."

"You don't mean that."

I stormed out the door and went back downstairs. I grabbed a glass of wine and downed it, then another. My mom came over and stopped me from grabbing a third.

"You don't need that! Where have you been, we've been trying to find you to leave!"

"I'll have it if I want," I said and grabbed another to down it but she slapped it out of my hand.

"Jason! We just had your father's funeral have some damn respect!"

"Respect for that asshole? Why would I show an ounce of respect for that abusive mother fucker, I'm glad he's dead!"

"Jason, stop!" Abbey yelled at me.

"Why, Abbey, you hated him, too!"

"Jason, your father loved you!" My mom cried.

"Oh yeah, he had a great way of showing it. He'd hit me until Abbey started crying because she was scared and it was her turn. What a great fucking man he was, let's honor that abusive mother fucker!"

"Jason, he wasn't all that bad!"

"Whatever mom, I'm leaving." I started walking to the door and saw Chris standing there, "Oh and by the way, I'm gay and Chris and I have been fucking since October, goodbye!"

The look on Chris' face when I said that was of pure shock. I started to walk out the door again and fell on my way out. I was completely passed out from the alcohol. The next day when I woke up it felt like I was hit by a train. Chris was quietly sitting next to me reading a book. He looked over at me with an icy stare.

"How was your sleep last night?"

"What happened? The last thing I remember was you turning me down in the bathroom... Sorry, for that by the way."

"You confronted your mom about the horrible man your father was and told her, and I quote, 'I'm gay and Chris and I have been fucking since October.'"

"Oh god, no I didn't!"

"Oh yes you did my friend, and as you stormed out you passed out and hit your head on the curb so your sister and I had to carry you to the car and David helped me carry you here."

"What did my mom say?"

"Both your mom and sister told me to go easy on you when you woke up. Your mom said that we'll talk out the whole situation tomorrow at lunch, but she said she likes me, your sister asked why the hot ones are always gay and they both know that you were... troubled... over your dad. They're not mad Jas, and I'm not either, but you should have waited to confront them instead of at the funeral."

"I'm so sorry Chris, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Don't be sorry about you and me, we're fine, I'll let this one go due to too many glasses of wine and me not cutting you off. Now let's go take a shower and get ready, we have somewhere to be."

We got into the shower and washed each other off. The farthest we got in the shower was making out because I was still too under the weather with a pounding headache and my entire body being sore. After the shower Chris drove us about 10 minutes away and stopped in front of a house in a nice little subdivision next to where I lived.

"Welcome to our home!"

"Are you serious? I thought we couldn't move in for two weeks!"

"I gave the realtor some sexy eyes and asked if I could have the key for just today so I could get measurements of rooms and whatnot and she caved like a love sick school girl."

The house was amazing. It had two bedrooms, an office, a huge kitchen with a dining room and a big living room. The basement was finished with a bar and pool table. After Chris gave me the full tour we were standing in the basement and I was crying.

"I love you so much Chris."

"Why don't we break this place in before we go?"

Chris walked over and kissed me. He slid his hand down my pants and started rubbing my soft but growing cock. He knelt down in front of me and slid my shorts and underwear off and started sucking my dick. As soon as I was hard he stood and slid off his pants and bent over the bar.

"Did you bring any lube?"

"Fuck, didn't think about it..." Chris spit into his hand and rubbed it onto his asshole, "this'll have to do."

I followed suit and spit onto my hand and rubbed my dick with it, then slowly slid my cock into his asshole to keep from hurting him too much. When I had my cock shoved in completely I started slowly pumping it into him. Chris started pumping away at his own cock with his hand as I picked up the pace, thrusting faster and harder into his ass. Chris moaned softly as I pounded away at his asshole. Suddenly we heard a knock upstairs and someone calling in the door; the realtor had shown up to get the key.

"Fuck, I'm almost there," I whispered as I slid my cock out of Chris' asshole.

Chris stopped me from pulling up my pants and knelt in front of me taking my cockhead into his mouth and started hastily licking it while he jacked himself off. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and came in his mouth as he came all over the floor. We quickly pulled up our pants and Chris used his shirt to clean up his cum off the floor. He stood just as the realtor came down the stairs.

"Oh... Hi," she said awkwardly when she saw us.

"Beth, hello there, this is Jason."

"Hi, Jason... Sorry to just come in and everything, Chris I thought you were coming alone today."

"No, I wanted to show my boyfriend the house," Chris said with a smile as he put his arm around my waste.

"Oh... I didn't know... Well, I have a meeting with the owners to clear up some last minute stuff and I just needed the key back so they could get the last of their boxes out of the attic."

On the way home I showed my appreciation for everything he had done for me with a bit of road head.

Next: Chapter 5

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