My Straight Roommate

By moc.liamtoh@ydlabcnj

Published on Jan 26, 2010


Hello my amazing readers. Here I am, sitting and writing at four in the morning with nothing on but a smile. I am actually incredibly shocked by the number of my fans after such a short time of my story being up! I have received a lot of E-Mails asking me to continue. Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know in the first chapter I said that I might write about our first threesome but that actually comes later in our little love story.

Chapter 2 - Thanksgiving

Even though Chris and I already had sex, said that we loved each other, and had been sleeping in the same bed every night he still had some issues he was dealing with. I understood because it was a big change for me, too. I was 21 and even though I knew I was gay for basically my entire life, knowing it and actually living it are two totally different things. Plus before Chris I had never been with anyone in a sexual way. The farthest I had gone was making out and that was with girls. Chris seemed to be down a lot, but whenever it was just the two of us cuddling on the couch, having sex, or even just spending time together, he would be so happy and content. It was in the outside world that he was stand-offish to me. In all honesty, I returned that attitude because I was in the same boat as him, I loved him but I did not want people to know our secret, I still had some feelings of shame about who I was.

All of these feelings made me incredibly nervous for what was coming up. It was almost Thanksgiving and Chris came to my house for most holidays every year because he didn't have anyone to celebrate with. As the holiday got closer He seemed to get more on edge but the sex seemed to get better. We got the entire week of Thanksgiving off so from Thursday night to Tuesday morning when we left for my house we never put on a single piece of clothing and never left the house. It was great. The morning we were supposed to leave I was standing in the kitchen making breakfast while Chris was in the other room packing. I had some tunes playing from the laptop and I was belting out an off-tune version of La Tortura, I speak fluent Spanish but only after 8 years, four in high school and working on my fourth in college, and a semester in Spain, and scrambling some eggs.

Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, planting kisses on the back of my neck. I leaned back into him and reached my hand up to caress his cheek.

"Your amazing ass is giving me la tortura," he whispered with a bad Hispanic accent into my ear.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "well, why don't you ease your pain," I said as I pressed my ass against his stiff dick.

"Ah, mi amor! Necito tu asso!" Chris said, showing off his uncanny ability to destroy any language other than English.

Chris reached onto the counter and rubbed his hand across the top of the soft butter I was using to butter bread with and rubbed it on his cock.

"Are you going to fuck me with butter dick?"

"I'm too lazy to find the lotion!"

"You're crazy..."

"You make me crazy," he whispered as he slid his 7 1/4 inches into my asshole.

"Mmm, that actually feels good!"

Chris was a slow, but forceful fucker. He liked to thrust in fast and pull back slow. I was always so afraid of being fucked in the ass because I thought it would be extremely painful but when he does it feels so amazing. The eggs started to burn because of my pleasure-caused neglect so I flipped off the oven and leaned over the counter. Chris started thrusting into my ass faster and we both moaned with pleasure. Chris slapped my ass and started to pull his cock completely out of my asshole and then slam it back in. At first this was very painful but every time we do this it feels better.

"Oh yes baby, fuck me hard!" I cried out.

"You like it, huh? You want it rougher?"

He slid his cock out of my ass and pushed me over to the island counter. I climbed onto it and lay down on my back as Chris positioned himself at my ass. I lifted my legs so they were bent over his shoulders. Chris entered my ass but didn't start fucking me, he just looked into my eyes.

"Jason, I love you."

"I know, now fuck me the eggs are getting cold!"

Chris laughed and started to pound away at my ass. He grabbed my cock in his hand and jacked it off for me. I held on for dear life to the sides of the counter and moaned. I felt like the pleasure building inside of me wanted to tear out and transform me like when the werewolf becomes the wolf. Chris was full speed thrusting into my ass and I just couldn't take it anymore. I screamed that I was cumming so Chris started thrusting hard and deep into me. I came all over myself and the counter as Chris thrust his cock as deep as he could into my ass and exploded into me. We both sat there for a second, trying to catch our breath. Chris slid his cock out of my asshole and licked up the cum that covered my chest.

"Mmm, you taste good today," he said with a smile as he wiped his cock with a towel.

"Do I ever not?" I asked while wiping what was left of the cum off of myself and the counter.

"Of course not babe," he said and kissed me.

"Are you nervous?" I said, scooping eggs onto a plate and setting it on the table.

"Yeah... But I love your family so it shouldn't be that bad. I hope you're still okay with not telling them," he said before I fed him a forkful of egg.

"Believe me, I am fine with that. My mom would be okay but she would tell my dad and he would probably disown me," I said before he then fed me a forkful of egg.

"I do love you, Jake."

"I love you, too."

"Can I toss your salad before we go?"

"We just fucked..."

"I know, but I want to get one last go at it in case we can't have any fun at your house!"

"Fine, but make it fast I have to pack!"

Four hours and two rest stop quickies later we were at my house. Everyone greeted us warmly, but Chris seemed a little off. When we got through the hugs and "How have you beens" the two of us finally made it down to my room with our stuff. I closed the door and locked it so I could kiss Chris.

"What's wrong buttercup?"

"Shhh, they'll hear you!"

"Don't worry they're all upstairs and completely oblivious, what is there to be scared of?"

"It's not that I'm scared necessarily, I just feel kind of guilty... You know?"

"Why? Is it because you spent a better part of the day with your dick in their son's ass and vice versa?"

"Well... Yeah, you know... We're fucking now and they don't even expect it!"

"You know what's so cool, since they don't expect it and you are a guy we get to sleep in the same room. I'll finally be able to break in my childhood bed!"

"We can't fuck! They would for sure hear us!"

"Chris, my room is the only one up here, the rest of the bedrooms are in the basement. We'll be fine. Now, why don't I release some of that tension for you?"

I undid his jeans and pulled them off with his underwear. Chris sat back on the bed and I knelt in front of him. I started to jerk his cock slowly, and just playfully licked around the head. Chris let out the softest moan as I started to lick down the bottom of his shaft. When I got to his balls I took them both into my mouth and sucked hard on them. Chris fell back onto the bed and covered his face with a pillow so he could muffle his moans as I licked down his taint to his asshole and started probing it with my tongue. With one hand I started to undo my own pants while I stuck a finger of the other hand into his tight hole.

I began to lick back up his taint and over his balls to his cock where I took just the head of it into my mouth and continuously licked around it which drove him absolutely bananas. Chris held the pillow tighter onto his face as he moaned into it. I slid off my jeans and underwear and climbed up on the bed, positioning myself over Chris so that my cock dangled over his face. He took it into his mouth and sucked on it like a thirsty baby trying to suck a bottle dry. I took his cock back into my mouth and deep-throated it so that my nose was in his balls. The soft bite on my dick let me know he immensely enjoyed this. I began to slowly face fuck him as I continued to deep-throat his cock.

When I saw his toes start to curl I could tell he was getting close so I began to fuck his face a little faster. Just as his dick exploded in my mouth my mom yelled down the stairs for us to come up because dinner was almost ready. I quickly swallowed and as I came I shouted down to her that we were cumming. This got a chuckle out of the nervous Chris who was swallowing my load. We both threw on our clothes and kissed before running upstairs.

Thanksgiving Day came and went pretty fast. It was Friday and we still hadn't fucked since the car ride to my house. Chris was still too afraid of getting caught so we just gave each other a lot of blow jobs. I decided to introduce him to a few of my friends he had never met from back home. We went out to a bar by my house. Chris was a little hesitant with everyone, but calmed down once he got to know them a little. After two hours of drinking I had to pee like a racehorse. While pissing, one of my friends, David, who is openly gay walked into the bathroom and took the urinal next to me. He just stared at me and smiled while we both pissed.

"What?" I asked thinking he was crazy.

"You are totally fucking him dude!" His smile turned into a shit-eating grin.

"I fucking am not, we're just roommates... Besides we're not gay." I said defensively as I shook off and zipped up.

"Dude... I have known you were gay since I first met you, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I know how it is to be scared. But you cannot tell me that you aren't plowing that fine mother fucker out there. I mean damn boy, he is scrumptious!"

"David, please don't say anything to anyone, please! He would die if he found out you knew."

"Don't worry; I wouldn't fuck with you and your man-meat like that. He's going to find out that I know, though, because the three of us are going to ditch this place and go somewhere more fun for guys like us," he said with a sly wink as we headed back to our table. "Now let's go make ourselves scarce." When we got back to the table David had a look of death-like proportions on his face, "hey, everyone the liquor hit me a little too hard... Jason here said he would give me a ride home." He turned down other offers and faked till he made it and the three of us were headed over to my car.

Chris was pretty pissed off when he found out David knew. We drove for about an hour and he didn't speak for any of it. We finally made it to where we were going; a dingy little door in the middle of an alley that looked like it had seen a lot of violence. The three of us walked into the door and what we saw gave us each a completely different reaction. David had the biggest smile, Chris looked like he was going to murder someone, and I just said "Oh fuck."

There was one big room with a couple of doors off to smaller rooms. The back of the room had a huge stage with poles and cages around it. The bar off to the side of the stage had a bunch of guys sitting at it and all of the tables around the edges of the stage were filled with guys bobbing their heads to the music and watching the men who were dancing on the stage.

"Welcome to The Cocksman boys!" David said with pride.

"I'm fucking walking home," Chris said as he turned for the door.

"Please, wait... Nobody here will know us; it's an hour from my house and like 5 from school. Let's just stay and try to have a good time... Please?"

"Fine... But I don't want to fucking stay long."

David immediately flitted off to start flirting with one of the men dancing across the floor offering private dances and disappeared with him.

"Jason, I hate your friend and I want to go home. We can even have sex in your bed I promise, just don't make me stay!"

"Chris... This might be fun, let's just stay a little bit, if it sucks we can go, it's just nice to be out in public with you and be able to do this," I pulled him into me and planted a kiss on his lips.

"You're buying my drinks, then."

I smiled and kissed him again. After we got drinks we found a booth off to the side of the stage. The man dancing on the main stage was pretty handsome, good build, cute face. He was down to just a thong, busting a move to Britney Spears' Toxic. He had some really great moves and knew how to work a pole. We were sitting in the booth so that I was leaning against Chris' chest. I turned my head towards him and kissed him.

"See, it's not that bad here. Plus, since you're being such a good boy you'll get to see my sexy underwear I bought this morning!"

Chris kissed me and rubbed my dick through my pants. It wasn't too obvious so we wouldn't draw attention but it felt so damn good. While he rubbed my clothing covered discreetly rubbed my ass against his. Just as we started to get into it a man came out on stage after the performer was done and announced to the crowd that it was amateur time. Chris and I laughed at the random people pulled out of the audience by near-naked men. Suddenly, one of those men appeared in front of us and grabbed me up out of the booth, I was terrified. When we were all in the back room the announcer man said that if any of us were too uncomfortable to do this we could leave now. I decided to stay, you only live once right? A couple of the guys walked out of there, some angry, others just embarrassed, leaving only five of us.

It was a dance off and the person who raised the most money got half of everything from the competition. The first person was sent out one of the doors to the stage and Pon De Replay by Rihanna came on. The song finished and the crowd erupted. When he came back into the room he was only wearing a pair of red boxers. We all got a kick out of it and the next person went out to Gold Digger by Kanye West. He came back only wearing a pair of tighty whities and the next person left to the song Don't Phunk With My Heart by Black-Eyed Peas. When he came back he was limping because he fell on stage and wearing his T-Shirt and boxers. It was my turn and the last person backed out because he was too nervous so I became last.

I walked out onto the stage and Don't Cha by the Pussycat Dolls blared over the stereos. I saw Chris and David both standing right up front at the stage screaming like maniacs and waving money. I started to dance out across the stage slowly removing the sweater I was wearing. I threw my sweater in the direction of Chris and then ripped my T-Shirt in two. The crowd exploded when I did this. I started to unbutton my jeans and sat down right at the edge of the stage offering my legs to Chris and David. They pulled them right off and I rolled back on the stage and stood, leaning against a pole. I was down to my boxers and did a shy and flirtatious little dance around the pole. I grabbed up high and lifted myself then slid down the pole in a spiral motion. When I hit the ground I stood and pulled my boxers out so I could look down the front. I put a finger to my lips and made a face like I was shocked. I then slowly slid down my boxers so that I was left in my black, see-through hipster underwear. At the conclusion of the song I ran down the stage and slid on my knees so I was kneeling directly on the edge of the stage. The men crowded around were groping at my cock and ass, and rubbing their hands all over my stomach and chest. As soon as the song ended I got up and ran to the back room.

When I came back out to the main room I was dressed again, minus my torn T-Shirt and the boxers someone stole. Chris ran up to me and kissed me hard on the mouth.

"That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen," he kissed me again, "oh and I love the undies!" He snuck his hand down my pants and gave my cock a good squeeze, "we are so going to fuck later!"

The money in each jar was being counted. The first guy and the third guy got beat bad and it was down to me and the second guy.

"Chris and I both cleared out our bank accounts so you'd better fucking win big guy," David said nervously. "By the way, Jason, nice package," he said with a wink.

I smiled and smacked his ass. The announcer got up on the stage and started a drum-roll. He announced me the winner and Chris grabbed me up and kissed me hard. I ran up on stage to get my winnings and the crowd cheered for me. I shoved the money in my pocket and jumped into the crowd to go crowd surfing. I have always wanted to crowd surf and it was amazing!

We left the club $1500 richer than when we arrived there, it would have been $1800 but after buying everybody a few drinks each at the bar it was less. When we got to the car Chris threw my keys at David and started to get into the backseat, pulling me with him.

"Oh god you guys are so not going to fuck the whole way back? What the hell?" Chris and I just started making out and pulling at each other's clothes. "I fucking hate you both!" David exclaimed as he got into the driver's seat and we pulled off.

Chris got down and started sucking my dick to get it nice and moist for his asshole. He bobbed his head up and down on it, going fully down to the base of my dick. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair, pushing him farther down on my dick with each bob. I noticed David eyeing us through the rearview mirror and pulled Chris up to kiss him. We kissed hard, our tongues playing in our mouths, as I slid my cock into his ass. I was sitting in the middle of the seat and Chris was sitting on my lap facing me. He started riding my cock slow and steady. I kissed down to his neck and licked and nibbled around his neck then down his chest to his nipples. I flicked each nipple with my tongue and playful nibbled on them. Chris moaned as he started to ride me faster. I saw David with his pants undone and his cock sticking out of his underwear. He was jacking off while watching us through the mirror. I bit down on Chris's left nipple and he cried out as he rode my cock faster and harder. The pressure in my body was building and I could feel my climax coming fast. I grabbed Chris by his hair and pulled him down to kiss me as I exploded deep inside of him. We continued to kiss and he just rolled his ass around with my dick in him.

"You were fucking amazing tonight. I won't lie I was a little pissed at first, but I had fun." Chris whispered.

"A little pissed? I seem to recall you wanted to walk the hour drive home."

"I love you, Jas. And I loved being able to kiss you and hold you in public, you were right."

"Are you ever going to realize that I'm always right?"

"Hey, you guys, I think you're going to need to shampoo your seat... I made a mess," David said as he wiped the cum he got on his hands on his pants.

We got dressed again and fell asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the car ride. When we got back to the house David just walked back to his house that was only two blocks away and we snuck upstairs to my room. We pulled off each other's clothes and I climbed onto my bed, I got on my hands and knees and wiggled my butt at him.

"Somebody promised me some good ole fucking in bed tonight," I said.

"Can't we just suck each other off again? Your whole family is here!"

"They may be here but they're all asleep two floors up. Now get over here, shove your cock in my ass and fuck it hard!"

Chris finally got up into the bed with me and grabbed some lotion from the nightstand. He lubed up his dick and positioned himself behind me. When he slid his cock into my ass I let out an exaggerated moan. Chris shushed me and threatened a muzzle as he pulled out and slammed his cock back into my asshole. He fucked me hard and fast, keeping a steady rhythm. When I noticed his soft moans grow I leaned forward so his cock would slip out and got down in front of him, taking his throbbing member into my mouth. I didn't take him deep because I wanted his cum now so I just vigorously licked around his head until he cried out and shot his load. I swallowed every drop and pulled him down on top of me. We kissed ground our crotches against each other.

"Chris, thank you for making my dream come true."

"It was my pleasure."

"I love you, Chris."

"As I do you."

We kissed and fell asleep for a second time that night in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 3

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