My Straight Roommate

By moc.liamtoh@ydlabcnj

Published on Jan 22, 2010


This is my first story I have ever written. It is all true (some dialogue of course is a little fudged, it has been four years, though). I did leave out a good portion of what happened between our first kiss and first fuck, though, to save you all from too much drama. Hopefully everyone enjoys it. I know there isn't that much sex in this one but I do plan on writing more with a lot more sex. My next story might even be the first time we tried a threesome :D My e-mail is if you want to contact me to tell me to write more or just to say hi!

As I sit here to write this story, it is four AM and I have hit a semi-creative mood. I am loving life and in love with who I consider to be the perfect man, Chris, and would like to share that with everyone. Yes, this is a gay porn story so some might not say that's the most romantic thing to do but after the sex we had tonight I can't help but remember back to when we first started our romantic relationship.

Four years ago we were seniors in college halfway through the fall semester. We were roommates our freshman year and became great friends so we decided to get an apartment when we left the dorms our sophomore year and have stayed roommates since. He was in a long term relationship with a very nice girl that started when they were sophomores in high school, so by senior year of college they had been dating for 6 years and he was planning to propose to her on graduation day.

I was not in a relationship and had only had two girlfriends, both very short-term because I am gay, but I was so afraid to tell anybody. Chris was the only person I had ever told and even that was an accident. I told him when we were juniors and both VERY drunk at the time. He didn't react negatively at all, though, which is what I was expecting. I started crying when I let it slip and he just patted me on the back and said, "Why are you upset? You have become my best friend and nothing will change that!" Everything went on as normal, still great friends, until I went to bed where I cried myself to sleep because he made me gain so much confidence when I had hated myself before that because I thought being gay was such a horrible thing, and because I realized that night that I was madly in love with him and I knew we would never be together... Boy was I wrong and I couldn't be happier about that.

So when we were seniors he and his girlfriend started getting into fights over the future and became a little unstable. One night he wanted to go out to the bar but I declined because I wanted to stay home and watch some TV. I of course said I had a load of homework because I didn't want to be talked into going. He left to go to his girlfriends to talk her into going so I of course took the opportunity to check out some porn and jack off then hit the couch for some TV.

Three hours later I had fallen asleep on the couch and I was woken up by our apartment door slamming shut. I jumped up and when I saw Chris he was completely soaked because it was pouring rain outside and crying.

"Dude... What's wrong?" I asked him

"Kara, man, she was fucking some guy when I got to her place!" He screamed and punched a hole in the wall... There went the $250 security deposit.

"Oh man, I'm sorry..." He sat down on the couch and I could smell the strong scent of booze on him. He was a drunken mess.

"I fucking loved her! How the fuck could she do this to me?" He yelled in between sobs.

I put my hand on his back for some support and he fell into my side and cried harder. We sat like that for about ten minutes before he wiped his nose with his sleeve and looked up at me.

"What the fuck am I going to do? I just want to fucking die right now!"

"Chris... Don't say shit like that!"

"Why not? My mom's fucking dead... My dad's a dead beat mother fucker alcoholic... My EX girlfriend is a fucking whore... I don't have anybody!"

"And what the fuck am I? Chicken shit? Plus if you die who's going to pay for the other half of the rent?"

He laughed and cried into my shoulder. He said something that sounded like "Thanks man" but it was muffled and I didn't really get all of it. I patted him on the back, feeling completely awkward because I had never been in a situation like his and didn't know what to do or say so I just kept my arm around him and let him cry.

After a little bit he did something that completely took me off guard. He looked up at me and then kissed me right on the lips. I was so shocked I didn't do anything... I just sat there shocked by his soft lips on mine. When he pulled away I couldn't keep the look of shock off of my face. He just laughed a little.

"Sorry... I'm fucking depressed and drunk..."

I still just kind of sat there like a moron until he leaned in and kissed me again. This time I kissed back and hard. I had dreamed of this happening, but I never thought that it would. I slid my hair up to his wet hair and pulled him into me. He slid his tongue into my mouth and I almost came right then. I loved every second of it but I got a little nervous because I realized that I was sitting there wearing only a tank top and underwear, so the boner that grew the second his lips hit mine was protruding out the top of the waist band. He slid his hand across my stomach and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I started to slide my hand under his shirt and up his back as I began to kiss down his cheek to his neck. He nuzzled into me and then pushed me away, hard.

"Dude... What the fuck?" He yelled as he stood up and wiped his mouth.

"What did I do? You kissed me!"

"I'm not some fucking f**!" He stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

I ran into my room and cried hard into my pillow. The one person I had trusted with my secret, the one person I was closest to in the world, and he threw the F bomb at me. When he said that, it felt like the strike of cobra and the pain I felt as I cried into my pillow was like venom burning through my veins. I was so upset I threw up into the garbage can next to my bed a few times before I cried myself to sleep.

For the next two weeks the only thing he said to me was "I had to move your car, the neighbors moved out and needed the space to load." It hurt, and it hurt badly. The apartment was completely dead and when we would pass each other he wouldn't look away from the floor, as if there was something amazing happening on it and he just couldn't look away. It seemed like every night he would bring a different girl home and they'd disappear into his room for a while and she'd be kicked out, sometimes calling him a prick on their way out. I couldn't have agreed more.

It was late on a Friday night when he finally came up to me again. I could tell he had practiced what he was going to say in front of the mirror a few times. Chris doesn't like confrontation and he used to do it with Kara all the time whenever she was mad at him.

"Jason... I need to talk to you man." He said, staring at that damn floor again.

"Oh, so you're talking to me, now? I thought I was just some... some f... fuck it I can't even say it!" I yelled back at him.

"I didn't mean it," he whispered and I could see a tear run down his cheek. "I just don't know what is going on right now. Plus I was drunk and upset and..."

"And what?" I screamed. "You just decided to fucking toy with me and then say that awful fucking thing to me? You were my best friend! You know more about me than anyone and you go and fucking throw it all back at me and then ignore me like I'm not fucking worth anything?"

"I'm sorry!" He cried. "I don't know why I kissed you... You were there and my heart had been ripped out so I just... I don't know... You were there, man! And ever since then I can't get that night, you, and the kiss out of my head... It's all I think about, now!"

"Oh yeah! That really sounds great but all those fucking sluts you've been with tell a different story!"

"Did you not notice that every one of them left pissed off? It's because half the time I couldn't even get hard and the other half I would give up halfway through because it wasn't right."

"What do you want me to do? Take a little blue fucking pill!"

"Jason... It's not because I had a problem like that... It's because they weren't you!"

I couldn't believe he had said that. I started to cry and turned to go to my room. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. When I did I hit him in the chest but he held on.

"Jason, please! I'm sorry, I just want us to go back."

"Back to what you fucking asshole? You've fucking hurt me enough, I can't take anymore!"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I tried to push away at first but he had a tight hold on me and he is much stronger than I am. I may have been a swimmer in my past but he lifted weights almost every day, and boy does he have the body to show it. After a little more resistance I just fully gave in and kissed him back, hard and passionate. He pulled away and just looked at me.

"I've never done... You know... Anything like this with a guy..."

"And I have?"

I kissed him and started to slide his shirt off. He slid off mine and we continued to kiss, exploring our bare chests and backs. I slid my hand down over his jeans and grabbed his dick through the worn denim. He moaned softly into my lips and pressed himself against my hand. I then took his hand in mine and slowly brought it to my growing bulge. When his hand felt my dick through my jeans he broke the kiss and started to back up.

"I... I can't... I just fucking can't." He started walking off to his room leaving me alone with an "I'm sorry."

"I can't fucking believe you!" I screamed and stormed off to my own room.

I stripped naked and jumped into the shower to cool off and think. The water felt good but my heart still felt like it was tearing apart. I cried hard and I didn't give a damn if he heard me or not. I was hurt and I wanted him to know it. I stood under the hot stream of water for a good ten minutes before I heard my bathroom door open. Chris ripped the shower curtain aside and stepped into the tub fully clothed. He pressed me against the wall and kissed me. At this point I wanted to fight back but I couldn't.

"Jason, I'm sorry! I just didn't know what to do with what I was feeling before. I promise I will try not to hurt you again. Please don't hate me."

"Chris, what the fuck do you want from me? I'm just scared that we'll get a little bit farther than before and you'll crush me once again!"

Chris just smiled and kissed me softly. He then slid off his soaked shirt and knelt down in front of me. When he grabbed my throbbing cock I let out a moan and leaked some pre-cum. It was the first time anyone had touched my unclothed dick before and it felt amazing. He licked the little bit of cum from the tip and then took almost all of my 7 1/2 inches into his mouth. I cried out in pleasure and fell back against the wall. Chris continued to suck my dick, occasionally scraping it with his teeth but it just added to the fun and pleasure of it all. As he sucked he cupped my balls and let them rolled them in his hand. I ran my hands through his hair and moaned loud enough I thought the entire campus would hear me and I didn't care.

"Oh god Chris, I think I'm going to cum!" I cried out when I felt my orgasm building.

Chris just continued sucking, bobbing his head on my virgin dick and licking every inch that was in his mouth. As I started to cum I accidentally ripped down the shower curtain pole and let out a screaming moan. Before I didn't realize that masturbating was absolutely nothing compared to having someone make you cum. He swallowed most of my cum and then stood up and kissed me, letting me taste the rest. I licked up the little bit that leaked from his mouth and kissed him hard.

"Jason... I, uh... I want you to fuck me..."

"What?" This was all completely new to me and I know he had never been with a guy so him asking this came as a complete shock.

"Well... Last week we weren't, you know, talking, I bought a dildo and tried it out. It was while I couldn't get you out of my head and I was trying to see... You know... What it would be like... To see if I could... You know, be with a guy... And it wasn't that bad... It actually felt pretty good."

"Chris, I really don't know what to say," I laughed. "I've known that I was gay for quite a while but I can honestly admit that I have never even really thought about trying that."

"So... You mean you don't want to?"

"No, I just meant that I'm... I don't even know. I guess I'm kind of touched, in a way. Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked, not even sure myself.

"Well... Yeah, if you are..."

"Let's go to my room."

We left the bathroom and the huge water mess all over the bathroom floor from the curtain being open since he barged into the bathroom and toweled each other off. I climbed onto my bed and sat back in the bed. My cock was already stiff again. Chris peeled his soaking wet jeans off and slid them to the ground. He stood there in just his wet boxers and I couldn't think of anyone who looked better than he did right there. His body looked like it was chiseled by a Greek god; his chest and stomach were pure muscle, his dick pointers were like two shallow ravines, and his legs had perfect muscular definition. His face, though, is his best feature. He has perfectly sculpted cheek bones and a solid jaw-line. He has brown hair and keeps it cut short and neat which adds a look of innocence to him. I may not be as muscular as him but I was a swimmer in my past so I am very thin with some muscle definition. By that time I had lost some of it but since then I have toned up more.

Before he climbed into bed with me he slid off his boxers and smiled. His cock was a little smaller than mine, but it was definitely nothing to complain about. He was a good 7-7 1/4 inches of thick and throbbing man meat. His was just as thick as mine, also, if not a little thicker.

"Jason, I know I was wrong before and I'm sorry, do you forgive me?"

"Of course, now get over here before I change my mind!"

He jumped onto the bed and slid his body so he was positioned over me. He started to grind his crotch against mine and kissed me on the lips. He slowly kissed down to my neck as his cock rubbed against mine.

"Um... Chris... How should we... You know?"

"Well... I'm not too sure... Let's just go with the flow."

"Also, I don't have a condom."

"Do we need one? We're both clean and it's not like you can get me pregnant... Unless you'd feel better with one."

"No, I just... You always hear about having to wear one, like I said I'm new to this."

Chris just smiled at me and grabbed the lotion in the top drawer of my nightstand. He lay down on his back and squirted some on his hand and raised his legs up so he could spread it around his asshole. I squirted some onto my dick and started to rub it on. I awkwardly positioned myself over him and he lifted his legs some more, putting me in almost a scissor lock to keep them up like that as I pressed the head of my dick against his ass. I kissed him and slowly pushed my cock into his tight hole. Chris moaned, he threw his head back into the pillow and his back arched. The grip his legs had on my tightened some but I continued to push my cock into that tight hole of his until I had it was all the way in.

Chris pulled my head down and kissed me hard as I slowly slid my cock in and out of his ass. We continued to kiss and I continued to gain speed, I started to thrust deeper and faster into his ass. Our tongues were as entangled with each other as our bodies were; the bed creaked with the rhythm of me thrusting my cock deep into his asshole and he dug his nails into my back. It was extremely hot in my room so we were both sweating, but it just made the passion more intense.

I slid my cock out of his ass with a funny "flap" and had him get to his hands and knees as I knelt behind him. I rubbed some more lotion onto my dick and this time I thrust my cock into him. Chris screamed out, then let out a low and pleasure filled groan. I continued thrusting my cock into his asshole, having to grab hold of his hips for support. Chris held himself up with one hand and used the other to jack his own cock off. I pulled him up so he was kneeling in front of me with his back pressed against my chest, while I still pounded my cock into his ass, and started jerking his cock for him. Chris' moans grew loader and longer as I ravaged his tight ass with my dick. I playfully bit his neck and he turned his head and kissed me.

"Oh fuck yes, Jason! I'm going to fucking cum. Cum in my ass when I shoot!" I started to thrust into his ass harder and when his first rope of cum left his cock I thrust my cock as deep as I could and exploded inside of him.

"Oh yes! Yes this is so fucking good!" I screamed when I came.

When my cock slid out of his ass it was followed by a small stream of my cum. Chris started laughing and I playfully slapped him on the ass.

"What's so funny?"

"Dude, Jason we've got to find a better way to cum, like with not as much mess," he said as he pointed to his cum that landed all over my headboard and blanket.

I reached down and scooped some of it with my finger, then licked it clean, "Mmm, tastes good," I said and laughed.

Chris kissed me and I pulled him down on the bed. We cuddled up in a spoon and he wrapped his arms around me. Chris softly kissed me from my lips to my ear and whispered "Jason... I'm sorry." He kissed my lips again and then whispered, "Oh yeah, and I think I'm in love."

Next: Chapter 2

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