My Straight Friend Series

By Famsa Mamsa

Published on Sep 24, 2018


My Straight Friend: Chapter 4

By FM Htown

This story is 50% factual and 50% fiction. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. This story is mine, please do not copy/replicate any/all parts of it.

Can you guess what's real and what's not?

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For the next month I would look at his pictures, I couldn't believe that he sent me the pictures. I get it that the money was an incentive to a certain degree, but I believe that it was more the trust that he had that I wouldn't break our promise. I believe this is where my feelings for him wasn't a puppy love phase like I thought it was, it was beginning to morph into something more intense. I know he was a straight guy who has a girlfriend, but I didn't care I wanted him too.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months as my friendship with Matthew continued to grow. We hung out at the theaters, went out to eat, we event bought each other gifts. Haha, I remembered when I bought him some briefs, he wasn't a guy that likes briefs because it then his dick would be too tight in his pouch. So, I told him to just wear em when he was with me cause I wanted to see the bulge. "You are crazy I am not going to wear those in public. People would really be looking at my bulge then haha" he told me as I just grinned at him. "Dude Come on now, you know I wouldn't force you to wear them. Maybe you can take a pic and send it to Me" and I winked at him. He nodded and agreed he would send me a picture. A few hours later that night

M: ugh I don't like how they look on me. But a promise is a promise.


F: damn you were right it looks like it wants to come out. Damn snake!

M: watch our cause it bites ;)

F: yea well I bite back so watch out

M: phst you wanna pet it. Admit it.

F: noooooo I don't want to pet it.

M: :( you're a meanie

F: wait when you say pet it you mean....

M: HAHAHAHA!! Dude that really went over your head big time.

I felt like a dumbass texting with him, but he really knew how to press my buttons with his sexual innuendos and comments about his manhood. He's told me stories about him and his one night stands he had with women, how some couldn't take it all and some could only take half and one that didn't want part of it. He made me want to be a woman in that instance to feel it and experience it. I wanted to know what women felt when he pushed his dick inside of them, was it pleasure of pain for them. I knew it would never happen, but one could dream right?

We always kept our personal business away from work, people wouldn't understand why he would want to be friends with a fag. He had used that word once, it was something that he and his friends would call each other. It didn't hurt my feelings or anything like that, but he knew I didn't like it very much and would refrain from saying it often. He was a gentleman when it came to my feelings at times I would feel like a woman but that's the effect he had on me. I bought him a pen with his name on it for his bday. It was engraved with his full name, I thought that would be an appropriate gift to give him at the office. He told me thanks and gave me a hug and left his office. I don't even know if he ever used it, I never saw it in his office ever again.

We were planning to go the movies one week before he left town to see Alicia. We decided on the movie to watch, The Conjuring as we see looking at the seat placements we saw that the single seats were almost sold out, I noticed a "love seat" that was available and pointed it out to him. He laughed and pointed out that we would be the only guys using the love seat and that everyone would be looking at us. "I'm not going to be sitting on your lap nor am I going to be snuggled next to you. It's just a movie but we can go and see it another time." He looked at me and looked at the screen and said "no it's fine we can get that seat. It better be worth it." We made it to the theatre and met inside. We both some drinks and popcorn, we locate the "love seat" and saw that it had an arm rest in between the seat. "Look I won't have to rest my head on your shoulders after all" I said to him laughing. We saw down and got comfortable, rising our recliner seats up, getting ready for the movie. An hour into the film I kept getting spooked, now I'll admit some scenes were not scary, but music is what really got me jumping from my seat sometimes. I noticed that Matthew moved him arm into the arm rest, I moved my arm a bit out of the way, so he could use it as well. At that time that ghost care out of nowhere and made me jump, at that time Matthew placed his hand over mine. I looked at him, we never made eye contact he continued to watch the movies and I did the same. I was protected from the monsters for the remainder of the movie.

"You were so scared tonight watching that movie. Did you see how many times you jumped dude?" I looked at him with and gave him a whatever expression as we got in his car. We drove back to his apartment in silence, it was dead quiet, but it was ok as his presence was felt. We walked into his apartment and he offered me a bottle of water which I gladly took. I sat on his couch while he went to his room to change. Minutes later he came out in a muscle shirt and shorts. "Damn Matthew, look at those muscles. You are getting Hella sexy man. Trying to keep that tight figure for Alicia huh?" He responded back with "you too" I just laughed at his response and said, "shut the fuck up your cocky ass". He got up and walked towards me, he stopped and lifted his shirt while I looked at his well-defined 6 pack he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. He flashes his smile at me and I'm literally just sitting there not moving with my hand on his chest. In the back of my mind I'm saying this fucker is just playing with my emotions, I'll get him by pulling his shorts down! So, I start my hand up and down his chest and say to him "wow your chest is really tight" and look at those arms and I start to touch his bicep" and when he least expected it I moved my hand down his chest again and made a b line for his shorts and pulled them down laughing.

Matthew is just standing there with his shorts down, he's not wearing any boxers. I looked at dick as he starts thrusting his lips back and forth making his dick smack his stomach. "Matthew what the fuck man!" I said laughing and looking up and down "what you don't like what you see?" He responded, "I like what I see but it's too much man" then he pushes me on the couch and gets close to my face and slaps my face with his dick!! "Hahaha well now you been dick slapped by me." He kept hitting me and it looked like he was enjoying it as his meat was getting harder. "Matthew you better stop or else ima bite it" "you wouldn't dare hurt me you like me too much" and with that he tried to hit me once more and his head was met with my lips. It sent a jolt between us, he felt it as he sat down next to me. "Did you feel that?" He said and with that I reach and grabbed his dick and started stroking him. "Uhhhh Frank what are you doing? Please stop I can't do this" I looked at him and said "let me help you release some stress. I may never get a chance like this again. Please" I pleated to him "this is wrong. I took it too far with my antics. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." He was worried and scared at this point and removed my hand from his hard member.

"Are you gay?" I asked him. "No, I am not gay" he seemed offended by the question. "Are you bi?" I asked. "Dude no I don't like dudes, I love women. I love pussy" He said in a stern and loud voice. "I know you are not gay or bi. I think you are just curious. I mean straight guys don't slap gay guys with their dicks". He chuckled. "You know I wouldn't hurt you and you know I would never say anything about what went on here but I'm hoping that you let me at least thank you in my way" he looks at me and says, "in what way?" I looked into his eyes and said to him "in the only way I know I can. Let me go down on you Matthew." He looked at me scared not knowing what to say to me "I know this is weird and totally out of your comfort zone but if you trust me like you said you do, you know that I would never hurt you." "I don't know man this is just too much for me". "I'm clean I got tested a few weeks ago" I showed him my results I had taken a picture of it. "I'm not gonna do anything you don't wanna do and I'm not going to pressure you. I think you just want to try it out and see. This isn't going to make you gay or bi. I think it may make our friendship a bit closer but that's all"

I remembered a line from a book I read about a gay guy and his straight friend. I told Matthew "just cause something straight, don't mean it can't be bent a little," "Frankie you can't tell anyone about this ever. You hear me not one single person" he whispered, and I just looked at him and said to him "I promise". I knelt in front of his slowly moving my hands to his soft dick. I started massaging his now growing member, I could feel his body getting tense and shaky. "Do you want me to stop? It's ok I don't want to make you uncomfortable?", he responded with "I'm ok. I trust you" and with that I started to stroke his dick moving my hands up and down his 9.5-inch dick. I did that for a few minutes and slowly pushed my head down as I kissed his dick head. He let out a moan and was starting to shake more. I started rubbing his leg to try to get him to calm down, I made the decision right there and then to open my mouth and attempt to swallow that monster. "Oooooooh my goooood" he moaned I go down on his dick, little by little I start taking more and more of his dick in my mouth. I was determined to be the only guy that has swallowed his dick and I wanted to make sure that if I was going to be the only guy that I left a lasting impression on him. As I continue to go lower on his dick, he assisted with placing his hands on my head and thrusting his dick into my mouth. I gag a bit but see that my saliva is coming out the sides of my mouth, I know I'm doing good and I can see Matthew's facial expression that he is liking that he is feeling.

"Uhm teeth" he said as he winced in pain. "Sorry I've never had anything this big before" I said to him. "Buddy you almost there. Keep going" by this time my eyes were watery, saliva all over his dick and was getting encouraged by my straight friend to deep Throat him. "Fuckkkkk I feel your throat. You swallowed my whole dick". I know what I wanted now, I wanted to taste his cum, I started sucking his head and rubbing his shaft up and down I made sure to go all the way down his dick, I knew I was all the way down when I could feel his pubes tickling my nose. I loved my friend all I wanted to do was please him and please him I shall as I picked up my pace while slurping that big head of his. I got off his dick, looked him in his eyes and said, "I want to taste you, I want you to come in my mouth", I could see some hesitation and fear in his eyes, but I think he knew what I wanted, and he didn't want to disappoint me. I placed my mouth back on his head, stroked his shaft with my left hand and worked with nuts with my right, I was doing all the right things and I knew I would be getting my prize soon enough. "Frankie ima bust in your mouth if you keep going like that. "Omg Frankie here it comes. Uhhhh ahhh", he shot 6 thick ropes of cum down my throat. I didn't waste a single drop. He was panting trying to catch his breath and I just sat on the floor thinking I cannot believe this happened to me. I can't believe he came in my mouth.

Next: Chapter 5: My Straight Friend 5

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